So the first team is over with police. Future students from the school can be size a newish beaten army and. One is going to. Present. All of. Our it so somebody called the police. This police always says stands for open source our software and we are here to catch the. Freeloaders and security slackers So let's get started with some background. So in the past decade or so we have we have transitioned from a dot com world to a planet of apps and there are more than six million Obs stores now as such development cost and time to market are two critical factors for the profitability often up. There for mobile app developers often rely on open source software for their obvious benefit. And with the rise in social coding getting access to annoys us as never been easier. However there are strings attached for example there are legal risks or is this a way double under multiple licensing terms that may vary from being permissive to highly restrictive G.P.L. in particular is very restrictive and requires all the David of works to be open source and now it's an enforceable contract according to US judge so not all complying to these storms can lead to huge financial losses. Similarly there are security risks in O.S.'s the number of documented open source one little bill it is has only been rising attackers can take advantage of these unpatched one abilities. And mount attacks and which may which may cause are up to fifteen point four billion dollars on average annually. So sometimes it may also cost your job. So this is an important problem and it's a two sided market on one side we have businesses with mobile apps that are one little. These risks on the other side we have these open source software developers that they want to track who is using their apps and maybe turn them into their customers. So we decided to target the other market we are targeting the medium and large enterprises that offer software under dual free and commercial license so this is a market based on our initial customer discovery and landscape deep dive so we hypothesize that they will subscribe to our audit service to automatically identify mobile apps violating their free licensing terms and while doing so they'll make new customers still sell them their proprietary license. So we are always this police team and that is not a uniform. My name is. And he's my colleague we are both C.S. B.S.T. students and we focus on mobile security and. So this is our core technology and it's based on our research. We have built a highly skilled able and accurate this detection tool that can even identify versions of this being used in apps what we do is read take we scrape up stores we take our buy unities at the same time we scrape our web hosting services such as Get up with their licenses and compare to analyze what this is being used in the apps and we can do the auditing and perform any risk assessment so we have already applied our technology on one point six million three hundred apps and compare them against one thirty five thousand or assess repos and we found lot of license violations G.P.L. and highly One notable lapse. So while doing so in to doing our analysis we found one particular software P.D.F. software was heavily being used by a lot of apps and the name of the company that provides the software is architects so we did some research and we found that our defects is a company that has brought a lot of lawsuits upon other companies in the past so they have been suing companies left right and center for a infringing their copyright times so this is somebody who wanted to go after so we shared our findings with them and we reported over thirty five thirty four thousand potential while Asians and they were very happy they made new customers they made a lot of money and money is uming but they don't it only a small amount to Georgia Tech. But the good news is that they want to they want us to scan app stores for them twice a year. So we found another software P.D.F. software again that was heavily being used in mobile apps so we did a lot of research again and we found out that it was far from a company eight X. P.D.F. and the CD of ID Expedia has been very active answering questions about there are software licenses so we decided to share our findings again. And they were very happy they are still contacting the violators. There are some commercial tools. Are such as Black Duck that has components and assess legal risks. However they target the other side of the market did target large enterprises for performing risk assessment on their own software. We on the other hand it's clear. Stores and track what's being used in the apps so that always has developed as can turn our developers into their customers. Source D.N.A. on the other hand was one startup that did something similar to us it was a start of from our need Lawson in two thousand and eleven they also scrape up stores and track what's in the app they did Y. Combinator in twenty fifteen and world leader acquired by Apple. So we think our technology is useful in has multiple applications for example we can also our target mergers and acquisitions department and we hypothesize that they want to use our audit platform to in Childress three deals similarly cyber insurance companies offering protection to businesses may also want to use an auditing service to assess risk in their customer's infrastructure. Obviously these are all hypothesis and we want your help in validating them we are we are willing to get out of the building and perform customer does discovery but we need your help to connect us to the right people. Thank you if you like a road police are a vote for us. I would be happy to take any questions. So that's a good question we also realize that we may not be able to go beyond a certain market if in this beachhead. We doing an analysis analysis we found or were twenty plus so heavily used under G.P.L. So we're trying to contact one by one but we thought this was an easy target because they would be able to turn developers into customers. So you may be right there we may not be able to go too far with it but we have other target markets that we can go after and I would be happy to discuss offline with you. I. Think you contacting them and if they get new customers. But if not members of them so I think you're asking why why they have no idea don't you so I think so it was partially our fault we restart we were looking for the e-mail address and we start the sales department and nobody responded so we reached out of the company late and they are still trying to contact the violence and hopefully they'll be able to make new customers and we'll be happy. So it's hard to say that it's a must to more than say that this is the next hundred new revenue for them because without you taking this guess they will know now because their software used to be infringed yet and what's the value of this customers. This may be their trade shows and we don't know how much you're making by Have each new customer but from them unless they're donating at least we've seen their making good money. And we know you. Know. What. Or. And basically say you know. Here. We are now. So I think we are is actually one of the bus watching because Annika particularly for that effect they have their own lawyer department but F.M.P. and some other negative P.R. software and they are just developers they have no need for service they really use their software under G.P.L. by they don't know how to like and force this like the terms so this is definitely when they get that we can go for the country we are as we say we're shooting for the easy targets basically we just handle the technical part but I think that's a good suggestion so if you go. You know you're going to feel. So that I think the reason the people I call if I go to groups like F. and big I'm not able to get these are mobile app developers because they lack resources so if we provide them resources lawyers or whatever they need then I think they'll be willing to partner with us. I think I think we're talking about existing not commercial of large companies black duck so I can understand the reason they are not going after them is because they have already targeted big fish range so they've already got a good large enterprises and they may be making good money from you know detecting their own internal violations to companies like Qualcomm so I am not I think so when they realize. I wasn't even. Yeah but I think if the one realize they all sort of get this yeah but I think. Maybe you know because the public that they are focusing on what you do in the company's own source code so. They may not need to go and I think very much skill. Yet that that's OK. You know that's a technical problem that we. Started with but they just need to scan the company and get up into. One thank you thank you. Thank.