All right name here. Yeah right. I saw OK. Right right. I see you see the it was a gust right now. First with you. Very well before your daughter. Yeah OK everybody. Weary we're OK good to hear but as you hear about the fact that something is there something in one of their hearts was it was really it was like I guess the front that's the world. You got to fill in the seats right here we've got an intimate gathering All right cool. OK. Back here yes right. Yes. That's good that's really good. Yeah like you really like the invention studio Yeah I thought OK good. We'll talk about that too. Don't forget next. Thank you for your wife's name here. And while you're here. Thanks pieces coming out of my way if you could put your girl over twenty. Yes or right here. Here comes the competition. What would you describe it to people who haven't seen elaborate care. OK here. OK you're interested OK next or yes there are many really majors. How are you man back. Yes yes I get worried here. Yes All right how about the case of the get go. What piqued your interest. Let's get right to how we do for you for free. You're saying that's great. We filed like twenty her business tax last year and of course the winners get one for free for you to file just great. Which is which is like twenty thousand dollars zero zero zero zero zero right there provisionals are not so expensive that writing the utility allocation is what causes a lot because lawyers make a lot more than engineers. OK front research. Good good fresh my life that energy that's great. OK yeah so you are such a graduate. It was OK with me. First it's just over there. Yes. So for those who sort of what I think about what we're doing is I but but there's three fact if you were married. First as one of them and ready to yes ma'am. That's great if we women. Yes Well you know here you feel like you're here to line his lines up. All right. All right so you're talking about this on your own and you're like this but check this out because the reviews of you got it. So good. OK We're going to be sharing ideas. You know throughout the fall here as we get to know each other and get move toward the Titian and you know don't be afraid to share your ideas and partner up and we've got a lot more who also we miss him back. Yes sir. Yeah. Right right right. This sounds like a very common reason that people come out for this thing is this. I've had some ideas I don't really know what to do so will definitely try to try to answer those questions for what's hasn't got us yet for some. While some people in this room. Ideas are looking for partners and some people like you may be looking for partners and the right ideas so that's that's one of the reasons that we're here to help you and will definitely have a we have a whole plan for matching guest. So don't worry about what to carry other stuff like mess around a little bit of stuff that's around the electron. Come on tell us what is one very thing you build nice. OK so I really go ask this guy to be on your team because you can actually build electrical stuff that's great. OK if you get really certain about industrial zines it's done very well it's not just one that's real design right. And one of the finest OK ever get rid of course I'm pro Forester I'm a third year faculty person here and I'm here because I really care very deeply that you get all the chances you ever want to be successful in making your own idea real OK when I was an undergraduate here ten years ago there was not a lot of resources for undergraduate students like yourself who maybe had a crazy idea or had a friend with a crazy idea to actually make your real life. How do you make it like a physical version of it. How do you like patented you need money or something going to patent What is that so I'm here because I want you to have. The knowledge and the opportunities and the resources to make it real class project and you forget about it. It's like something that you actually make into a real product that people can buy or that actually has an impact on the outside of Georgia Tech over here that you walk into the store. You see a for sale or it's helping somebody in Africa or companies using it and I really feel very much like I would like to have a very credible something that's really really graduate. I was always very well after graduating started understanding that stuff but you know I just feel like great to have what it takes something somebody in this competition very old boy don't carry for whatever reason they all come back and so we're just here for you. I think it's because. All right name year and well yeah I know that you're almost right. More actually OK let's play a little video for you guys this is summarizes what's the climax of this next six months. OK And I hope you guys are in next year's video all the way. Yes all the right places with Mark and measure because we chills every time I see it it's really very it's your it's very yeah yeah. So let me see if I can bring up a few slides here to show you guys what this is all about. I just came from class right here another area. All right so I'm not a fan of words on slide so it's a lot of pretty pictures and I'll be happy to answer your questions. OK This is called the inventor prize are it's a combination of raise words it's a combination of the words advent and adventure. OK And that's what we hope you decide to take with us this next six months or so it is got support from the highest levels of of Georgia Tech suppressant chorus and a president of G P B is Georgia Public Broadcasting Tehran. OK so they produce the television show that is going to be aired live. State wide in March which is going to have the finale as well as video footage from throughout the months leading up to it. Last year fifty thousand people watched live on T.V. and you can vote by text message voting for your favorites. There's an award for that person as well as the awards for the winners voted on by the judges. But as you guys go forward. It's not just about you know whoever gets that cash prize on stage one thing that's really special about the invention prize and we try to do as well as we can is to help every single person who wants help move forward. OK maybe you just need patent advice or maybe you just want to share your idea to some customer and we can help you set those things up through the various rounds and and as we as we go through preliminary round semifinal round. You'll have a chance to show your idea to lots and lots of people who give you feedback that can help you take the next step with OK and we'll give you as much critical feedback as we can as you prepare we can help you find partners we can help you find money basically we want to give you all the resources and the structure and the incentive so you can be successful with your ideas. So this is pressure Whaley who one or two years ago meeting meeting with the president and of Georgia Tech right back stage you know fill some of the first center fills up completely one thousand people in attendance that night is absolutely a lecture going there and this is for the eight finalists so out of the four hundred students which is about one hundred something teams and you can be as individual or as a team whatever you want. There's not a lot of rules the best ones the best a stage and and it's just an electric atmosphere and there. The fans dress up like their favorite inventors and share. For them and there's like a roving reporter who goes around and interviews like you saw on the video there. One of our finalists. What's the Chinese name again the convention website. His name escapes me at at the moment but just just to give you one example. So Patrick Wally Wally has gone on. It's now working full time his invention. It's sportswear athletic apparel that weighs like fifteen pounds you wear it and help train helps you train while looking better good makes you look more muscular as well. This gentleman he invented a website for people registering for these like exotic comic book conferences and things. So he came on stage with some of his customers here and they that that weekend of the finale. He said and for those who don't believe me that this is real. There are five thousand people on the way to Atlanta for the convention tomorrow and they all use my website to sign up for the competition. I mean for the for the convention. He runs yet he created everyone's this competition this some excuse me this convention and it's for people like you know storm troopers and KISS fans or whatever and they dress up and whatever but he's create this Web interface that not only can they. But it is not only can they register for the convention but they can also use like forums and they can sell things between themselves. So it's sort of a social hub as well. The fans are coming out come out in droves as Sarah Vaden was a sophomore at the time that she won second place and she had an invention for a drum and her fans came out with drumsticks that was a lot of fun. I mean the roving reporter will probably do that again and again this year the stage is amazing G.P. has brought so much to this to this competition. The first year we did it. So this is the is the fourth year that we're going to do it the first year we did it there was no stage or anything was on T.V. It was just you know a couple a couple professors with some you know a group of about one hundred. It's who had signed up to compete in this and we just pushed him out on stage at the first dinner and like a little of the power points of the now it's a real professional production and so we don't we don't do anything now you know we we try to do what we're best at which is like doing math and then the the T.V. The T.V. organizers do with their best day which is producing an incredible show. Miles O'Brien here the host he's the he's the science and technology correspondent for C.N.N.. So he's our host and he has a great job. Scott Slade here on the left is a radio personality. He has like a morning talk show that's listened to by hundreds of thousands of people every day. Greg Foster in the middle is a venture capitalist here in Atlanta. LAURA. Ha ha just is a successful entrepreneur and a Georgia Tech graduate very successful entrepreneur and David Kuo on the right here is a professor of chair professor of entrepreneurship here at Georgia Tech. He's a biomedical engineering on the campus here in Fessor very successful entrepreneur in his own right. So as you can see a sort of a distribution of sort of a you know dynamic on stage personality also business experience and good questions about you know how he thought about you know Who's your customer who's going to how much you can sell this thing for you don't have business questions and then someone like David maybe has Like bit of technical background say well you know I'm worried this is like is it strong enough or you know is it the right frequency or whatever so and they're talking right now to this guy David Quinn who he invented a memory flash card storage device so when you when you're trying to memorize something the flash cards. There's an optimal strategy for how often you should see the card and what order you should see them. And so he found some research about this and made a device that basically tells you which day you know Monday take these cards and to say take these cards and it pretty proved it with people taking their S.A.T.'s that actually for their score like a certain. Percentages So it's amazing how he's he's in grad school at Stanford. So he did not continue with his invention but he he grew a lot from this experience and he's going to be able to do other entrepreneurial things from that. So let's see here. I mention the text message voting it's called the People's Choice Award and that's live on on that night so you'll see the bars going up for the different the different inventors the votes come in from all across the country. So this this winner was Patrick Whaley with the weight exercise shirt and you can see his videos and things online and surveyed him with her drum invention was second place to give you some idea of the scale of this thing. It's really blown us away. It's absolutely blown us away. You know Ray and I thought OK we get twenty students to come out and put a few months days and we'll try to help those students as well as sort of inspire the audience while the numbers of lowness away. It is the largest competition in Georgia Tech in almost every respect number of students number of dollars at stake. You know statewide impact front page of The Atlanta Journal Constitution national N.P.R. a national C.N.N. coverage is just unbelievable. So we really want to be a part of this and whether or not you end up on stage or there and you still gain a lot of valuable assistance OK we can give you money to help you build a prototype. Now we find partners we give you advice about patenting we can help you. Provisionally partner invention. OK we can pay for that stuff. So it's it's not like it's all or nothing on this. We want you to give it a chance. So lots of people watching the T.V. show. Lots of press all the press on the Web site in the week leading up to the competition. We work with Georgia Tech communications and marketing to get you guys tons of press. So like the students got up at three AM I went over to. C.B.S. and Atlanta Live and all of the all the local networks to do the morning shows. So you know people get ready for work questions T.V. shows and then it's just great. You're on you're on there. You know one student had a lecture Steve or they're driving around on the set and everything was a lot of fun. So the timeline something like this it's on the website in great detail but right now you are basically submitting your work that you're interested and all that does is it basically gives your e-mail address. So we can tell you when the accident and let us know if you're having here or you have no idea where you are you having seen your idea or you write yourself and you have your ID and you don't need anything else in your great you can go on this in this interest for me to Starbucks in like ten seconds to fill up these That's good news. It's a fast one. No he says he says you were you routine was a Ranger and other uses like what's the category of your invention can provide very very for free so hopefully you get all the rest is really nothing less like a little sausage you know just tells you you know what our goal is now for the over two years you were you have an idea about how to register for the competition. Just three steps interesting tend to raise and registration is just a little bit more information about it so we have to tell us about it. I mean this might be like a paragraph minus and you. Kind of workout device that you can test your closet. There's a sketch of it and it's going to these type of people have already built a prototype. If you need money. You know five or five guys. I think the deadline is like summer sixteen. So you tell us. I want to build this work imagine it's just your closet. I think Governor need like some aluminum and some brackets from Home Depot and license Springs and I think it's going to total I we don't even want to look at that on and you know this was twenty dollars. This was forty dollars altogether things like three hundred dollars. We will give you three hundred dollars and that very articulate is always what you need why you need it you can just go and say I think he found out you got to do a little bit of work ahead of time so you do the very very volatile area with the one hundred miles around works is that everyone comes together one night in a big hall like the class and you'll set up on a table with your invention and you might have a post in my have you actually maybe your have a website so your laptop there maybe only goes so far points lights. OK maybe you got a fully functional you know a little scooter you can drive or whatever level you're at. That's fine. Bring it out and show us how table set up so last year. Something like sixty or seventy tables all the inventors are set up on their tables and judges will come to judges our faculty at Georgia Tech other invited guests and they walk around saying what's up. What he working on and you say I got the greatest thing ever is this work out a mission for your closet. Haven't you ever been to work at home and like a touch isn't so cool. Let me show you how I got. OK And we'll still think about your invention in the context of the criteria for the competition so what are those Let me just jump over the Web site here and we'll will let you assume is the rate is the pizza. So I won't try to hold back the food. OK so the website is really great to have you go to two thousand and twelve competition eligibility. You've got to be either a current student or soon or graduate in the last there's information on purpose. I've awards the competition. OK Here's the criteria so when the judges come up to you at the preliminary round say where you work and what he working on they're looking for these things is the idea novel. OK makes sense right to just go buy something Wal-Mart you're showing it off as your own or it is like a new thing has already been done before. OK marketability. Will anyone ever buy this thing that's an important right. Hopefully people will want it. How will you know if they want it. When you told people about it and they said I really wanted market size how big is the markets. OK So is this something that every mom in America is going to want is this something that three super Georgia tech nerds who want to stay up all night are going to use maybe as a smaller market. I mean sort of like nerd so I would probably want those people passion. OK how driven are you if you stand there and say you know here's my invention. Probably not going to be very big impact on the judge as far as your passion and maybe not so great on stage you know we want to have some on stage persona. OK So you bring your you know your big personality and your energy onstage that's going to be great. It's going to. You're going to need this to get through those difficult conversations with the judge and they actually tough question. You say well you know limit your understanding. It's like this you know you got to get the energy and you're focused and last thing is how likely is this thing going to be real. OK if you won the show. If you won this thing you won the ten thousand bucks or fifteen thousand you won the patent how likely is your actually going to succeed. So those are the criteria for winning for winning this thing. So that's the preliminary rounds. Now the next round of the semifinal round and they'll probably sort of put the preliminary rounds for everyone. OK We've had people come up with absolutely nothing. They put her back on the table and they stand there and talk to judges and we've had people who come in with a fully functional prototype. So wherever you're at. We want you to be there just talking about your idea with judges the preliminary rounds to be very very helpful to you might realize it's a really silly idea. OK And that doesn't mean that you're like not a great inventor It just means that idea may not be right. OK maybe is no market for it. Whatever we have a guy who he had his invention was that he would power the energy use for the whole building based on people in the door when they come in the building they open the door they have to push the door. So there's a force there he want to harvest that energy and power the whole building with it. So he was very excited about this idea he had like a drawing of itself. I just you know he doesn't like you know how much energy you can collect from this main force times distance. OK It's like work. So how much energy to run a lifeboat. You know some basic questions. So he realized through the preliminary round that he had made some mathematical mistakes there with his use his power calculations his energy got a bit of but he still benefit a lot and maybe he's really excited about sustainability energy. Maybe you can the crossover panels or wind or whatever. Anyway my point is don't shy away from the hurdles that get you at that time line because because you can still gain a lot by by getting this far and then a semi final round is instead of a parallel presentation like that. It's a serial presentation. So the mentors about twenty at this time and twenty teams or individuals will come in. Tell us one of the time. We'll have a T.V. producer there will have the judges there. So maybe six or eight judges and you say you know here's what I've got I've got this doorway I made up with you know wood and here's my invention as you can see amounts in there. I can do pull ups on it works great. Every is going to want. I asked around people so they pay twenty bucks for it. I can make a five so I can make a lot of profit based on the number of people in this age group and this income I think I can sell it a million of these in the first year. All I need is your help to get to the next round. You know short and sweet can probably give you three minutes to present your case at semi final round. Actually some questions. Hopefully get through. OK the finalists are all of the all of the semifinalists will get provisional patents will follow for you know cost of lawyers Silvio right I'm sent him off in the final round on stage is about eight seven or eight seven or eight teams and then after that will help you make it real. Whatever you need do you need office space. Do you need money do you need partners. Do you need advice. Daniel Chaney he won last year he had this invention for your guitar. He's working with some of the faculty industrial engineering one is here tonight actually working with Daniel Chaney right. OK yeah. Right right right. So we have we have a couple industrial design professors helping Daniel today to redesign his invention to get to the next step. And it's a musical invention. He's got a connection with a band in California soul Collective Soul is using his invention and they are you know if they like it then everything like it's a slide cable for your guitar. It's a cable and a slice of it. I'm not a guitarist but apparently every guitar has a slide and a cape and this one is a combination of them that is adjustable while you're playing so not only is it you can often have an invention that is a plus B. slide plus capable but it enables new kinds of sounds because you can just it while you're playing so for that it was an innovation plus and you really really know that you want to really be several groups of peace of what we. OK so. OK great. Some of those because I'm I just got the aromas and stunning. OK throughout the fall. This is info session right we'll do this again on Thursday will be the same thing you don't need to come if you already feel you got all your questions answered but in addition to this. We're going to a lot of events this fall. OK We call it inventor prizes school and Love how to seminars and coaching sessions when I did list here on the How to summers as well. I will have a team matchmaking one. If you need people for a team and you have an idea or you or the other way around. You don't have an idea and you want to measure with people we will be matchmaking OK. Besides that will have a great talk by Laura one of the judges about how to think like an inventor talks about patenting another a great presentation going to have is on a lot of students these days are very interested in energy and sustainability and needs for third world countries. Sometimes it's called design that matters. We're going to have a speaker at least one speaker on these type of problems. This is a global problem challenge you know like three billion people without access to clean water things like this. So they'll tell you you know here are twenty problems that are really urgent and if you can solve any of these at all. You know you'll have a huge impact on the world. So in that way we'll kind of give you some challenges that you might want to work on if you don't have your own idea are really one thing we're trying to encourage this competition while we accept all all types of ideas we're trying to encourage as much diversity in the groups you know for majors and years and gender and types of ideas and one of the jet one of the types of diversity it was running versus Is this type of third world sustainability type scenario. So we will make those problems available to you while to talk about how to obtain the resource you need how to make a pitch. So what is a pitch three minutes. If you're in the elevator with Bill Gates and by the time you get to the top floor of the the building you've got to convince them to give you a million bucks what would you say to them so Merrick first is you know one of our a fellow organizers and he is exceptional of this he's done a lot of pitches and raise a lot of money in the real world and can tell you exactly what it takes and then we'll have these kind of coaching sessions which is more like hey what are you working on what are you stuck on you know what can we help you with you need to know how to make stuff. OK why don't I make some stuff and I can tell you about that or you know. I really you know mix my managers for the military. I don't know how to find any military people so we can help you do that. Hey you know we got a competitor from last year I mean they were going then you're OK And when you tell everybody. This is coming later put you on the spot. What was your impression of the competition last year. What impression of the competition last year and thirty seconds or so I really want. And has a benefit at all since that. Great. Wow that's really great to hear all those wonderful. So this is not a business plan competition. OK Georgia Tech has a busy playing competition this my competition in our opinions a lot of boring little dry you write like a really thick lab report and you turn it into somebody and then like couple weeks later they tell you if you want to know. OK I don't like reading big documents. So we're not going to any of that. OK we're just going to ask you to tell us in person. What it's all about. We're going to look for your creative energy. OK hopefully one thing you get out of this is that you feel excited about failing. OK this is a really important idea here. OK here at Georgia Tech. If you fail in a class it's bad right. You get a B. or C. or whatever it's embarrassing. You don't get a degree. OK in the I'm enterprise and a real life like with entrepreneurship. Failure is a good thing I would not work with someone in a company who had not tried and failed at several companies before we got started because you learn from failing you learn so much about the mistakes you made and and you learn how to pivot and change your idea or take on a new partner or ask for money earlier or whatever. OK So when you come to us and you make a pitch and you're like look you know I don't know how to describe my idea or you come a prototype it isn't work at all or your market research is totally bogus. You know we will tell you that we will be we will take you seriously. OK this is not about like coddling you because you're like a young person you know educationally why. Ever we're to take you seriously. OK if it's real. We're going to leave. It's real. We have an inventor last year the idea was so real that we said like look how much you need to be successful we will invest in you. Whatever it takes and we have people the judges were offering to write this guy checks. That's how real We're taking this we can help make this real every step of the way but that also means you can tell you if it sucks. OK and how to make it better and that's an opportunity for you to improve it or find a new idea find a new teammate whatever. OK it's also you know very high profile onstage accent or a poem services etc etc OK. How should Wally has been one of our most successful competitors like I said everyone including Daniel here gets steps forward and maybe changes the way they think about the world but just as one example of one of those successful winners. He won the enterprise and then he went on to win Georgia Tech business plan competition he won the rice business plan competition and he won this award from growth over the venture labs and what he's doing and he was covered on all these T.V. shows around the country. What what he's going on to do now is he's working full time he's been out at about a year since he graduated. He's outfitted something like eight collegiate football teams with his invention which is shown here he's wearing the shirt which has these silicone Pads and so together the shirt weighs about fifteen pounds. So you can exercise and it makes you look better the pads are placed where you'd want them to look better like for women they might be in a different place and I'm just kidding it's it's for men and women I'm not knocking actually women really care about this and he's got an invention that does that. So he's he's working full time on it. He's he's in he's you know he's an entrepreneur he's living his dream. He's his own boss. He's making an impact on the world and you know we're just real proud that he did well. Thompson had a chance to take it to get to the real world through to the competition. The other interesting story about Patrick Wally here is he got he got shot off campus in a robbery and he actually used his invention to help him recover by exercising with his shirt on wearing his shirt all that he was able to rebuild some of his muscle mass from the gunshot wound by training with us so that was a really compelling story which is probably part of the why he he won was like very emotional story. So you know I don't want to hear him talk all night want to know why he's open it up for questions and discussion. What's up with you. OK OK. Second of all that is never fully done right. We had a team a week from the final competition and they had a beer Cousy OK that had a electric cooler in the bottom of the peltier thermoelectric device. OK So the idea was if you tell getting you keep your beer cold. Well turns out people are not willing to pay thirty dollars for a beer Cousy but a week before the competition we're talking to them and I think it was Ray said like you know these coffee shops they've got to keep their milk cold the milk is sitting out on these and he's insulated thermoses all day. So they're on top of the coffee shops coffee shops that they love that we definitely would pay thirty fifty one hundred if it was in a you know coffee urn thing in the crib and so they changed the whole thing they made like new versions they had like cab work and they had all these like interviews the coffee shop owners and he did very very well with that. So it's never done this is a process you know they are changing all the way the schedule is here. So just to answer your question one more. Early registration is due by January thirteenth. So you and your registration you've got to describe the idea you've got so you can just say you know I really want to make you know a new i Phone app. I mean just not a lot to work with there because I want to make a Y. Phone app for you know helping me track my workouts and it's going to do something special because I know where the i Phone while I work out and going to calculate the power output or something. One now maybe is something we can work with maybe that's not exactly what you end up presenting but you know maybe maybe you're ninety percent away there where you think. I did I told him about what I think you have stepped out of this interest in ten and registration. So right now we're taking interest if you click here. How I mean look at this like I'm in I'm I'm a try. Signing up right now. What's it going to do you currently going to the meter go up a good when you do you do you currently have an idea. No I don't have an idea as of now would you like to work on a team. Yes I would submit there that takes like two minutes. OK And if you say you have an idea and you're all set. You don't need new teammates then it allows you to do your intent to compete directly with that. So this is a new idea we're trying to share to help help do this matchmaking and then the and then this fall. I'm going to adventure price school which right now we've got on here is the these intro seminars today and Thursday and then we'll have facilitating the development of teams you definitely want to come to that because this is not just like us tending around saying Like who needs a team we've got professionals who are going to come in and this is their job they are like masters of making teams and finding out who needs what. So we'll help you out and then Laura Hudson is scheduled to come at ten on October nineteenth you don't want to miss this. She's amazing. I mean look at this M.B.A. Harvard Business. School C.E.O. of this company C.E.O. of this company. She is a serious professional entrepreneur. OK so that's a venture priced school and then I guess the prototype registration. OK Other questions yes very Are you one of the professionals with really people yeah yeah yeah right. All right all right well. So we're happy to meet with you will be. We'll be having coaching sessions as well and where the coaching sessions have gone in the past where we like ten of us sit around in a circle and you say guys you know what I'm really thinking is you know a new kind of website where you know it tracks the location of the tech trolley and every said you know would you go to that website no no. Yes yes yes. And so just in this roof it's sort of like a focus group for you and we go around was each share what we're working on you got to share in this competition a lot of not a lot but a few students that we've seen over the years. They said like I really don't want to tell anyone I just want to bring it out on stage. That's a mistake. Guys it's really hard to get people to support you and to and to help you out and if you don't tell anybody about where you're working on you can pretty much guarantee that they want they want to support your help so amongst the Georgia Tech community. You don't have to worry about the protection of your intellectual property. It's like we all work for the same company. OK if you share your ideas with everybody in this room. They don't lose any of the intellectual property rights you have to those ideas they're still yours. You'll be different if you made a website and you say here's my invention. World. Here's how you build it. Here's what it's good for once you do that and we'll talk about this more and details we go on the evidence requests you have now but once you put that information publicly you start a clock of one year and then you have to file. What's called a provisional patent zero nine. Not anymore. OK We'll get we'll get into that but we've never had anything like this. I mean think about how hard it would be for someone to hear your idea from you and have the motivation to run off and drop everything they're working on to copy if we had a couple teams last year who could have been a lot stronger if they'd had one or two more members with like a complimentary skill set that doesn't mean you can't win as an individual that doesn't mean you've already have the right team but when you consider what happened next. Remember who maybe knows how to do programming or Tronics get this guy over here or maybe is the business guy whatever. What does that actually seem a good ad to hear your team. OK so Chris can tell you how to solve it. All right. Really just briefly for several other there's about a hundred other people who have expressed their interest in of it that just like me are teaming up with somebody else to find if you remember. So we're going to help facilitate that process of those students who have out years or who have who have a particular problem address to hear from either one dress to help them. Well there. If you don't have a particular idea you have a problem. She one of the participants to you that you can participate with so it's a really want to I want to piss off October left in the fluff of Toria one for a particular product or a one for four and what you're going to get in the meanwhile is I'm going to send out a survey e-mail kind of like what you see when you express your interest in damage first corrected something to do with requests. Just ask and contact if you have an idea of what we're going to ask for you to just merrily describe the problem you're going to address for the piece of the I want to build a better mousetrap or I want to do water for the people of something very generically so you're not disclosing too much information so that we can share with other people who want to join your team and if you describe too much. We're going to take it upon ourselves to edit. So we're not you're not and then are you not providing the disclosure that it is just a general description of the problem you're interested in or the need for addressing the twenty five or so of us in a survey of contact information and for you to address that it to everybody that that's interest right now we're at right to hunt for those people who don't have an idea who just wanted to get us into a Bruce or a this really just you know kind of information. What's your major if for the team that has them that are looking to work on my SEO. Nearer I need a business person that will go all right. So we're going to send that survey out and so on a level. We're going to do this we're going to have people who have problems that they've identified or the that they want to address but I have them around the room right now probably about sixty or seventy and they were going to have about another sixty or seventy students going around to try to want to make sure that you were aware of that and one of you know the risks just more of a philosophical point marriage first has the most entrepreneurial experience of the three of us organizers and he put it very simply when he said the there's four major risks to your idea of becoming real there's the technology risk. So you can actually make make it you know. So if you want to like make algae in a smokestack that like suck out all the bad stuff you know can you actually get them to survive in there and hold them whatever technology. There is the risk of the market place are people not actually going to buy this thing for the price that you charge. There's the risk of money. So can you actually get the money from your investors or from loans or whatever. Can you sell it for enough money that it's going to fly and forth risk is the people on your team. OK so that's what we're trying to help you guys with here. We'll try to help you a million rate all the risks in this competition. If you need money. We'll give you money if you need market will help you find the market and technology will help you build stuff and and the and the people going to help you team up. Let me say a few things about the building stuff part around the corner here in mechanical engineering in this. M.R. D.C. building you go down this hall the long hall here and take a left you got to come across a facility called the invention studio. OK you mention studio has about a half a million dollars of equipment in it that is accessible to you for free to build stuff that is that simple. There is a club called the makers club which has fifty people in it. They're all volunteers and they run the invention studio. They will keep it open from ten A.M. until seven P.M. five days a week and if you buy a piece of beer. They'll stay late come in on weekends the facility is open almost twenty four hours a day because of this we have the most exotic prototyping equipment that money can buy We have a laser cutter cuts plastic sheets. We have a water jet cutter they can cut through up and up to an inch of steel with water. OK We have electronics prototyping we have three D. printing three three D. printers three printing is incredibly expensive and we pay for it so that it's free for me. OK. The only thing I ask is you don't put your hand off and then you're judicious with the resources. So like you shouldn't go print a solid block from the three D. printer because you can buy a solid block on the Master Card dot com for five dollars whereas if you print a saw one at a cost me about five hundred dollars. So there are thirty companies that have paid to be a part of this facility and their logos are up in the walls and they want to hire you guys they gave the money. We've all the tools and they're free for use whenever you want. OK so I encourage you to go check that out every Monday at six o'clock and we double check this there were the websites real simple invention studio. Ga Tech Guy edu You can check it out. It's a great website to get some examples of recent projects on there. The makers club calendar good. Involved cool see about the makers club a lot of these guys are so happy. They've got their own system for training you so that you don't cut your hand off and for staffing the facility. Look at that any time. Jordan second session money think there's a time seven Friday ten to five. It's open makers Mondays is a general tour time and it's every Monday at six P.M. OK six to eight and it will take you around show you all the equipment you can see what's in there you know we have everything you see and see milling thermal forming injection molding it's really wonderful and then you might start thinking how can you use the stuff to build your prototype. OK you can see other examples of projects you can meet other people in there who can help you build it. If you don't know how to build yourself. I'm sorry but that's right. What. Right right right. Is just a resource for you if you need a business physically building but if you've got a you know i Phone app or something maybe you don't need. Maybe you don't need to use the rest of you anyway. It's a lot of fun. Check it out because of equipment and their power tools question sorry you ever do Q. and I know it can definitely be anything you want. OK maybe some examples. The winner of the first year was the concepts chloro site bio reactor and the idea was that they would grow algae in the smokestack of power play. Yes And so they could not have a physical prototype because it would be like the size of a building. So they had like a scale mock up and they just talked about how it work and they had some calculations about work and they had some financial projections as well we've had Web sites. So the Momo con is the is the conference that this gentleman whose name escapes me a camera for the life of me but he he created this convention and the website that manages it all the registration in the forms and everything so that is definitely not a physical invention. We've had i Phone apps quite a lot of i Phone apps. Basically anything anything that adds value to the world has an impact on the world. Yes it was a huge market. There's a serious Dragon Con is like fifty thousand people would that would be an example. Well ask you how do you see yourself monetizing this that maybe isn't like Facebook right. They don't charge for subscriptions but they have ever Testaments. That's a you know the freemium so-called freemium model as well for a lot of apps these days where it's free for some basic level of service that you got to pay for like the for the full version. You know there are you know or maybe the advertisers. I don't know there's lots of models for revenue websites role here. We're not trying to find the one that makes the most money. Definitely not. No that's not the goal of the venture. You want to tell us about Come on tell us what would you tell us in general space etc What problem are you working on. OK What is the problem with paper. Yeah yeah reduce the amount of paper. OK cool right. Great no no no no no no that's more than OK like like Chris was saying we're going to help you find the people you need to be successful. So we're going to have this thing on October eleventh where people will be there who know how to make things with us. Well take I say one thing for sure if you don't tell anyone about your idea. You will not be able to find someone who's going to argue with you're going to have to take a chance and say you know here's why things are really big problem here. The problem isn't whether it's a really big deal. Maybe I don't think having papers all around. My desk is a problem. So you've got to convince them that's a real problem and then you've got to say would be great if we had something to do this. Here's here's what I was thinking and maybe just in saying that maybe they give you something back that you can use. I mean they say wow I'd love to work on that maybe that person is in this room and they don't know that they want to work with you because you haven't shared so I was fine just wanted other notes and yeah. Right right. Right right. So many prizes not given research grants but if I was a judge evaluating your idea. I would probably ask myself Are those gaps. Is it just a matter of time if given enough money and time with those gaps to be filled in. Or is it like they have to invent some new kind of physics to make those gaps fill them in other ways. How big of a risk is that technology. If it's straightforward no big deal like the chorus I reactor. All they had was a mock up because the judges believe that the technology could be done given enough time and money and they had a lot more research questions than a few gaps. Believe me they had some serious serious issues with biology things but they were able to prove to the judges that it was real that it could be real. So I would encourage you to go for it. Still you know if you talk to me talk talk a little less. That's right yeah. Chris Klaus you guys know the class building right. Computing Billy Crystal's is pretty closely associated with our with our group here and he said I will write a check to the right team working on the right problem. He doesn't even know what the solution they're working on it then he would have to have the right. The rights but if the team is good and they have a working on a very important problem like you can detect prostate cancer and you go right to work. That's a pretty big deal. Because prostate cancer that the P.S.A. test is like doesn't work at all. That's just exam so yes I agree. Yes You know me so like a forum. Yes or you public or public or just Georgia Tech just of interest. OK we try to make that happen. I would like to see a forum. I think yeah yeah yeah I like having a forum. Yes but what I did in person as much as we can as well. So these coaching sessions we have to get e-mail about a coaching session that is you know something in class where there's like a teacher and like listeners. It's like we're all just in a big circle working together to try to help you get to the next step. So we try to do what you have yes. Yeah. So they may want to also they're working. Yeah interesting. Let me ask you a few bucks and some like this already exist. OK one on one challenge that you might have is how do you get eyes to the website. So this idea successful if everybody's there but it's hard to get that critical mass initially if it's just like a few textbooks from a few people people going to visit one time to like a scrap. So how do you get over that hump. This is a challenge for new apps and new websites like a lot of people say I want to get out for work. You know if you go to I have if you go to have Y. store there's like you know fifty workout apps how are you going to for yourself how you get that one downloaded result once and I was going to free will have a free. So you know Same with a website like how do you get eyes there so maybe think about that and try to how would you overcome that maybe you would maybe you would like to have a special arrangement with a bookstore where there's a. Bookmarking every book with your website brings. Yeah we can. Yeah not a great day right. Yet if you can get a deal like that the Great. What's ago. This one books. Check it out. Yeah. So this raise a very interesting point actually. And that is you don't get discouraged if you discover that your idea has already been patented already. Is it exists because surely it is not the very best way that it could be done like this journal retractor for open heart surgeries the design was done in the one nine hundred thirty S. and everybody still use the same old one so you think. Well it already exists like nobody needs it. Or do you think. Well hey the one that already exists cracks a lot of ribs and causes a lot of internal bleeding. Maybe I can fix that. So don't get discouraged I'm sure if you look at the patent literature you will find a patent very similar to your idea. I'm sure of it. Hopefully you're working on an important problem and that means a lot of people are thinking about this if you're not working on an important problem. Then why are you working on right. So don't get discouraged instead you know leverage that like pivot on that think about high coming about. Yes we had a what was a situation. I had some students come to me and they had an invention for I know it was musical instruments apparently musical instruments need to be kept at a certain temperature when for like optimal optimal playing and if they get too humid or too hot or something that mess them up and so they want to make a case for a musical instrument that would keep it a certain temperature so they they looked at the patterns and their exact idea was already patented they came to me like I don't know what we're going to do it already exists. Worse yet it was not a real product. So someone had paid to have this patent filed and then had never even made it into a real product. Well our advice you'll be don't sweat it. OK. Only about one percent of patents actually become real products and times of products are now patented all these infomercial products like George Foreman grill. George Foreman still three billion dollars of those grills is the most successful informational product in history three billion dollars. OK there is no patent on that grill. OK So if your idea is not patentable don't worry about it and if it already is patented. Don't worry about that either. OK now if it already exists in the exact same form as you can see that maybe you know that you could go buy I want to Wal-Mart then maybe you should ask yourself like why am I trying to replicate this thing as still buying one and using that one and the like trying different idea. I'm working so. Yes So what does he do. Right. All right. So if you wanted to produce and sell something those already patented you would normally either pay royalties to that center or you could buy the buy that rights for yourself. So I have a I have a patent and it's license to a big company whirlpool corporation and they make them produce that product and they pay a small small fraction of the profit from every one of them back to me very small fraction rotis are involved either not going to get rich off or royalties the inventor typical inventor wrote his one to one to ten percent of top line revenue. So for a small price and then a friend of mine gave me a call and said like hey I really like that idea. We should work on that together so we did we started working on it's ago and we worked on it. Basically every Saturday and Sunday for like three years and then we had run out of money and energy. And I saw this advertisement in The New York Times for an audition for a reality T.V. show. Yeah this is a true story. So my buddy and I came up with this little skit for the audition and we drove down to New York City and we auditioned. OK So this is the audition. OK I got this like four years ago this next coming with your misfortune my being here today. Mom asked me this year it's only home base that has this and I want to write my whole career first part of this is this is great for us and I can deal with that while sitting in chat and share a passion and I hear you. All right we have now left. We have one National Geographic for fuel story. Right. OK So these are got a little bike moving lightly and long. I mean the muscle should you. Yeah you know you've got that and you know all the traffic laws. Here you're right there. Yeah I do it because you have a white car for best. Yes I see. Yes yes they've got to get away with it. Yes yes just don't do it in the alley. And I think it's dangerous to yeah yeah yeah yeah. So basically this was this was the beginning of a summer long adventure. We went out to L.A. and we competed on this reality show for a million dollar grand prize against five others and we didn't we didn't win but it helped us launch the product you know with the the publicity from the television shows way way way more valuable than the money they gave us and everything like that. Absolutely right. Right right right. So we made mistakes in the past and we hopefully can get the advice and resources and things so that you have a chance that we did that you know there are ventures. But sometimes the best way is learn is by making mistakes. So you have a chance to lead to other questions. Yes absolutely. So this is right now he's with us here. So it's in my cell phone so it's very interesting. I want to check out a professor here or second thoughts on the idea I had a great great yourself or very much. I'll see what you think. Yeah yeah yeah I would think it's actually cool. You guys want to maybe break up and just hang out. Formally Absolutely. OK With one more that will break up just like YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES fly like I'd like to see you back if you even like my life in the future we met you. Yes yes yes yes there's something novel about the vehicle itself. You know where there are existing lines. That's what I was there. But we also know that for less really there's a good like shoot around like a machine that little boy passed away this year so it sounds cool. I would focus on that that what it is that vehicle thing the G.P.S. in the networking all that like a camera. I know that's seems like it's not a big deal just slap that stuff on the vehicle itself. Like if you said you know this is going to he was like impressed nitrogen and it's going to be the most efficient flying robot ever that be great something that something that is innovative in some sense right now I'm not hearing a lot of innovation because I think I'm just being frank I think there are you know like I have like very much. Helicopter with the chemistry just right. But if there was like a golf ball thing that actually had the capability. Still here's five of them on the table and they're going to locate themselves and report about the very powerful. OK one that's just like you know how that works for you ready to go right. Just like you get there really really really really really really really historically only about half of the people who've done the intent to compete don't want to register and we're trying to make sure that is the highest person. And part of the reason we think people have it on the register is they don't have the right team or the right idea. That's what it is management is never any allegation this is all extracurricular right like if you decide you want to go down where you want to go in three months after you've got some money and some help bail out then that's fine. Course. So there's never any obligation to want this. Right now great here. OK cool. So let's break governing come out hang out have some pizza meet each other whatever you want to do.