OK so. I'm normal this I am these certifications apartment manager at the. I'm also still a tutor for the in the building challenge collaborative. And this is basically our kickoff event for the club it existed for a few years and it just took us to get things going but we're going to be here so excited to be paired up with Georgia Tech for our first two events and then also be excited to have some of the really awesome speakers here tonight they're talking tonight and here is transparency. Hopefully you guys have heard a little bit of. Fear in industry about what's going on with the materials market. And should a little bit more. On that I'm going to bring the. Better. At them. OK so. Let's get started. Like you said. Collaborative just getting started this. If you guys didn't sign in when you guys leave if you wouldn't mind standing there freshman's there is continue education you can see. That connected to this lecture tonight you know. You can get at least an hour hour and a half for ignite and also connect with the collaborative so that you can tell us what's going on so if you're not familiar with Living Building Challenge there are collaborative facilitators and then also in Fasteners So right now the classroom is basically the steering committee of myself John a color of you and your family home tonight and then Mariana Morris and the three of us work for obscene group where you can reach not get some more people in. In the closet of all of them steering committee and hopefully over the next have some more involvement. We're on Facebook and Twitter with post most of our events to Facebook them are also connecting with your organizations like. Georgia and I see from detector how to get out the word to so hopefully you guys should be at the see the events are going on OK So. Now while we're all here are some materials in the current marketplace so since adoption in two thousand leaving the leading system has brought a lot of attention to the topics B.O.C. off gassing indoor air quality so by now we're all a little familiar with exactly what's going on with some of the indoor air quality issues that there will be talking about tonight so you know if you see for example that you know nice design or furniture and that the new I mean he's Is it fresh going to go into the new building that you do building. I think we're all very familiar with. So as designers and consultants we care about the presence of the cities within the building of flushing out the thing in order to reduce those initial big cities and then ensuring that the views these are present in smaller quantities based on the South Coast Air Quality and this are guidelines but now there's a shift in the materials marketplace the meaning transparency and we're here today to shine a little bit a little late on the subject matter. So the Living Building Challenge in the region for rating systems are basically starting to focus more industry attention and building material ingredients and how those materials affect human health. And so not to talk about where we are today I'm actually going to give a bit of history so in one thousand before. The World Health Organization committee reported that up to thirty percent of new and remodeled buildings were the subject of excessive complaints related to indoor air quality is better known as the sick building syndrome. So your research went into how and why buildings are making people sick chemical Intimidator identify this or that compounds such as secondhand tobacco some of the high high volume coffee machines and concentrated products there were on fire services such as out there in intakes looking in exit congested freeways that are basically just pumping beer because obstruct Li into the buildings. And last but not least they're basically incubating legal things by allowing water and humidity to collect and become stagnant so that scheme ashtray in sixty two which basically demand an adequate ventilation for buildings so when you say level needs to off gas before they were occupied I made a move to increase the ventilation rates controlling the committee and we know better than to the Alice clothing to sit on condition for the. Summer but we're not done so our buildings are still making people sick. In recent news here guys may have heard the story doctors have to repeat accounts of a rare form of cancer in that young women who incidentally all play soccer and are all soccer or at least so the culprits they believe are recycled rubber tires so no than the sustainable building industry we've basically been working this on the landfill issue as a part of it and tires and everything greater being or cycled and turned into new materials in Tassie right incentives tires are composed of forty nine different chemicals seven of which are new person engines so these percentages you know they're being turned into plastic. Harassing playgrounds that are more terrible and the worst part is that this isn't necessarily new information so it turns out it's two thousand and seven environments on help human help instead of tired terms and identify the off gassing unleashing of at least four known person engines so why are we still specifying river for. Other fields gardens Xandra I'm not sure but this is why we need transparency this is where the market's moving and it's moving towards transparency with a small step that's needed in order to develop new and political procedures. And there is something the on here about tonight one of particular is green straining for safer chemical not that green screen receive the chemicals method excusing and it's basically hopefully going to help many factors in designers alike understand the possible connection between a product really incinerating for different health issues and cities food will hopefully help identify inherently safer alternatives. And what we really need is we need actually to partner with us obviously the transparency movement so you'll hear from Mohawk and I talk about their role and where they come from as many factures So we need novel chemists to help designers avoid compounds that make us sick and determining factors which compounds can be used instead and we need rating systems like the mating change like the Living Building Challenge in Vision twenty twenty to continue to push the boundaries and building standards to focus on human wellness within the built environment. So. You don't talk about changes in the materials or research to suite and neither version for the most her. Very integrated system is Peter Cat Pete is the is I think consulting department and you're with that same group. And lawyer from Johnnie color. And John color is the architect and project manager with the Action Group who will introduce us to the appearance included in the material hello of the Living Building Challenge and then also joining us this evening is Justin from the Mohawk group I mean come from a nation with John and discuss a little bit about the materials prospects at the Mohawk design studio project and on Georgia it's currently attending couple certification and last and not least for show not member from the UK group I'll talk more about transparency with the Mohawk has already accomplished and as I said before we need more manufacturers to get on board. And. I'm going to turn to Keith again the Q. and Summit being here. Good evening everybody or you today to my question that. In order to get going we want to start with an overview material transparency street in the leverage system. It's kind of the two thousand. Rebuilding systems history right now and specifically look at how it's being approached in lead version four. There is a three credit sweetly version four for building product disclosure and optimization. Is extremely controversial right now and represents a change from the rating system that the credits that are in the street credit suite are for environmental product or Asians sourcing are probably Tiriel some of the cereal ingredients which is the credit that was from the last time on tonight's presentation but before we get into that I want to talk a little bit about some background of what's changing and why we were ordering system and why such a radical change to the cereal resources credit category was necessary. One reason is that to date believe rating system is really only true of the environmental impacts of building materials and very rudimentary ways based on assumptions of materials high recycled content but if the material is extracted within five hundred miles of manufacture with them five hundred miles then it must be sustainable. But that's not necessarily true of what I like to show here is kind of the sustainability version of the old algebra problem the train leaves from Albuquerque and is moving west on the train for a few ticks and it's going right what point will they pass each other or collide depending on. Risk a year plus or teacher was so in this case the state of the only version of it is. If you have aluminum so. Riding that's made from recycled chip from four hundred miles away by air isn't really more environmentally responsible than none of us see cedar wood siding shipped from six hundred miles away by rail. I know which of those two problems in the older versions of the lead rating system are going to contribute to more lead points but they're not necessarily the ones that are going to be the most environmentally environmentally responsible. It's a good point but I want to touch on is we need to understand that when it comes to sustainability there is no such thing as a perfect building material all materials have strengths and weaknesses when it comes to sustainability that when siting is excellent in terms that it has very low a value and energy and it sequesters carbon but it also is often less durable and requires were maintenance that other potential material selection so in that way it's less sustainable it's not a perfect cereal there is. The third point then is warm talk about greenwashing which is one of the things that lead version four is attempting to address when it comes to the new materials resources critic category and when you say green washing I think there is a misperception in the industry that a lot of times we must she is out and out fabrications but I didn't hear eels industry and that's not necessarily true what often happens instead is. Material manufacturers spin what are the positive aspects of their material from a sustainability standpoint and omit what the negative impacts are so for instance there's a wonderful. Complete co-created industry that concrete is the sustainable choice of the Photoshop the concrete green so therefore it must be green and then you say concrete is how leader won't charge is very low maintenance and can have a reasonably high percentage of recycled content. All that is completely true a single line. Of the film mentioned. It was that the production of Portland cement is one of the largest sources of C O two emissions. So again it's not perfect material from sustainability standpoint. And there's a lot of confusion in the industry because. Material manufacturers' don't necessarily disclose what the negative impact will be. We also have to forgive ourselves as designers if we take a step back and understand that there are other criteria that we have to deal with or building a building first structural character characteristics what the cost of materials are with the aesthetic impacts that we're trying to achieve with our material selections even things like what the fiery material of materials are and understand that Woodside you framing may be an excellent selection for a low rise or to family project that's probably going to be inappropriate for a federal courthouse so towards that end we really need to build up tools so that we can understand one of the positive and negative sustainability characteristics of the materials and so we can make informed selections go ahead project towards that end there's the building product the slow zation sweet credits and the credit that we're going to talk most about tonight is the material agree screen this is the most controversial of a otherwise completely controversial three credit suite and this one is actually banned by the South Carolina legislature by law can't do it on the state property in South Carolina already even though we've heard for isn't going to go fully into effect until. Twenty sixteen so that should let you know how much they love it. The intent is to encourage the use of products materials which lifecycle information is available and that have environmentally economically and socially profitable lifecycle impacts different work project teams for selecting products for which the chemical agree into the product are in. Venturi using accepted methodology and for selecting products verified to minimize the use and generation part substances allows the not least to work raw material better factor is to produce products verify data lifecycle and. So before we get into what how do you get the credit with the credit actually addresses in terms of its technical criteria it's important to point out that each one of the credits of the three credit suite has the same structure each one is worth one or two points and the first point is from your participation in the material transparency per isn't necessarily for achieving any particular performance factor but merely for participating if you have twenty materials from five manufacturers in your Earth that one for whatever. Transparency criteria is for that particular crane so you can have twenty materials that have been reported from one manufacturer you have to have it from at least five with that view of needs an overall. Idea of having work a transformation trying to prompt as many companies as possible to participate in the serial transparency report the second point then is for installing a certain percentage of material by cost that meet optimization criteria that actually meet certain performance threshold. In order to. Make the billing statement and there are some extra factors that get piled on top of that so for the first point. Is the is the building product third party verified or is it a product specific that will change the fact or to realize how much of the particular product will countless health care that comes from. And then the second point can be altered by. If it's a locally sourced material it can help double in terms of its about. It's harvested manufactured and distributed from within one hundred miles of your project site it counts it up but you're only allowed to have thirty percent of your value come from a closure structure that last was in particular to try a product that is manufacturers to participate heavily in these programs to help more of this part of the mix and she did. So materials ingredients credit has three main components to it last year which combined together the first is ingredient reporting this is the first point where you have to use at least twenty different program please stop the cereals from at least five many factors that use one of the form following chemical and Torrie. Methods So the first is having a publicly published manufacturer in the Tory where you have to publish all of your ingredient names as well as your chemical abstract service registry numbers. And that has to be out in the public now there are. Provisions that are made within the credit which allows. Ingredients that are deemed to be trade secrets they can be withheld. But you have to disclose what that ingredients are. And what its rescreen benchmark is but later what the green screen program is about. The second way that you can show compliance with this credit is to participate in health plan a product that will ration their health product equation for that cereal and the third one is to have a cradle to cradle sort of fusion that is either Cradle to Cradle basic or Cradle to Cradle version three case and if you have later on in the presentation talk about some of the specifics of those individual that you have any materials from five different manufacturers that meet one of those criteria and you get the first point. The second point comes from the next two of them. That's what you can actually combine The first is for ingredient optimization you have to use products that document the material ingredient optimization using any one of two for at least twenty five percent total cost so if the building goes through a green screen method and it goes through the Will strands Laden which is a less than. Chemical analysis you could take out one time the value of the material towards. Compliance with this credit if you go through a full assessment then you get to count one and a half times its value towards the current or you can do Cradle to Cradle sort of occasion you into gold reversion three silver certification for that material you get one times that. If you get written to platinum over three gold or platinum certification cradle. Certification System for that material you get to count one and a half times its value. And again parts harvested manufacture then. You can then count twice that about towards the particular credit compliance. The other way to go about getting the second point that the supply chain optimization which is usually the products where at least twenty five percent of my cost. Supply chain that has been third party verified the bus safety health hazard risk programs in place as well as sustainability policies in place as well. And you can actually combine those two the elements together. In order to get to your twenty five percent value and you get that second point but only thirty percent come from structural closure and the important thing is you can't double count here so material is Cradle to Cradle certified and it has a robust supply chain. Policies in place you can only count it once or to this crash. So. These are these the summary of the three planets stars that you have particular credit that you don't really have for the first point and then you can come in last year but you're. Part of factors by chain optimisation. Now. At this particular point in the presentation you're thinking my gosh I probably need to get a certified public to start working on projects that are total up put all these factors multipliers on the material cost in order to earn his points and what why is this important because the Seems like an awful lot of extra. Effort for the reason is because according to the E.P.A. Americans spend approximately ninety percent of their time. So our buildings are in order for disproportionate effect on human beings and we need to understand that there are about eighty five thousand chemicals that are commonly used in building products that are building materials which the deepest ninety six percent of them have never been tested in order to determine what their impacts on human health are which is kind of a scary number and what should be even scarier to you is of the four percent that we have tested there's a few of them that we know are talks that can have negative impacts on human health and we're still using. So what we're trying to do we are already system. Have this credit see to work many factors that put in place processes for continuous improvement and really try to piece be transparent with their materials ordering what the potential health impacts of them may be. With a view towards allowing designers to fully informed decisions what materials that use. So the programs that I mentioned earlier on health care correlations these sound like he's if you've heard of if you look at product that correlations. But they are say help protect aeration or Terry. Program where manufacturers are encouraged but not required to divulge all the ingredients that they use in their products companies may exclude at their discretion. Chemical or variants their. Particular products for proprietary reasons manufacturers most of all angry in their products that aren't any one of three major lists. Harmful to human health. And H.P.V. is as I mentioned was an Open Source of compliance. Most people who participate in this program are in it for altruistic. It's a it's a fairly decent program for that respect but you can see there is some margin for abuse here. And then factors can claim they have trade secrets and that's the reason they don't. Want a particular. Chemical in their product sometimes that happens to be something like well it's harder for your productive system and you would have no way of. Product that. Restrain method. Used for safer chemicals is a method assessing products through chemical I was. Relies on benchmarks which where the combined hazard concerns of different chemical combinations different from the Help articulation standpoint we're also looking at how different chemicals interact together in order to create combinations of chemicals and how they affect your health. A more cursory comparison. And rescreen is done through the trees for English translator that's the one that's worth one times the value. It's not an exhaustive complete screening of the product for sustenance but parts agreements requires a green screen assessment by a third party verifier That's four times the parts about ports. The last of the programs that cradle to cradle action which was. Technically looked on obviously. Are the feedback from many of the world's leading. Manufacturing brands it covers not just building materials but they're also. Covered by the furniture factory. Go through Cradle to Cradle certification and materials are given scores of basic platinum and five different kind of. Material you. Know what energy and carbon more stewardship there from which then awaited scores for material. It's unique and that extends beyond the manufacturing process to how material is used at the end of its lifespan how manufacturers actually go about doing business. Requires about. Three elements of. Our little. Social system and because it's a category labeling system it attempts to be an all encompassing. Environmental conduct operations which are really informational Cradle to Cradle is actually attempting to say this is a good product for. US it's great for insurance plans. So that's an overview. Version for. Chemical transparency. Particular system I'm not going to hear that over to the Keller who's going to talk a little bit about the materials and all Living Building Challenge programs and specifically I'm sure the right place to run. Lying in the room. One hear me. Trying to decide which which kinda hold each thing. I am going to talk about Balloon challenges take on the truly transparency is a fact and. So to start with. It's like a little bit of the materials at all as a whole category. With this five imperatives the intent of which is to help create materials economy that is not toxic ecologically regenerative transparent and socially acceptable but interests are responsible for many adverse environmental issues throughout their life cycle including personal illness how they tend species loss pollution and resource depletion imperative and the materials paddle in to remove the worst unoffending materials and practices and to drive business towards a true response from Israel's economy. However impacts can only be reduced not eliminated therefore you see games that there is an obligation not only to offset the damaging consequences associated with the construction process but also destroyed for corrections in the industry itself. At the present time like he said it's kind of impossible to gauge the true environmental impact and toxicity of the built environment do a lack of pride level information although the O.P.C. does continue to shine a light on the need for the for Transformative industrial practices. The materials total. Get online theme of the materials at all is Ruth park. I'm sure in principle it's better safe than sorry approach. And the Red List is a perfect example of the precautionary principle that comprises some of the worst in class materials and chemicals that are ubiquitous in the environment there are carcinogens persistent organ Clinton's and reproductive toxicants many of which are bio accumulative meaning that they. Build up in organisms and the broader environments as they travel up the food chain. This imperative prohibits the use of these fourteen to chemicals within living letting go in projects some more obvious ones might be espoused as some lead but then there are other chemicals materials like corrugated plastics Well if you flame retardants V.O.C. is when preservatives that kind of thing that are in pretty much every building material or product. For instance Canyon is a heavy metal used in paints and I and electronics and stabilize P.V.C. is a percentage and and is toxic to the kid a long impulse into. Corning of plastics and I know I can as strong and from say. Very painful chemical names. So forgive me but so there are several corrugated plastics like chlorine in polyethylene or a softening of polyethylene or public forum pretty which is also known as corporate rubber these go by the brand names of hiring pipeline and neoprene. Are also seeing with lifecycle there are some leases resulting from manufacturing processes and combustion dioxins belong to the so-called Dirty Dozen which is a group of dangerous chemicals known as persistent organic pollutants dioxins are highly toxic and cause for. Productive and developmental problems damage the immune system interfere with hormones and also cause cancer his scoring of plastics are used in things like add this to P.V.C. in Windows pipes and cables singleplayer roofing numberings Geo membranes and other good fabrics they're also using gaskets the tar flashings expansion joint filler and other coatings So it's pretty much in everything use it should be noted that cost competitive subject to materials with equal or superior performance after abuse are available for most of these applications like Ti Vo membrane or A.T.P.. Another of those chemical telling of flame retardants are formulated in fabrics phones and various other plastics to reduce of course flammability bars are a persistent bio humid parts and that they grow as they travel through the chain. And disrupt by Royden estrogen hormones which can cause developmental disorders including brain and reproductive system damage. Now it's are commonly used by not building materials like flooring and wall coverings. To make them flexible and durable is believe there's something related to me adversely affect human reproduction and development. With treatments like call for creosote is why the use is a pretty well preserved in the US and it's a probable human percentage in and again arsenic as known stand in respiratory nervous system and percentage and thanks and took for you know has been heavily used in the US for utility utility poles then supposed and similar products can also be found a little bit in. A lot of houses for insured boats that kind of thing but then vans for the most part says Mikey for involve the Tysons from way treating products and off gases with increased temperatures as a probable human percent gen and lead to liver any new system damage. So he's a bad things. But I think deeper into the if you see the red list this seemingly simple list of twenty two couples actually represents forty five chemical groups with multiple aliases accounting for seven hundred seventy seven the state chemical C.S. numbers are cast members and actually her both. To be clear because greedy answers sometimes hidden behind an alias. Often the only way to charm and other chemicals in the red list is by C.S. number so these numbers are uniquely American identifier assigned by the couple abstracts service for nearly every known chemical compound or organic substance and are very effective in transferring way to evaluate billing product ingredients and often a really great way to communicate with manufacturers about what is actually on the Red List So how do we find out what chemicals are in hurdling products. We can look at until safety data sheets which are required by OSHA for all products they're designed to address Occupational Safety and provide sort of a bare bones assessment of. The problem is that what manufacturers are required to report is pretty minimal so disposal wells are all over the map the good news is that what they do because when they do disclose the ingredients it's by C.S. number which then I can compare it to the Red List. There's a marginal product at the relations which provided as he was citing they provide information about environmental impacts or product over its life cycle and clicking listening to. Yes and where the materials come from however it may not be put in much detail and certainly not in greens are the ingredients for more complex systems. Hope right that the ration. Again is Pete Earley covered. Sort of just provide information about the health impacts of the product and requires than any factors to explicitly state the level of ingredient disclosure which is nice and that the writer has a profile for. Reasons that are hazardous. They do however identify areas for a serious number. On a credo was another option. As he went into detail and it was a material of quality category and defined radiance and chemical hazards with potential threats to human health and the environment so as you see products under Version two with measurable health or gold or platinum or products sort of under Version three Anything basically of a basic are likely to comply with the red list it goes through. A similar protocol as the drug list and their inventory to at least one hundred ppm. However are set for a cradle has no public disclosure requirements we must really actually request manufacturers for disposing radiance and a written confirmation that the products do not include any of those materials or chemicals. Which brings me to declare. We just developed by the international encounters Institute and is designed to meet the needs of the A.B.C. it's a transparency to have any credence label important database manufacturers or declare what it really is for in the products this is like the simple and interactive way for manufacturers to fully disclose the areas of their products today there are a hundred fifteen products in that their database. Which an awful probably talk more about. As you may suspect. I am some of the list. Is Enough of the thing as a mistake I want to read list or call it on a lot of building products that maybe has one products one like do not imply of easy brightness imperative and compliant relish free alternative can't be found or manufacturers are willing to disclose all the ingredients like proprietary or second second tier supply or authorities have injuries stiction. Require specific product that includes realistically and such as P.V.C. in one reallocations and easy cases you see requires performance before you do it in to put forth a genuine effort to exclude anybody those products. For instance searching for read those three alternatives outside of the appropriate Sony sourcing zone or requesting a variance from the authority and jurisdiction. And it also requires advocacy in the form of letters the transparency of all material ingredients and the elimination of red listed brothers materials and chemicals and many ways. It's easy diligence and advocacy efforts that form the vault of the grandest imperative and that obesity is driving force behind materials conspiracy. To give a brief overview of the role or application of the A list is just in from I think it's going to talk to us about the design studio from Ohio which is pursuing at certification. Thank you John. This is my counterpart here. My name is Justin frog and I'm here to talk about a really exciting project I'm working on. A carpet design with Mark industries I know very little about what you do. I design carpet products welding I do know is that we spend a lot of time putting energy into beautiful products we want to see those products on the floor we go out one single product so I'm really excited to know that I work with a company that's working to make all of our products the color work sort of I. Was going here represents me I'm a I'm an ambassador for the Living Building Challenge. I've gone through the formal training and I'm I'm pretty dangerous but I don't know a whole lot have a formal education really like this said the ambassador service someone who can have an informal conversation to begin to spark interest for those who want to do the. Real looking building challenge if you don't know this already it's really collaborative So it is an ever moving car so I say of all the parts so you really have to be involved to know what's going on. On the main reason I'm here because if you look apart here. You'll see one building you look bottom so you know. What the top of that is our show room and dog door which has been relocated to Cowherd and as a result it's beautiful and the space has opened up Currently our design center resides just adjacent Was that on the same side it's actually a dark concept of metal so when we notice that this building the floor to ceiling windows all the way around the building. Mountains of on top of a hill beautiful mounds of trees we're very excited to maybe get the moving respects so what we did when we reached out to sabbatical. Of Arms done and we can we collaborated with them to come up with some interior design of the rebuilt at this point in time the project was really all about settings and functionality of movement and the occupants the title of the project was the light like. Merrily because our our most important feature is the new opportunity to have so much like the space. In our building and don't our design team we have three interior designers so we wrote the plans and we really started to get a little more practical with them with the great ideas gave us and you can see for example we were returning. With. The ship that we were anyway we retain some of the playable from scat but we started to make some just for practical reasons as I'm sure you're aware of don't give a detail about the project. We are we haven't hired an architectural firm per se we did hire an obscene group to do. Most of the work that we need to do we have our own internal architecture team and our own internal construction stuff so our project is unique in that sense it gives us a nice advantage and that we have we have more control over the many people having some problems OK looks looks like the Energy Star has that. Couple who will just sit here from. Cincinnati. And you know. This is our jury plan and what we started didn't. Really it's not about the floor because we're for Government fact realize we have an opportunity to source multiple materials obviously we're going to go with our products that are most sustainable in the fourth because we want to celebrate that want to talk about how sustainable we are as a transparent company so we were very clear labels and we were going through and trying to decide which products we wanted to do and always said when it. Began more than us we talk about this we're actually the customers who are the client let's make this entire building a certified building in the Living Building Challenge so this was the first opportunity in SE We registered under version two point one and we got started. Quickly thereafter and we had a sure rep that reprints this hosted by South base last year we got them to work with many professionals said by the other professionals we took the different paddles of the Living Building Challenge and we took the scope of our privately handed out and they said Apple useful started the case so about an hour later we had collaborators come up with concepts and ideas to do that. With it took those concepts and ideas back to Dalton on the greatest place on earth and. A lot with that we brought the Epstein group and we decided to hire to take it to a more finer point that's the group came down and also the International Living Creature incident came from Seattle we have them for a day of consulting and they helped us really kind of crack through some of the confusion that we might have had since they outsourced and what we ended up landing on were four of the five or four almost five panels I should say literal sites like Woody beauty and I'm going to say a partial health because for focusing on about Philip there are more posts some of the other. We were not able to do what the reason being says the renovation and I hate them excuses for everyone it's them they are with us we're just we're building a foundation to achieve this in the future so what that's one thing we're looking forward to with this program that's one thing that. The Living Building Challenge does that they accommodate very well. Let's start talking about repurpose materials first because that has really helped us get through the projects a lot we have a facility in Dublin Georgia and unfortunately it will close but it's loaded with material so what we've done is a truck those materials from Dublin Georgia to Dalton Georgia we have metal warehouse and we're using those company wide when we do build out as you can see these beautiful one here it's aged wood and what we're going to use it for in the building is anytime we need wood I don't know the TARP destruction got because they're not excited by all the prevailing and everything put We're excited about the look and feel we're going to expose the beam from the ceiling as they radiate out some of the things we're going to use the wood for is our kitchen cabinets in design that would any left over would we have from the project since the building is a three hundred sixty degree view of trees we're going to we're going to use our leftover pain and wood to build birdhouses and put them up there these are little details that we're really excited about if you look here you'll see. A drawer This is a small detail that to us it's green and it points to our bottles like the syllabi and some of the Jordan which is the largest bottle Flake the silver we crush Mountain Dew bottle green bottles to create power it's the largest one in North America so we're just going to create We're going to use that resin and the design to have a career our own little mold wood in the room it creates. Sorry looks out about in fact something that I could go on and on and on about this because we've really come up with some great ways to repurpose materials do the limitations same sourcing new material. And I'll go into new interiors. One more one more cool thing I got I got to say that we want one take a policy and build a chandelier there were reflecting our own balls and we're going to build a beautiful art piece in the center of a building and to give a little bling the mirrors in the bathroom which we're not replacing Rex and just given the bathroom a facelift they have some water damage across the bottom so we're going to cut that out there in a slice those up and put it back to back and uses some nice reflective elements. And people. We're working with because paints they make he feel see eating paint is that it's got to declare a label on it as well and. If you're not familiar with their pain it's it's very very. Interesting back in our research it really is and it's you are sailing with you for a start this week. On talk about new new materials really quickly. What we did when we got started John was my counterpart most of the time of this problem and. We had already built a lead building in County Georgia for our corporate headquarters and when I mentioned earlier it took the show on material and during the build out we had acquired licensing materials so we figured since we are broke your of those are contractors were from there with the vendors and we would just start there so we had a list that was about you know three feet long periods we started hammering through that and John and started diligently looking for materials that would have been in the information we needed to to check that box and we probably worked through I'd say about twenty percent of the list and it's been it's been tough because. Manufacturers don't want to share information and you can understand why and that's why I want to bring Rochelle up and talk about that it's been really tough for us even with our own corporations to convince the powers that be to share our potentially secret sauce with everyone with we value the importance of the. Clarity that we are for her company and that we can build a building we can help to build buildings for the occupants or got worse since we don't want things to happen with the your forty dollars mark called Rochelle Riley who is our director so. She's the real expert. And. We're going to turn the lights up just a little bit because I have a few examples of the clearly rules thank you and that was fantastic. I actually hadn't seen a picture of those two or pool so that was great for anything so let's talk about the importance of transparency from a corporate perspective. So most people can relate to in Korean slave walls on food products I don't know if we always pay attention to what we read or how that affects our choices but I think it's when I first started working for Mohawk about how that's going to be almost three years by now when I met with architects and designers all over the country they started talking about product transparency and how important this was to them in fact that's what I heard on my third week of the job I met with somebody with one of the largest architectural firms in the world called Ginzler up in Washington D.C. in that was what they started talking to me about and then I said well where were you coming from with this Mr told me about the Living Building Challenge I said or how do I find that standard this is all you have. Do is just kind of a web and you can print it off and I was thinking you know have to pay a hundred fifty dollars you know to look at that and I was so intrigued by all this that it really set me and to creating a whole new direction for Mohawk. And this is our philosophy. We want open communication with the public. We want to be able to share ingredients information we don't want to have to go through a third party or an intermediary we would prefer instead to have that one on one conversation with our customers and we also want to share transparent the information transparently and that may seem like well that would just be the natural thing to do but it really isn't because there's a lot of companies out there saying that they're transparent but in fact you have to ask them for ingredient data. Maybe in the form of a hint written letter or something like that it's nowhere to be found when you actually go to ask for it so that certainly not the way we want to approach transparency. That's And we are so we are so involved in the US that we now have over three hundred seventy rez list free foreign products along with our flex Lockett's the carpet installation system I mean this is and this is really unheard of we have some of customers now that are coming up to us and they just cannot believe that Mohawk has been able to accomplish so much and I actually have some of our to clear labels. Again maybe I thought it would be a good idea to just pass these around and you guys. You can see what an actual to clearly looks like. And we have we have nineteen of those now we just got more last week that would cover our hospitality product products for hotels and motels and casinos and that sort of thing. And we also have six health product Eckler ations which is also highly unusual for a foreign company it's a company think they have or they're doing really good but we have six and we also have three environmental product acclamations and I do want to mention that you know this is a continuing evolving effort and so we will have more of these products covered so in terms of all these reckless free Mohawk products what I'll do this include. We made an amazing discovery that all of our carpet tile can actually be made and be read was free if we use a non P.C. backing and Mohawk is a large you know company that we can offer both we actually see more of our product on my craving towards the non P.V.C. wreckless free carpet backing as more and more of our customers learn about this may become more educated and that's really the whole purpose of transparency I mean we think about how it affected the nutrition industry and the food industry and the same is going to happen with building products as people learn more and understand more they will make more informed decisions and that will in fact in fact you know transform the economy so we have also discovered that all of our brought in carpet which is really carpet on rolls that that is also. All Red List free and so you may be wondering will gosh why is Mohawk doing this so we are doing it first of all because it is the right thing to do we have nothing to hide and we we fully support and believe in product transparency. We have a process at Mohawk we have this very well integrated now I'm working very closely with our R. and D. team we have these ferries extra help hers UL actually has a branch of the UL environment and they do third party certification of our E.P. TS and also our recycled content in our carpet and we're also working with H.P. collaborative on the H.P. D. and there is James he is with the International Living future Institute and they are overseeing the declared effort. And I just wanted to show you some photographs and I also wanted to see if there are any questions out there about the declare labels at this point have you guys had a chance to take a look at those. You have. As any Does anybody see one that has any red with sitting pretty in its. OK so there is one person here that has been a and so. This makes it pretty easy right you can see which ingredients are actually red with the chemicals and I do want to make the point that you Mohawk is being very open with all of our gradients and all of our products we're not just cherry picking the best the best we're going to clear away balls on all of our products and again this is a pretty radical notion for a corporation. So this is that woven product and this is really the earliest type of big construction and it can last for up to twenty five years and these are all red was free all of our woven products. This is our profit and all of our broccoli products are also revels free. And here is one of the tile products and this might resemble one of the declare labels and these are the two Paula Murs shown here that make peace see which is a red list chemical and P three it's kind of a controversy or red with chemical because a lot of people say well gosh what's in the product there really isn't any harm but politically challenge does look at that chemical throughout its entire life cycle and so that's you know that's really the argument there. And you can see here if it has a red with chemical then the label will show declare. Versus if it's red list free now you make one train or gosh what does that mean Living Building Challenge compliance so if and if a company proposes that one of the red was chemicals is actually a required ingredient and there's not currently an option available on the market and they can get this temporary when they go in challenge compliant status that's one way or another way sometimes companies say that it's necessary for them to claim a proprietary exemption. Mohawk only has Living Building Challenge read was free and declared we're not claiming any proprietary exemptions. Here is one of our beautiful carpet tile products that Israel is free and this is. Is an off the shelf product. This is the flex lock in here has the flex walk to clear label. Right back in the back so you know is there anything unique like maybe the very few number of ingredients right. Or for gradients that's it and this works really well with our non P.C. carpet tile so the two together just make a really great sustainable choice and for him. And you know a couple people in nights that they've been to the ball at center. Had already maybe other people so this is you know has those sustainable or Korea's commercial building in the world and this is the home of the International of the future Institute so they have their their office there and we're very excited that Mohawk Harbin is install here this is ground strategy modular that's the name of the style and there's a living wall in the room and here's the declarant label that goes with that product and this this actually was one of the main reasons why no and got some volved in this whole Red List free and at the says because there is a designer at the board Center and she wanted this product but we import we did not know that we could do it as a Red List free product and we try to encourage her to select another product that already had to clear a label and she said no way you know I want this fund so that started the wheels turning in the law and it just happened we discovered that we could do any of these carpet tiles on our bread was free carpet backing and the entire carpet would be relished free. And most recently this is this is a wonderful program you guys should learn about it is called the c collaborative and there is a woman named Stacy Smedley and she decided that she wanted her her kids to be in Living Building Challenge classrooms because she was concerned in particular about her children being supposed to hazardous chemicals in portable classrooms and so she started this this movement and now these buildings are being built all across the United States and this is one of just in seize on. This. Wonderful mosaic and the reason it looks like that is because the children said that they wanted their flooring to look as the the image appears when they look out of the window women are playing so that was. Just in central potations great. And OK so. Without access ability you cannot have transparency because you have to be able to provide people with a tool to get all these documents and so cream wizard is that tool this is really a fantastic search tool is kind of like e-bay for building products and our customers can quickly search according to whatever sustainability critique they're interested in if it's recycled content and they want read was free if they want to Claire and by the way this is a free program so you want to check out great wizard dot com and see how easy it is to search for products. So I'm going to just close with a little discussion about how Mohawk has become so intertwined with the International Living future Institute. And I first heard about their first hard somebody in a formal lecture on the Living Building Challenge in November of two thousand and twelve and cream built and that was in San Francisco and it just struck me as something very very important and certainly something that no one needed to be involved in so after the presentation I walked up to the speaker. Who was in the form of his former executive director of the Institute and I think here you work with a foreign company he said no I'm not who are you so it started this conversation and. We had the folks from Institute coming meet with the executives at Mohawk and really within six months of the day when I first heard that presentation not walk in the institute formally committed to work together and Mohawk first became an angel sponsor of the Institute and this is what we did last year we stand many days out on the road educating connecting people all about the Living Building Challenge we went to California and Texas Florida drawn to Milwaukee Minneapolis this fantastic experience and as a result of the Mohawk efforts a new collaborative just like with being developed here in Atlanta was created in Dallas and this year we are now a guy sponsor. Meaning mother earth she is from Craig mythology and we are going to have these events and these four locations this year and it's very exciting that we're going to be able to build upon the model that we developed last year. So I just want to end here in a quote how important it is to. Be fully involved in this transparency discussion in an honest way and certainly if a manufacturer says that they are being transparent but they're not sharing information transparently then it's not real so think about that. And with am able to understand a reward. Thanks guys and basically wraps it up one. Question. That I know it's there's a lot of information that's kind of given to you guys today. I know that I have specifically got. To say to believe that because it's another challenge that's added to the design specs that was easy to start with you know it's like now there's all these other things you have to think about like maybe I should to get some work in St Francis and it was slow here in Jerusalem. And things of that intrusive I understand what they're talking about when it comes to here and the different chemicals that are basically probably going to expand the list of chemicals and we should be concerned about so are there any questions. For anyone. Yet so the question being I guess what level of vertical integration and do we have some I want is a Berkeley didn't really come. Any and we do make our own fivers So this does give us more control over our supply chain Yes. And when I just want to mention if you could please return the declare label so I have a next presentation and basically agree it's the same. Sound you know it's kind of interesting because when I first started talking about this. With people were like saying well there's no way we can do this so the first thing I did was I hired eighteen year old interned to prove everybody that we could to want and I think he got like seventy five percent of the information by calling the that nurse and that not to make light of this that moment is a large company we do have a lot of clout and so I was asking and this may be there might have been a little bit of concern with some of the suppliers if I don't give them the information they might go to another supplier so that I think influenced their decision on whether or not they were going to give us the information. That we were we were able to accomplish. If. He's. Just with this event tonight the years. Go by more transparency. Conversations will happen. People saying this is where it suits him we're going to be one of our patients. So I think we're going to get back I always compare challenge to where we want to be and the struggles supply and demand line and so now that the street system is asking for transparency to hopefully. Show them to get. The. Right. Yes the first or the question did we have any problems fires and so the answer to that is yes we get currently have a few and they deal mostly with our resilient products that we some of them we do not but they are made in Asia and that seems to be more of a difficult situation however the first Asian supplier did come through with their list of ingredients a couple months ago and I think it's going to make the impact the attitudes of the other suppliers and I heard today as a matter of fact that one of the problem suppliers that was holding out put together a team of people in transparency chemo just for that today you work with us and talk with us about our needs and transparency so that was the first question and then the second part I'm sorry was. I right. And. Yes So really our R. and D. team has been involved in this because they're the ones that are developing the labels and so our procurement folks have not been involved so much is really in the R. and D. team and they they have done a fantastic job and so really I think what happened was once the in turn was able to gather so much information and the big guys in R. and D. that had been there for twenty or thirty years the first that to me we can do this they changed their mind and then they got on board with the process so they've been doing a great job thank you. Very much. The rating system is asking for about a thousand words. So. Much. I mean. There's. This. Because there's. Is there a process. You need materials that you can't see. Like insulation or with the carbon. Right and you know that that would be pretty good sir actually airborne troops fighting air samples and. The different chemicals that have been talked about by specifically around this to others and it's you know if there's any kind of for cooling off and some type that's when you have particulates are released or if you just kind of come in contact to it contact with it often and I think a good example of this is probably the. Astroturf site for pellets and they're actually being Justin so with a certain point but then said the study they showed for me. They were saying that the different making factory plants birds tires are being made that these people are you know in the meat packing plants helping make the brownies and they're experiencing all these different facts and so I think. It's probably pretty difficult to try and figure out what's fair especially. You know I mean you can look at Harvard and was very good to talk to someone who designed the building you're going to really know who it came from. And then you know the second aspect would be. Which of these products and with me and started out and I think I mean it's very dear to me and I'm you know this is what I do it every day so. I think we all have a lot to learn. But maybe you know hopefully we'll get there and then you know you actually start breaking in. And then another and I think that aspect of it all the that is offering or are actually things that people bring into the workplace and the Living Building Challenge does address this very thing you were only testing for example air fresh. Hers and things like that are really you know many cases I think people are like you are crazy they can be very toxic and they can cause all sorts of reactions and it's these are common in workspaces and so sometimes it's not even the products but it's the activities and what people bring into the say. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes familiar with the reporting which is. What. You. Write it's basically a social responsibility I said but there's a lot of environments. That are putting like you know. Trying to get you have. You know about your carbon footprint and what are you seeing for that. Because you have it specially your main character. Yeah child child you know. It's very interesting and I'm actually as a part of living challenge there's a program called Just which is trying to speak to such responsibilities so. I can go on about what they guess what. Yeah I have to have another event but I didn't just going through that sense and suffering. That interesting and very frightening process of hers I'd be a part of it.