All right well I just saw a little pick up pretty much where I left off but I don't have one comp. It struck me that everyone in the school can imagine the. Design information about them being with the construction information at their job job site information about them in their judgment How to me about. Perhaps the information about what we want. What I'm about to tell me a little bit about the supplements that some of the symmetry is between one construction and building information modeling that Paul mentioned on his last slide. And it's been so and I think everyone understands very well the parts a million of them to process trainers are required and in practice. They're both required long term methods. Not surprisingly because of the way that our industry has front mounted not only between the different players that brought in construction but also that with so much of that was the fragmentation is very very great and there are not a many players like in the car industry audience who can take millions and them and most owners of the ones who really can drive the point of modeling that the economic benefits accrue to them. Eventually they are the customers after all and I guess one of the reasons for doing it is that as Albert Einstein said in science in the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results or clearly in the moment. When I'm trying to happen. And by the mention of compensation and bonuses on the early adopters will survive at the expense of the others perhaps So I guess I'm the one who has signed up on the side and has a. Good understanding of building information want to learn more about perhaps you have less background in many construction or many many contractors in the room and may have been exposed to some of the ideas and thinking certainly welcome in a project that Paul spoke about was very much driven by him in thinking. But I thought it would be more some minimal background of course I can't go into everything but some of the main principles are of applying your present profession of value to the final customer. And definitely rancorous definition of well you can feel some mechanism to be able to think about longer term actions with them on the whole production sleep with and think about whether goals are to meetings are actually bringing value to the client or whether perhaps they're just involves a lot of the moment and they're not necessary. Many of our modern result of it comes in the methods we use and in that sense to go to different technologies in different ways so that some of the things we can find are always well it can be removed. And another important principle is the principle of close to the idea of making a fishing production system as a whole and system. Not only meeting a concern about how the products are flowing through the system. And if you are able to reach some of the flow. Then you are also able to reduce the margin in the country you accumulate between different workstations so about my question work in progress can be reduced in the systems are characterized by having functionally and stopped working progress within them. There are generous to turn things with very short cycle times so that you can be focused on doing less things for less time. So the inordinate amount of production. But it's all about less complex and wasteful. So I'm really only I would start all children with as many background. Has. Origin somewhere back with a military option a little company a production system. I'm going to tell you which I generally represent system the production system using this picture of the center of the house and I'm going to turn here without going into the details and pick up on some of the key concepts and what the clue words are because I want to show you the lengths they try to reprint So he wants to see where the links occur. So of course when banks in the value they want to but stable flow when instability is diminishing both in demand and then production right at the margin of course is a function of customers and clients and the whole point is to meet customers demands. So we very much. Think about restructuring the production systems to bloom in the stability rather than allowing the train isn't a balance or in customers missions to disrupt our systems so much in broad terms not a flexible to provide customization rather than mentions the systems point down when changes occur. And backs and started about his work which I think doesn't require much explanation as part of the concept of continuous and measured improvement over a framework of course they're trying to create machinery and systems that are ever proved in many different areas country as for which I spoke about before that point with system in a very specific concept that goes through how we slowly work. Push the systems which are going to create a master plan and then we try to force a system can work according to the plan. Whereas the point system is we try to run the system according to them to manage the government and so we're trying to construct the but the problem to bond and torment about and then held more accountable to the system back to Russia and the initial phases and then had a very methodical system some portions actually very important different from Paul. This is probably one of the key concepts or anyone coming in to lean. Good examples of how that works in practice when moving why it's so necessary action coming. Up. Right. Up. Right. Right. But. It's. It. Well. So. Well thank you so much. So. Right.