Thank you very much for having me I'm excited to be here and in fact you're right it is overdue I've spoke at Georgia Tech and I've interacted with lots of you both academically and socially so I'm glad to be here to tell you what I do in the basement of Rollins over on the Emory campus. So what I'm here to talk to you about today and what I'm interested in is why and how we remember what we remember both from the psychological perspective and from the neuro science perspective and I've picked this picture of my son from last year our summer vacation at the beach to kick it off and that I was going to use this picture as a way to say that to him it was clear that this was memorable episode because look at how much joy is on his face and this must have been you know worthwhile memory at least for us to pay all the money to go to the beach and when preparing this lecture I showed him this I said Hey are you impressed I'm going to talk about you in front of a bunch of people and I said What do you remember from this picture and he said nothing. So now the example is going to be from my perspective I'm the one that actually took the picture and the point is that I remember this relatively well and my having a stroke or is it getting dimmer? OK. I usually don't get nervous when giving a talk and I don't think it's but it is possible I was stroking out on you. I don't know I guess that. I have to wiggle occasionally they're all right so no remember this but the reason I remembered that was less you know the you know fun splashing in the waves but that as I saw the memory through his eyes that to me this was remember remember a ball memorable because I. Experienced loss of emotions about this as a father that this was both like it was a nice breeze warm water pleasant sunset but also it made me think that you know I'm a good father I provide these choice moments from my side and I use that memory as part of what psychologists will call their autobiographical narrative and is that me OK. He has thrown curveballs at me left and right. I thought the tech part stood for technology. Technical difficulties Georgia Institute of technical difficulties. Right so there's a reason why the both the kind of emotional aspect that it conveyed to me as you know that I feel pride in and in and satisfaction all of those things wrapped together and that that's part of why I remembered this particular event even if my son did not. But that of course we talk about these moments that we cherish and we think about those that how important it is to hold on to those important memories but I think that we often forget how important it is to not remember some memories that forgetting is just as important as remembering because without prior to zation of the important memories you really don't have a good memory and to make that case show you this picture of this woman Jill Price who in a report by Jim gone others was referred to as case A.J. She has since gone on to appear on Oprah Winfrey and twenty twenty and wrote her own book but by all accounts as far as these memory experts could tell she can remember just about every episodic detail from her life starting around one thousand nine hundred eighty and that the way you can assess that is by asking about some things that might intersect with person. Public events like when did this plane crash or when did J.R. get shot for those people here or more my age and that every time I ask her what she answers is accurate now we can't assess the extent to which having a bagel and cream cheese for breakfast on September sixteenth one thousand nine hundred eighty five is accurate or not but the things that we can assess were accurate and that you might think wow that would make you know graduate studies much easier if I could remember everything but the point here is not what how impressive this is but what a burden she sees it as and in fact she describes in this quote most could have called it a gift but I call it a burden and it's that she's feels besieged by the remembrances of every day Monday and details that she can't sort out what's important from what's not and it's everything to her and that that's bad not good. So then to go further than to ask how what is that means and I've been told I'm only allowed to pace on this side of the room because that's what's in the field of view so I'm not ignoring you I'm just mugging for the camera. That to ask what is important and what's not I don't I don't think that we can stop that you know the things that tug at our heartstrings as parents or any emotional events that I think we have to ask it from his perspective as well and I'm sorry for what. I did was that I had to lead I didn't think you guys would be eating. Trigger warning gross stuff coming this is a tree shrew eating the head of a cricket and that I think that to ask the question of what's important to this tree shrew might be different from what's important to me as a parent or what's important to you as going about in your day to day lives. And the reason I bring this up is that I think that we need to think about memory prioritization not just from the anthropocentric view of humans but from the perspective that might apply to a broader evolutionary perspective and more so what I'll tell you and this might be a little bit disappointing that the fundamental memory mechanisms in this guys like vampire looking squirrels brain. It's pretty similar to yours so here is closeup of a cross-section of the hippocampus from several different species including sorry this. Tree shrew here and what we see here this is the hippocampus of the tree shrew mouse ten are akin to human and you can see the I'll just pick the tenrec here why not you can see the densely packed the cell layers pyramidal neurons of the CA fields in the hippocampus and that goes from the CA one there's a transition Area CA to ca three and this other densely packed layer of granular cells in the dented Charis and that to the extent that we've looked at these details and different species we found pretty much the same thing and I say we I mean day and animists and it might be disappointing to you to know that the anatomy allows you to remember those cherished memories is not so different from the ten Rick I'm sorry from the tree shrew remembering that delicious meal of his crickets head again apologies to those of you eating sandwiches so to me understanding what the how we remember what we remember the how memories become memorable prior to zation I think we have to take into account what might be an explanation that would apply to some extent at least at the neuro biological level across the mammalian tacks on because those brain mechanisms are very similar so the last thing picture I'll show you. To set up why it's important to study memory is this picture of a young gentleman who happens to be me. Graduating from high school and to the left and right on my grandparents and then I show you this picture not so much to say that this was an important memory to me though it was it's to point out the fact that my grandfather was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease at the time of his death and if you want to know about the importance of memory don't ask a patient with all Summers disease because some point they become blissfully unaware of their memory condition ask the spouse ask my grandmother what it felt like to be forgotten by her spouse of fifty years I think that goes to a long way to showing in a simple demonstration how important memories are and what remembering what important what things are important means to us so that that's the set up for my talk and what I'll try to do is get through some of that and I won't get through all of it now that I understand that some of you have classes to get to perhaps as early as noon but that what I'll try to do is talk about setting up also disease in a rat model to again. Set the stage set the stakes so to speak of understanding these mechanisms are important not only for just understanding how you remember your vacations but also what goes wrong in disorders that impact memory like all summer's disease. Also talk about then what we know about what are what marks good memory States and healthy at the campus and then talk about more recent work that we've used to stimulate them to try to artificially prioritize some memories over others as a window into what makes good memories over bad memories and then if there is time which there may not be talk about work with Scout based E.G. recordings from humans doing autobiographical memory retrieval in both emotional and neutral conditions so jump in with all Summers disease bottle and this is a rat model that Robert Cone developed when he was at U.C.L.A. in Cedar Sinai and brought here with them to Emory to Atlanta and it's a rat model not a mouse model in which it was a double transgenic they used the human genes that are from particular humans that are known to come down with adult onset Alzheimer's disease I'm sorry early onset Alzheimer's disease and the two genes are particular priest in IL and one in the A.P.A.P. the Swedish variant from those individuals in Sweden that they got it from so that this rat model is detailed by Robert Cohen in this paper in much detail and one thing from that they project show you is that like the neuropathy all A-G. in human also means disease the neuropathy all the G in this rat model is aged and that is some early age and what we're seeing here is a side view of the rat brain and as zoom in there of the hippocampus and this here this dentate gyrus I think you can see in the red stain for Red Cell bodies and both at the time point of six months and fifteen months and on this six month period you can see that there is not much more staining for amyloid deposits but it fifteen months there is quite a bit and. In fact as the rat ages to twenty four months at a cumulative more but just to make the point that this rat model develops the human similar type of path ology as in humans an age dependent way including these amyloid plaques and the neural February tangles that are shown here we wanted to know then where we entered into this then was to try to understand somewhere between these two. And both of these are before there's any neuronal loss or sin APIC loss these are markers of amyloid bird not necessarily of cell death but we wanted to know at a very relatively early age what might constitute the hippocampal dysfunction in these rats with all summers like disease and so the first thing we did with former graduate student my lab what Claire Galloway was to ask At what age do they become. Memory deficits and so here at that run that six month age from five to eight months these rats also miss rats and gray compared to the wild type and white showed a memory performance that was relatively normal and this is a discrimination index of a type of memory and I'll just say That point five represents chance performance in point six six represents pretty good performance on this type of measure but then very quickly by the time they reach nine to twelve months the eighty rats had developed a profound memory impairment in the wild type we're still performing pretty well and that's we wanted to know then not necessarily just at the behavior level but what was going on in the hippocampus see these rats and like a lot of what we do in my lab we use in people electrophysiology to and Tara great function and dysfunction and brain circuits as they relate to memory and in this particular picture you're seeing a rat that we're recording from. Wires implanted in its brain as it locomotives on this track in fact to come back and get a little piece of chocolate for every lap and show you a video of that of some of these also Murs rats. So what we can record from that are spikes from individual units using tetrodes like several of the folks here at Georgia Tech already do. And here is one way to look at that data and in this fast forward video of a rat completing laps on the circle track what I've done is superimposed with red dots. Marker on the screen to show you every time this one example neuron in the hippocampus and it in actual potential as the rat was completing its lapse and that I think what you can see is that all of the spikes from this example neuron are occurring in this particular X. Y. location on the track and that these are well known they've been well known since John described them and then eventually won the Nobel Prize for the discovery it's neuron with a receptive field defined by spatial landmarks that then are in the name place feel the receptive field and that the neurons then are called place cells and then we use these then as a way to look at the hippocampus in these rats to see is it acting normally is it showing normal looking place cells and here is a more typical way to plot these place fields rather than the video. And looking here across for the wild type animals you can see that the black path is just showing you where the rat ran and then now and color coded with cool colors representing lower fire and rates and hot colors representing higher firing rates you can see that for the wild type rat these different example neurons from CA one and from the CA two and three regions are quite circumscribed a nice tight place feels representing one place and that that wasn't surprising that's exactly what we expected from these healthy wild type littermates But then in eighty rats the surprise was that at least for the neurons in the permanent Ahrons and see one they also looked perfectly normal even at an age and this was at least twelve months of age that these rats we know showed profound spatial memory impairments the CA one neurons looked pretty good and it was only the C three in CA two neurons that showed us kind of spread out in the play cells they weren't firing any one particular place particularly well thereby kind of raw being that area of the brain information about the location of the rat. And that one of the most classic ways to quantify place cells is what this. Standard widely used information theoretic approach. Measure called spatial information score and it's just a way to try to ask how much information could you get in kind of bits per spike from a neuron as a rat's local money about and what you're seeing here in gray for the eighty and white for the wild type pretty normal for the CA one neurons no difference there between the wild type and eighty but specifically here for the eighty you see a deficit in the C A two three and it wasn't necessarily the fact that we saw a deficit it was that the deficit was specific to one area of the brain and just a kind of making a cartoon here as I talk in part because you know I can see that this is while typing eighty for C. one and C. A three and it's specifically the C three neurons that didn't have these new Ronal landmarks these place fields that were nice and tight to give that rat sense of where it was and instead this little cartoon rat is obviously lost in these spatial representations and that now then what do we do with this and I think that the answer of course what also numbers diseases don't let the brain get to that state in the first place that we need to develop a cure or a disease modifying treatments to impact the trajectory of Alzheimer's disease so that you don't get there in the first place but that there until we have that cure and even after we have that cure there is going to be a great need for treatment of symptomology and also members disease because probably for those of you like me who are already in your forty's even if they came out with a cure it's probably too late for us we probably would have need to be taking that medication now to prevent that trajectory. Yes ma'am. That's a great question and so that had our twenty one not been in our twenty one and run out after two years the next step would have been to record from those rats as early as three four five months of age however early you know was feasible to do to ask where they add normal all along or did they develop this dysfunction and so the answer is I don't know the path ology in the memory is age dependent and so my best guess is that these are the dysfunction in the CA two and three neurons is also age dependent but that at this point is a guess thanks and feel free to. Throw out questions and I was forgot to ask. Repeat the question but yes. Yes I do have. Yes the data were from it's. So that then though that the question isn't like what to do about all Simers disease that answer is you know cure it but they suggest that we try for the treatment of symptomology when there's dysfunction in this part of the circuit it leads to questions about how we might ameliorate that dysfunction and that the answer is from that of even now we don't know we've the hippocampus is one of the most studied brains one of the most likely brain areas and of all of neuroscience I mean we have our own journal for godsake but that we still don't know exactly what it means for ca three to be dysfunctional and see it wanted to be normal we don't actually quite understand what the ramifications of that or even what kind of treatment we would want to bring about. So that no I think that that makes the point then that also misses these bad don't get Alzheimer's disease give money for treatment but then also we need to understand the healthy brain a bit better so that we can better understand other areas of dysfunction and so that's now what I'll switch and talk about a bit more leaving behind all Summers disease and start talking about the hippocampus in healthy rats and we do the same thing that we do with also Murs disease rats except that now we focus a bit more on the actual memory performance so this is a similar video of a rat completing laps on a track here but now I've put objects jump novel objects the rats never seen before in its path and it has the opportunity to stop and sniff the roses so to speak and I think what you would see on the first path the rat stopped and momentarily sniffed the objects but on laps two and three he ran right by them because they were boring to him and we have fur from the reduction in exploration and subsequent repetitions memory for the objects and the ideas based on lots of testing in this task and other tasks like it in monkeys and humans this based on spontaneous preference for novelty but then we don't stop here because I think if you looked at this in the similar plotting of a from a different example neuron a red spike every time. The neuron emitted an action potential from here it's unclear is this neuron. Activity correlating with location or with that particular object or some combination of both I don't think you could tell from that type of. Short session so that in fact we record rats running around for an hour or so lots of different objects and lots of different locations and here it's there's still no answers from one single video that we know it's not firing over here but it seems to be firing for something to do with objects and something to do. Locations and in fact that we don't even stop with this but then instead go on to record in lots of different neurons simultaneously and in this video a color coded action potentials from different neurons with different colors that there is potentially a rich opportunity there to interrogate this by trains to ask what are the memories is there information in the activity in these action potentials about remembering this tin can hear versus remembering that hairbrush there and the answer is of course yes but that's not what I'm going to talk about today because one of the classic approach in. Vivo electrophysiology in the hippocampus has been to record from action potentials and try to decode the memory correlates from the spike trains and that it's had lots of success I mean it's had Nobel worthy levels of success but that there is also another approach rather than you know bringing out the all the Georgia Tech folks to try to use their machine learning and whatnot to squeeze everything we can from there and that the other approach Well let me say I'm not this is. Not me saying that I think that recording actual test was a bad thing in my former career with Howard I combine this is everything that I did right and that it's the whole reason Emory hired me so of course I think it's great and the idea that one idea that that I played a small part in but that was the kind of field why it is that from asking about the different correlates of neurons for example grid cells from the Mosher in the middle and around of cortex. That we know that the hippocampus sits at this confluence of spatial and non-spatial information such that the hippocampus seems to be positioned particularly well to integrate spatial information with non-spatial information so items and their locations for example but what this doesn't tell us at least not particularly well is what might be the dynamical system here within the hippocampus those sub regions of the hippocampus that are already told you are conserved from you to a donkey to to a tree shrew what's going on within those local connections to mark good memory States compared to bad memory States and for that we have taken another complementary approach and in fact this is an even older approach than the approach of recordings by trains its record in local field potentials from those electrodes rather than the activity of action potentials and that the local field potentials really just represent the sum to activity of lots of the P S P's and I.P.S. bees waxing and waning to lead to these oscillations that you can record in the local field potentials and that has been recent efforts our effort to try to ask as we record in different sub regions of the hippocampus what might be the oscillatory interactions between those sub regions and how might that convey information to us about good member states versus poor member states. So here's just an example to say what I mean. So now instead of trying to get from individual action potentials record from as it can be one electrode in CA one and can be one electrode and see three and this is an example of one recording from one period of about four seconds as a rat approaches and initiate onset here at time zero exploration of a junk novel object that it's never encountered before and from this you can already see even those of you have or are not used to looking at local field potentials there's a clear oscillation in this that it's going to about eight times a second that's the classic data rhythm that you can see in the hip right hippocampus and as technologies have progressed and recording humans as they Lokomotiv out also in humans. And that there's going to be a good correspondence between that they don't see one and they say that they to and simultaneously record it ca three and that's you know. That's true and that's been known for a while what we wanted to focus on here was this period of novel object exploration and what I'm going to do now is just zoom in on this section and show it to you kind of superimposed on top of each other for both see it one and see a three and red and blue respectively and you can see that overall theta now for this shorter half second period but the point that I wanted to make is that you can also see alignment here at a faster what is often called gamma oscillation and we've come to know that there's not necessarily just one type of gamma there's multiple potentials sub bands of gamma that have her names like slow gamma and fast gamma I'm going to be talking about particularly slow gamma today something that's about forty per forty cycles per second and so instead of just asking you to look at the squiggles and see the through the squiggles wiggle together there's a way that we can quantify that and there's lots of different ways but the one way that I focus on today is a metric called coherence which not only looks at the phase alignment between two oscillations but also the covariance and amplitude of any particular frequency band between those two and so here is one way to plot coherence again with time being on the X. axis and zero being the initiation of exploration of a novel object and but now on the Y. axis is frequency and going from zero to about one hundred hertz and what is color coded then is coherence with cooler colors representing lower coherence or lower synchrony between C one and ca three and hotter colors representing higher coherence and that what you can see and I'm really sorry for those of you I keep wanting to like give you some over here but then. You know that. One guy sitting on his couch watching me hey one guy. He would be able to see that. That this most maxed out thing happening around eight hertz that's the theta and that seems to be going on very strongly basically when the rat is going on about an awakened like investigating the world not just investigating objects but hopefully what you can see is there's not much here in that gamma range prior to the onset of exploration but then there's a dramatic increase from about thirty to fifty five hertz in that slow gamma range and that in this particular study that was from before a graduate student my lad John Tripper found that four C one in CA three coherent specifically that the extent to which there was an increase in the slow gamma coherence during the exploration of a novel object predicted subsequent memory for that object I'm going to dig into it with a more recent study because what John subsequently did after that for a study was to record not just from C one and ca three but from all four sub regions with my apologies to CA two that we recorded from dentate gyrus ca three CA once a pic of them simultaneously to try to get a bit more about what's going on in the dynamical interactions between all of the all four of those sober regions and that this is basically the same plot but with different animals that I showed you before where zero is the onset of exploration showing this increase in the slow gamma oscillations when the rat initiate sex were rationed and you can see the same thing actually between dentate gyrus and ca three but in fact it was kind of going on all along and it goes from a lot to our whole lot rather than not much to a lot and that that isn't universal necessarily an aspect of what's going on in hippocampus in fact there's not a lot of gamma synchrony at least at this kind of color coding level between C one and so so something about a particular aspect of this portion of. The circuit. And so to ask more about that I mean we had some basic questions like Is this increase in slow gamma oscillation is it really about forming a memory for the object that was our hunch and that's what I'm telling you but it could be something as simple as this is what happens when a rat stops and maybe succession of locomotion rather than. Forming a memory it could be the act of exploration itself there may be one or two of you that are interesting and things like whisking in the audience and so maybe this is more about a behavioral state of investigating an object rather than the memory state of making a memory for that object and one way to ask that is to then take what's going on here during sniffing of a novel object and ask again how does that do to predict subsequent memory and so here's one version of the task and John did several but that we have rats sniffing objects on a brand new jump not a logics that it's never seen before on as a complete slaps on the circle track and that on the very next lap we repeat them we actually repeat duplicate it's just to remove the possibility of scent marking but we treat those objects again and what we should see and what we did see is rats reduce their exploration and that's more to make sure that the rat formed a memory from that initial encounter and then there were several different conditions just shown here is as this could be trial won this could be trial two three four different conditions and so one condition was we took those objects and duplicate swapped out locations so if a rat remembered and reinitiated exploration of the toy hamburger it wasn't a real hamburger. That it would mean that the rat not only remembered the object but also the objects Parlow cation because we put in their control conditions in which the object got repeated for example and the exact same place what the same object. And then the other kind of comparison condition was what happens when you put in a brand new novel object and through something that I won't. You know the kind of flow chart of how do you say from this that is there good memory for the object and or good memory for the object and its location it's an inference on what goes on on laps two and three to try to predict back was this a good memory in coding here at the beginning but so now on the next slide I'm going to show you neural activity from here but split by conditions determined by those behaviors and that now what we can see in those memory conditions in this kind of orange red when a rat was sniffing a brand new novel object split by whether it was going to show good memory in the future for both the object and the object location or in blue just the object or in black no evidence of memory for either the object or its location and that this is now shown just as actual power of oscillations across dentate gyrus ca three C. once of the Killam and they just the grand average because a bit unlike and its. Baseline subtracted that's why everything's zero to emphasize kind of what differs between the conditions and what differed between the conditions was this slow gamma range some hair between thirty and fifty five hertz and it did it mostly for a dent eight in CA three somewhat more for C one it's a big but that one of the most statistically reply Both thing was just to take the average slow gamma power in the hippocampus and that was one of the best predictors of whether or not the rat was going to show us good memory in the future and so we were expecting complication and in fact one of the rare times we got something a more simple answer an answer at least from this data was the slow gamma oscillations in the hippocampus state a kind of generic generically like that was a marker of a good memory state and so that that was. A nice one of those times where you get clarity rather than asking more questions. And. Then answering any and I don't want to say that everything was cut and dry that the questions of distant big you waiting in memory state memory state here from behavioral States was what a lot of the manuscript focused on and that it wasn't as if slow gamma is the end all be all in the hippocampus it was just that that particular memory network state correlated best with them and they inferred memory state of making a good memory for the object is location. Talking really fast so I'll stop Yes record. Use. This is where you. Want to. So the question is. It could be the case that gamma was going on all along but kind of unsynchronized in different regions of the hippocampus is it the fact that there was going on a long and then just snapped in together during exploration or was it the fact that you were getting a little bit of gamma and then when the Rat started sniffing object and was going to remember that object you got gamma and it was locked together we found the latter rather than the former there wasn't a lot of low gamma power consistent low gamma power going on during baseline Now that's not to say that it's not there it just tends to happen when these little sporadic moments here and there that if you look for it you can find it outside of object exploration but if that becomes really most prominent during novel object exploration then perhaps other things that you know we haven't investigated but that's one way to make it trigger and about. It was the question was Was there really clearly from a behavioral standpoint an obvious good memory and an obvious bad memory or was it a continuum of memory that we did a median split something like that it was latter we artificially partition the performance into these states and what I can say is that it doesn't matter exactly how you partition them you still see the general finding that obviously it's not as if you either get memory you don't have memory you have better or worse memory and gradations between and the only way for us to be able to partition into these states was to pick something artificial and to reassure ourselves that it wasn't just a quirk of how we partition that we picked this first went with it but then in our neurotic moments we did it a couple different ways to make sure that when somebody has this we can say it doesn't matter exactly how we partition it question. So now. Switched to talk about in terms of thinking about good memory and poor memory or something that is memorable for something that's forgotten one of the big lessons that we can take from the psychological literature is that emotional memories tend to be remembered better than neutral memories not always and that there's extreme versions that lead to. Dysfunction such as P.T.S.D. but in general emotion moderately emotional modder emotional Rao's all leads to better memories and that what we know from lots of work from folks like Jim a gall here is that the particular the base a lateral complex of them into seems to be a key hub in mediating those emotional Rouse will influences on memory and ideas that you have some experience in that that experience here record can be made of that experience in different ways in different locations but one in four in terms of declarative memory in the hippocampus and associated structures in the media of some fellow than humans but then there's an opportunity through emotional Rao's all activating either directly or through peripheral hormones indirectly they make and the outputs of the make to have the opportunity here shown by McGaugh and read to through Gronow projections modularly memory processing and other areas so as to be able to prioritise some memories the and this case those with emotional salience over others. And we were interested in this but but all admit that we're less interested in the emotion part and more so interested in the memory unhandsome it part and so I do know that set forth a collection of the studies in my lab was the idea that we could directly and at first electrically stimulate the image. To try to prioritize memory for some junk nuchal neutral no motional content objects over others and so the basic set up is the same that I've kind of been showing you before a rat comes up and sniffs a novel object and then later in the future we ask that rat to show us doesn't remember the object or better and then one wrinkle is in this line of work is that at the offset of exploration we took the law with a little bit of electrical current We're talking small twenty micro lamps and you can see it's in a particular pattern here that's kind of was meant to be a guess at mimicking they to modulating gamma but this is just a small amount of current delivered for one second at the offset of expiration of that neutral object and the question was then when we brought the rats back later when they remember the object that previously was followed by it made the list immolation better than a control object and we have course have to have novel objects here as a reference for asking just in general can the rats remember the neutral I'm sorry the repeated objects more so than the novel objects. And this is a complicated schematic and I'm not going to walk you through it other than to say we didn't just use three objects we use lots of different objects counter-balance in different locations and that the other part is that after the rats are in the study phase when the stimulation was delivered on some after some of the objects for half of the objects we tested memory immediately for the other half one day later. The point is that the point we did then the point I'm telling you is that even from just looking at Jim Acosta work we predicted that the benefit would be most prominent here one day later and in fact over several experiments that's exactly what we found that here in the red stimulation in blue no stimulation on the immediate test again this discrimination index where point buy was chance and point six six would be really good memory that there was not a difference between the two conditions on the immediate test but then when we looked on the one day test that the objects that were previously followed by McGillis stimulation were remembered as bed as good as the objects that were tested immediately and in contrast there was very little memory for the objects that had not been on a one day test had not been followed on the initial study by mental stimulation and we and our series of experiments the first being just could we get that behavioral effect then the next one was does that depend upon the hippocampus and for the sake of time the short answer was using Musim Yes that in experiment three The question was what might stimulation of the. What kind of network state might that induce in the US in the hippocampus and show you a little bit about that and I should say that then first. Because we're using electrical stimulation it's always tricky to record electrical activity at the same time and so for this we took advantage of the fact that they have got connectivity from the BE a way they make to the hippocampus is almost exclusively It's a lateral And so if we were quoting from here that we should expect only artifact from here and artifact plus actual and around all something going on here about this one brain area back in the other and so just in this little time lock thing we do find that there are some small artifacts from the electrical stimulation shown each pulse here at one of those triangles and just basically clean it up subtracting the two makes this look even better and so there's a way that to help us understand that we're not just recording the electrical lack artifact of electrical stimulation and what we found was that stimulation of the lateral led to robust increase in CA one c three slow gamma coherence not so much on the other side and you might ask me well isn't it obvious that if you stimulate the somewhere around fifty Hertz and you record in the hippocampus and you see something around fifty hers isn't that you just popping what you want to see and the answer could be and we did another condition in which we stimulated the eighty Hertz just picking something that's not in the slow gamma range and we did see that in it was able to do something around eighty Hertz but we still also recorded this increase in the slow gamma range in the hippocampus for the EPS lateral not for the Contra lateral and this suggested that there's a possibility that activating outputs from the at least within some range induces the hippocampus to go into whatever its residents. Oscillation might be and at least on one front that residents state is that slow gamma state. Now excitingly enough that or depressing enough that it's not only the hippocampus looks the same between you and rats I mean the law to. This the use of electrical stimulation a rat studies opened up the possibility in collaboration with neurosurgeons at any rate and under the good fortune that patients hanging out in the epilepsy monitoring unit with informed consent volunteered to participate in these studies we were able to replicate the rat studies basically do it exactly the same in humans. And so instead of allowing humans to sniff or whisk junk objects because well you might not know but you don't have active whisking in your sense of smell is pretty bad but in patients with electrodes for clinical reasons implanted into the media temporal lobe we're able to target those that happened to be centered around the base a lateral complex and deliver that same type of one second worth of stimulation that had the same pulse train frequency and the same kind of experiment now in the humans it was seen pictures of novel objects and for half of them it was followed by electrical stimulation of the make for the other half it was not and weekend tested half immediately and half the next day and what we found in the humans was basically what we found in rats that there was not a consistent effect between the stimulation and read and no stimulation and blew on the immediate test but that there was a very consistent effect across the patients despite the overall variability in their memory performance that was a consistent effect of stimulation leading to improved memory and to kind of crystallize this a bit better than this plot just shows this plot but subtracting no stimulation from the stimulation and so zero means no effective stimulation and greater than zero is a memory benefit and you can see on the one day test there were a couple participants that showed no difference but on average there was a reliable statistically significant effect of stimulation and it was somewhat specific to that one day test just like it was in the rats Now one thing that we could do in the humans that we could not do in rats was to ask them so would you feel so we did and. As a separate little side experiment with every participant we put the you know the button you know and said OK I just pushed it. Did you feel something and in fact half the time the button we pushed delivered nothing and half the time it actually delivered the same stimulation that we use in the experiment we thought that we would need to try to sort out false alarms from real hits but in fact in this completely ridiculous graph that I insisted we put in the manuscript because I LOVE IT hundred percent all fourteen of the patients for all of the trials and no I did not feel anything because from the beginning that we started this experiment people like But I fear conditioning aren't you know doesn't that do fear numbness and that's not true but that the outputs of the it may have the capacity to prioritize memory even if upon direct activation outside the scope of emotional experience can prioritize memory even when the participant feels nothing and so that that's why the system upon this ridiculous figure whether you know there can be no error bars because ALL hundred percent said no I can't feel it. Work. Yeah so what I should say is that this was done with John Williams Korean men at Emory and that in a separate paper that Cory did I mean this sounds. These are all what I'm going to say because it's within the context of patients that these are all within the healthy normal ranges of the levels of stimulation this was tiny. But kind of parallel the rats they did ask in the patients in a separate experiment Well what about now what about now what about now what about now and eventually if you got it about five to ten times high of a current as we used to hear some say I think I think I felt something in one patient that patient said not again not in this way higher levels that we used here said I feel terrified like I was blinding but only on the left side of my body I don't know what did to make of that but to make the point that it's not as if every you know it's not as if everybody is wrong the McGillis has nothing to do with. Fear it probably just isn't that conscious appraisal until you ramp up the stimulation so much that you're probably stimulating like neocortex wide kind of phenomenology OK so. The this is now all three of the studies the rat studies and the human data plotted on the similar scale to show not only is that look the same but the effects ises were so close to one in each and Collins cones D. that it was almost too good to be true and maybe it is I mean maybe subsequent experiments will pull the rug but for now it looks as if the mechanisms of the middle of prior to zation of declarative memory to the extent that you can find it through electrical stimulation look pretty similar Now then the question is is it that the stimulation activation of the release of glutamate downstream in the hippocampus triggers the hippocampus to go into this oscillatory state of slow gamma and that that's a good memory state and that that promotes synaptic plasticity and snap transmission and it's that mechanistic thing in the hippocampus and related structures that makes good memory. It could be that or it could be lots of other potential explanations and we're trying to track that down to ask really is it is it something akin to this and one approach that. Graduate student and my lab Nathan all Graeme is following up is to use up to genetic stimulation now we're kind of breaking paths with what's possible to do in parallel with the humans at least now but when we. Transfer gloom a target neurons in the B. away with Channel adopts and verify that the terminals are there in the downstream hippocampus and then China light and recorded both and they do and the hippocampus one question can be what's what's the best way to induce oscillations in the hippocampus make the lactation and that this is just. Don't worry a little color. Right it's a couple of different efforts of picking some types of up to genetic stimulation of the B. a way and a control condition in which we shine a light that's outside the spectrum are the option that we're using And essentially what we found is that no matter how you pulse they may. At least within these constraints will happily bounce along with you the question then is to what extent is that optimally optimally or effectively transmitted to downstream hippocampus and to our surprise is actually that. Stimulating the big at that they have an oscillation isn't very effective in inducing increased power in that they range in the hippocampus. Not much more so than what should be the control near infrared light but things with. Fifty Hertz as part of the pulse train do and and we're moving towards trying to understand then what what what are the kind of more in dodging this oscillatory interactions between the make blood and the hippocampus to try to push that forward to understand using. Stimulation as a window into good memory states in the hippocampus so. What I'm going to do is tell you that I'm not going to tell you about this last thing in that it is that we were interested in. For humans at least when information that was initially formed by declarative memory one feature of that is that it then is subsequently available to what we often subjectively perceive as conscious recollection. More less theoretically described here as post ritual monitoring and that was an interest to us and that that then gets us into this range of areas of the neocortex that really are different across species this part very similar across species not so much here and so we wanted to then use Scout based E.G. recordings and this was done in collaboration with my colleague Patricia Bauer and that we did not a biographical memory retrieval we found out oscillations like. Bird are found and that's why that's the first. And that we made really neat animations that was going to make you go wow and that there were. Differences between males and females in the extent to which they did post ritual monitoring but you have to go to class so. Bring this. Here then say what I've done is to set up something that I haven't given you a payoff for it's like how is it why is it and how is it that I remember that thing that event with my son out on the beach a year ago and and I imply that that's important to me and but what I have not really said is what is important what makes a memory worth remembering and I think that the answer is that that is going to differ. And so. I actually was going to bring back another picture of my son to highlight the differences across species in terms of well to us maybe you know that that beach thing makes sense to remember but for the tenrec it's like where did I find the tasty cricket and then as searching for my own pictures of my son I swear I didn't make him pose for this. It occurred to me maybe some of those difference is even at that psychological phenomenon logical level aren't all that different between humans and trees fruits. So I can tell you for sure even though he doesn't remember Hilton Head my son definitely remembers where to get the good noodles at that place near Emery's campus. But that thinking about it there will be species specific priorities used to prioritize information and that that I won't I can't answer what makes a memory memorable because that is both species specific and idiosyncratic among us what I would have said is that there are sex affects even within humans to influence memorability of different memories but I'll leave you with these two creatures eating their food to then say this last part here that there's lots of when we think about the. Neurobiology behind it this. Evolutionary tree of of the million neocortex has to make the point that there's the extreme diversification of the neocortex across the diversification of a million species but that the point that keeps bringing me back to study hippocampus dependent memory is this point the point that at some level at some thing that we can understand at the network at the computational algorithmic level that makes super super. Porton differences for how you experience it as a human as you experience it as a tenor but that no biological mechanisms should be conserved across the million tax on and then the question is exactly what was did evolution stumble upon two hundred million years ago that was so good that in the course of the diversification of the million tax on and then the million new cortex every opportunity looked at the hippocampus and said. Looks pretty good. I think I'll keep it there so that idea then it's not about remembering everything it's some compromise of remembering what's important and having good memory States and poor memory States and the capacity for other structures intervene I've talked about the middle of today to help with that prior to zation based upon other things that what is intriguing to me and what will continue to push me forward so with two minutes to spare I'll say they are coming and acknowledge the folks some of you were in the audience some of the former graduate students whose work I talked about that then here my collaboration's for some of the work I talked about and with that I'll stop and see if there are any remaining questions and I know that hanging out with some of you afterwards as well but thank you very much thank. You. Yeah. The question was about printers for the electrical simulation and that there was a condition where. Fifty hurt and Katie hurt both were modulating by and eight hertz. But yeah go ahead. So the question was did we try something like trickle simulation pattern that did not itself contain period in a city and for the electrical stimulation we did not for the up to genetic stimulation that I didn't show you this work we tried two things to try to get at that question and one was random pulses matching the number of pulses within a second and that was not as effective at inducing downstream oscillations and so that that could be that it could you can interpret that a couple different ways the other that we tried was constantly lumination the B.L. a neuron is to try to ask just if we just get them to dump glutamate willy nilly might just the presence of extra glutamates from those terminals in CA fields be enough to induce that residence and no the answer was No but there could be other reasons that that was an interesting like for example saturation of the options that but so we tried different things didn't have period to city and they weren't as effective at inducing period as city in the downstream hippocampus So there are constraints. Thanks for having me.