Welcome So my name's tracer Mertz I'm a professor here in the physics department and it's my great pleasure to introduce Thorsten Ritz. He's coming to us he's a professor in the sixth apartment at U.C. Irvine. But he's actually coming to us all the way from Germany where he's doing a sabbatical right now in your lonesome. And. It's a true German it's education was all in Germany Ph D. he received in two thousand and one from university of all but in fact actually at that point he had already come over stateside so. Although it's from university of all it did the work under caution at the University of Illinois which is actually how I got to know Thorsten having joined the same group a couple years after he left and so I've had the pleasure of crossing house with Thorsten many times over the years and found his for US Navy so we're going to hear a little bit about that today on how once a mechanics may influence sense the magnetic field. So without further ado and it all thank you. What I'd like to do today is to introduce you to an emerging field to a new field and signs that this country is to remember. That has aspects that are still exploratory and I still raps a bit controversial speculative shall we say that and when I was growing rapidly in a city. Or in nature. And in the national level. I think I'm a little out of. The match on the question we're trying to address in quantum biology is whether the road of quantum physics you know this won't grow to enrich will describe how atoms and subatomic particles with I am a phenomenon that go along with that. And this strange magical wealth and then I hand is also a description that is extremely accurate in extremely powerful but that nobody can refer understand or comprehend when they met description risen went up a separate time Rick Renzi NASA player or biological processes in power want to know in other words I am and I'm not in Balanchine ribbon organisms and cells net and I'm going to explain and when we understand the quantum physics I'm not running at that. Now when we talk about different skills just to give you an idea. That Iraq at as a physicist or someone else in this range where we're number one a standing the number around is risk a Senate nominee Tirzah one billionth of a neuter and that is the scare after a small amount of crude maybe and you know acid something that's a part of the building blocks of the biological molecules that we have in our bodies and if you go after ten and remember that I am a one tenth of an animator about the distance between two atoms in a chemical band and then with a group of arrows if you go to about one hundred nanometers we're going into the skin of viruses and then with a thousand and one that the scale of South individual sour smell or sounds of a curious that hour until you get to something like a tennis ball that consists of clearance of atoms. And so quantum physics is very much your left side that side where we have a small particle and then what we call classical her neck is on the outside the back ten is past and how they behave and none of us would ever dream it who want to describe how a tennis bad moves at describing how average true ones of atoms in this tennis barrack tie together were just talk about the velocity and the position of that and maybe the spend and written exact ad that entailed that is in there would describe that in a classical way. So we should in some way in biology that is also usually built out of merely an bury and variance of atoms think about organised and. This. Matter. Well there is a trivial way I want to be very. Accurate about this because we all believe there's a says power to sit who understands the. Of course at some fundamental level everything is quantum mechanical. So I want to describe how to atoms from a band I need to do this with quantum mechanics and I saw the quantum mechanical Christians and they use what I do in an to mechanics to describe this impetuous right from the bottom up to something like a can of chemistry where I can understand how bands of formed how different reactions are going on and ultimately how the biomedical. Are then created and then and then a step back from there you will get molecular biology which is essentially. Using. This underlying knowledge but then as I'm just describing that Adam articles that are interacting What are the parts of the machinery said you have in our bodies what are the particles that are important if not there it doesn't work anymore and so for and so it is kind of that if you look at this picture I'm going to kind of into all of you add to Ruth that there is no debate or controversy about this that at the bottom of all of this life quantum physics and so that's a trivial way in a way that you could say that because X. is a part of biology as it is a part of everything that's under mental Deborah when we start out with that's not what we mean by quantum biology when we talk about quantum Babaji think about these weird phenomenon that exists. Or I missed atomic and subatomic scales level very hard to understand. Easy to describe sometimes mathematically and the question is do some of these phenomena actually matter and actually occur on the side. I want to call responses. So to get a grip back a flavor of what this richness is here is you know one. A Jewish example it's a quantum skier and if you see something like this where they know you have a skier who risk through it is not in two parts but you see this tracks one of them going to a Latin the other one to the right of the tree I mean Rick thank rawest is probably a joke here you know there is somebody playing a trick on you but if you go down to the level of electron that happens advertising you're a half an electron that and take two separate apps at the same I'm a can behave as a wave and interfere with other things or and that can disappear and reappear after this kind of things and they're. Run. Out of quantum mechanics if there's ever a mess at the very bottom and that's again a family thing that Isabel a very strange when we think about doesn't as we think about that we had a camera and that wasn't very sharp and you don't have the best will Russian ever think about it as a mess and questions are like you happened yesterday you know I was the battery under control as I was stepping and then the bits over that back when it comes to an measurements and. Height of the fabric that's a matter after essentially a much resolution to regret and if you have enough resolution you can determine you know how accurate the rest something is that's what we think and you know after measurement from the classical belted out of the limited by the resolution after measure with the limit of how accurate we can determine the position of something depends on how many megapixels you happen but there's a limit you cannot determine it with after the accuracy. The interesting thing as we look down into the smaller and smaller patterns of the world there seems to be a fundamental agreement under mental fuzziness that is Nam as the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and actually if you read to translate what Heisenberg set in jam and Schaeffer then it's only a reaction in the as an ISP and suppose. And it's. Going if you determine that so that. This tennis ball with absolute accuracy to back up the measurement and you could do that then remember at our fast if movement whether it's at rest or whether it is moving intimately and the other way round if you read to determine in philosophy with absolute accuracy you would have no one commission about it position because there is a quest claiming it as a myth but you cannot prove any further that is weird and essentially means you cannot get the states to something we cannot determine the last ity and and last and speed and position at the same time with absolute accuracy. This is not just some basic relationship but there's an actual equation with actual numbers so we can't tell if this. Is measures of that much accuracy when the other one has to be. That much higher than at any. One consequence of this is the following what you see is an electron on our left side of this wire that is then you know becoming ill have a nice line says interference lines and if you look very carefully you will see that on the right there is almost like a little phantom that was appearing on the other side this is an electron here time a red and it shows the memes there are a probability that I'm at that electron to actually go through the. Rest is equivalent to if you throw a tennis ball number if you want to get a random have to throw it over to Rob you have to give it enough energy that there is a small probability that it could actually go through the ball that's what we call tunneling and it has to do with Eisenberg present as principle if you don't know exactly where something is it's a very small probability it might be on the other side of the well and. Now. Well the talk today I was not trying to describe add cancer let me go back actually one am just we were an example in a very it's a real phenomenon it matters a lot. That the sun creates its energy through the fusion processes work in the way we work and less tunneling were to occur in it and get enough and if you as much energy out of the sun you do so there's a real application of. On the scale in this case of some. Quite a bit of evidence that end sematic reaction. Depends our Absolutely this principle of tunneling in order to work and so what an enzyme that has essentially secured a list of how it's reactions chemical reactions to happen faster and that's true if you look at that carefully it may happen faster than we should and that's you include this effect of tunneling that can we rise to even faster and efficient reactions and right now as part of this movement of. Raf quantum Barrett There are many more questions raised may be wondering is important as well our in things like. You questions that are being created and if that can be poor who would have big impact on our campus illusion and and that are of biology. The our effects of time learning that have to do with that eye catching in capturing we again at least anecdotal evidence of the supporting the ideas of how doing as one example or quantum biology examples of quantum Da Vinci that I don't know have time to go into detail in today so I want to focus on just right other topic today one example of quantum biology which has to do it into the magnetic compass of birds just how I came into the world because I heard I'll shorten the talk about. When I was an undergraduate student. And. I was I think a second year student and I was fascinated by this because he suggested how pantomimic and my playwright work in describing you know the height of birds and things like that and I was always fascinated by biological problems and also like. This is a wonderful topic backing on. To understand we need to understand what I've written I'm a man and that is known as I'm in temperament so I'm going temperamental where half the states where you don't know whether an object is in one state or the other that's like you had a readiness gap which is a given that you don't know whether the path is a life or getting restless with my brain if you have to do with spins we're up and down and down and clearly when the measurement of one hundred the measure meant. Some correlation when one is up the other one is down and the respect you know since you are going to excess is assists you know instead of just calling these atoms and current them hours and back so I thought I'd like to get a little demonstration of the thing and with my now I'm wondering do we have an hours and a back in here that can actually have a split second I asked Andrea back. Now Babs in Riyadh I have that is rather too bad now. Thank you and that's Stan Grant who was chair so yeah you know so well. So it's a paper and there are grown and I'm sad to read on the other end. And so reading first as I prepare a quantum state and making sure that this one is read what I want to read. Because if I have now a thousand baps and houses and I wouldn't pay attention to ask Robert then I would owners in a lot and nations whether to first a secretary of state you know a barrister with Greenough there and Alice with red now what I want to do is Iran should return to each other and slowly spin least I'm not sure that with the thing. To do with the lamp and then at some point I was there. And then I would like to turn around and show your audience what stage we're in here so and responding down here because this is the stage where we don't respond well we're starting to. Just. Want to mechanically answer read there wasn't Arab state you damn right it is I don't know whether she was a better green and so I do remember him and the measurement is the moment when I say start. To turn around and show your status so west coast I was a state is red state is green Now I did not read her as a group it never meant I could have figured that out and I had a very exact exactly rotation time and I could have figured out what were to reply but without that this was a matter of measurement at the ranking I don't know the man and number of her throat and read back state had to be written. As news to stop and think that untangle it that's the problem now I don't know what was happening and what it was again as to when the measurement and the necessary. And stop. Adam So it's against America have to accept. This is grain and Baptists left so again in this case I put a little bit that. Number in quantum so's I couldn't do this so in West Coast again I make the measurement and then I'm going to say it and I want to understand it OK now this is. What is necessary for this to happen it was necessary that the stage was prepared that we had read and set up in in the right way it was not necessary that the writer every lap of the same speak. Just have a different waves pattern and different you know things that turn out there. But the REM thing that is strange about this. Is a clue is. That I made a measurement at Alice's point so in this case I just said Star and you heard it as well but that means that Sampras travelling from me to you now. When we talk about results we have. Already lost a lot of things over the years. The time and the distance between two things it passes prepense on the observer that's what Einstein thought or. An object was flying by an observer with high speed than the best and we're trying to spell it's we're trying or that you know unless there's a change and the same with the space between time and. Anyway I can actually determine whether something's out the same place or at a different act to do with Iran with Pogues to transmit information from one side to the other and that. The Tenet who happened has it is that the absolute maximum. Every measurement is handed. So as to that exactly at the moment when the measurement is done at the point. Alice Asso back state collapses as we say in our lingo and just opposite the compliment truth it has to be it doesn't seem that information is in traps it's just lapses into it at exactly the same moment and that is about eating everything that you know we. Stood for and so difficult to understand unless you're in good company. You know interaction at a distance and asked So you know suggest that this type of experiment and thing with can possibly happen at the measurements the dam and it does happen thank you very much as a bad apple. So when half the size and hammer of better and better but well let's assume for a man I do if we could actually use this one corruption I think this could be a binary code where I encrypt red and green and sad and the other that will just get the opposite so I could run on corruption when the two run with map and useful with them later apart from each other and so there's a little bit of competition. And the latest record of them in China where they actually went through satellite in and Congress there were. Several thousand miles away from each other and again at exactly the same question when one measurement is done on the other you are happy complimentary state appearing on the other side it's a wonderful thing if it can work because nobody can listen then because the listening in a measurement in would destroy disentangled state so in our. Method if you can do it this way so this. You know it's a little bit of saying what is written then I can state whether it's to quantum states that are mixed together and so that's what we have with anger manned and it's. Like a real phenomenon we happiest were to be happiest switching between one state in the other and back and forth and that's going on. Resto is at the heart after magnetic compass on earth and switch the birds. Ripping Robin which is the animal that. Has been static and every time they're suspicious packages that an animal the reason I study it has nothing to do with that this animal is particularly interesting it has something that makes it easier to study it. Just a true artist and I reason so example a lot. More about how she was done under six. Member status and so forth and it's not because it's a particularly good at memorizing things or other things but it has a very basic no self so it's easy to take recordings from it and so that's why a lot of history was done on the Supreme so right working rabbits. Your parents are so if you look at. Their distribution is the number of European regions so this is why there are here and then apps you're in Scandinavia and we'll have them in the summer are going and then in Southern Europe Mediterranean and Northern Africa I would have only in the winter where our distant migrant. Birds migrate. Now it has something to do with the well ability of fruit and so on and it's not as easy as that about say I grimace as normal for two as well somewhere else that's happening but if there's a generation that has to Milford the next generation their kids will microbe more so maybe something happens if the members of the privileges and higher nap during embryonic development if there's a switch that is triggered and something changes for the next generation but that switches that. You know we need I don't know what to do and what either Now it's genetic so we can take a population that is. Migratory and with in for generations you can have a fairly migratory and migratory population that's possible to do and of course with a quick. But that's my question that we've got now there's many more questions related to migration we don't know but one question with a little bit about is how do when I went to my right so that's another question however now it's about. Now some of them have and were crap just as someone who go on less just another way of saying we don't know if I'm Abbott and your clockworks. That avarice a simple curve from the outside and that is the bell rang and hottest and the two that the biscuit number and I would spend and it's time to migrate back north so with European Robins. You keep them out of the winter on a twelve hour by twelve hour day. And then change that to sixteen hours day and hour as night and within about a really well stacked in with Michael Terry state and it's a room grip fund raiser logical state so dead there happens faster better temperature it's like the elevator you can't really tell so less and it's for about a six week period and in this age of migratory unrest. And so what you do is you trigger this year so that it starts somewhere in mid January when I'll be undergraduates a back. In will lap experiments. So it's not just a three day night it's also good for the birds because after about six weeks you're now in mid February or end of February and you know the Test series is over let them recover it with them. And so then when I can certainly comes around when I'm in my grade and you just let them see the sun and let them migrate forward and release them into the outback and while we're at it there's many things by Mr Dunn we're concerned about the effect on the birds and we're doing them right I would have actually if you would have them after birth that were tested the year before to come just back next year and they were probably happy with that in the map for the winter and just stay there so that's a reasonable. European ROBINSON OK so I guess there's a second there. If you look at the path of European robins and you see that they're actually depending on where we originate from they would be different and I asked on the time of some produce birth from someone Sweden when the South were just in the winter. Passed so much would protect their kind and they use an easy route they use a rocket it's outs and that ass of ice the Mediterranean that goes to Europe Spain and then crosses the Mediterranean where there's not a lot of times and that's a reprimand and in a half temperate underway on the way back they want to get back to Metz But yes they cancel they're just there straits and they can route that and so on so what you have to do some to do at some point. I would tell a path is clearly set you know I'm trying to do measurements right where some of them may turn one way and others the other way and so Frankfurt just happens to sit at a good order and that measurement gather and it was this couple here I scan and and hospital which go on the left and right and in the middle is the driver we had. This is the natural habitat that wonderful biologists So if you have a Grant who wants to be a member now you know we should happen at a farm joggers you know any barrier she would questions and have actually asked them a few of her five hundred thousand dollar question and I knew that I was not the answer but they were telling an anecdote about how they tried to see this animal or whatever the story was about up there and if you can wrestle on the boats with the back and I am. A native by them they had a great aunt who biologists and. Sixty seven and the question. People just watched birds and observed and scientists the same thing the question was could you in the lab see something that is related to just the flight so what we were tourists they were just. During my winter season and putting into a better coach and best coach they can produce right but they can set a flat or a ramp there. I'm discouraged with some scratch paper remember. What you say is that of course the scratch Maxell ever but there's clearly a preferred direction of rugby try to go rep erection happen to coincide wrist the migratory direction of the time less Well see now and then and I guess that ripples at the time and they shout that this is really. A correspondence between the flight and what happened or what Rush can know what it was that some birds that were in metallic. Differently than other birds and so he remembered some aren't ideas about there may be a magnetic compartment there and he started investigating that and so what you can do is you can just quote some close about this in the. Wrist this high tech ass a container that's that's the family where the bird fits in wrists. And on top of that is now just a measurement of the field and then on the outside we have acquired systems that are in the magnetic and right you find a S If you look at which where the boats are heading and the manner you know of an altitude up there having magnetic north but. Not into a different direction it will go to the point and it not and so this is an experiment where I don't have access to the Sam and I know information that could also and that's also influence when they go up and so risk everything that they have a magnetic number for her stuff and that this was actually you know it was an idea before that happened to ask a place where the convincing arm and that was and Bishop of Hampton sixty six actually more than fifty years or now that it took him about it was to actually get published and want to believe it and so we had to. Spends and so forth. This has been record. With other animals with a thing in animals and weapons labs many times so it's the workhorse of the magnetic compass either today. That's a couple of teachers about this campus or third So that kind of interesting one of them asked if I had a compass needle I use your i Phone app or whatever to share where is North Ridge finder for Pakistan reckon the US is where I'm like no I got a compass on. The compass needle was just picking up the horizontal component of the magnetic field the magnetic field after has a radical component but actually armed more like this when we look at it. And if. And when arms to Europe were to change this radical component so that instead of. A magnetic field ripping pointing north and up a compass needle. Just attack north it wouldn't be a change I wish it were some experiment with Barrett's direction in the opposite direction. And around as you flip back to comparing And the corollary to that is if you actually was the magnetic north and south but that's one change that direction broken in the same direction as for. What they seem to be interested in it's not so much whether or not a south but whether B. Go to have the predator because this angle ask the metal in the horizon changes or perpendicular to be Earth parallel to the earth at the equator and then perpendicular to the other direction again when it's the next or so if you have a genetic pair and the tires you got to read the magnetic field gross shallower number of fantasy critter and if you go to Red get step or two that's one of the perils and the problem is when you're right at the equator and in if you do have but a magnetic that is wrapped a pointing north they do not aren't. They only have to make. The spokes. Asked so if the magnetic route is reversing because you know it's the same program and it passed through that. Jurassic a time scale of one hundred thousand years or so and so maybe there's a reason for that for this program and if it's an interesting feature or. Not ever brought species has been tested for growth into about thirteen. Earth that have been shown to have a magnetic compass. And about cannot happen tested for this mission a deep anger at everything around it has been tested where it has shown to have. A nation type. K.. Or the. Let me. Let me do this to rest with. That. Magnetic compass and with migration that's just a bit of a red herring it's just easier to test them and to animal because we know where they want to go that we can't remember and that's something we have to condition them in first have to get them to move in a direction consistently so we have to wrap them in some way in rescues what you do recent trend a chicken will remember I would tell you animal to Rep table tennis ball sweat a little table tennis it means the first things that serious when it happens that instance it's mom so that you put it in a room where the last screens that you can see through and through the strength on the top that run off the different screen while the bird is in a patsy glass things that can come out and then let the actually last and it will run to answer ma'am and I would be happy. And tell it expects the mom to be still behind the South Street and pass to the Grand this time without the mom and he will find that the protests aren't necessarily grow sour but of course I am not a south it picks the right axis it doesn't necessarily pick the right. Group to rest often as you can see this is the actual rather tight it's not you know one hundred I'm not of the allergy and there's a clear preference for that axis where the man must be or I am and so this is the type of experiment to show a compass for a number I get very adamant. I only just the last letter Koocher and there is some hand that Adam has made not only detect the direction I like metaphor but also their position and. That is that social services may be the most dramatic demonstration of. That sometimes as we know from finding more. And they're actually pretty bad sumus we have to go through this and wreck east Australian current as the Pacific is the mass Atlantic gyre. And so from both. Start swimming in the stratosphere and for some problem points for example the gas stream is splitting into going to stretch it out to Grettir they need to make sure they take the right track you're right you can burst in poker especially Hatch turtle you cut it in a little harness and swim back on them anywhere and he can see which way it's on and then give it the magnetic condition that a read on counter at this point and rocking see is a response by swimming. So that is it in this big turn and you know if you do this point over it on insta what's the lesson actually slightly left of West if you look after him if you were to do the measurement for point out of it in the center of the car and when a map is out over the her gyro it doesn't work if you're in the middle or somewhere else then it doesn't know when to go and as long as you invest it things to you know get some information from the magnetic and if that were to be encountered at that point. Remember how that works. Perfectly with much harder to do with the fact that we. But if have so I guess this implanted genes and happen ever travel this thing very bad Madam am telling it how to do it or just freshly hatched and or stir now or somehow he managed somehow program OK so I missed it. If you work in the Bird's Eye and that receptor cell so we're just zooming in here first in the eye then in the no play off the eye where we have the four to receptors that when a similar to ours and then we go into our Kyra Bishan self OK. Unself and I The politicians are also for the boats and if I'm not in that between. Everett lowers the Horta receptor as they are this man a crew is called catacombs. And when we ascribe to crimes we have a neighbor with a parking but in US medical resident or. That's called then and it is something that absorbs the. Right range and when we pass this it transfers an electron. Now Iraq transport. Erred in Iowa chain chemistry they don't like to be torn apart if you want to get them out of this resting state you have to give them a lot of energy All right there's a lot of energy in biology so if this is the resting state and this is a movement stage right is happier if it's giving it a lot of energy so this is now can't kick in the bank to get up and after that so you can't separate. Electrons and then half a single electron actually a pair of an economy has one that's left behind and one that. And one's two and the Times after a property richest less so every electronic is just moving around its own axis I mean when you have a charge that spending in a magnetic field you can think of an electron for our purposes as a matter net net of merriment just like a little capital. Niamey and it creates a metal detector magnet. Distro. That runs. Dispense with everything accept their action and repeat together that's the quantum mechanical super I was saying and I also remember. Cancer about one of them apart now me now have two separate people that I have separate them from their pet However I still. Don't after each other and what the. Remember friends too if you have a compass and you are in a magnetic field it just aligns itself that sense those things as spending their money and this am spending thing as if the direction of the magnificent. Is actually something radius never seen with and a Sucker M. action around the magnetic. Procession very much like the little top you spin it and profit in Memphis I worked at a booth and motion and saw the same thing was happening here and we created since my year to really like strange mentions that you half and so if you happen to know electronics left they will start a parallel new class of theirs with my friend afterall they know Cancun opposite directions and Afterall asses motion is both like motion goes back and then after marriage going in opposite direction that's what we call our thing that and trip that boat and was shot to slacken from area to you there's should remind you of it with the read in the group state at this point and it is in fact exactly the same nice to address this I agree as you have this intent to state it reduced to electron spins in this case. And then we can describe how it moves and the net effect of that EARTH MATTERS would matter if the chemistry wouldn't be different because in that encrypted state whether the Spencer parallel antiparallel matters. And some chemical reactions in amber occur if you invest antiparallel in the soap if you threw the magnetic fluid not something into the trap if they were in a bad state it probably can rip I'm with the reaction you have to more back was slowing down the fabric progress after it's reaction and where I really do think the amount of things. Are So once you change the concentration of something when we can do molecular biology and measure it in. As many different ways how you could miss but in essence at the heart of that there is the sense of empathy to make magic act these children. You know electrons that you left in tango. This is not just your theory we can actually barracking not take medicals and put them in a stupor so here we have you know to America one is sick and one is for rain and. Look at this you know the outcome of this and we have the red curve is at the Earth's magnetic field and the group if at two percent less rapidly than the Earth's magnetic field in a bet you will see is a good friend I am chorus is the difference in the product of that and the karma and that difference. And a certain level as the medical You can see that this acid depends on the direction of the magnetic Let's respect the medical city with directions change from zero like one through Chiron from zero to sixty degrees and you see that in fact that can happen is actually patent type chemical compound one less not much doubt about that you can blood how to type chemical composition her make sure you are of the arts been chemistry we use a nickname to use to do. Once chemical reactions that it's not clear is whether that's what's actually happening in a bird. That. You know this is an physical chemical standpoint this is not just speculation but it's by the mechanism of our need. To find out whether business is what's going on in the park where the first that were first thing is suppressed to use right in order to trigger this initial reaction. So rapid and if you have total darkness the magnetic compass of Earth. And the promise the bright sampling of imagine a European rim that's completely Barack what would you do were just sit where our and maybe there is where we and I was the same thing the birds to have happened in mass right to our selection replying so we can do this experiment in the same way a mass you can do is you can look at different colors of light that you give it as remember saying that this receptor we thinking about of the green light receptor so maybe it overwrites on the blue and green mad and not under other riffling And so that has been done so we take exactly the same experiment in just with some distance right from top this is where the looks like different colors and what you find was found in an empty space in the first experiment is this group or pattern where I'm going to be right. Right the birds are going to just fine just as before but then there was a very threshold just a little and then and a yellow and red they didn't Orient and. So that seems to match with this general idea I will be exact Arctic match exactly where the herd the receptor properties of the columns and them unless they're riskier might affect a magnetic compass the star is much more complicated. I don't have time to get into that. Other problem with the measurements it's the interpretation we work with say that's the supporting of an idea as it were green right receptor that is trimming the metacarpal if you really want to believe in that idea I should also say well wait if you wake up in the world as a red maybe you just get nervous and you don't care about migrating anymore and you just want to find I didn't place and maybe that's what we see by both of us are you and and the basis of such an experiment you cannot distinguish what is going on sometimes you can find good contrary spat that's the facade business OK So that's one thing with a Right now I was thinking crap into something where that was not to the heart of the neck and that it changed between saying that entropy states because that's where. The magnetic field. How to change a single into a truth that state. Is an electromagnetic field that has exactly the energy difference it would assume that entropy states and states so for. The energy difference your magnetic field between submit and. Respond to having some radiation in the range of about the frequency of about one mega one million Hertz radio frequency range and radio alarm are in America. And. Our data that I have. And the program yes I can easily calculate the spectrum if I assume you know remember what the medical is exactly we have some idea as it is a one partner but not a row. That I wonder and I can't have met a spectrum of the birds because I want to get about a two to point a year that's with the best group in the world out with the best course so I have to determine what I measure so what we did is we first started out with just a drop and see to get any effect and we did and then. Went and did individual. And neck massage Yes that aptness frequency seven that one has two concerts and so on down to about six hundred fifty that's quite an attack us and making a promise feel in it but out a couple that's what I expected would happen when you are. Just range when you propose spins around and then if you go nowhere seems to be a transition region and then at some point of time to anything in a matter of apps are expected remember the states Landreth for ever had a finite lifetime and so if you know better. It's essentially like adding a lot of the rest as they're going to expect and so this is where much I responding to Rocky. But you can say the same thing as you can say well. If you read the frequency of flutes on the bird they get nervous and they put it differently or are they listen to radio and they don't care about make rationing at Invesco smitten with an answer because my something about. That in Atlanta for this is fact a right they need to have a particular direction it's a bit like if you get if you have someone on a swing you run to help them by pushing you to push them in the direction of the swing and if. I declare direction nothing happens you may break the swing but you must win better and so in a similar way in order to keep this Raksha this growing to half this asymptotic in a direction perpendicular to magnetic field of the earth and so what we did is to turn to Syria so that it's Powell and he sat here at Normandy all the offical was present so if this first conceived by itself would make the broad nervous one would have expected that independent. Direction to the US will regret some of that. And in fact in this two conditions here to the right and the left the Emperor up the ass about with the birth is the thing because the WHO to ruin our example they have the same frequency some strength then and are and let us the different effect and so this can only come because of the different with respect the static and let your strong evidence that this is not in effect directly on the spins as we're seeing it a step indirect effect it is mad. But ultimately like to do but let's pass just summarize what has been a friend of Chris a program right on the man and his assistant or risk calculating spin Hamiltonians and the movement of things according to quantum mechanical equations and from this I'm trying to make a prediction let's grant to happen. Bert in an experiment know nothing about the. Receptors a powerful signal processing about any off and it's somehow that we learn something which is quite remarkable. You know how to push forward so look out and in the field this is not conclusive evidence this is Mike and many questions. Again interpretation is one hundred A lot of control. Issues is. Being the magnitude of the first thing I would like to do I would like to take it out of the bird and I would see the work you can do this with a reply you can't do it with a magnet or rebirth you don't have the technology. And that has been a bit the problem with for the last fifty years and you have animals migratory birds a sea turtle Now remember for a wild animal that you cannot do any more like a bad genetics to. On ramp and you have animals at the right. Adam isn't like a rabbit that says we can do anything genetical. Back where the magnetic. Spirit was and hard to replicate and so far now that we have found that hair animal that can do back and after many attempts to reverse a people have tried and so they spend some you know and it's like is it a matter of better flyers in the background math is it you know less if many attempts and Cooper spent up to a decade usually trying and then sometimes and usually it doesn't work at the end maybe as a paper and from them that it can actually be record and so on that's the problem in our field. The runtime to have a magnetic compass for mankind to see that and in a cruel reprehensible way that my ass around to in an animal really can relate them without the power of modern genetics and mathematical balance. Your approach that really is to say well why don't you tell cryptochrome and they're an organism you put it into something like a salad that doesn't have this ability and you try to get magnetic sense that if we can do this now whoever can prove that this can work at the back and so it doesn't that's what's going on the birds but the report is on every different wrapping so that the doing right now that's just coming back to really you know. Topic that estat out today I hope I've written really. This. Because they. Understand enough it can have a direct influence on something that is a really bad actually to comment on Ressa Sensory Biology It's the sixth sense this is a mysterious sense that we try to understand happened it's really really bash the last sense where we have no idea. And it has been progress if not at this point you know to. It's. Absolute perhaps not some surprise when we look at Balaji not a bad logical reactions dramatic in about trillions about there in back a few atoms or maybe remember electrons harder for the simple reason to transfer a random act on across the membrane so it was not so surprising maybe that some and especially when you get a sensory allergy where it is the detection of the roof your molecules that need a quantum mechanics or a playwright will induce an ominous Wow And if you can ferret out how this works in a room we have. Right there remember how gravity applicable under. There clearly and number X.. Seem random biological phenomena but not an asset and it is much more general and now let me know how to do it and what to look or will it work escalate and who are I and much much more answers could eat you know an exciting new era. Of action this AM after it's. Interesting. That. I am try to resign quantum computers or I'm a mechanical engineering because as I was a problem everything is so messy right sir the best experiment that I shot before she referred to a measurement that's grabbed if you have two people in a storeroom but if they're in the middle of a hurricane what if the half that are famous and drop these things all the time and I've heard nurse the correction between the states very quickly and so the question is can we learn from nature in some way how to do it there in our technical applications I read some things that from there so that you know I'm interesting topic and. Talk about an end to ask questions to each other and I think very interdisciplinary will happen very different people are so far none to talk to. Each other when forward I have. Or a glimpse and let us with some of the personal exactly how for this a little bit about the Bill Clinton has aches and I'm going to add addressing something which I think is a great mystery Balaji Thank you Ira for. Really add a microphone last question I can hear them and. Russian identify. About there is magnetic area drive ours. So today we're focused on the quantum side of things there's one other competing they could actually try the computing mechanisms of how this rig Earth's magnetic field could affect algebra and isn't that should the rate of about ten times sweeter when you approach madness as I say it's a rookie And one of them is that they actually have a little compass needle and there are some of the Cheerio and that has to. It's kind of by the beach area and they. Said mineral. And that's so out in isn't really now the battery response and if you know how it works and so people have been looking when we can find this and at that in birds and if not sooner and sometimes it's sort of the strata afterward and there's a major paper that says yes they found it a minute and a major paper but as I was but I'm a map of ages and was about her that as their metabolism and so it goes back and forth it's certainly about the time it was theory and I think. Rather religious about things. And I would ask her rather could run I couldn't do better than the other half and special as religion when it comes to receptor property and minaret were good as a way of addressing right or might want to have the rest are merely ornamental men are going to cement. Disagreed. I would question of a connection between Like want to. Change between the so. I don't. Think. That in time you cannot go. With a. Narrative of. How to Write down the math so in this case if they're if they're out. In ten remand. It's actually very similar to just. When the fear is there some of you just contemplate here and now has to do with the preparation of the state if you if you want to. You know the difference between country ends and end with the right thing here if this is actually in Miami I just I would not under the guise of quantum here and it lasts as long as you have to score since between the first relationship between these two. Now that information and you can bet there's mathematically in tandem and once you have a spoon fed off a part of that in a particular configuration at the onset. Question. Could I please go back again the process Berridge you have a compound with internal Belak transom the compound splits apart and how bad is related to. Navigation of the birds. Are going to resume question to before so. I'm electron spin. And have a conspectus Marah. In the magnetic field that there. Is then sent to a different medical the different. Magnetic use of the fan so one of the passes were to simply be holding I see that spinning faster than the other one so that means you get a change from parallel to and type our intuition back is really a rather escalation a just man I'm going here and isolation between these two states I'm so in time and yet it's really. Actually in order to after a number that you know you can't make an argument it gets better with. So that's one of the harder mechanisms you have to internal field that sets essentially the stage and between the two markets that's important you have a gradient internally. Trying to get on top of that and that. Mechanism. Is the. Research. Predicting the. Entrancing the problem. And intent in training a certain spend state. In this context and generally speaking. Generally speaking generally speaking I mean this is something that people try to address and you know what your bets and the states are but it's a bit removed from what we're graphing here in our case Madame right. Because essentially. When we transfer with Europe when you have a grant an excited state and because of angular momentum conservation you have a set spin state that you're in and that's it you know reset I this because it's been a. Been a program for the rest of our luck you can do in this case it's not been a topic of great interest for the. Long. But not marry off. Just. In the experiment like the change. From At that point measure. That's the way function of the Congress I don't understand the bird collapsing weight. Is there a measurement process going on or is just a nominal. Sorrowful lapse of way function. If you ran to answer the question in detail yes essentially in the master equation that you get when you come from a free interaction and when you. Break down the physics. You get in describing that. You know Master and assume you know this different race of our e-mail. Address essentially different. Factors in in your master equation that you're writing down. From a practical plan so so that's something that there are some people as a person in Greece. I was a couple episodes papers on this. But it's very difficult to test because you can't raise a burst of land in an hour without any of that is where things are so that upon experimentally where we could distinguish between with different ideas I ran after it and you just. Examined passes because you just read every. A collapsing passes in just one first order became kinetic that has everything in the Bronx rather Rabun happened in America just two chemicals and solution you know and that's most of where the studies were done when you look. At the asses of the answer is there is serious about it but it's at this plant at a point where you cannot distinguish the. Start. Reverse. Anyone now. So the masses grow question. What happened in the time when the reversal happens it's not like you're flips from when they are to the other but usually what happens is first I think is it goes down the total. We're just about upping and then splitting slowly it's a process that takes about a thousand years so it's quite possible the magnetic compass might not work in that time. So they are going to the samgha or into the stars they have IMO things that might work. Is a hierarchy of things we ask how to actually use the compass if you've ever had was with a compass and a map what your memories you take your map and compass. What it wants now and then try to match map with the lamp on. The map and compass so I think it was. The Brits might do something some of the very. Badly that suggest that they might calibrate their Some compass to the magnetic compass and set the sentient if you change the magnetic field at sunset of action the next and then the birds may think the some of my browsing witnessed but in the north and accordingly and then the rest of the day they will move in with some direction until they reset the next so it may be a much more complicated relationship you know will have a magnetic field is actually and I would expect that there are some less. Ability to orient amps and there are many redundant systems and natural gas or works with populations ROBERTS But then there's adverse that adapt quickly and then how to use it and wishes and. Thank you.