Speaker. Scott what can you join us from down under his friend breaker for many years he's been coming to drop it. I think this one is about seven years ago it was the first time in my brain from Southern Wales for itself. Yes yes out OK then from two thousand to two thousand and after which he joined three meter or ten film takes very very and the US to work together on our plans for the world takes. So that's just really Georgia and so we hope that that new program will be we generate continue to do some nice work together but in the meantime looking forward to your presentation. Thank you. Thanks but I'm Thanks everyone for coming on. I really really appreciate that. It's great to be back here at Georgia Tech and and say a few familiar faces and I want a new one. So I'm Scott and down from Cicero in Australia. So what I would go through is just introduce what C.S.R. zero is firstly and then speak about a couple of areas of the work that we're doing on our on our thin film photovoltaic and it's mainly organic photovoltaics and but I'll speak about some aspects of what's going on inside the devices which with applied to some new except the materials that we've been developing but then also go through what we've been doing about printing and of large scale deposition of these materials and finally just talk a little bit about our our nanoparticle work at the end. C S I row with the government labs in Australia and key to this is that we're the Scientific and Industrial Research Organization So we're an Applied Research Agency. We have about six and a half thousand people spread across Australia and we work on different sorts of technologies for a whole variety of different industries. So a budget of about a billion dollars a year about sixty percent of that comes directly from the government the rest through either competitive funding or working in collaboration with industry. So the owner and myself are based down in Melbourne. In the south of a stranger and that's probably our second biggest site where we colocated with Monash University which is one of the large teaching universities in Australia. And so we we have a lot of interactions with them and all of the universities in astray that are working this area. These are the broad areas that C.S.R. are works in so we have a range of different divisions of people. So our vision is material science and engineering. That's basically the chemistry materials science physics and biology sort of parts of C.S. IRA But we've got people that work across all of these different spaces. Some of the things that we've been responsible for so C.S.R. is about ninety years old now and we've developed a number of technologies which are in widespread use in Australia and around the world. The wireless LAN is OUR been our most profitable discovery in that the protocols that use wireless land for devices was developed as part of a radio astronomy work and that went on to become the standard for Y. for connectivity so every device that you buy that has a wife or a chip in it a little bit of that comes back to Australia and has been reinvested in research there so that's certainly been quite big and the other thing that's really relevant here is a poem of banknotes we've had Paloma banknotes in Australia for about twenty five years now and it's and Cicero developed the technology to make the to be able to make those substrates and you mention that a few times because we've built on that history of depositing materials on on plastics throughout the research that I'll speak about. So we work with a lot of different companies within Australia but also some big multinational ones we've had a very long history for example of working with both Boeing and G.E. here in the US but a huge number of small medium enterprises in Australia and. The sort of path to impact for technology is either through licensing it into existing companies or start up companies that we might take a holding in and then divest that over time. So there's a variety of different ways that we work with companies but the key point is that we're about doing applied research to bring benefit in Australia. So the work that I'm going to speak about today. I'm just the person that sent me up here talking about it but there's a huge team of people behind me. They've been responsible for this. And so my colleagues at least around here. Kevin peat. Governing of really been responsible for the materials that I'll talk about mainly we've got one of the team he's been looking at some aspects of the modeling Brander and Fiona here done most of the device work an analysis that I'll speak about and leads and then a part of her work with a growing team now and. I put. Up here about sitting down here in the front few has actually been with Sears or a bit longer than me and. Has a background in surface science and has brought a whole range of different capabilities and techniques to what we're doing in the organic photovoltaics so I can skip over the introduction to sort of flex work broadly we look at some transistors and just to give you a sense of what we do in the lab we've got synthesis capabilities that look at comedy tour a lot of approaches parallel approaches sort of thing right up to very large scale facilities so we've got five hundred lead reactors that can do big big scale up and we did take one of our small molecule materials a few years ago up to a kilogram scale to sort of show that we could use that facility in the analysis we've got a range of different characterization tools that are that valuable to us and we colocated with the strain synchrotron just just down the road there so we have increasingly been using that for some of our in film analysis work. The device fabrication. We've got a range of different systems for doing that similar system to go up stairs but then as good a few few more sources than we have in your system so. But then. But in the. Many devoted to our they'd work and I won't sort of speak about that in detail at the moment but this is just highlighting I guess what we've done over the last couple of years in the lead and that's really been developing a new blue meeting material. That's performing very well and that's a long term collaboration with the Japanese petro chemical company and. So in developing that material they are a supplier into the major display manufacturers and that continues to be a big focus for us as the materials and the host materials. So pretty obvious to go. There we sort of got the capability to go from the small scale seem to through analysis and and characterization and also some really large scale printing which I'll get onto as as we sort of go through the talk. So I want to now turn to solar power and you know the main focus. I want to talk about and I always like to put this up to sort of accept responsibility for this on behalf of the country we are you know the dirtiest country in the world when it comes to power production and therefore my personal view is that it's incumbent on us to address that most of the strays electricity comes from coal and particularly brown coal that's very low density in low energy density so. This is why we should be doing it and we also should be doing it because it's a pretty sunny place and we have to recognize that these things other energy forms other than things we can dig out of the ground and. And this map shows that of all the places in the world is pretty much the sunniest place. So again it makes sense to do solar power in Australia and this is showing radiation at ground level so places like South America. There's more higher mountains and more cloud cover and things. So this is a photo of my house in Melbourne where I'm doing my little bit to try and do it but I was on holidays with a while ago and one of the sunnier parts in a stray or another. And so this one and they've made more of an effort than me in putting a one hundred sixty panels all over their house so. That's that's that's what we're hoping to to get. So to go on to the in the data has now been mentioned at the start. We're involved in a couple of different consortia the first one and this is what has been responsible for most of the research that I'll talk about is within Victoria. There are two research partners at the University of Melbourne and Monash University. We've been working with them very closely for about six years now and the companies that are listed in the bottom row they're. The largest. You do sort of steel. Roofing in Australia and films is the company that makes the substrates for the banknotes and they've been very very important to us in teaching us how to print. So more recently we are now part of this consortium that mention that it's a specific Australia US program that has been funded. This new money in Australia linking into existing programs in the US But what's really significant about this is that this in a stroller is bringing together all of the people working in photovoltaics in general. So Martin Green at the University of New South Wales has been the. Pioneer of silicon photovoltaic research in Australia and a world leader for a long time and Martin's the head of this consortium. And so his group and its W. The group said this train National University in Canberra who also work on silicon photovoltaic and now linked with the other three universities in Melbourne Monash and Queensland and also the C.S.I. road working on the organics So we think this is a great opportunity within Australia for us to Werman. From the things that the silicon guys have done but this specific connection with all of the groups here in the U.S. is also really exciting for us and this is a it's an eight year program now. So it's considerable time to do this and we've spent the last six months negotiating contracts so we've now we're ready to do some stuff so. So what I want to go through just first is some measurements techniques really that we've done and I've spoken. I did. To some of you about this before but obviously looking at energy levels is important in new materials and the technique that we've used to do this is for all transport trucks could be in air. This is analogous to U.P.S. but it is a quicker process for doing the measurements and just briefly use Chernobyl what to irradiate the surface to be. Energy and the photo electrons you generate I know is oxygen molecules in the air and that's that's what you detect And so what this is unable to do is look at a whole range of different materials and treatments to surfaces and measure on a station potentials. So just a couple of examples here about things that we have done with it. This is showing the work function of. On the left. So that's that's the measurement we do. After we have done a simple as prepared and then with doing a treatment so we can see on the right where we can shift the work function up to you know sort of five point four and that persists over time so it's a very simple measurement to that we can do we can do measurements on metals and get. Numbers that are similar to what's been reported in the literature by other techniques and we can do none of particles this was work that we did a couple years ago we mapped out a few different nanoparticles here. And looked at both. Peter and the U.V. spectra to map out all of their energy levels based on particle size and seeing how they shifted as we're changing the particle size. We can also look at believe that we put around the outside of these particles and so the surface and see what effect that has and also what effect the kneeling has on on the particle so all of these measurements we can do repeatedly on the films or in a very quick way. This is some work with a McCulloch and Martin he had worked on an imperial where we looked at the properties of the poem has been able to correlate the work function with the S debility the transistors. And looking at the thermal and dealing of T.P.C. B.M. blend where shown on the right there you can. It's well known that you see changes in the absorbance but we can see that we're not actually seeing much of a chain. You know I was ation potential of the blend on on the kneeling. So this is what the specter of the Peter H. T. in the P.C.B. him look like and. You can see that the actual measurements and cells are fairly precise. There's not a lot of margin for error in the interpretation of the data so it's still an estimate and it's a complement to other techniques but it is a very high throughput easy technique need to use and I'll come now to a couple of examples where we have used it to inform what's what's going on in devices. But one aspect that we've looked at a little bit recently of it is the light intensity and whether or not it's how our surface. How much of the surface. We're looking at versus the bulk. So this is looking at a film of probably thought Fane. And applying different energy of the light to it and we can see that within era. We're getting essentially the same value so we're not seeing any charging effects by using a higher intensity light and we're also not seemingly going any. Any deeper. But to look at that in detail what we did was took one of the organic semiconductors that we've been working on and come back to this material a few times. This is a small molecule ph up material that we've developed and done a bit of work on and we deposit down on gold surfaces and these are the U.V. spectra showing that as we as we move up from here. The the red surface here was the untreated gold and then we're putting material on there. So we can see it absorbing more. But if we take those films. And look at the big gold or the. The thick layer of the Durbin's across them we can see they give two different distinct spectra in the pieces so the on as Asian potential is is very different but if we look on the on the right here now and a very thin layer of the Durbin's across in on gold we can see that the curves actually got. Quite an inflection point so we can see two different parts to it and they pretty much correspond with the gold band and the dog and the cross and so in that case. We've only put down ten animated the dog and the crossing we are actually seeing a signal that corresponds to both materials now that could be in complete coverage or it could be seen through the surface but for whatever reason we're seeing both there. But once we go to about twenty nanometers. We see no evidence of any of the gold any more. So this is now the twenty made a film and we're using different light intensities and there's no change. So we're just seeing what's on on the surface. So this is giving us evidence that this technique really is just looking at the top level of the devices of the films and so and that in most of the examples that we're looking at is the important part. And what what we really want to look at. So that there. So now I want to go onto what's going on inside some of us. And when people look at Junction devices there's obviously been a lot of work about what's happening at the interface between two materials and how we understand that and what effect that has on the device performance but within the individual demands of the two different materials there's also a lot happening and you have to consider that that can change depending on your deposition conditions and and this work has led a lot of this and been with a number of teams and so what we did was take these Duggan's across the material that I introduced earlier this material and we had looked at this in a bio device where we use it with that material here. Now what's interesting was that this material we can deposit it by saying it's been coating or by of operation. So we can look at different. Deposition conditions for the same material and we can keep everything else about the device the same. So to sort of show it more clearly we take out the by structure we put down our paper and then we put down either the Dobbins or cross inverse of encoding or evaporating. And then process the rest of the device in parallel under exactly the same conditions at the same time. So the only thing with changing is the deposition conditions. What we saw straight away was there's a very big difference in the performance of these devices. So the efficiency of the evaporated device is about fifty percent higher than the it's been coated one. Now we've made a lot of these in the reproducibility is pretty good. And so the data is pretty solid in the big difference is the voltage. So we're seeing in the evaporated devices an open circuit voltage about point eight balls but in solution processing. Point six four. So the first thing that suggested was this something different about the energy levels here. And so to look at that we went back to the measurements were introduced. And so we looked at the two films deposited by a pressure must be encoding in there is a difference and the difference is reproducible and the precision is quite high. We did a whole lot of repeat measurements on multiple samples to get this done and the difference and the the. Sort of direction of the shift is consistent with the larger V.O.C. for the evaporated devices. So we wanted to work with the other aspects of the device that were having an effect as well. Could could there be other explanations. So looking at the absorbent spectra we can see that broadly the is about the same the onsets pretty much unchanged but there is a difference in the splitting structure of the spectra here. So we can see that shape difference. In the position of the peaks and that is related to the intermolecular angle of the distance the way that they approach each other. So therefore this difference in deposition conditions is is changing the way the molecules approach each other. Going to do this work. And we can see that would building up the layers here. But what we wanted to really know was is the into mixing of these layers the resolution and he's not really telling us that a molecular level if we're seeing some material penetrating in into the films. So to do that. We spent about four or four days at the nuclear reactor in a stray we were doing some neutron an X. ray reflectivity measurements and you know for those of you that use that sort of use of facilities you go and lock yourself in this place for four days and eat lots of junk food and don't sleep a lot and do that so that was a fun experience but just showing here the X. ray reflect on the tree measurements where we can look at these these two different types of film so the red is the film The blue is the evaporated device and we can see here that the. Model is a is an excellent feet to the dart or in both cases and what we're seeing is that there is the is not penetration of the materials into the two laser same pretty pretty clean wires but what's. I guess most noticeable is down here where we look at the scattering link density of the Dobbins across in last so in the in the evaporated device. It's about eight point seven years in the Spin Co device about ten point three So in the Supreme Court a device the density is higher the molecules are closer together. There's more of them in in the same film and so that that's a key difference here where you can see the C sixty. There's no difference in the air so. Between the two devices and and that's the same as a pristine C sixty film so that's the key that there's no sort of interpenetration there. So therefore there's no intermixing but they give these more dense marker structure in the spin coded films the two key conclusions from from that. So having sort of established the physics that the physical nature of the devices and the interactions within looked at the electronics over there and looking at the dark currents of the of the devices was. We thought could give us insight and Bernard and I think William did this work quite some time ago in looking at dark currents in these sort of devices and sort of relating that to the type of interactions that you get in the films. And so we took on board that approach and some there's been a few different papers that have been published since then. Mark Thompson's done some of the work there's a couple of different are groups that have done it where we took out the fact that from the shock equation you can extrapolate out these J.-A so value to which you can use to employ some some information about the way molecules relate to each other in the film so applying this theory and all the math on there again the energy of that that's that's way beyond me doing that but in working our way through the data on the dark currents for the two different devices. What we saw was that there was some pretty significant differences so this is so primitive that we calculated you know a an order of magnitude difference between evaporated and the Spin Co devices so we see here and here. And we can then use that. To calculate the open circuit voltages that you would predict and they're in pretty good agreement with what we actually measured so. In. Keeping sort of the conclusions very general about this because there is you know some question about you know how how we relate all these together but the key point is that the difference in the jury is consistent with a higher voltage in the operated devices and that is consistent with the stronger interactions in the spin coded film leading to increased recombination so that's the the working hypothesis that we have from the start of that in the spin coded films the density is greater the interactions between the molecules are greater the recombination is greater which drops the voltage and therefore drops efficiency. So putting all of that together then there was this difference in the energy levels but which affects the homo's But what we believe is that the difference in the marker structure within the wire is what's actually driving these differences in the devices the spin coated films of a more dense and so the conclusion that the marker structure within those individual layers is important not just the way that donor except layers segregate. But doing this in this bio device were able to separate this out from the pocket or junction and I think to be even more clear the key is that you know a single given material does not just have a single packing style in a film. It depends on your deposition conditions and so that's a political in this case in the devices but we think more generally in devices that we have to consider that just this extra structure that we might get of a single molecule or something like that is not necessarily representative of what we get in the film and it can depend on these deposition conditions. So now I want to move on to work on some new electronic SEPTA's and a come back to applying some of those lessons that we've learned there about the market structure. But this. Work that began a couple years ago and. For the first probably a year we didn't get anything. So we made a whole lot of molecules as new except as and they actually didn't work at all not even a little bit. They just didn't work at all. And it's a tough period these days a lot of good reasons for looking at. Motives other than fullerenes but it can be. It's really hard to predict you know we. Some of the motivation is here and I guess this is the least recently of some of the materials that people have come up with that are alternatives to full range. Having some material that absorbs what is interesting but. Essentially in mixing these different materials with Inter materials it's a two component system where we're only varying one of the variables and we haven't really to a large degree been varying the other one. So there is I think a large motivation for doing this but it's it's it's tough and I sort of come back to that. How tough it is a we go through a little bit but. Where we started in this work was really driven Kevin wins and Berg is part of a team he conceived of this idea and then Peter Cameron and given collars made most of the materials for doing this but Kevin I guess looked at the Indian that was been mentioned fairly recently by some work that cost me hot steel and these were some small molecule Peter materials the class. The been developed in but Kevin sort of looked at the paper and thought well this Indian diode fragment. Could you modify the electronics of it. Such to make it turn or for Peter material to an end up material and in doing that he had a couple of criteria that he set out to do and one was that he wanted to put together pieces that could be easily functionalized. And that were what he termed privileged structures. So things in. Proven materials that have been used in organic electronics the robust the we understand a lot about them and so he thought starting with those and trying to put them together with the fragment was the was the strategy. So putting them together in this form with the dark of luring in the middle flanked by the five in an enduring Di and was with the target and it during all of the work we worked really closely with that Buick who I mentioned at the start has done some of the calculations and. We do some estimates based on the calculations and we actually only made the materials that had energy levels that were about the same as P.C.B. am so we did a lot more work on on paper than we did in the lab. This was where we started from we thought OK we'll make that make that molecule. One interesting thing that came out of the calculations for this was that in this particular molecule Lumo in the calculations is they work was over the whole molecule that was something different from some of the other materials. We're not really sure whether or not that's important but it was notable. So we went through and developed the synthesis for this and starting with the be subordinate there of the Lorraine we added the five things by the other heart and did the Nova now go condensation to put the indent Dion's on on the end. Try to few different derivatives but the two that I'll talk about in Indeed how is the Dark One and die Ethel hex all derivative there so F. eight id T. here has the the October change in the Age has the chance. Now they're both small molecules and we were able to get crystal structures of both of them and. We can see in those that more or less the similar. The difference between the stacks is is minor The fate. One is really. Brickwork patent. The F.D.A. has a slightly slipped. Brickwork patent. But one of a better description but they lined up in a similar sort of way and in the solid state. Did a whole lot of characterization and was responsible for a lot of this. And we looked at the way that the films and you know standard sort of characterization it does quench Peter H.T. when we looked at the thin film Exidy of the films we could only see Crystal energy from Peter H. T. in the blends so these are not particularly crystalline materials notably by both the photos see live and transistor measurements we couldn't measure any electron mobility in these materials but I'm only telling the story because I did actually work so they do conduct electrons but we could measure that in a pristine materials energy levels for the two materials are similar. But and you know come back there again in that is not a big difference here in terms of what you would predict from the voltages. So this bit of data on here. I'll take you through it. So we made whole the device that of these materials and this represents months and months of work and variations in different things but what I would summarize here is the two different materials blends with Peter H.T. using two different solvent so either orthodox or a benzene or a kora benzene now with both materials or benzene gave us better results always. And so what we can see if we look through here if we go to the efficiencies we can see that for the. The F. eight derivative here in the in the blue best of patients we go about one point seven percent but whereas for the next one. About two point four. And. So the biggest difference with these was the voltage here so the F.A.A. giving us almost a Volt in the open circuit voltage and as I said that's bigger difference than what we would have predicted from the energy level measurements. So this sort of started to look a little bit like the first Dura told you where materials were giving us a different voltage than what we would expect just based on the energy levels. So having made all those devices and sort of convinced ourselves that there was you know a fair degree of. Appropriate degree of reproducibility we we moved on to looking at them in more detail. I did mention at the start that you know that there have been some difficulties along the way and you know we don't shy away from the fact that the reproducibility of this hasn't been high. There are some issues with purity and we tried to address this by making fairly large batches of material so we did in particular scale up one of these materials to about twenty grams so that we could work with a single batch of material and that was an easy those of you that a chemist would know that that's quite challenging to do that but it was really important because we needed to take batch to batch reproducibility out of the equation. We were seeing enough variability just with a single batch to so we needed to avoid changing batches. But as I said even with the same batch this still this is this is more sensitive than P.C.B. am this material so even though you know in side by side comparisons. You know two point four and three point one you know it's not too far off P.C.B. I mean that it is it is more sensitive so it's something we still don't know really why and was speaking with Bernard this morning when we would love there to be some sort of measurement that we could do in these materials that could tell us the difference between batches before making devices but we don't have that technique yet you know really taking the batch and making the devices the the own. Anyway that we have so far telling how they work but for those of you that are looking in this area. I just say caution you that it's not easy but perseverance and you know I think it will improve our understanding with time. So again we took the devices and did some analysis of the dark currents and in the same way that already explained before we gain saw a fairly significant difference in the J. So values that we got out of there. And we can take from that. That that is consistent with the lower open circuit voltage that we see for the F. A derivative and so that is again consistent with stronger coupling stronger association of the molecules that we can't be too prescriptive but exactly what we're talking about but it's consistent with stronger coupling for the F.A. to receive. So the take home message is that we've developed this class of materials but in looking at the two the October chains or the A for Heck So it does seem that having the XO chains there prevents the molecules from being too close together and and undergoing a large high rate of recombination so in interim molecular interactions. What's really important to their actual performance of the devices. So that's all the work about our small molecules and there's still a lot more ideas that we want to test out and we were obviously want to move this into looking at donor materials other than Peter H.T. and that that works ongoing in parallel with this we have also been doing a lot of work on new polymers and we just about to be out of brought this up and finish it off. Some are going to talk about it in great detail but it has gone very well in the last couple of years. And we have developed a couple of systems that at the. Working really well and these are some donor excepted type polymers. That we've done and our colleague mean Chen who's actually moved on now and Chin who works with us now have been key in working through a number of these different materials but what I'm showing over here on the right is this the polymer that we've made. So it's. Benzene in the third dies or Coppola and we worked on this for a while the first devices that we made out of that gave about three percent efficiency. But just by working on the material working on the processing we've now got this up to eight point six percent. Now we're showing down here and what I'm comparing it with these young cells work that was published last year with the F T B seven so you know it's pretty pretty good this polymer and it's something that initially it wasn't that promising for work. It's a three percent to you know eight and half percent just by changing the synthesis conditions. So enter Holmes's group at the University of Melbourne have really done a lot of work on the on the synthesis of these They've actually adapted the synthesis to flow chemistry so again we can make large amounts of it. I mean was able to make this material in batch marker wave synthesis and get make twenty grams of it. And again that was really useful to us to have a large amount of it but we think going for the flow. Chemistry is the way in and it was actually the one who's made all of these devices as part of the because consortium that we've done there. So we have taken this material and printed it not to these efficiencies obviously but we that's where we're going in the future. So on the on the topic of printing. We have a big being applied research agency and having a consortium that's really focused on. On. These applied aspects of the soul so put a pretty big emphasis on printing and actually I want some that I can pass around you can have and that's one of the biggest ones you can have it has been battered by the trip over but you can have a look at that while we go. So for about eighteen months now we've been printing devices and we started off printing ten made about ten centimeter devices. That we could study in depth and that's what we've done most of the work on so most of the results are sort of talk about almost ten centimeter but maybe ones and we've got them up to an efficiency of about two point two percent. Now when we use the best. It's really dependent on the R.T.O. and the more the better the R.T.O. more expensive it is sort of a balance at the moment because we're not buying a lot of it but we have printed a lot of these materials and. The real focus already is going big and this is a photo of our big printer. Now that we took delivery of a couple months ago and this is the final stage of the printing and what this is a screen printer that we can use to put on paper and silver and then the bits in the middle here. The three boxes here in the three boxes here are a drawing stages where we can either pump hot air or they've got infrared elements in there. Depending on the material for drying things and so we can use that to put down the top layers of materials after we've used the other printers that we have to put down the other way. These can go up to about thirty made is a minute we haven't gone anywhere near those speeds yet because that's pretty expensive. But that's the one that we've done on that one and for us really about the noise a pretty small economy compared with the U.S. And so the number of it's amazing we work with these limited. So we're trying to go as far as we can to deal risk. This is a manufacturing technology. The No one in history who would invest in doing. It's from scratch. So we feel that by our sort of taking this down and looking at the development of the actual you know mechanics of the printing part of it we can hopefully try and help them that final stage to actually putting it into or into a device in the model we would see that people that we work with both academically and commercial we would be able to use this equipment. We're not printing on this every day it's way too expensive for us to do that constantly but we have plenty capacity to do that and so. So even speaking this morning. You know I definitely think there are opportunities for some of the work that's been coming out of here for us to translate this across to some of the printing work that we've been doing and trying to dress some of the things that that the outstanding questions. So just now got a little video that sort of shows some of what goes on in the lab and some of the the printing work and just sort of talk you talk you through this. So the first stop is the printer that we had that makes the ten centimeter wide devices and and so this just sits in a few McCubbin in the lab. So it's all done in there and we just print the. P.C.B. and lies down and we got together the most handsome men we could find in Syria for these short. Poor Fiona. But we made lots and lots of devices and we can wire them up in different ways and we've put a pretty big emphasis on making demonstrated Zicam people want to hold their hands and self giving them to the government to say you know you gave us lots of money and here's a little solace or back for it. But we did a lot of testing outside. As well. And so the set up here is our outdoor testing you know we can monitor the absolute radiance temperature performance of the devices under all different orientations get an environment chamber we can do the temperature tests and. So feed all that data back into things. This is Shannon showing some of the devices and so then as I said we moved to doing it on a larger scale so we took delivery of the second printer which is shown here. This can now print a thirty centimeter wide. Reels and that we can then take the reels off the end of that and put that on the end of the the really big one that I talk you through at the start. So you know we think we've come a long way in the last couple of years and it's been a pretty pretty fascinating journey and what I said at the start about the work that we did on the banknotes and the work that we've continued to do is is really important to this because we couldn't have done it without that work. We couldn't have done it without people who genuinely were printers helping us make decisions about which printing techniques we would use. So we mainly using reverse groove your printing as a take making a little bit of die but we really think that reverse group view is a more versatile technique than what die and security would have been invaluable in teaching us how to print. So. This chart here just shows the sort of pretty performance up to I guess the end of last year and the peaks correspond to the efficiency these are at ten centimeters or ten cent of a devices and then the tails are. How long they lasted and so you can see back to back in two thousand and eleven. We weren't doing very well at all and they weren't lasting very long but gradually and this is putting a whole lot of factors together so there's multiple things that are contributing to this but gradually up to a start. We're probably going to be higher than now a little bit over two percent and in terms of the lifetime now the shelf life of the devices that we made on the tense intimate about ten. Is pretty stable to get over a year but that's devices that we made a year ago. So I think the ones we're making today are probably a bit better than that but we. It to find a way to accelerate that testing so it's just real time at the moment but. That's that's been our journey with the printing. So the final sort of science Syria that I want to go into now is a little bit of work about our nanoparticle solar cells and this is. Jack and Brandon Brandon was a Ph D. student who worked with this. And did a great job and what where we wanted to address in this part of the work is in parallel with their organics we recognize that the inorganic thin film technologies are an established. Technology you can buy solar cells made of you know the moment but that they were perhaps opportunities develop new processes for these existing techniques in our approach was to develop printable solution process will nanoparticle based things we started out looking at CAD Telluride because that was a system we thought we could get a bit more insight into We've now moved into both seasons easy. Yes work and develop particles for all of them. So the approach that Jack came up with was to develop these particles and then use a layer by layer deposition process to put them down and you need to do this because if you try and put down a single The nano particles and then a new album. It just cracks and you get shorting in the device does not work but by doing this layer by layer approach and so the device structure is good we can get devices that don't short and that work very well what's going on inside this process is that we're taking nanoparticles or making they're about foreign animators in diameter to start with and they've got the guns on the outside putting them down and then we do a deep coding process where that washes off those Wigan's. And then a kneeling process about three fifty degrees and that drives off the league ends and causes the particles to meet together and center and then we put another wire on top. Now that that process going through sin. All of the materials together and what you end up with is you've taken four nanometer particles and turned them into seventy nine and made of crystals and at that size they have pretty much the same properties as bulk had been Telluride but the total thing is about devices are only about five hundred nanometers So this is significantly thinner than the three mark on devices that people make very close by sublimation So not only is it a more simple deposition process it's just spin coding and it's all done in air but it's also using significantly less material than what's currently done. So Brenda did a whole lot of work on the different aspects of that process and not going to go through it all here but this is showing one aspect here which is the kneeling time. And so we can see that as you and you at different times in the day of him images you can see the size of the crystal growth grows and what we found was that around about a minute. The kneeling at this is it three hundred fifty degrees but a minute was the optimum So it's it's a pretty quick annealing process. From a processing point of view. We're now looking at doing Flash annealing that's compatible with a continuous process. But we think a minute's pretty good to be able to do this. These charts and the table here shows the effect of the kneeling temperature and what I guess cutting straight to deficiencies. The best deficiencies on this chart is that seven percent. And we're getting that at three hundred fifty degrees so we can see that a different annealing temperatures we are again getting different sizes of the crystals here. And so these three hundred fifty degrees are seventeen animators so ours was. Is the optimum and and you can see from the R.P.C. Daryn we did we did some more measurements in depth look at what's going on inside the devices and we're getting to the electrons out of these these devices he. Here. Are just this is just showing the kneeling time to at these different different efficiency so again you know around about that that sort of minute mark. Jack and Brant did a lot of work on modeling the internal quantum efficiency so combining the data with what we had on the films we're able to see that you know you get a pretty good feel for the model to our data and able to see that our actual internal contributions is pretty high. So we can see down here across these different thicknesses where you know almost one hundred percent across there so as I said getting most of the current out of these devices. And in terms of you know how we're operating looking at different modeling different devices here we can see that the conclusion that we came to was that what we've got is a fully depleted Hadra structure and so that's consistent with. This builtin field across the device the charge collection. So the final thing that we did was to look at modifying the zinc oxide so that it's really the interface between the zinc oxide and. And we are you meaning that we did and changing the zinc oxide said this is protocol we were able to improve the efficiency even more and move them up about ten percent shown here and it was really the voltage in the field factor that we managed to improve. They're now taking it further forward in commercial devices they use moved him as an electrode in inverted structure and that we looking at all those sort of things but more broadly as I mentioned right at the start where. Applying what we've learned from the to the sees it. Yes In particular systems. So that we're addressing you know one of the. Problems with cadmium Taylor are bridges the cadmium. So it remains to be seen. You know what we'll do. It's probably depend on who will work with to move it forward. But we've definitely learned a lot about these none of particle devices. And just quickly on the applications of all of the technology in general I guess this is probably familiar with the thinking here and in other places but we're talking with a range of different partners about some different applications short through the long term and I think some of the more promising things are the really short term things that we're talking about about you know in advertising or indoor type applications where we were somewhat optimistic that we might be able to see some actual products come out of the things we're doing in the relative future. Certainly advertising type occasions where the last time requirement for three or four weeks we can we can do that now. And so that's what we're talking with companies illustrates we are to use our facilities to deliver on those sort of things. I mentioned the start the team that we have and this is just showing a photo of the larger flexible group so this is the O.B.V. and people here and I'm very fortunate that I get to work with people from all around the world. It's a pretty diverse group as you can see there's only a couple of people in the group that grew up in Australia and. We benefited also from a number of people coming to us from industry. So when I who laid work. We previously led all of Cannon's early research in Japan and so the experience that he's bought and a few of my other colleagues who have come back from other companies in the U.K. and in Japan of also bought a lot of experience. To us. Now the final point that I wanted to make was just about communication and this is something that we did recently which we did with a little bit of trepidation in that we did a bit more of an effort about putting out a press release and a lot more information about what we were doing about. Printing. So as a consequence there was all these voters of me on the Internet which is not necessarily a good thing but we put out this press release and I guess we just started talking a lot more about what we were doing and it was taken up in a pretty big way particularly but we did get a fair bit of interest around the world and what I I think surprised us was that there was this interest because we weren't the first person people to do this other people have scaled up. These printing as well but it showed that there's a real interest in this sort of thing but it also I think showed us that even though we're an applied research agency we're really comfortable publishing in academic journals and sometimes this relationship with the media can be a little bit would be a bit hesitant to do it because we might lose control but we designed this to speak to the partners in media that they are used to using which is blogs and websites and magazines and things and that's actually the best way to get to them and for us what it uncovered was a whole lot of companies in Australia that we didn't know what they were doing and they didn't know what we were doing and so brought us together in a way that a paper. No matter how prestigious could never have done for us and. And the media didn't really distort the story very much in general but the coverage was pretty good and and pretty positive and people wanted to tell our story in the way that we presented to it. So the sort of. You know take home message that I have is that I think this sort of thing is important and it's not a natural thing for us to scientists to do. But you know I think it is important. So just to wrap it up when we've got it. Serious are a range of activities that looks at materials through characterization and printing we're always looking at trying to work with people other people in different ways that we can help. Add to what they're doing or they can help us on different things because we certainly are not experts at all of this and what have shown you today. Is that we've got. Some techniques can asked look at allow us to look at what goes on inside these devices and we've applied this to a couple of material sets particularly our new electronic SEPTA's And the key conclusion again was the interaction between molecules in a film is really important in driving the performance of those devices. And so that's informing a design process going forward but in parallel with this we're developing some other materials such as the new polymers and the nano particles that will help make the devices better but then working on the printing and how do we actually translate this to the large area devices. So that that's the end of what I wanted to present today that's my contact details up there very happy to answer questions now. But if you want to get in touch about things we're doing also happy to take that. So thanks again for coming along. It's great to visit here again appreciate you taking the time. Thanks very much. Thank you. If you would not respond to that and something like twenty hours and they're very nice job. Thank you so you accept there is a very special place I would imagine just like there is for it. Yeah I think there. I think there was a yes there is there's the U.V.B.. Suffer for errors like. When you have just wondering if you have. Yeah yeah yeah I mean that's that's exactly where we're falling down and that's exactly what we have to do. Yeah yeah we've done a lot of mobility measurements then but where with more seen it out. Is this right of recombination that that's where it's having an effect. Most of these materials are pretty low mobility so like I said with days we can. Yeah yeah that's true but it but it's the way that the molecules interact with donor except your interface is sort of a function of them how the material sort of line up like that. The mobility is an interesting one because we haven't you know we put a lot of effort on photo C live. But we haven't seen a really strong correlation between the measurements that we get from abilities and device performance. You know the other people have clearly by different techniques but it's especially with these materials where we can actually measure mobility I mean I have to transport charges the devices are working pretty well but they but we don't so well so this is probably the thinnest thing that we've printed we think we're around about the ten to twenty nanometer range but we can't really measure that point. In there's no limit to really have been we can. Go. It's you know you can just make the solution would be you you might be we would need a material that we can measure to be able to tell that for sure but but it is a very proven it's a proven technique taking a can. You know there's not a lot that can go wrong with it once you get the solution down but not this.