Dr Spencer is an academic professional in the school of biology where she teaches biological principles math bottles and biology genetics and college and Chrissy also serves as the academic advisor to order the biology majors and minors and serves as faculty advisor to the Georgia Tech reduction Area Medical Association. She is also a summer professional soprano and feel that they've got this to Atlanta area and songful such as I call the practice the Atlanta School of the complex school of safeguards Atlanta and performs next month in the Atlanta comet office annual production of the play of care or read creation of the twelfth century literature drawn up from the Florida playbook and there are postcards are advertising that back over open table there as well. I feel like I'm really out of place here because I'm a biologist but I didn't I didn't come to biology by way of thinking I wanted to do because when I was undergraduate and I believe discovered that that was not the right place for me to be and I didn't like to be and I didn't I wanted to get up and do stuff and Houston so we had about the not so the idea for what I want to talk about today which is a way between biological warfare very dangerous practice and modern a little frequencies that is more of the gene. Type of the gene that appears in certain populations in common not very but you know the link between these two things has been composed that in the last ten to fifteen years in the literature is be really strong powerful connection that you can make between jerkier in the first eight hundred lightly sweet and the rise of this particular that has. Certain you zoom audiences know that for again so it doesn't work again and then two days resistors of certain people into each I.V. So this is a long string of connected ideas or I'm going to pose it as a series of hypotheses and the hypotheses go like this and the reason I say that regard the blacked out talk will be all of these life and its impact on modern European populations. So I've got a five step sack. I come here and some of these have better support than others to use it for something that our city did that when I was a poll worker at this season in thirty forty five years reduce the Black Death in to southern Europe. The first part of the Skirball we're going to tell you about what hominids need to cough up the rest of this is going to be something we're talking about the second event of life that spread from southern to Northern Europe fairly rapidly and that's true that out of the back of the third the black guy actually not funny flavor always thought it was but with that said I think you're right if you like people very well up next got the Black Death selected for that is to hire anybody to serve the people and your legal teams that is the true this is the name of the village C C R five is G P of the elliptical Delta thirty's differently and that conferred disease resistance to laughter and finally that now there's a leaderless around here and I agree with you on population. If you tools that have this and you don't actually have resistance a type B. and this one is true. So there's definitely been a lot. You have that we know are right but there's other things that are very suspect there are going to focus again on one true. You for starting with the idea that biological warfare disease problems did happen. I'm somehow going to split up into southern Europe. So to give us a little bit of history on was born here. This is very tricky to write but quite I think hundred B.C. was illness very season and we've got forty two. Well waters with huge bodies in the lung fifty five Tartar fourth capital. Bodies of playing victims over the years now the Ukraine and songs of yours are homeless something that happened for sure and I think I'm going to ask this one to the out right answer. Part of the way over here I don't actually know where I live where they are not like Cecil very very far distant from once why not in Europe and what is going on. Cause why is this here how those Actually I can tell you city. We're here because it was an Italian outpost. That was a trading city along the route that lot of the time River area here and that time the Italians had a further treason or further one and this is our area that was hold on by the time of the gold because it will be called as an annex and so this whole region was told by them and be allowed to be a time there and you know sometimes it's higher and the next year. Very unwell as a couple is constantly under siege to be under siege under siege and that if you don't take care of you under siege and you tell you first and then they came back with us and. By the time we get to the thirty's forty's the city's part of the eleven thousand people to walls and Europe and the poor it is always accessible might buy water and land part of the future by phone or by road is not always successful healing as I have become is dealing with so whether the Mongols R.C.T. the city or so I just don't have the slightest review so there's a whole series of events that happened to come where the anti-consumer vicar and me leave me come back on and the one where God is on his What's going on right here. So good that he was using the first forty three for a yearly fourteen oz and the Italian they can always bring in food because they will afford to bring it up really and it altering it really forces and it brought it awfully forces to destroy the Mongol army in thirty forty four and saw the broken front and the very next to final Army post back this year the black stuff that's in only army base outside the annex. So there's no it's not a high business account but a contemporary account from the Italian general do wrote all about what happened this week right here among the armies are dying by thousands from the Black Death and stars. You see there in the name of God on a very inauspicious plate kind of statement of what's going on out in the World Series. You started as I was going to be a longer child so see how far you get you start by saying I see how they view the entire races. We're going together from all sides son leave us to the sea and you see the track. Christians there for almost three years now. First this is from the perspective of the Christian Union only very candid in my opinion and his party the party drama. Although to be shipped and which offers some but the whole the whole army was affected by a tizzy over it and harder and Bill Nelson's every day. So in a very rapid death rate in the seating army just get a little bit now talks a little bit about the symptoms that they were having which he was swelling in the hard headed growling caused by coagulating humors followed by putrid in their diet markers lost interest in the sea but they ordered curses to the place in town halls and locked into the city and come back in total stench with kill everyone inside what seemed like mountains on Debra's road into the city and the Christians could not hide or flee or escape that although they jumped as many bodies they could into the sea so into the air. What is in the water supply and cetera and the last statement is the one that really has caught the modern scholars of interest because he says as it happened on one of those who escaped from five over a few sailors who had being infected with the poisonous disease and then they go home and help with their friends and family and all of the sudden there's life just pandemic in Europe and this is the only eat documentation translation obviously document that's allowing all that to happen so intriguing is that exactly how your question I first spoke he says households dollars are telling us that all of it can end in how the whole thing cannot hold more bodies and later started. I don't know a lot of doctors years five years ago. I believe the scholars think there actually were literally sick days instead. You can have your pillows and how come you look into your you feet privacy for a huge area of the time but of course that's not what I'm really focusing on think about what's actually going on in your eyes here yet another Mathis Show is actually very similar to a we have before we get here. Ha ha but this is not this is showing you with years and months. We are the box office found at one time for a so small so hot it is thirty forty five Constantinople and thirty forty seven ounces my first Alexandria and thirty forty seven for the forty eight and then over again say the European continent thirteen forty seven years before you even have a car on January first before he can reverse before he holds band right here on the Eurostar for one thing that's so pretty quick spread and in fact the spread on the other after the show goes up all the way into northern Europe. Very quickly within three years receives them it's disease spread. All right. Self. Biological Warfare get out of the seizure cough evidence can be translated argument but it gets very contentious whether it's possible that one group of soldiers leave the city and one invent would have cars that kind of spread in the rafters spread the disease of quickly in Europe for the last and is also not heard of that the like to actually originated in that region of top of the meat actually come from our stats and that's all very contentious that link is really in this particular string of hypotheses look at this bread rapidly into Europe though we're not going to talk much about number two except to say that the rate of spread is way faster than we would expect for a particularly good history. So here it really is what happens for everybody played cards right. I orgasmed called your city of Texas bacteria and you have a life cycle that can stop you. While populations are uprooted and transmitted between those hurdles life. Please and rock concert her dogs here can also be proud because of the mice will eat foam will do and other mammals very well that's a good enough. Topping the nice to hit animals being infected if the leaves are transmitted from wild to live in domestic news now and then those least can be transferred from the flea is but here you are the transfers of between individuals who transmitted from a living example to a human I can also how this happened for rats me being there. The carrier to be transferred from their US to humans and to see that in historical This is a place where there is what's called breath all the rest kind of diving area. Please leave all the rocks and you never back to the living humans because so that's your city. You know and when you stand off plate today look at some modern history. What happened to me. These are there are regions where we see life. Now we have an ability to fight this now because we have an Iyonix force they didn't have in their leaders and so you're not seeing any instances of in local first world countries here but there are some and if you happen where where plague really can go I know tends to be in there and that's been the talk of the commons and that is a pretty good system of defining plague. So it's not really a temperate north turn right and I was actually quickly that at the time that we're talking about starting at thirteen fifty and for. For the next three to four hundred years Europe went through what's called the Little Ice Age where the temperatures were lower in Europe and so it is even more cold temperatures like what you think of Britain in the winter. Now of all time in Europe during that time. So that's interesting news out there. This is also a sort of the cycle is not really the side. Even now the U.S. is always concerned about what's what's bioterrorism what's the next bioterrorism thing that's out there and so every possible to seize or anything that could be used as a fire terrorism weapon has been considered by the C.D.C. and there are papers published on these how they could be used as a weapon and here is that pollution from the heat your say on paper in terms of the perceived current threat to us by a lot of playing out of my logical and those like you for trucks sometimes going to your car chest pain. I have no good you know what six days after suppose you're so pretty quick. Within two to four days after the symptoms onset patient to go into septic shock and or college your risk is very high for this particular these particular treatment and then of course it talks about treatment for this treatment at least that's in the thirty five years. So that's sort of looking at now in terms of what the public manifests in patients. So they have got a good want to play for cigarette or play. We are going to get your into your argument a pair of researchers new Duncan Scott who are both biologists and medical type biologists and they have this idea that last death wasn't actually a play actually something more going to involve that they're going to hold a grudge and life as for viral tragic figure. So this is news just a side by side comparison of what you would expect to see in terms of senators nowadays really two different things and he didn't talk here are either by place he died after thirty six days in Harajuku plagues one to three days of really fast onset and out at eight percent can recover from the bottom plague you ever find a good exact percentage because I believe her. Given the population mortality from the Harajuku place seems to be one hundred percent. The way that it spread is not a good thing. So I mentioned in that you're saying your life cycle leak is the thing that carries the place from person to person until you get to a stage where the lungs are so infected that droplets from coughing are actually very late in coming. But that's a pretty small minority of late arriving late on the Internet is definitely infectious from person to person. There's a lovely sense of the about there and out of the other one to think about is the group of five like here it says these are very nice to use these days. This is interesting that this is erratically. We have a longer information period although I don't have a number on it. So let's think about what that information for you might be these day care. Researchers went back into parish records again once for a couple of the city areas and try to pull out based on this. So there was an easier test for the site every person who died of plague that you are and they try to go back and pull out all those your legs whichever one they were sick when did they try to do you don't get rich and try to get some epidemiological information on what's actually going on in your life that and they came up with a calculation that in those two towns where these they're from actually thirty two D. information period from for the last month done right now we don't really know what it is any other thing they came up with it is ten. Not to be transmitted with her name and it was transmitted on Twitter. I would have Richard called me you expected her to do so if I'm sick of the Free of people sick. You know you have time and that is good in that you have to be logical terms all the arses you're up to see so that's great. Or one of the season's ready and that's what you got there. OK So there's some background information on those two days. And if you go back and look back over your data that they have been awful together actually look more like the some of the stuff that has mattered to you very strongly that love doesn't actually never acted like they're not uncontested though the literature with that particular statement and they created a mathematical model of this sucker is that data from one of the few times they looked at this is from Newcastle upon Tyne and I played it sixteen thirty six for the day and so here is a weekly play down and it leaks out from the epidemic starts it starts here. That's a look at a high rise or is right if I go out and he says this layoff and another then it dies off very typical what we see from the difference in terms of categorizing us no crash. It's only a model that Andy did a terrible job of publishing also I think distraction. It all with what they came up with so that it matches the axes here of does and it turns out it actually matches perfectly but you never know when you. You know you're going to publish a paper. So they come out as a scenario and there's something they have to put into their politics we have to assume things are really the models are getting thirty two days. I think invasion and that spread is three infected. So that matches the horizon data and not the life. You bought it. Data just thought it interesting. So they feel like they've got it. So for them. But it's a little bit contested it's more a little bit us and there's quite a few people who disagree with me on this the best one one set of data that was a model for the kind of looking towards that hypothesis the final thing I want to think about for his house yard is what's going on of this particular gene and I'm going to take you into the realm of science and start to take you to biology here. That wasn't too scary would be good enough to see spreading disease Monley But this is potentially going to be a lot scarier. So I'm going to get it. I want you to go. So first of all of what is this gene that I'm talking about the genus code like you know traffic. So I don't kind of you know kind receptor that this is a respect or there's a there's a cell. This is a white blood cell my perfect in your immune system and on the surface of your cell in the surface of the cell. There's all these proteins and the proteins are different things. This particular protein calls other cells to come. You see the chemicals the chemical taxes even tactic and that is the idea of the cytokine this is the Santa cell signal or so I'm so that as I say it's a signal that's just indicating to other cells to do something in the spaces to come here come here and that receptor is here on the surface of her face also located on the other on the other hand yourself that we have an aggregate is one hundred years and injunction where other proteins disparate proteins that are shown here. Things like a virus like a type he can actually get into your you cell and this is what he said he does is why it's so hard to fight it opens the door using his hell of a lot. He says and the fines on to tease and finds itself into the cell and then your immune system so you're stuck. You're going to get something that's taken over your immune system that's the problem with a tidy. Well it turns. Alan that is this particular receptor is missing a piece twenty bass carillon There are called thirty two Delta deletion so I'm missing a piece of it then they can follow and that means that a Saudi has come into the cell so canceling or so individuals that have this mutation that kind of in their visas and those are great actually do way better with a techie when it is mutation our eyes a long long time ago we don't actually know when to increase in frequency in Europe. It seems like I mean I think the Street middle ages. Another thing he's think about and look at the data that's how this works question is why because certainly a study is not what causes that deal to be higher for it but they say he's a strong selection of something on the strong selection that he will rise every month and in fact here is the distribution over the frequency is high for the a little bit darker just by the more people have to like fourteen percent. So it's not universal body but a lot more people here and these white areas hard enough. So this is not I'm not the only thing that's going to hurt the coconuts up here. So if it's white and those are looking at the needle individuals to those areas not the European immigrants that have moved into a lot of those areas so notice that there's a really strong focus in Europe but northern Europe not Southern Europe where the plague started or was it done but are your words friends to you. So here's the way this is your five Tell thirty two. You could have a freestanding treatment. It could not. I think on about a five you know wait a few years certainly helps with results as a society but he's happy that it's up to him and has since the one thousand nine hundred ninety way too late to have written raises frequently. I can defend your city of Kandahar by Nick Clegg and I But the interesting thing here and this is what I didn't say before. Is there is no mechanism for it he said you're sending us to interact with C.C.R. five. So those two things. There's just no reason why that would happen and I would never see that interaction and certainly the presence of his yard doesn't help your standing up and the absence of it doesn't hinders you. So those two things are you're a leader on the other hand to play as models for this working and also model to get to be the case and that was something that was around at the right time in history. But next we have got to get the smallpox not smallpox never going to pandemic see locked up pandemic of Europe Africa much of the much of Africa has to be so huge huge world problem people dying fast and lovely small pox living it was always localized wherever it happened. But it kept hitting over and over and over and over again and ultimately more people die from smallpox like that. You know. And so you know each episode is a leak or selection of them to increase the frequency. It turns out that this particular little does make you resistant smallpox or that works out of your system and as long as there was one continual selection. Then there's a really good mathematical model that shows that smallpox as it's known in your eyes history could actually have caused the everybody to be where it is now four zero five thirty two national bag of audience laugh but it doesn't result lives work comes around the same time and I have this back to this five year. So I've gone through these are these my father sees this and was we was good and where we would like to see something happen. So that. This link between two seater caught and is not spread by death and Europe as will be played. But who's not a whole lot of mathematical evidence to look back and see is it possible is a problem. What happened to this very strong evidence put out for them to Black Plague not be likely but they have rather think that hypothesis lizard may support for the idea that it is easy archive doesn't vary to a legal that you for that transferred disease resistant. That's also process but if possible party tomorrow is almost every year and finally it is very strongly. After that you see our five dozen thirty two thousand birds it says to use my feet. So this whole chain of this is all colored by only telling color coded all the free the full chain of events is probably not a very robust chain. That's no longer the short of it but there's some ways that we could explore that a little that. So at the beginning. Kelly said that I teach a course called Math models in biology. I think every spring. You have a two and a half three people on infectious disease unit within an hour or so Bottle Of course. And so you go the horses to get biology majors to take all their math skills that they have and first as techs who may have that not skills but actually do you think about biology they're not going to be getting an over the course of the semester we get to the point where there are still more comfortable pulling those That's a set of skills together and mine math to biology. So I think this brain I'm going to take all of these ideas set of hypotheses and have my students work through pick and work your temperament consummating would be most interesting to play with and you saw the background of they have their own models of the stuff I'm just saying. Have a vodka and give the beer five to one KELLY Yes Well what do you do that really said to the people because I thought he'd had a good break out there every year then and I'm rather on a production of two different places on the floor a playbook that they call a play fair and actually a combination of the player and another player of the slaying of the innocence but here it is a darker version of the story but pretty powerful pretty or it would never not work.