Our speaker for today is Mr Thomas asked from George School of chemistry chemical environment like Hillary engineering just received here is a pastor's degree in chemistry from Albright College and his Master's and Ph D. degrees in physical chemistry from me high University. After a few years I'm a research staff at Fairchild Semiconductor he joined up with an eerie department at U.C. Berkeley eventually becoming assistant dean for the college of chemistry and vice chair of the chemical engineering department. You need early one nine hundred ninety S. You moved back to Lehigh you served as chair of chemical engineering there in one nine hundred sixty came to Georgia Tech working as per you see from going to see the loach Jr professor there is research and discover a wide range of topics in this film surface modification of ID spoken in this venue about Super from the materials in Michael of products processing he's won a number of awards from both electro chemical Society of the Americans to the chemical engineers and he was a fellow of both of those societies as well as AAA widely and germane to the topic of today. Denis is the director of the Georgia Tech and a separate your list Research Science and Engineering Center. Otherwise known as first second who is initial focus is graphic but I think we're going to hear a little bit more of that they're going to spend their focus on that. So hopefully something will be all in tribute to him. That's right. So this is the I need a second movie this is the one for the I don't use it in this want to speak. Love has more microphones than I've seen in my life not quite why thank all of you for coming. Maybe ask me if I would talk a little bit about. The center that has arisen here and this is a little different for me because I'm usually talking about some technical topic that I'm very excited about the technical details on here I'm going to give you sort of a thirty thousand foot view of what the senators about what are these Mercer acts. How did they come into existence what are expected. What's expected from them and what is Georgia Tech doing in their particular Marsac and most importantly where are we headed with all this. So the outline is shown here so I'm going to give you a little bit of background on sex from an S.F. standpoint talk about our Marsac what the focus and mission is and then talk about the organization a little bit about the technical layer and I'm not going to spend much time on the technical area except to point out how we're organized and what directions we're headed. What we're trying to do and why that's important because you've heard other talks. I think was in a different venue but Walt to hear talked about graphene maybe two months ago or three months ago about five weeks ago I guess. Ed Conrad talked about graphene and they concentrated on the graphene research the science and engineering and technology. I'm going to just hit the highlights on some of that and spend the time talking about the center and the integration of all these parts so I'll talk a little bit about the I argee say something about education and outreach seeds which will indicate where we're headed or where we think we're headed and summarize. So I stole the next six slides from an N.S.F. presentation that Tom Reeker who is one of three Grant monitors of N.S.F. that oversees the Mersey program presented when they were here about five six weeks ago for an N.S.F. site visit for our for our center. So I think the. Gives a pretty good picture of what the Mersey act is and I should point out it started in one nine hundred ninety four as the first competition. So the N.S.F. describes this is discovery learning and research infrastructure is what the most sects are aimed to accomplish so foster research to advance from tears of knowledge. And they're looking in particular for areas of great opportunity. That's one of the reasons I I know that we managed to pull in the most SEC because the graphene of work is really state of the art in the still exploding. Learning. So all of these things whether it's discovery learning or research infrastructure needs to be integrated together this is one of the things that N.S.F. really seeks is the integration of all these things and so a broadly inclusive science and engineering workforce and expand scientific literacy for all citizens and then research infrastructure build research capability. This can be through individual labs or through large scale. Equipment So places like Cornell have for many many years had Marsac and it's based on the large equipment base that they have there for nano science and nanotechnology. So N.S.F. likes to point out that what they want from the most sex is high impact work and you can see the kinds of journals that they like to see publication take place in I thought this was pretty impressive. So eighty eight or two thousand and eight two thousand and nine science output look at the numbers here. This is pretty impressive from the twenty seven most sex. There's a couple more than that. A couple of them are fading out with a number of a R. G.'s and I'll go into more detail on that a minute. So most of them are sex are composed of the last two competitions for the centers. So this is a class of two thousand and five and you can see the players here and which ones were new and which ones were continuing and the number of interdisciplinary research groups. So when it says two plus one. OK then. It's not that N.S.F. has trouble counting this but just that there is one added here as what they call sort of a super seed so a seed program that's growing and expecting to be in I R G but it's similar to an I argee the year that we went through the competition. Is shown here and you can see there were a number that were retired. Because there were five new ones come in here and again of various numbers of I R. G.'s present. And these I argee these are interesting animals because you will see them burst sex. If you go to the website if you want to see what everybody's doing go to W.W.W. dot org. And that's the N.S.F. general site has a listing of all the Mersey has a listing of all the different I.R. G.'s who the players are in these things. What publications are there outreach education. The whole business that they engage in and you'll see that these I.R. G.'s are varied all over the place. So there is no umbrella when we started this we envision that this would be a mercy on electronic materials period that may turn out to still be the case but it's likely that it will not that is. The new I.R. G.'s that we're going to look for and again I'll say more about that later will probably be something different than electronic materials Not necessarily but it could be most anything if you look at the I.R. G.'s under all these different Merced sex they fall anywhere from optical materials to solar energy to bio materials. It runs the gamut. And what N.S.F. wants to see is expertise in a number of different areas as related to materials. So Tom showed this plot which I thought was interesting the percentage of I R. G.'s versus the different areas that they focus on and this is broken down into the mercy. In two thousand and five in the ones in two thousand and eight and they compare that to the pre-prepared dog. I'll go through the steps in the process to obtain one of these things if you're interested in how this occurs. I think that's the now. Now there's one more from an S.F. So this is the way they break down the expenditures. So the I R G.'s which means the technical part of this that's funded as you see is less than sixty percent. So we get about fifty five fifty seven percent of the funds that we obtain go into the I R G. To do the technical work and S.F. is very picky about this because they want to see us put effort into things like education and outreach and nodded in significant amount of effort as you see the education and the seeds program are both around ten percent. The shared facilities are about fifteen percent and this is overall we don't have much in the way of shared facilities but some places like Cornell Santa Barbara. And so on and then administration is usually about five or six percent. And our budgets need to be in these kinds of ranges if they're not they're bounced back to us. So let's talk about the mercy. Here at Georgia Tech. So the way we got started in this was to ask the question that's at the top here at the end of silicon roadmap which is probably maybe two thousand and sixteen to two thousand and twenty. What material is going to take over from silicon for succeeding generations that doesn't mean silicon is going to be replaced silicon will never be replaced. We'll always use it if nothing else and toasters and refrigerators and so on. So we're not going to get rid of that but the newer generations. What's going to take so Wickens place. So if you look at the international technology roadmap for some a conductor's two thousand and seven edition. This is the first time that graphene appeared. And the usual candidates are here. So germanium silicon germanium three five compound semiconductors. But at this point. Graphene started to show its face. And the real issue here is who cares. I'm so what's the scientific and economic importance or significance of what we're working on which is up a taxi or graphene and I differentiate that from graphene in general because a lot of the work you hear about on graphene is on small flakes that are either. Formed by exfoliating graphite. Or they are formed by doing a C.V.T. process on top of a metal at high temperature where you decompose a hydrocarbon carbon soluble ises in the metal at the high temperature and then as you drop the temperature of precipitates out on the surface and forms a thin layer of graphite or graphene. So the post silicon roadmap high speed electronic devices and circuits are due to fundamentally unique. Attacks or graphing material properties. Hikari or mobility as those of you that think about silicon we're talking in the range of fourteen hundred centimeter squared provoked second chemical and physical stability and most importantly and remember the Savior to this field was supposed to be carbon nanotubes right remember back then. Carbon nanotubes was it what carbon nanotubes still have a lot of very attractive properties. Unfortunately the blasted things are cylindrical. So that's problematic in trying to build devices the way we're used to building devices in the semiconductor industry. Process techniques for epa taxable graphene are really compatible with all the silicon technology that we currently use. So the efforts that we've undertaken are of course toward scientific understanding but also to promote the future of this semiconductor industry. Which is probably at this point about three hundred fifty billion dollars. Well fiends of interest because of its properties. So Georgia Tech Walt here. Phil first Ed Conrad Claire birthday. They've been working on this since about two thousand and one first publication they put out came out about two thousand and four and the subsequent processing that's been done and advertised at least for up a taxi whole graphene really came about as a result of the work that was done here. So the two main advances that have been publicized extensively. It's been H R L publicized back in October of fourteen gigahertz field effect transistor using up attacks you know graphene and recently I.B.M. announced one hundred gigahertz that. This uses the technology that was developed here. So we feel pretty good about that. That's a nice pat on the back. So how did this come about. Back in two thousand and seven three proposals were submitted to an S.F. I think these were about ten pages if I remember correctly. There were about eighty three or eighty four of those they winnowed those down at N.S.F. to thirty nine and asked for four proposals out of those thirty nine for proposals they selected eighteen for reverse site visits. So four of us went to N.S.F.. Had one hour to present our wares and convince them that they should fund us. They kicked us out of the room for half an hour brought us back in for an hour of questioning and the questioning was from a panel there were I think ten outside panel members all scientists and engineers from university industry national labs and four N.S.F. grant monitors. So I won't hear made a comment we were going to the airport after all this was all. Over and Walt said I feel like I just took my Ph D. orals again that was kind of what it was like but but anyway we came out to the good on this thing and this is our funding for six years. So one point three five mil a year we have some contracts to Berkeley Riverside Michigan and Alabama A and M.. I'll show you a little more information on that in just a minute what's the vision that we have for the center. Well it's very simple supply the technical knowledge base diverse workforce leadership and innovative materials processing expertise that's required to develop new electronic materials and initially this is graphing to service successors to silicon in the semiconductor industry. So this is our single I R G. Gold. So there's. Graphene over on the right I think all of you are familiar with graphene it's basically a single layer graphite hexagonal ray of carbon atoms. So the mission as we see it is to develop the science and technology of graphene. And perhaps other electronic materials to permit the fabrication of devices in circuits for post CMOS. We want to integrate all that science and technology with educational programs. Student teacher training and industrial needs to ensure the availability of the necessary workforce and tech transfer capabilities. So I guess F. is also interested in the interactions that we have and continue to expand with industrial firms. And then we want to enhance the diversity of students and faculty involved in the development and fabrication of the future electronic materials and devices. So here is our team that we have together on graphene So there's fourteen faculty spread over five schools here at Georgia Tech. There's a faculty in physics at Berkeley. In the C.E. at Michigan Alabama and I am in physics. And you see Riverside in chemistry and there's interactions with easy as well. So how is this the store going to rise and the answer is with with some difficulty OK there's a lot of tentacles on this thing that spread into a lot of different areas so Walt is the I R G one leader and as you'll hear him in a minute we're looking at what the next I R G might be Claudia Clarkson is a financial manager in chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and Gina Adams is project or program manager for the Mercieca So the Seed program is headed by Bill first and I'll say more about that later facilities I'm not going to say much about but Ed Conrad and Robert hadn't you see Riverside. Of course here in physics oversee that effort. Well a Conrad with assistance from Mandy Zang will head up the education outreach effort and the external relations and tech transfer or Claire and Claire version and Jim MEINDL. We have an external advisory group that met with this the end of last year. This is a pretty distinguished group it was an interesting interesting meeting. Let's say I asked Mark Allen to command at the beginning of this meeting to make a few comments and welcome them to the to the university So Mark is. Vice provost for research and innovation here is as probably most of you know. And Mark figured he committed make a few comments and then he'd leave and go to his next meeting. I finally interrupted after fifteen minutes of questions because this. This panel here decided to grill him. And so I interrupted finally and said Mark's got to get off to something else. So I walked him over to the door and Mark looks back at me and says. Good luck with that group. So they were kind of fun we had a good time with that they had lots of good questions. Lots of good input for us and they're engaged. That's for sure. So there is a G.T. Oversight Committee. Need to make sure that we obey the rules and regulations here at Georgia Tech and that's composed of the two Deans for the colleges and and again Mark Allen and then there's an internal review board composed of individuals in different schools here at Georgia Tech. The I R G That will heads up is organized in the following way. There's an industrial relations and international relations and a program management effort and this program management effort. Focuses on a number of different thrusts and I won't spend any time on that because I'm going to come back to that. So as I said Phil heads up the Seed program. So in the I R G What are we trying to do. Well we're trying to make devices initially transistors out of graphing So here's our favorite device over here. Here's different cuts across what this might look like with the source gate and drain structure and graphing channel. And the question is What does it take to do this. So there's a whole bunch of components here. So there's different thrusts of material growth chemistry materials characterization electronic properties patterning and theory. And what we've done here is put some bubbles in here to indicate the different parts that are necessary to be successful and these numbers of course correspond to these different thrusts so to say this is interdisciplinary is an understatement OK So first of all we've got to figure out how to produce the graphene and there's been a lot of work done a lot of successful work. We still need to improve that controlling the layers controlling the layer thickness is controlling the defects in the layers doping chemical modification edge passivation and surface functional isolation all go into building a device because graphene is a conductor. So the question is how do you incorporate a bandgap So when I first started getting involved in the initial proposal to this thing. The physicists like to refer to graphene as zero bandgap semiconductor and I'm a chemist chemical engineer us at zero one that's a metal and well indeed that's what it is but as you'll see if you don't know if you listen dead Conrad's talk. What you have are the valence band in the conduction band meeting at a point the direct point. And so indeed zero bandgap semiconductor is not a bad way to describe this. We need dielectric So if we're going to bit build FET devices. So first of all how do you deposit those. How do you get them to add here Agrafena graphite is pretty good stuff right. You get that in your pencil not a lead pencil writes The graphite pencil and the stuff doesn't stick real well to things. So how do you make these layers at here especially if you're taking them up in temperature and building devices and how do you optimize the properties. Both of the film and of the interface. The substrate. The way the graphene is made here a new name epa taxi or graphene comes about because this is a grown on silicon carbide. And the way it's grown on silicon carbide is to take silicon carbide put it into a furnace and heat it up to thirteen fourteen fifteen hundred Senate raid what happens is the silicon evaporates the carbon rearranges and forms these graphene layers and again if you heard Walter eds talk. They went into gory detail about that. But how do you control the surface of this silicon carbide is not the best material in terms of being able to process it with nice smooth surfaces. So surface preparation and surface control and passivation between the interface of the graphene and the silicon carbide is key and still working out some of the details for that we need to make contact. So what should that material be currently they're using. Gold and and aluminum for this but there may be better materials. How do you process that appropriately How do you pattern all these things and what are the electronic properties not just of the metal of course but of the interface which is the key. And then what should the architecture of these devices be and circuits How do you build circuits out of this. So let's take a brief look at the thrust and I have here the the thrust listed and what the challenges are and then the individuals that are involved in these different thrusts So the challenge is of course for the growth is how do you get the high quality low cost and scalable production process sees. Into graphene chemistry How do you tailor. Not just the chemical but you do the chemical changes to result in certain electronic properties and there we need to control the edges the interface intercalation chemistry so these things are layered structures right so things go in between the layers intercalated in between the layers. How do you control that can you use that to control properties. Materials characterization. Again if we don't understand what we're making and how we're doing it. We're in big trouble. So the question there is how do you characterize these things simply right now and you'll see some results here we go to National Labs for equipment that doesn't exist. Hardly anywhere else. These are not easy materials to characterize because a single layer or even if it's multiple layers. You've got a few nanometers at most of the material that you're trying to characterize. We need to control the electronic properties and as I said we need to develop and gaps. So. Graphene is a great material but in and by itself. It's a conductor and so has no bandgap So we need to figure out how to incorporate that how to control the transport of carriers in that material. And then in the patterning divide. This is an architecture. The challenge is as you would guess produce reliable integrated circuits on the nano scale. And the theory and modeling that's pervasive really throughout most of this. So some people are doing theory on the materials growth. So it's and the Zangwill some people are doing. Theory on the materials themselves and the transport and so on. So fairly recently I think this has been about four five months now. Look here is group fabricated in a ray of graphing transistors and this is a ten thousand transistor or right and my first question when Walt told me this was. How many of them work and apparently seventy percent of them operated. So that's pretty impressive. So this is since when the idea came up it was two thousand and one. So this was two thousand and nine says eight years. If you compare that to silicon technology this was decades to do this. So this is moving very rapidly. You can't pick up a major journal that has anything to do with electronic materials and a month without having several articles on graphene sometimes in double figures. So you might wonder how come I got this strange logo down here who dreamed that up. Well we wanted a logo for the center and it turned out when we were thinking about this some work that came from Miller and Mrs Dunn jointly with Phil first and and Joe Strozier what NIST they were looking at Landau levels and they were trying to define what the land out levels look like in graphene So of course these come about because you put a magnetic field on a conductor and it's quantizes the cyclotron residents or bits of the electrons in there. And graphene turns out to be different from most conductors it's different from most anything it seems and. And they get these plots of energy versus magnetic field that looked like this and you see these are only evenly spaced that's not typical That's graphene that's not typical of your usual conductor usually they're uniformly space that isn't the case here. So this was kind of an interesting plot so we turned this into our logo. And you can read that paper it's pretty interesting stuff. The most second has a lot of international collaboration. So the main ones are in France and you see what's going on here a lot of them through C. and R S. And I'll come back to that in just just a minute. We also have our third at at Paris and again ski. In crystal growth in London. So what about these international collaboration so I'm going to focus on France because that's been the most expensive collaboration's and most of that is due to the efforts of Claire birthday so Claire has been at Georgia Tech on leave from C.N.R. asked since two thousand and two. And so she's the reason that we have this very strong interaction with French researchers we've got access to equipment facilities in several places in France so on our ass has supplied some travel funds forest for investigators to go and students to go back and forth and French embassy has supplied some funds again for visits and exchanges for both faculty and students and postdocs. There been several undergraduate supported that came in from France for internships in summer two thousand and eight and we're going to have several again in two thousand and ten. But a number of joint publications since two thousand and two Paul Voss and his name will come up again. He currently has one of the seed positions in the center. He's a G.T. Loraine and he's expanded the efforts there. So he's had four undergraduates from the US perform research at G.T. Loraine with him to or from or have. One was from Morehouse and one was from Spelman. The first second when it was set up. Paul says facilitated Great Lakes and we helped start up a six credit hour undergraduate research effort. So he has people as you see coming over there over to France from the U.S. And also coming to the U.S. from France a couple of graduate students at Georgia Tech. Lorraine came over to Georgia Tech and spend some time here and he's also now established some interactions with C.N.R. us as well so very extensive interactions in France. So first heads up the Seed program and there's three seeds right now so I just mentioned Paul and so Paul is working on the use of graphing as a mask to selectively grow three five materials and of course he's interested in this for optical devices and the characterization of these particular devices. Sam Graham holds one of the seeds and he's interested in using graphene as a transparent electrode for Danica electronics. So in particular he's looking at growing graphene by different methods so we're looking at the epa taxi or graphene in physics. He's looking at growing. Graphene by the C.B.D. process onto a metal or reduction of graphene oxide and again he's interested of course and characterizing these materials and comparing them to Epitaph graphene. Jennifer Curtis is looking at the possible use of graphene to make biosensors So she wants to chemically modify graphene in order to detect various types of bio molecule such as proteins. So that brings me to what I mentioned earlier the seed grant competition. So we started out with three people one seed grants. Those are coming to an N.B.C. grants are meant to be. Exactly. That seems all right. Not continuous funding. So those three are ending and we just issued a call for proposals. Through the deans of the two colleges for seed so this thing went out of about a week and a half ago I think. Proposals are due May fourteenth and funding would start in September. So the funding would be for one year and possibly renewable for one year contingent on this is still look good. After years time. Has there been any progress has there been any efforts to try to get some additional funds to push this along. We're encouraging. Multi investigator proposals because we envision this as I said as the second or maybe second and third I R G. And so we want to get a group together and by group I mean probably two to four people together working in an area that would have high impact it would be materials related and you name the material it doesn't matter what the material is but we're looking for high impact as I mentioned I know why we got the March second when we did graphene couldn't have been a hotter topic and we had the rudiments of the group together to do the science of the graphene what we want is similar kind of approach with another material or material class or direction. The proposals are going to be evaluated in the selections made by calling on our external advisory board internal review board and our management team. And of course will be. Reports of this at or at our retreat so we have a retreat for the center once a year we just had that immediately before the N.S.F. site visit and this year. We have a very extensive education and outreach program Leyla Conrad heads that. So there are graphene meetings and. Seminars just to discuss graphene there is a student Journal pull up and I say student journal club that doesn't mean that the faculty oversee the students. I've been to one of these because I pushed my way in because I wanted to see what was going on in there but students running this and this is to look at articles either on graphene or related to graphene and for the students to have an opportunity to discuss this argue about results and figure out new directions for the last. Well last year we held the first. Graphene symposium that was attended. I'm trying to remember the exact numbers I think the numbers were something like fifty five or sixty people worldwide graphene we had a number of people come over from Europe we had a number of representatives from companies the next one is scheduled for September and we already have sent out thirty. I think the number is thirty four. Invitations to people to give invited talks within ten days we had thirty two acceptances. So not bad. These are people worldwide that are well known for their work and graphene. We have the opportunities not just in France but mainly in France for international research experiences for students and post-docs and so the travel programs and of course we have ethics training this is done online. I lost my screen here so you know doesn't matter. Also an outreach program which again heads up. So there is a summer of research experience for undergraduate students. So it's a sure program that we participate in search experience for physics teachers. So we had to physics teachers in attacking the last last summer and I think we're going to have at least one more I think the second one is. It is in process as well in conjunction with Seattle. So our center for the enhancement of teaching and learning here in georgia tech they have a tech to teaching grant that they received from an S.F. that is pretty much what it sounds like it's to train teachers at all levels so K. through twelve as well as college or community college as well as research universities and so on and prepare them to go into teaching careers as a hands on technology summer days. OK for high school students. Graphene times. OK So this is interesting if you want to know the latest information in and around the graphene this is one this is out of date now but it's the little the last one that I copied and stuck up here where as of February. There it is. And so Mike sprinkle in physics started this Web site where information is posted on graphene related topics or directly on graphene automatically. So it scans databases and about four or five different databases and there's these updates these daily and this thing has and you won't believe the number of hits this gets this is constantly being accessed by workers in the field and probably workers outside the field. So if you haven't seen this it's worth taking a look at. About six months ago we found out that we were awarded an N.S.F. pram and that stands for partnership in research and education and materials. These are applied for by minority institutions but they cannot apply for them by themselves they have to partner with a major center. And so Clark Atlanta University contacted me so. Larry Wang is my counterpart at Clark Atlanta and talk to me about was I interested in partnering with them they wanted to do some work on graph. Larry has already been doing some collaborative work with me in over in physics main challenger in physics and so we got this together and submitted it and was awarded beginning of September. So Michael Williams in physics at Clark Atlanta is also involved we've been doing some joint things and we're talking to you want to Mendenhall who is in Chemistry at Morehouse College to see if we can get her involved in this as well. So what's our role here at Georgia Tech. So their role at Clark Atlanta. Is to do some research trained some undergraduates and graduate students in science and engineering specifically related to graphene but particularly in materials science and engineering what we are going to be doing is helping to advise some graduate students at the Atlanta University Center facilitate research collaboration so we've already introduced and have implemented some interactions between graduate students here and graduate students in a You see groups supplies some guidance and mentoring for undergraduates and graduate students and some career development efforts encourage students to apply to Georgia Tech graduate programs we're always looking for outstanding graduate students and make available some summer research opportunities for students and you see group. All right so summary. We still don't know what the successor to silicon is at the end of the roadmap and as I said this is probably two thousand and sixteen to two thousand and twenty sort of in that time frame when fundamental properties of silicon all of a sudden will not support the next generation of devices. This clearly represents a threat for the leadership that we enjoy in the semiconductor industry. Graphene clearly offer some advantage. Is relative to other materials choices is this the one who knows. Right. That's what your mother asks you when you come home and say I want you to meet someone. So we don't know but looks encouraging at this stage at least. So what is the G.T. Mer sect do well it facilitates and enables a whole lot of things collaboration among universities industry and national labs and certainly there are lots of joint publications to exemplify exactly that because what we want to do is enhance the fundamental materials and devise research on graphene and promote transfer of technology to industry. So if you took a look at the external advisory board. We have five of the people on the External Advisory Board are from industry. And not all the same industry. Right ones from I.B.M. ones from S.R.C. and then they get scattered in non integrated circuit industries. Want to promote and coordinate interdisciplinary materials efforts that's one of the main themes that N.S.F. has for the first second we want to develop and characterize new materials and functional zation processes for these graphene structures. Again if we don't make devices out of these we have to modify the properties of graphene as it exists has grown and we want to integrate all of this good science and technology and engineering into the educating and education training and diversity programs that are involved with materials research. So that's the end of the remarks that I have I would be happy to answer or clarify anything that that you'd like to discuss. So thank you. I think it's. Now. Well. That was that came about because if you go back and look historically why did Georgia Tech and in particular. Walter here decide to look at graphene as an electronic material and it came about because Walt and he's probably not here so I can insult him I call him an old carbon nanotube guy so he'd probably take exception to all of that but he was working on carbon nanotubes for a lot of years and he and Milly dressed all House have interacted quite a lot on doing carbon nanotube work. Well was one of the first people to recognise that there was nothing unique about the carbon nanotube in terms of the electronic properties. Except for the structure but it happened to be. Cylindrical. So what happens if you lay this open so if you slip the carbon nanotube down the long axis and lay it flat. Would it have the same properties. He did some initial calculations on that and came up with the answer. Yeah. It should be very similar to the carbon nanotubes and that's when I started thinking about gee it would be a lot easier to process if this blasted thing were flat instead of cylindrical. And so that was back about two thousand and one. And it took off from there. So the first publication in this in fact titled I don't remember the exact title but it was graphene is an electronic material was a title was in journal Physical Chemistry. Back in two thousand and four. So all this business about gee graphene was invented in two thousand and four. That's all nonsense. It was known back in the sixty's if you go back and look at the literature. People talked about graphene back in the sixty's this was well known it's out there people live with more worked on this for many years but they didn't appreciate the possibilities. Until now and didn't have good ways to make it so the people over in Manchester. Have been doing a lot and generating flakes and they can use that for certain applications for electronic materials it's hard to imagine these flakes are going to do anything for us. You need to have this on a large sheet. So you either deposit it or you grow it. And right now we're growing it here with a separate process. For questions yes. Again help I'll take you to history lesson so if you go back to around two thousand and one. Well managed to get probably three or four proposals on graphene to N.S.F. rejected because nobody was interested enough. So he ended up talking to Intel and Intel supplied the first funds on this. And gave a number of grants for him to work on this and funded a few students and up until the end of last year. Geoff Peterson who is an employee of Intel was spending about a week a month in Walt's lab working with Walt and the students trying to make some devices so that was that was the early part of this we got involved with I.B.M. because of course I.B.M. is very interested in next generation devices for computers. And C Y song is actually the chair and if you probably couldn't remember all the names on our external advisory board he's a member of our external advisory board and in fact is the chair of that board and. And so we've had interactions with people in industry for quite some time we've put a number of them on our external advisory board but in addition I'm in the process of trying to set up an industrial affiliates program so that should be announced. I hope in the next month or two because I've we've got this thing more or less formulated as to how we want to put this together and we're. Just trying to put names to the companies that we've listed as ones that would be good for us to interact with and we'll start contacting people and seeing what interest we can drum up. So that's kind of the progression in how we're going about it. So a lot of this will come about because of companies interacting with us but we're trying to facilitate that with an industrial affiliate program. Two of the companies that you saw on the External Advisory Board are small companies. Neither of them having anything to do with graphene. So we're trying to get a broader picture. Melded into this to let people say why don't you think about use for this because we know where we're headed but that may not. It's certainly not the only direction to be headed and it may not even be the best direction to be headed so we're trying to put enough feelers out there and get people to come to us and say let's think about this application. Yes Thank you. When you. When you. What if there is progress as we said we want to continue them for at least the second year. If this looks like this can become another I R G. We're hoping that after a year. People can generate enough information that you can get some proposals out after the second year hopefully there's enough additional funding that we don't have to could we don't we have actually very little funding as you can see from the way N.S.F. breaks down the money. One point three five mil a year. Sounds like a lot of money until you take half of it off for overhead. And then you take. Six percent off for administration and ten percent or fifteen percent off for education and another ten percent off for this and five percent for that and all of a sudden there's not a whole bunch. That's left. So we're trying to leverage the funds that we have here by other grants and proposals and so on and use the seeds to get that off the ground and let people get some data so they can put in some proposals. So that's the intent. Whether yes. Or boy. We. Know we don't have any specific plans I guess the societal part of it part of it of course comes in with the advances in the technology but the other part of it comes in with our outreach that we're going to expand a bit so far we've concentrated mostly on high school students college students. We just are putting some things into place in conjunction with some programs here at Georgia Tech. To move that into the earlier stages and we're going to try to target students in the eight to thirteen age group to see what we can do and and fortunately there's a lot of good. Effort going on here at Georgia Tech and we hope to leverage that and use it again our funds are limited to do this it's helped us by getting the pram because that gives us some extra funds our funds in a prime must be used for educational purposes we can't use it for research we do the research with the people at. Headline a university center. So we have to use the funds that we have for education so that has allowed us to expand some things and that's what we're trying to do so. Cya T. in general. I was actually asked if I would participate and I haven't given an answer to this yet you have to think through what I would do next. And go on a radio show to talk a little bit about graphene recall as can call in about you know what's going on in here. So am I ready to be beaten up on this thing or not that's the question but. But I think those kinds of activities are the sorts of things that we need to move into and I think we will. Remember we're not we haven't completed our second year yet. So we're sort of on the upswing here on this. So we're so suggestions are certainly welcome as to how we better do this. Was not. Right. So whether it's it was Hughes or I.B.M. both of them used up a taxi or graphing they grew the group the graphene on top of silicon carbide exactly the way we grow it. And we were the first ones to do that with the purpose of generating electronic material. So again it was Walt. Other people have noticed and it can get this goes back into the seventy's where people noticed if you heat up silicon carbide if you do evaporate off. So what. And if you get above about twelve hundred C. you start to evaporate off silicon and get a carbonaceous residue. If you read the papers. What you come away with at least what I come away from the papers with is this sort of a nuisance OK you get this carbon residue at the. SURFACE. Gosh how do I get rid of that So wall recognized that indeed. You might be able to make use of this and it took quite a bit of effort to actually get this into a form this wasn't something that OK so I backed right off the silicon now I've got the graphic and. This was several years of effort to try to figure out how to process this properly to come up with the graphene layers. So that effort is what Hughes and I.B.M. used to those high speed devices and that's why I made the comment I did. Yes. Walt Walt those. Not that I know of course I didn't ask about his vacation so I'm not sure but but no that's far as I know it it's not but I'm I'm not. I don't keep up on that. That's it's not my patent and I haven't followed it except to make sure that it was in place. Mr Means. Now. I don't have I don't have time to talk about the drawbacks and. So it's been it's been fun and it's been a lot of fun. It's a huge effort which could probably take my entire seven day week. If I let it and it because there are so many things going on but they're all fascinating. It's a very big coup. We were very fortunate you can see the competition. Competition is stringent to say the least. And so we feel very fortunate that we've got this thing I know exactly what it takes to do this. The question is can we get another I R G At that point. So when I was brought into this at the stage. And we found out that the print proposal was accepted and now we had to put together a full proposal that's when we started talking about who would be foolish and I mean who would be the director of this thing. OK. And so Walt asked me if if I would do this and the first thing I did was say well let me call some people that I know I must know some or sector Rector's around the country because I know a lot of people work in materials and sure enough I know several of them. Well before I started doing this and so I called them to find out what their experience had been. They felt that the visibility that not only their efforts but the their university got from this was tremendous both. From society and more from the technical community and other universities. Using this to foster applications for students in graduate school. This whole thing builds very strongly and I've found that these things have a lot of prestige associated with them and so I think we reap the benefits of that the disadvantages are N.S.F. really doesn't give you much money to work on with this. And so we're trying to do a whole lot with very little and that's very frustrating that that's probably my biggest frustration and as we try to get supplemental funding so when I mumbled through N.S.F. when they first day I mean I was a little careful when a guy calls you and tells you that you've gotten this thing but you have to cut the budget. You don't want to be too nasty to him and so I was trying to temper my comments on this and what I was told was well you use this for leverage. To get more funds and so I thought OK so that's consistent that hasn't panned out. Well and it hasn't panned out. Well because when we submit proposals on graphene. What we get from the reviewers is you guys got this big center. You need money. That's been very frustrating. So there are some really good proposals and additional things we can do. It's one of the reasons I'm looking at industrial fillets program to help us broaden this out and get some money from other sectors. So that's one way to do this and again. People have suggestions for me I'm very open to suggestions as to how to do this but that's been the most frustrating part as far as the center it's been a huge amount of fun and have these retreats with the people involved in the center and then to have these symposia that are worldwide. It's been fantastic and I couldn't be more pleased with the way it's gone. Our management team is excellent. Everybody pulls more than their weight usually and this thing and it's been a whole lot of fun. Very interesting and I think we've made a huge amount of progress. That come close to answering your question with another point. So I think. There.