[00:00:09] >> Susan we started this thing that it's been I think 5 and a half months yet and we're still here we're still here it was days weeks and now months where and we're going to have to have an anniversary celebration we definitely need to do that so I'm curious about your 1st few months. [00:00:30] In what would your your thoughts are what have you found both in the College of Science but also I've heard attack. Well you know I think my 2nd day on the job your 2nd day on the job I think was one of my best days which is a great way to Barack because that was only half the diversity it was awesome to have that unveiling of the trailblazer and I think. [00:00:53] On my 2nd day I had really gained an appreciation for the deep history of Georgia Tech it's interesting because you find I have to choose. My own highlights I would also choose that you know the day of the job I agree with you to to hear the personal stories of the 1st black students at Georgia Tech in to realize that we are so close generationally from a time where women were not admitted and attack where people of color were not admitted attacked to hear what life was like but also to somehow rejoice in the progress that has been made and reflect on what I was remains to be done but that's why I've always really been interested in mentoring programs for women and now one of the reasons I came to Tech is because I'm really interested and focusing now on the recruitment and retention of under-represented minorities I'm also interested in bringing in disciplines together diversity of disciplines and one of things that is very intriguing to me to me because my my own career has also been involved I disagree but on how you start as a chemist and then really when when when I look at your your work to understand the structure and the function of of our oceans you need to bring in math to build models you need to understand physics and chemistry and the role of biology and somehow you have managed to create your own. [00:02:33] Training But it's it's not always easy right till Not only is. And it's not always a linear path so I got my undergraduate degree in chemical engineering and when I was in graduate school in chemical engineering I was studying food flow through a pipe and studying fluid flow through a pipe means you're studying what's called fluid dynamics and it is math and physics and depending on what's in the pipe it involves chemistry but when I was out in Seattle I discovered that instead of studying flow through a pipe I could study flow in the ocean one of the ideas that has been. [00:03:08] Really very strong from the beginning is this notion that a place like Georgia ought to really strive to solve some of the most complex problems that we know when we talk about facing the 21st century challenges in particular you know the challenges with climate change I always say it's an all hands on deck problem and I think a place like Georgia Tech we really have of many of the elements you know that are needed for us to think you know carefully and creatively about how we can start providing some of the solutions what's been in these 5 and a half months any any surprises for you honestly every week I have a surprise a Georgia Tech every week I find a new project a new one munition that really blows me away this building where words of a new this is one of the it's a symbol I think for us moving into into the 21st century and our concerns about the environment in the energy I think in a way everything we do want to campers we need to try to think of not just are we need a building to teach classes how do you make that building an example of something bigger so that everybody who uses that as we do can be thinking of the world but I think this is what we can think about in our strategic plan as well right because if we call out that we want to use technology for the sociability to meet the challenges then we model it here yes on on the campus Well it's been fabulous to get to work with. [00:04:37] You get to know you over the last 5 months and 14 days like that and really look forward to many more saying here and we'll pick that one year anniversary of homicide I mean is it like All right thanks Rachel Hyde is there to.