Thank you Jeff in the introduction I apologize my voice is a bit lot of people have junk over the past few weeks and I'm one of those people so my voice is a bit scratchy apologize in advance. Today I really want to go through. You know some of the big picture stuff around health analytics around what sort of current in the space in terms of translating health analytics into direct patient level care but I also want to talk more specifically about how you hear a students at Georgia Tech can take advantage of a lot of the tools that have been built up over the past couple years here on campus and through other broader open source projects so over by the end of it you'll be able to actually have very specific strategies that you can apply to your own work and. I want to get started this is the. Logo Center for Health analytics and informatics will tagline it's not a latte which we believe very much that there's still a lot of opportunity for people to get more gauged in health analytics as we go so I wanted to start just by talking about this idea of persuasion medicine and what that reflects on a broader scheme when you hear that phrase because you hear it sometimes Certainly if you go to academic medical centers you go to campuses you'll hear a phrase precision medicine generally speaking what they mean is going from data will talk about different types of data but from all kinds of data in a very broad spectrum and processing it harmonizing it cleaning it doing something to it that allows you to then analyze it in a more sophisticated way so that could be predictive modeling will talk about other types of ways that you could analyze data to arrive at some type of evidence something that you want to convey in order to hopefully improve care improve patient spirits and improve quality and safety and so forth the tricky part is that it's not just enough to build a model it's not just enough to produce about. And it's it's not just enough to publish a paper even if it's for Katie or another become friends. In in health care you have to find a way to deliver that to people where and when they need it so there's a piece of this that's about interoperability How do you get information to where you want it at the right time so we'll talk about how you get those data there in a form of decision support how do you push that to a provider to a patient to a team in making a decision the last part might seem redundant but it's not it's once you've gotten it there how do you actually drive a change in behavior right how do you get a doctor to order something or to not order something how to get a patient to eat the right thing take the right activity it be adherent to their medications and that's actually I think Jeff mentioned the human computer interaction part as a big part of it is how do we employ psychology in a sense to drive the behaviors that we're looking to achieve. We're talking a little bit about the origins of precision medicine as a concept to talk about different types of help beta talk about global research networks but more specifically around analytics patterns talk about interoperability I know that Dr Marc Bronstein gave a course or a lecture here think there may have been like a fire drill a minute or something like that but in theory but I'll just cover a few items that you might have heard already and then talk about Georgia Tech's own platform for doing health data analytics so precision medicine has a lot of definitions probably none of them are right none of them are exactly wrong but here's one which is that it's about optimizing the prevention the diagnosis and the treatment of disease through more precise definitions of genetic clinical behavioral and environmental factors that contribute to individual health rights as a whole swath of things and it could be for treatment it could be for prevention other purposes put more simply or at least graphically more simply. You've got a group of patients and today if you all out of this maybe seventy five people in here whatever it is you went in if you want to see a doctor and you guys were having. You know. A cold then the doctor sort of more or less would give you the same set of medications or they pick from a set of medications they might look at a particular factor in your history and in this case the treatment is for say blood pressure and all the patients just get a different mix of drugs where the idea is that in the future with a precision medicine approach they would prescribe the right medication not only in terms of effectiveness efficacy but also in terms of safety tolerability right some people can't take drugs four times a day out of you ever been prescribed an antibiotic they have to take four times a day. I've never successfully taken four times a day ever I was just really hard to do right but some people are really fastidious about other people the insurance differences it's expensive for one not for the other other kinds of things are tolerability and safety and so forth so that's it is a procedure in medicine you also hear this phrase this phrase is personalized medicine to be clear there is no difference between precision medicine and personalized medicine there's no material difference this was a phrase that came up first maybe about ten years ago and the number of providers or provider groups felt that you know doctors have been providing personalized medicine for years right were very personable you go to see your doctor they say how are you doing Jeff good to see you welcome in you know housework center center so the idea of being personalized been thoughtful about individual needs is of course been part of medicine for many many years precision medicine is sort of getting a little bit more of that finer grained approach the route of precision medicine is in Juneau mix so one thousand nine hundred ninety which. As many of you are not yet born but anyway so one nine hundred ninety S. was the beginning of this human genome project this was a huge huge endeavor to map the entire human genome and they thought it would take decades they thought that it would be when complete. Revelent Torrie completely revel atory we would understand what caused the human disease because we would have all the genes mapped out and they were actually able to do it relatively quickly you can see the the pace of the human genome project the first genome was actually completed here you can see two thousand and one was centrally the first fully sequence genome. Pretty good and like everything Moore's law type things the cost went down over time and went down significantly to the point where it really is under a thousand and probably under I mean nowadays it's really just a several hundred dollars to get your genes sequence now there's larger bits of the genome exome and other parts but to get the standard sequence that they got in two thousand and one the price has gone down from one hundred million dollars pretty well so. Hopefully that's not the Bitcoin trajectory but it came down quite a bit over the course of those years so you can see that change for the problem is that the reality of precision medicine even with the changes in Juneau mix and the capabilities of the science have actually been a little bit slow to proceed so you see these these headlines some of which are you know and in kind of blogs but the second one is from like The New Yorker which you wouldn't think be writing this kind of thing in there saying here's a problem with precision medicine essential one of the doctors didn't come out of training thinking about this but the bigger problem is how do you convince doctors to test for something before there's evidence for what works and then how do you convince someone to to pay or build a test if they don't think anybody is going to use it so there's sort of a chip. And that problem if your company out there as a great idea for a new genetic test. Where's the financial incentive to build that until you know that there's going to die you know sides it's a bit of a challenge and him which is a is a huge conference every year it's typically in February or March it's all of the health I.T. companies. There's like fifty thousand people it's either Las Vegas or Orlando. I think like Magic Johnson is speaking out this year like it's always like this really like big and like very very unusual set of like. Kind of rock star type people and health people and all these big parties and stuff but the gist of it is how are things moving forward in everything from health analytics electronic medical records population health and all the other kind of things that you're probably learning about in this course one of the challenges that they've identified. Is that the data or to integrate these data into the real world Veyron is really tough so you can do a genome you can capture fascinating information but how do you move it to the right place in order to be effective so that's kind of a baseline idea of where we want to go but also a little bit of barriers to getting to that point so what kinds of data might you be looking for and hopefully over the course of this we're probably what a couple months month and a half into this class if you guys are start to get a sense of the kinds of data that you might encounter but I do want to run through some of the broader notions of health data what you might be looking for so the classic at least a couple classic times types of help data one is clinical data right so the electronic medical record doctor sits down that enter your information they ask about your allergies they ask about your past history about your family put in the M.R.. Here's an example is some screen shots from E.M.R. as they look like like Windows X P or whatever many of them still look that way. Have a lot of compassion for your doctor when you go and see them and you're hacking away on your i Phone and they're like working in this so it's it's still though a challenge not so much just because of the interface but the new the notion of the data can be tricky right so I want to ask since it's ph I'm sure some of you've got and you've allergies or you're say your mom told you had an allergy to penicillin or something like that you can't take it it's very common story but a lot of times that might be because when you were four you got some penicillin you threw up your mom said don't take any more penicillin so you go to the doctor and you say I'm allergic to penicillin but in reality you may not have a true allergy you have sort of a kind of adverse reaction but there's a difference so if ever when you're older and you get really sick it's tricky because the doctors don't know is this person really allergic or you know can I treat them in a life threatening situation so E.M.R. data is can be rich but also tricky. The same could be said of claims data so claims data which I'm sure you have a chance to come across in this course that's the stuff that the insurance companies produce right so like every good system the part dealing with the money is always the furthest ahead in terms of comprehensive this so the claims data everything done everything ordered everything captured goes into claims data but there's a problem one is that they sometimes reverse stuff so like something goes in and then something is you know comes out you don't always catch that the other problem is that doctors often just fill in the claims information to I don't think they're doing it to get paid but they're doing it to just kind of. Go through the process of say somebody comes in complaining of. Feeling tired and the doctor wants to order a thyroid exam so. There they might circle fatigue which would be great but sometimes doctors will circle like rule out hypothyroid is there other kinds of things that end up with a code that's not really what they intend to sell what they put in their documents but it might show up in the claims Another example is like. A hip fracture so if you look at a record and you see seventy five year old woman who has a hip fracture I can assure you that she will have twenty more hip fracture diagnoses over the next twelve months but it's not that she obviously fractured hip twenty times is that she goes back she's follow up everybody just kind of circles that hip fracture circle but actually becomes tough to know what's the original What's what's stablished and so there's a lot of just trickiness to work with claims data the good news is it's voluminous writes is a lot of information there you'll see many many studies done using these data so it's kind of a classic. Story where people say like the guy lost his keys and he's looking for the keys on the lightened someone says well you know where you lose your keys that over there but this is where the light is so it's the same thing people study claims data because it's easy to get there's lots of it is very satisfying but it's also a little bit dangerous in terms of the accuracy. The next category is patient reported data so this stuff is pretty cool it has to do with like questionnaires to me that seems a little bit old fashioned but you go in some is doing a study or a doctor says Can you fill out this report and we're going to it's a validated instrument music done studies to make sure that this thing kind of does what it says it's going to do so here is the Ph. Questionnaire which is to blur into small on this screen to read but I will tell you that question number six. Says. Are you feeling bad about yourself or that you are a failure who have or have let your. Well for your family down so like to me there's two things to think about question over sex number one is like that's like a super nuance concept right there is not like a snowman code I see nine killed like one twelve that means that number two is like a really depressing question like When you read it you know to me I would go from like a zero to like a two just from reading that question because like well now that I think about it you know maybe my family is kind of you know whatever so point is that questionnaires are interesting they probably have a little bit observation bias like Hawthorne effect kind of stuff where you respond to things based on a question but they're much more nuanced right they're much more. Sophisticated at capturing particular elements that are hard to get in other ways All right so now comes like all this fun stuff that we're doing all over Georgia Tech that people are doing all over the country all over the world right this is how you capture patient generated data this is sensor data this is high velocity data coming from had been bits of cardiac monitors and shoes and Under Armor and whatever you have there's data flowing off of it and people are trying to figure out not only how to use it not only what to do with it but how how to incorporate it right there so much information I can assure you that if you were to strap her a monitor on to your. Your head or your your chest and you said your doctor hey good news I'm going to stream my heart rate to you so you will to keep track of it day in and day out they would say thank you very much I will be shutting that off immediately because they don't time to look at it but at the same time there's probably useful information if somebody is a diabetic and they have contact lenses now they can read your blood sugar. So how frequently should that be passed to a provider right how it should be used the good questions not yet solved but it's a really important exciting area to work. So now moving a little bit from the person level to public health level All right so. The national death index has a list of people who have died it's not always up to date but who's died little bit about the causes where possible the more Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report comes out of our friends down here at the C.D.C. population levels you can understand for example the flu has been really bad this year it's peak there's actually unfortunately been a number of deaths from the flu this year and so when you're studying events that occur over time in your in your big databases you want to take into account what was happening in the world right what was happening in the population of that time. This thing on the right sorry it's also a bit blurry to read but it's called the Camden hotspot in Project and what they did was they pretty simple were pretty cool they just took the addresses of all the people who were seen in emergency room in Camden New Jersey over about a year and a half and what they did was they focused on the high highest cost patient spy kind of block by micro block building and what they found was there was a set of like three buildings that accounted for like forty or like twenty or thirty percent of all the expenditure of all the patients and so it turns out Of course not to your surprise that there's a lot of places that are high risk environments where they don't have what they need in terms of support structures in terms of stores in terms of treatment medications other types of activities or they can possibly project was very illuminating the says that you can just do simple things you can just count stuff and you can understand what might be going on in fact I don't have a slide on this but there was maybe about three or four years ago somebody went to the morbidity mortality week report they looked at reasons for death in American in Americans and they compared it with other countries people from Canada from Australia from England and other countries in a similar. Socio economic bracket and what they found was that you know people's life expectancy was going up OK except for kind of white middle aged men were like they were falling off the curve everybody else was going up and they were falling off the curve and so it turned out that a lot of these people were dying were. Dying due to liver disease due to suicide due to opioid overdose relative to other countries so these guys literally just looked at these there were a couple of professors at Princeton I just counted up nothing fancy and they sent it to the New England Journal of Medicine and the story this guy writes who ended up writing a paper that he got he got a rejection so fast he thought it was like an auto reply came back within like within like ten minutes your articles been rejected like this is this is totally useless So two things happened over the next couple months one is it was accepted by the Jam are or another really high in journal and it up getting a lot of media attention because of how relevant it was to think about opioid addiction alcoholism people losing their jobs falling off the curve what's happening social economically in America that was part one so they got to publish part two is he won the Nobel Prize not for this but for something else like a week or so later I think sorry that's cool that's good there's a story there but I'll leave it out for the moment let's see. This could be interested to just make finishing a presentation. So. So you can imagine that this individual. You know caught something very simple and I want to emphasize that because a lot of what you can discover using the techniques in the help that are are very simple. Social networks I probably not a proselytizer about social networks. At the same time I have a feeling like I'm going to just get this i will all take. The moment required to undo this incredible number of things this for my kids just flying in here on the second. I don't think anything bad will come up but just you know. It seems high risk so I will. I will turn this off OK think it's done OK. So people look at social media quite a bit right and they think about can we use data from Facebook from Twitter other sources like patients like me to build to derive information it's a valuable potential source of in of discovery and research I encourage it I think that most of what's come out has been interesting but not hasn't like really turned the tide yet I think it may get better but some of the think about and they're very big sources now we talk about public but non-medical sources of course Twitter and Facebook are not medical but other things like census data right what's happening these tracks like hot spotting Noah OK I know what Know US stands for but it's the the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association and these guys track the weather and like you can go to know and on any day anywhere in the United States you can find out exactly what the weather was right in the storms and all these things and they make it very easy to find hurricanes and tsunamis and all kinds of stuff and it goes without saying though not obvious to researchers all the time that if you're going to study outcomes and you're looking at like how are people treated with pre-diabetes and you've got you know Houston in there and you've got hurricane Harvey happening in the middle of your of your study there's going to be some biases there's going to be some things that change and so to go to be aware of that is extremely valuable and things like Zillow just figure out you know social economic status things like that can be very useful. And then there's like the Super. Scary stuff that's that's cool if you're on the data side of things but to be on both sides all scary right so axiom and Nielsen collect a crazy amount of data about you and your habits and what you buy and where you where you go and drive and are able to really understand a lot of data about your behaviors which can be connected and there's been some start ups that have taken pharmacy data and integrated with other source of data to try to say who's likely to be adherent is likely non-adherence and things like that you may have heard about the medical credit scores sort of for risk I'm sure you've heard about that target pregnancy prediction thing that happened a few years back but those kinds of ideas where people are taking other sources of data and have you got you guys heard about that target pregnancy thing where they they they found out she was pregnant via a message from Target OK. So that's one of things that's happening in the outside sources of data so we've got a lot of different sources of data but what we actually do it right a lot of things on the horizon how do we take advantage of and so I want to I want to start with this sort of like high level triptych of three kinds of things you can do one is clinical characterization All right so what happened to people who did something right so this was the guy the guys from Princeton right they just said who died and kind of what's up with that very valid study the next kind of study is patient level I'm sorry is population level effect estimation that's a big word for something like comparative effectiveness that means if if these guys take drugs day and these guys take drugs be who's going to get better faster who's more likely to be successful whatever study you want to do these guys are enrolled in doctor son's class these guys are all this class who's going to get better grades whatever it is that's that's a population level estimation All right wow OK Well we're still OK it's better than getting all the. TEXT But now it says your phone is no longer connected so. And the third one is patient level protection so what that means is that you're really doing predictive modeling that's the percentage in medicine part that we talked about but the reason I emphasize other pieces that they're every bit as valid and in some cases much more effective as forms of guidance OK. Alright so we're going to start with this idea of a patient journey right so how do you guys. Looked at E.M.R. data or claims data or anything over the course of this class was like a rough show of hands if you got into clinical data little bit OK little bit like not OK So let's imagine a patient's journey through the health system so they come in and they're diagnosed with some sort of disease right they have a condition doctor says you've got a condition X. they might get treated for that condition sounds good. They may get an outcome right so they might get treated for depression and then they end up having a another outcome that's unrelated so they get diabetes or that maybe is related they take Prozac and they develop insomnia right could happen so it's an outcome of this is the other and other conditions again lots of other drugs they have procedures done rites of procedures like. It may be an injection of something maybe a surgery but also just going to the doctor's office is called a procedure and they have all kinds of measurements right that they check labs that geez they check all those kinds of stuff so this is sort of like what a patient's journey might look like in a simplified form this is this is what's up with patient data. One of the things that we do often is we pick a time zero time zero is like the thing that you cared about happened so if I'm doing a study about a drug that I would say the day the person got this drug for the first time that's time zero that's what I'm gonna look at obviously if I'm looking at a different problem I might say there's an observational procedure whatever it may be. And so then we have to part with the baseline time everything that happened leading up to that and we've got the. The follow up time all right so not overly complicated we've got these two different errors everything before and everything after and those can be useful in the sense that every database the sort talk about what you do with that baseline time and up at baseline time says this is the stuff that I might use to predict something right so things that came before are things that I can use to say I'm not going to predict it here's the way this person has behaved previously the fall of time is like how do they end up what happens to them so this is kind of how data sets are picked up and if you have a big database with a million patients in a claims all it is is just a is just a million sets of these of patients who are having these different types of events so there's a kinds of questions that you might ask which gets back to what we described before so you may say What treatment did a patient choose after diagnosis right so that's kind of a descriptive What did they get or what what patient which patients chose those treatments descriptive how many patients experience the outcome descriptive all these questions very straightforward not highly statistical but extremely relevant and very very interesting then you start getting a little fancier with the probability that I as an individual would develop a disease and what's the problem Spirit's particular outcome and again do treatments cause outcomes and so forth so the level of sort of statistical complexity varies but the nature of the questions are very similar so I describe those three categories and I'm emphasizing this again because I want people to. In this course are thinking about data you think I did in health care and a lot of times people do jump to you know I'm running a deep neural network to discover the relationship between X. and Y. those things are very very powerful and there's a lot of value in them but you'll find that a lot of healthcare organizations providers insurance companies pharmaceutical companies a lot of sponsors of this kind of work are very interested in these other sort of simpler pieces as well and to go to do them at scale to do them with higher quality brings a lot of value so characterizing and predicting but also estimating population differences is very very powerful so just kind of lay this out again imitate an example of depression because we kind of highlighted a little bit Some who was diagnosed with depression they're treated with a S.S.R.I. as a Sarai. Sierra tone and we have taken him or that's Prozac and Zoloft and Lexapro and all these great medications that make people feel better but they can cause problems of time in this case there's concern about risk for a stroke Now this is a pretty cartoon it's nice to imagine but the reality. Is that it's much more complicated when you look at actual patient data there can be hundreds of different diagnoses medications conditions we've had a patient in Indiana where I was previously and we did a study of what's called frequent flyers in the emergency room Hey buddy guess what that means I'm a frequent flyer. Yeah exactly so there's so there's medical Sturm and slang for everything we have another day I'll give you a talk on medical slang but that's exactly right so there was a guy. Who was in the emergency room who had three hundred sixty seven admissions to the emergency room in one year right in one year we know there's only three of these five days maybe it's a leap year whatever the case is he averaged more than one admission to the emergency room per day so people are very complicated their histories are very complicated and so cleaning and sorting out harmonizing these things are extremely important so we've got a lot of different patients some as young are simpler and some are much more complex with longer scale durations So to be aware of that to think about that as an important part of our data so I want to come back to this question of depression just because it it's a tricky thing to manage and talk about how that as an example could be used to reflect these different types of analytic approaches. So how should patients with depression be treated the code is Major Depressive Disorder it just means depression so in two thousand and ten and it looks like an old picture but like the reference to thousand and ten there was a guy that came out from the American Psychiatric Association right pretty legitimate body. And here's what they said hard to read OK you can recount all right they said there's a lot of medicines there S S R I's there S N R I's are like. Effects or and things like that there's all kinds of different treatments try Cycloset Or and here's what they say choose. They recommend choose a medication largely based on the following patient preference OK so you go in to see the doctor and you say well here's my situation what should I take do you know that's like the commercials right when it says blah blah blah blah blah you know ask. Dr this is right for you and then the doctors have guidance is that says make the decision in concert with the patient right so you might both show up and say I thought I was supposed to ask you you know but patient preference right nature of prior medications safety tolerability other medications or taking a cost etc What they don't have really is like specific guidance about who to treat with what based on anything specific right these are just kind of these broad general guidelines. It says for most patients as Suraya center. Is optimal That literally is a list of like fifteen different drugs right in that Senate so it makes it very difficult to say so the next question is how are patients with depression actually treated so this is a pretty cool study that we did that I was fortunate to be a part of where we went to a number of organizations and I'll just fast forward one secs to show you. You can see here in total. On the right side let's say we've got I don't know almost two hundred million patients from around the world from Korea from Japan from the U.K. from Hong Kong and many from the U.S. some of which were claims some of which were E.M.R. some were in patients or outpatient lot of variation and what we looked at was we said earlier. And this is kind of getting into a slight weed a little bit we basically said like OK we have actually had over two hundred fifty million patients start with and we were very strict about it we said you have to take have to have at least four years in the database right so a lot of people come in and out you go you show up and you guys are here to attack. You're here for a few years you go on somewhere else your data gets fragmented so we got pretty here said you need to be in the database at least four years and you have to have at least three years of continuous treatment it's a lot like you need to be we have documentation you can take this drug right along so when you went from two hundred fifty million people it drops down to just two hundred sixty four thousand that qualified. And then we produce this this kind of like sunburst charge you can sort of imagine the inner ring is what people got first the second ring is where people got second third rings with who got third and you can see number one there's a lot of heterogeneity to tell a premise pretty popular that's Lexapro search or lean is lofted cetera you know but you can see there's a lot of variation people come in maybe it's patient preference maybe it's something else or people just let's try this right based on my experience but the other crazy part about it. If you just look at the colors that will tell you enough the other crazy part about it is just looking at different places the patterns of treatment were vastly different I mean Japan to Hong Kong inpatient or outpatient New York City to Indiana all different patterns by health systems etc There wasn't really any preferred first line treatment and it was a leaven percent of patients had a treatment pathway that was shared by nobody else in their database so you guys as as computer science folks are definitely thinking about predictive modeling right thinking about how do I predict the next treatment for this person what if I told you that you had we started with two hundred fifty million patients we went down to twenty four thousand because we had restrictions and eleven percent of them had no nobody else was like them nobody else watch the movies they watched or ate at the restaurants they were took the drugs they took right tough tough to to build those predictive models so this is the nature of things. So how do we actually do this and I will do a little bit of a demo towards And I think we'll have some time. As we build a patient cohort on the show you how we build a patient cohort because you start getting into data soon you'll need to know how to do that build a patient coort take the medications and explore the differences so we'll talk about how to do that as we go and we're talking about how we look at patients at large scale and explore all these things and that's through a resource that you have a Georgia Tech where you have data where you've got to be all is great stuff to talk about how you can do that. The other thing just to know about clinical characterization is that if you look at a lot of treatments you look a lot of patterns you can generate millions and millions of statistics about population and a lot of people confuse data mining for they feel like anything that looks at data at high volumes is like data mining like you're dredging for stuff but I want to encourage all of you and I think you guys are are the kind of audience that probably knows from the beginning is that you can do high quality work across large amounts of data across large sequences of analyses it doesn't mean that you're reducing the rigor of a study sometimes if you go to a professional society or in my case you go to the F.D.A. and you say we just did a study we did we did five million studies looking at all these drugs and all these conditions they say well these studies they can't be any good right because what we like is a study that was done and was printed in this journal and you know and we can show all the metrics and all the approaches but something about people doing millions and millions of studies freaks them out so I want to encourage you guys to think about how you can do things rigorously and demonstrate that rigor and at the same time be able to do that scale because this is the type of place that can do that so a bit hard to read I won't I will get too much into it other to say that the different databases have different variations which we kind of highlighted already. So looking at individual outcomes and again this is just look at the kinds of adverse effects that occurred with certain treatments for depression we go to the product label there would be no has even ever read a product label like you can say As for your mom or grandmother or high but as anybody like OK you've already a magazine right where like there's a picture on one side and there's like two people frolicking in a field of flowers so happy. And there's a name of something with a bunch of X.'s and Zs and then you flip it and it's got the small print of like what the drug can do and the five thousand side effects that can be cost right so this is the drug label this is the list of how it was how you take a medicine the adverse effects of that treatment. And. So. What would people guess is the average number of side effects on a drug label give or take any guesses it's probably more than one I mean they're not terrible or I'll tell you this seventy is the average seventy is the average number of side effects per drug level what you think is the. What's the max was the highest. No guesses I kind of gave you help with that seventy but. That was good guess that's what I would say the highest is about five hundred and forty and that is on a drug for restless leg syndrome OK so restless leg syndrome you might see commercials for used to see a little bit more right so there it's for Restless Legs it says commercials like do you feel the urge to shift around when you try to go to sleep and you might like why I didn't think about it until now but not to mention it maybe I do need this three hundred dollars drug a month so they're kind of looking for patients no offense because a lot of people do restless legs and it can be very very uncomfortable that said the treatments can be worse than disease so there's five hundred forty different side effects among them interesting Lee our compulsive shopping actual side effects you look at up the F.D.A. label compulsive gambling is another one. So you know there's tradeoffs right legs versus gambling and shopping and all these kinds of things is pretty complicated to make these decisions so we collectively including you guys now because we're now all involved here is we need to find ways to be able to understand what really causes what how what the tradeoffs are how to guide patients effectively is a complicated stuff and we have a certain obligation to do it so here's an example I may not linger too long on this one this is looking at risk of stroke with depression medications and basically the way that you can do this analysis at scale kind of talked about a bunch of stuff so I probably will get too much into it other than to say we're able to identify this risk pretty quickly isn't cool tools that we have here Georgia Tech that I'll show you how those work to find this information. But let's say for example that we that we did get a call that issue about compulsive gambling maybe or something else the F.D.A. is like we understand you guys Georgia Tech are getting really deep into this we'd like some guidance. And they've actually done just that here's an example of. Something that they've done that for so kep are a is a medication for seizures. OK medication for seizures and explain what that is in a sec but the F.D.A. put out a a request for support they said we've heard that Keppra the drug can cause. The side effect and we'd like some input from people the world so here's what Kepler is also known as love atrocity him it's one of the major antidepressants is very common in fact it is the most commonly prescribed. Drug this is looking at for seven to thirteen thousand prescribed drugs which ones occurred in what order and you can see that Keppra is number one that's pretty common lot of exposures and seizure sores are quite serious and very tricky to treat. And to a D.M. is also pretty serious So this is what it looks like. It is a significant swelling of the face and the lips the cheeks the lips that is caused either by congenital people are born with this reaction or they it's a medication induced swelling Now the amazing part is this is what the patient looked like after resolution of the symptoms so and her hair color looks to have changed as well. But this is the extent with which somebody can achieve and that's how much well you can get from injury so it's obviously very serious it's serious how it can affect the ability to breathe. And it's considered. A rare but serious treatment a rare of it serious side effect it's relatively uncommon However there are medications on the market that cause it the most well known are what's called ACE inhibitors or blood pressure medications like a sinner Pearl kept a pearl they cause between two and seven out of a thousand person years somebody gets injured so it's out there and it's a good opportunity for us to study Keppra in this case so get into all of a. The how's and why's that we did this but suffice to say that there's networks of collaborators as a reference before Japan Korea Australia Well those guys are still hanging out and there's now at fifty some odd sites that work together to answer questions. So what we did is we said well let's write up a study let's write up a plan and we publish it we sorted it we open sourced it everybody can contribute to the the plan and we wrote some code we wrote some of our code and we tested it and we post it on get up you can go right now and check out our code and say you guys maybe picked the wrong analysis or something but it's all out there. And I will describe the statistics the biostatistics but certain type of thing called a new user cohort study we looked at who got seizures who got injured Simo we compared it to a drug that had been in the market on the market for about seventy years old drug called Fenton and we announced the study there's like a forum you could go to and we said we've got this study who'd like to run it but this is pretty cool if you just think about that like open source nature of science of open science because typically you just couldn't do something like this you want to do a study you had to have this massive multimillion dollar multi-site trial and you just it was took years to do but in this case we were able to put out the code people would get their own eye or be approval is to sort of you board approval they would run the code they would share aggregate data and we would compile it and do the study so we had about ten sites that ran it and I won't get into the details of the results but with a lot of people came back sixty thousand Keppra users seventy five thousand paratroopers twelve million days it's entered cetera and basically what we found was there was no difference between this new drug Keppra and what have been in the market for seventy years so it doesn't mean that it's impossible that it could cause it does mean that sort of a drug that's been standardly use for a long time there's no difference between the rates of it and. It is reassuring that at least there isn't a particularly high level of. Edge of the moving caused by this drug so produce all these nice graphs but the short version is everything's within the range and we we said it to this journal Epilepsia and what was kind of cool about this was that they said wow this is this is pretty neat you guys looked at you know you did a well designed study that should be interesting to clinicians right that's the goal is that it's useful to doctors but it was also done at scale and done across all these sites and done within like a month and done an open source way so it's nice to know that you can have a paper published and reviewed by sort of the official. Had Gemini of of hierarchy of medical literature reviewers but still have it done in this way that's very open and flexible so this was a good study we we then put this study out you can see there's a lot of authors I guess I was biased in that I talk about study obviously I'm one of the authors here but. What you can see is that there's a tremendous number of people who contributed I think that's really a direction that you all can leverage and take part in that if you come up with an idea and literally any of you come up with an idea and you write me and say hey I have this thing I've been thinking about. Can we study it then we can say that's cool Why don't we write an idea let's send it to these forums let's post some code I get let's try to average or not advertise but convince people why this is an important topic and we can have one hundred million patients be analyzed using the code that we wrote and be put into a study and then be part of contributing evidence to to the literature so there's something I think that is a really neat opportunity for all of us OK So we've talked about generating evidence we've talked about how that's done a broad scale I do want to come back a little bit interoperability just because I don't know how much the fire drill took up from the time that you had that but just. A few brief words on that on interoperability so. There's two kinds of interoperability problems one is syntactic like how you move the data around what is semantic which is like what codes you use. You might never have looked at this but if you ever bought a pill of anything at the drug store there's like a code on it it's called A N D C could and it's not everything you can you know buy Tylenol you can buy whatever it's on there and that code has a set of numbers that refers to the manufacture first the drug refers to the pill. Strength but also to like the number of pills in there so if you buy a one hundred pack of Advil and then you buy the A five hundred pack of Advil it will have a different code so super head if you like supply chain right but if you if you want to know does Advil or ibuprofen cause stomach ulcers which it does spoiler. You don't care if the person took C.D.'s ibuprofen or took add the new printer took it from a five hundred pill bag or a fifty pill you don't care but you do care about the ingredient so the problem is there's all these different codes to say the same thing so that semantic aspect is a very interesting but a different story we want to talk about in detail today but syntax how you move stuff around that's addressed currently we're getting there by something called fire fast health care interoperability resources will not blow you guys away in its technology it's basically a set of A.P.I. It's basically a set of A.P.I. is that reference all these different kinds of things that occur in medical environments so say you want to get a list of the patients conditions there's just a condition A.P.I. and you just do a GET request to the A.P.I. and it gives you the patient's conditions pretty cool you can post up you can add new ones that's the gist of it and it's become more of a standard. That you can use across the electronic record systems comes back most the most isn't Jason but it comes back with these different data and metadata and information about the patient so we'll get in the resources here I assume Dr Brownstein covered this provides different data standards I mentioned she you before about the code for ibuprofen this is a code for blood pressure by something called loike. If you guys want to learn more about these code systems and things like that in C.S. sixty four forty we go through it more detail but essentially it's a standard laboratory naming scheme or observation naming scheme so loike basically allows you to have a code that everybody shares around some of our blood pressure and then you basically can use this A.P.I. as I said you put in the patient you put in the number and off you go and returns the results seems just normal but actually it's taken us like thirty years to get this work that and here's an example where they do a query and they've got a particular Lloyd code a particular time zone or time window and returns the results so that's pretty awesome. One of the challenges is that what do you do once you get the information in and how do you create applications around it so there's a lot of thinking that happened and it said Well what we should do is if somebody. Has a great idea for an app we're just going to we're just going to put that app into electron medical records system the doctor can click it when they need it right so somebody is at risk for. Someone has depression and you want to know what's the right treatment for this person and so you want to take a predictive model and you want to show the doctor the right thing well the problem was is that the doctor had to think like click on depression app to find something that's just not a very realistic workflow type of thing right so then they invented something called C.D.S. hoax which is also part of the fire standard I want. About all the different pieces but if you take fire and C.D.'s books and some crazy languages then things get a little more dynamic and you basically have a system that can be triggered so the doctor orders medication in this case a blood pressure medication the doctor orders a lab the doctor opens the patient record and it calls an A.P.I. the A.P.I. does some logic and it returns back either a little card some guidance recommendation a treatment order an app whatever it may be so C.D.'s hooks is how we've sort of addressed the connection interoperability to trigger things again all these might seem fairly simplistic but it is the current state of the art I just came from the C.D.C. this morning and people you know were just like wow we can deliver recommendations based on public health guidance using these tools and it sort of reflected the fact that you Mars are just kind of catching up with what's pretty standard now in web technologies etc. And this is an example of what that C.D.'s hope would look like you pop up an alert at the bottom comes all recommendation OK. Let's get this for the moment and OK so last piece is around. H tap the Georgia Tech health data analyst platform. And this is trying to take all the pieces we've talked about so far and bring them into a common. Locally usable framework for it so that as I just mention sounds good and all these tools are cool I'd like to make apps I like to analyze data but how do I actually use it as a student as a researcher as anybody who's part of the Georgia Tech community so. We built something called the Georgia Tech Help data analytics platform which kind of takes all the pieces that we've discussed and put them into one bag so we can add this picture at the beginning this is just like it. Just like a technical overlay That's not good Powerpoint has gone down so this is this is the tricky part of. Serbia that to see or read. And see go to the bottom all things being even could have been much worse OK. OK. So this Georgia Tech health data analytics platform write this last piece so how do you actually use the stuff that we talked about as I said we sort of map this idea of this continuum onto a platform that we've built here so this is the help they tell its platform is that God tech dot edu. And essentially what it does it provides you tools that you can use for your own analyses is still a work in progress for piloting this semester but essentially it provides data right so the first thing is you need data you have data. Some a synthetic somebody identified but all of it is accessible through two mechanisms one of the a direct database credentials and to be a fire A.P.I. so you can take advantage of it you can build on top of it you can run analysis on top of it. And the second one simple enough has about two and a half million patients worth of synthetic data but still it's large enough to do a lot of interesting analyses on. We have analytic notebooks right so if you want if you're sort of Jupiter notebook type developer you can go and you can build Jupiter notebooks you can share Jupiter notebooks you can create analyses to build with others and a lot of the pieces on this sort of really remodel a lot of user user interface pieces are kind of getting fleshed out this semester but it's Want to show you some the core pieces we have apps right so one of the last sections is how do we create those applications that we describe how to create fire apps but also how do we create absolute people explore their data more effectively and I want to highlight one of those here which is something called Atlas. Which is the. It's like a. Sort of public health. It lets you take the data that we have and run analyses on top of it and some of the show a demo of that in just one second. And just a little bit of how that works so well point us up. Go back into my main world here and see what's blown up and stuff but hopefully not too bad. OK. All right so this is an example of C.E. but sorry we've got a new a new your I think. OK So this is an example here we have these data sources here at Georgetown who have multiple different data sources I think I mentioned we've got simple we've got mimic we've got other things that you can read about and this information for example you can say well what kind of people do I have in this database now where all the My people are here. And it says information like when where people born male female what what that ethnicity etc and you can explore all these different things what conditions they have what procedures they have etc. But one of the neater things that you can do is you can create a population of interest so for example and just got a few minutes but I just want to show you conceptually how you might do this so I'm going to create a concept of something that we think is interesting so we've been talking a lot today about depression or as a just a as a concept so I'm going to I'm going to say I'm going to make it a concept that called depression and I'm going to add some stuff to it I'm to look up in this book. Sorry all the stuff that's blown up here I'm going to search for. I'm going to search for depression or actually I guess I know major depressive disorder seem to be my my thing here so I'll search for depressive. Why this is going on there OK so depressive disorder is something I see here it's pretty common I can sort them by frequency it cetera but I know OK depressive disorder sounds like the one that I want to look for I've got some other examples but will start their major depressive disorder cetera some of these different findings All right I will go there's a lot of other things that one can do a search for but I basically have created a couple things that I I know about from this group is patients that have these different conditions and then I can I can go back and I can say that's pretty neat I want to create a group of patients that I know that's out that I know has depression so I want to go here to. This section I'm going to say well. I don't know what's going on here other than I've got a weird euro reference so I will take the a different version. And show you the same concept is that you can go and you can say I want to create a group of people and it says OK what you want to call these people I'll say patients with depression. And I can basically define that group. And I can pick things like I'd like people who have some type of condition of depression it's a longer story to explain all the details of how you do it but I Basic it's I want people have depression I want to add. A depression concept from here which may or may not exist because I'm now in a different cycle but you can see that there's a lot of different there different therapies I've moved to a public site which is why. You know I can say OK I want a trophy ablation patients and then I can basically run those patients so this whole goal is to have a simple user interface to create patients that you care about and then you can run a bunch of analyses on top of those patients so. Over time it will have a separate session for how you would do it you can build patients you can define patient groups you can do comparisons analyses predictive modeling and all of that on top of these patients sets so sorry about that little hick up there but essentially what you have is you've got here at Georgia Tech access to data access to analog notebooks that can use those data access to tools that can you utilize this data and access to fire servers on which you can build applications that other people can leverage not just here Georgia Tech but across all of the different E.M.R. So if you come up with a great operation and you build it using our fire service here they can run it all over the country and all over the world and you can contribute that to essentially App Store more or less that allows that to work here just a few examples of some of the apps that were built this past semester. Payment integration OP operating room utilization traumatic brain injury sets. Detection System clinical decisions port for side effects etc. A lot of other coal and other things that were built using this so that's a lot of information I know that I've covered but I hope that you have a sense of the very least of how the process works and most importantly how you can begin looking into using these data afterwards attack how you can create and run analyses and how you can really contribute back to generating evidence that improves health thanks very much. For. Any questions. That's a great question was about can a pharmaceutical companies predict the side effects of a drug so two parts one is yes based on the chemical compound they can but another. Even cooler part of that and this is if you guys want to think about interesting jobs for your future there's some called drug repositioning which to take an existing drug and apply it to treat something new and the way that they do that actually is they look at the side effects of certain drugs and they say this drug must be activating pathway X. So maybe we can use it to treat something that another drug that activates that pathway treats so you might wonder like why in the world would would they do that right like why not build a better drug but it takes a decade to to come up with a molecule analyze it get it approved for treatment but if there's a drug that's already out there that you can discover works on another condition you can go get a new label you can kind of yeah so it actually can save literally billions of dollars by doing exactly you said taking a molecule and identifying. Its side effects but also potential repositioning so yeah I. Recall. Any other questions all right good thank you.