[00:00:08.12] okay the big moment has come to welcome you all and start immediately the reason [00:00:18.08] [00:00:18.08] why we're here today before we start with a patient here is just only a big [00:00:26.08] [00:00:26.08] thing should be making this happen we do have two exposures with events who [00:00:34.04] [00:00:34.04] speaks my heart to say that [00:00:37.23] [00:00:42.13] officers or associates and what they seem to be about is really support the [00:00:50.12] [00:00:50.12] world of dollars it is not really about the research world [00:00:59.14] [00:01:01.13] also feathers and wig they supposedly meant these possibly the warnings of [00:01:08.05] [00:01:08.05] things here as opposed to deception in the end of night better suppose we'll [00:01:20.13] [00:01:20.13] get a presentation they said even if we could maybe the waste we still which [00:01:25.22] [00:01:25.22] that particular this is really something quite worth seeing its enemies without [00:01:31.05] [00:01:31.05] so any the end of the day we make another introduction to blows with even [00:01:39.11] [00:01:39.11] is a machine exhibition not supporting exhibition is a different thing and it [00:01:47.00] [00:01:47.00] is where we put some of the ideas that [00:01:51.13] [00:01:58.17] service the services before we went on day one I think this will be most [00:02:05.06] [00:02:05.06] pivotal part of our discussion today is that this is gonna be a design [00:02:12.01] [00:02:13.10] thinking about us selling something so in the case [00:02:17.12] [00:02:17.12] firstly to them to see what this and then in four or five PhD dissertations [00:02:22.15] [00:02:22.15] that they support is what we say before because we have think important design [00:02:27.07] [00:02:27.07] but it might as well tonight would have to be an intervention this but it's [00:02:33.02] [00:02:33.02] still amazing work without you would not have done so with therefore sought [00:02:38.14] [00:02:38.14] representations by my proper network and if I had also been context so how this [00:02:48.07] [00:02:48.07] one here informed book this is by you in this form so this only the time because [00:03:00.15] [00:03:00.15] of an accident [00:03:03.03] [00:03:05.21] all right so let's start without the what did what did we do wait decide [00:03:15.03] [00:03:15.20] together character whom as is not as I said before it's not just important that [00:03:32.16] [00:03:32.16] is any professional practice as well that later on in his life decided to [00:03:40.23] [00:03:40.23] come back but due to go architectural because we really want something else [00:03:46.13] [00:03:46.13] any restraint however the combination of energy [00:03:54.16] [00:03:54.16] understanding the terrace all and so peacefully here to echo and finish on [00:04:00.01] [00:04:00.01] Scott's work the four of us so I do understand that [00:04:17.20] [00:04:17.20] most yeah of course a lot of saved comedians we know very little about [00:04:23.21] [00:04:23.21] however we do have few people magnifiques my favorite one is the movie [00:04:30.20] [00:04:30.20] a presentation with said garbage intervention laughs yeah last last two [00:04:35.18] [00:04:35.18] weeks three weeks ago [00:04:38.12] [00:04:39.05] mentors for staff appointments in all that with something to pursue there was [00:04:45.01] [00:04:45.01] a voice in the back saying which we - - have you seen that so I you know I was [00:04:53.06] [00:04:55.11] expecting you know this provides really Mussina but but that mentally that [00:05:03.04] [00:05:04.09] understanding so in the nature of being a dominantly silent killer [00:05:10.06] [00:05:43.14] make meats if you find the word we need something to find the word you like the [00:05:48.12] [00:05:48.12] connectivity for you you highlight it and then you want to see whether it's in [00:05:53.14] [00:05:53.14] the document this thing worse appears so we define like that and then you ask [00:05:58.15] [00:05:58.15] computer the computer gives the different answers or basically finding [00:06:02.10] [00:06:02.10] the parts of the relationships work directly in some sort of work that [00:06:08.02] [00:06:08.02] chemistry sort of do the work that you do [00:06:10.14] [00:06:10.14] however if you go to other domains like you know not necessarily using the media [00:06:17.04] [00:06:17.04] of the world let's say in a dramatization this would be work on the [00:06:24.16] [00:06:24.16] computer and then usually you might circle with a [00:06:28.17] [00:06:28.17] green node with a length with something says okay I need to change the [00:06:33.10] [00:06:33.10] documentation saying some things to do but they do with composition with [00:06:40.04] [00:06:40.04] nothing with taxonomy but just don't you just think it not this is any [00:06:49.04] [00:06:49.04] possibility we need all of these centers collapse everything you need to sell in [00:06:59.00] [00:06:59.00] terms of specific parts it would be utterly impossible to find a corner like [00:07:03.02] [00:07:03.02] this or into the usually this course you might find the corner because the [00:07:07.20] [00:07:07.20] columns are and still if you do whenever some of them it would be very hard [00:07:12.07] [00:07:12.07] unless you know exactly how these people started or this not it's not only about [00:07:19.08] [00:07:19.08] design architecture and interesting way all of his discourse started from [00:07:24.18] [00:07:24.18] architects about helping through the incredible work of the people that are [00:07:29.04] [00:07:29.04] here it gives been spread obviously manager needs it might be professional [00:07:38.18] [00:07:38.18] partners in Kenneth's biology where you where is we look at the diagram and [00:07:44.12] [00:07:44.12] my circuit conditions identified in the diagram itself or you might let's say [00:07:52.05] [00:07:52.05] yeah this is this is if I use an example of the circuit design that in second is [00:08:01.05] [00:08:01.05] my diagram that for the for the designer to be not everything is documented in [00:08:06.09] [00:08:06.09] the database so if you are interested in this kind of a relationship or in this [00:08:10.19] [00:08:10.19] relationship or any two objects or only into shapes and is it possible to search [00:08:16.08] [00:08:16.08] for you in the second design so it's because a kind of a particle to [00:08:21.22] [00:08:21.22] understand your desire again and you can this videos model is there and you can [00:08:26.22] [00:08:26.22] inquire anything from that it just if you want to do that compound of the code [00:08:31.09] [00:08:31.09] again and get it model again but is hard to visually understand where your [00:08:36.09] [00:08:36.09] circuit in the same thing can happen in the mechanical engineering that is the [00:08:44.10] [00:08:44.10] pattern and if you are interested in is two feet in two shapes and we can in [00:08:49.11] [00:08:49.11] this kind of specific relationship is very hard to inquiry thing and change in [00:08:55.20] [00:08:55.20] length change that so I think that's a married [00:09:00.06] [00:09:00.06] up with your computing that to help us understand more about the bigger model [00:09:04.18] [00:09:04.18] in any kind of domain so the next we are going to do a demo of the she machine [00:09:12.15] [00:09:12.15] and this was only to show that that while I are already familiar with the [00:09:19.06] [00:09:19.06] word processing benefit and care by finding with each we want there are very [00:09:24.10] [00:09:24.10] good reasons why that happens before processing and that does not happen in [00:09:29.18] [00:09:29.18] the other domains which are so the majority here from those tiny onwards [00:09:38.02] [00:09:38.02] will be ready to be discussed later on there are profound reasons for this not [00:09:43.18] [00:09:43.18] being so we won't spend time it is miss about why this kind of company but you [00:09:49.23] [00:09:49.23] will spend time on how can we go about it okay so this is the activity right [00:09:56.18] [00:09:56.18] now radio service and the buttons here and there are some tasks you this is a [00:10:03.01] [00:10:03.01] machine developed in this lab so I'm going to do a small example to show [00:10:10.20] [00:10:10.20] ability of ship machine so I'm using rhinos tour to draw two squares I use [00:10:18.03] [00:10:18.03] rectangle tool to draw one squared and use polyline tool to draw another square [00:10:23.00] [00:10:23.00] so now when I finish these two squares I ask why not or computer say how many [00:10:29.23] [00:10:29.23] shapes are here no matter how I click there's only two [00:10:34.02] [00:10:34.02] shapes because they all need to object registered in the database and that's [00:10:39.09] [00:10:39.09] how the cast isn't work so but however our eyes and easily pick up here's a [00:10:44.12] [00:10:44.12] triangle maybe here's another one another one and another one but there's [00:10:48.21] [00:10:48.21] no way to access it there's no way to select it because there's no actor [00:10:53.00] [00:10:53.00] register in the database so this inquiry method is not working in this [00:10:59.03] [00:10:59.03] environment the only way to use this triangle is to trace the triangle on top [00:11:05.05] [00:11:05.05] of it now you have a registered object code triangle appeared and delete the [00:11:12.05] [00:11:12.05] part the design and now you can use it one of the functions of shim machine is [00:11:18.08] [00:11:18.08] simply search search in shapes any part of the shape so here I'm going to use a [00:11:25.12] [00:11:25.12] very simple function that I want to search is triangle exactly the same size [00:11:31.11] [00:11:31.11] exactly the same proportion but discarded in the orientation and the [00:11:36.12] [00:11:36.12] translation and reflections so press a button and select the shape you want to [00:11:43.08] [00:11:43.08] search and go to the shade that where you want to search so here's one he [00:11:49.21] [00:11:49.21] highlight he highlights is one and two and three and four and I said okay I [00:11:56.12] [00:11:56.12] want to use this morning cut it move it do anything there and not only about [00:12:02.22] [00:12:02.22] this kind of a shape this kind of close shape like this kind of cone shaped like [00:12:08.11] [00:12:08.11] the Pentagon probably intact you can see here [00:12:11.21] [00:12:11.21] the hazard are like this we can do more complex shape like jollity that is kind [00:12:21.15] [00:12:21.15] of our case P if I want to search this K exactly the same size and approach it is [00:12:32.22] [00:12:32.22] actually we are asking computer to search this shade under isometry [00:12:37.21] [00:12:37.21] transformation I so much less transformation defined as same [00:12:42.11] [00:12:42.11] proportion and same size but discarding the orientation transmission trick [00:12:48.08] [00:12:48.08] question so we do this again usually highlight escape for us and he gives us [00:12:56.19] [00:12:56.19] a exact number that there are four results and the same with something else [00:13:03.04] [00:13:03.04] but not only about this kind of a shape because so far the example shows that [00:13:10.12] [00:13:10.12] this K the shaping of surgery is actually defined by the vertices here in [00:13:16.06] [00:13:16.06] the bigger context so for example if I want to search this lower tasted now I'm [00:13:25.01] [00:13:25.01] certain is well if I want to search in this lower case k here and this point [00:13:31.12] [00:13:31.12] these vertices is actually not defined by any intersections over vertices here [00:13:38.09] [00:13:41.03] the machine still can't find it here's a cake and also you calculate all the [00:13:47.09] [00:13:47.09] symmetry because this a symmetrical shape so there will be a reflection of [00:13:52.17] [00:13:52.17] you so it gives us exact number that they are eight three four five six seven [00:14:00.11] [00:14:00.11] eight and say okay I want to cut it use it do [00:14:04.06] [00:14:04.06] something later that's it and all these shapes doesn't have to [00:14:09.21] [00:14:09.21] associate together or otherwise doesn't have to associate there for example they [00:14:15.12] [00:14:15.12] can be a broken tail at least we do the search again [00:14:21.16] [00:14:24.03] yes one two three four five six seven eight we [00:14:31.13] [00:14:31.13] calculate the symmetry to the same is the lowercase K the same thing that if [00:14:36.06] [00:14:36.06] you want to use they can move it cut it or even touch it okay so you doesn't [00:14:52.06] [00:14:52.06] need to place this pain anywhere come on your canvas and makes make a shorter one [00:15:00.12] [00:15:00.12] a small smaller one at least [00:15:04.14] [00:15:24.12] so the the query the shape you are looking for can be imported from other [00:15:31.02] [00:15:31.02] file and even PDF or the other - or the other other compatible file they can [00:15:39.06] [00:15:39.06] work so this thing and we the previous approaches showed that the search under [00:15:46.05] [00:15:46.05] isometric transformation actually you can do similarity transformation so [00:15:50.20] [00:15:50.20] similarity transformation means that same proportion between different size [00:15:55.23] [00:15:55.23] and it's kind of difficulty to similarity transformation search okay [00:16:00.19] [00:16:00.19] because it's a it's there they'll be infinitely case here so a [00:16:07.21] [00:16:07.21] machine go with this problem somehow so when we select the shape in the waster [00:16:15.09] [00:16:15.09] like the design we ask the machine to search the similarity a similar shapes [00:16:21.18] [00:16:21.18] like these was the machine sense that there are infinite possibility so he [00:16:27.14] [00:16:27.14] stopped and asked and echo the message to [00:16:30.18] [00:16:30.18] said how big do you want a hobby that ate one [00:16:33.19] [00:16:33.19] so I said 50% of this cake and here in the 50% of the cake so you requires a [00:16:42.06] [00:16:42.06] one more extra information to comply with your search otherwise there will be [00:16:46.03] [00:16:46.03] four families for incident case so this is a similarity in the chip machine [00:17:01.03] [00:17:01.03] support the linear transformation from isometry similarity affinity to [00:17:06.21] [00:17:06.21] perspective 'ti and all these for transformation we call it it's like a [00:17:11.18] [00:17:11.18] four set of linear transformation so let's try the affinity so for example [00:17:19.11] [00:17:19.11] I'm going to use polygon tool to draw very ugly 2/4 like this [00:17:32.17] [00:17:33.20] and then I do another Neptune triangle at least so I want to search this [00:17:41.21] [00:17:41.21] triangle here Lesley I'm asking machine that the [00:17:44.10] [00:17:44.10] finally all the triangles so they wouldn't even I wouldn't make it complex [00:17:49.20] [00:17:49.20] later so we search there so later triangle look at this place 1 2 [00:17:56.08] [00:17:56.08] 3 4 these are these because all the time those are any two triangles it actually [00:18:01.11] [00:18:01.11] under the find transformation maximum they also support the independent but [00:18:06.18] [00:18:06.18] not we don't have to all the other vertices doesn't have to be defined by [00:18:14.23] [00:18:14.23] the what is a seeing the bigger context so poison with this one [00:18:22.13] [00:18:25.09] they still can't find it like this and because I didn't enjoy a symmetrical way [00:18:31.16] [00:18:31.16] so here will be eight eight sorry six states so in total you'll be 24 you [00:18:42.06] [00:18:42.06] really helped so like this Indiana in order yet but what you say I want to [00:18:50.01] [00:18:50.01] protect SS this one we spoken to it card a movie or something oh yeah [00:19:02.03] [00:19:02.03] so through the hope through the whole process you don't have to redefine the [00:19:08.20] [00:19:08.20] geometry they'll be still to cut Aurora and you can still do the surgery so [00:19:12.23] [00:19:12.23] basically ship machine this geometry engine and overwrite the data structure [00:19:17.19] [00:19:17.19] that just if you can see it you'll be there any research for you so no matter [00:19:23.06] [00:19:23.06] how you can strategy on tree no matter how you what kind of tool you use or [00:19:27.22] [00:19:27.22] your import file the file from other people you don't know how they construct [00:19:31.23] [00:19:31.23] it is a name behind these or the feature behind the sort of attitude behind this [00:19:37.19] [00:19:37.19] is it actually will be ignored by a machine and sure mission would directly [00:19:42.06] [00:19:42.06] visually search that kind of thing so this is a small doing here so this is [00:19:50.21] [00:19:50.21] more example about the same that if you want to see the shave a part of shape [00:19:55.23] [00:19:55.23] you can use this function another function of ship machine is doing that [00:20:01.22] [00:20:01.22] normally about search for the shape search the shape but also doing things [00:20:07.18] [00:20:07.18] for example I'm going to create a shape you walk and these red thing other is [00:20:16.18] [00:20:16.18] the said template though we are used to [00:20:19.11] [00:20:19.11] courtship wishing the arrow you can see the red arrow the to rate process and [00:20:25.18] [00:20:25.18] the left part of the error we put in left hand side shape than a shape we [00:20:30.04] [00:20:30.04] want a machine to search to see and the right part of the arrow with whatever in [00:20:35.18] [00:20:35.18] my shape is the thing we want machine to do so now when desert okay on the left [00:20:41.23] [00:20:41.23] hand side and I copy these K to the right hand side and these two process [00:20:46.18] [00:20:46.18] are the reference point and then I say okay I want to do something that these [00:20:53.17] [00:20:56.14] now I have a rule that isn't is it would be like if then condition if you see [00:21:02.18] [00:21:02.18] these and then so basically this rule says that families families take this [00:21:11.19] [00:21:11.19] shape if you find me in this case if this condition is true do this in either [00:21:16.05] [00:21:16.05] clay put three lines on there and we can we can apply this rule should rule under [00:21:21.20] [00:21:21.20] oximetry similarity affinity and perspective et as well or the other [00:21:26.23] [00:21:26.23] transformation so here I'm going to use eczema to transformation so let the [00:21:31.15] [00:21:31.15] entire rule go to the design you want to apply the rule and you show that the red [00:21:38.22] [00:21:38.22] part is the condition that okay it's true I found something like this and the [00:21:44.06] [00:21:44.06] blue part is the preview of what you want to do so there are four places to [00:21:49.14] [00:21:49.14] apply this rule and also give us a number that there are four ways to apply [00:21:54.18] [00:21:54.18] this rule and say okay I want to apply this rule here and just say yes to the [00:21:59.21] [00:21:59.21] machine or I want to apply the rule everywhere you found like there are four [00:22:07.10] [00:22:07.10] places to find to apply this rule I can say apply everywhere and that would be [00:22:13.07] [00:22:13.07] design so this is a very simple demo of the ship machine about seeing and doing [00:22:20.03] [00:22:20.03] two main functions [00:22:23.07] [00:22:25.21] yeah so we can do the under similarity transformation that would give us the [00:22:31.22] [00:22:31.22] same question about the K just like we have so you stop that say okay I sense [00:22:39.05] [00:22:39.05] that there are infinite ways to apply this rule so how big you want so I said [00:22:43.16] [00:22:43.16] maybe 30% and they repeated this in and you'll be a smaller one [00:22:49.09] [00:22:49.09] we still can't apply it everywhere to change the design and every after every [00:22:55.22] [00:22:55.22] rule application or every search every steam the geometry will be translated [00:23:02.08] [00:23:02.08] into the maximum line representation that if you see it might not be in mind [00:23:06.06] [00:23:06.06] so that we clean and through a whole process you still don't have to touch [00:23:10.19] [00:23:10.19] the data structure and we can do another example to show the affinity I shouldn't [00:23:21.11] [00:23:21.11] have the latest enjoy the nap King to Quadros in and now they are all joining [00:23:30.03] [00:23:30.03] summer right now so you can easily copy the template and make another war like [00:23:35.22] [00:23:35.22] this [00:23:38.04] [00:23:40.05] I'm creating a rule that if you see a triangle and then connect one of the [00:23:47.19] [00:23:47.19] birthdays to the midpoint so I want to do this you're here under my [00:23:52.03] [00:23:52.03] anticipation so I said so that the rule with you and not be one two three four [00:24:02.11] [00:24:02.11] five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve [00:24:06.12] [00:24:06.12] yum I'm gonna go there again because you said okay I want to apply everywhere and [00:24:11.10] [00:24:11.10] as everywhere there's a result and we use these to verify the position of this [00:24:16.22] [00:24:16.22] tool because these free line should be collapsing what intersection so that [00:24:21.11] [00:24:21.11] means the transmission works until you know this example to know the season of [00:24:28.21] [00:24:28.21] sake Amalia no this is a very classic example that stopping Lord [00:24:37.09] [00:24:41.08] that's why this is the first part yeah that's the first part this was meant to [00:24:45.10] [00:24:45.10] supposed to go to option 2 the absolute basics then after that due to this line [00:24:58.09] [00:24:58.09] I can show the different things so that would be perhaps to show what kind of [00:25:06.03] [00:25:06.03] anomaly really we proceeded to go to go onwards so far which that we talked [00:25:13.12] [00:25:13.12] about straight lines and as they manifested in squares of quadrilaterals [00:25:17.19] [00:25:17.19] and about the transformations but I married the community was always [00:25:23.05] [00:25:23.05] citizens because is that hard to do access to it can be highly precise the [00:25:29.08] [00:25:29.08] affinities in the project if these are fantastic but image once you one builds [00:25:36.10] [00:25:36.10] on top of the other so this one we just got in the next slide [00:25:43.16] [00:25:54.22] the point here is to say that but the least to look the fundamental construct [00:26:03.23] [00:26:03.23] it's a safe substitution under which is really the one that codifies the code [00:26:12.23] [00:26:12.23] program of research that we have set up for a for the lab so the depends on [00:26:19.23] [00:26:19.23] under the width or summation rule applies here before wanted to test [00:26:24.05] [00:26:24.05] demonstrated it depends on the kind of sex that you that you do but whether you [00:26:28.21] [00:26:28.21] use straight lines or the ax colleagues we are making observant about that [00:26:37.16] [00:26:37.16] currently we are in the doctors getting solved the problem with straight lines [00:26:46.03] [00:26:46.03] and the arcs and how this would just put a map deserve to wear this thing is [00:26:57.23] [00:26:57.23] getting but we saw how they move start feeling in this this method I going to [00:27:02.16] [00:27:02.16] be knocks yes so in land is the backwards that we try to implement [00:27:09.03] [00:27:09.03] explanation like the T community we can have like isometry similarity affinity [00:27:15.04] [00:27:15.04] and prospectivity and after that how do we go about it in the are in the shape [00:27:19.23] [00:27:19.23] our mascot beta that are contributing use so five lines and arcs and this is [00:27:26.18] [00:27:26.18] wrong position yeah it just as much okay it's okay that's alright so here's [00:27:37.09] [00:27:37.09] the videos we made to demonstrate the arcs that now me about [00:27:45.11] [00:27:47.14] the straight lines also she machine works with art so you see these small [00:27:55.10] [00:27:55.10] template and the bigger geometry here and then what I'm going to do is draw [00:28:01.08] [00:28:01.08] three arcs on this small template you can see these two phases is actually [00:28:06.10] [00:28:06.10] under similarity transformation so I drew three arts here in one of the arts [00:28:12.17] [00:28:12.17] that this is not defined by the British and then I say can you search list for [00:28:18.15] [00:28:18.15] me I searched basement and go to template so if I die hard and they are [00:28:25.23] [00:28:25.23] six he also talked about all the symmetries so the same thing you want to [00:28:30.11] [00:28:30.11] do it [00:28:32.19] [00:28:33.01] sugar was in the Navy arc the arts doesn't have to be associated it weighs [00:28:41.23] [00:28:41.23] in at least one I'm creating another three parts and then two are joining [00:28:48.20] [00:28:48.20] together but the other one will be floating beside that means [00:28:57.00] [00:28:59.19] this example a little tender so far this saves I don't have a graph structure so [00:29:06.04] [00:29:06.04] there are some points yes yes the points [00:29:12.07] [00:29:12.11] yes so the main tonight is actually difficult to describe this shape that [00:29:17.19] [00:29:17.19] these two arcs join together and the if we send this part we should hit the [00:29:22.09] [00:29:22.09] birthdays of this art in a machine to deal with this kind of thing one clear [00:29:29.21] [00:29:29.21] was one thing that was absolutely here when it was even the staff wasn't really [00:29:34.23] [00:29:34.23] to describe what these are you wanna search for we would help reduce some [00:29:39.00] [00:29:39.00] solute vignettes here so this kind of ridiculousness of like to use language [00:29:45.22] [00:29:45.22] no matter what language you speak but in order to specify an invention like that [00:29:51.02] [00:29:51.02] so yeah that would be the most extreme like this and we can go a crazy one that [00:29:59.19] [00:29:59.19] I to the complete three Rs [00:30:04.14] [00:30:06.14] and then I select all of them and I use muscle to select the part I want just [00:30:16.23] [00:30:16.23] like we saw in the slides that we try to highlight something with a pen and I did [00:30:23.02] [00:30:23.02] it apart I want these letters want to keep the departs within the nozzle [00:30:31.07] [00:30:32.12] and this kind of funny shape I'm not going to say is a smiley chance [00:30:41.04] [00:30:41.04] so you'll find that a shape as well and also to that symmetry there are six [00:30:49.02] [00:30:49.02] matches they say okay I want to cut it will be around to mention that pattern [00:30:55.07] [00:30:55.07] to do so many times and we verified it to see that shape families that thing we [00:31:03.13] [00:31:03.13] want so we did it apart we found we put this query back to the to the bigger [00:31:12.03] [00:31:12.03] shapes [00:31:14.09] [00:31:19.18] and the thing that we wanted to find this wonderful two seconds here to [00:31:25.05] [00:31:25.05] comment on this they said this was clearly only waste in quality when you [00:31:30.04] [00:31:30.04] think that someone in service for this example here when we get this dirty [00:31:37.14] [00:31:37.14] department they were fascinated by that because they thought that this would be [00:31:42.08] [00:31:42.08] an opportunity there possibility of when you see fragments and that you don't [00:31:46.05] [00:31:46.05] know what they are to start the reason a positive state of what this might mean [00:31:51.14] [00:31:51.14] one way is to know something you know he kept the specificity and you know I'm [00:31:56.12] [00:31:56.12] gonna find this the other type of precise about what music that you're [00:32:00.08] [00:32:00.08] gonna find that why I'm gonna find anything else but this one here is a [00:32:03.18] [00:32:03.18] talking points than the other way around or finding things and they said what [00:32:08.09] [00:32:08.09] they might have you don't do so in that way point perhaps distantly related [00:32:13.22] [00:32:13.22] abilities whether this whole thing can go in this one so another function [00:32:21.17] [00:32:21.17] support is labels or we say layers in in this competition so here's a small [00:32:29.12] [00:32:29.12] example to use label to generate a degree we said labels actually is [00:32:34.12] [00:32:34.12] translated into the attributes of shades for example this is imposters that the [00:32:41.08] [00:32:41.08] blue triangle and the brown triangle they are used as a label to guide a [00:32:46.10] [00:32:46.10] machine to create a dream so again is this is part of our effort to try to [00:32:54.13] [00:32:54.13] simulate to work with the incredible work at the center of area she puts on [00:32:59.11] [00:32:59.11] season seven whose own words as challenges to how this could be put [00:33:04.14] [00:33:04.14] introducing so the neighbors the outer versus [00:33:08.04] [00:33:08.04] neighborhood safety ultimate way to these are all sort of different snacks [00:33:11.08] [00:33:11.08] that we we also kept tired to some become potentially so the first rule is [00:33:18.22] [00:33:18.22] to grow the greed vertically just keep going now and same rule is to go to [00:33:28.09] [00:33:28.09] breathe horizontally so the machine will pick up this one only instead of this [00:33:38.22] [00:33:38.22] one so this one is blue one and the inner rule is brown so you won't pick up [00:33:44.22] [00:33:44.22] this one the only three results in this rule is free so you can apply all [00:33:50.14] [00:33:50.14] together three again and then extend it again so you won't pick up this blue one [00:33:58.04] [00:33:58.15] the same thing that if you just want to remove the blue they go in this research [00:34:06.16] [00:34:06.16] listening and the second rule will be to use two because the ground [00:34:14.11] [00:34:19.10] in the last words to create a bigger Greek to for the for the using it for [00:34:25.22] [00:34:25.22] the further use for the purpose so this rule is applied on the [00:34:33.01] [00:34:33.01] isometry so you won't take sure the bigger squares is what the exactly same [00:34:38.01] [00:34:38.01] size of the squares and every every rural quotation this line and then I [00:34:48.19] [00:34:48.19] will be all maximum line just representation and they'll be layered be [00:34:53.20] [00:34:53.20] isolated with each other and we do have some examples yeah so this yeah this [00:35:11.07] [00:35:11.07] sort of concludes the first part will be shown here straight lines there are two [00:35:15.13] [00:35:15.13] tentative labels the labels here anyways I mean we this is our very first [00:35:20.14] [00:35:20.14] attempts to come to terms with some of the formulas materials by placing how [00:35:26.12] [00:35:26.12] the layers of knowledge that can help us sort of play this is yet in the making [00:35:32.15] [00:35:32.15] as many understand logic reason today need not expect any definitely [00:35:38.21] [00:35:39.06] yet so that's what is not now the rest of the presentation is really our [00:35:43.16] [00:35:43.16] attempt to deduct a series of problems at a variety of domains and meanwhile [00:35:51.20] [00:35:51.20] also see in testing the expressiveness of the machine or going from this very [00:35:57.11] [00:35:57.11] one-to-one using the face of work to do more complicated sort of fair yeah so [00:36:04.02] [00:36:04.02] yeah let's see yeah so this is our take [00:36:18.15] [00:36:18.19] yeah first time where I saw this guy oh I have to implement if it is beautiful [00:36:23.18] [00:36:23.18] so but I can only use your arts and lies so force for now all the arts online or [00:36:29.14] [00:36:29.14] the geometry combination a composer with lines and arts in the world so here I'm [00:36:33.23] [00:36:33.23] creating a rule to do the $13.99 so I have an initial shape and I copied to [00:36:40.05] [00:36:40.05] the left hand side because I want machine to fly these conditions this [00:36:44.00] [00:36:44.00] kind of the end of it not so this is the condition I wanted just see and then the [00:36:51.04] [00:36:51.04] right hand side I want to do something to extend the not horizontally so I draw [00:36:58.13] [00:36:58.13] the rules cube so that again the process through the whole process we don't have [00:37:05.01] [00:37:05.01] to dig into the Python JavaScript Grace Hopper just Joe you want easy to join [00:37:11.23] [00:37:11.23] and then extend the spread and the family is not again they are all on the [00:37:18.17] [00:37:18.17] same canvas it can be moved around very soon [00:37:23.11] [00:37:27.01] so perfectly speaking disadvantage it was a real experience to do with [00:37:30.22] [00:37:30.22] instructions it says that this knot becomes a living drawing these drawings [00:37:39.08] [00:37:39.08] that you do they are actually specification yes otherwise it's just [00:37:44.04] [00:37:44.04] yes and the total knowledge has a logic that if this phrase go up on top of [00:37:52.00] [00:37:52.00] another thread this much me to go down to up down up down [00:37:55.14] [00:37:55.14] so this logic is encoded in there so so this one is up so that means I have to [00:38:01.13] [00:38:01.13] go down so that's why I trim this to mine so now we have the rule we can test [00:38:05.17] [00:38:05.17] it to see if it works Mr Lavery what's the latest design and [00:38:12.06] [00:38:12.06] the Machine told us that there are two ways to apply this rule so laughs or [00:38:16.21] [00:38:16.21] right so we say okay that's right and on the right and then we are going to [00:38:23.15] [00:38:23.15] create another rule to grow the not horizontally vertically in this way so I [00:38:29.02] [00:38:29.02] copy the shape again from the design and make a condition for the machine to [00:38:35.05] [00:38:35.05] recognize like if you see this name this condition is like at the end of the end [00:38:43.06] [00:38:43.06] of the thread and then copy the the condition again and then probably [00:38:50.16] [00:38:50.16] another jump you found another place and extend it's ready so because we want to [00:38:57.03] [00:38:57.03] extend it not to the top [00:39:01.17] [00:39:02.09] and these arcs so we extend it and put it back [00:39:09.07] [00:39:16.03] this example that was selling now this was a black man exactly why the school [00:39:21.06] [00:39:21.06] of design here at Georgia Tech when they would be so pleased [00:39:25.03] [00:39:25.03] they they they made the proposal in this class you didn't send runs like a [00:39:33.23] [00:39:33.23] glasses were dedicated so starting form glass between two scoops yep so the same [00:39:46.21] [00:39:46.21] thing is that we have to follow the logic of the coating not to decide which [00:39:51.07] [00:39:51.07] the shape so we finished the second rule which selected a rule again to test it [00:39:57.10] [00:39:57.10] to see they grow vertically this point he captured these conditions they say [00:40:05.11] [00:40:05.11] okay it's down one and then the other one is up and say okay I apply the up [00:40:10.06] [00:40:10.06] one and I apply the rule in to girl and not down and actually when we make this [00:40:21.09] [00:40:21.09] presentation there were people they are very much in the mutation of making [00:40:25.00] [00:40:25.00] should of work we think and they would like to hear [00:40:28.07] [00:40:28.07] that sort of technology but making stuff maybe not wrong but that should make me [00:40:34.04] [00:40:34.04] college so there's a simple demo of the simple example for the Celtic knot and [00:40:43.11] [00:40:43.11] then a second video of the six roommate already here and we try to use this [00:40:51.07] [00:40:51.07] issue to go to not like a square knot so we in the previous video we made [00:40:57.18] [00:40:57.18] previous to you so the first row is going not [00:41:03.00] [00:41:03.00] horizontally and the second one is vertically and then we had more rules to [00:41:07.14] [00:41:07.14] deal with the corner conditions like the fifth rule is to use to grow the knot in [00:41:15.02] [00:41:15.02] the corner condition at least in this is actually exploration stage that we don't [00:41:21.09] [00:41:21.09] have labeled to confine precisely where that not to should be it's just we just [00:41:26.07] [00:41:26.07] like machine want to see if my Robo so if I need to refine the rules again to [00:41:31.15] [00:41:31.15] make it more precise to avoid the complex of to not so to see you can see [00:41:38.03] [00:41:38.03] some overlapping that if we want to refine this rule again we [00:41:42.19] [00:41:42.19] put some labels or something later yeah so to go is not to get a square and if [00:41:51.11] [00:41:51.11] we have the existing design so I probably receive these design from from [00:42:00.01] [00:42:00.01] my colleague almost fun another person as I wanted to do some change so I can [00:42:06.15] [00:42:06.15] just apply the other rule to change the designers for example this rule is to [00:42:11.07] [00:42:11.07] untie the knot so I set up this condition and then I want to untie the [00:42:17.05] [00:42:17.05] knot you sometime and you may find the very specific acts [00:42:26.23] [00:42:26.23] condition they have another design and then I capacities not another person and [00:42:32.19] [00:42:32.19] he can keep working on this same design without my construction of the geometry [00:42:38.02] [00:42:38.02] without any data I have to attach without any documents how do I capture [00:42:43.05] [00:42:43.05] these geometries yes you can I invite you to the floor this is one of our with [00:42:54.19] [00:42:54.19] a lot of success stories you know how we have TVs you say some success stories [00:43:02.15] [00:43:02.15] professional games is a visiting professor [00:43:05.23] [00:43:05.23] that see what's accessibility here when we made all reasoning and indexers all [00:43:13.21] [00:43:13.21] different kind of engineer from Georgia that the origami episode we showed the [00:43:20.12] [00:43:20.12] readers and as a result professor Inc see she said I would like to come and [00:43:27.12] [00:43:27.12] spend some time in volunteer news we have microphones this is really the work [00:43:34.02] [00:43:34.02] of the last three four weeks [00:43:38.16] [00:43:38.21] yes good morning everyone I'm very excited to be here to share with you my [00:43:44.01] [00:43:44.01] wonderful appearance understand so so she would do give me a different [00:43:52.20] [00:43:52.20] perspective to say origami pattern I'm working with for magic Oh Nina Garcia [00:43:57.11] [00:43:57.11] volumes they were very department we used to only care about the loading [00:44:02.05] [00:44:02.05] captive working captivity pattern so the ship would give me a [00:44:08.17] [00:44:08.17] different perspective to how to generate and change and modify the origami planet [00:44:13.15] [00:44:13.15] but the first time I want to show you is that if I want to change about Europe [00:44:17.23] [00:44:17.23] pattern to a sorry if I other changes it can be for the word Apple know into [00:44:39.17] [00:44:39.17] direction now I other traded to me [00:44:43.22] [00:44:45.20] and not only need to send that unit of the product to the geometry that I want [00:44:52.02] [00:44:52.02] but then the ship whooshing has found the special condition of the unit and [00:44:57.01] [00:44:57.01] change needed to what I thought so that's a third and then it tend to be a [00:45:04.08] [00:45:04.08] scooter nervous yes and the second wife's very intuitive [00:45:09.10] [00:45:09.10] now if I want to add a garden in here because there is the newer methods and [00:45:14.01] [00:45:14.01] now I have started a very much specially the position but it's small part of this [00:45:20.11] [00:45:20.11] always geometry so is that how we reconstruct and everything what actually [00:45:26.05] [00:45:26.05] is to is to draw the left hand side the left hand side a birds actually through [00:45:32.12] [00:45:32.12] to the true the very small part of this [00:45:35.04] [00:45:35.04] panel a change in the to another one and I in the room I add some loli here and [00:45:40.16] [00:45:40.16] we remove some note and some resist to whatever you want [00:45:44.03] [00:45:44.03] the resolution will find a specific small population and change it to our [00:45:48.14] [00:45:48.14] garden home then when I walked so if I don't like that the is done in the right [00:45:53.19] [00:45:53.19] hand side do I need to change everything no I need to do it too okay I need to [00:46:04.18] [00:46:04.18] know it change my really than that mindset so it is much more efficient [00:46:09.12] [00:46:09.12] than what I do we were to with other software like auto parts actually we can [00:46:14.05] [00:46:14.05] modify our our design and invest in : so the desert press took part so the last [00:46:19.19] [00:46:19.19] ones were exciting and that's a very a party here actually I first the carnage [00:46:32.09] [00:46:32.09] from the bathtub yeah a spider a comment from most web [00:46:38.18] [00:46:38.18] page so to me it looked like her or I got the time to show it wait the company [00:46:43.20] [00:46:43.20] folded so I tried it we are tech company holding an interest regarding the when I [00:46:49.04] [00:46:49.04] take this present to tennis in LA I found it who didn't discuss this big [00:46:57.14] [00:46:57.14] fall they couldn't leave the college thinking beautiful so if you will clue [00:47:01.21] [00:47:01.21] that the shriek ocean is very promising new pattern so I think that very [00:47:14.12] [00:47:14.12] interesting you can change it to a small box of a box yes yes there was a truly [00:47:34.18] [00:47:34.18] cohesiveness that we didn't expect period for this so the previous example [00:47:46.04] [00:47:46.04] shows that all the single world location that I saw like rewards later designs [00:47:50.14] [00:47:50.14] that they wore in a celebrity time and we have another module called Josh wit [00:47:55.09] [00:47:55.09] and that means you can put all the ship you're in Y script and money [00:47:59.18] [00:47:59.18] automatically here's a very naive mechanical engineering example we try to [00:48:04.23] [00:48:04.23] use your script to create a script the ship go through to create a gear so we [00:48:13.11] [00:48:14.07] use for line just like foreign languages we use four lines of the code should [00:48:19.09] [00:48:19.09] rule from nothing to a circle I see these yourselves put a circle on the [00:48:24.10] [00:48:24.10] thickness and the second goal is that if you see a circle put a tuft on top is [00:48:31.17] [00:48:31.17] not a single inside and then third one is that if you [00:48:36.13] [00:48:36.13] see a circle divided into 12 the last rule says if you see is kind of piss-up [00:48:42.18] [00:48:42.18] shape which led to the tooth so there are four rules and we can just select [00:48:50.12] [00:48:50.12] the entire thing which is like a screen and the other parameter is set so it is [00:48:55.19] [00:48:55.19] mathematically find all the matches and [00:48:59.22] [00:49:00.23] there are 12 inches for the last word and these are geared and they say okay I [00:49:08.02] [00:49:08.02] got one this gear looks not very good I want to [00:49:12.01] [00:49:12.01] change the design again we don't have to give in to the in the code symbols the [00:49:16.11] [00:49:16.11] numbers with easily can redraw the shape through so place number I want to make [00:49:23.02] [00:49:23.02] the teeth smoother in an arc and TV the line everything is join everything just [00:49:31.02] [00:49:31.02] joined in the right now in the leadership machine so they did scrape [00:49:35.14] [00:49:35.14] again [00:49:37.22] [00:49:39.03] they catch other things yes [00:49:43.02] [00:49:47.03] and there's another year so this George script that you can compile the whole [00:49:55.03] [00:49:55.03] thing we implement the should rule compiler behind us to run the script and [00:50:00.23] [00:50:00.23] there are some features you can change like how many times you want to do what [00:50:05.11] [00:50:05.11] kind of information it is worthy what kind of a you can give it a specific [00:50:11.08] [00:50:11.08] scale to control the film to try to make it very precise for the for the designer [00:50:16.09] [00:50:16.09] and engineer keep on joking and evolve as well you would say how many language [00:50:23.04] [00:50:23.04] how many programming languages and I detect where the designer should know [00:50:26.16] [00:50:26.16] this exasperated sort of problem right yes we are actually asking them to [00:50:32.12] [00:50:32.12] design not using the innate abilities of seeing or actually drawing and I think [00:50:41.14] [00:50:41.14] if anything with this example here this was this was like a very significant [00:50:47.18] [00:50:47.18] vomiting plan when we understood that from the previous model when we were [00:50:52.22] [00:50:52.22] working about trying to prove the same as trying to serve the same computations [00:50:57.04] [00:50:57.04] we saved language lessons we see possible explanations without the [00:51:01.01] [00:51:01.01] language that but here we start thinking that was yes that this can become a [00:51:05.19] [00:51:05.19] whole new to the way of programming [00:51:11.16] [00:51:17.22] I remember I went I went to the first class of offense scripting at Georgia [00:51:23.00] [00:51:23.00] Tech and the syllabus released out about 10 per language in you should learn to [00:51:27.13] [00:51:27.13] the class JavaScript Java C sharp C++ Python process the person in Java again [00:51:35.06] [00:51:35.06] and if you want the user do know that be another system but it's probably the [00:51:38.14] [00:51:38.14] same structure if I do the simulation use Mathematica and then 10 if you want [00:51:44.12] [00:51:44.12] to make something where the Malik said and if you want me something for the [00:51:49.02] [00:51:49.02] plug-in now be an outside so we yeah I'd like to UM say that we keep talking this [00:51:53.17] [00:51:53.17] thing do that how many fermentation learning nowadays architecture students [00:51:59.09] [00:51:59.09] we try to keep teaching us to become an engineer to solve the problem but [00:52:04.13] [00:52:04.13] somehow we just need to be a join I think that'd be much easier yes yeah and [00:52:19.10] [00:52:19.10] architecture we made some examples for athletic design because we are from this [00:52:24.05] [00:52:24.05] school and we're part of it so this this video shows the maximum representation [00:52:31.00] [00:52:31.00] how it works so before any application orders or the search done by a machine [00:52:44.10] [00:52:44.10] actually the first step is to translate the geometry into maximum [00:52:48.22] [00:52:48.22] the visitation and makes my art reservation we put on that too to help [00:52:54.10] [00:52:54.10] us to give us a opportunity to search any part of the shape so this video that [00:53:00.09] [00:53:00.09] we went to Google search to download a Miss vendor was plain that would we go [00:53:08.15] [00:53:08.15] to someone else work so we were looking for the chicken dance playing this - so [00:53:24.16] [00:53:24.16] we thought it's done by any someone on internet and we don't know how they [00:53:30.18] [00:53:30.18] transferred the geometry and we don't know how what kind what kind of the [00:53:35.10] [00:53:35.10] software I use I only know this is the excel file so I put it into the right [00:53:40.12] [00:53:40.12] now so I check the geometry so you can see this geometry is broken that's a lot [00:53:45.11] [00:53:45.11] of all black different geometry like the arcs is another answer that so many arts [00:53:49.02] [00:53:49.02] off without being together we don't know why he or she would dead eastern [00:53:52.22] [00:53:52.22] geometry and this line is is very unclean but these so broken line where [00:54:01.12] [00:54:01.12] all the architects but we saw this application probably more importantly [00:54:05.21] [00:54:05.21] because this has been one of the classical experience [00:54:11.17] [00:54:11.17] leaving out drawings and sort of this yeah this is possibility of getting one [00:54:17.03] [00:54:17.03] single presentation yeah even when you change the incoming has the authority [00:54:21.12] [00:54:21.12] like even though they perfectly other plan but it's not so if they want to use [00:54:27.00] [00:54:27.00] this plan the only way to reject everything that you find a table of [00:54:31.22] [00:54:31.22] eleven lie and retract that thing again all the art so we pulled out this mismo [00:54:37.07] [00:54:37.07] online translation function now this is a dependent function so when you [00:54:42.03] [00:54:42.03] activate this function instead hopefully [00:54:46.16] [00:54:47.12] they just give you the maximum jump tree representation so after that every line [00:54:52.23] [00:54:52.23] is a line single line so if you see a line is a line if it's an R is an arc so [00:55:00.04] [00:55:00.04] but you don't have to do it in unity because every decision every group [00:55:04.03] [00:55:04.03] lubrication is already vetted in the process so this is the first step of [00:55:12.01] [00:55:12.23] course you say ground exactly what's happened here but economy introduced [00:55:20.17] [00:55:20.17] first time is like a reduction huge as they apply to all boss implies C to [00:55:27.09] [00:55:27.09] compute or all of them this is normal cognitive dissidence [00:55:32.23] [00:55:32.23] deductions which don't even see because they're in yeah and it's a little bit [00:55:38.08] [00:55:38.08] different funding who the Union line [00:55:42.03] [00:55:42.20] because the pudding union basically put two things together in a stacked that if [00:55:46.20] [00:55:46.20] you have an L shape and then line and pull Union then and they'll become a [00:55:52.07] [00:55:52.07] longer L by so it basically you put these two things one except but here the [00:55:57.11] [00:55:57.11] maximal I'm translation is back that we we lose the extra point and retract [00:56:04.16] [00:56:04.16] every line in the maximum line premeditation and the second video it [00:56:09.10] [00:56:09.10] shows that now we have a workable plan what should we do we try to implement [00:56:15.06] [00:56:15.06] that exemple showing the slides so like for example [00:56:19.09] [00:56:19.09] I want to change some join in in this plan I want to find a common this kind [00:56:26.02] [00:56:26.02] of very iconic nice vendor was Colin but I want to clean the line inside so I [00:56:33.01] [00:56:33.01] just copy the geometry into my schedule template and then this is a condition [00:56:41.08] [00:56:41.08] where one machine to see if this is true do this I want to trim the line inside [00:56:49.05] [00:56:49.05] and then I can get a clean outline of the common so I apply this rule [00:56:57.11] [00:57:05.22] on the whole plane so most I want you to tell me how many comments got for you so [00:57:13.18] [00:57:13.18] much in highlight it is one and two three and four [00:57:24.01] [00:57:24.01] so the airport I say apply this rule everywhere so public contact clean and [00:57:31.16] [00:57:31.16] then engineers together the sawdust out with this was the closest thing to a I [00:57:36.17] [00:57:36.17] seen because there's no there's no Dana description behind this join and also I [00:57:49.03] [00:57:49.03] said okay I want to change it another object by the door I want to change this [00:57:53.23] [00:57:53.23] Superman go to double bind or I copy the template put it on the left-hand side [00:57:59.19] [00:57:59.19] set up a commission I wanted to double that go it open for any stories with [00:58:14.17] [00:58:17.23] and that other part two in the head as the trace of the door and then I applies [00:58:27.01] [00:58:27.01] to belong the similarity because the doors are different size in this point [00:58:30.21] [00:58:30.21] so I select the entire plane and just give us a number [00:58:37.03] [00:58:37.03] there are 19 doors big different size all of them [00:58:44.02] [00:58:47.23] so some tours are small some doors are big but they're in the same proportion [00:58:54.07] [00:58:58.01] apply this work we're just changing the joint and not only about this kind of [00:59:05.21] [00:59:05.21] object because door and continents that actually we want to do it we can encode [00:59:10.20] [00:59:10.20] it the data behind on its object this video we try to show exhibiting the [00:59:16.18] [00:59:16.18] slides as well let me try to find this corner so it's not an object it's an [00:59:21.18] [00:59:21.18] intersection of two walls so but I want to clean the line like this so I copied [00:59:27.19] [00:59:27.19] the geometry I use it just like a glass or but this time I'll use a circle to [00:59:32.17] [00:59:32.17] circle the part I want I think the part I don't want and put it into the rule [00:59:40.03] [00:59:40.03] template my left-hand side to ask machine to find this corner this game I [00:59:52.04] [00:59:52.04] play very well here but there were some applications very own in the eighties [00:59:56.22] [00:59:56.22] where they had these drawings that this huge they are not as useful would [01:00:01.09] [01:00:01.09] receive them by themselves very watching up like them and that was like [01:00:06.10] [01:00:06.10] some drama software they were very beautiful just to be interesting this [01:00:12.15] [01:00:12.15] one here this loo looks like alphabet whatever but in the context of X so and [01:00:21.10] [01:00:21.10] you don't have to sort of a tapping against a chocolate plan any part of [01:00:27.10] [01:00:27.10] other select so is it one yeah in every question one of them so they said I went [01:00:39.05] [01:00:39.05] to the police were everywhere again and once we apply the war the line will be [01:00:44.14] [01:00:44.14] still at mine it won't be a broken line you reject everything again so it's [01:00:49.13] [01:00:49.13] clean so these are these three videos are small example for the architecture [01:00:56.08] [01:00:56.08] rotation and then gift with ballistic that like after we were so like [01:01:05.15] [01:01:05.15] intrigued by the possibilities of this started from design and then whether we [01:01:11.13] [01:01:11.13] going to the computation with thinking about any language scripting language we [01:01:18.14] [01:01:18.14] start thinking about the thing in South Georgia going to be starting in two [01:01:21.20] [01:01:21.20] lectures for Theseus lectures with his two different modes in the two different [01:01:26.23] [01:01:26.23] requests or mutations will be here [01:01:31.08] [01:01:31.08] reflection of this so we will do so how this is bollocks stuff is actually part [01:01:37.17] [01:01:37.17] of this yeah so once we have the same machine we were asking ourselves in a [01:01:42.15] [01:01:42.15] lab that what else we can do it's the seismic design so I in a record that [01:01:49.08] [01:01:49.08] come experience with when I work in in industry that I have to write a code to [01:01:53.07] [01:01:53.07] do the Saudi bit because I did a USB 3.0 transmission circuit design something [01:01:57.23] [01:01:57.23] that it's always a headache for me to do this thing so I said okay that's to a [01:02:03.10] [01:02:03.10] sort Nene I was just sorting 1n0 put all the one on the right or the zero [01:02:08.14] [01:02:08.14] I'm a lab for machine this is a draw script so I set up the rule if you see [01:02:16.00] [01:02:16.00] this shape go to this shape and I execute this rule for five times and I [01:02:20.18] [01:02:20.18] want to apply this one here so machine he doesn't know zero or one for them you [01:02:24.13] [01:02:24.13] just are ten lines they are on the line in right now so this a shape so I select [01:02:34.02] [01:02:34.02] the string so it's a shorter just one line screen but it runs five times and [01:02:39.18] [01:02:39.18] you find this match this one and zero photos is one and zero the pink one and [01:02:45.21] [01:02:45.21] turning to the blue one so we start to think what does something mean that only [01:02:52.22] [01:02:52.22] can be visually reasoned to one shape to another shape and gradually sort all the [01:03:00.04] [01:03:00.04] viewer to the lab so the order might turn to right and then if you want to [01:03:06.14] [01:03:06.14] reverse the direction you just change the duration [01:03:10.08] [01:03:10.08] left hand side right hand side so now I'm going to changing the duration like [01:03:18.12] [01:03:18.12] the D the left-hand side I put the right-hand side onto the internet hands [01:03:23.05] [01:03:23.05] apart and then went to sweet swapped in around the Machine again found another [01:03:28.06] [01:03:28.06] shape to another shape irani for five times and you recognize [01:03:36.09] [01:03:36.09] the condition and you do it pillow of it because we can apply all do everywhere [01:03:44.05] [01:03:44.05] you found another one gradually the change to sort all the one [01:03:50.17] [01:03:50.17] to the lab and sort order zero to live to revive to change the direction in in [01:03:58.03] [01:03:58.03] this example I started extended because in a in the coding every symbol is [01:04:04.19] [01:04:04.19] actually encoded into ASCII code so they sort with the variable arts a sceeto [01:04:10.07] [01:04:10.07] supports over a 6-0 in a hacks method and then B is 61 and 62 so when you do [01:04:19.16] [01:04:19.16] the sorting in the programming language either from the smaller one to the [01:04:22.21] [01:04:22.21] bigger one or the configure one to the smaller one the little Indian Indian and [01:04:28.04] [01:04:28.04] bigger in India there's only two ways to so is three symbols and as I extend this [01:04:36.01] [01:04:36.01] idea that through sorry in a different way so now it's a ABC again the machine [01:04:41.10] [01:04:41.10] doesn't know it doesn't know B this is a voice to keep that meaningful way we say [01:04:46.13] [01:04:46.13] but for machine just nice and art so I put three things three rules here [01:04:51.20] [01:04:51.20] because they are three variables a B and C that means any two symbols has a [01:04:57.09] [01:04:57.09] relation so that's why they are free and now if [01:05:01.01] [01:05:01.01] you please sorting means that dbcp is in front of a [01:05:05.03] [01:05:05.03] change the order if you see a in front of a I see in [01:05:10.10] [01:05:10.10] front of a swap it if you see see if wanna be swap to the PC so and gradually [01:05:18.01] [01:05:18.01] wouldn't get the Saudi resolve as a APB system in this way so there's a vertical [01:05:25.17] [01:05:25.17] sorting area in the bottom language data from the smaller one to the bigger one [01:05:30.20] [01:05:30.20] but however I want to if I want to store these three symbols from AACC PVB that [01:05:38.14] [01:05:38.14] we break the numbering system the numerical system so I changed the last [01:05:44.14] [01:05:44.14] War I one machine to to sort the pump in front of the steam instead of like a PC [01:05:55.14] [01:05:55.14] with a TV so happy the war game [01:06:03.07] [01:06:03.23] and we did a lot of this kind of sodium oh we didn't put it on the website of [01:06:08.09] [01:06:08.09] the Chinese character so letís make it up and down left and right [01:06:11.22] [01:06:11.22] we put four machines and there's a shape so if you easily be done so and then you [01:06:21.14] [01:06:21.14] sew it to the PC relationship and then you gather another sorting order as a [01:06:29.06] [01:06:29.06] HCC beauty which is the time very a little bit difficult to do in the [01:06:34.00] [01:06:34.00] symbolic form and now you say okay since we have sorting within here but sorry in [01:06:40.14] [01:06:40.14] the fundamental function in a computer and I said let's do a calculator very [01:06:48.23] [01:06:48.23] slow this requires long script which are the [01:06:53.20] [01:06:53.20] visual reasoning this thing it's a long spear this long script can do one digit [01:06:58.23] [01:06:58.23] a addition that you can add 1 to 1 to 99 so 2 2 & 0 0 to 4 so it's a long screen [01:07:07.19] [01:07:07.19] I put in into this very long scale [01:07:12.23] [01:07:17.11] this is a calculator for people in understanding to remember so we got [01:07:27.20] [01:07:27.20] y'all question the seven past nine it's the later design apartment we find some [01:07:36.08] [01:07:36.08] condition like this the one of the rule is that if you see these three lines [01:07:40.20] [01:07:40.20] telling you something else three line again all the numbers as symbols we see [01:07:49.19] [01:07:49.19] here are just lines and arcs and then we do the searching the through one sorting [01:07:58.03] [01:07:58.03] to move the world to the most left very slow population all right two more it [01:08:08.18] [01:08:08.18] took a you took us about three minutes to do this addition and then okay no [01:08:15.05] [01:08:15.05] more move we count it again and that's a system so it's very slow I know the name [01:08:27.00] [01:08:27.00] of this location [01:08:30.00] [01:08:35.05] so they're actually what which one to try here is that the point of mentioned [01:08:43.08] [01:08:43.08] that in the Sugar Mountain this course that we tried this is a kind of theory [01:08:48.01] [01:08:48.01] that in theory we can implement and later or here that here are another two [01:08:53.12] [01:08:53.12] examples a boolean gate you can implement all the cool engage there are [01:08:59.14] [01:08:59.14] two examples in an e in theory if you can income this thing on top of this you [01:09:07.06] [01:09:07.06] can implement computer there's a all the computer [01:09:10.12] [01:09:10.12] digital circuit is composed with Wingate additional part not any local time [01:09:15.01] [01:09:15.01] digital part is the logic is totally covered by the cooling key [01:09:19.12] [01:09:19.12] so in theory if you can implement later here in you can implement a computer on [01:09:26.14] [01:09:26.14] this thing but is also still under the symbolic that you because we didn't but [01:09:33.06] [01:09:33.06] it composed 0 into 2 shapes 0 we still recognizes one thing here so we try to [01:09:40.12] [01:09:40.12] come out a new question that what does it mean would it mean a new computers [01:09:45.06] [01:09:45.06] factory or something that to help us to get a higher level intelligence to two [01:09:51.16] [01:09:51.16] of the computing so these are free very nerdy it's imposed yeah installing [01:09:57.16] [01:09:57.16] elegance only need to lead everywhere yeah this writing I will personally [01:10:03.18] [01:10:03.18] usually the example we show cognition the finally make this [01:10:08.11] [01:10:08.11] definition that George Jessel was doing in the ancient Greek mathematics in my [01:10:14.10] [01:10:14.10] opinion being mystical put a beast inside [01:10:20.18] [01:10:23.09] so is it I said yeah this is so this is like we went through why one of the [01:10:31.12] [01:10:31.12] names of applications starting from the basics of our self-government and then [01:10:36.19] [01:10:36.19] dining it out as they might apply to different the mates and going to the [01:10:43.06] [01:10:43.06] most obstruction really at the heart of the matter whether we see might even [01:10:47.08] [01:10:47.08] suggest for you computer to begin with so I think that's that's that's good for [01:10:52.16] [01:10:52.16] now write the copy that captain out you can have a small a forgiver coffee and [01:10:56.11] [01:10:56.11] then we will continue with very brief presentations by PhD students with [01:11:02.20] [01:11:02.20] explaining some of the underlying formulas or usually and then after that [01:11:09.12] [01:11:09.12] which would be this just really looking forward reflection upon recent [01:11:15.04] [01:11:15.04] discussion and anything else [01:11:18.08]