That's. Right a chemical engineer and you know. The other. He already. Number more. Right. Here. Thank you very much Martha can you all hear me the microphone on very good I've been told I need to wear two microphones so. I want to thank Martha and all of you for the invitation to come here today it's a great opportunity for me to see some old friends and meet some new people it's been a day packed with great conversation so thank you for the invitation to come here. And like to tell you a little bit about what we're doing in Minnesota in the area of flexible Tronics and one of the things I like so much about this area as Martha mentioned is it's a really nice blend of chemical materials engineering. And there are some very significant challenges that I'll try to. Motivate the talk will be less analytical and more about synthesis right so I think you'll find it accessible. Let me start by acknowledging my collaborators in particular I in this work I work a lot with Maureen Francis who runs our coding process fundamentals program in Minnesota and also Timothy watch polymer scientists and Chris Kim helps us with some circuit design and Jennifer Lewis at Harvard to provide some electronics that we use. Most of the work I'm going to tell you about has been done by a graduate student and John is about to join three M. and a post-doc. So let me give you my outline here. I'd like to start by motivating why we want to do printed electronics or large area flexible like Tronics and then I'll tell you about some new materials some gel electrolytes that we find are very useful in designing flexible a trunk circuits I'll tell you briefly about a kind of device a squishing device that we build in my group and which we also use in principle it tracks then I'll show you some results for printed circuits and then I'm going to spend actually the last third of the talk talking about a self aligned manufacturing process because I think this is really from my perspective anyway the great challenge in printed electronics is how do you how do you do registration of multiple layers of material. So first a little motivation I think of course on this campus there's lots of people interested in thin film electronics organic electronics one of the reasons we'd like to be able to do thin film electronics is to take advantage on flexible substrates is to take advantage of all the roll processing and in particular role the role processing of solar cells seems potentially an attractive application but I think also if you think about displays. You know of course in our you know all of our televisions at home we have a backplane behind the display full of transistors that turn the pixels on and off that backplane is built on glass if you wanted a more robust display one that was basically unbreakable you might want to put it on plastic and if you put it in plastic. You then have a limited thermal budget for processing materials you can only go to maybe up to two hundred degrees C. and so that changes the material sets that you have available to make that backplane but moving to plastic also allows you to think about moving to roll the roll continuous manufacture. In by electronic So lots of people are interested in flexible circuits and here I think for a lot of applications it may be completely sufficient just to make thin silicon chips and put them on a plastic substrates you may not need to do a whole new kind of manufacturing methodology to make bioelectric circuits wearable delivery patches and so on the key point I want to make is when you think about flexible Alectryon and printed electronics we need to target applications where we're thinking about large area wherever you need large area you're not going to do you not going to use conventional single crystal silicon if you can use silicon you will but for a large area kinds of applications that's that's not likely to be practical so this idea is emerging of using the real processing on flexible webs to put circuits on to flexible substrates and this is also driven by the fact that there have been some great advancements in electronic inks in the last ten years you can buy metallic semiconducting and insulating inks and you can imagine and you can pattern them using in Jet or aerosol jet or screen printing or give your printing and so on and so you could imagine then that there you could build design some process by which you would pattern these materials precisely to build up functional circuits. But I think there's a couple of key challenges that we have to keep in mind with this with this idea and the first is this issue of aligning layers of electronic ink if you think of a typical thin film transistor structure and I'll describe this in more detail later but it's a multi layer stack of materials and you might like to separate this let's say these are two metals so be a metal let's say an insulator a semiconductor and two metals and you might like this dimension here to be microns maybe a micron So now you've got four. Layers of material that you have to deposit with precise thickness and then register materials with micron level precision on top of one another and you want to do this in a continuous fashion on a deformable substrate that's moving right so that's that's a huge challenge and we don't have a way right now of doing that there isn't a printed technology to roll that's out there so I think that's challenge number one and that's really what I'm going to talk about in the in the last third of the talk but the other challenge is having sufficient circuit performance. You're going to deposit electronic materials from solution and when when the material dries when the ink dries you want a good semiconductor left behind something that's going to give you good performance and so that's a that's a major challenge here's another way of looking at the performance issue this is a little bit dated now but the trends are still the same if you look at the switching time of a transistor made by printed electronics versus supply voltage which you can find is there's always a trade off and then and this is true for silicon too there's always a trade off if you want fast witching times you get apply more voltage The problem is is that because printing process these are imprecise the device dimensions are big thicknesses are not well controlled you tend to have to apply rather large voltages to get let's say microsecond switching times and so where you want to be down here you want to be down here low voltages comparable to battery supplied. Voltages and you want to have short switching times and I'll say this if you could develop a technology that would allow you to print circuits over large areas and be clocked at let's say megahertz which is not fast by today's standards but if you could do that I think there's a lot of applications that would open up so the speeds we need to achieve are not terribly high sort of microsecond type type switching speeds. So those are the two challenges one is how do you align the materials the second is do the materials perform the way you need them to perform to make functional circuits. So let me start to get into the technical aspects of this. And think about the basic building block the basic building block for thin film electronics is a T.F.T. or thin film transistor and that's shown here you have a semiconductor layer deposited on an insulator there's an underlying gate electrode and there are two metal contacts of the semiconductor called Source and drain. And the idea behind this device is that when you put a voltage on the gate you induce carriers in the semiconductor because the gate is capacitively coupled to the semiconductor. And so when you do that essentially increase the conduct of any of the semiconductor and now you can flow current from the source to the drain so the device is on devices on when I apply a voltage to the gate but if I don't apply voltage to the gate I have no carriers here and I don't get any current So it's a switch. Fundamentally the current that flows from source to drain is just a function of the charge concentration in the semiconductor channel times the average speed which is given by a material parameter called mobility so we need. We want current to be large so we want large charge concentrations at low voltage and we want high mobility even Tiriel. But a big problem as I showed you in the previous slide is generally you have to apply large voltages to get fast witching times right that's like saying you have to apply large voltages to get large current all right and the speed of the carriers depends on the voltage that you apply between the source and the drain so we want to dial down the voltage We don't want to have to apply that much voltage and the way you can do that is by using a high capacitance dielectric here so that for every volts you apply at the gate. You get a large amount of charge in the semiconductor So this makes you think about OK well what's the capacitance of the dielectric it goes is the dielectric constant over the thickness so we could make the dielectric very very thin fifty nanometers thick and then maybe we could use low voltages this is the voltage the the carrier concentration in the semiconductor is given by the capacitance times they gave the so if I give a if I have a big C. I can use a smaller. Which But the problem with going very thin is that in a printing process it's hard to control that it's hard to make very thin layers in a printing process so the other way you can go is boost the dielectric constant you know use high dielectric constant materials that will give you the high capacity you need here to get a lot of charge if I have a lot of charge provide that means I can lower the gate voltage right so the strategy that we've been pursuing for a while is to use electrolytes in this kind of an interesting choice of dielectric material so here I show you basically a gel electrolyte and I'll describe it in more detail in a minute but basically I've got polymer matrix and I've got dissolved ons and here's a semiconductor very typical one poly. And here's a source electrode to drain here's the gate so now if I wire this up and I apply a voltage to the gate these ions move and they induce carriers in the in the semiconductor and I get a current all right and the switching speed of this device is actually in the end fundamentally going to be limited now by how fast I can polarize the Zions how fast I form double layers if I can form a double as fast I'll charge up the semiconductor fast and I'll get fast switching. Hopefully that hopefully that makes sense right so this is this is what we call an electrolyte gated transistor and. Now the ions can also penetrate into the semiconductor and when that happens this is basically. What's also called an electric chemical transistor you have an electric chemical oxidation that's going on. All right so let me just show you what you can do so you can you can print these devices pretty easily take a plastic substrate like kept on and I'll show you the printing method we use in a minute you print a gold nanoparticle ink print a semiconductor in this case this is called P Q T twelve it's another poly we're going to print a gel electrolyte that I'll describe in a minute and then I print a conducting polymer as the gate this stack of materials I print. And this is an early version number of years ago this is an all printed device we printed the source we print to drain the printing technique was aerosol jet printing which I'll describe in a minute and then here's the reddish semiconductor material the clear material is the gel the gel electrolyte and here is the gate. And what I want you to see here on this slide is that these are low voltage devices so this is the current that flows from the source to the drain through this semiconductor as a function of the voltage I put on the gate right here and what I want you to see is there's five orders of magnitude change in the current from the off state of the on state and it happens in the space of a Volt right so the device is fully on the ball. So you can print these E.G. T. devices and they operate at low voltage and they give you good output currents. Let me show you that you can also watch them switch. This is a little video clip which I hope will work. So what you can see here is the semiconductor changing color as we put charge into and out of the semiconductor basically the clear box here is the gel electrolyte and this is an undersized gauge electrode allowing you to look through and see the Semiconductor which is electrochromic it's a pike conjugated. Polymer semiconductor and when you charge it it changes color. So. We can make these switches. And we can make them operate at low voltage Now let me talk a little bit about the printing so for this work that I'm telling you in the first part of this talk we use aerosol jet printing an aerosol jet is basically a high tech spray can you make an aerosol out of any so typically by Sonic cation you would train nearest all in an inert gas stream and that brings the you bring the aerosol over the printhead where second sheath gas accelerates and focuses this aerosol on to the substrate and so you can draw lines and basically if you can make an aerosol you can print which is why we like the technique very much you can print carbon nanotubes you can print silver nanoparticles you can print zinc oxide precursor materials you can print graphene you can print as I showed you probably five things and conducting polymers and gel electrolytes So it's a very versatile printing technique if you can make an aerosol you can print and you can get sort of ten micron wide lines. I'll tell you about a different strategy later OK so we can make these electrolyte gated devices we can print them they work at low voltage Let's talk about the electrolyte the electrolyte we use we develop with him logic Minnesota is based on an ionic liquid and a structuring block polymer so I am a quick words you're probably familiar with these are big organic salts they have a large organic cat ion and a large organic and ion because the ions are large and there is symmetric the melting point is depressed below room temperature and so at room temperature you have a liquid salt and it has very high on an ionic conduct of eighty. But not electronic on the T.V. as high on a convict of eighty and it also therefore has high capacitance because if I put that ionic. Between two metal plates and I polarized the metal plates I get electrical double layers and I just get huge huge capacitance so we make a gel out of this by adding a tri block polymer that has sticky polystyrene ends so it's polystyrene block. BLOCK polystyrene and when you put this in the eye on a quick witted the A blocks the polystyrene blocks associate to form glassy nodes cross-link nodes and the polar P M M A chains spin the gap between the nodes and that that gives you your basically elastic net so when you stretch the Joe you're stretching those Pima may change in the ionic liquid. All right so that's a very nice weight of it to make a gel Here's another look at the structure chemical structure of an ionic liquid that we use a lot it's in a midazolam sulfa made salt. I on a quick woods are often clear you can see here perhaps a miniscule between this ionic liquid and distilled water so they are electric chemically inert they have wide electro chemical Windows they have essentially no vapor pressure very nice materials you can put them in a vacuum system and pump on them for a month and they don't evaporate. So very very interesting electrolyte materials so we have the polymer and that that gives us a gel and we can tune the elastic modulus from a killer Pascal to a mega Pascal depending on which try block polymer we use and the molecular weights and how much polymer we add to the ironically. So let me tell you a little bit then more about these materials because I think they're interested in there in their own right if you take this material maybe make a slab and you sandwich it between two metal plates you could measure the capacitance by impedance spectroscopy this is the capacitance versus thickness and you get a very large number ten micro ferrets per square centimeter that's a that's a very large number. If you measure the resistance of course these gels have. I have an electrical resistance due to ion motion. The resistance will scale with thickness the thicker I make the gel the higher the resistance right and it's just what you expect from sort of an ohms law picture so capacitance specific capacitance does not scale with thickness because the capacitance it has to do with the formation of a double layers at the metal in jail interfaces so that's thickness independent It doesn't matter whether it's this thick or this thick which is different in a conventional capacitor if I double the capacity of the thickness I reduce the bastards in half here that doesn't happen so I have high capacitance that is independent of thickness and I have resistance that depends on thickness if I multiply the two together I get an approximate estimate of the polarization time the R.C. time constant of that gel if I just model the gel as a resistor and capacitor and series. Can be microseconds so if I make a gel that's two microns thick I can polarize it in a few microseconds and two microns this is still really relatively thick That's a thick film certainly something we can code for print and so what we have electrolytes that are polarized the ball in microseconds and chemically inert transparent very nice for the kinds of applications we are we're interested in. So we have a pretty good idea of how to engineer these materials how the choice of mid block and block actually influences the properties we can make shells that have melting points above one hundred C. simply by making the polystyrene blocks longer than about four thousand molecular weight and then the mid lock the key thing we need to think about here is the glass transition temperature of that mid block because it turns out that the mid block which is bathed in the ionic liquid provides resistance to ions right so if I have a high T. G. The chains are sort of stiff and I have I. Higher ionic resistance to that shell than if I pick a mid block with a low T.G. low T. G. provides less impedance to the eye in motion so we can actually go to the properties of these gels Here's an example the blue data points. Are for a gel where the mid block molecular weight is one hundred fifty thousand and the try block here is polystyrene block poly Ethel accolade that's Ethel accolade this is this is Ethel accolade here and then this is polystyrene So this we call this as a ass. And here the mid block the F.L. accolade is varied in weight percentage. And we've measured modulus of the gel versus ionic conduct and you have this tradeoff right if you want high modulus you add more polymer that raises the modulus but it reduces the comic to Vittie So generally we want higher ionic activity and in the here it gets up to seven times ten to the minus three percent a meter of good value at ten weight percent but if we switch the mid block con molecular way we reduce it from one fifty to twenty three thousand we get a big bump in the modulus even while keeping the conduct of any the same and the reason is that now all these polymer chains are shorter and I sensually have a tighter mesh if you think about these these the cross-linking as a two D. grid right when I have big molecular weight I have a big loose mesh and so I have a low modulus when I reduce the mid block weight I have a tighter mesh more sort of patches per volume and I have a larger modules so that's a that's a nice result. We can also. Compare for example gels made with blocks like effort with a low two G. to gels made with blocks with a. T.G. So this is the S.M.S. polystyrene polymath from a factor late polystyrene this has a T.G. of one hundred this F L accolade has a T.G. of minus twenty four and what you can see is the S.M.S. gels are here in blue the S.E.'s gels are here in red and what you can see is for a given weight percentage you get a higher. Modulus but also. Let's let's look at it this way if I take this weight percentage and I add and I switch to from S.M.S. to S.C.S. actually my conduct of it goes up at the same weight percent that's what I want to see the connectivity goes up by a factor of five maybe even a factor of ten in some cases simply because I've lowered the T.G. of the mid block. So we know how to tune the properties of these of these gel electrolytes and in general General Electric lights are interesting for lots of applications various kinds of sensors electrochromic devices and these gel electrolytes that we make a very high on a comic to ease up to ten to the minus two seaman's percent a meter only acidic electrolytes or higher. So. Now we return back to. Devices and printing. So the device I showed you before this printed E G T was what we call a P. type device that means it switches on for negative voltages on the gate. But we need to actually have N. type devices and so we need in type materials one thing we can do is make an ink based on an equal sync oxide precursor we printed and then a needle it and we get as ink oxide film and we can make. Good printed zinc oxide E.G. TS on plastic This shows you now a device turning on for positive gate voltage very low histories this orders of magnitude change from the off to the on state. And these ID. Curves look like what you would expect so we can make any type devices and we can make P. type devices and again these are low voltage devices working about of all. So we've got you can start to build circuits you can make complementary circuits where you have a P.T. device and then type device and these are the kinds of inks that we load into the aerosol jet printer and we could make complementary circuits so this is an inverter this is a piece which and then types which this is the output voltage so this is the voltage at this node as a function of the input voltage that's on the X. axis and what an inverter does is it flips the voltage here where at the high voltage on the input low voltage on the output and when we sweep lower here we trip high on the output and I just want you to see that you get the behavior that you expect when the supply voltage is two volts this trips at one Volt which is what you want. So we can make good inverters and we can switch them and in this business switching it a few killer hurts is good so here we are switching this inverter at five kilohertz. As I said it's kind of a target as it is a megahertz So we have some work to do but but that's a nice initial result. All right. The other thing you can do is start to build circuits like a ring oscillator this is a circuit centrally when you energize it the voltage output at this node oscillates in time and from this kind of oscillation in time this is milli seconds here you can back up the delay time first stage for this signal and you know you get something that's fifty fifty microseconds or so so we can actually start to make circuits that. That have reasonable for formants reasonable speed and reasonable stability this is an inverter switch for twenty two hours continuously and there is some change in the and the output voltage in red but it's actually. A reasonably good start towards stable operation I'll show you quickly. You that you can make these devices with carbon nanotubes if you if you actually make these devices where you print nets of carbon nanotubes you can make it inverters and I'll skip this slide and I'll just go you can make ring oscillators the ring at twenty killer hertz or so and in this case that the late time for stages is five microseconds so you can actually start now to get down to switching times that are about as fast as you can polarize the gel right. OK so other groups have different strategies to print electronics and similar results are seen by by other groups the field is really I would say progressed in terms of the quality of the inks that are available and the kinds of device performances that group various groups can get so that's nice to see. So now you can find printed circuits that switch in sort of the microsecond to tens of microsecond range and they work at supply voltage is less than three volts and as I argued before you want to be down here because ultimately you want to use low voltage power sources like printed batteries so you need to be below two or three volts. OK so now let me switch to this I think more challenging issue which is how do we make a system it's one thing to make a transistor but the fields not going to advance unless we actually build systems so for example it would be wonderful if we could print an amplifier like a whole operational amplifier would be wonderful if we could print in the analog to digital converter this is a very simple circuit we built that its function was to basically switch the selector chromic pixel on and off that's all the circuit was to do for a given input voltage and this particular circuit had a couple of dozen transistors in a dozen capacitors or so and. Sisters and we made it by aerosol jet printing and it took my student two days of basically continuous work to to make this and she made two of them at the same time so this is just the simple circuit layout for this and the precise operation isn't what's important here that the point is that you know we need to go far far beyond this to make printed circuits on on flexible substrates. Something real. It occurs to me while I'm talking that maybe I should motivate the printing aspect a little bit. What's nice about printing is that it's an additive manufacturing process so you only put the inquiry you will want to go where it is generally in a clean room you're doing subtractive processing you put metals down everywhere and then you at your off metal in certain areas and you just leave little traces of metal behind so if you thinking about large area electronics where you might have to use lots of material and subtracted away that's that's you know it's not very attractive from a cost perspective it's not very attractive from. A sustainability perspective so you'd like to have additive manufacturing processes and printing does that but the problem with printing is that it's low resolution I showed you sort of ten twenty Micron features here by aerosol jet it's hard to do any better than that with any other printing technique. So how are you going to to pattern materials with precision high resolution and how are you then going to overlay that that's the key the key question that I want I want to think about here so here's here's just a picture out of a proposal where we said OK look at the very least we need to be able to make a NAND gate to P. type two N. type transistors we need to be able to make an inverter and we need to be able to to connect them right I mean. To be able to take this output and connect it let's say to this output so how do I how do I make the interconnects and how do I overlay all these materials and we thought well we could always line up the P. type materials in one channel and then type in another and we could have routing channels and tracks but still at the end of the day this doesn't give you a manufacturing approach so what I want to do know is think about a self aligned process a process where we do all the registration in the first step and then we think about how we deliver the sequence fully afterwards and what I'd also like to argue here is you know from a chemical engineering perspective working with liquidating. Is very interesting we can take advantage of differential wedding we can take advantage of capillarity and working processing electronic materials from liquid inks this is kind of a paradigm change it's a shift in the way you think about making making circuits so this idea here we call scale which stands for self aligned capillarity assisted lithography for electronics and what we intend to do is a boss a substrate take a plastic substrate slot coat let's say a thermal plastic polymer or maybe a U. the liquid U.V. curable resist we now imprint into that thermoplastic or imprint into that you'd be curable resists and expose so that we make a pattern that consists of reservoirs channels and as I'll show you I'll show you device cavities so we do that all in one step. And the device cavities as I've showed you the device is like a thin film transistor has four layers in it so that imprint step in that device cavities actually going to have complex topography it's going to have the possibility for four layers but we're going to make that all in one shot and we're going to bring the the. Feeder channels in. At different elevations so that if we drop the ink in the right sequence we first put in metal then we put in semiconductor then we put in dielectric then we put in metal that's the idea. And we think it's additive it is that if we think this is a nice approach to do a self aligned process we think it's scalable in the following sense you can imprint over large areas and people have shown that you can imprint. Down one hundred nanometers features so you're scalable to small sizes but you're also scalable to a large area and so it's scalable in two senses of the word and if we can if we can implement it implemented role the role it has the opportunity to be high throughput. OK so here's here's just a very basic demonstration if we take these are imprinted channels in a in a poxy a U.V. curable poxy and we use this sophisticated eyedropper here basically to drop some ink into this reservoir you can see a disk here that's an indentation and because of refractive index matching when the ink starts to flow you lose sight of the channels but when the ink starts to dry some seconds later you get the channels back and so that's the basic the basic idea we're going to use capillarity to deliver the into the channels So let's think about how this might work and. We'll start with just metal lines and see what we can do with metal eyes. In this process we're going to end up spending a lot of time initially in a clean room to make a silicon master so we use conventional micro fabrication to make a silicon master which we then copy with P.D. mess and in a way that's quite standard now so we make a rubber copy we peel off this copy and now in principle then this is wrapped on a roll but I'm just going to show you. A discrete process so we now. Imprint in the a poxy U.V. cure and detach so now we have a solid. Cross-link film with the imprint. We then take in jet. And drop it a precise amount of ink a precise volume of ink into the capillaries the ink flows and initially it looks like this in the channels but of course it dries because it has some certain solids content some solvent content and so you get a skin of silver in this capillary and what you want of course is a solid line you want to solid conducting line so now we're going to electro loosely plate so we play copper into that line and we get we get these these copper lines. Your S.C.M. images of a capillary with silver. Lining and you can see it here this is all a poxy this is the capillary channel with silver in it. We then plate this is the plating chemistry. Very simple to do you could imagine this role the role is substrate for certain amount of time and in a trough. We play copper and this is a copper filled channel so this is now a copper wire nominally two or three microns wide we overdeveloped it so it is grown out and mushroom over the Channel and this is a fib cut focused and being so you can see the nice cross-section so we can make you know micron level conductors that are solid this way. We could track this is a function of time that's not so important but if you measure the resistance a person's length of course you should be able to back out the resistivity in that shown in blue here and the point is it's the conduct of it is fifty percent that a ball copper. So we can make good conductive lines in this very simple and this very simple way. So how would I make a resistor that's got to be. The most basic. Element So what we do is we imprint. This three reservoir structure. We drop metal. Into these two reservoirs it flows to the ends of the line here and then we put in resistive material like carbon black to make the connection between the two metal lines and this is what it looks like and we can measure the resistance so I should show you I.V. curves but they're very nice very very linear and we can in this case this is a sixty four kilo resistance we can tune the resistance by which material we use here whether we use a conducting polymer we use carbon black we can tune it by the thickness of the material we can also tune it by the separation distance between the electrodes so we have a way to make make a resistor by. Additive printing techniques. How do we make a capacitor Well here's a here's a structure this is again in a poxy So what you're looking at is an S.C.M. image of this imprinted a poxy layer after. That was cured on the stamp and so we have been introduced to the Dellec trode structure and we have this other reservoir this raised reservoir we deliver metal to these two reservoirs we drill the liver are gel electrolyte to this third reservoir and we can measure capacitance as a function of frequency to make we can make a pastor's. All right. So now. Should you we can make resistors capacitors we have recent work on diodes what I want to show you is that we can make transistors and I'm going to use a different architecture what I've been showing you before is transistors with a gate aligned over the semiconductor channel so this is the source and semiconductor and normally the gate would be here but when you use an electrolyte and that's what this green. Patch is it's the electrolyte I can actually move the gate off to the side and the device will still work that's a trick it's a trick that we can do this because we're using an electrolyte is the gate dielectric but what's nice about it is that you can produce these source training gate layers in one shot on the same level. That's not exactly how we're going to make this device but that shows you the idea so on the right here is the in red is the embossed the poxy pattern we're going to emboss this pattern. Into a poxy and then deliver metals and semiconductor and dielectric and another and another conductor. So this is this is the side gated A.G.T. structure made by this scale process again here's the here's the profile of the imprint this is an S.C.M. image of this U.V. cured a poxy on a plastic substrate like polyester. This is the silicon master so we have two reservoirs nine microns below the surface of the silicon another area that's minus six minus six and then these are raised areas of all of the above the silicon surface so this is our master we make a pedia mess copy we then stamp. That pattern into this U.V. curable poxy and this is the S.C.M. image so you can make very nice features this way. And now what we're going to do is start delivering ink Here's a link delivered to the source and drain reservoirs and you can see the metal here so this is optical micrograph. Then these are fed cuts in an S.C.M. image through those metal lines so you can see we have nice silver coatings here through this through this section we then deliver semiconductor here. So we now have semiconductor in the Channel we can get force microscope images of the semiconductor it's reasonably smooth. And then we can deliver conducting polymer and what we've done here is we've we've made a pinning line right here so we deliver the ink and it there's a trench cut here which diverts the flow sideways so that we get this side gate architecture looks like this and profile. There's a shot of it this is the conducting polymer gate you can kind of see it right here. So then we flood with electrolyte that's the last step. So these devices work this is the source string current versus gatefold the G. again turning on the negative gate bolt is fully on it of bolt and it's made essentially by this self aligning process why is this process self aligning itself aligning because in the first step I made all the high resolution features and all the low resolution features and all I had to do was deliver ink to these reservoirs which are pretty easy targets so if you imagine the roll process those reservoirs could be lined up in tracks tracks for semiconductor tracks for metal tracks for dielectric and you can have a bank of heads that deliver the. So of course yield matters and reproducibility and we're doing this all out in open air no clean room environment so we have about eighty percent yield on the devices that work. Eighty percent yield period on offer a shows so this is a log of the on current to the off off current of about five good carrier mobility point eight some of your square provoked second and nice small negative threshold will to just. We can also. Just print metal. Gate get electrodes these are E.G. tees with a copper gate works just fine and we can start to think about. Making circuits this way so this is an inverter where we have a transistor and now a resistor all again made with this imprint process and delivery of these reservoirs and this is the output input curve looks very nice a nice Triple H. So again as I mentioned before showing that you can make discrete devices is a long way from making systems and and we don't have a system made yet this way but what we do have is that at least a process more than just on paper that allows you to deliver in that high resolution and get and get registration. So let me wrap up by talking about how you do this crossover issue so we have to be able to connect devices to each other and the only way that you can really do this is if you come up out of the plane of the substrate you go into the third dimension so you have to have ways of running two metal lines over each other and having them be insulated so this is one version of how we do a crossover we imprint a structure that looks like this this is a cross-section here right so it's a multi-level structure we then deliver ink to these reservoirs so this connects to here these are not connected. We then deliver a poxy into these reservoirs which then coats this this under layer here we then splash in more metallic ink here which connects these two and that's the crossover. So this is what it looks like. And in fact. You have you can get very large resistances gomers distances between those two lines so at this point to show you how to. Crossovers and transistors and capacitors and resistors and now we have diodes working I'm not going to share that with you today but those are all the building elements that you need to be able to make and so the next step for us is is two steps one is to continue to improve the performance of these devices but then the next step is actually build systems and it's my view that this area of flexible Atrox is not really going to advance unless we actually build systems discrete devices is is is a start but we actually need to go to. Integrated circuits so. We have designed to roll the roll lines so that we can implement this this process for all the role and the first one actually gets delivered this month to our labs at Minnesota and it's sort of a multipurpose role the role line. Will be able to take up to six inch wide web and we have four tension controlled zones because each printing process needs slightly different attention control but we have slot coding groove your coding aerosol jet we will have jet on here we have a photonic centering unit and this system allows you to go forward and reverse so you know obviously. In production you might have all these operations strong out down the line you have a fifty foot long line but we don't have space for that this whole machine is fourteen feet so what we can do is we can print a layer center it and then rewind print the next layer and through it and rewind so that's. This is our deposition machine the other machine is an imprint nano imprint. Machine where we will make we will cope this curable poxy and then imprint and then we will take that role off that machine to this machine so this we have. One line dedicated to nano imprint it's worked out best to do it that way and then this I think will will reconfigure. And lots of different ways says as has our needs require it. So let me just end here and to be happy to take questions I have tried to tell you a little bit about my perspective on what the challenges are imprinted electronics. And and in particular I want to emphasize that I think you know in order to really do role the role printed electronics you're going to need a self aligning process and I'll finish with. Having you reflect on your smartphone which is an amazing device and I was going to show you mine but it's over my jacket there but your smartphone is it is an amazing device it does lots of things but it is rigid and there are many examples of things that you could think about doing that be much better if you had soft squishy stretchable electronics a nice example is electronic skin for robotics you'd like distributed pressure and temperature sensors for example I already gave you the the idea of a more robust flat panel display one that you can bend and it won't shatter. People are interested in distributed sensing on the wings of aircraft so you can detect the onset of turbulence by slight pressure changes across the surface of a wing that's a large area to cover you're not likely to solve that large area sensing problem by picking and placing lots of silicon chips so I think there are real good reasons to do large area electronics and certainly when you do it on plastic the idea of continuous roll the roll processing is very attractive. But we have some great chemical materials engineering challenges to solve before we get there thank you for your attention to be happy to ask. And. The fundamental limit to how small a device can be. Right so the question is how small can the devices be and what limits that So what I like about imprint lithography. People number of groups have shown that you can imprint one hundred nanometer or even smaller features writes one hundred nanometers is actually quote unquote easy to do by nano imprint right so. Right now for a lot of these applications I don't think there is a need to even go that small so having sort of one thousand and seventy design rules you know where devices are microns in size is just fine for a lot of applications so I actually don't think right now the issue is so much about size it's more about reproducibility How well do the do the devices perform and can you make them in a manufacturable process those are the big issues I think. With the ratio. You need to do the rest of the great question. So actually you can make you can get inkjet printers that deliver drops that have ten micron diameters So that means that I would probably want to target of twenty maybe thirty Micron reservoir size but if you if you do some layouts and we've done some of this you can easily imagine a thousand devices per square centimeter even with those relatively large reservoirs and a thousand there's a. There's no process that we have now that gets anywhere close to that so a thousand devices per square centimeter is orders of magnitude away from what Intel is doing but in this space it would be great. But that's a great question I mean I guess one way you can think about three dimensional circuit designs is simply layering four oils on top of one another and then you would have to have some sort of interconnect strategy. But but certainly there's nothing about that that seems completely undoable to me so I guess the first crack at going three D. from my mind is to layer foils on top of one another. It's all. Right I mean rightly Yeah I think in the system the the lines that we're designing are going to be enclosed in hepa filter so they're not going to be in a clean room they're going to be in a room like this but there have their own. They'll be self-contained inside. Inside a box basically. But you know certainly being in a clean room would would help solve. Some of our ranks are equally spaced which is nice but not all of them so many of the polymer semiconductors you have a coronated solvent in that case though what's nice is you're not slot coating a six inch wide web with with ink you're just you're delivering from an inkjet head so the amount of material that you're delivering is actually quite small but still you'll have to you'll have to remove corn and solve them. And that. Led to. OK So the question goes back to the ion gel electrolytes and the molecular weight influence on the on the gel properties in particular the molecular weight distribution. I don't know the answer but I would kind of expect it not to be very sensitive and the reason is that these are swollen networks so that it's not like this is a close packed you know dye block microstructure. Where. Some of the molecular weight distributions can help relieve interface full tension this is a swollen network where the styrene cores are relatively far away from each other and I don't think you're going to see much measurable impact the molecular weight distribution. And. Me. We're not know is that you know. That. Yeah really good good question so when you can you can make the gel by dissolving the ionic liquid and the block polymer in a CO solvent like Ethel acetate and that's the ink so then we print that the F L acetate evaporates and the gel spontaneously forms. It's a physical cross-linking not a chemical cross-linking and in principle it's thermally reversible we tend to make gels with large enough and block molecular weights that they're stable up to one hundred C.. So. OK So the question is what's the performance of these soft circuits like compared to silicon circuits our circuits are terrible compared to silicon service. You know in my lab clocking devices that are killer it's is great. In your laptop your clock at A couple of guards right. So there's no comparison in terms of raw performance so there's a long way to go in that aspect but I think there's reason to be hopeful I mean there are there are some very nice improvements in printed devices in even the last five years and I think that the inks continue to get better. And so I think I think there's reason to be optimistic but the other thing to really keep in mind and I said this a couple times but I'll say it again is anywhere in flux more trucks you can use silicon by say gluing a silicon chip on your end of the circuit on to the piece of plastic that's what you're going to do anywhere that makes sense economically that's what you're going to do because you have so much power and so we can ship what we're trying to do is develop a technology that would apply to situations that are large area where you would never get away with picking and placing all that many silicon chips and the best to every day example is the backplane to your laptop or the backplane to your flat screen T.V. We use amorphous silicon on glass there because it doesn't make sense to pick and place all silicon chips so a large area applications where you need flexibility stretch ability that's that's the kind of application and you might be able to then get away with less performance. Thank you. In the case of these rules real we've got these reservoirs is there are the three of them we could be standing. So I guess it will. Come out you. No, that can't happen. That's that's an interesting question. I'm not aware that we've seen it. Certainly when you think about a moving web in the vibrations on the web you would maybe wonder about that. So. And so and so sizing sizing will be important how much do we deliver right how much ink do we deliver to the reservoir how big how big is the reservoir it's an interesting question.