So they get greater pay. I'll try not to roll around too much. So I have to make a disclaimer I was a little worried when Paul asked me to speak. I'm very much a system person. My background and training can take me to the national Brown. But the work that I do shows how you can integrate Microsystems' and microelectronics with Ultimately at some point. Nanotechnology. But those of you who have done some now technology work. I think you may experience that although the the sort of the information and energy exchanges on the national level but the moment you try to interface with nanotechnology you suddenly jump to micro scale. So a lot of my work is at the micro scale and basically what I do the bulk of what I do is I use electrical charge to overcome a Larson either the auditory system or the balance vestibular system. So a lot of times people think of the vestibular system as primarily balance but we'll talk a little bit about that. So as like as I speak I hope that I can underscore these themes about you know. At a at the first level maybe what relates to the nanotechnology aspect is how do we better couple electrical signals through the neural interface and ultimately that's the exchange of ions. And coming from a system perspective you know how do we do that well and that is reducing size of the micro system reducing power with the ultimate goal of improving a patient benefit from the system or the device. So. I put this slide up because we're going to spend a lot of time here during my talk. We are going to be talking about the other Tory system. Which I guess I'll be my own pointer. But you know if you come through the outer ear to the middle ear you get our atory system. And coupled closely to the auditory system is the vestibular system. And we don't often think about the vestibular system and less we're dizzy. We lose balance. So it's a system that works all the time for us and the moment it doesn't work we realize it's there. There's a lot of similarities in the way that information is transferred in each of these systems. So start with the other Tory system and branch into the vestibular system and says we have such a good mix here. Please feel free to start me and ask any questions as I go along because I'm probably going to speed up pretty quickly to get through. A lot of the topics today. So he's let me let me provide a little bit of reference here. So we all know that sound is made up of pressure waves and we saw that early on and you're seeing this now as I keep scraping this mike around. And so we have our outer ear which is designed really well to collect that sound information and provided to the middle ear we have that your drone we have these beautiful bones here. The smallest bones in our body and these are so impressive because what they do is they amplify and mechanically filter sound so that you have a gain of twenty B. from the eardrum until you have the cochlear the Coakley as a fluid filled to so fluid vibrations serve to couple two neurons really and how does that happen. That occurs through what's called the organ of Corti here so imagine that we've taken a wedge out of the Coakley or. These are repeats of that quiet old into us and there's a sensory structure here called the organ of Corti and it's designed with hair cells. These are the electrical fusing mechanical to electrical transducers and it's the motion of fluid that sets this membrane to move up and down it's called the basil membrane and the motion of that membrane as couple through the hair cells so as the membrane moves up and down. This top of the stereo cilia band. The bending of the stereo Sylvia issues a series of electro chemical reactions effectively that serve to activate nerve fibers here in yellow. So mechanical energy is directly coupled into neurons firing. It's a kind of an interesting structure because we have three rows of outer her cells and we have one row of inner hair cells. So these outer hair cells serve as amplifiers they can actually elongate and shorten based on the acoustic input coming in and that's important for hearing preservation which we may have a few minutes to talk about. So in a normal you know for all of us here this is working just fine. This is great. So I've talked about how that information is transferred the next pieces. We hear pitch. How do we hear different pitches and that's because that Basil or membrane structure. Has a variable stiffness so it's a mechanical filter. And it's more sensitive to high frequencies as you come into the base. It's close structure. And as you go up to the top. It's more sensitive to lower frequencies. So that is the way that we resolve pitch in the Coakley. So what happens. What breaks down. You know what is sensory neural hearing loss which is how I started this discussion. I've shown here the hair cells. Damaged hair of cells are pretty obvious to pick out how does that happen. You can be born that way you can even we can be born with without her cells. If your mother had rubella mumps measles while she was carrying you. You could be born with her cell loss. Also there are N. about extent are still prescribed today that can cause hair cell loss. So the electrical mechanical to electrical transduction mechanism has failed. Fortunately we can overcome that through electrical stimulation by directly stimulating auditory nerve fibers. So let me get a cochlear prosthesis. This is the most successful neural prosthesis to date. And over. Actually that and then them are needs to be updated over one hundred one hundred eighty thousand individuals worldwide have these. And through electrical stimulation we can convey a perception of sound in Europe they're implanting children as early as six months the reason being we all have a formative period. And I don't know if any of I see a very diverse multicultural group here and and a lot of people say well you need to teach your child a foreign language and you really do if you want your child to pick up a foreign language they need to hear it during their first nine No nine months because that's when the brain is kind of speaking non-variable. Technical I'm not a neuroscientist but there's a formative period during which their brain is going to dedicate that space to language. So there is a big push to implant children very young so they have that auditory input so they can build those connections. I have talked to an audiologist locally and they've implanted someone as old as nine. So there's a wide range of people who are implanted. So people who do very well they can get one hundred percent of speech in quiet. And you all know if you've gone to a party. It's really hard to hear the person next to you. So speech and noise is a very active area of research. How do we pursue or perceive speech in noise and there's a lot of signal processing work out there and I'm going to talk more about the neural interface work but really it's the you really need to work on these from multiple avenues to give people the best perception of sound. So from a system level. That's why I made that disclaimer because I tend to start from the system level. The basic components of a Coke layer prosthesis are the instrumentation to collect the sound. Through of microphone and you know number two there is a speech processor. It's an amazing piece of hardware there's actually four digital signal processing cores in a cochlear implant and that also it's externally the bat is powered by a battery the same kind of batteries. One would buy for a hearing aid and across the skin the commands are transmitted to an implanted receiver and stimulator number five which then takes which really sets up the signals that stimulate auditory nerve fibers. So what you see there is number six. And that's the implanted electrode array and that's really where you start to get to these low small scale interfaces between the electrons using between the electrical hardware and the neurons. So. There that should help a little bit. So let's focus on this structure a little bit more because this is where this is where I'm going to really get into the micro systems aspect of it. So this is a cochlear electrode array the black bear arms are the contacts where where really the the electrical signals are sent out of so you can see if you recall that frequency the placemat being will go from twenty twenty kill herds down to twenty hertz but we only have sixteen to twenty two contacts in and then planted electrode array. That's all the space that we have to convey the richness of sound. So it's made of bundles of wire and incased in silicone and it still hand and I had the opportunity just recently to go out and talk to a cochlear implant manufacturer and they're really interested in how can we use micro technologies to reduce the cost. Because if you can back fabricate something like this if you can reduce the time maybe these are all made by hand. It's amazing it's really an art but if you can reduce that cost forget even providing enhanced sensation of sound. That's kind of where my work went but if you can just reduce the cost of that because this cost forty thousand dollars. And so we've got some are emerging economies. It would be great to be able to have people use these. So from a performance perspective you know if we can somehow better recruit the neurons so what I've shown here is kind of an abstraction of the hair cells. So it's all spiky things are the stereo sillier and the red illustrates where we're activating neurons. And if we can focus the fields and. Activate a restricted neural population. You can think just from the selectivity of a specific city point of view. We're going to better provide a sensation a sound we can better restrict we can better restrict the fields then we can provide a better resolution is sound. So that's where my research took me the other thing is that neural population changes over time. I know in me the way I can hear now is different than the way I heard when I was five. So if you have a system that can adapt with more sites better selectively you can couple to that neural interface as it's changing also talked a little bit about electric fields. If you have more sites you can play games by waving the current and we do that we do simulations in my lab on how do you restrict that field. How do you better activate those neurons and you can just think you know in the limit you would want to be able to activate whatever frequencies you need and that comes back to the hardware. So this represents the first Coakley or electrode array the first high density so we put more sight two to three times more sites in a commercial array but this is all micro fabricated. So the same way we make integrated circuits. We made electro to race. And not to trivialize it but it's a fancy cable. It's a really fancy cable that enables you to better coupled to the neural tissue. It's it was made for a guinea pig model a very short insertion will to talk more about why we only went into the first turn of the guinea pig the guinea pig actually has three and a half turns to very tall conical Coakley and in the guinea pig model a very very thin material. Very very thin. So this is from my work at University of Michigan and the interesting thing about the. This technology is that we used Boron dope silicon. Just one obligatory process flow slide because I. I do marker technologies of fabric ation So those of you are interested in verification. Really the exciting piece in this is if you don't silicon with Boron it serves as an F. stop. So instead of dicing out your devices. You can put it in a very aggressive etch so you can release them and they just sort of float around in a tray and essentially it's made up of layering on top of the silicon you layer dielectrics you layer insulators metals insulator and more metals. So it's a fairly stable technology Michigan has been doing this for years but this is the first time we've scared to go into a structure as aggressively as the Coakley or for the coiling. And that presents some challenges when you think of an integrated circuit that's whack and hard. The cocoa here is spiraling and soft in a very aggressive trajectory. So if you're going to scale down in size an important issue is what how do you couple to the neural tissue once again. And that's through your surface for exchanging charge and so we had to go to a different material commercial arrays are made out of platinum very stable we scaled down the size but we went to radium oxide because you can grow an oxide on the electrode. And that really enhances the kind of the space for exchanging charge because that's what it's all about through these electron neural interface devices. But from a systems person perspective if you're a circuit designer and you're designing a current stimulator the amount of charge you put in has to be the amount of charge you put out because what we're doing is. It's very nice but nine. Charge exchange is that the electrode interface the moment you get very aggressive you start to build up. Well first of all you can start to release some of your metal into the tissue you change the PH locally. So there are limits on how much charge you can put in tissue. And you have to we followed that for our device design here. I'll go through this really briefly but what I wanted to give you a perspective of is OK You know you can go down from the micro scale nano micro and you can start to integrate circuitry. So you can envision building implantable devices. So once you understand how you can best couple to the tissue. You can keep layer naan technologies that exist. So what we did is we built our old integrated circuit for stimulation. We coupled it with his me. We coupled it with the electrode array and of course this is a research device those of you who you know have to try to get F.D.A. approval you wouldn't put up a picture like that which that is going to be implanted into the tissue are insulated. But that's to show how. You how we made the connection between all our traces that needed to go to electrodes with the circuit. OK it's a very small device it's about two point three Boyd the the circuit here is two point three by two point three millimeters not an aggressive technology by any sense in terms of feature size point five micron. But it did the job. So we were able to generate by phase it current pulses that's really the take home message from the slide with the circuitry. I want talked too much about testing but I always get these questions about well you made a device for a guinea pig. How's a guinea pig going to tell. So you that it that it can here and through making really through understanding the animal model the abstraction that we make is the same way that you have kind of a test board. And the animal. Becomes a test board you stimulate at one end and we record. So we can record the response to electrical stimulation at another location. Further up in the auditorium system called the inferior click yes. That also has a frequency to place mapping. So in summary the way we do the experiments is we first provide an acoustic input and calibrate through recording electrode away ripping up neurons firing. Ripping up the polarizations as voltage spikes. And we're recording you so course there's some nice amplification going on on these signals but then we can count spikes that we can safely stimulate here acoustically recording here. So we can then do our own frequency to placemat being in this fine structure called the inferior could careless. Sort of just those of you who would like to see where that is the knee mid-brain there. The in very quickly listeners pointed out those kind of those two greenish knobs in there so we put a recording array in there to measure the signals. It also has a nice frequency to make place mapping it's like an onion the further you stick in the recording array the higher the frequency yes. And he's so sorry for my not an artist here but I wanted to show you know you did this we did this. What did we know at a first pass when you're doing these experiments you want to know that if I'm putting in charge into the tissue number one. Am I really can I record a response. Number two are is the level of current that we need to put in similar to a commercial device so this is towards benchmarking I wouldn't call a special marking. But it's towards benchmarking and what we found is that the levels were very similar two types of stimulation briefly one is monopole or simulate in the Coakley and your return electrode is outside. A broader field. Another type is bipolar your sourcing and sinking in the cold air. You're restricting the fields. It always takes more current. So what we did is we stepped out through the electrode sites and made them further and further apart for the bipolar and you can see as we go further and further apart it takes less less current So we're approaching monopole or so this is kind of to what your appetite about the different games you can play with the electrodes sites and focus fields. So I'll kind of skip through this part but say you know do these experiments first we do this acoustic input then we cut that that link the acoustic link by damaging the hair cells by actually applying one of the antibiotics that I said damages her cells and we validate that the system does not respond to an acoustic input and then we come in with our electrical signal and measure. So I will get through this pretty briefly and say are we validated that we can stimulate in the Coakley or with a thin film based array. The problem was silicon. It's a great material but it's very brittle and so we've moved on from silicon here the work we're doing at Georgia Tech is we're using a poly image based You're a very a very flexible device people views poly image in the body. For a long time now. So there's enough history there to support it as a material and instead of so it's very thin and it lacks integrity to go on go in there on its own. So we're using commercial commercial insertion devices from Coakley or implant manufacture and were a couple ing the thin film array with the commercial device and we've done studies in. Human Cadavers looking at how well do these two pieces stay together during the insertion and after. So this is work that we're doing with Medical College of Georgia and it's proven to be a really really exciting research topic. We're on our second phase of the. The cadaver trials and we'll be doing animal studies in the fall. So. Let me try to launch into some of the way out there work. So I've talked about how you can use electrical So signals to overcome a loss. Now we're thinking about how to use electrical send signals to dampen the response of the auditory system and this came about through a proposal or some area of research with DARPA. And that is you know how do you prove preserve soldiers from impact noise in the battlefield. And what I've shown down at the bottom there in that profile is you know what that signature of the pressure wave looks like. And the the directive is if we can detect if we can make the outer hair cells less responsive to the signal we can detect it and beat it and we can electrically if we can detect it and beat that signal before it gets to the inner hair cells as you see the outer hair cells. We can make those in her hair. So she can make those outer herself less responsive to the electrical signal to the acoustic input by hyper polarizing them. And so that's a really new area of research that we're moving into to use electrical signals for auditory prevention and the motivation is that yes there are devices for soldiers to wear in the battlefield. But if you if you talk to the military the soldiers don't like to wear them they're uncomfortable there's a payload and I think as humans we tend to feel like if someone. Our senses are compromised. We're not comfortable I mean think about how well you know if it's all quiet and you're in the forest think about how you can hear if a twig snaps. And so we're trying to figure out ways that we can make soldiers more natural in a way in the battlefield. There's also the other side of maybe you can make the auditory system more responsive. There may be situations where you'd want to amplify the ability to hear. So let me launch into some of the work I'm still in the ear but now in the balance system in the vestibular system. And those three loops there are semi-circular canals fluid filled again fluid vibrations are the key fluid vibrate in a fluid motion in those canals to flex their cells. And that's the coupling that we're looking at. There's also a linear acceleration sensors in the kind of the voters portion there where you can see some of the. The vestibular nerve fibers coming out. That's actually the cochlear vestibular nerve coming together there so we do have linear motion sensor slows the hair so mapping is a very confusing. So it's a lot harder to try to work in that regime so we pick the simpler stuff and want to look working with angular rotation sensors so why is this so important. I didn't really know this until I started researching this but many many of us will see our clinician because we're dizzy. Not all and not every one of us is going to have a vestibular dysfunction. But it is very common in the elderly a large amount of patients have vestibular dysfunction I work at Emory and every you know every Friday and there are these clinics meetings and you'd be surprised about the number of people who have a vestibular deficit. So the reason why it's very scary I think in the elderly population is that. If you know Lou. Person and I don't even know what elderly means anymore because we're you know sixty five's not that far away from me. If a person falls. The likelihood of them passing is it's very wild and it's very strongly connected and so for people to have command of motion and to feel secure when they move around is very important. So I work in two different areas in this regime. So the good news is I work with a rehab therapist. You can train the body. Depending on the level of your vestibular deficit. You can train the body to overcome that. And if individuals are dedicated and they do their exercises they actually regain they regain a lot of their function especially if the vestibular deficit is only on one side a unilateral case. Now the problem becomes tough. When. It's bilateral. Because you can think about the body is so smart of part of us is missing the other part seems to work it out but in the cases where there is biological vestibular dysfunction. There is research being done at a number of very prestigious labs on of us to real or prosthesis. And I'm doing some of that research here as well. These are for people of no other therapeutic benefit because really and truly you don't really go around implanting people you know with a lot of research. So let's talk about the of some of the good news part and that is just talk for a bit about how would you train your vestibular system one class of exercises that I'm going to be working with at Emory are patients doing these exercises is gaze stabilization. So even athletes do these exercises you hold something in front of you and you move your head and you're trying to induce retinal slip. But not so much that it makes you this. But you're trying to go fast enough. So if I gave you those instructions and told. If you to go home and do this. Ten minutes a day two times a day. And those are the instructions. I think you may have trouble. I have trouble. So you know where do I see the Microsystems' can make an impact in this and I'm sure in the first generation of this device it monitors your head motion and the idea is a clinician sets these targets for you. They can tell you how fast you should be moving your head. They can monitor how long you're moving your head. And that way when you come back in the individual come back to the clinic they can start to correlate how well an individual is doing with how much they actually did their exercises because I don't know every time I go to the dentist they ask me do you floss and I say yes and I'm a floss like twice the whole year. So what patients report when they come into the clinic is very different than what they do and so now we can start to monitor that the reason I'm showing this slide is because all the all the electronics are visible. Do X. the stronger skull. Data Capture power supply. This is all integrated into the Kathy Now you can see it the patient just takes the cap home. Nobody can see the circuitry at all. And I've recently got some and I funding to pursue this at Emory and we also have you know this is just a nice matlab. This is a Matlab file that spitting out what a patient did. Over time of course and they were doing you know some nice periodic motion there but we can capture how you know how much they do it how fast they do it and you can even you know take this data in between visits. So you can monitor patient over the week. And the patient doesn't have to come into the clinic because when the patients come in with clean these these visits are longer and hour so we're trying to do is see how Microsystems can improve rehabilitation. So now into the kind of the back maybe linking toward. The neural interface here. Great looking to the neurons here is a vestibular prosthesis. So we capture angular head rotation with some sensors. We can then use that rate to control the stimulation rate of vestibular neurons. The reason why this works is because that our peripheral vestibular system what it does is that it's senses Excel aeration it integrates it once. It sends an angular velocity signal up through the nervous system. A nervous system actually integrates it one more time and it controls the motion of our eyes. So people have a similar deficit if they move their head and try to focus on something. That I just can't follow because they're not getting the right signal. And so that's our one of you know that's what that's why we can easily tested in animal models is that we apply the signal and then we look at the motion of the eyes. Actually there's a group at University of Washington and they're building a device that controls it's a vestibular pacemaker and using their pacemaker the animals moving around but the neurons are telling the animal. No motion is happening. So without talking too long about that we're developing an integrated micro system to do that and we have. You know really this is this is probably maybe one of the most interesting slides is that the way our body codes angular rotation is through a firing rate and it's a sigmoid all relationship you can program listen to a chip very easily and implements that through. An electrode array and simulate vestibular nerve fibers. So the one chala. In this area that I'm working on is the sensor. So this is the circuitry. But the sensor. We're using commercial gyroscopes and you know if you've got your i Phone you have a gyroscope in there. So these devices are becoming readily available. They're shrinking in size. They're not shrinking in power. So if you think in a room of an implantable device. In a Coakley or implant ninety percent of the system power is to the tissue in a vestibular in prime and they are working hard to reduce the power but it's still at about eighty percent of the powers in the sensor. And we're trying to overcome that through mimicking the actual vestibular system so this is a model of the semicircular canal just one of them think of a horizontal canal and we're building a pressure sensor out of a very flexible material to as the sensor to flex as a sensor moves that gets coupled to a firing rate. So we can detect motion through the pressure sensor it's purely passive and control the firing rate of a similar nerve fibers. So let's briefly some work that we're doing there and just a summary slide here to show you why I feel that the kind of the work that we do in my lab is very integrated. So I guess we're called you know it's a Biosystems interface lab but really to get the job done. It involves all of those pieces for our work. So with that being said if if we have a few minutes for a question. So thank you. Yes yes. So the question is of early on in cochlear implants there's a fibrous tissue growth so the body reacts. And the final phase of the reaction is virus and capsule ation because Coco implants stimuli from the electrode location they tend to burn it off. That's what I've been told. But that also means that you can't pull a cochlear implant out. So you can't upgrade the electrode ray you can upgrade the processor. But not the electorate or re there they are doing work by coding putting coatings on Coakley or implants. It's not quite. You know at the at the stage where they're doing more than animal studies to encourage the neurons so this is where the nanotechnology comes in to encourage neurons to grow toward the implant because the implant and it's different than a quarter Bill stimulating application then you're in it. You're in a channel. And the neurons are not there the you have connective tissue and bone. So if you can somehow encourage the neurons you improve that interface. Thank you. Yes. There's a couple of reasons. Actually some of the experiments we did weren't cat. And it depends on the expertise of the lab. And animals. It costs a lot to have them get in pigs or trainable they do studies where they train the guinea pig to step on a. It all and I get some juice in so my kids are very smart animals in a way that you can do behavioral studies with them. Thank you. All right thank you.