OK Well it's a pleasure to be able to talk to this audience again I haven't given a talk. You probably ten years. So. I like to tell you about the things we've been doing. Most recently with the trickle gases and particular with spinner V.C.S. and. All right. OK So let me start by just introducing the topic with something you should. Really be quite familiar with. And a classical gas of atoms and and that will be a prelude to the to the quantum gases that we study in our laboratory. So this is a slide which. Outlines the difference a normal gas from the perspective of an atomic physicist is simply a box that contains a lot of. Molecules that move back and forth and collide with one another. There are little balls as far as we know at ordinary temperatures and it's really at low temperatures that an atomic physicist like myself gets interested in this problem of what happens to a gas that's moving about in a container in which all the atoms collide with one another but they're at such low temperature that the the quantum mechanical waif packet size which is given by the thermal to very wavelength becomes comparable to the to the to the length scale of interactions between atoms as what we call an ultra cold gas. It's actually a pretty well defined terminology although it sounds kind of like a buzzword it's really when this length scale becomes comparable to the link scale of interactions and if we go to even lower temperatures. Such that the debris wavelength becomes comparable to the distance between particles and if you have a gas of indistinguishable Bo's ons then they form a Bose-Einstein condensate are very low temperatures it's a kind of collective forgetfulness the atoms don't really know which state they're in and so. They all pile up in the ground state together. And Sister give you a perspective on this physics. What happened it's really very it's a very extreme range of temperatures where this this kind of behavior occurs not most of the time a gas to schools down to low temperatures and forms a solid but the physics of a B.C. occurs at six orders of magnitude lower temperature than room temperature at which under ordinary conditions it would form a solid but we managed to keep the gas at very low density so that it remains a gas and this is only possible through the remarkable techniques of laser and evaporative cooling that allow you to reach this temperature regime that's in the Nano Kelvin range and was the subject of two Nobel Prizes the most recent was in two thousand and one so Bose-Einstein condensates of really come into their own since two thousand and one that was about the time that I joined Georgia Tech and became involved in this field. And so here's a graph which shows you the rate of publication in I pull this out of the inspected abase from a few days ago the number of articles that have the words Bose-Einstein condensate in them. So it's a subset of the field of quantum gases but you can see that right around ninety five when the first B.C. was produced in the laboratory the rate of publications has grown immensely and it's it seems that in the recent period it really shows no signs of stopping. So although people produce them and said Wow. It seems now they're really starting to do things with the seas and try to understand more and more of their properties. OK So one of gases of those ons are interesting in. For a number of reasons one is this really the quantum mechanical limit to motion. So if you have a gas and it's cool down to the ground. It. The position uncertainty and momentum uncertainty are really. Related by the Heisenberg formula. So this allows one to invent envision atomic sensors that are limited by quantum mechanical effects. So really all thermal motion is irrelevant at these very low temperatures. And so there's a real industry of building really precise devices in atomic physics and it's trying to capitalize on this developments and in laser cooling and evaporative cooling. But there's another side to it which is more what I'm going to focus on today. But these are really novel and unusual interacting quantum systems so they're now because we can produce them in the lab only now and there are unusual because they have the properties of interacting systems that are very different from the typical kind of thing you might encounter in contents matter. So. So it allows you to explore things like phase transitions and super fluidity in systems which are really not condensed. Phase they're really something different and. The other unique feature is that we can find this in an X. from the trap and that introduces its own set of structures so for instance one can create tailor made potentials or even optical lattice as artificial crystals in which to study the properties of some gas of particles for this talk I'm going to focus on the properties that arise from spin. So you take a gas of those ons and it commences into the ground state and you end up with a single quantum mechanical way function. Sometimes referred to as the order parameter and that order parameter. If you allow for spin can be a vector and the relationship between these different vector fields these two a lot of rich structure. OK So this this is a gas. This is the order. Amator for a spin one gas that's the gas that I'll be talking about in this talk and it has three spin projections plus one zero and minus one and. And. So so I'll be telling you about the properties of spin one bows ons under special circumstances so these are the other unique features that we can study nomic Librium dynamics. So we can prepare the system in some initial state and watch as time evolution and that is also something that's difficult to do in commands matter systems where everything relaxes to the ground state very quickly. These are isolated gases in traps inside an ultra high vacuum chamber and they are for the most part removed from external part of ations So that presents some unique possibilities for studying On Equilibrium physics. OK. OK so I told you about interactions so these are interacting many body systems the interactions come from two particle collisions. If you have two. Two particles that collide with one another at very low temperatures. Then you can't think of it in this way you really have to think of it in terms of scattering lengths so to body scattering lengths and for the case of the spin one B. C. there are two lengths that matter. That they're determined by atomic properties they're called eight two and a zero. And the interaction Hamiltonian for the entire gas can be written in this form. So those say this is an interaction the energy density is proportional to the square of the density of the particles and there are two terms in the Hamiltonian there's a cs ear And a C two the C. zero does not depend on spin. And it's simply a geometric mean of a weighted sum of these two of these two scattering lengths the term. See too does depend on spin and it's related to spin exchanges the difference between these two scattering lines which are almost the same. For most of these quantum gases and therefore the ratio of C two to see zero is very small. So there's a spin dependence to the interaction Hamiltonian that's very weak and therefore the timescales for spin dependent process are very slow but nonetheless they play a very significant role. OK So there are two flavors of this two scattering like either the C two coefficient if that which is the difference between them can be positive or negative and if it's negative then the system wants to. Magnetically Order wants to produce the ground state has and that's spent and if C two is positive then it wants to set the net's been to be zero. And we distinguish these by calling one affair a magnet the other and a firm magnet. So in the fair magnetic case you have magnetic ordering in this fluid. And in the attic are magnetic case you have pneumatic ordering so this at this very magnetic state is what's What seen in rubidium B C. There have been some pioneering work at Georgia Tech and at Berkeley in my Chapman's group and dance temperance group in Berkeley on the rubidium spinner B. C. and the sodium work which I'll be telling you about comes from Margaret. To give you a sense of the scale if I take the the seed to coefficient and multiply by that by the particle density I get an energy and this is an energy that you're probably not used to thinking about is really tiny it's an energy scale that's in that of Calvin. And if you ever wondered how to convert from than a Kelvin to Hertz you just multiply by twenty one. OK All right. So we're expanding mental physicists were always trying to find some new product that might be. There that might solve a lot of the the problem so I got very excited when I saw this this company that claims to have things like ideal hookey and springs and magnetic monopoles and we work with magnets so I got very excited but then I thought well this must be just a hoax but then I saw that they they go to the trouble of. Specifying the magnetic field accuracy to one of our squared to point one percent. So I said this is really a spec that that an experimental physicist would like to have but unfortunately I looked at the cost and said is shipping five thousand dollars so I said that's not going to fly with with Georgia Tech's sole source purchasing. So anyway. A real B.C. experiment is a little bit more complicated. And so we start out with a hot gas. What's that. For it's a bit more than five thousand but not for an individual piece of Fortunately we buy it in pieces or. When we travel. So we start out with the hot gas and cool the atoms using laser light. And then we have to then transfer them into a magnetic trap. This is simply a pair of quails around current in opposite direction and the atoms are spin polarized and they're attracted to the center of this make in homogeneous magnetic field and there. Once they are trapped there. We can further cool them without using laser light but simply by evaporating. The hot atoms away and the sample cools to a lower and lower temperature. It's what's known as force evaporative cooling so these techniques were developed in the in the ninety's and led to the formation of B.C. So now it's a fairly robust technology and the one additional step is we transfer the atoms from the condensate in this magnetic trap into an optical trap. That's a trap. That's formed simply by a single focused laser beam in space that. Intensity maximum attracts the atoms to the center. Forming an elong. Ated jam a tree in this single focus. So for that we use infrared laser light at about one micron So this whole process takes about twenty five seconds. From start to finish so if you want to do an experiment with multiple runs it really takes a long time for us to do to collect data. So how do we detect the atoms once we formed it. We shut off the trap at some time and we can allow the atoms to expand for some period of time up to thirty milliseconds or so and then we shine a near resonant laser light in the form of a pulse and the atoms cast a shadow that image onto the C.C.D. camera and then we can take that shadow image and turn it into something. Pretty That's false color that shows the the face transition and action so as you cool the gas down to lower and lower temperatures. It goes from having a Maxwell Boltzmann distribution to see to having a bi modal distribution to being slowly comprised of a condensate with almost nothing else. The condensate can be distinguished by it's an isotropic expansion in this particular image. OK So sodium B.Z. is a Georgia Tech. We've had them for a few years now but the most recent version of our apparatus looks like this and the most recent versions of the personnel look like that. We trap about five million atoms in the optical trap. In our B. C.. After which we can prepare them in any spin state we like by just using radio frequency magnetic fields. We apply a D.C. bias magnetic field of one hundred milligram dose. That's on the scale of the Earth's magnetic field if you're not used to thinking of magnetic fields and we have to reduce the ambient think very feels in the lab to below ten milligram So that's a pretty challenging thing at these guys have gotten very good at doing. So. After we produce the condensate we can do this time of flight imaging but we can add a twist to it. We can apply a magnetic field gradient during the expansion and separation and the cloud separates into three different spin states three spin components in the optical trap. So these three spin projections correspond to the spin projection minus one zero one plus one. And actually the spatial structures that you see here are real and I'll tell you more about them as time goes on. OK. So to understand spin or physics takes several slides worth of introductory material so I am only about eighty percent there before we get to our data. So one of the most important features is and this distinguishes again gets back to distinguishing between atomic gases and condensed matter systems and atomic gases have this thing called Spin conservation. So the entire system has to conserve spin angular momentum and that means that if I have a collision between two atoms that the sum of the two spin projections has to be preserved in a particular collision so if I have two atoms in the spin zero states they can either stay in the spend zero state after the collision or one of them can be promoted to the spin state minus one while the other one is demoted to the state. Plus one and that way. M. one plus M. two is preserved in the collision. That's simply conservation of angular momentum and if you apply that to the entire system that means that the total number of spin up minus in down atoms is a conserve quantity. So there's no. There's no thermal baths to which you can get rid of magnetization it remains conserved. If you start out in a state with some magnetization at the end of the experiment magnetization will be the same. So there's another feature of this energy diet. This is what's called a bright Robbi diagram from the. From atomic physics it's simply includes a linear and quadratic magnetic field shifts the quadratic shift appears because it's the linear shift appears because of the magnetic moment of the electron. The quadratic energy shift appears because of the high profile structure of the atom and there's a very small shift at very low fields and so during this in this collision the linear shift cancels Exactly. And what's left is only the quadratic energy shift which in our experiment ends up being a number of about three Hertz. So it's a tiny energy remember that from the previous graph I said one hundred thirty Hertz to six Nanak Alpha. So this is an energy much less than an a Calvin but it still plays a role in this problem because of spin conservation. So that's what's so unique about spinner V.C.S. So if I include this this quadratic energy shift in the problem then I can write down and a spin dependent part of the Hamiltonian now so this is just the spin part from the previous Hamiltonian that I had a couple slides ago. So there's the interaction term here and now I can add a quadratic is a man energy. And this parameter in front is proportional to the square of the Ambien magnetic field or the applied magnetic field. OK so if. So since I have a Hamiltonian with two different terms I can have different quantum phases and I can have transitions between the phases. So for the MT for magnetic case if Q. is positive then the ground state is a polar B. C.. Means that all the atoms would prefer to be in the spin zero state because they can't overcome that small three Hertz of energy barrier. So the ground state is a pure equal zero but if Q were negative. Then one has an entry for the grants it is an empty for a magnetic phase which is a mixture between these two spins. So for this talk I'll be telling you about how we navigate bitter. In these two these two phases. OK So we do that using microwave translations. So if I look at the ground state of the US of an alkali atom like sodium. It has a three as a half ground state we detect the atoms by shining light between the three S. and three P. levels and we detect the atoms using optical absorption. But if I look at this ground state. High profile structure. I see two levels. There is an F. equals two an F. equals one of these are high profile quantum numbers and it's the spin or physics as in the slower high profile manifold with a few calls one where there you see the three spin projections but at F. and a finite magnetic field these energies are all split from one another by seven hundred kilo hurts her Gauss which is half the bore magnet on and with a micro if. Magnetic field we can drive the transition between the zero. Spin projection in the ethical one and the zero percent projection unethical to this is known as the clock transitions the basis of of atomic clocks not in sodium but in cesium and is very precisely determined even in sodium. So if we drive this transition. It's very long lived so you can see coherent Robbi oscillations on this zero to zero transition using my career feels this is important because it allows us to calibrate the strength of the Michael. Mike Rayfield. And one can also tune the micro field around and explore this spectrum of these different transitions and that's also pretty important. It allows us to see. To really know with what we're doing and to be able to calibrate our Make that it feels very carefully so going to drive transitions between the zero and zero state zero minus one or minus one to zero minus one in minus two and the splitting here allows us to calibrate the magnetic field. So using microwaves we can control the populations between these different levels and there's a third and we can use that as a diagnostic but there's a third and very important part and that is we can. Tune the microwave frequencies so it's very far from resonance and then we don't drive any populations at all but we induce an AC start shift. So if you have. A field is too far from resonance it shifts the energy levels and shifts them in a way that's what Radek. And so the net effect is to create a quadratic energy so if shifts so that parameter Q. that I wrote down in the Hamiltonian can be the sum of both a static term. There's a static. Sorry of term due to the static field that is the quadratic energy shift is proportional to the square of B. and that's always positive for the spin one case but this second term as arises from the A C. field due to the microwaves and the AC start shift is proportional to the square of the Rabi frequency divided by the D. tuning and so by changing the addition you can change the sign of this term. So you change the energy level shifts here you can induce a phase transition in the entire system. So that's what we're going to look at if I plot the. Population in the fraction of atoms now that are detected in the zero States as a function of the frequency of these microwaves you can see that at some frequencies it drops from one We start out with this. All the atoms and spin zero drops from one and Over here it. It does the same but but it does so in two very important ways One is that as the fraction of atoms in the zero state goes down the fraction of atoms in the plus and minus one are going up. And that's because of spin exchange collisions that populate the plus and minus one states equally. So these are the spin dependent interactions. And can can also see that the whole spectrum here is detuned with respect to the clock transition and should be symmetric. That is one should have in principle equal XA Taishan on the red. Side of signs of the clock transition as one does on the blue side of the clock transition. Whereas this data is clearly asymmetric So for instance a very broad region over here where where the the population varies over here it's all flat. And so this is a sign that there is this is this is this is the stark stark effect induced and I mean yes. Yeah OK so that's an interesting question. So. So he says that the green in the blue should add up to one minus this and in many cases they do the cases where they don't are where we're OK so I haven't told you everything about this graph it's actually pretty complicated but but there are multiple resonances in here the residence is that you saw in the previous graph very close to the resonances the a stark effect is is not the only player you have to consider the X. direct acceptation to these to the excited level and the atoms in that level can decay and they can decay in a spin state dependent way so in fact the the the physics of the spin exchange is disrupted in the presence of this resonances But if you're far away from the residences for instance over here. It's from Merrily dominated by this a stark effect so this when we saw spectra that looked like this we began to realise that that the spin exchange processes were we're acting in in a way that was dependent upon the quadratic energy shift. OK so now if I park my microwave frequency here detune from any of these residences by. By a large amount and I simply look at the time evolution of that I mean it was zero population so I turn on the microbes at some point in time and look at the fractional population in the zero state as a function of time. So in this case I've actually turned the microwave amplitude to zero. So there's no microwaves at all. You're simply looking at the time evolution of a pure I'm equal zero state as it is and it decays slowly into a plus minus one pair over a timescale of about two seconds. So in this case. Q. this parameter Q. is positive and but very close to zero. So on this axis the scale for comparison here is that spin dependent interaction energy. Which was one hundred thirty Hertz. So here Q. is very close to zero and so we call this the maddest able States of its It lives but only for it only for a couple of seconds. So if I shift Q. now so that it's likely negative. Then that instability happens faster the gas only lives for about half a second in the suspend zero state before it collapses into a superposition of plus minus one. And if I shift Q. even a little bit further then this chemical zero state becomes extremely unstable. So if the case within a time of thirty milliseconds or so. So we can really tune the this instability rate. So if I define the crossover time or one of a crossover time as the instability rate then we can see that that instability rate goes. Goes up in a very dramatic way as you very this quadratic energy shift. So we start out with something positive. You got a quadratic energy shift negative the instability rate grows very rapidly. So this is a signature we've crossed through this phase transition from positive Q. to negative Q. where we have a crossing between this and this polar phase and MT for a magnetic face but it's not a face transition in the way that you might be familiar with it. That's mediated by finite temperature so when you cool something down below a certain temperature you can have a face transition. This is a face transition that's essentially happening at zero temperature or very close to zero temperature and it's really media did. By quantum fluctuations that change the ground state from one form to another now in our experiment we're not actually staying in the ground state. We're initiating it. This continuous change in the Hamiltonian and so the system then evolves. But as it evolves from one state to another it's it's really changing it's the change in character of the of the ground state is what's driving the dynamics. It's really looking at the dynamical evolution of. As you go through this phase transition. Yes. Well for one thing this instability of rate increases by two orders of magnitude over a tiny range of parameters. Well OK yes so maybe it wasn't obvious from the previous graph. But. But this whole ranges here is only about ten percent of of the characteristic energy in a problem. OK so it's really crossing through some tiny range where where tunes where it goes from. From an instability rate which is less than one percent and two one which is one hundred almost hundred per second. Something is dramatically changed as you go through this at this point. OK so. So what's what's happening to our to the spinner condensate. So one way we can visualize this is in terms of and the magical water parameters so. So there's no spin. I told you before the spin is conserved so there's no net spin. We start out with all the atoms in a spin zero state. And the way to describe that is in terms of. For one way to look at that is in terms of this probability. The probability surfaces so a fair magnetic state would be represented as as a as a ball that's displaced from the X.Y. plane. Whereas an empty for a magnetic state a state of with spins zero projection might think it's a kind of boring object because it has spin zero. But in fact it has a lot of structure so really looks more like a donut. In spin space with with a node on the axis and what's interesting is that that axis can be rotated in space through some angle in which case the spin zero develops into something that has an equal. Contribution from plus and minus one so the general state has equal aptitudes in plus or minus one that's what makes it pneumatic and it has all three spin projection so what we're really observing is the we're Taishan of this pneumatic director away from the Z. axis where you have this. This is written as anti far make it is really polar polar and if our magnetic. Rotation of this pneumatic director away from this polar axis to point along some some arbitrary direction in atomic and molecular physics is very familiar it's called Spin alignment without orientation but but it's something quite unique to this and affirming that it casts. OK So in two thousand and ten there was a paper by Sharma where they showed that one can map this and magnetic want to see system of spins into it into a exactly into a quantum rotor Hamiltonian. So you take them anybody Hamiltonian it includes a spin dependent interactions and this quadratic Zaman energy and it turns out that that many body problem for for the case of a spatially. Single mode system can be mapped to rectally into a single particle Hamilton. Any and for a single quantum rotor that has. That has a macroscopic anchor momentum and it's not that surprising to think about it when you whenever you have a director that can freely rotate in space that has its length constrained that looks like a diatomic molecule rotating in space and. This this single particle Hamiltonian can be can be very easily understood at least qualitatively. So the the kinetic energy part is is the rotational kinetic energy of the rotor and the potential energy part is the quadratic energy shift. So the court Radek energy shift tends to try to align the rotor with the Z. axis. Whereas It's kinetic energy causes it to be the localized So when we tune Q. we're really starting out with a wave packet that's localized in this potential. And as Q. is reduced. And finally made negative you start out with a wave packet that's sitting at the origin that then is unstable against against motion as dispersion and through the entire. Through throughout the entire sphere. So what we're seeing is an instantaneous collapse of this wave packet and that's roughly consistent with what we observe. If we look at this time evolution of the spin zero state the atom start out and spin all the spin zero but then they evolve rapidly into something that in which the spin zero fraction is finite and this roughly corresponds to the dispersion of the wave packet over the entire city here. So although it's not clear that our system yet obeys this quantum wrote a Hamiltonian there's still some intuition to be really derived from it. OK so. In this quantum rotor Hamiltonian this there's another feature that as you very this potential energy the the energy levels here in this rotor. Potential are getting so. Closer and closer together and if you think about that in a spatially extended system that means that there's an energy gap that's going to zero as you approach the space transition until finally the the energy levels become negative the energy of execution becomes negative and that describes an instability in which you have imaginary frequencies. So we can look at our data and try to understand it in terms of an energy gap which goes to zero at the transition point of the center G. gap now depends on the way vector of exits. So these are spin waves and these spin waves have an energy for a homogeneous system that has this formula. And so this form the energy depends upon the quadratic. Energy shift the interaction energy as well as the momentum of the of the spin. Spin waves. And as you tune Q. to zero this energy gap goes to zero and finally becomes imaginary at the transition point. So this curve here. The dotted curve describes this. Imaginary frequency instability for the cake with zero mode and it disagrees with our data pretty pronouncedly at low or drydock energy shifts particularly. So it's not that I want to turn to now we don't have a homogeneous system so that formula only applies in a homogeneous system we really have something in which the density is highest at the center of the trap and goes to zero at the edges where the density is the highest the rate of the spin exchange collisions the highest and so we expect that the instability will be nucleated in a spatially dependent way to start out with something that's all in the spin zero state and its nucleus and instability and we can see that by looking at the spatial structure. Now it turns out that for the imaging method that we use there's no spatial ings. Mation really in the vertical direction. Apart from the from the stronger like spin separation but if I look at one of these blobs for instance the vertical direction has contains no spacial information but the axial direction is primarily along the direction long axis of the trap and because of the technical aspects of the expansion the spatial information along that direction is preserved. So in fact you get a spatial map along one dimension of this cloud is another feature and that is because the trap is so along gated the spin structures primarily are one dimensional. So what you see is is that the instability is nucleated in terms of plus or minus one pairs that are form primarily near the. The center. And they form a small domain and that domain grows with time and if you plot the width of this domain it. It grows until it expands until finally it reaches the size of the entire condensate. And once it's done that it can't grow anymore. So it remains flat roughly. However there are some finer details here that. That one could and I do in time that one could in principle resolve but in this experiment we were unable to because because there were residual density fluctuations in the condensate that prevented us from really being able to see what was going on. So for instance if we didn't initiate the instability we still saw small features like this so. So we worked a little bit harder on trying to since then on trying to trying to to observe these spin domains and it turns out that the spin domain characteristic length is something known as the spin healing length so it's the energy scale in quantum mechanics associated with that's been dependent interaction. And that number turns out to be about a micron for our experiment for sodium. Spinner condensates so. It's clear that the structures that we're seeing here are much much bigger than one micron one micron is about the scale of the width of a domain wall. So in principle one can have domains that are as small as that or close to that but they're really not being resolved in this experiment at the moment so. So we we really wanted to see these domains so we came up with a new method of trying to image them and I'll tell you about that in the last part of the talk. So if we use the same microwave pulse now we add a second frequency that's very close to resonance to simply for detection. So we can drive. The transition between these two high profile levels and we can detect the atoms only in the upper hyper fine level so the light that we use does not probe the atoms in the lower level it only probes the atoms in the upper level and if we drive the transition from the zero state to the zero state and we don't detect the plus or minus one. We only image the the atoms in the spin state zero So way to do spin selective imaging in situ. OK And so we apply a pulse and then of microwave pulse and then we obviously detect the atoms on this F. equals to two F. equals three excited level in the three P three halves manifold. So if we do that then then we can take images of the condensate at different times but these are now going to be almost in situ images I say almost in situ because we we actually expect we'll put it on pause for a second we allow the atoms to expand slightly in the vertical direction just to overcome the spatial optical resolution but you can see that started on its own. Still getting used to her. Point movies. OK so. So let's look at this this is a gas at time zero. So is this a long dated optical trap it has a density profile that's very very elongated and one dimensional and if you allow it to evolve with time. It's five milliseconds per frame you see that the density profile becomes totally unstable and after a short period of time evolves into something that has very very fine structures contained within it. So this is now past the point where the chemicals plus minus one phase has expanded to the size of the entire B. C. and now we're getting detailed information about what's going on. Locally inside the gas. So I think this is a very promising technique. It's something that in principle can be applied to to gases that have more than just one spatial dimension where one can look at these kinds of structures in two D. for instance. OK So with that I'll conclude. And so. Currently we're looking at the spatial dynamics and trying to understand how to characterize them as as a function of time and also as a function of the amount of energy that's available through the quadratic term so dimensionality as I said is another very interesting future direction that one may be able to. To create a trap that has that has two dimensional extent. So currently the width of the trap in this direction is smaller comparable to the healing length of the spin healing right so there's too much energetic cost to creating to creating spin domains in this direction so they primarily form in this direction but if we relax the trapping geometry we could create something that's more spatially extended and could try to look at two D. the two D. is actually particularly interesting because. At the moment we've only looked at the at the the populations in these different levels. But if you explore the coherence between them. There is the relative phase between plus and minus one. There are predictions for top logical defects that are supposed to form and can be initiated by this kind of crunch so this isn't can reorganize itself by by creating domains by it reorganizes self by creating domains. But it can also do so by creating top a logical defects and these typological defects or are known to occur in other models of Quantum Point just so for instance the kibbles erect mechanism predicts the rate at which top logical defects are supposed to form and it would be a part may be possible for us to measure that this is cable direct mechanism was developed in the context of cosmology many years ago to try to predict. The top logical defect formation after X. after the inflationary period of the universe. So with that I'll just conclude by acknowledging a verbal commands and underneath it was counted post-op who worked on these experiments and months of first year graduate second year of registered. And with that I'll conclude Thank you. Let me just say we have graduate student. We're always looking for new graduate students to join our group. So we have some positions and. We're definitely interested to. To to expand our our group at this moment. Thank you thank you. Thank you. Yes. So you can create a laser that has an elliptical profile. And it can. You're going to expand the size of the system in the other dimension. So the reason it has to be so tightly focused is primarily to balance the atoms against gravity. Because at these low temperatures if the numbers don't go anywhere. They just sit and fall. So you have to provide a force that balances the. Condensate against gravity. So that force can be applied in the form of a sheet. Something that's two dimensional but realizing something that's really three dimensional This is a challenge because of this particular issue. If. You know this that that topic has quite a history. There were some extra proposals to put cold atom experiments in space where the fundamental limitation of atoms falling. So for instance Tommy Clarke experiments are limited by the observation time. At least in part because of the falling of atoms due to gravity and so the proposal was to put the atoms in space so that you could extend the observation time. And then NASA decided to go to Mars. So that whole funding programs. Got eliminated that. It's a nice idea but very expensive. Yes. So that's a I didn't I didn't know if I quite emphasize that. So the plus and minus one are not separated from one another. There. Retracted to one another. That's what makes it an anti fan magnet. But they're repelled from the zero. So it's a little different from this from the typical And if our magnet unfair magnet that you see in incremental matter systems which are which are spin a half. This is a spin zero So there's this extra guy that's the spin zeroes component and he interacts with the other two. So. That's what gives rise to this pneumatic behavior but it also means that the plus and minus one are attracted to one another by their palette from the zero. So on these graphs. It means that wherever you don't see a spin zero. There's plus and minus one filling it up so the overall density profile. If you follow it from here to here doesn't change at all. So there's no change in the density profile it's simply the spin state reorganization and anything.