Speaking about a round is there is it's not easy. It was a long time ago and I was asked to speak about Iran. I did no work to stop because nobody seemed to know anything about Iraq today when you asked to speak about you and if you every day you read in the newspapers everything into what's going on in Iran India it is a region. So. I want to just so and try to give you what I think it's more it's some kind of you found understanding of the complexity of the Iranian society and politics because it's not black and white. It's it's in the middle there are so many different faces to there is not something that is this is Iran when I've been in the job is not Iraq Harmony's not if I was a result you are and many others are not Iran even to and do you wonder for young people of Iran. They are not Iran Iran is a combination of all of them together. Next week. Thirty three years for based on kind of one of the main. Maybe the word the word celebrating is not appropriate. They will be marking I don't know what is this celebrate about but it's there will be marking the thirty three thirty and he will also read and I think that is one portion that the Iranian people are asking themselves after of the street over three years. Did we get what we expected because they were Lucian delivered. What we all of our parents wished for thirty three years ago. Going with maybe to topple the monarchy and establish the first Islamic Republic in modern history of the Middle East. When I think if you go to the streets of to have. And you ask this question. Justice out of that fine people who are feel free to speak. But the vast majority of the people of Iran are not very happy to have lots of very happy because you have young people and we are now seeing what is being called the Arab Spring. Have to cope with light of what we call today the Arab Spring. They have been in the streets for a long time. For one hundred twenty years deal and young people are struggling to people of these films we decided why do people of good to the streets once again we're going to make the social political but I can never doubted who works. It was struggling for the bread with the liberties and this was the essence of this law because evolution. After all if the Iranian people ask themselves. Do we have better or worse of today for the people of the four dead and the privileged because this was the essence of the stop of the revolution. To bring gravity to the Iranian society to upgrade their standards of the people of Iraq. But I don't see the dipping of people who have better standard of living today that used to be for thirty years ago. And the free to was the end of the of this music. What is the greater freedom today. That used to be out of the shop and the Shah was not democratic. No one has to tell you about it. I think when you're on the last four years of the Shah's rule doing research or to appear on university and I know about it. I learned to appreciate democracy when I was in Iraq because only when you live in a not the midst of then you understand what is and it's to mention the young people here because I think sometimes I I I see the younger generation of taking the mocha. See for granted. This is the most precious thing that you have in life. And democracy is something that it's so important. Also for the young people often but the day he did would you know have read what was said then and they don't have democracy. Under the Shah to speak against him was a cry put in jail for criticizing the. Today to speak against I have to last is a scene. I don't know which one of them is better. Certainly there is not much democracy. The one time protect is fortunately we bring you something of the flavor of Iran and Iranian politics society your power in the play world of its regional politics and international relations. But you know at the end of the day all politics of domestic You cannot understand the international edition Iranian foreign policy without understanding the dynamics of the Iranian politics and so let me begin with three questions that I think are important to ask when you speak about Iraq and one question is In what sense. What we call Islamic revolution what Islamic religious leadership. I don't know but it depends on your how you define religion. If you are Western to lean on that would be friendship between religion and state religion science religion politics. Based on the Lucian was much wider but if you use logic to Normandy and we do world of Islam back in Judaism. It has to do with religion. Even what you eat his boot your faith and so this level there were. Motion was just a word. Because it will not be rational and that you feel your list of the doing together but I think it's important to understand. The deal reason of the two young people thought it right or seventeen hours went to the streets in pop or the Shah was not to bring about a planet but rather to give hope for a better life for their children. If you think about the young people in the real Square in Egypt exactly a year ago. And being cheered as you feel with eleventh. And use of the high days of the movement in Cairo Egypt. This is basically they were struggling for the same thing they're struggling for hope for a better future for their future. Because they live in Iran was a visible part of the people. You could see that Iran has reach of resources. Amount of oil being exported it is was a rich country which poor and I think that there is some degree the situation to being Iran is like the food you put in for the meat that you understand the did the able to stop because Lucian was not the certainly the I or two lawyers will be all over because in fact this was not even what I have the Khomeini wished for when he came to power his first prime minister was muslim got his good professor of the During his first first president but he suddenly was Professor of Sociology both of them for more. Time the intercepted. Clearly of one segments of the. Intercepted that evolution. Agreed the ideology of this revolution represents Islam equality slum inclusion so it's probably would mean that this is an Islamic movement. So what is Islam because. Is there something that you can say what does is Islam. Again it depends of the interpretations. There are different meanings of the of the religion and the implication of quality. And you are out there have always been different different attitude is Shiite Islam an Iranian of Shia like the most of the Muslim world which is Sunni there is even more moderate pluralism in won't declivity. Give you an example when I have to know how many kids here are twelve years nine hundred seventy nine almost thirty three years ago. Most probably I have to live in your heart was put under house of us because he did not agree with the Khomeini at all. I had to let show you would not expect you to remember the lives but you should remember that the highest ranking day or two later I was under house arrest for seven the first use of a stomach revolution happened to us the way they meant that I had many appointed to be his successor as the supreme leader of Iran at eleven puzzled me was later removed from grace and he started criticizing division. He was under house arrest and. You would be possibly. He was living. I had to lie in Iraq. Psystar me who doesn't agree with I have to know how many so. I think it would be mistake to say that there is one color of Islam does what we think of Islam there is one interpretation of Islam there are many interpretations of what happened in the video of recent decades is that one very radical interpretation of Islam. Has basically taken the leap of soul into the here on the only of liking to but not all Muslims are all radicals. Because we cannot attribute these things to all but we are people and I've come to supporting acts of course should be more degreed the politics of Iranian regime today the ideology which they came to power. And you know what happened in Iraq. I haven't seen any any political movement in history there is a huge gap between what people say in an election campaign and what they do after being attacked and I don't refer to any of that it's a comedy in opposition. You say what you say what you wish. There is no tax or promises when we come to power because in opposition to power. You also not only getting the command on the continent institutions but you also have this belief which I will comes responsibility India slum it would be after they have the Italy to feed the people of Iraq and declined to have been thirty seven million dollars seventy five seventy six million just could see the growth society again another problem. So anyone Lucian. Is. The kind of suicide if you go. If you don't consider the realities. You would not like any other with a degree does not mean moderation but the price is very heavy. You may be willing to change you know I don't really need the works up in the morning and the world. What can I do what the world has been bashed between ideology and War of the right. There is almost no exception because by the name of the Persian Gulf people call. Some people some people to be on the safe side the Gulf is the Gulf of Mexico or whatever but there are two nations that called the Persian Gulf Persian Gulf. The Iranians and the Israelis with all the disagreements between us. They they appear to be united suppresion Gulf brothers. This is not by. And defense just really took over the Gulf. That wasn't there yet. Let's the UPS Let's call the Gulf the Gulf. I thought it was a good idea. You didn't agree because the Gulf has been and will remain with heavy work you've got the rate of growth of population in your body. This was the highest of the war three point seven percent yield is a problem if you're right that the problem of the one is there is not the Great South America is the fault of the about the Iraqis in the books successful family planning let's call it the way they call it family planning program. Indeed. So. Mind you something called was found in line with Julie thank you so they could sing and then you put your money back. You have to be shareholders or part of it because you don't want your Islam has expanded recently. You want to see that you really just you're wrong because there is one difference between what you're listening to make a record. So basically you're here you want to get the stories you want to put your money to bang you. You can tell you you'll Plus what you said to those you know like plays you can see those lights go around you. Larry Summers what he's going to say right now. How much time do you want. Usually one question from these different interpretations for you. Basically you know two things you know there are certainly some rules. One is all about you focus a little rule for most of the videos you actually on the island. You're in the right Kyra. These days. Let me say we would love you all for using your life. The work of the secret society. If you see them on the street. If you look at the news that was being punished in your life just like with. Now you look at books from the book Don't use your fascist interpretation of religious faith and you want to do is there like allusions or something. You know one of the students from home and writes of your language in this fashion was probably in sort of a leading international school because I want to go to the probably the one euro is the rule to go of the Cultural Revolution in your luggage. So the people who started the solution is not only people but sure you get all the solutions and realize that there's a line you're going to look for so what we're seeing in your life it's your turn to be more part of it or you go and fight for your problem is not sure if you take the problems of your god will be your life is nuclear weapons. Don't tell you the region ensures I'm going to cite you so much. You made you good. Well you know clearly the time for which she did what people your conjecture here are probably is because she did learn the lesson of time and I'm going to let you handle the list because she seems like so you decided I was going to go on so much for you Are you saying there was just time I was all right. She's like right when we're going to retire or you're going to get on with those values because the real expressions. You see in the world reducing the rate of exposure to join the freedom of expression probably don't have to go through you come out and you. You know how come you want people pray for gold. So I can actually be you really get a permission from God to take your problems and they let people like you know you know it's just so demonstrating you go to the streets like you know I'm going to like you want to be really grand and you love me and this lady was like you just don't understand what you are legion and you ought to come close to people who say or do that you're such a shame because most of the love in your day will go on. You can see my list against you and you. So you see that you control your actions or your young people all because you have you read in two thousand and nine but you know I used to mean what you are explaining that you take the whole country. You don't do right by our own rules and that's what you like as usual and so this just doesn't work. Why do you like the private life. Thank you for calling me and your. Ladies. But you won't show. We're going to cause any more successful you to cause the like you just say you finally get people to go go to war. Do you still hold it doesn't know what it is for ten days is a lot going to say about your short young people down to the first one you're really kind of is this is your son you could not get your question are you such a good dad young people you know exactly where young girls like you understand. So there is a change. So for God's sight for you so does the old guy you know you've done your part in devotion and you know he's all you most powerful country. How come you can be so hard to solo People always the rich country has done the best some uses to leave London in the last years like you just did you luck United States where European allies like to meet in your house. The ones you have for a few years from eighty to eighty eight. We Don't be able to spot that you can't go down America goes the other day and do all the time we finally do we appreciate you for coming your way just as a way for you and your day to this day. May be very. You are you know you are more powerful also because you are getting to be so you are doing some very nice. We are going to be going to you live right here last night good night America. Just take your time. So you've got just what you just told you so it has come from. We have not released like we should thank you. Today because of all you did I did your best to write you mean people some hope you are going to be if you are going to say you are wrong in your state to go to war. You always do what it was like you can do just one more to show how long do you really want to go or something because you are jealous of just like you are you can say what I like you wish to change the laws for this is the usual reason you know you're just like Louis and you thought you were a great player coming here and you need your. The way things are you usually tell me how much you are to be sought in real life sometimes it was good for this talk about this stuff you can be and many away from home close or you don't need to Christians were fighting as she was so close together so those Christians like you want to do more. You can really hear what you feel like working so hard because the community is just something that we can live with yourself. Countries. There's a good question for you because you had your country which was just a short while ago and the regime so life really will help you learn to love you. Yes You know I go back to life today because you know I was quite good while you see your first Gulf War It was also about some people say you know you want to know the life. Action of your life like Hamas and Hezbollah but you're right there was NEVER did you want to let you go. Just watching you do that and you should take your job. All my over to your partner and it should be. How are you with my now and looking for the people of Iran and he says it doesn't mean that you are right. You will find your way up north. You really believe that you chose your country after you lose your home or your toys. You don't you know I mean you know you go. I don't know where you got your life and I love your life. You know you think you know how you might come on guys. Well kind of to me not you the truth can be pretty good mind you but just so you know this for you. How would you like anybody. You know you just said you're measuring ceiling because that's what was your sister but you're exactly right. You're right to say yes I'm fine with it so why do you say your life is OK so she's learned it's true what she learned when they say that if you love cause you're going to the existence of the state of Israel and I would rather you love go through here and what is your real future place you will follow what you will tell you just missed and you if you're lucky because you just said you know because you're so cool. All right. I know it was like a few years ago. Well you know I don't usually like to give a lecture to political leaders to say well you just hope we can get you the election because there was a life. You don't like the world. So I think this is why should I tell you joke with my heart because it was a little down Tory because my life. So you see so you say Well my problem of culture was now what can you speak about all of your life you know because you get all the options are not here today. You should go to work and you know first question you show your life. Why you go to Spain how you are very good people. You just somehow you're just as the life you are you expect more Europeans more and more so when it comes to issues of course you. You know you think you know your life like it's OK you live young was your most you want to do you want to start a life. You really do you want you to be sure you are not you know if you look even if you're just a lovely old girl will be devilishly a lot like you don't you can use a little girl you can always feel like you know you know that like they're So you and you can see all you that I really do care almost wait here till you come to God is not always the sign of weakness. I mean there are pressures you're OK. Close to your heart your life your life you're going to shape the way you look I mean what you call per day to bring young people life is so much more you know you can't just write about. That's one of the we don't have it will happen or something similar and he'll tell you you will do life will seem there's going to be a very solution but when you really know your child is the hardest to do over something so what you're seeing Ellis does actually have a place called Eyes which I'm left to tell you what I'm saying is happening in this message of nuclear weapon if I'm not saying he's going to divest us of so usually I say what I see is did come on its way to you. So I just did what you want just as much as possible to slow down this way of accelerating as much as possible. So it's very very much. It'll feel like I agree with you there for all to be not in Syria and Europe revolutions hijacked probably the most agreeable event for all of your real life issues are huge differences but here the nuclear of your impulse purchases much faster than social just what you feel you feel live your life on a ship by here in support of our position will consume. I'm going to change your life because Russia China China Russia. You know you're a leader out of doing how you're supposed to love your life as we just mentioned. Why do you say such a lousy deal which I said I don't usually go to you or I could tell you you don't know how to get you leave but instead you just go. Wait for it it was just fun to go out alone so I go it was a good time to say. You guys just can't understand how young you make you stand because you're good you know nice to feel good because you know you're going to be able to be close to the I want to do or should I go single really really young people they come away to sort of talk to them all you want to look at a lot because the full quote was you know you can see it from your you know from the way you can be accessed by. All the time say no or slowdown. Well you know you're very very excited when you say Reagan was there you know you got to go there are actually developing North Korea and you are doing what I'm doing with your money. I ask you why you think I made you so usually I want to do this specter powerful country. So if you really believe that I think that you know what you need to change your or your life. The way what people you hold people was a good risk you could be so just a natural or you should feel just awful. You know focus on the slope you're only growing regional power or what can be in Rhode Island. For those who are on the air but you are right it is good old days of the good ole You could see the issue you have for us where are you going to come down. If you're not going to go sooner so it's going to be very good for us. For example. So you can expect your life. Well. You look at your chart. So you go there you'll see you're there we go right. Russia there and there they are there. They're not far away. You're working there right. When you go where you are so you know you are trying to get help because when you're actually just lost a loved one. Would you say yes. As someone who lives in New York. So it's possible that this is your opinion. So you'll be your lawyer homely little differences between recession nuclear power and even including the census rich and the nuclear weapons. So why are you sleeping going down weapons like that even more but do you sense that the Iranian leadership is satisfied with the trusteeship stance that will be garnered from a nuclear energy capability clue or is that just simply not prestige and all the reasons why you should go for close to being you and you would you believe Clarke did force the world is a big US by saying that because they thought it looked like you knew close. Yes but also and he was good in life if you twice life. Why should you trust him. You know there was a little bit of it where you just said such a problem for you and you told me so and I see you. Sometimes I'm like my friend. You know you look good. Your life was close. I was. This is you know if you started on your sixty's and you're sure you know there's a guy in your home and you're going to do is raise your call you know such a good. You know you do you know he's done this because lazy river was allowed to go on top of it in the future just as a good relationship that you really don't get as many voters you know you can come and go all the moment that your uncle wears out more you can ask yourself well what do I look for from you should make sure you're fighting against the top why don't you want to change what was just the problem is that goes your way to look good or use a song like.