Yeah. So it's because I want to make the point to begin with the point that I have no pretenses all about knowing what I'm doing on this topic. I mean. And if I start sitting down. I'm much more your equal on the scene as I stand up we're going to be easier to tell apart when I'm not wearing a green shirt I probably should have done. But but the point I want to make to you is I'm much less confident about this because this basically is not a seminar about research. This is a seminar it's not about teaching. It's a seminar about the contents of the classes that you've been in and the contents of the classes that you're delivering and that the issue then becomes is what you're teaching is what you're being taught in those classes. Is that relevant. Does it does it make sense. I mean you've assumed when you got into the classes I mean I assume they're fussing around with this remotes all talk without the remote. You've assumed that that they know what they're talking about and they believe they do the faculty. But I wouldn't trust the middle all. OK And that really is the issue because. I don't think anybody knows. What's happening. Now that's good. I'll take the next one. Go ahead. The the main thing I think to do to begin with is to compare chemical engineers with farmers. Which where you switch. Good. You know this big fuss at the moment because because it's the centennial of chemical engineering and so to a certain extent you could you could imagine that you're looking at chemical engineering and you're comparing it with farming. And if you look at the number of people involved in farming of course it is dropped dramatically over the last century. And while it was dropping while there were fewer and fewer people connected with farming the amount that they produced got to be greater and greater. And so why was this happening it was happening because the idea is that the way in which you raised crops. Basically basically became more and more efficient. Why would you not want that I mean you want to make things more efficient you want to produce more food with fewer people so that that when my grandparents great grandparents were farming. That was one story and now none of my I or none of my children are farmers right and everyone expects that sort of thing that that's them. OK Now how do you know this isn't true of the chemical industry. I mean basically basically you can have a chemical industry which has become more and more efficient at producing commodity materials and the the spectrum of those materials is narrowing every year the pont sold nylon not because they thought it was a growth business. They sold nylon because they thought they sold the nylon business. They sold the nylon business because they were sure it wasn't a growth business and so if if that's the case where does the growth come from. And that's what's fascinating that if you look at students from Minnesota and. Look at where they went to work in one thousand nine hundred seventy five and compared it with where they went to work in two thousand and five. You get a completely different picture in one thousand nine hundred seventy five eighty percent of the students graduating from Minnesota went to work for large chemical companies they went to work for Exxon Mobil and Shell and Bay S.F. and Dow now less than twenty five percent. OK. In one thousand nine hundred seventy five. Only a very small percentage under fifteen percent went to work for corporations that had a product oriented focus and now from Minnesota more than fifty percent. That's in the norm is change. That's an enormous change and by the way the amount the amount in here that's labeled consulting that's everybody who isn't in one of those two businesses right so that includes professors excludes people who work for the E.P.A. It includes people who run video stores whatever I mean that that's just a receptacle for everybody else. And you look at this and most people say well that's that's cause you're from Minnesota and remember three M. stands for Minnesota mining and manufacturing so what it means is you just got thousands of chemical engineers making posted you know but but in fact that's not true. The distribution of jobs is the same for for Minnesota as it is for Berkeley. Well but for politically for Berkeley everybody in Berkeley is in Silicon Valley and so they're all making Microelectronics that's pretty that's their product. OK but it's also true for Purdue and I don't know if you've ever visited produce producers in the middle of a corn field produces the least attractive least industrial kind of a kind of large university that you can imagine and the same percentage you're going to product oriented. Mrs No no you say what. But but wait. I mean. Isn't isn't Nial isn't polypropylene a product and then you have to ask yourself. OK. Well what do I mean when I say product oriented businesses and right away. You realize that there are three major types of products. There are commodity products they're the ones that dominate your curriculum. They are their products that are made in quantities of ten thousand tonnes a year and more and those products are made to minimize cost the keeper commodity products. Is there a cost nothing else matters. Now you can say well that's what we that's what we study. Yeah actually that is what you study that's what you study especially in the process design class because they're your objective function always is cost and the assumption. The assumption is that when you enter the market the price of the product will not change which may not be true either. So that's one type the second the second area is molecular products and the way to think about those systems is to think about drugs drugs are the easiest example and probably the most dramatic thing there is to recognise that the cost of the drugs they may seem expensive but the cost of the drugs is not what dominates them. What is important. There is the speed with which they can be developed. One vivid example was from a graduate of one of my classes who was the lead engineer on making celebrate X. and celebrate still holds the record for being the drug that when it came on the market sold a billion dollars worth in the shortest period of time it took eight and a half weeks to sell a billion dollars. Now how much process optimization. Do you suppose was done on that process. When they knew that every day they took they held that drug off the market was worth that much money the the woman involved said they were making it in buckets. They were making it. They were stirring the buckets was shovels they were doing everything they could to get that stuff out the door because they knew how much money they were going to get he was first to market tends to have more than half the sales for those of you who have been bishops in this direction a good example of this at the moment is by Agra. OK now the third kind of product is the hardest to understand because these are products. These are products whose advantages rest on function. The the consumer that the customer buys the product there for some specific benefit the vantage I always think of the example I was thinking of most clearly issue polish I don't care what molecule gives the shine. I care about the show I and that's what's important in this product and so cost here is not that important. Speed is not that important. But what's important in this case is why I'm buying a shine right. I'm not buying a particular distribution of wax molecules and pigments. So if I have that kind of product. How does this change. How does this change how I would proceed with this different types with these different types of products. Now the first thing to think about is commodity products and this you're familiar with. One of the things you can ask is. Have you reached an asymptote in the development of commodity products are you as good as you possibly could be because if you are then there's not a lot of potential for again. And if you look at this sort of plot this suggests the height of a transfer unit just some sort of measure of the the effectiveness of the apparatus. Yes. It suggests the hype of a transfusion plotted versus the year that that type of of process was introduced. So for example ration rings which some of you will remember are based on the discarded next of wine bottles in the Rhine valley. This comes in somewhere perhaps in the late twenty's and thirty's and gives an H. to you of a couple feet and now with saucers structured packing now into an entirely new phase because it's off patent that gives gives values down around half a foot. There is nothing in these data to suggest that we have reached the best way in which we could manufacture commodities. It's still worth working on commodities. It's not going to be a growth area. But it's still worth working in that general area. So do I think do I think you should continue to work on commodities Yes absolutely absolutely. To give you an example I get a lot of inspiration for for doing. Separations from the pasta counter. If you've ever looked at the pasta. Haven't you done it. It's absolutely remarkable if you go through the pasta counter you can find all the types of packing that are used for gas absorption if for example you want to cut you can see all of them. I mean these are almost exactly Paul rings right. And for folly those little bow ties really are close approximation of barrel saddles and so forth. But you can also see potential advantages. These two boxes of pasta both contain one pound. But this box is smaller. Now why is that smaller will you know the answer to that it's because random packing is not going to give you the same type of close geometry. OK And so you're not going to be able to pour the pasta into the box. Are you and expected. If it whereas lasagna noodles. Yes those are good the Sanya noodles lasagna knows they're going to fet Now you begin to see the ideas aren't you're going to these are going to fit and and you're going to get a more gradual flow of the sauce through the lasagna you won't have any channeling and in the same way if you were to try to run mass transfer operations there you will get more effective mass transfer using lasagna packing if you look at the current structure packing it looks likes like lasagna. Then you will with random packing. So there still are there still are advantages for commodity materials that they stick tool is unit ops and the real risk is feedstock and feedstock of course is why the Dow chemical company basically has sold half of itself to the Arabs and they plan to move the ball cup there commodity manufacturing to to the Mid East. That's going to be a long commute. If you expect to work for douse commodity chemicals. Now if you look instead at molecules and you go back to the speed. What is the difference between commodities and molecules and again I think it's easiest to think of drugs the the obvious case if you look at penicillin is you look at the molecule it's much bigger than a conventional commodity chemical This is much bigger than propylene and it's going to have a variety of chiral centers in the molecule as well it's a much more sophisticated molecule. In the same sense there. This is the second example of this sort of model do you know what this one is the premier and you know yet. Ron Ron is nodding his head. This is this is. Is normally women know about this more than men because this is hormone replacement therapy. And this is this drug is the extract of a feedstock called P.M.U.. Do you know this at all. PM You believe it or not stands for. Pregnant Mayor you're. OK this is concentrated horse piss. And I almost wonder who discovered this I've made a serious effort to find it I mean can you imagine. I mean I can imagine this very slowly somebody saying you know there's this crazy old lady that drinks horse piss to get over a hot flashes man I would I want to meet that woman because I mean don't you this. I'm not making this up you know this is but the other thing to recognize about drugs that is important is what dominates their development. And to illustrate this some of you probably have seen this plot. Have you. This is the Menorah plot the well known when our plot dates from the eight hundred sixty S. civil engineer and it's often put in books on how to best present your data. This is Napoleon's march on Moscow remember which I was taught you probably taught to write in history class. You're basically taught this was in the normal military disaster. And if you look at this. What's nice is here is the route of Napoleon's army and the width of the line is the size of the army. OK so here he starts out at the Polish border and he marches to Moscow. And then the black line is his army coming back. And down here is the temperature in degrees centigrade of that was so on the way back. It got almost minus forty. OK which is even for someone from Minnesota kind of cold for winter camping now. Now what I want you to look at is the effect on the army Napoleon leaves with four thousand. I'm sorry four hundred thousand and seventy two men and he returns with four thousand and nine hundred. Let me say it again. He starts with four thousand four hundred thousand seven hundred four hundred seven thousand there. God and he winds up with four thousand nine hundred no. That's a terrible disaster isn't it. By the standards of the drug industry that campaign is the success. You understand that. Because if you have a thousand to run in the drug business you are ahead of most existing pharmaceutical companies. Now what does that tell you as an inference. It tells you I think. That engineering is not important in drug development. Now it may be important at a Ph D. level but in terms of making drugs for for use what's going to matter is the discovery of the drug. I'm not talking Ph D. stuff. I'm not talking education I'm not talk an intellectual frontiers. I'm talking what skills do undergraduates learn that can have value in industry and what I'm saying is the presidents of drug companies are going to be chemists because that's where the big cost is I know when you go to generic drugs when you go to generic drugs. It's going to be a different thing and maybe cost then has it has value but the real key here. The real limiting step is drug discovery. Microstructure. If you think about microstructure you can think about relatively simple kinds of things. You can think about for example tooth whitening strips. Now I mention this because it seems to me almost a trivial business that did not exist. Let's say ten years ago and now it's worth a billion dollars a year its development was really affected by a Procter and Gamble chemical engineer three years out of school who now has become very successful as you would suspect a billion dollars is a. A lot of money and and the idea of just having something that changed the color of your teeth that type of tooth grip bleaching had been done by dentists for years. But to devise this in the form of a Band-Aid that you just put on for an hour or two that that was a dramatic breakthrough. Now how is that different than the other types of products. Well maybe the real difference is that that the real reason that this isn't developed more easily is because the development of these ideas is so split up and different groups of people developing different products in this area. Don't don't talk to each other very much. It's like the Balkans the people in the dairy industry don't talk to the people in the coatings industry and both are a strange from the packaging industry all of these areas tend to be so separated that any common science tends to be rediscovered again and again in these disciplines and that is retarded the development of this area so that if you look at this you're really basing things more on recipes than any kind of science the science is missing. That's where the risk is just as the discovery is the risk for drugs and the feedstock availability is the risk for chemicals. So for these micro structured products the science is the part you worry about. Now. If you're going to set out and try and teach people how to do this kind of thing. How would you do that and and the main thing is you don't necessarily do it with the tools that you developed for commodity chemicals. My father was also a chemical engineer and when I teach thermodynamics. I can take problems from my father's assignments and give them to my class and the class never notices the difference. OK. No maybe that's not it disadvantaged. Because after all one could do that in geometry right those problems have been but but let's not pretend that this is something that is changing rapidly. Are these tools that you're being taught for for commodity chemicals are those tools going to be valuable when you look at other product areas and I think to look at that you have to ask yourself what are these tools and you can put these tools into different types of categories. There's a group of tools that's connected with chemical engineering which are kind of empirical and there's a group of tools that are connected with chemistry and biology which are more molecular. And there's a group of tools that are connected with physics which really which really treat things more is continuous. And. Different different careers are going to take different blends of these three different areas. Can you see how on truck. One of the things that fascinates me is the different nations have different profiles. The U.S. is very heavily towards the chemistry or in the germans toward the mechanical when I've taught at the University of Cambridge in England I was startled to discover that two thirds of the chemical engineering students that I had in their last year had no chemistry past high school. OK so. So you have very different kinds of national profiles and here I don't I don't know where. The French fall on this for example the French seem to be splitting which which seems which is probably a disadvantage. The U.S. is probably moving in this direction right because because we're becoming more scientific in order to include more biology and this this slide by the way is effectively is especially good for dealing with visiting committees who always want you to put more of something in because when you draw it on this this sort of coordinates you realize everything. You put more of one thing in implicitly means you're putting less of something else because we're maxed out in terms of what we can have students handle and so so that I think is an interesting way to show people that difficulty. Now I would argue that this set of skills is pretty good. There's no real reason to abandon those set of basic skills. I think what you and I were taught a poor couple of these different types of design but I think still go differences in with design that are important to recognize. Now to show this. I want to go back and talk about a conventional process the zone. And in the conventional process design. The real keys which are shown here are are is is sort of idealised as a four step sequence and I've used that suggested by Jim Douglas who was is retired now from the University of Massachusetts because I find this the easiest. Douglas argues that your first step should be to decide if you're going to have a batch or a continuous process but when you're making commodities. The answer is always a continuous process so it to a certain extent that's not much of a question. Then you draw a block diagram you draw inputs and outputs you draw it here comes some chemicals in there go others and stuff like that. And then the third thing is the reactions aren't complete right. I mean we're not in that lovely idealized chemistry environment anymore. The reactions aren't complete and so we must add recycles to the process. And then finally you want to build in separations and heat exchange networks. This is what Douglas suggests for process design and for process design the key question is how are you going to make the product for product design is very different. OK because. Now you're deciding what you're going to make not how you're going to make it. But what you're going to make and that's a very real distinction. So first you need to decide what does the customer need which also implies who is the customer and second you want to have ideas that will meet that need. OK. Then third after you have the ideas you want to choose the best idea probably you can choose three or four best ideas pretty quickly and then finally you want to actually manufacture you want to select the best idea and then you want to manufacture the process and this of course is this. Now when I explain this to engineering students. They sometimes say but but that's marketing. OK now listen to me. If you remember that absolute fool that used to sit next to you in soft more physics. That guy was so dumb that he didn't it didn't know the difference between a plus sign and a minus. And you member him and after about three months in physics. He gave up and he quit and he went into marketing and now you say this is marketing so I'm not going to do it and you're turning over your future to that fool. I mean how dumb can you be. You. You can't you can't dismiss the this area just because it doesn't involve enough differential equations. This is this is an important area and you're going to have to think about these aspects. What's a good example of this where I could try and convince you. Well I mentioned to someone earlier today. The. C.M.A. any of you know about C.M.A. calcium magnesium acetate this was a chevron product or other way. Chevron tried to convince the Department of Transportation that C.M.A. was a better alternative. For de icing winner roads than salt and the reason was it caused less corrosion. That's true. It also caused a lot less the icing. But it took the civil engineers and the Department of Transportation thirty million dollars to rediscover the freezing point depression. OK. So now if you. I'm not making this up that you didn't know about this so. So now if you look at who de ice is roads with what think about it for minute the civils the civil as you understand civils have a different gas constant for every gas. I'm not. This is true and. Charles Charles is saying it's OK And the reason is because they calculate the volume per pound of gas and I remember once instead of the volume from all I remember once pointing out to one eminent civil engineer that the gas constants the civil used for hydrogen and oxygen were in exactly the same ratio as their molecular weights. And he looked at it for a minute he said. Gosh he said. You're right he said. Do you suppose it's true for the other gases. OK yeah. Now. What what's going to happen here. What's going to happen here is if you don't use what you know you're going to allow that type of well let me tell you what these things are in more detail. Perhaps that's easy. If if you think about if you think about the start of this think about needs as being rephrased the specifications to do any of you know about the I.B.M. They all passed. For P.C.'s I was think of this when I'm on an airplane and these guys open their P.C.'s and sit there and I think by God they're doing. Lots of work in and I was there playing cards or but but the I.B.M. male cast consists of taking a P.C. and a nail and a hammer and driving the nail through the P.C. and then seeing how long it is before the battery explodes. You know but that's OK Now I want you to think about this for a minute because there's implications in this. If if it explodes in a microsecond you're cooked right then pc's wouldn't be allowed and if if it explodes in a couple hours then your eye because there's time to land the plane. So you know right away. It's somewhere in between those limits. OK. Now. Now the next thing is how can you calculate how how long that will take what basically it's boiling water and all electric chemical reactions if you look at them all of them really have the same gives free energy per mall I mean it changes maybe a factor of two but not a factor of ten. And so just I mean why do you think people use lithium batteries they go higher up in the periodic table if they could in order to cut weight. OK so. So just take that that Delta Ci what's the fastest reaction you could have to diffusion control you know the geometry of the battery any software can calculate how long it's going to take to tell a battery blows up in the answers about a minute. So basically you need a separator in the battery that will shut off any short that occurs and it has about a minute to do it that that's. Marketing people can't make that calculation you can do it without really taken a deep breath. That's an important distinction. That's why engineers have got to be involved in setting up needs. Ideas. OK I need it. I need a person for this idea is the main thing about I.D.S. is is you need you need to have who should I pick here's a person. You need to have a lot of ideas. How many do you need. Well three M. claims that you need it. About ten but that's just because they're going to have a different colored post it note and and Du Pont claims you need a thousand between three hundred in a thousand. And that's because in the commodity business you may well need this. But but actually in most cases you need about one hundred and this brings us back to the to the children story of of. Of how many frogs do you need to kiss to find a prince. Did you do you remember the story. You know it's the Princess goes out in the woods with a golden ball. You're remembering it now you want to fill it in from there. You want me to keep doing it right. OK so now you can giggle but I just I thought OK So anyhow the ball but the princess loses the ball and the Frog gives it. You could be the princes do that for the. The frog gives the bad back on the condition that that he get to marry the Princess and the prince says yes sure. Take the bone goes home and then two days later the Prince to the frog shows up and demands his bride and the Father always the father's a heavy and there's always insist on the marriage. And then the princess kisses their married the princess kisses the frog who turns into a prince. Is this it this story. I think is sort of cross cultural isn't it. I mean yeah every so. So the question is how many frogs do you have to kiss to find a prince and the answer is about one hundred what you want is that about right. What you want is a permissive you want to permit. Francis right. You don't you know you don't want a princess. That's going to take a bet on just one frog. OK so. So that's the second thing needs needs what's the Kate you've got to reduce it to specifications ideas. How many frogs must you cast Now here's the third time at this point it's a bit like having faculty resumes if you have an open position you get about one hundred. The resumes. OK And and you look through and you know half of them are clearly unqualified So you get rid of them but but then you get down to maybe ten to fifteen and you read those pretty carefully and you decide. Given your department in this situation here are three or four that really looked good and now you have them in for interviews and now you've got to select among those three or four. OK this is a hard step. And and the important thing here is that in chemical systems when you're trying to select from three and four cheapest may not be best. These are the cooling towers of the Savannah River Site over here near Augusta. OK And and those cooling towers those cooling towers basically are used to get rid of excess heat that comes from radioactivity and I point out that radioactivity at that site is is not from atomic power generation it's from making nuclear weapons. So you've got these terribly toxic compounds it turns out most of them aren't that bad. Because while they are extremely radioactive and dangerous in that sense they are they are not very water soluble. Exceptions are strong from ninety. And even more cesium one thirty seven. OK. And the cesium one thirty seven is especially dangerous because it's stored in concrete tanks that are past their design life time and are starting to leak and the minute they lose one of those tanks. It's not that bad but you will have to evacuate the city of Savannah for three hundred years or so so this is this is an item. This is something people think about and they've tried to separate these these compounds and in this case I described earlier today there were three ideas that that looked a propre. For Separation. One was to carry out a precipitation a selective precipitation of cesium using a technique fennel Burridge. And that selectively precipitate cesium it also precipitates potassium but that's not a problem. You just don't radioactive it don't cause any trouble. And you can concentrate the radioactive waste a factor of ten thousand. So that's a very attractive way to set that was that was that was quite expensive. I think I calculated how much it cost per person. And it cost about about I think it was three hundred dollars per person in the country. And this is big money. That the second way you can do it is you can is you can extract it using a modified crown compound the kind of compound that Donald cram won a Nobel Prize for. And and that the trouble was at the time we were looking at these alternatives. There was less than ten grams of this compound available worldwide and the cost was about twice what the cesium Tetra fellow Board was. And then the third way. What sounds stupid you go down to the hardware store you buy all the ready mix concrete you can lay your hands on and you mix up the end you make one big concrete cow pie. And you put a soldier on it to guard it for three hundred years. I mean not the same soldier you change men and now it turns out that once the cheapest that's under a dollar. You know the one that we chose that was chosen the extraction the most expensive one of the cures that because they expected so much kickback from the state of South Carolina. First of all doing that was legal under existing law. It was not necessarily legal under the spirit of the law but it was certainly legal under the LET IT letter of the law. They expected so much kickback that they thought they'd never get it through before the tanks leaked. So they basically spent that amount of money because they thought it was safe or they went with extraction because. Because they knew how to do extractions and the precipitation had some other disadvantages. So cheapest isn't best. That's different than I'm used to thinking on. And finally manufacture I won't talk about manufacture very much because you pretty well know about that we come back to that if it is a problem. Now if you have the sequence that needs ideas selection manufacture. Which which step is the hard step because that's the step where you and I need practice if we're going to be effective in this broader marketplace and my suspicion is that for different types of products. The answer is different. So I have to look at those types of products. First of all for commodity products. Manufacturer is hardest and that's what you've already been doing in your process design class. That's why you don't spend time on these issues because if you know you're going to make propylene you're right away into this process. OK there's no need to spend time on those earlier steps but if you're not making propylene then it's hard to imagine for example you're making home oxygen supply units. Have any of you seen these they're absolutely remarkable they're about this big. And they cost about three hundred dollars and what they do is produce a gas stream of Ehrenreich with oxygen. So if you have someone who has emphysema. You can give them oxygen at home that really is is is pretty good and eighty year old women maybe are going to want to throw around ninety pound oxygen cylinders that would be cheaper. But this sort of unit is more convenient and the unit comes with little bottles that you can fill up if you want to go to the mall. They are small enough to be carried you would never carried this out. If you were going to make oxygen commercially would you. You know how you're going to do that you're going to do it by desolation. OK cryogenic distillation but you're not going to run cryogenic distillation out in the kitchen where is this type of unit fits in the kitchen it. If you have a unit ops lab these things you buy off the shelf and they're absolutely astonishing. They're absolutely remarkable little units. The only difficulty is that they're fairly noisy but what the hell old people are deaf anyway right. So. So that's not much of a problem. OK. So for devices cost doesn't matter anymore. Convenience matters and unit ops is still important and what's typical is not going to be distillation the work course of the commodity chemical separation. Now it's going to tend to be things like adsorption or membranes by the way membrane units have been driven off the market by the sets or opinions. Now if you go over here and look at molecules there that the key was speed. I think the key there is still going to be unit ups. But the reason for that is because what engineers are given is not the discovery part where the engineers are given it's OK we're ready for phase one two three clinical trials. What we want to do now is we want to make an effort there is clinical trial for how you make that you've got the lab books of the chemist who made the compound right. The trouble is he will have used meth link or I'D and methylene chloride is a potent carcinogen used meth link or I'd then the F.D.A. to approve your process and you can't change it. After that. So this is the stage where you want to think about substituting call you in from. Ethylene chloride for example. This is a stage where you're going to have to make that sort of decision and you've got to make it very fast it was really interesting last year to try and set up a process to do protest around. Just because you look at the patents all the information is there but you're not sure which solvency or best the information about which is best is certainly not there. OK So I think that's sort of saying here's a good example of that this is the other thing I want to mention any of you know about Zoladex Soledad is an injectable drug that interesting way to Astra Zeneca it interesting. Lea has two markets one is for breast cancer. I'm sorry. One is for prostate cancer. And the other is for fertility for women who can't conceive. I find it astonishing that that same drug would be effective for those two purposes and what's interesting about the drug is there it is and it's a peptide what what's interesting about the drug itself is eight hundred million dollars a year that amount is forty six kilos. Now I want you to think about that moment. This implies no continuous processes. It implies no dedicated equipment. This is no optimization you're going to have campaigns to make this amount of drugs aren't you. Your periodic we're going to make it and you're going to store it. So it's completely different in the kind of technology that that I was trained to think of most of the time. OK it's Gore may cook and. Now the final issue is about micro structures and here. It's clear it's not clear to me what you use. One good example is is the icing in anti icing of airplanes. I don't know if you do this much here but. But I've been stuck in it at LAN I must confess. OK so if you'd be ice that's the easy part. You just spray stuff usually guy calls on to the airplane and the glycol ments melts the snow off the airplane. What you may not know about is anti icing compounds. You know about these. OK. And the icing compounds are gels that you spray on to the wing and they change the flow around the wing enough so that the plane cannot fly with them on. So if you've been sprayed with these and you start down the runway that plane cannot fly. I think about this every time may be OK not the D.-I series it's the any ice years and what happens is these compounds are rigged. They have a yield stress and so when you hit about sixty miles an hour. All the jealous years off and for those few seconds. You can fly takeoff. Is not remarkable how would you make one of those yet. Do you see what I mean it's not unit ops that matters now is it. It's and it's not really measuring re ology of fluids which you've already been given it's anticipating what Ryall a G. you'll need. It's much more of a transport phenomena sort of thing so. So what that suggests gets even more bizarre. In other cases of panic this didn't do. OK. Are we did we lost those. OK I'll skip to this. OK now. My microstructure microstructure. Are a problem for de icing fluids. But they're even more of a problem for food. Ask yourself if you want to increase the supply of the world's food. What's the easiest way to do it you think fertilizer but that's not the easy way animals animals like steers. Are seven percent efficient. Imagine you had a chemical process in which ones. That was seven percent efficient what I mean it takes fourteen pounds of feed to make one pound a steer and thirteen pounds to ship. OK. So what you have is what why do you. Why do you bother to run the feed which is perfectly good food through a cow and the answer is because you give it flavor and texture OK if you can fake flavor and texture you have an enormous commercial opportunity. So how would you do this. I don't know. I don't know how you do this. Maybe you put in some sort of transport phenomena models but the main thing is vision which are the slides that wouldn't project vision you understand you can duplicate paint colors. That's easy. But you can't duplicate what people call the hand of textiles. Or you can't duplicate chemicals. OK chemical Sensis smells. Tastes people don't know how to do that. Now perhaps it's easiest if I end this talk by telling you about the CIA exam. Did you know about this exam. You know the book Soul of a chef. This is from Jonathan Keller sort of a chef book you know that book. Charles. He has in there an exam which is called The Market Basket exam. And in the market basket exam. This is not the Central Intelligence Agency this is the Cullen area Institute of America CIA. OK in the market basket exam at four o'clock in the afternoon they bring you a laundry hamper with food. OK And this was the contents of one of the laundry Hampton's. You get this at four o'clock in the afternoon and by eight o'clock that night. You were to have dinner ready for ten. OK now what you think of that. You can see different aspects of chemical engineering courses in the US for example you. You cannot just cut these guys in half and hope that you've got two vegetarians right because it's dinner for ten right. OK. So so how you use these things how you use these things is is going to determine your success in this exam. But clearly there is much more many more solutions than one many more good solutions bad solutions to and and that's what I think we have to get used to. Once you get started in the process working on product design that really is going to be the Yeshu. So what if I told you. Two years ago I went to an American Society of engineering education being which I don't must never get it was interesting chemical engineers are not well represented at those meetings. The people who were represented were corporate vice presidents and research heads from roughly forty five different U.S. corporations. Every one of those people. Had read promised Friedman's book The World Is Flat. And every one of those corporate vice presidents was was saying to the professors. What are you going to do to stop me from moving my work overseas. In other words what can your students do. That engineering students trained in other countries cannot do that was the question time after time vice president after Vice President. The world is flat General Electric has gone down just sold their commodity business. OK. You know in a situation like that. As as somebody who's teaching students my job then is how do I add value to my own students. How do I make them ready for jobs that are not going to depend on feedstocks or low labor costs because if I can't do that. My students are going to be in trouble and I'm not going to do that by teaching them how to run stage distillation of propylene propane. So if I think about how to do that. I think I have to take them back and start them deciding what they're going to make more than how they're going to make it. OK I think I need to to make them understand that choosing between technical alternatives is often a critical step as it is for for example device chemical devices or as it is for molecular syntheses. And I think for microstructure years. The key there is going to be the specifications that you originally write down how shiny should it be. OK. How how. How can I do pick a color how can I keep the taste of beef and make the beef from a different material and I think teaching students not not how to do that for a specific product. But teaching my students how to begin to approach those problems in general. I think that's the challenge the educational challenge which is in front of me and in front of you thank you for listening. Thank you. Yeah sure. This is hard to think about is not. I mean because it's so different. How should you start to think about these things. Well I think the main thing is is to think about this value added business. What do you know that somebody somewhere else in the world doesn't know what are you going to be better at and and you have enormous advantages to think of right away. For example the infrastructure in this country is much more effective than it as other places. I remember teaching at the National Lab in Poona. And on Thursday afternoons the electric power went way down so they simply had Journal clubs on Thursday afternoon. You don't have to worry about that here. Maybe in Houston but not here. OK so. So if you if you have that infrastructure that's an advantage but there has to be something more than market you understand one market. Well is that you market. Yes. Yes go ahead. Not so good when. It's essential that right. This that and the other advantages as long as you have an election or property protection your manufacturing costs should not be be that that. Compelling. That's right. I couldn't agree more or less the losses that maybe the campaign then next month run again and again. I think that that bus is there. Turns out to be very medicinal chemistry clever. I wouldn't discount them. I think the difficulty comes when you go beyond let's say five to ten grams. OK now. Now what do you need for phase one trials often ten grams is enough. So if you keep if you keep the if you keep the engineers restricted only to phase two in three clinical trials that's a pretty small role. OK please please keep in mind that I'm talking about about bachelor's level people I'm not talking about research from cures or anything like that. I'm just talking about what skills. Eighty five percent of my students go to work after four years. OK I'm talking about that eighty five percent. And they aren't necessarily the dumb ones. I'm sorry go ahead Charles I believe. A great one getting by right. Well might have well paid. I'm going to figure out what one would like to work for grad world. What you would. I want to do what I like to give the problem not the way that the comment is that that we should give we should we should encourage students to make mistakes and to give multiple answers to questions and and that's absolutely. I think that's correct. I think the issue is how do you do it and I think the answer it. One answer is you do it fast. You want to give large numbers of problems and have people make mistakes rapidly. Because once you remove cost as being the primary objective function then the details of the calculation are much less important. Well absolutely absolutely. Or. Cost them. One and appropriate. Cost. For the. One on one of those losses. Staying with the farm example. There are some cases where technology is developed. For for. The commodity chemical business can be very valuable in in the pharmaceutical business one vivid example I believe are the scheduling. Protocols developed especially by Ignacio Grossman. Though those tell you if you're making. Well when I was working for the Upjohn company for example we made four hundred eighty products in contrast with Exxon chemical who made nine. But Exxon chemicals sales were one hundred times ours. And that shows you that shows you the difference in scale that can happen. And what you say is correct. OK Go ahead. You know for their own profit on it I think it made them with me something to think about then I would write them with a day. Rather than writing or you know where on that right. You write late. You know history really laid them out with them like them like you know think about it like we are all of them that again I hear you. I would suggest however that if you went towards a product area you would not find yourself disadvantaged yet. And because the other people in the class are either going to be without the strong technical basis or with a strong basis but without much experience. So so I think I think you're penalize in yourself. I think your education is more flexible than you realize. Yeah I would think that that's all right. I mean if you had thought about everything they asked you probably shouldn't be interviewing with them anyway. What are you going to learn from a company where you already know the answers. I think there's a second corollary though that design classes as as a group for the faculty are substantially harder to teach than other classes because they are less structured and I don't know how you resolve that piece that's a major piece of a problem you've really got to work and even shoveling off as much as you possibly can and getting getting departmental support as much as you can imagine it still is is hard work and I'm not I'm not wanting I in my case in my case I think you know well in my case I think it's a question of developing materials that are commonly available and. And those are not currently developing are not currently available. OK.