[00:00:04] >> So I would like to welcome all of you to our demystifying hard GA take works event series today we are going to focus on leadership and development programs for faculty and staff on campus there are a couple of different programs and they are different in terms of in terms of their focus their duration the way they are structured so we told it would be a good idea to hear about the folks who are leading some of these programs so that we can understand what the similarities and differences are and then you all can decide if you want to participate in any of them so I'm going to give just very brief introductions because we're a little bit tight on time. [00:00:50] Just saying their names and titles and then they can tell more about their their current roles in the program so we have heard love Xander wave who is the executive director for diversity inclusion and engagement at the institute Institute office of institute diversity Julie asses sitting next to Pearl is the associate vice president for Institute diversity. [00:01:13] Let's raise Ferguson she's the manager for workplace learning and professional development team. Executive director of the Strategic Energy Institute at the Aerospace school of aerospace engineering and then is going to share with us some of his experiences in participating in this program and he needs to leave Believe it or Liz so we'll let him go early to give us his remarks and. [00:01:41] Next to Tim She's the associate vice provost for graduate education and fact of the development last but not least we have Bob Thomas who is the Professor of practice at the sellers College of Business so please join me in a warm welcome for our speakers so I'll turn over the microphone to that. [00:02:10] Is there. I think. So good morning everyone happy so as I said I'm a faculty member here in engineering and I actually I have been I'm an Atlanta transplant I moved to Atlanta 95 to be a graduate student I got my Ph D. at Georgia Tech and it was just be a quick jaunt to the southeast has turned I have 4 children and photo ops and so here I am but so I've had a been a Georgia Tech for about the last 20 years and been able to see it from different perspectives from from a graduate student a faculty member but. [00:03:00] In terms of leadership development I would say I've sort of experience 4 different things on campus around leadership development so in fact I was just talking to Bob Thomas I took something called leadership Roundtable which was I don't. Maybe 10 years ago and that was a weekend retreat with about 15 faculty members 15 staff and faculty. [00:03:22] And I've also have done something called emerging leaders Institute Elyse a Georgia Tech every every university in the state college system nominates someone one staff person and one faculty person every year for the for the Eli program and I did that probably 5 years ago with Jennifer her in the provost office. [00:03:42] That's what the university system of Georgia and then I also with poor have done the inclusive leadership academy which was more of an online with some face to face coaching and then with Latrice we have we I have used the disk training which is I guess basically Myers Briggs type for the team that I lead at the Energy Institute So those are kind of the 4 ways I've interfaced with the different leadership development opportunities on campus so I guess my overall observation on these is one it's been super helpful and and I guess I would just highlight a couple things 1st of all just the self awareness growing self-awareness and growing self-awareness is not it's not an easy thing that's a that's a painful process but I think with all of these all of these different things I really really have benefit in each one of them I've been married for 25 years and each time I've sat in these classes like Man I wish my wife could be in here with me this if we can we can go through this together. [00:04:44] But I think the self-awareness piece I would just highlight for me both in terms of. Of what I do here on campus but then also just for me personally personally as a father and as a husband and. I think the other thing I would put I'm going to sound a little nerdy here but I'd say in terms of what I would call orthogonal life experiences and I don't how would I translate that basically a completely you know as a faculty member you kind of get put in a certain track where there's a certain set of people you interact with in a certain set of things you do and a certain set of skill sets you develop and doing this really. [00:05:18] Really jolted me I guess in terms of just getting a completely different perspective in thinking and so in that way was it was extremely helpful the other thing I would say is just expose me to a set of mentors and I don't know what you call people that are mentoring you but that you meant T.V. maybe a horizontal with what's that a peer mentoring of peer mentors which I would have never met any other way so for example Beryl who was one of the organizers of this that's how Beryl and I met through with Bob Thomas is the leadership roundtable and she now meet quarterly just to kind of talk about whatever and we comin treat each other so anyway those are those are my observations. [00:06:00] Hi I'm Leslie sharp I work and graduate education a faculty development and I want to thank P.R. and Beryl who's not here for organizing this group how many people in the room are faculty great great heavy people or staff. How many people or something else is OK great so I like Tim have participated in a number of programs and I'm here to actually talk about some of the things that come out of our office but I cannot say enough about 2 points that Tim made about being self aware and really opening yourself up to some self reflection and sometimes it's painful but a lot of times it puts it gives you a chance an opportunity to say hey wait I'm doing some things right and pat yourself on the back and giving the fact that it is that giving month we also need to thank ourselves for being kind to ourselves and take care of yourself but the other thing is is the networking with other people participating in these programs you meet people who become your colleagues in friends for example and I met I don't know how many years ago now 10 years ago and it has really I have really personally benefited from that relationship but then we've continued to partner same with Perl we've met through some of the diversity problems which started I guess when you were still in H.R. so I'm going to talk about some things that are. [00:07:35] More geared toward faculty in terms of. Programs there most of them are leadership development but I want to start with some of the more. Upfront ones so when a faculty is own boarded here at Georgia Tech we have a new faculty orientation and the past couple years we've extended that to become a new faculty orientation extended and we held prom programs throughout the year so it's not just that $11.00 or 2 programs at the beginning of your 1st semester or 2nd semester here at Tech but it's continued for example next week we have a program that will be our own kind of legal issues and legal responsibilities of a faculty member really focusing on the classroom and that's December 4th if you're interested in that I can tell you more about that if anybody's interested it's going to talk about Title 980. [00:08:33] As well as some. Issues about freedom of speech in the classroom so it's going to have a really great group of people from H.R. compliance as well as legal there to talk. So that's our extended new faculty orientation and we also have a part time new faculty orientation for anybody who's interesting the classroom for the 1st time whether it's a graduate student staff part time lecture whatever they can come to that and that's partnered with the Center for teaching and learning which is one of the units within our larger unit. [00:09:08] And speaking of teaching professional development one of the things we have in addition to the Center for teaching and learning all of there are a of programs we have the provost teaching fellows there right now in their 3rd cohort year and that is. Full time academic faculty are eligible to apply for that and the application process begins in the spring also out of the Provost office we have the provost emerging leaders program and this is for associated full professors who are interested in formal leadership roles or leadership positions but also those informal ones that you may just the leader of the team or the leader of a research lab. [00:09:55] And so that is we're now in our 3rd cohort of that and it's a year long commitment and they commit to meeting monthly as well as to going on an off site and then in June Terry bomb and I take a group of the faculty across Georgia and we piggyback on the president's tour so they get to see President Peterson action and then I get to show my favorite places in Georgia and so it's really fun that's a fun program. [00:10:22] And then we have a new program and I've got flyers on it and it's the provost fellows for faculty development and that application program is open right now and it's eligible for all full time faculty. That are non G T R I G H E R I don't mean to exclude you but we just needed to limit the scope so it's research faculty full time research faculty on campus as well as full time academic faculty both tenure track and non-tenure track faculty so I have flyers here that I can pass out when I'm finished speaking. [00:10:58] We also have some other things that are interesting that you may not have heard about for academic professionals and lecturers who really want to be a part of this we have a map program which is mineral academic professionals and we had one pilot and this year we're doing our 1st group of it and Latrice Ferguson has been fantastic and helping us with some of our other programs and so she's kind of helped us frame that and that is a mentor mentoring program for mac for academic professionals. [00:11:27] To really meet other people it's been a really great program this year I have 3 mentees last year I had one and I've really gotten as much out of it as I don't know what they've gotten out of it other than they say thank you but I have gotten a lot of a get to know people on a more deeper level and that's been invented has taken that the application period for that is on the summer and then there are some other programs that are Georgia Tech like the one that you that Tim mentioned on the law but this one there's one on their land Coast Conference academic leaders net network and it is does this is its 1st year and 5 people were selected from Georgia TAC to participate in this leadership program that goes a whole year long and this has been I'm when I was selected this year to participate in that and it's been fantastic but it they plan on doing it again next year and that is for senior leadership who want to meet and work with other people outside of Georgia tack. [00:12:34] There's another program that's being politic this year within the provost office that Latrice are you going to speak about that are now OK. And. Own the workforce development stuff like trees and her team have done a van task Dick job they have grand fantastic videos they have classes they will come and help coach personally as well as help you with leadership development programs and this one that we have a policy within the office of the Provost which is a mid-level administrators leadership program that hopefully after one or 2 or 3 cohorts then will it bring it out to campus or keep looking for that and that's for people who have been in their position for at least a year at the director assistant director and above and it is at least 2 direct reports and so far it shaping up to be a really good program so ask me next year so anyway thank you so much and I really appreciate you coming it says a lot that you came and took the time out of your day to be here thank you. [00:13:41] So good morning is it still morning Yes good morning everyone and. I appreciate the opportunity to be here again my name is Pearl Alexander I work in the office of institute diversity and have been here for a long time so I worked my way through H.R. and did a lot of that stuff and. [00:14:05] Had the opportunity to deal with a lot of challenges people challenges and realised that my calling was probably. More prevented if work instead of corrective work. So I am here today as a recovering H.R. professional. Fully immersed in diversity and inclusion work and so we have. Diversity and inclusion office that I left you some information about and on page 68 I think in this brochure it very succinctly lists a lot of the professional development opportunities coming out of institute diversity you also have the brochure that looks like this or you might have it and that talks about specifically a lot of the professional development opportunities that come from our team that was created in institute diversity. [00:15:11] About 3 years ago now and then the last piece of literature that I brought you is this Friday on transformative narratives. But Ron I want to talk more specifically about today is the inclusive leaders Academy one of our newer initiatives that's geared towards people who have responsibility for leading other people and anyone who has that responsibility Ken applied to participate in this program I don't know if we had anybody besides Tim in here who's been through the program much if you familiar faces and. [00:15:52] These are people who are designated as culture champions once they complete the curriculum. We put this together as part of our strategy to try to help shift the culture of Georgia Tech to be one that's more inclusive and engaging leadership development is is really really important it's a big issue in our country and really around the world right now. [00:16:21] And it does entailed being very intentional about developing certain behaviors leaders drive the culture in an organization so how their leaders act is how people start to mimic and interact with one another and if it's healthy then you have a really healthy organization and people can be really productive and be their best selves and reach their full potential in that organization Conversely when we don't have that we have trouble and so the inclusive leaders Academy answers a call around helping people develop those skills that create environments of inclusion and moves us towards our goal for inclusive excellence and so we have a good time in the academy It starts on minus 10 mentioned with him. [00:17:21] Mation modules that talk about unconscious bias falls into this self-awareness area that's really important. And overarching goals we have in the academy are creased people's self-awareness their social intelligence and their courage because it takes all 3 of these things to to be inclusive it's so easy to. Default into what's familiar and what's comfortable but we push people in the academy to step outside of those boundaries and to develop life skills not just leadership skills and when you're doing that what we bring your attention to and your awareness around is the legacy that you're actually leaving here as a leader it's not just about that strategy you create it you know that that world class product but it's about how you interact with and treat it the people who you're responsible for how you treated the people who you interact with as peers and how you treat your boss even because all all of these individuals. [00:18:41] Are influenced by you on a daily basis and you can either open them up or you can shut them down and I think far too many people have the experience of being shut down in the workplace and so we focus on those skills that are going to have people create connection with one another. [00:19:01] And. To be able to be the leaders that they want to. And so that's a little bit about the inclusive leaders Academy I see a hand back there yes. Yes thank you so 2 quick things that right now we are in the process of recruiting people to the academy we were accept a class of 100 leaders this year and. [00:19:36] The nomination period will close November 30th so that in the end of this week. People can nominate themselves they can nominate their colleagues. And it's on line if you go to their. Staff Rosia inclusion in the game website which is W W W that S.D.I. dot Guide dot edu click on leadership development you will see the inclusive leaders Academy. [00:20:13] You can also Google it I think it's still coming up as the 1st thing when you go inclusive later Academy and. There was. Form you fill out there's a right there it's a self nomination or nominate a colleague click on one of those either one and names in and we will be selecting people very shortly the program runs from February to May And so we kick off February 5th we will be concluding on May 22nd. [00:20:49] And people do their online work in their self study and then they come together in small groups and what we call wisdom labs and group coaching sessions and in some instances were able to also do individual want on one coaching. Professional certified coach one of the things I'm most proud about being since I've been here in Georgia Tech and I enjoy coaching and I'm one of the people who coach in the program. [00:21:18] As well and so we're only supposed to talk for a few minutes so I'm going to be mindful of that we've given him plenty of literature and if you have questions feel free to reach out about that we love to see some of your faces in our programs. [00:21:35] Thank you hi everybody who may still be with you here today I'm here to talk about one of the programs in institute diversity and attack and it's called Leading Women at Tech How many does this even work. We don't have to do that. Not just saying OK. So thanks for the clarification on how many folks have heard about Leading Women attack. [00:22:04] It's OK if you haven't and OK Just want to get an idea it's a nice number so essentially I take this with Pearl. And it has been one of the most enjoy about things actually that I do here. And it's very much in line with the strategic plan of Georgia Tech and institute diversity which helps provide a framework for the program. [00:22:31] Which is one to pursue institutional effectiveness by chocked Inc developing nurturing and retaining talent and good people providing a pathway for excellence for women in particular and under represented minority staff and promote diversity and equity in the advancement and promotion of women and under represented employees so that's the framework there's other pieces of the framework including a climate study that we conducted about 5 years ago and then most recently you may have participated in that and there is quantitative findings that qualitative findings consistently folks especially women are talking about the need for more career advancement opportunities feeling they're stuck in certain positions and also expressing a need for more collaborative opportunities similar to what Leslie was talking about prior so the goals of Leading Women at tack are to create opportunities for women leaders who will advance a culture of inclusive excellence at tack and strength in their leadership ability and Hance their personal and professional growth and just support their overall career development. [00:23:56] This is our 3rd year we're in our 3rd cohort this year so we've hit about $68.00. To 70 women thus far from across campus and just to give you a sense of this year's cohort we have folks from information technology enterprise innovation Georgia Tech professional the office of development the College of Business Georgia Tech Research Corp A lot of nice O.C.A. Shand the library the Office of International Education legal affairs student integrity and government and community relations so that's just the sample of women from across the institute and that's very important because again similar to what Leslie and Pearl have said one of our main goals is to kind necked people and this provides an incredible opportunity to do that you know a lot of people talk about feeling siloed which is a very university thing you know everybody's in their space putting their head down doing their work especially women who don't often get out and do the networking that they really need. [00:25:05] To do this provides an opportunity for women to come together and connect and develop professional and personal collaboration's which is just so satisfying for us to see so in terms of the participants this is geared toward women who are Director level and above and or administrative positions who are leading critical initiatives at tech and they're interested in personal development and lifelong development as well as building community we have a curriculum that goes about 9 to 10 months starts in September or October it depends on the year and some of the topics include South Africa say it is yourself estimates of how you feel about your abilities to engage in certain activities emotional intelligence. [00:26:04] Intercultural Communication mindfulness mindful leadership negotiation networking storytelling visioning and so we have leaders outside of tech and inside of tech come who are really experts in their field and provide sessions from 60 minutes to 90 minutes that's usually the length of time to a full day and we do this about once or twice twice a month and people really have to give a commitment to calm and participate there's also a coaching component that's associated Pearl and. [00:26:43] My gosh Sheryl Shoko full field help oversee we have reading material some really key literature around professional development and professional development as specifically relates to women as well as books about mindfulness and presence as well. We have an advisory board to this year's advisory board is made up of the business Miriam a lot of the Terry Blom in business Erica Moore who's the executive director of tag and Georgia Tech graduate and John Stein the V.P.. [00:27:22] For student life so just again in closing this is really one of the most gratifying things that I'm engaged in here because I see professional development for professional relationships development develop and personal relationships develop which really minimize this feeling of Silo and aloneness and isolation that you know often overcomes people at work particularly in university setting. [00:27:52] The content is unique and I say that because we've researched and we've been engaged in other programs and it's very specific to again academic settings and it's free. A program like this and we're still working on the number you know range from you know a couple $100000.00 plus for a year of intense intensive programming so that's that's leading women attack and please feel free to see us if you have any questions about it usually there's a call that comes out a nomination period and you can self nominate not to wait for somebody else to nominate you can nominate yourselves when does that usually come in the spring towards the end of the spring May June and we review the applications fairly quickly. [00:28:45] So I everyone. So I'm literally star guest and I represent the workplace learning and professional development team there are 7 of us and every single person on our team is fantastic one of the things that we tend to talk about a lot in any learning session that we do is talking about relationships and how important building cultivating creating a network of relationships how important that is to your success here at Georgia Tech and so sometimes we use this quote that is the chemistry in the dugout is more important than the stats on the feel well somebody else at that. [00:29:29] But we've adapted it because we believe that most of our employees bring the stats on the field meaning you bring your experiences you bring the knowledge and expertise and what we want to continue to cultivate is that chemistry in the dugout and so a lot of our our learning sessions in the things that we do help with that right so we run the gamut from the beginning of an employee's career all the way through so we start with a new employee experience which if you are hiring anybody or you're new and then actually and sometimes during the year we do what we call the seasoned employee experience because a lot of people love it so much and they say I didn't have that when I started it so they like to go through that so no employee experience is really meant to guide new employees through the 1st 6 months of their career we also then have our core curriculum of courses that are offered every single month and they fall into categories ranging from. [00:30:31] Performance Management communication to leadership development so all of those classes you can find on the it's our website and you can sign up you can register and we've done a lot of work so that 90 percent of those courses are for. So that you can get your manager's approval signed up and come spend some time with us the important thing to know about each one of our learning experiences is that they were designed such that you can even media at least transfer the knowledge you've gained right and so we're really deliberate about whatever we do whatever we talk about we give you an action plan so that you can immediately transfer it because we know that even though you come and you spend a lot of time with us and you have fun you only remember 30 percent of what we talk about and then if you don't use that 31st thing it diminishes even more right and so we try we are very deliberate about that a couple of other things that are ongoing that people get really excited about is mentor tech professional partnerships that program will launch in February and we need as many mentors as possible so that we don't have to turn away anybody who wants to be men toward So if you. [00:31:46] Want to check that out we have mentor tech. We also have something that I'm pretty proud of kind of like you were talking about leading women it so passionately I am very proud we have a podcast you guys and it's called interruptions and it's a different way of learning right so you don't have to always sit in a classroom and spin hours among hours to learn there are intriguing conversations that we talk about all kinds of things one of my favorite ones is radical candor we talk about. [00:32:21] On that so they're about 10 episodes out there and we try to produce an episode of mouth so that's very interesting and then there are 3 new things that I will talk about that are coming so one is called professional development circles and what we found is a lot of people want to build a community but they also want to talk about real issues in a way that helps them Problem solved through things that are happening. [00:32:48] With them right at the moment and the professional development circles are MIT enhanced manager fluency So you recognise that any time we deal with people sometimes they're going to be challenges in their different ways to attack all types of different sounds that come up and so professional development circles is a very informal way of doing that we launched that at the end of January so January 29th is the lots date and there is information on our website about that and then there are 2 other programs one is called arise which is a program that is coming soon I don't have a date for you but keep on the lookout for it it will be in 21000 for sure but that is for a lot of people are emerging leaders so we hear a lot of leadership development for people who are currently managing people but we get a lot of requests for people who want to take their career in that direction and arises a program that will help you with that so that's a program to look out for and Sweeny one thing and then. [00:33:53] 2nd to last Lee house a 2nd to Leslie is a program called Lead now and that is a program for people who are currently in a manager's role and that's about a 67 month program that used to be called or we did one cohort It was called the manager's toolkit but now because now. [00:34:12] And then every year the 1st week of December the association of talent development they do that week employee learning week so that's coming up next week employee learning week is coming up I will pass out in some flyers so that you can precipitate an employee learning week what we've done this year is really try to uncover our campus of opportunity so it's perfect with this Hoda mystifying series and hearing about all the stuff that happens on campus there's so many opportunities to learn and develop and grow from as you can do health and well being we partner with folks all over campus in creating your campus learning directory so you can go there and you can find all types of things and we hope to continue to keep that up throughout the year because a lot of times people just don't know where to go to find out what's going on so that's employee learning week that's what I say so there's a keno on Monday and this is very interesting she was an engineer she was a senior executive at I.B.M. and she had a. [00:35:22] Brain injury and the brain injury affected the part of the brain of her brain that allowed her to do all the computation in the things that made her who she was as an engineer and she's going to be talking about the power of adaptability and how she had to recreate herself in order to continue to be successful so that is Monday it's going to be on the global Learning Center at 10 o'clock feel free her name is event Pegasus and we want as many of you to come as possible so again my name is Latrice there is Ray in Travis in rates. [00:35:58] And Bryan and was Lee and Paula on the team I like to say people's names because so you know who they are but we are the workplace learning for person of element. Good morning I'm Bob Thomas and we've got a program that we've been running this will be the 4th year called the advance leadership workshop we call it adapter leadership workshop and right now there are more things in there than adaptive leadership. [00:36:25] It's a series of actually 4 meetings. $32.00 and a half hour meetings Mondays from now on to $1130.00 and it starts January. Stage 28. And then it's about every 3 weeks and what we do is we asked you to come out with something that is they leadership dilemma or a leadership challenge for you and I'm sure you would have really had to struggle to come up with a leadership challenge has been most people have trouble finding just one but. [00:37:00] You're right out your leadership dilemma and then we take you to of through the daft to the leadership framework which was developed by. Heifetz Lenski. And so we'll go through that framework and then we'll put you in groups of 4 and you will act as consultants to each person in the group to share do you use the framework to go through your leadership dilemma and so you do that outside of our workshop. [00:37:33] Then the next session that we come back we're going to debrief on that and then we're going to talk about Keegan's for immunity to change that each of us have our own immunity to change and if we understand how. That model it can help us address where we're putting on the brakes but also help other people and notice what their patterns are. [00:38:01] We also are doing that look at the concept values and each of you will take values and then Tori and we'll go through that framework so how Tona values and interest and go through that framework to help you recognize where your top priorities I use are and also how the world view of people you might work with what their values are and how that might affect your communication. [00:38:30] And in between that you'll get with your group again they'll be homework sound was that you work on. And then the 3rd says we're going to talk about servant leadership but we're going to talk about it in a kind of a different format than you may associate with servant leadership it's not about doing community service it's about how you can serve others and your role as leader and we will go through that the final session is very short it's basically a celebration and so we'll all go have lunch and talk about what we've learned and like many of these programs a big part of this is to break down silos get to know the people. [00:39:17] We try to limit this workshop to 12 to 15 people so you have groups of sometimes 3 but ideally 4 and so you get to know people across campus and your come from issues that are important and try to apply these frying words. And. I think that's about it. [00:39:47] Thank you so much for all you do 1st of all thank you and your teams for all these wonderful programs that you put together and for sharing the information that's been been helpful to me even though I knew about these programs some of them at least I still learned quite a bit so thanks again so now we're going to open it up for questions from the audience so I suggest maybe take couple of questions and then our panelists can pick and choose which ones they want to answer if they're very difficult they may skip a question so that you don't put them on the spot so any questions come from the audience. [00:40:36] Good morning my name is Camille you Hilary and thank you so much for this workshop it's really been helpful but I just want to clarify on something so I am staff I'm not in a leadership position but I would love to participate in one of the leadership academies but for the most part I think that they are only for people who are in many positions so both sides arise that's going to starting tonight in the mentor program are there any there of the leadership programs that you know I managed that can be a part of. [00:41:19] Any other questions before I buy into our. Hi My name is surely Manchester and I have a question for America Cheryl in regards to their leadership academy. I got it wrong Pearl Pearl I'm sorry my bad. But what is the time commitment that is involved with the leadership academy. [00:41:57] It runs from February to May he said so I just want to know what's the typical time commitment for that program got curriculum. Just right. You'll think. I'm pretty Can't I just also like a little bit more clarification on 2 programs specifically one Leslie you mention which is something recent relatively new out of the Provost saw office for people the director assistant director level mid-level managers and also a little bit more on the program you were just describing. [00:42:38] And maybe following up on the 1st question. Leadership doesn't mean it ministration maybe you all could comment on that a little bit on how these programs might still apply to people who might not be in an administrative position but might still engage in the their civic activities so we'll have other reports in these 4 questions about. [00:43:04] So. Camille you know I'll start with the with the 1st question I think. So a lot of the pro you said a lot of the programs designed seem to be for those folks who are already in leadership positions and you want to hear more about opportunities for folks who may aspire to take their career in that direction OK So arise Yeah you heard about that that's coming but also there are a ton of coal we have about $22.00 classes learning sessions that come out of the workplace learning a professional development group that you can take any time you don't have to be. [00:43:46] It doesn't matter what your role is on campus those classes are open to back staff. Any anybody actually we have some postdocs and students who come to those classes as well and they prepare you for a lot of the programs that you are you know that we've talked about so Tim talked about the disk classes of one of the pretty popular ones we have for ethical corners we have giving and receiving feedback we have. [00:44:15] Conflict Management so there's tons of classes that fall into 5 particular competency areas that anybody can take and those things are specifically designed to awaken the leader in you so you don't have to necessarily be in a leadership position to take though so that's one way to start the 2nd thing that I offer 2 is that when you come to workplace learning or professional development if you are trying to figure out how you know you can prepare yourself from a theoretical educational perspective we can create a little learning plan for you that it's not a formal last program but it will sort of give you a track to take to sort of get there. [00:44:57] Yes. Yes absolutely I strongly recommend you do that. So I have a follow up with that on a couple of things the 1st I mention is our employee resource groups they're listed in this brochure our employee resource groups are. Going to say sions Well denies around common dimensions of diversity but they're not exclusive to people with that dimension of diversity so we have 6 employee resource groups on campus that do a lot of work in the area of professional development community building I see some of our members here we have probably close to 2000 members. [00:45:52] And. But you have ongoing opportunities if you're if you sign up for an E.R. G. and even if you're not a member. You know meetings are usually rather typically open and they. Produce. A good $30.00 to $40.00 opportunities during the course of a year for individuals to come together to network to. [00:46:20] And grow together so the 2nd thing I will mention is our storytelling and initiative because storytelling is absolutely a skill and it is a it is a skill that we're promoting among leaders because it helps them be better communicators and be more connected with their followers but it is a skill that will distinguish you like none other and we don't have any limitations on the people who want to come and learn storytelling skills and in fact tomorrow we're having a campus dialogue if you want to join us in the afternoon when you see. [00:47:04] There's a session called storylines we live it's going to be in the student center Piedmont room. From 232430 where we take people through. First hearing some stories that were created by people right here on campus faculty staff and students who've courageously shared things personal stories from their lives and so that's another opportunity to learn and grow and meet people who might be in some of these other. [00:47:40] Initiatives already who might already be in management positions we think anybody can cultivate develop their leadership skills and it's good to hear that it there's something for everyone. Throughout the university and I want to encourage that but we like to say we grow storytellers and so you have the opportunity create a personal narrative to learn the scales this there are skills associated. [00:48:10] That that kind of bundling what's called Narrative intelligence and one of the key skills is listening. And so there are a lot of other skills that go along with that and the 2nd question that you had about the time commitment for the inclusive leaders Academy it's $18.00 to $24.00 hours of learning so it's chunk you start in February and you do the online modules and that sprog Oblio about. [00:48:44] See just shifted. About 6 hours of work and then coming to the labs you do you do another you have to do a couple of labs and that's in the 6 hours of work coming to the labs at the coaching sessions this year we're also doing a book reading So that's going to account for some of the hours and then there dialogs so the total number of hours invested is going to be somewhere between $18.00 to $24.00 but is spread out over 13 weeks so we try to make it easy digestible and so people have the opportunity to reflect on the learning you've heard a lot about that as well that's a critical thing to helping your learning stick once you generate some insights from what you're learning you have to reflect and practice those skills in order for them to actually become part of who you are. [00:49:41] And I think the next question is for him. So all the provost mid-levels administrators program that is in his 1st cohort and. So it just started and molded the application process in the spring for next year for next year to be a year long and they meet once a month. [00:50:10] And so some of the sessions are about like. The one in December is about adaptive leadership and change management a what they just did a really great one on budget and really understanding how the budgets work at Georgia Tech really from a high level but also some of the nitty gritty type things but also if we had change manage management. [00:50:37] So. You know reflective leadership I'm also they do a strength. It's really I think a good program hoping that after the one or 2 years of pilot it will spread across campus. You know. Academic impressions for that 2 or 3 days really intensive focus leadership development and that was all at the cost of upon the provost supplement and he really saw that within the provost of larger Provost office we had some incredible people that we needed to really think about their next steps and succession planning and you know if I had someone come to me today and said so and so is apply for a job they're probably lead to that they're free to tell you because they're afraid you're going to be afraid I mean be mad I'm like I will be upset to lose them on my team however I am so delighted for them I want them to go and have a greater impact in Georgia tag so I mean that's kind of the I would say the attitude of most of the vice provost that I know that I work with as well as the provost and that's my attitude here is the fact that we're at a education institution and we should support the education of everybody who sets foot on this campus no matter what their role is and that includes everybody and I think that that is the people here at this table believe that as well and that is really important I think when I read some of the survey the stuff that comes out of the surveys that have been done one of the frustrations that I see and fill across campus and it is from staff and faculty that they don't see that there are avenues to grow and there's different kinds of growth there's positional growing where you're growing and you're moving up maybe to a higher level but then we also have people who are very happy with what they're doing and they want to grow within that. [00:52:39] Zisha And so across campus there's lots of the employee resource groups I'm involved with the women of Georgia Tech employee resource groups as is Mary Lynn right here. And. That's an opportunity to grow and have satisfaction beyond just your day to day work but also meeting people and growing within that there's also a colleague of mine is really involved in Earth Day She's passionate about the Earth Earth Day and environmental and sustainable she is now a leader in that group and I think that that's. [00:53:15] A wonderful opportunity not just within your unit but outside here you know. We hope so and there is I would say they least the provost at I mean I want to speak to him because I know for sure I've talked to him about it he is committed to making sure that not just the faculty have leadership programs coming out of his office but there are also some staff wants to so that we can improve the experience of everybody on campus. [00:53:57] The advance lose your workshop is open to anyone and our attitude is that it's not a based on your positional power everyone has the opportunity to exercise leadership. And I think that probably runs across all the programs. You know it's how to expand your ability to influence other people. [00:54:19] And I don't know if you had any other questions about the. It is an application process and you'll be on the advance website and I've got a few brochure a handout but not many so but we can get it to you. Around like. Yeah. I think you'll be with one of the people from our small group so I strongly encourage that program as well it was. [00:55:03] I mean we still get together and share our challenges with each other and help each other. Thank you thank you. So. Thank.