Well thanks for that nice introduction and like to thank the Department and the Institute for inviting me here today to share my work our work on liver tissue engineering and also using micro-manage technology tools along those lines. So I'd like to just start with this slide. This is a slide from netters Anatomy it's a complicated side of the liver meant to emphasize the complexity of Liver Functions and the row. There are some five hundred odd liver functions that are divided into four main categories detoxification. Production plasma proteins fat carbohydrate and protein metabolism and also production of bio for gesturing So collectively these are the functions of the liver. It's not surprising then that when the liver fails it's fatal. And that's an increasing problem due to have otitis B. and C. worldwide it's estimated that about ten percent of the worldwide population carries one of these two viruses. So the gold standard of therapy for liver disease as whole organ transplantation. And as is the case for other tissues there are really not enough livers available for to for demand that's required so that has led to over the years. A lot of work in liver support technologies because of the complexity of the liver. Most of these these these technologies are cell based so I'm going to emphasize to you today. So the first two just for completeness are parasite transplantation so this is typically intravenous or intra portal injection of a pad of sites that this is done for sort of single gene defects in metabolic diseases. People are making trans Gene examiner grafts typically humanizing the end of feeling them of whole organs and then the two that I'll focus on our show down here so the first are these are extra corporeal devices. You can think of them as dialysis like machines they're typically hollow fiber cartridges and they have had a site like cells over the last few years there have been a couple of very disappointing very expensive very prominent failures in this area primarily we think because they have had a science of the past. I like cells and these devices are not functioning well and as I'll show you. That's one of the main emphases then and of my group is how to get a pad of sites or parasite like cells to function in the sort of synthetic environment and the other thing that we and others are working on which is a very lofty long term goal is actually making an implantable piece of liver tissue or tissue engineering of the liver and I'll touch on that a bit. So this is an overview of our what my group is working on. So as I said we're working on making functional engineer liver tissue and there are a number of applications that we're interested in. So the therapeutic applications that I just mentioned the other sort of interesting thing that comes out of having this stable liver tissue in the lab is that it turns out to be a great model system to study melty cellular Ophelia. There's a lot of interesting biology here that one can study now in vitro instead of in vivo and then the last application that we're interested in that comes out of having stable liver function in the laboratory is using miniaturizing these pieces of the rich issue and thinking about how to interface this with micro technology and make in vitro platforms for drug screening for pharmaceutical applications. So these are the applications that we're interested in our approach is twofold. So there's a number of somewhat unique problems to liver tissue. Although I was talking to Dr Service last night and I think some of them are quite common. Actually in the pancreas world as well so. So the first is that how to sites mature a pad a science a functional cell the liver don't proliferate to any measurable degree in vitro. This is a huge. Problem It's estimated that you need about ten percent of the liver mass sort of therapeutic benefit. So we and others are looking at stem cell sources than which our political source then that could mature into a differentiated a path of sight. The two stem cell sources that we're looking at our liver specific stem cell called the oval cell. This is a by potential cell that can make both the pad aside and the clan to fight which is a billiard ductile so. The other stem cell source is an embryonic stem cell source routing at mouse embryonic stem cells so I'm actually not going to talk at all about our stem cell work today. But I just wanted to let you know that we're working on that what I will be talking about is the second problem which is relatively unique to have out of sight it's a matter is that they rapidly lose their phenotype in vitro so you take them out of the animal you put them in this device or in a construct or whatever it is and they lose most of their liver specific functions on the order of ours. So what we've been interested in is looking at the micro environment of that data sites in vivo and seeing whether we could learn what the palace I see in B. But what's important. Then for stabilizing their function in vitro. So this slide explains more what I mean so this is the architecture of the liver in vivo So for the chemical engineers in the audience it's essentially a radial flow by reactor blood comes near here in the periphery drains to the central rain here in this radial flow pattern and along the way in quarters encounters these a parasite cords. So it's a very efficient mass transport machine. And these a pad of sites then have very well defined interactions with their microenvironment they have very well defined So Matrix interactions pretty well defined interactions with the blood that streaming through the Cybil factors that are coming out of the gut. And then interactions both with one another we call those homo to pick and interactions with five other cell types in the liver we call those heretic so if you look at the liver. Biology literature to some extent and many of these have been mimicked in vitro and to some extent all of these stabilized liver functions. So what I'll be focusing on is two particular ones header to pick Coke ulcer and the role of oxygen in the blood. So I'm going to start with the role of this heretic Celso interactions by describing an effect known as the coke culture effect in the literature. So this is real effect in the have outside world first reported in the early one nine hundred eighty S. by a French group who can use a group and I'll describe it here to you in data. So the effect as I mentioned before on how to sites when isolated. So these are isolated from the rat liver are plated in vitro they rapidly lose their phenotype here we're using albumin as a marker of one axis of liver specific function that the liver synthetic function but this is true for all the other functions of the liver as well. So your plate is a pad of sites on a college in a petri dish they lose this liver specific function right away if you look at them after ten days have to trust me if you're not with used to looking at a passage but these look horrible these are very fibro Blaster they have indistinct nuclei bright intercellular boundaries. If on the first day of culture you add another cell type. So it turns out this works for with many different cell types here we're showing three to three fiber blasts from the a mouse source. If you add these on day one of culture you see your dramatic regulation and stabilization of this function for many weeks. OK So this is well known from the early eighty's in the morphology of these are past that cluster over here with nice bright nuclei nice bright boundaries. They also have all the other functions that one can think about measuring. So it's not clear how this works but if you think about how one might use this as a bioengineers you start to ask yourself some sort of very simple question. So if I was going to put these in a hollow fiber diarrhea and what would be the ratio of the cells that I would use. Do they need to touch or could they be separated by a membrane is it important to have a pad of sight may. Some level of what's about contact or is it OK to be alone. So those are the sorts of questions that we were thinking about asking and we stress first started working on this problem and you can see in a conventional culture we call this a random Co culture a pat of sites here are forcefully labeled red and they're surrounded by these fluorescent labeled Green Fire fiberglass but you can see is all of the variables are coupled so for instance if you want to change from a typical interaction you lower this L.C.D. density you change the ratio and so on and so forth. So what we did was we developed a micro fabrication based tool the micro patterning tool to uncouple some of these variables so I won't go through the details of the process but essentially what you do is you use semiconductor technology to do photo fog or fear photo patterning of college in this case a glass wafer OK So these are the exact same techniques that one would use for making my for electronic circuits on silicon. So you pattern college and in this case on a glass wafer you see a pad of sites on that and they selectively adhere to that college and. Then you surround the cells by seeding the fiber glass and the presence of serum proteins. Those serum proteins will absorb on this bare glass and then mediate the attachment of those fiberglass in a pretty free. OK So using this micro patterning tool you can go from the random coacher that I showed you before to highly organized tissues in vitro OK So again here these are the rat pack of sites separated by a fiber glass. So we set out then to ask some of these questions that I loaded too so the first was What is the role of header to pick interaction. So we set up these are four different culture conditions and in each dish we have the same number of constituent cells same ratio of cells but what's varying is the level of interaction between the cell population so here. These are single cell that had a slight islands of forty my trying to mention these are one hundred micron colonies five hundred microns. And this one is many millimeters. OK. So what you see is that in the absence of the surrounding straw and the absence of the surrounding. Fiberglass if you look at a couple of markers. Again this is after ten days. What you see is to both for nitrogen metabolism and for abdomen production in the absence of the fiberglass you see very low function. Goes with the data I showed you before. In the presence of the fiberglass if you look down here. What you see is in a manner a dose dependent increase in tissue function such that the cultures with the most interaction with the smallest island are more highly functional than for example these so these cultures are also very stable but they're stable at a lower level. So we were curious as to about what was going on here. So we thought let's stay in the cultures and see which cells in the system are contributing to these secreted bubbles of protein. So we did just that. That's shown here so this is immune. It has to chemical stain for albumin So Brown is album in using horseradish Praxedis and what you see on the left is a pad of sides alone and on the right sides and Co culture. So you see on day one. This is a five hundred micron colony of how to sites that are chock full of album and they've just come out of the liver. If you cultured them in the absence of any neighbors. You see that that staining declines as in the secreted data case if you surround them with fiberglass which you can't see here because they're not standing for albumin what you do see eventually is that the cells in the centers after six days of culture the cells in the center behave as if they're seeing no fiberglass at all and the cells in the prefer actually are maintaining their album of production. OK so this. It follows then that the cultures that have very large colonies are relatively little interface were stable a functioning. But at a lower level. OK it's a bit more complicated than that and I'm not going to go into the details here but this this ring that was differentiated ring a function if you will is actually about two to three cells deep and not just one cell layer deep and what we think is happening here is there's a are. Role for Homo to pick gap junction mediated signal propagation. So again I'm not going to I'm going to skip the details of that but I'm happy to discuss it later. This is sort of our working model. So what we think is happening is that there is fiberglass out here. They're signaling this a pad a slight colony through some header to pick mechanism and then these a pad aside so know one another in this gap junction dependent way. Our thinking is that this home a typical signal at some point falls below a threshold and therefore the central part of sites lose their phenotype So this is a working model that we're actively testing with Gap junction inhibitors and what not. But again if you think about this as engineers you start to ask yourself what is the signal. Do you need these surrounding cells and could you get away without them. OK so we were interested then and what the MET what these specific mechanisms might be and our approach then was to take a gene expression profiling approach. So what we did was we cope cultured a pad of sites with multiple different fiberglass cell types so that data is here. So we looked at two functions again synthetic function in one thousand metabolism and up here what you'll see is we've used four different fiber glass strains that are all Mouse derived and highly related. And we've cocoa trigger them with a pad of sides and scored them for their ability to induce differentiated function. So this plan was scored as high these two as medium and these With low. OK you can then gene expression profile So look at all the genes that these cell types are making and ask which genes share this pattern of high medium and low expression and then also the reverse in case they're making an inhibitor. OK so we did that using after metrics gene chips and again I'm not going to go through the details but we found that there are one hundred ninety genes differentially expressed in these systems twenty four of them have this high medium and low profile. You can see high medium low and I'm not going to bore you with a gymnast. But I have to show just one. So this is the these this is the G. list for the genes that are positively correlated so there Heidi I'm alone the same way that the function is and what we did is we sorted them by. Basically their role in the fire blasts and what you see is some are in the cell surface. Some are secreted and some are in exercise your matrix. So I guess engineers were very interested in the ones that are expressed on the cell surface that are secreted or that are matrix because we think those are candidates for replacing the fiberglass completely. So what I'd like to focus on is this particular molecule Decker and this is a pretty black and that's in the extracellular matrix down to colleges and what we want to do is then go back and test in our system whether Jack Grant had any ability to support the differentiated function of the PAP sites. So we did two experiments the first experiment is shown here on the left again synthetic function and metabolism and what we did was play the pad asides on and absorb layer of college in or on and it's our Blair of college and that was Colin created with deferent OK and what you see is a statistically significant increase in function in both cases. Unfortunately though if you look at the axis over here. The function of these cells is actually still quite low. So over time they go on to lose their phenotype and die. OK So we haven't rescued them completely with this molecule the next experiment that we did was to add background to the low performing Co Coulters and ask whether we could boost their function to a higher level. So you remember that we had CO cultures with a low inducing fiberglass strain. We asked How do they do in the presence of background. So here we've done a dose dependent experiment. These are these are have had ascites alone. These are the low performing Co cultures and these are the low performing in the presence of increasing amounts of debt so we see a dose dependent increase in the function of these co called. We get up to about forty percent of the maximal level by this does depend by this exposure to Akron. OK So again we don't have the whole Co culture fact we've got part of the coke ultra effect by adding this one molecule So what we're doing now is going back to our gene list and looking at some of the other candidates of interest. But we're encouraged by this data in the sense that these are some of the first molecules that are our new in this field and quite some time in terms of what might be going on. OK So this is just to summarize. So the Colts are stabilizes a pad a site phenotype we think that there's a Nanda fusible signal that comes from the fiber glass that signals might be propagated via get junctions and the sort of regardless of the mechanism the moral of the story is we have very high levels of function in our optimized code cultures relative to other cultural models that in the in the literature and also relatives in the bubbles some of the remaining questions that we're working on are for example is continuous signalling required does a second cell type need to keep signaling the palace lights or is that enough to sort of kick them into a differentiated state will they stay there. So we're set up a collaboration with me at the University of Chicago. He works on dynamic surfaces and he's got a chemistry with an electro active tether on an R G D OK So we see the fire blasts on R G D that has a selector active linker you apply a small potential then you can release these fiberglass to after having performed the CO called her for certain amount of time. So this is a model system that we've set up we've now just got our first release and we're getting ready to find out what the biology of the second question as I mentioned is Kemi replace the fiberglass So we're looking at some of the other candidates on that list and the last question is a bit of a teleological question but it helps frame our thinking and that is what actually are we seeing here. What is this interaction that is so robust return to Paris sites and many different MS ankle cells is it a physiological reaction interaction that exists in the normal liver in vivo is it something that mimics embryology because in fact the end of term the developing end of term of the liver interacts with surrounding music or is it something that happens in repair for example in regeneration when again these sorts of interactions are known to occur and the reason we're interested in that is we think that some of the other gene candidates for example the Cybill candidates might actually have clinical utility as what are known in the liberal world as a patio protectant to boost regeneration for example. OK so that's all I'm going to say about salsa interaction and I'd like to move on to another micro environmental cue that's very well defined in vivo that we think might be useful in vitro and that is the role of oxygen so until now I've been talking about a pad of sites where they all have had a sites are created equal. But in fact they're not so if you look at the capillary of the liver the liver sinusoid and you linearize it. What you'll see is distinct populations of gene expression a long list like. OK that's referred to in the literature as liver zone nation and so these cells are referred to as per the portal or near the peri and there is a portal vein. These are Perry Venus or any other centrally. And what you'll say is that carbohydrate metabolism and detoxification and a number of other Liver Functions are actually compartmentalise in these different cell populations. It's not clear what causes this so NATION. This is a sort of a recurring question in the literature what's the cause and effect what we know is that these are exposed to high levels of oxygen that is progressively depleted and high levels of hormones that are progressively depleted. These are these are more innervated these are more exposed to the accumulated sell products of the sinusoid So they're essentially a series of steady state grading. Ants that exist in this environment we are were particularly interested in oxygen for a number of reasons one of them being that as engineers we know we control it very well in a reactor setting. So this is some clinical significance and also significant for drug development in the following way. This is a hostile audible section of the liver this is a central vein here is a normal liver what you've seen you'll see in the presence of Tylenol or acetaminophen which some of you may know is a wonderful. I Pad a toxin. Is Perry central cell that. And essentially what happens is that the people are fifty enzymes which are localized here in the peri central region generate a toxic metabolite locally and that causes local cell. OK So livers the nation also has to zonal how to toxicity consequences. So we were interested in whether we could add some of these features these onal features of the liver back to our in vitro models because they do seem to be so important. So what we did was set up a parallel plate Vireo actor that works in the following way and have a sites or a monolayer on the bottom. And we set up the flow conditions such that basically oxygen is progressively depleted as the solution traverses So there's a simple model of that which I won't go through but essentially you can control the dimensions of this reactor the convection the diffusion and the reaction at the surface. So this is what the schematic of what it looks like in the lab all show you a picture in a minute. It doesn't look quite so pretty as though this is a virus actor we have an oxygen probe at the outlet. This is a computer controlled syringe company gas exchanger on it so. This is a picture of the system in the lab this is a link you better in the reactor sitting in here. Here's a syringe pump. This is a two D. report of the model and essentially what we first went outside out to do. TESTER model predictions. So we varied oxygen in this reactor in two ways. So the first was you could control the inlet oxygen concentration in the you can change the flow rate as a fairly it gets slower than the outlet oxygen concentration is lower and lower as you would expect you can model the oxygen uptake at the surface of the cells either as a maximal uptake or an I'm a callous man and Foreman we've done both the other way to vary the oxygen tension is just lower the inlet oxygen concentration with which you elaborate. And again you can see the model matches the predictions quite well. OK so we're pretty comfortable that we were we knew the oxygen concentrations in this reactor. We set out to do the experiment that I described what isolate a mixed population of a pat of sites. We played them this in this reactor we expose them to this oxygen gradient for twenty four hours and then we harvest the cells from different zones and in Western watts for particular proteins. So this is a P four fifty enzyme that's supposed to be up in the peri central region. This is unbearable carbohydrate metabolism Pepsi K. it's supposed to be up two to five fold in vivo in the Parent Portal region. So we start with a mixed population of cells and then added back some zonal protein expression. So the next experiment was then can we capture the zonal have had a toxicity feature that would occur because of this. So what we did essentially was dose our buyer reactor with acetaminophen. OK So and then stained with empty teeth so this is a viability stamp purple is live this is all looking down on the slide from the inlet to the outlet. So this is a relatively low concentration of Tylenol and you should be able to see that most of the cells are alive is a relatively high concentration of Tylenol you should see that all the cells are dead and at this intermediate concentration we should be able to see is that the electrons in that cells are living and the Alice cells are dying. OK So again Perry central graph that we think is mediated by oxygen mediated local it's low. Concentrations of P four fifty and OK and that's connotation of the data. OK so what I showed you so far is the role of the micro environment in stabilizing engineer tissue in the lab and then adding some of the IN VIVO features that are really missing today and I think I've highlighted ways in which we think this is a good model system for exploring some of the structure function relationships. So what I'd like to now touch on is some of our early ideas about how one might go about building three dimensional tissues that one could implant and again this is a very lofty goal but we're sort of making baby steps in this direction. So liver architecture is highly three dimensional if you look through the literature and see what people have done in the engineering space does or some examples have sites seated on micro carriers pretty aggregated in severe oids are seated on biodegradable scaffold. And by and large what you see is that a pad of sites being so highly metabolic. Cannot essentially be passively nourished in this environment so you really need convection to carry oxygen and nutrients to this large mass of cells. So the two approaches that have been taken is are to actually try and encourage angiogenesis in the system. Or to create some sort of profusion system where you can add convection through the scaffold. So in the profusion world. One approach that's been taken is to build three dimensional scaffolds that then you would see with cells. So these are a series of three dimensional scaffold fabrication technologies pulled from the literature and essentially what you see in all the cases these are layer by layer what we called additive free form fabrication technologies. So they're all layer by layer technologies for building three dimensional architectures on which one would see the cells and then one would have channels through which to provide convection. There's a few challenges with using this approach for. Or liver tissue engineering so the first I've already mentioned but I'll highlight again and that is that a pair of sites don't grow. So this is different than other tissue engineering in the sense that you can't just see the scaffold and then grow up a whole bunch. Hey basically you get used and with what you start with the second problem is that a pad of sites are notoriously non migratory So essentially they stay where they land they don't then go on to populate the graft very effectively. So our idea was to try and combine this approach of something that had convective channels with a scaffold that had cells embedded within it. So what we wanted to do was an adaptive as a proof of principle. Well known chemistry that was first developed by Geoff hobbles group so these are photo Plimer arising hydrogels in which the peg back relate base so polyethylene glycol hydrogels in which you can mix cells photo initiator shine light and hydrogen then cross links in the presence of cells and traps the cells. So we want to use that chemistry combined with this idea which is a stereo lithography idea. So stereo a father fee is a rapid prototyping layer by layer fabrication technology where essentially a shine light in a different pattern for every layer of the part and you build a three dimensional part. So we wanted to do this layer by layer building of a live to ship. So this is our idea of what one might make so this would be a first layer of tissue that has these sort of hexagonal structure with cells embedded within it. This would be another layer within this would be a third and then if you look at it in this direction this is sort of like a network with of branching channels. So we built a bench top device to do this essentially then what you do is inject in this device a solution with cells you put a mask on top of it shine light through the mask and then wash away the I'm cross-linked areas and then you can repeat. This in a layer by layer fashion. So we first did this with single layer structures that's shown here on the left. So these are hydrogels that contain living cells on a glass surface. This is again a single layer structure that has two different domains. So this has for people who are used to working with hydrogen sort of the feel of a let's say a soft contact lens but it has different domains of cells within it. So to our knowledge or it's very difficult to make the structure and in other ways so that all the cells have a three dimensional microenvironment that you can control the architecture of the tissue. These are cells that have actually been a raid for high throughput screening applications. So the spatial resolution of this technique we really haven't pushed the limits were using from the microfiber cation world what would continue what one would consider really low really poor technology reuse transparency of those masks. So the resolution of these things is about seven to ten microns. So we get about one hundred micron resolution using the techniques that we're using but we now think we can go easily down to the single cell level which is about twenty microns. We first started with very robust cell types so these are all done with a habit Thomas cell type have G two and fiberglass we like to then move on to doing primary Patta sites. So these are some data with primary parasite structures. Against her mind what we're trying to do these are viable for us to label to pad a side so show the slide my grad student would kill me because it took her a long time to get here. We had to change photo initiators and you know the whole thing the system is very different from the previous slide but for the purposes of this talk of bad faith. We now have viable product sites and these constructs here they've been fluorescent labeled in these three structures here we've made a multi-layer structure which is actually quite difficult to visualize you can try and get a sense for it in this country will image here we've rendered. The first two layers in matlab for you see a little bit better. OK So we're starting to build these three dimensional structures. These are three dimensional microstructure So these struts here are hundred fifty microns this is a three layer structure from the top down and here we've labeled the first population read the next one green and the next one blue. So the reason I do that in this in this slide is also to highlight the fact that we think this could be a tool that would be useful for tissue engineering other tissue types and the fact that we've labelled the cell types different colors in different layers is that meant to indicate that you could have different cell types and different layers you could have different hydrogen chemistry is in different layers. You could have different micro carriers embedded within those hydrogels secrete growth factors of different kinds so we think it's a very versatile tool for sort of starting to build three dimensional tissues. So what's next for us from a liver perspective had a sites Artesian dependent and these are completely inert hydrogels So we have a collaboration with Jennifer west at Rice to look at peptide dramatizing these hydrogels surreal looking at the interim profiles of these the powder sides and what peptides then to fit in with back them to be degradable with M.M.P. degradable sites matrix metallic pertness dirigible sites. We are actively conditioning them in by actor units and developing an animal model of liver failure at U.C.L.A.. And then we'd like to study in the lab some of the three dimensional structure functional relationships that we've shown in two D.. So again this is a very long way to go before we have an implantable piece of liver but this is our sort of stepwise approach. OK so what I've told you so far is that we've we're trying to function engineer these functional pieces of liver tissue that they're good model systems for some basic science that we're making some progress towards therapeutic applications and then what have I would like to talk about is one how Mom might use these as in vitro screening tools. So let me just sort of. Step back for a second this idea of doing biology in a chip based platform is part of a larger arena that is what I'll call chip based bias systems. So in this space. There are. People do molecular biology on a chip essentially you could have chips of D.N.A. R.N.A. protein or drugs. It will do integrated laboratory functions on a chip so it's a whole sequencing reaction so from a sample all the way to sequence. We call those lab on a chip devices. And then what I'll be if we're talking about and what an For example in a Griffith work is on are integrating live cells with chip technologies. OK so this would also be for example some Lomax and some other companies of space. So why are people interested in doing things on a chip there's lots of miniaturization arguments in these essentially amount to you get more for less. And so I won't go through them all but there's also some interesting microscale phenomenon that motivate this work. So it's been clear for a long time that there is physics at the micro scale that one can exploit for example surface forces dominate lots of things and you can use those to your advantage. It turns out that we and others have shown more recently that there's also some interesting biology at the micro nano scale that might be useful in these platforms so that's been another driver to go towards these lines scales. OK So these are what these chips look like first in terms of their electrical engineering and years in the audience they don't know what I mean so these are these are plastic chips with reservoirs and microfluidic channels that's a kind of chip that I'm talking about. OK So this is a vision for this type of work. So this is a schematic of an imaginary population of cells here they're all fluorescing a different color all different a reporting on all different activities there and interface with some synthetic platform they can be interrogated with microfluidics could maybe even have optical tweezers and into manipulate particular cell. It's of interest. So what would it take to make something like this happen. You need to first and foremost control the cell function in this kind of environment. So I think one thing that's perhaps been lost when this is been approached from a straight engineering perspective is that if you interface cells with a synthetic surface and they are no they no longer behave as if they'd like they did in the body the data that you get out is actually not useful. OK so you need first and foremost to have your cell reporting on what it would be doing in vivo to make this a useful idea. And so in that regard. We think lots of the tissue engineering concepts can be actually applied to this area of research. I mean the next thing you need to do is integrate your cells are synthetic in living systems you think about how one would interrogate them and detect signals how to automate these things and screen in parallel. And then for some applications you'd actually like to miniaturize these devices and make them portable so people have thought about this for point of care diagnostics or for Cambaia war fare detection that kind of thing. OK so the applications as I mentioned are in drug screening also functional genomic said I'll show you a little of our work in stem cell biology. So what I will be talking at all about is the automation and parallel screening there are plenty of companies actually in this space working on automated image processing auto focus how to handle large volumes of data that kind of thing. And we're really not so much focused on that aspect of automation because we. Because we think that there's sort of a downstream technology ready for that. So what we're really interested in are the first three issues controlling the cell function at the interface integrating the live cells with the synthetic surfaces and then how one might start to detect signals from these systems. So the first one I really already talked about so I want to talk about it again here. We think that we've come a long way to stabilizing liver cells. In a laboratory and that there would be useful in this platform. So what I will talk about those what some of the handles one can use to manipulate cells in these settings. Chemistry is very useful serves the selected heat and as I've shown you typology physical environments fluidics treating the cells like objects that are charged and using electric fields to move them around. Or objects that scatter light. So you can also use optical forces. So we've done many of these all touch on a few examples. So the first is a selective He's an example and this is a collaboration with one of these companies just to miniaturize our ass a in a way that you can actually think about doing drugs creating in any realistic way so this is the miniaturization to a twenty four. Well played assaye. From the experiments I described to you before. So the micro patterning I described to you previously was done on a two inch way first to a piece sixty and it was you had to do the fabrication on every single wafer use it and then you can't use it again. OK so that's how I did my Ph D. but no one's going to go around screaming drugs that way. So this is a an attempt to try and paralyze some of that. So what we've done here is switch micro technology platforms from what I referred to before is hardly far graphy to this is called soft lithography So this basically takes advantage of methyl Psylocke saying so. P.D. a mass which is an elastomer And essentially you're looking down here on a twenty four. Well plate system on the bottom of each of these wells is an array of holes or stencils OK you can then put collagen or whatever your protein of interest is on top of this and it will absorb to the exposed underlying surface and then peel away the sensel OK as shown here. So we've done that with them and created micro patterned arrays of a pad of sides and Co cultures and gone out. I should update this now to eight weeks and shown stable function in this platform. So this is just a technological step to. Waiting to miniaturizing and paralyzing the system. OK so that that was an example of chemistry or selective in Houston the next hour like to show you is an example where Actually that was not desired so we started a collaboration with rusty Gage who's a neural stem cell biologist he was interested in the differences within a stem cell population. So he actually did not want any kind of micro patterning approach that pulls down selective fell populations because of that because of their immigrant profile let's say he wanted something where we could look at all the cells growing and the differences between them. So what we did with him is set up the following system. So this is actually a modified Rose chamber for those of you who do my cross could be so this is essentially a chamber in which you can grow cells you can stick it on the incubator put it back on the microscope stage and monitor them every day and what we've done is add basically ten thousand wells in the bottom of this thing. OK so. This is a chamber is a micro fabricated a way of wells in the bottom and. What we do. Is this is a syringe coming in with cells suspended in it is inject cells into the system. Let them set a meant by gravity This takes about five minutes. Wash away the cells that have not fallen into the wells. OK And now this is on a cover slip so you can do very high magnification if you want to put this on the microscope stage which is run on an X. Y. automatic platform and you can raster through all the demands all ten thousand wells every day and come back to the same fields and monitor exactly what's going on. So if you see the set up these at a high density these are fluorescent labeled cells looking down at them but again as I said he was really interested in Comal cell growth. So this is just one view of again ten thousand wells. So these are cells that started out as single cells these are these neural stem cells and we've come back to the same field this is Day to day for day six. You can watch. I'm growing what we've done now is differentiate these cells at the end of the experiment and ask how does the differentiation potential of these cells correlate with it's proliferated history and so this is just an example of how one might use the sort of technology in stem cell biology. OK so the last example I'll give of this sort of technology is again treating cells as objects that are either charged and moving them around with electrophoresis or treating them as objects that are polarized the ball in a different way than their outside medium. OK And that actually is called Dial-A to freeze. So Dr Frederick force moves objects around by the gradient of the field squared so basically objects are polarized the ball in a different way. Relative to the outside outside media and you can use that to move them around in a ray them and interface them with these sort of chip technology is so this is a different set up than the one I described previously so this is a micro fabricated array of electrodes that are made on a transparent semiconductor called indium to not side and the reason we use a transparent semiconductor is so that we can watch things in real time on the microscope. OK so here these are the electrodes and then they're surrounded by an insulator here which is a what we call a fixed photo resist and the counter electrode is up top. So basically what if you look at the field in this thing. You'll see that the field maxima are on the electrodes and the field minima are sort of in this honeycomb pattern between them. If you put cells in this sort of configuration and the frequencies that we use they undergo what we call positive dielectric frissons that is they go to the E. field Maxima A shown here. So if you do that. These are conversely it's so this is a time axis down here or a over about a minute forming clusters on the surface. This is a ray of high. Define clusters this project actually is really actually a tissue engineering project what we're doing here is Arain Condor sites into different cluster sizes to look at the role of cell phone or action Condor sites in a relatively three dimensional way. So we didn't want to array them on a surface and have them spread against the surface because that's not their conversation microenvironment So what we do is we cluster them in these clusters and then we embed them in the hydrogen that I showed you previously. So they have a relatively three dimensional microenvironment of a very well defined cluster size. OK if you put beads into a system like this what you'll see is that they undergo for example a polystyrene beat of about the same dimensions. They undergo what's called a negative dialect or freezes. So they should go to the honeycomb pattern between the electrodes. So here we've done is put in both what you should see is sorting so the cells are going to be filled maxima would be they're going to the field minima OK this is a low Magritte in a vat and from a sensing perspective this actually becomes quite useful because there are plenty of beads based sensing technologies so there are oxygen sensitive be coatings ph sensitive B. coatings and so on and so forth. So we started a coverage with David Walt at Tufts University to look at essentially where they're exploring the idea of whether we could have a sort of family of sensors around a cluster of live cells that one could then it Terra gate remotely. With for us since. So this is a sort of sensing application. OK so we've looked at a lot of other handles and I'm not going to go through the details sort of as through them. The moral of the story is depending on your application various handles are useful for interfacing cells with these chip platforms these chemistry and apology are very biocompatible in the sense that you're really not perturbing the biology very much. These you start putting energy in the system and you have to work very hard then to look. As viability and gene expression changes as a result of perturbations. OK so the last couple minutes I'd like to touch on. Some some work that we're doing in detection. So we were interested in applying quantum dots to imaging in live cells so quantum dots as many of you know are our nano particles that have size tunable for essence this is a slide taken from seeming nice group. So the contacts here for example there are cadmium So an icon and dots that have sync sulfide cap So these are particles that are snapped other two to five an anatomy hers and diameter. They have size tunable for us. And so these are smaller particles these are bigger particles they're all being exposed with one hand tell you the lamp and they're emitting based on their size. So people had previously used these for tracking cells either via Anderson labeling so they receptor mediated the psychosis they get sequestered in the end zone when you could then track those cells as they are let's say migrate around or tracking them in the embryo. So sort of wholesale tracking people have been very excited about using them for biological applications because they're relatively bright and they're relatively photo stable that is they don't photo bleach in the same way that are getting dyes do. They also have some potential for being multicolor labels so you could imagine labeling more than one thing as one more thing. One thing at once so we felt that there their promise as subsidy or labels had not really been fully realised so we get anybody who works in sort of the cell a molecular space things you know the end zone is a nice place to be but it's usually a place you want to get out of. And so. So we took the following approach we modified the surface of these quantum dots with peptides and our goal was to have the cells use these peptides to traffic quantum dots to various locations of interest and then also we co ma. By the quantum dots with polyethylene glycol to prevent nonspecific binding. So the first experiment that I'll describe is in my projection experiment where just the control Q. dots are injected so that's done up here is a phase micrograph of a cell you'll see that the salesman my current actives with green Q. dots and they're excluded from the nucleus and as and quite well dispersed. So the next thing we did was then put a nuclear localization sequence taken from the S B forty virus on these quantum dots and uses the important machinery on the nuclear envelope and to see whether we could traffic these things now to the nucleus. So again this tells when Michael injected and now the quantum dots have trans located from the side of class. I'm here to the nucleus and they're excluded from the nucleus live but they're in the nucleus. OK And the last thing we did was to put a mitochondrial localization sequence on this. OK So this is the mitochondrial localization sequence these are the cue dots that are have a punk tape cytoplasmic staining and weak coal like localize them with a miter tracker die that's commercially available and this is the merge. OK We've then shown that you can watch these under continuous exposure for eight minutes with relatively little photo bleaching whereas the might attack or bleach is out in about fifteen seconds. So we think that this is at least a first step towards trying to realise some of the potential for these things as subsoil ular dies. OK And this is my last slide and I just threw it in because I wanted to share the data and it really doesn't fit in my talk so I apologize but I hear it. Is that we've used the same approach and our idea was to actually use. The same approach to target tissues in vivo OK so this was a study that we published last year with a curious lobby at the Burnham Institute and he has a set of homing peptide. It's that he's derived using phage display technology that can home to the end of feely I'm tumors in various tissues. So what we did was label red Q. dots with a tumor homing peptide green Q. dots with normal long and Ophelia peptide Cole inject them in the animal and then asked whether they would sort. These are images where the regular outs of sorted to the tumour and agreed to the one. So this is a part of a new three year project that we we've just had funded to build smarter nanoparticles But don't just glow. So OK So hopefully what I've shown you as some of our work on engineering functional tissue therapeutic scientific and technological applications of these things in general from a tissue engineering perspective I think it's clear in our system and in many others that indeed can enhance tissue function in vitro. I show you examples of cell cell interaction and oxygen. I think it's also true that micro nanotechnology tools that have been very well developed in other industries can be leveraged in cell and tissue biology and violence nearing here we've shown you examples about how one might use them to study fundamental tissue biology how one might go about building three dimensional tissues how one might think about building cell based bio chips and how one might target tissues and Bebo. So with that I'd like to thank you for your attention and thank my collaborators and my group and our generous funding sources happy to take questions. Thank you for the work. You. Talked about who will. Well you look at those like. So that's a good question and it's I think a recurring one lately because there are three dimensional model systems even in vitro so the functions that we measure the cell Autonomy's functions. So for example albumin people at fifty metabolism we see very high levels of those functions. It's very clear that what we will never see is some of the three dimensional functions of a pad of sites and Bebo for example the bile tree the biliary tree that emerges from a three dimensional configuration. So that for sure is missing and I suspect other things that arise from that which is plenty dependent function very like your company we are your world are you OK. There's a low level which OK. So question number one. So are we haven't extensively explored that and the reason for that is there is an expert in this area is a German fellow by the name of younger men who spent quite a bit of time in static model systems over the years looking at the dynamics. So his data suggests about six hours is is is that a time frame required for protein expression changes we were actually really interested in hypoxia inducible factor as a potential mediator of this and spent a few years with a chance Unix system. I'm trying to look at that and it's looks like it's not if mediated but have might be doing other things and that's actually a faster time course than the six hours. So there's a subset of another oxygen responsive element. We have not let the reversibility you'll hold on to. So I showed the bench data so the viable cells a viable have had a sides were early on those are twenty four hour. V. I mention in the one side that word perfuse ing these and buyer reactors. So we're just now doing that. So the three dimensional constructs the good multi day experiments are ongoing. Or he will grow. He told me so yes. So we've started with this very simple model system and actually another problem. He didn't mention is that we've got a very tight pore size. So we're using a three thousand molecular weight peg and we need actually pretty large proteins to come out of that patricide So we actually want to loosen the polymer network without compromising mechanical integrity which is why we're thinking about the M.M.P. system so that we could be in putting down Matrix and degrading the polymer system in concert over time so tuning the transport to have had a site surfaces sort of a Paramount design feature of the next step and we're just getting started. Yes so I didn't show the data we have done that actually so but we've done it in the extreme. So we did a pad of sides under hypoxia versus normal the presence of absence of him if and in the presence of absence of in P. for fifty inducers because we're interested in the crosstalk between P four fifty and poxy other than the literature and then we've gene expression profile those and got some candidate genes. I haven't looked at the piece still too specifically we see a lot of cell cycle stuff. So we're kind of interested in whether this might be a trigger for regeneration. There's a lot of literature on a pup Whosis in the liver of acids meeting a pop to us and it's a very active field in their biology so you know sort of the side of my brain is interested in what might be going on there. We haven't looked at a pub so supposably. So yes so the two things that come to mind with Decker and that we're looking at are T.G.F. beta because T.G.F. beta binds Dekker and there's a lot of clear interactions and then Dr Hughes group in Singapore is actually report of the role for two D.S. beta and Co culture. So we think that hangs together with our story the other thing is that background binds to a non E.G.F. binding site on easier for scepter and we've been thinking that there might be an interaction with E.G.F.. And Decker and in the same way that there's an F G F Have himself a pretty big like interaction. So those are experiments that we're setting up to do. Those words like riddles. So yes Auto for us is a problem with most photo resists systems in the stem cell biology example is a big problem with our last staining step. So we don't have a side of toxicity problem. We used to in the ME started leeching the surfaces. We do an overnight leeching step and super Roy has recently published by materials paper looking at the various federal system what you need to do to make them back compatible so it looks like there's so solvent that is a leach the one that can make them make it more biocompatible. OK Yes so Rico incubate it with college and knowing that it binds college in one way that we never even tried it alone but I presume that it wouldn't work. OK Well thank you thank you thank you.