Thank you OK thank you for this kind introduction again I think. It's very nice in sort of telling you about how an interesting career or bizarre career I've had because frankly going from academia to government to industry is not something that happens a lot because of chance it was pure luck but I've constantly been able or been lucky enough to be at the interface of multiple multiple fields My father was a teacher of mathematics so in addition to what and Russell tell you I'll tell you my personal. Make up if you will that lead to being able to or wanting to do this and to share with you the lessons that I learned so the 1st thing was my father was a mathematician is a teacher in mathematics and so I grew up actually never thinking that I would be a physician he wanted me to be an engineer or a scientist but not a physician not a lawyer Those are the things he said you can do anything but not position not a lawyer and so so when I grew up you know we had at home I had 6 brothers and we were constantly challenging ourselves with brain teasers and mathematics and and physics problems and all kinds of things that I loved and I you know if my 6 brothers 5 are engineers so you can imagine the detraction there but then one day I was a student I went to volunteer in the mountains of Algeria from Algeria from North Africa so I'm an immigrant I'm not born here and I went to the mountains and and then we saw the misery of people in the mountains of North Africa about tuberculosis and and I saw an event that really touched me because it was a patient she would had tuberculosis and she went to a medical center and they didn't have anything because this was after the war and the guy had a you know these old icebox where you put the ice and that was to keep the vaccine so he opened the icebox and he said put your chest here she had you know for you Do you know her fever was probably one or 2 something like this and she just went against the ice box and she got a cold feeling and she felt good and then you close that say well that was the X. ray and she helped thank you very much and then you give a shot. I don't know what struck him I see maybe and she laughs back to the I was really touched by that I thought my god they're better solutions that we could do so. For whatever reason I decided going to medical school I thought I was more human and hearing so. So so I did and then my father was really upset with me and he said you're lowering yourself medical school is just basically rote learning you don't learn recipes about drugs and there's no no intelligence in medical school. And so I did go to medical school because you know when you're. Young you'd like to not do what your father wants you to do and then you're always over or is worried that you won't do as well as either so so I did I went to medical school and I found out that he was right after 34 years I was bored to death. And it was boring and you could have a conversation with a teacher that meant anything from the point of view of science and it was all empirical observation all there was nothing quantitative and I always try to put whatever they said in an equation system and I couldn't and so I was an extremely frustrated I was going to quit medical school I said I made a mistake I don't want to go to medical school and then a. Radiologist showed me the 1st class can image he said look look look at this and I was a medical student and he showed me these very big pixel you know you barely recognize it was a human head and you could see the ventricles and that's how does that work so well you know you have an extra 2 turns around and they reconstruct with for you transforms and I fell in love with that idea of combining physics and mathematics and biology so I decided that I was going to do imaging and that's when I decided to come to the U.S. to do research and I was lucky enough to end up at Hopkins and the rest is basically what I'm dressed told you so today at the end of that I wanted to. Thank Bob Niram for inviting me and dress to. I'm here and asking me to speak about OK what did you really learn and what do you remember that we can use so so that's the topic of this lecture today so I think when you look at any system you have to really take a different altitude as you look at the system so I call it the 100000 foot view 1st never look at something from inside out don't look at your lab and then what else is there look the other way around say what is the total system and so what you realized very quickly is that academia industry and government truly are an ecosystem they're separate No question about it but their agenda is a complimentary and if you haven't really been around all 3 you don't get that you don't perceive that so I'm going to try to share with you why that is and how you can navigate that ecosystem both as a student or as an institution so the 1st thing that you have to understand is you go down to 10000 feet now that you're seeing the government and all of that you say OK let me understand each component of the system we're engineers right so the 1st thing you have to understand I continue and when you look at academia you have to say OK what are the fundamental drivers of academia what do we do really who are weak and if you get that then the understand where the connections to the the rest of the system I would say the number one role of academia is to be the guardian of the intellectual heritage of mankind right everything that was learned over thousands of years is our heritage and transmitting that heritage is one of the most powerful evolutionary force because frankly natural evolution is. Basically based on transmitting information through D.N.A. mutations right and we've done that pretty well for millions and billions of years but knowledge and Teligent have allowed a different way of accelerating evolution by being able to transfer knowledge through education so you don't have to have it in your genes you just go to a great school like Georgia Tech and you get that evolution power behind you so that's one of the saying so the transmission of knowledge in the memory that we have of it is a key fundamental aspect of academia obviously that leads to creating the human capital that any civilization any society needs to be able to. Influence its environment and that's what I think. I could deem is also important as a social escalator you know anybody will tell you as you look at tables of compensations that if you have a high degree you tend to be more compensated if you don't and if you have a strong education you tend to do better socially than if you don't so so these situations are very key to the social balance and the evolution of society but the fundamental drive is to understand the world so whether it be basic or early applied research that's what we do that's what we want to do we want to have the young capital of society come in and really try to break barriers and knowledge that's what I can do is all about that I can dream is very resilient so here I have a 500 to a 1000 year cycle and the question of 500000 years came from a study that was done by a gentleman named Norman Augustine and he looked at the history of governments and I could and. And industry and said What's the lifetime the average lifetime of Fame institution and I get them against edition as opposed to another and you find out that if you look at the 100 universities that were existing in 1500 and you look today 75 percent of them are still alive and well and you can see that the lifetime of universities in the 500000 years range Oxford 1200 and so on so they have a long cycle time very very long prospects not get the what about government so if you look at government you have to also say well OK so what does the government do why do you have a government involved in in the research that we do. Because it's based on a national vision and a national motivation so the Kennedy speech for going to the moon was a vision motivational speech that really led us that this country to become one of the leaders of science right and to understand the power of that the government has to espouse a vision is more or less good depending on the period you're in I want I want to come in on comment about now but I want to come out of a John Kennedy so the 2nd thing that you do as a government you allocate resources to your priorities so funding for an I.A.S. funding for research is one fight that you have to find as members of the academia because if you don't then the allocation of resources by the political system will be insufficient to sustain the dream that you see on the left side so that's the 2nd piece that you have to understand but understand also one thing is that when you allocate resources to national priorities like I was when I was at the end I chose arguing our voice as scientists is the least potent least potent hear me out we don't have as much influence as we think we do you know who has influence in making the budget strong the patients the ultimate customer the ultimate voter the ultimate person who benefits. From the public point of view. From the investment and so that's what I think we scientists always forget is that we think that it's enough to be rational and explain a good thing to government the government will buy this doctor and do it my experience in Washington was different we had 475 interest groups you know Alzheimer's Association the cancer groups and on and on they were a lot more powerful than the National Academy of Medicine the National Academy of Engineering that all of the scientific bodies that were important but they were not so sciences is sufficient reason is necessary but not sufficient so you have to know how to build alliances and the governance system will be peer review or or the Congregational process is the responsibility of government and regulation have to yank all of these institutions that's what governments do not academia not industry and the public interest is really what drives the fundamental policies of the government 1st defense in general health education the social needs programs and if you look at the debates when you listen to the debate if you can listen to a debate right now between them it's more like a food fight but. It's not a debate and but whatever you listen you see that it rotates around that some people want more defense spending and defense research and other people and more social programs and you're see that and then if you ask yourself well how long can a government really last and historically are they long lived you know they're not as long lived as universities so the only 2 governments that have in this live for 200 years or more unchanged are the U.K. and the U.S. They're the only 2 every other country has had a change of government through revolutions or other forms of. Upheaval so governments don't last that long and they have to evolve with that then you can you have endless tree and you say OK well what drives industry what are the key drivers of the 10000 foot level. The role of Fender Street is to assemble the human capital that's created here to the physical capital view for structure the plants that allow whatever they do and the financial capital and the financial capital comes from multiple sources pension funds the street you know Wall Street investors and so on but that financial capital is the way by which governments and societies allocate resources to what they think is valuable and so the financial capital that you see here is allocated by a system that requires you to fill market demands you don't nobody's going to fun and history if there's no demand for the products that they produce but you have to do it such that the return on capital is sufficient to justify the investment you understand so it's a let's just not dream I mean if you think industry I mean people have this dark side of industry than industry is really a bad thing it's not it's really part of the ecosystem part of the economy of the country that we need to to understand in details but what do they want to do is always under regulatory and and competitive pressures so I was talking this morning to some of the faculty and it was an interesting to see that sometimes when you look at for example the 7 earing manufacturing project how much regulatory plays a role in terms of decisional processes within the industry why because the chief of manufacturing in the industry I can tell you their number one fear is that the F.D.A. comes in and stops them from from doing something because they've changed the process changing the process. Of manufacturing industry is the nightmare of the heaven of manufacturing if you think there are you know pro change and Pro technology and pro innovation not the actually want to things to keep things stable so that they can I says the market because of the regulatory forces and obviously complete competition so those are the major major issues so in government you talk about public interest here we talk about. Transmission of knowledge and Creation of human capital Vale to talk about regulatory and competitive pressures with what they have and they're driven obviously to apply science and technology they're not driven to basic research we're driven of basic research here so if you look at the lifetime of these companies and these industrial and entities it's much more 25 to 75 years look look back at the companies that you had around the country for those of you have our age range so how come many companies disappear and no longer here and even companies like General Electric which have been around for a 100 is in great difficulty today and a lot of people predict that it might actually disappear and on and on Westinghouse and a lot of big names that you knew before have gone away why because it's really hard to maintain this regulatory competitive pressure with a sufficient return on your investment and if you don't get it you go away so there isn't that sustainability in industry as you do in and it needs to be refilled and replenished with googles and Amazons and and then the next wave in the next wave of so that's why so then when when you've heard that in these sort of extracted what the eco system looks like what I'd like to do now is talk to you about the $1000.00 foot view about bio science which all we are by scientists how is this evolving in this ecosystem how is it evolving what's driving bio science today that you need to be conscious of I think I can summarize it and 2 words complexity and precision. So you say well what does it mean by that how expires I'll tell you that there's a tension between the enormous complexity of biological systems you know in 170 but remembers there was a war on cancer and the dream was that we would come up with a magic bullet to treat cancer people thought in those days that biology was simple enough to be accessible to a single target single single bullet approach a magic bullet but we know today that is not the case at the same time because of this complexity because of the stochastic nature of cell replication and the way things go well each one of us is a very very unique individual. I can guarantee you your biochemistry is not the same as your neighbor your fingerprints and not the same your iris is not the same even your neurons by the way you look at your neurons and you do sang a single cell sequencing of neurons you find actually a lot of diversity between your D.N.A. between your own neurons let alone between 200 different of individual cells just like your fingerprints are unique unique to you your brain circuitry is probably unique to you as well statistically it's almost having 2 human beings big it being exactly the same is as unlikely as winning the Mega 1000000 lottery you know it's actually much more likely than that so that is the resolution of things we need to characterize the individual but then we need to characterize those individuals in the context of a complex system so those are the 2 major polls that I have in my mind and then when you understand that you understand that there is no chance for us to succeed unless we understand that we need multiple disciplines coming together to really crack these problems I mean you need qualitative you need you need a new method technology you need a culture of cross disciplinary collaboration's and you need structures to do that and that's one of the things I did when I was a Hopkins I created this that is without walls because departments tend to put barriers to introduce minority work and I D N I which if you look back and say you know it's been impact for the number one thing I did was to create open doors to the physical sciences biological sciences and multi P.-I grants which allow him to dismiss the work and the convergence between the physical the biological social and data sciences is obvious it's growing but it has profound implications on your career so I'm talking to the students here this is not empty talk this is something that will impact you. And you have to understand and I'll tell you what the rules of the road are at the end of the speech the other thing is we have a huge failure rate I mean I was shocked you know when I took this job I thought I was going to look like a hero you know. Like I was so smart I was going to get drugs done and treat Alzheimer's disease in 2 years well wake up the work of research and development is the set with failure you have to manage failure not success success will come if you're lucky failure will be there for sure it's the normal state of affairs so you have to really understand that the knowledge is insufficient at this point the knowledge is insufficient at this point for us to be predictable and predictive of the success of any scientific approach which means that you have to create the opportunity for people to try and to to to do new things and that's why I think basic research still remains to me the priority of funding by the government so if you look at medicine and I'll take you there for a minute if you look at medicine traditionally what have we done as doctors for years and years and years we waited for the patient to be sick and then we looked at them and you had big Gailey in all of the artists total all of the ancient doctors who basically had these ideas and they formed ideas about humor fire heat that they were observed from the outside it went from the outside in and then you had organizers and then Harvey discover the circulation in the heart and all in all it was really an outside in exploration today in my medicine the world is inverter. We are going from an inside out exploration So what do I mean by that we've become very cell centric and D.N.A. centric and molecularly driven so when you look at the way we look at the world today think of concentric circles and D.N.A. is at the center and in our in the in the proteins in the cells and then making it simple here which then organize themselves in tissues and organs and then they organize themselves and to greatest organisms which are interacting with behaviors in our case because we do have emergent behaviors due to all these changes which are also driven by the environment so all these layers of complexity and the multiple part potential permutations of this complexity also drive this complexity drive the individuality that every one of us is unique but to be at the D.N.A. level when we did you know make studies or the R N A level the protein level whatever it is I mean at some point you will have a divergence that occurs within your own development to make you different than anybody anybody else that makes sense OK so if that makes sense then you say OK fine how do I then play my cards as an institution like endurance and to focus on making you guys successful and you being successful and the way I look at it is think of it as a multi-layered network system so from the engineering of that or guys here but basically it's a multilayer interacting network so if you look at the D.N.A. in the 1st place the D.N.A. is interacting with its transcription machinery it with its. You know mix and then interacting with the R. and a layer with the protein layer and then making it simple in the metallic layer and in the cell of the environment so that's what it is so when you have a mutation in the D.N.A. that mutation is affecting a network. And if it's a mutation in the in a molecule like C. which represses a and and encourages or repress is at the end what you end up with is a network where A and E. are going over x B. over Express. Right the total thinking of this approach is called Systems Biology so people are trying and in many many different fields yours included to truly template that and so is driven that obviously by a pigeon that exceeds those mature lation isolation you don't know the genetics of the genomics the transcription of the translation regulation of all of this and the signaling of molecules across and then obviously proteomics and this is just one module you know you can imagine this being immunology maybe and then you have to repeat the what at the metabolism level the whole thing means you have the balance that you need to have in the normal or in the patient with diabetes and all of that is essentially leading to emergent properties that come in from each one of these networks to the next one to the next one and it's really hard to invert that to understand that in the very most even when you study in our new neural system E.G. These are a good way to get signal but you can invert that into understanding how the brain works so we have multiple levels of doors that you can only traverse one way so having said that the environment is very key we are not evolving in the vacuum where it will be in the environment and so you can never never forget that at any one time any one of these networks can be affected by environmental factors. All of that is the the those are the elements of this complexity that I talk about and you need to understand that not everything is driven by genetics because there's a sort of gene centric view of the world here that everything is in the mutation that you can try and that's not true it cannot be true and the environment drives a big role actually to prove it I'll show you an experiment we did we have the statue of David that has no D.N.A. I moved over to the U.S. And this is what happened after one year. I was. So that was that was the proof positive that the environment does play a role as you well know we do have an obesity crisis in the U.S. But anyway so when you do analogies you try to do analogies just a little bit like if you were a extraterrestrial scientist a 1000000 years from now and you discover the chip on the on the right side there and you try to ask yourself how did that work you could probably discover decomposed the chip in its components you know transistors and all this but you will never understand how it did. You know a Power Point presentation or a work perfect document you'd never understand how the software was unless you have a fully functioning system so reductionism of taking things apart is not sufficient you need to really reintegrate and if you look at biological sciences we are right at the knee of that effort where we're trying to reintegrate. The components into an understandable whole and that's what cell networks this is a cell in this on the left side these are the back chemical and signaling pathways that you can find and the complexity is probably greater than reading a chip from Intel as we could imagine so that's what I call the Iran that we are in is the year of quantitative remember the work quantitative there's no science without you can't measure it you can't can manage it and so and it's a network type of biology So having said that you say where are we going we're going really from what I call the hardware periods of science where you take the components and you try to understand each component and how they work internally. Ion channel a transcription factor and whatever and you're trying to put them back together into a coherent system actually Bruce Alberts uses the word the cell as a computer if you listen to him and I we've had this conversation many times he believes the cells are fundamentally computers and they're computing multiple inputs to create an output across multiple networks so for him and are sending the software is as important or more critical than him standing the hardware today so that's what I think the molecular networks the disease pathways the regulation in health and disease that's the core of what we do that was the core of the roadmap we did the road map we said networks in pathways scientific teams of the future which have to be multi disciplinary and really hard working together and that should lead to a reclassification. Diseases and if you can reclassify diseases is a mechanism you can have biomarkers in immunology or somewhere else you can understand the drivers of health and more importantly then you can start to have a I play a role in understanding the complexity across multiple individuals because that's the issue the issue is one sample of one does not tell you what the truth is but sample of the many without individuality also doesn't tell tell you anything so those are the factors and that's what I said to people you know when you look at disease networks and I'm just drawing this one you can discover one but some molecules are more important than others that are molecules and so the idea is to really do multi targeting where you could the centrally act on this molecule here which will affect this one this 2 diseases and this one and then you can combine it maybe was this one or this one and you have to decide which ones are going to be the most important you know what I'm describing here that's what's happening today in immuno oncology everybody non-college is trying to figure out the next partner to a P.D. one checkpoint inhibitor that's the song that is exciting a lot of people it's no longer the science of the tool is the science in the system so you can have an R.N.A. or a small molecule or gene or cell therapy like you're doing here or mono or multi specific antibodies of peptides the idea is more the targeting of coherent components of the network that can affect the disease process. So that's where we are and I'd like to just give you a quick example of my own field because I'm talking about things that I don't quite know except that's my field I know that and I can tell you the impact of the imaging that this whole revolution has led to is truly something that I think I can share with you because before we were imaging people now we can imaging cells molecules but also populations and I'll show you examples of that but I think the key thing for those of you are in imaging at all levels is what's the definition of bio imaging So here's my definition extracting spatially and temporally resolve structurally from core form and functional biological information from molecules to human right that's my 1st work was actually to try to characterize cancers from benign disease by measuring count him content and then I transfer them to osteoporosis that was my 1st start up was to help. People treat to process and prevent surgery for benign disease so these are the kind of things that essentially drive imaging it's different than a destructive technique where you separate components you don't know where they came from here this is especially localized So what are the 2 things that are driving imaging sciences today I'll share them with you one is the revolution in molecular and cellular imaging because we understand better the biological targets too and with antibodies with other molecules we are able now to image things that we didn't think we could image even 5 years ago so that example is when you develop a particular molecule for the human body you'd like to know where it's going what Target is it attacking. Isn't there in sufficient concentration for you to do something about it these are the fundamental questions that any scientist will ask themselves to then you can image that you can image that. With longer acting. Longer acting isotopes because you need to out and localize and assess the functionality of these molecules and their targets in vivo you need to characterize and quantify the disease specific patterns a given example and you have checkpoint inhibitors right very expensive but 50 percent of patients don't respond. 75 percent of patients don't respond why and why not is it because the target is not there and you would like to know if the target is there right before you spend a huge amount of money on this that's a key question in immunology in ecology Why is it that this is happening and so multi modality imaging for biomarkers has become is the revolution that's ongoing So if you look at for example this study that we did at Sanofi with a partner in the Netherlands is it corny I'm labeled monoclonal antibody that we developed against T.G.F. beta now T.J. of beta you know is a myth suppressor So we wanted to suppress the suppressor and but to do that you have to find out if to give better is overexpressed in the target because if it isn't you're going to have side effects with no benefit and so by doing this we showed that the the tumor here was actually hot in terms of did you have better and that's in humans that's not an animal models it's directly in humans and it really helps you guiding the the therapy the same experiment here different with different. Tools this is the P.D.L. one antibody against the P.D.L. one target to find out of the cancers that you see in the liver here in the lung are actually active in P.L.O. So you can use a P.D. one. Moment to clone it again this is P.D. and one in non-small cell lung cancer with the Nano body so this is a model clone all 150 kilo dolphin very large it doesn't go everywhere now nobody's This is from a company in Belgium that developed camel antibodies from camels and llamas and they're very small that they're very specific and they get to the target very well and then you have other molecules 14 killer Delton or peptides Why is it important why is it. Important it's absolutely critical because you will not be able to communicate all the experiments you want to do without having it in human biomarker right otherwise we will treat people with 56 drugs a huge cost not knowing that they're efficient. So here is a study by one of my students money pumper of Hopkins who found an agent that he could target against pro trust a specific membrane antigen So that's an integer and that is specific to the prostate and he was able to find a way to to label it with 18 for 3 or in 18 and if you look at the experiments does it in 3060 minutes which is where within the half life of the in 2 of the isotope and look on the left side this is a patient who basically perhaps had one lesion here but these are with fractures and basically you could have told them you do very well your cancer is actually under control you have a single lesion we're going to radiate that you'll be doing fine but look what happened when you did the specific imaging with the P S M A this patient was riddled with met a static disease that we didn't really see in the previous test so that's important Here's another aspect which would be of interest to you because you're doing Carty cell manufacturing So Marty had this idea again Marty's very creative guy he had this idea of when you do a car to sell you know you put an antibody that targets the tumor right so he said well let me put the P.S.A. may let me put the into gin that targets his marker on the same Carty cells so he did a cartoon cell experiment where he had targeting a tumor in the targeting of the imaging agent to understand and so what he shows he said because the big question in Carty cells are they there are they going to the tumor or are they doing what they're supposed to do and so he showed that actually this is us today 12 he was able to show that these cells actually were infiltrating the tumor in the mouse model so that kind of revolution I think is going to grow something you should look at a lot of departments are not looking at that in the M.E. in the imaging departments because the you need cross disciplinary collaboration is with chemistry with radio chemistry with nuclear medicine labs so you should do it the 2nd revolution and I think is important is what I call radio mix. And this the machine of mental diagnostics and I think it makes a lot of sense that we're going to see a machine learning matters classify these individual patients occurrence you databases as a radiologist when you look at the M.R.I. of the brain you compare it to your own memory but your own memory might be 5000 cases max 10000 if you really really really good and work every day you may have 15000 cases in your memory in your mind most of which are probably unproven and you don't know what the study is and you don't really remember what the previous study was in the new poll at this it's messy it's messy except for local disease we don't really know how to read diffuse disease and so if you want to track the evolution of a disease you'd like to compare it to some database right and these databases are going to become the the money of the realm like this is the gold mine because if you are a system you can put 5000000 patients M.R.I.'s of the head in the database that you follow over the years Look how important that will be when I read the killer scanner put the scan in the machine and the scan will tell me this patient is like Patient X. Y. Z.. In that database which have this disease this disease that disease can you imagine the power of that 10 years ago you couldn't even have dreamed of doing this we did it for mammography 20 years ago we couldn't do it for the rest of the body as we do today and so that information machine learning is going to be fantastically critical important which really basically you can apply the exact same thinking to genomic Dana the genetic data the single cell sequencing data you name it any big data scale can be approached now with this and degraded reference data bases that will teach us about populations much more than they will teach us and they will help us manage individuals so this is for example the dream of all folks in the imaging is to segment the image and understand it so this is manual and this is by did not work prediction it was done by a fisherman with an Nvidia platform amazing power it's almost like you don't need to be there outlines the the organs for you and the nice thing is you can use that to characterize. Tumors and use can say well your liver lesions is 123 they're different right and here there's a very they go on the machine actually can extract them and analyze the texture of it to the point where it can actually distribute through these parameters that come out of the periphery and separate what we call focal NAJERA hyperplasia Hipparchus or carcinoma a benign tumor or a normal tissue so you can see how the power of these 3 dimensionally. Spread parameters which frankly I don't know how they came up with that I don't think anybody knows how the Al Gore and the neural network did it they did that so you can imagine now that if you want to treat a cancer patient and you have the sort of imaging that our routinely achievable play this is a patient with you can see the heart here is in the liver you can see the stomach with full fluid you can see the vessels going into the liver and you still don't lesions right this is a patient with a Cassano a tumor which invited and they saw the liver you know I would pay a fortune if I'm really trying to understand and treat this just to know very quickly in a matter of days not weeks not months if the therapy and using is working so how do I do this today basically to grueling you measure one or 2 and you come back and this is what we called the recess criteria I spoke ologist will tell you. When you this hear about this racist criteria you can't resist laughing because it's so but that's the only thing that is working today that's what the F.D.A. approves So you have to know that to know the power potential power of this now when I was at the end I actually started we put an initiative in Bob probably remembers that this is an initiative between the industry to understand Alzheimer's disease the start of that in 2003 and we had M.R.I. images. C.S.F. by sampling and the need was to follow these patients and Dr Thompson at U.C.L.A. had a really brilliant idea where he would end became the variation within the brain of patients so green means not a lot of variation blue a lot of variation in patients between Alzheimer patients and our patients right so he was able to sort of use these indicators but the next step is not that the next step is going to be what I said knows we're going to create huge databases of normal development of the brain this is a study that Judy Rappaport started that he and I had in 2005 or 6 of trying to understand normal brain development so she would take images with M.R.I. with the vision tensor imaging in all this that sequence of times with these children and follow them over years so it's like a Framingham Study of the brain Framingham was 30 the heart this is the study of the brain and over time hopefully will have reference databases for normal development across the ages all the way to 85 and 90 and see if we can identify as early as possible predictors of degenerative disease or Parkinson's or any other disease that's affecting us and I think that's going to revolutionize that because imagine if you could do this for all human brain studies and put them in the cloud and and have them and compare that the power of that on biomedicine is going to be a revolution so I think I've made the point because it allows us to be more precise and more predictive. Imagine for example you do a colonoscopy patients to prevent colon cancer every 535 years imagine if you could use one of these imaging scanners an ob in 2 minutes you can get the entire body I mean it's amazingly powerful and let's say you had that as part of your physical every 5 years just like you do your blood test or your cholesterol how powerful would that be in terms of detecting disease in terms of if it's combined with circulating D.N.A. they could biopsies or anything like that you can imagine a world where I think all of us as individuals will have the ability to be compared to normal and abnormal to predict what we need to do or not do to treat our patients so it's not a pipe dream I don't know. Sometimes people say Are you crazy it's not never going to happen is too expensive that's not true when I did the city scanning at the beginning people thought I was crazy because these machines were costing 23000000 dollars at the time but today you can get a scanner for $300000.00 and you can do more patients than ever to the point where there are companies that are offering this sort of test right now so it's not a pipe dream Now let me finish if I could by some personal advice to each of you. I'm talking to the students here Bob not you. You don't need any advice. In this. So the 1st thing that I would say is I have some roles that like to share with you 1st this 5050 rules what does that mean. As I was doing what I was doing I realized that I was very curious about things beyond my own specialty so when I was reading radiology and imaging maybe 50 percent of my reading was really all Gene imaging but 50 percent of that was actually non radiology non imaging I would read about chemistry read more like a biology or have science nature things that I barely understood but over time it made me richer in understanding what I could get help from so 5050 new friends you know I had friends in medicine and radiology at me and me but I also made friends in other parts of out of Hopkins one of my best friend was actually an accountant it's hard to believe it's true. It's actually useful for taxes. And the only way the only rule that I would say $5050.00 is when you're in love it's had a it's got to be 100 percent this is both at the risk of your life and all of Mr Musgrave mess that up so that's 1st rule and you understand and rich yourself in areas adjacent to who you are the 2nd is always the finer core strategic team for yourself and that's a hard one that's a hard one but follow me a little bit and what I've found but this is retrospective and I learned it after the fact I didn't really know it at the time but I think it's a great lesson that I learned between all these fields. If you really look at my career scientifically and you say what's the core theme what is it the what is the strategy you followed what is the theme that you were after I would say that my big driver was to bring qualitative sciences to the qualitative biological sciences as I saw that. So I could tell the radiologist was looking at the the making judgement with no measures enough that's why create a C.T. does a cometary a create a cardiac tagging to measure cardiac function we looked at M.R.I. signals for tumors and but it was the same idea it was how do you quantitate what really happens in a biological system so you can make sense of it then when I was in and I was a little more mature so I knew what I was going to do because when I was asked to do the and I had the same problem I had a Hopkins department we're not talking to each other I mean don't get in says he or he knows I mean we had B M E but really reaching out to Don and electrical engineering computer science mechanical engineering was not natural so we force ourselves to do it and we created this this is without walls. And so when I went to the N.H.S. I have to say something that makes a lot of sense to everyone right the core team and the core to my idea that I came up with was focused on what and I should do and I as an institution that no single institute could do that was the exact same thing I did a 2nd telling the department chief Well is there anything that you would like to do yeah I'd like to do this but I don't want to do it I can't do it don't have the resources and then when you surveyed the faculty or every one of them would say well we need a core of this or the core of that so things that the institution is to do but that no component of the institution wants to do or can do so that was the theme of the entire thing that I did if you look back everything came out of us this concept and when you ask the question the people came together the people that I said yeah and then some not some people hated the fact that you had the directors are telling them what to do but I wasn't telling them I said you decide and once they really decided they loved the component to the idea that they could fund things out of a common opportunity fun so that's what we did you know the structural biology the network and Imus's the teams of the future of multi-disciplinary teams now in my last job I told people I said look I work to last because you can't have a strategy if you can write it in one sentence or 2 you have to have your own personal strategy to do that you have to define yourself so I said that I don't know if we were going to understand molecular networks of disease and attack them with multi targets approaches but that's what we did for the past 7 years. So the other thing that I can tell you is that don't think the future is not readable it's readable and you can tell what's going to happen in the future I'm surprising you're right everybody says it's really hard to make predictions about the future except in biomedicine in biomedicine things take a long time so what I found out when I evaluated and programs I found out that when you looked at the medicine of 20032004 everything had been there the drug had been there imaging had been there 30 years before except that it was not appreciated so the key thing for your is what do I need to do to appreciate what the power of something that is currently here will be in 10 or 15 years and it's easier to do and things are going to be in 5 years so we know bio processing is going to be very important in 51015 years. Only a point so you decide what is really critical for you. And the lesson I always tell people is that you know surfing is a great sport on the surface you probably don't stop around here. But anyway if you did you know you know that when you serve the the things that make you makes you great is not your skills as the waves that you pick so pick the right wave that will drive you to a future where you have a core theme strategy that applies to the 5050 rolls Why is that because I will leave you now the last concept that I believe is important today because everything I said as an implication or how you develop yourself as a student is completely different than it was in the past so in the past you know if you went to a discipline you develop an expertise so think of it as a vertical vertical thing you you go down into your silo deep deep deep deep deep in you're really really good and you get a Ph D. and you get a post doc and you stay in the same lab and it's great. But the problem is that science has evolved from a reductionist era where you needed to do the components of systems to an integration or you need to reintegrate the system but you can't do that all by yourself so you could do and say OK I'm going to go lateral and collaborate with everybody out there so you could say all of my my strategy is going to connect I want to connect to people connect and be a connectivity guy was very shallow and everything sort of jack of all trades and master of none that's like salesman you know salesmen are like that they know everything they can tell you about the car and you don't want to be that either so what is it you want to be you want what do you want to be this a T.V. abounds where you know how to connect laterally but you have a grounding in what you do so for me I'm grounded in imaging I really believe in the science I know that science inside out but also connected like I said because the 5050 year olds you know and I'm pretty good at other things I can fake it most of the time and. That makes you richer and in the world of today building teams. Through having this sort of design in your market of being able to cross barriers and to remove barriers or to understand each other at different in different cultures and different environment is critical to success because the science the scale of science today is different than what it was 25 years ago so the key thing is that all of these are converging the complexity of the precision the diagnostics and therapeutics into precision medicine and never forget to have fun but the right way thank you very much a bit of. He. Right. You know so that's a very good question it's a fundamental question you know because when you do. These correlations is correlations and you can't really have a causation unless you do a validation experiment right so the key thing is this is a learning system that is essentially going to point you towards possible logical causation that you have to test in a statistically valid way for an intermediary period of time there are some theoreticians that say that you can actually in a large enough population start to identify control groups so you can do control but frankly from the statistic coal point of view is not a cure and you have biases in the selection of the population and so on so I think deep learning in in applications like the one I showed where you're really following the same patient population over time may have actually the power to to identify the stronger and stronger correlations because otherwise the correlations will weaken over time you know just like you do like we were talking yesterday about genomics so so might I don't have the answer to your question I think is the key questions 96 percent of observational studies prove to prove to be either incorrect or size to distinctly invalid 96 percent so anything you read in the eye always in fun you know people who drink coffee at midnight are likely to be dying sort of Sooner or people do Techmeme milk at 12 life and live longer you know I mean that is junk Minot's they can use. You know. Just. My thought. So this. Week. This week. But I. Didn't. Really. Know me. Much good at it. Good morning. I'll. Be good. To get. So step one is to reclassify what you call a disease because you call a disease a heterogeneous entity is probably not one disease probably multiple like dimensional time or I mean when you look at Alzheimer's diagnosis many of them don't have enough time or they have something else so the real point I was making here remember was a big effort that I think needs to be made is to be reclassified disease into their molecular phenotype or or or reclassify the heterogeneous cancer you're talking about I mean you know in breast cancer we know already that there is that her 2 positive and astringent possible triple negative and so on till precise reclassification is going to help solve this problem in a great degree the 2nd is to study very specifically the non-responders beyond the classification Why is it that a patient doesn't respond so in the European Union I was pushing for a program that they accepted actually several $100000000.00 to look at the non-response in auto immune disease because it's amazing and you you treat patients with a little mean disease and 3040 percent of the respond or stop responding and so understanding that had to originate is important because it's probably a source of discovery of new targets and new pathways last but not least is the signal to noise problem and in the in the in the signal to noise problem but you have you have insufficient sampling and because you have insufficient sampling it appears had a genius to use graining and so you need bigger and bigger sample size and so pretty competitive collaboration between different entities different helps the cells to accumulate enough in any one disease is going to be very important to control the signal to noise issue. So from the patient point of view you know the thing that I think is very obvious is that as we moving more earlier earlier in the disease state and we are able to prolong survival for many disease states that the patients don't have to play a more active role so I used to call that P 4 medicine you know it's more predictive more personalized more preemptive and more participatory So the intelligent participation requires a fair interpretation of the data and this is what patient groups do and they do very well I mean to star in a rare diseases I would say the best example is the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation there are 30000 patients that were suffering that were dying very young today the diet 43 there's no cure there are no treatment with no cure at this point and you can see that the they are participating and actively going into their care the 2nd point that you're making in terms of lobbying is that you know patients are everywhere in there and they truly truly believe in the power of research and the good ones they don't really you know you would think that they think that you want they want you to do treatment experiments you know give me some stem cells give us some of that but most of them if you look at the strategic plans now the quality and I helped them with that you know when I was in I WAS IT guys what do you want when informed patients are uninformed patients and what is the best and you realize that you have to participate and help them. And participate in them if you look at the walking sins Disease Association Michael J. Fox and and you look at their strategic plan they're better than the many strategic plans I've seen in academia or even in an age so so I think it's a it's what I tell people all our best friends are not the industry not the politicians not the payers one the insurance companies and the patients and doctors who are losing a lot of that you know there's a lot of intermediary bureaucratic decisions that are embedded now in the health care system which have lowered the power of physicians to decide and if you're if you know about what we call authorization guidelines go guys know what authorization means pre-authorization when a doctor prescribes a drug there are there is a formulary that the doctor has to abide by and the insurance company can deny treatment if you don't really do something else 1st so for example if you have high cholesterol and there's a drug that really reduces that this is the generic 1st 3 months to do a test use a 2nd generic and and go through that before you did it take the expensive drugs or the practicing medicine for us. You see the same thing in children my wife is a pediatrician and she told me that she was fed up because she would spend half an hour with an unknown health care provider or coordinator trying to argue why because she does pediatric endocrinologist a 3 foot kid needs a growth hormone you know in the near puberty and she was very So we are losing that not gaining in that you know powerful relationship that you describe is less powerful which means that we have to really engage with our. Arborist on that which is patient's right I mean we're not here to do in medicine we're different here because of engineering but but for patients you have to engage and we don't we don't. And you would be surprised how little I'm surprised people when I say that but you get some mention was maybe 10 percent of the influence but a good to 80 percent comes from patients so you have to nurture them. Yeah. I didn't understand the last 2 parts and the last 2 sentences. I was a minus for the program managed. It. So it started 1st by you know I didn't do the Road Map out of nowhere so what I did is I was appointed in May and the Irish had done had a director for a couple years so it was really frustrating to Congress because Congress felt that they were increasing the funding for an ice but they had no plan so it's like me giving you money so I'll tell you tomorrow I want to do with it and they were frustrated with that they wanted a plan they wanted an understanding so what I did is it was different than most directors do I didn't come with preconceived idea I had some and some don't mistake it I did have some ideas but what I did was I invited 125 finalists from around the country and I had joint sessions between the internal as to director assisted scientist and the external trying to identify just what I said What is it that the and I should do that no institute can do. And we came up with about 97 different. Different concepts and ideas one of them that came actually you'd be surprised we came from the Nobel the group al Gilman who was consulted Harold others who said we have a problem. Greencard was a big advocate of that David Baltimore I mean they were basically saying look you know it's we're doing all these basic research and you have all these clinical research over here but nothing is happening in between with the new emerging science we need people who understand that and can translate that into the clinical So if you remember that time we had the general clinical research centers I happened to be a T.I.A. of one at Hopkins before I went to an eye so I knew how it works is basically nursing support for the investigators and you have a lab you have. You know a connection to your lab and pharmacy you know research pharmacy that's what it was it was a service function so what I think the folks were asking for was not a service function but a human capital formation of folks who understood enough to traverse the valley of death and and really establish degree granting programs in translational finds the 1st one that was established actually was in cancer at Memorial Sloan Kettering by Harold on cancer science you know Panna translational cancer science because you do not see that I mean how who would you go to if you have a do something here who would you go to do a translational effort you have physician scientists would you know they're not in the best of shape inside of academia and you have so they decide to go into basic research. A lot 85 percent of them deficiencies and up in labs doing doing animal model research 50 percent and up with the clinical part of the late stage but there's nothing in between and so that was the idea C.T. essays do you train people in new science do you really have them adopt and transfer the basic research their they participate in an understand into a system that is completely different than the previous one the hard thing was to destroy the previous program because in government you don't do that every program was in many institutions 62 institutions they have their own lobbyist and the lobbyist I remember her I mean she would look at me like I was the devil you know what did I do to you shall you around this and that imagine I mean if you haven't had that experience you should try it once you know you get a chance to go to government service you do it just just for the education of it and so they didn't want that until we found a way to to get it done was proper convincing of some Congress people and so we switched that the key thing to me is the is whether they're successful is is what kind of people are they training who then become the translators between basic and clinical which was the big gap that you found. You. Know if it. Came. Easy it. Was. The. Then you know what the big problem is not in industries in academia if you if you really look at. The ownership of data jealous ownership of data comes from I could be a more than industry if you if you read I mean trying to get data from a group the Framingham group I mean I don't want to. But they consider that their lifeblood if you do yellow just it is this little lifeblood they don't want to give the data so the highest level resistance actually is an idea not not an industry or government government as you know we make it public as soon as we have it right the sequencing is a good example and so on the way you see now accumulation of data is in health care systems so the partners for example in Boston has a 3000000 database that we funded at the N.H. that allows them to identify patients for purposes the Geisinger clinic there you have collaboration spree pre-computed of an Alzheimer's disease for example between industry and those 2 arthritis so it's coming together but frankly it's it's haphazard I don't think there's a systematic view I mean look up which is an insurance company part of United has a high 350000000 health records worldwide and they do what they call real world effectiveness which is the the understanding of who is using what medication versus what was this and comparing that so they're not doing correlations that either do comparative studies of I think a C. and safety so some people are accumulating that data already it's going to be a huge issue the privacy the protection of privacy and it's just ongoing story but I don't believe that this is going to be a simple solution it's going to be a case by case solution over time. Healthcare systems are probably the most likely to integrate data from their patient base as they're getting larger So there will be an Emory database for shore. Thank you.