OK. Good. Morning and today we talk about capsule a modular composition and perform a system developed with a web audio and web midi A.P.I. And actually last month I decided to change the name so it's actually called Park so Park is a modular composition and performance system developed with web audio and web midi A.P.I.. So with web audio A.P.I. you're able in part to combine to connect the since and effects that are built in parts of the tone dot Jass library and you're also able to build sense from the ground up with the basic tone just Jass sources components and signals building blocks if you want you could actually build a completely modulus incisor from the ground up. And you also can and instead of using the Web audio A.P.I. You could use Web midi I.P.A. to talk to your favorite midi sense or virtual sense. Today I'm not going to demonstrate them with a web media P.I. that most of what I talk about how the system works will it will apply to that as well. So. Park to combine the conceptual simplicity of a modular style step sequencer with the algorithmic flexibility of a live coding language so what I mean by that with or by conceptual simplicity. When But the fact that if you walk up to your typical step sequencer it's fairly easy to grasp how it will behave based purely on its physical form and I add to that easy ways to inject variety in randomness into the patterns that you create and so. Park itself as I would not is not considered a programming languages not a lot of coding language but perhaps you consider it live coding adjacent in its application if not in its actual syntax so there's a lot more than I could talk about today but I would just demonstrate a couple of features of park to give you a general overview of the kinds of things you might be able to do with it first I'll talk about how part deals with rhythm and then I want to talk about one of the modifiers those are the parts of park that allow you to add variety and flexibility to your sequences. So basics park a score is simply a string of text it starts with an initializing line then the size of the module and gives it a name a tempo and other timing info and root note in a mode now you have more than one of these modules in a given score and each of those can have independent information both a timing in the. Mode information. So following that will be one or more lanes lanes or basically are your instruments in the case of all the demonstration scores I want to give today I'm using a simple drum sampler that's just playing some eight o eight samples so the simplest basically possible simplest synthesizer we can use. So rhythm in Park. The a track in park is consists of two parts a bracketed portion that contains a note or notes to describe the pitch or in this case the samples so that C.H. stands for close to that and then a rhythm portion and in the rhythm portion it's a just to say sequence of notes and rests which are commas and periods respectively. And these notes and rests are then even evenly distributed over the length of the bar so here we have one note so I'm going to get one. Pick on the downbeat So if we add another note as you might expect now I get it twice as fast I mean half notes if for I've got chords notes basically. Sense it divides them evenly any arbitrary number of notes evenly across the bar and that means that poly rhythms are easy to accomplish here I'm playing three notes on the hat in the time of five notes. Of the Rimsha. Which I hear in the intro. So set. Up there you go. So you're also Build Repeat notes so here I have this is how I can generate sixteen noticed I'm saying take that note and repeat it at that at the resolution that I've described I've described resolution by here I'm saying I have a four beat bar with a resolution of four subdivisions that gives you basic four for sixty eight no resolution bar you could also repeat patterns rather than just single notes. Now you could also get odd timing by using patterns that are a length is not divisible by a resolution here are five notes in the pattern so you'll hear as the downbeat comes around that the patterns going to be shifting as it as it comes around because it had some leftover notes at the end and end of it. You also can have in the Notes section more than one note here so here I'm just so alternating mice. Now this may be a little bit less obvious why you want to this in a drum track but. In a melody track this is how you pick the melody by putting more than one one pitch in there you also have more than one bar in a pattern and that could be either in the Notes section or in the rhythms. Action or or both so here I have a. Two bar rhythm of the same sequence of notes and here I'm doing the opposite to bar sequence of notes. But the using the same rhythm. So bring to the modifiers there are four types of modifiers the rest modifier allows you to add variety in the rhythm by doing some random ization and whether or not notes happen the dynamics fx volume shift applies pitch shifting or other parameter control and the repeat modifier allows you to divide the beat in mult have repeats or multiply the beat in order to have a link thing kind of repeat. And then all of these cases you have multiple random and nonrandom ways to to modify the beat or modify your pattern and since there's a lot to talk about here I'm going to talk about the simplest one which is the rest modifier seeing an idea how these modifiers work so the modifiers will appear after the track. And they each have their own bracket style in the case of the rest modifier the quote brackets are the upside down and regular question marks inside that I have eighty which refers in this case in the rest modifier to a percent so that means I'm going to do something eighty percent and the plus means play eighty percent So here we have eighty percent of these no starts to play as patterns as you can also think about things the opposite way if you prefer with the minus and well that now I have the opposite eighty percent of the notes are not going to play. I can combine these by multiplying alternating eighty percent chance of playing to eight percent chance of not playing. I also that you also the concept of rests in the modifier So here I basically have do nothing followed by forty percent of the to. I'm playing nos so every other note was definitely played. As a forty percent chance of. I could also you could also have different values to create patterns of shifting probabilities. You also can repeat decisions that were made in the past so equal the equal sign so here I say play No eighty percent of time and then repeat that whatever that decision is repeated three times so if you decide to play No don't play the next play the next three if you don't play not don't play the next three so you get basically. No rest you can also stack these modifiers to get. To get more complex sort of modifications so there's a bunch of stuff I didn't talk about so that but this is that gives you sort of the idea of how it works. Also if you are interested in the first api that is built using the parts system is is available and it is your basic drum machine here and. You can make basically talk about are available this is done but it is just a drum machine coming later in the month. Dismiss along with the open sourcing of the park language and all that stuff or park library. And all that stuff will be at that capsule dated at Rushworth dot com is that which is in the proceedings here. I'll post that when that's available text Zox right now is already available at Rest of wash dot com slash tech stocks. Thank you thank you. Yeah. Well it's hard to say exactly that for this that the actual syntax is but I could say that the concept in general came from thinking about stuff that actually stuff I have a personal experience with but I started to be interested in seeing others use it which is actually not a language at all but with the hardware a physical sequencers like the make noise Rene intelligible Metropolis It's cool stuff the pendulum on on community these kind of hardware things where people are taking very simple things but then making very flexible systems that's the kind that those are the kind of inspirations that sort of sent me in this this direction. Well it's just getting finished up now so so so me. So it is like I'm doing so that the system is just I'm just I'm just working a lot of the bugs out like the tech stocks available you can start playing out there now if you like and the but I just sort of finish out the squeezing the last sort of fragility out of it and in in a few weeks hopefully I'll post that and hopefully I get more people hammering on it and shaking out even more bugs. Well so Park itself so that so techs Ochs and dismiss these are applications built with the system but actually this this system is actually built out of two projects at once and that one that I realized were one project and one was just a regular dike you know how to making you know. Sequencers that you could use it whether it's on the web or otherwise and you get a grasp graphic widget so the library itself could be used to build kind of a bunch of different stuff including just. Things that are significant than this would just like strings of knobs or a grid pattern those kinds of things and I'll be releasing I probably this summer the first game like a collaborative. Collaborative music making game using of you know much simpler version that actually is graphics rather than get the strings attached and I'm like. This is. Yes the way the way of the well the way it works is right right now it has a resolution of one bar so the words and it's partly due to the fact that since timing there is no real idea of apostasy track has its own pulse so I discern that right now I said OK we have a resolution of a bar. So you can basically Center the score and it's just going to execute whatever's happening like whatever the last thing it will sound so basic at the resolution of what one bar and so both tech stocks and it must do the same way to dimiss is like the all the features of park and and so just the drum machine and the same kind of thing you get at your score send it away the next bar comes around it's going to be updating and playing and playing was going. To Let. People. Hear. Here. Yeah yeah definitely things like that things that are. Me a big part of the attraction fact the main attraction of the Web and Web Media Bias is the Web part of it and so the fact that it makes it easy to do stuff like you're describing that are somehow either whether they're collaborative audience participation the you know those kinds of things to me that's the most exciting thing about the Web out A.P.I. is that these possibilities for making things that either artist can create together or audiences and and artists can sort of interact with one another so definitely. Whether. Or yes yes you're right yeah Do they does work you can you can do basic This summer the kinds of things that describe sending me no doubt in many controller that so you can draw your external sense or virtual sense so if the work on the synchronistic synchronization between those two things but but separately they work work on. They very much thank you. Thank you.