On the usual background beginning there is a point of the most serious speech he has cited find the common use. More to Google's problem but a sign of George Mason University thought. Really empty when he went to MIT intended to be a chemical engineer and stand. By what some would consider never a thousand miles off you should. Be paid scientists that has gone on to have. The seed of career. As a sign Well he is an expert on crystal structures one of the things he and his career he was very involved in the founding principle structures the growth to. The something that incredible just in the physics community at the time that that happened maybe didn't take people contributions I mean all these all those who lived there was always Perhaps the poster who was there I know he had written very widely science textbooks he has written multiple popular assigned books one of his most recent books is the story of the earth the first cool point five billion years I'm waiting for the sequel. Twenty five and he's written hundreds and hundreds of Facebook pages one of my most hindsight was coauthored with Paul. To work with so wonderful that he did get me to come up with that kids in the sense of the are just like. Thank you thank you David thank you all for being here to see so many friends and new friends I hope to tell you about some of the ideas that have been developing I will confess right up front I am a mineralogist that is my background I started collecting minerals when I was ten. Years old I never got over it I tried to become a chemical engineer but I know minerals just kept pulling me back but if you're a mineralogist you are in a sense a chemical engineer as well we all work with atoms and bonds and and molecules and see how their properties change and how we can use them to improve the life of people one of the directions that mineralogy is taking me is origin of life I am not an origin of life scientist per se I'm a mineralogist who is interested in the origin of life and it is let me just think about this transition this transition from Chia chemistry on the one hand to the rich biochemistry see on Earth today the other hand from this context of an Earth scientists someone who thinks about minerals I will confess right up front that when you talk about origin of life that no one gets their Ph D. in the origin of life it just doesn't work that way so your molecular biologist or your chemistry organic synthetic organic chemist and so you see the whole origin of life field through these narrow blinders I'm a mineralogist So everything about the origin of life calls out to mineralogy to me and you'll see some of that today but I want to step back a little bit from that personal bias that personal. Myopia if you will and think about this larger question of origin of life this talks going to be in three parts I want to ask this question Is life a cosmic imperative I want to look at how you can actually study the origin of life in a laboratory environment and there are many very distinguished people in this room that are doing exactly that I want to think about life existing on other worlds and to approach these grand questions the fundamental questions the drive us in the field of astrobiology and origins research. I want to do three things first is going to be a rather basic introduction this whole question about just how you go into a laboratory and study origin of life I have my own sort of framing of this story other people might frame it differently but I want to give you a sense of what people are. Doing how they're thinking about it that I want to propose an idea that. May be setting up a straw man but there have been discussions about whether the origin of life is a unique event or a very very rare or it happens everywhere and I want to have a more nuanced view of this idea of chance for us in the sense that he is being a false dichotomy and finally I want to demonstrate something that is this clearly obvious but really has not been articulated very often in the origin field and that's that events that may be exceptionally difficult or almost impossible to reproduce in a laboratory environment may be absolutely inevitable given a planetary scale of time and space and you'll see what I mean. OK let's start with the basic idea of how we study life's origins I've got a few assumptions the first life forms were carbon based they're based on again a chemistry just like life's life today there's so there's no silicate life or we're not doing Clay life or something like that the origin of life was a chemical process it relies on the basic building blocks you have you have oceans you have atmosphere you have rocks and minerals you have materials coming in from asteroids and comets but those are the raw materials and finally that life's origin requires a sequence of chemical reactions we're really talking about chemistry here this is not biology yet you haven't made the first cell the first living self replicating system so you have to start with Geo chemistry So let's think about chemical reactions life involves chemical reactions and the very common ones there are things like rusting and cooking the things like taking and acid and these are chemical reactions we're all familiar with their oxidation reduction reactions we have politicization and they should be hydration dehydration and of course acid base reactions and so these are very common everyday kinds of reactions that have to be invoked from the early G. a chemical environment then to ultimately lead to a living so I think life began as a sequence to come. Reactions and you can divide this into a sequence of what I call emergent steps the first is you have to make the basic building blocks the biomolecules the amino acids the sugars the limpid the things that make the structures of life then you have to organize them select and concentrate them organize them into polymers the membranes and so forth and then ultimately need a self replicating cycle of molecules that's obviously the huge big challenging step that many people including people in this room are working on but if you break it down to three different kinds of chemical reactions I think you can sort of conceptually see how she a chemistry may have gradually complexified to become the first self replicating chemical system this first step making the chemical reactions is something that's now well understood the idea is you want to make carbon carbon bonds you can do that in various ways you start with the volcanic gases carbon dioxide carbon dioxide other sorts of compounds that come out of volcanoes and through various chemical reactions you want to then make more and more complicated organic molecules things like. Acid and very early on in the field of origins back in the early one nine hundred fifty S. Stanley Miller the graduate student his advisor the Nobel Prize winning Harold theory came up with the idea of doing a simple benchtop experiment you've heard about the glassware stands about this high you have water which represents a primitive ocean you have an atmosphere of various gases which they thought might replicate the early Earth and you have little sparks and basically you make a whole series of interesting compounds amino acids to make limpid you make carbohydrates you make the building blocks of D.N.A. and R.N.A. people thought because this looks so much like a balanced diet that this may and fact have solved the problem in fact it was almost too easy to quick because there was some reservations on the part of Miller and his colleagues to accept any other ideas but other ideas have emerged the idea of making these molecules in dense molecular clouds where you have. Ultraviolet radiation albeit extremely cold temperatures but on dust particles in these dense molecular crowd you can get some interesting chemistry many of those same building blocks which we see with telescopic observations of distant gas clouds. NASA Ames Research Laboratories one of the pioneers in this but many other people are doing this kind of research and then in my own laboratory we began thinking about what might happen on the ocean floor in a volcanic system maybe a hot system maybe a warm system mineral rich so you have lots of chemical potential energy here lots of oxidation reduction acts reactions to go on and we have done what are called Gold Tube experiments these high temperature high pressure conditions we take little gold tubes we seal various reactance in them we subject them the high temperature and high pressure we have colleagues in organic chemistry like George Cody who can analyze those products and you see a whole variety of interesting chemical reactions result from this very basic chemistry and I think. We now even see that there are new ways of making organic molecules that are quite heretical a few years ago in Earth's mantle where the temperatures can be above one thousand Celsius where you have incredibly high pressures if you have C.O.H. fluids Dimitris for Jenny has now shown that even in these deep conditions where you might have what's called subduction zones you can create very interesting organic molecules depending on the PH in the horizontal scale and the oxygen for gas city on the vertical scale so you can make for example more hydrocarbon like material as you can make more acetic acid like materials but you can form carbon carbon bonds in Earth's mantle and these fluids rich an organic materials are also in it contribute to the nurse surface environment. OK step one making those basic building blocks the amino acids the lip is the carbohydrates the building blocks of D.N.A. and R.N.A. while there's lots and lots of details still to be worked out that's basically understood. Earth was just chock full of the building blocks of life that's not a mystery and that's going to be true in any Earth like planet anywhere in the cosmos. OK So step two though is trying to get around a problem that you make you make too many molecules you make thousands you make tens of thousands of different kinds of molecules but life only uses a few different kinds so you have to think about what prebiotic processes in this step to selecting and organizing those molecules what process is selected in concentrated molecules in a way that allows you to do something useful to have structures that membranes the polymers that life requires So in this case we can do a couple of different kinds of things let me give you an example of one of the very first naive experiments we ran so I was incredibly influenced by a scientist passed away recently Harold Mauro it's some of us in this room have the pleasure of knowing him and his sort of vibrancy he argued that the very most basic part of biochemistry was the TCAS cycle the Krebs cycle decision that cycle because that cycle run in reverse where you take small molecules and add them to make larger and larger molecules up to citric acid which would then would divide into two and you have a self replicating cycle he argued that that could be the beginning of a real bio chemistry arising out of geochemistry and so one of our very first experiments to say let's see if we can make one of those steps go and that's going to the three carbon molecule of a gas it plus C O two at high pressure would make the four carbon molecule acetic acid and we said we're going to just run this thing I will do this in an afternoon we'll get a Nature paper out of it and it will solve the origin of course it didn't work out that way so what you do is you put this stuff in a capsule two hundred degrees Celsius very modest temperatures of fairly cool hydrothermal vent system two thousand atmospheres which would be some distance below the ocean floor but still in the crust two hours very simple experiment and so we put a couple of drops of prove acid C O two water put it in the capsule run it and when you open up the and pull out that capsule the gold tube is really puffed up it's swelling it's about the burst open so you know you've produced a lot of gas of some kind and that could be a little dangerous these capsules can explode so we froze it down the liquid nitrogen held it there for a minute until the bubbling stops pull it out snip off the top when you snip off the capsule is to go boom you know just like there's this release of of gas turns out it's mostly C O two and then it starts warming up and then it starts fizzing it goes. And this yellow brown oily goose starts pouring out of that gold tube. And then the smell hits you it's the smell if it's lower temperature like two hundred smells like molasses that's very sugary you know so you're making interesting organic molecules if it's at three or three twenty five it smells exactly like Jack Daniels. And I mean a perv they'd the room like this and so people are walking by and they say is there a party going on can I have some of. The moral here is we're not make our gas we're making some some very interesting molecules and when you do the gas chromatograph you just see this hump and you see thousands and thousands of different molecular species produced by various cyclic additions implementations the proven gas is just going through all different kinds of reactions and this is a problem. This is a crisis for the origin of life because you're not making just those you know that one molecule you really need you're making tens of thousands of things and in low abundance as so what good is that and I despaired I said OK this is like a dead an experiment and then we contacted talked about this one our very good friends David Deemer at the University of California Santa Cruz who who thinks about the formation of membranes these to have you tried putting a drop of that stuff in water and see what it looks like I said No Dave why would I do that is because it might self organize. So here's Dave you'll notice that origin of life scientists are often smiling I see them smiling around the room right now I mean this is something but they've had this idea that might form a something analogous to a a lifted by a layer membrane and sure enough we put it in water and these beautiful fluorescent objects occur this kind of self organization has now been shown again and again and again so even if you make a messy mixture of stuff you still can get out of it a useful structure. A structure of this kind must have played some kind of role in the encapsulation of that first cell in the origin of life so that's one thing self organization clearly happens and it's a way of molecules even if they're very diverse and mixed using some kind of useable structure the trouble is a lot of the molecules that we're interested in sugars amino acids they're soluble in water they're not going to self organize in water so what do you do then especially when you have an ocean. And that ocean is going to be so unbelievably dilute that too molecules are very rarely ever even to bump into each other much less do any interest in chemistry OK Remember I told you once that I was a mineralogist So I think minerals may have played a role and part of the thing that led me to think about this and let me just some of the work I did with Dave's show all on Chi reality handedness and some of the work that has been subsequently done was the specimen I collected when I was sixteen years old in Patterson New Jersey a very famous place where you can find lots of minerals this is courts it's not particularly rare mineral but if you look carefully you'll see that there's red coatings if you look closely at those red coatings they don't coat every face they coat alternate faces cts has three fold symmetry hematite the red iron oxide turns out bonds to taxi only to three of those spaces it does not bond to the other three dis taught me very early on that you can't study mineral molecule interactions without thinking about specific crystal and faces if you grind up your crystal you're randomizing this and you're losing information so that was something I saw visually and it's really influenced a lot of our work so Quartz has lots of different crystal phases you can study them individually you can look at the individual structures on those faces. We can do this at other minerals one of my favorites and one that I did a lot of research on was calcite because it has crystal and faces which are highly handed as the structures of the faces you see what are called left and right handed faces of this very very common mineral calcite calcium carbonate which you find all over earth's surface. These are highly selective of left and right handed amino acids and we did very experiments to show how this might work we can analyze this with D.F.T. and show in detail that if you have this is for example and fitting onto a right hand the surface you get three very strong points of attachment and that has a high binding energy if you use the other hand a molecule or the opposite handed surface you only get two. Somewhat weaker points of attachment and the difference between binding left and right in the molecules is a kilocalories promo it's a very substantial difference so this was the kind of thing that we could study and realised that mineral surfaces can be highly selective of different kinds of molecules including chiral molecules so this is ongoing research we have many many projects going there's there's thousands of different kinds of mineral faces there's. Many many thousands of different kinds of molecules I'm interested in to study them all even if we have common internal chemistry techniques is a huge task but I think in principle we can understand that you can select and concentrate molecules either by self organization or by absorption of mineral surfaces are perhaps in other kinds of surfaces an unnatural environment so at least in principle we understand there are mechanisms once you make the molecules to select and concentrate those molecules. This third step is the big one this is really determining the origin of life if you can get a self replicating cycle of molecules to make copies in a plausible Jia chemical environment then I think you can arguably say I really solved the hard problem coming from the bottom up from Jia chemistry did the first quasi bio chemistry and there's the TCAS cycle that's the one that Harold Morwitz advocated and there he is with his favorite diagram because not only can you duplicate this cycle each time you go around and split that citric acid but then branching off from this diagram are many of those other key molecules the amino acids and the bases and so forth so so this is a really interesting approach there are other approaches at Santa Fe Institute Stuart Kaufman had this interesting idea of an autocatalytic network I think it's an idea that still has to be considered and what Kaufman said Intriguingly this is a very theoretical idea as you could have. A mixture in a prebiotic soup of of thousands tens of thousands of molecules that are interacting and some of those molecules forming a network as they do that reinforces the other members of the network but tends to degrade molecules that are outside the network so this network becomes autocatalytic and becomes a kind of self replicating. Environment of molecules. Interesting idea and may in fact have some relevance it may even have occurred you know in a non. Made out of an enclosed by membrane it may have been a you know shallow pool someplace where these molecules were evolving and replicating the trouble is when you asked Kaufman about it you know what a molecule a what's molecule B. You said I don't know that's for the chemists to figure out and even if you could figure out what the thousand molecules might be in an autocratic network how in the world would you analyze them and track their relative abundance is a so it's a clever idea that's difficult to do a lot of people are working on the R.N.A. world hypothesis the idea that the very first self replicating system was an R.N.A. a naked are in a molecule or maybe one cased in a primitive membrane but to our name molecule that could both carry information and copy itself and once that happens once you have any of these self replicating cycles then you're going to have mutations you're going to have errors bring in you're going to have competition and selection and then natural selection takes over and I think that most of us would agree that that first self replicating cycle once it stabilized in a G a chemical environment. Then you get Darwinian selection taking off and that's that's really where the origin of life occurs OK So we haven't synthesize this plausible self replicating cycle this is not been done a lot of people are working on it and I think that you know I don't know anybody have a guess how many people think it's going to happen in ten years twenty years thirty years OK. You know so in our lifetimes maybe if we're lucky it might happen. So at some point you have a self replicating cycle you get mutations these are chemical reactions that don't quite copy perfectly and that you then have selection competition you've got Darwin playing a role that's. The origin of life taking off. So I think of the origin of life as a sequence of chemical reactions I think they could be studied individually separately in different laboratory sets of experiments I think that's one of the ways that we make a lot of progress is a study each of these steps and then you have to integrate them synthesize them into a single point. I want to emphasize there may be many paths it may not be single path there may be many different chemical pathways to something that's replicates and keep that in mind as I talk about the next part of this OK. Now we're going to sort of go in a new direction and think about this idea of chance for us and assess that as I said I'm kind of setting up a straw man but there have been very strong. Opinions about this so chemical reactions are earth display a wide range of probabilities it's not a matter of just chance to necessity there have been important writings about this and taking quotes out of context really does a disservice to shock when no for example but he did write at the very end of his book on chance and the Ceci that the universe is not pregnant with life nor the biosphere with man man at last knows that he is alone in the unfeeling immensity of the universe out of which he emerged only by chance. Not everybody agreed six years later parents shall feel says the origin of life and evolution were necessary because their conditions on Earth in the existing properties the elements and he went with this direction of a cosmic imperative life is a cosmic imperative and many people think that I think most of us who spend a portion of our careers. Thinking about the origin of life must come down on this side I mean you would if you thought origin of life was a unique event in all the cosmos. It would be awfully hard to study that but if you think that any time you have an Earth like planet there's at least a pregnancy involved in that then it's something you want to really try to understand the study OK so here's my idea in fact the conclusion Earth's chemical reactions display a very wide range of probability So the question is can you determine what those probabilities actually are and in terms of organic reactions I don't think so but minerals it turns out because of some big data approaches we've just been establishing I think we have an answer because each mineral that you find on the surface of earth represents a chemical reaction so I'm going to talk about mineral ecology Now let me explain minerals there about five thousand three hundred approved species of minerals each one has a unique crystal structure composition combination so that means there are five thousand three hundred so far recognize combinations of the crystal structure and composition that are different from the others and so you can start doing statistical analysis now. So we can think about Earth's mineral evolution in this context I want to very briefly describe something that we're doing this is a project called The Deep Time data infrastructure everything I'm describing in this next section arises out of work about thinking big data mineralogy taking all the data we have or mineralogy and putting into one pot and seeing what kinds of correlations fall out of that you can go to our website Carnegie science to get more information and I'll be talking about this specifically at a seminar tomorrow morning at eleven o'clock here so I'm not sure what room it's in but you can probably find that out. We talk about mineral evolution which is looking at the distribution of minerals through time we talk about mineral ecology which is. Looking about the distribution of minerals spatially on a global scale and we're also doing mineral network analysis which is a new way of visualizing complex mineral systems and seeing correlations and just to give you a teaser this this whole idea about doing mineral network analysis where these are very dynamic interactive graphs Here's a graph of all the manganese minerals some of you know that this is important people thought about manganese in the context of life's origin and evolution in rather the dye Vaillant reduced manganese minerals in yellow and blue or the more oxidized minerals we see different clumps associated with pigment tights and manganese metamorphic deposits and other sorts of information a huge amount embedded in this you can make these three dimensional you can put on virtual reality glasses and explore these networks and so if you're interested in manganese minerals everything there is to know about manganese minerals can be embedded in this one diagram which is interacted with virtual reality glasses you can go and you can click on different nodes each one representing a different mineral species I'll tell more about that tomorrow but it's really it's transforming the way we think about mineral systems and one of the things we can do with this is mineral ecology so mineral college basically looks at the diversity and distribution of minerals across a planetary system and what we've realized is the diversity of minerals is very analogous to the distribution of biomass in an ecosystem or words in a book so biomass most of it's in Redwood trees but almost all the diversity is in rare species and you can predict what's missing by going in and counting what you see. First thing you find is redwood tree then you find another redwood tree then you find another different kind of tree and you keep adding up and you look at a thousand plants and ten thousand plants or one hundred thousand plants and as you do that the number of species you find increases but at a slower and slower rate you get an accumulation curve is the same thing this kind of this accumulation curve which me. Done with individuals it can be done with genome information it can be done with minerals too and that's something new so it turns out you need a mathematical formulation for this and what we found out was that the distribution of minerals on earth is exactly like the distribution of words in a book there are a few words that are very very common but most of the words are rare and they're the things that define the kind of uniqueness the genre of books the authorship you know is that manuscript by Chaucer or by Shakespeare that's how you'd figure it out so what we do is we basically look at minerals and for each mineral we count the number of localities which it's known worldwide and there are very few minerals that are known to tens of thousands of localities there are some that are known to thousands and some more that are known and hundreds and is actually relatively common mineral but the chances of finding a mineral at exactly three localities is roughly eight percent of all those five thousand three hundred species and twenty two percent of all minerals are known from only a single locality worldwide and so this gives us a distribution a frequency spectrum if you will that allows us to say that each of these minerals is a chemical reaction that occurs on Earth some of them are likely to occur some of the are less likely to occur and they follow a frequency spectrum one is a large number of rare event distribution that's a mathematical formula that looks like this in black is the observed number of minerals at exactly one locality to localities through Look how these and so on in red is the model and you can use this to make it accumulation curve and the reason you can't is because it tells you when you find the first mineral locality pair it's going to be a new species. The second one probably will be a new species and you know the tenth might be a new species and so on but as you find more and more mineral locality pairs the chance of finding a new mineral decreases it decreases by a very. Predictable way so this is an L N R E curve. That's the date as of February two thousand and fourteen we made this particular calculation it extrapolates out that there's about fifteen hundred missing minerals and in fact right now we're at a million roughly and the number of minerals. Species is exactly on that curve so these so far for the last few years we've been on track we can also predict specific minerals we can tell you you know how many of those are going to be carbon minerals or calcium minerals or copper minerals. Because you can do subsets but here's the point I want to make one of the probabilities of those minerals now that we have this accumulation curve we can say how likely is it that if we replayed the tape of Earth history that we would find that same mineral again. And it turns out that there's about twenty one hundred minerals which are extremely likely much greater than ninety percent probability there's some other minerals that have around a fifty percent probability but there's a bunch of minerals that have very low probability based on this by the way of the six thousand five hundred or so minerals we find on Earth we estimate there are at least twenty thousand possible minerals on earth like planets and Earth only at this time apparently has about six and a third of them and the rest them are even rarer than the ones we find on average so so if you go to other planets you're going to find other sets of minerals not necessarily the ones we find on earth OK This allows us to say that there are some minerals which you could call deterministic minerals necessity almost one hundred percent chance you'll find them one any time you replay Earth history there are some frozen accidents they might be occurring only one in every ten Earth like planets or in some cases one of the million. Very very unlikely juxtaposition of elements or temperature pressure combinations but there's a whole bunch of minerals that are just you know they have probabilities they're going to be on some fraction of Earth like planets not one hundred percent and. Ten percent something in the middle and and so when you look at chemical reactions and that's what we're looking at here what's the probability the particular chemical reaction is manifest on earth today well it's a range of probabilities Some more likely some less likely and I would argue since each mineral is a chemical reaction that's telling us something very fundamental about the probabilities of chemical reactions where you're you're sampling large amounts of temperature pressure composition space admittedly organic reactions are different but they're not entirely different and so what I would ask is the question if words in wife requires a sequence of chemical reactions some of them are going to be more likely some of them are going to be less likely and so and of course there could be lots of different sequences and so you have to think about the origin of life is a series of reactions with probabilities not just simply this this false dichotomy of saying yes it occurs everywhere No it only occurs one place. It's pretty simple idea and when you can take that where you want so I think Chance for us in the sense that is clearly a false dichotomy we observe a range of probabilities for chemical reactions and really our job is origin of life scientists would be then to look at those reactions and see what are most likely under plausible early earth conditions. But there's another aspect to this which really has not been explored and has to do with the company Tauriel richness of space and time given an Earth like planet so I'm going to argue that at the scale of the lab there may be things you just simply can't find out very easily you have to be really lucky to do it when the scale of planets there are inevitable So think about a graduate student for years you know you can't run millions of experiments very easily but planets can and that's what we're going to see OK so how do I go about calculating how many experiments a planet like Earth can do this is going to be a outrageously over simplified back of the envelope calculation how many calculation how many reactions so I actually literally calculate this in the back of an envelope. And here's what you have to do you have to answer four questions in the simplest way of thinking about this so the first one is how long does it take for a reaction to occur and I'm going to say reactions are occurring in a mineral surface because that's where you concentrate and select the molecules you may have some other venue that you want to have the reactions occur but this is what I'm doing how much surface area does one of those mineral molecule reactions require So that's at the scale of an individual nano experiment where molecules interact to the surface and then you say how much time and Earth have and how much surface area did it have to work with. And the answer then is just dividing the. Total amount of area and time Earth has by the total area and time it takes to run a simple experiment so let's look at this question one How long does it take for a reaction to occur in a mineral surface and you know there's not a single answer to this and it's an incredibly subtle and sophisticated question but I don't care I'm just going to say that reaction times vary widely but on average in the kinds of experiments we do when we study mineral molecule reactions we see reactions of touring turnover rates typically much less than. Per second there catalytic reactions it can be a million times per second but there are other surfaces that passive eight and therefore you can just have the molecules sit in there for a very long time so I realize there's not a single answer I'm just going to put it out there that will use ten seconds what you will see is if you say no it's not ten seconds it's ten years it doesn't really matter when we come right down to it the final answer but let's say it's ten seconds just go with me work with me on this ten seconds second thing what's the surface area this required for him in reaction remember we're talking about relatively small molecules simply a few nanometers the maximum dimension for the molecules we're talking about mineral surfaces the spacings a few nanometers I'm I'm going to give us a lot of space to work in so molecules are just really having their own little world and say it's about a ten an area by ten and a metre area that's ten to the minus twelve square centimeters so that's the area I'm giving you per experiment ten seconds an area of this size to do a set of molecules and by I mean this is a group of molecules prebiotic molecules in Iraq they may politicize they may form some new species that then becomes reactive and becomes a catalyst for some other step in the process who knows it's one of those chemical reactions that you have to get through to go from geochemistry the biochemistry. That's a question to OK Question three is fairly easy how much time to earth give us we know that there fossils that are at least three point five billion years old maybe maybe three point eight now but it's someplace around there it's possible four billion years ago anyway earth began. Four point five six seven billion there was a moon forming impact which clearly sterilized everything maybe fifty million years after that but I'm going to guess that we had about six hundred million years to perform origin of life experiments. Of all kinds on earth. This and that's two times ten to sixteen seconds. And the final question is how much mineral surface area did Earth have to conduct experiments so it's a total surface areas five times twenty eight hundred centimeters but the area of minerals is vastly greater than this. Because many minerals are particulate there sand grains but even more important there is nano particles coming out of OK nose both under the sea floor and at the surface ash of various sorts and most importantly there's clays and clay minerals would have been abundant in the earliest part of earth's history it's just the natural interaction of of water with the kinds of igneous rocks that come up from various lava is that erupted at the surface and the typical clay mineral is two times ten to the six square centimeters per cubic centimeter So what does that mean there is a sugar cube that's a cubic centimeter and it's a tennis court. So the surface area of a. Bunch of clay of this size is like that that's how much reactive surface area you have now there is a coffee out some people would say well the flat surface parts of the clay are very unreactive the edges are much more reactive I don't care I'm just giving you this is all the different kinds of surfaces we have some are going to be more reactive some are going to be less reactive some chemical reactions are going to take you know a new millionth of a second and some are going to take a million seconds but things are going to kind of average out at the end as you'll see so soon the average depth of Claridge settlements was one metre OK that is a really really low estimate today the average sea floor is four hundred metres of clay rich sediments So saying it's only one metre that's that's pretty small course of Roshan is much rest more rapid now than it was then but nevertheless let's just say it's one metre for sake of argument that's one hundred centimeters then that means there's one hundred cubic centimeters of clay for every square centimeter of Earth. Surface you can then multiplied out there is the surface that's the hundred cubic centimeters for every square centimeter That's five times ten to twenty of cubic centimeters of clay minerals that's something like half a cubic kilometer if I remember correctly. As a lot of clay minerals and so you can multiply that times the tennis court and that gives you a total of ten to the twenty seven square centimeters of mineral surface area on which to perform chemical reactions. OK that's Question four and so there is the area there is the time. Of a planet like Earth there's the area and there is the time for an individual experiment and the answer is ten times ten to fifty fourth chemical reactions. It's a large number and if you want to reduce that by many orders of magnitude or increase it for whatever reason you have because you know more about one of these aspects than I do that's fine it's a big number. Two trillion one drawing could you know could Julia and so the argument is there are many more chemical reactions occur in earlier than we can perform in the laboratory. Very simple minded argument by I think it's also profound because it makes us think about planets doing chemistry at a scale that we simply cannot do in four years as a graduate student. Graduate students post-docs there's Jim Jim Cleaves who I know spent some time here too so the things that are maybe virtually impossible to replicate in a laboratory even with cleverness may be inevitable planetary scales of space and time so we shouldn't give up we can use chemical into wishing we can work backwards from modern biology and limit the kinds of chemistry you want to look at we can just come in Tauriel and computational chemistry approaches hire a lot more great students which has been one of my strategies and. So I think I think you at least see the point I'm trying to make even if you may think that many of the specifics are are ludicrous I would. Acknowledge they may be but this is you know this is a conceptual thing that we need to focus I mean I'm a planetary scientist and and you know they're working really hard but it's going to be hard to get it done so life's origin can be understood as a sequence of chemical reactions chanced verse in the sense it is a false dichotomy planets do things that graduate students can't at least in the scale. And I want to end on one philosophical point because. When I give a lecture like this to a more general audience I know it makes a lot of people uncomfortable. You're saying that there's this element of chance that maybe just planets try this and they try that and eventually maybe life arises and maybe it doesn't that and how can God have created us in his or her image if it's just all randomness and chance. And you know I see it a different way I look at the cosmos there's a hundred billion or more galaxies each with one hundred billion or more stars and most of those stars have planets as you think about that more than a trillion planets for every human being on earth today. And in a universe that is so rich so redundant in so many ways how can this not be part if there is a master plan part of it if it's not it's just that we're incredibly lucky to live in a physical universe that primed to try so many different kinds of chemistry that eventually we're here today to talk about it so that I think you want to thank my sponsors and I hope there might be some time for questions. Thanks for a great talk I specially enjoy back before the fact. Absolutely well that's important I mean to just before we take questions I want to. Invent One is that immediately following that. Please say it. With your questions all right with that thank you thank you. Do you want to moderate. OK. I agree. Absolutely I mean this is a very very simple minded first order calculation there could be concentration mechanisms you could have places that are very dilute but I think on average you have molecules organic molecules are everywhere mineral surfaces are everywhere they're going to interact everywhere and in so. Many of those reactions are going to be totally useless I mean the vast majority of them are going to be totally useless and you can probably imagine what some of them are on clay mineral surfaces but it's just the idea that there is a common Tauriel richness there the planets give us that that we often don't consider Yes. Things. Like. That diverse. Yes. It's. Interesting. And. Say things like do you. Yes thank you that and that's actually one of the things I'm going to talk about at some length tomorrow because we actually feel that the distribution diversity relationship that we see on Earth that Ellen our distribution does not obtain on the moon or does it seem like it attains on Mars now why would that be true is that because Earth has extensive water rock interactions and I think it's actually a by a signature and I think what we're seeing in that particular distribution is a very large number of very specialized equilibrium or medicine stable sets of local conditions that lead to odd crystals and bigger places and life does a lot of that on Earth so so far we've not seen anything analogous on any other world. Very much. I totally agree with that and I think one of the things that that we've talked about David is this idea of trying to play in any. Signs of a a chiral system on a planet that is so imbedded with chiral biases so when you find a meteorite you go through several chemical steps and you find as a slight excess of an elemental acid over D.M. You know I said is that a real signal in the media right or is it just something that biology is done I will say that one of those to exciting prospects for learning more about early Earth and its environment to me is going back to the moon and finding Earth meteorites on the moon and this has actually been discussed by many people but if you could have a moon base if you could go out and look there will be littered on the lunar surface. Yeah yeah I mean this is a very interesting idea just like on Mars and one of the things that Curiosity keeps finding is meteorites you find there on planets and if they haven't been weathered like Earth has they just keep piling up and accumulating the more and more of them and you know it's like every thousand three looks at as a meteorite so they're going to be on the moon and they're going to tell us what Earth was like during that very strange you know the prebiotic Orde the time of life sort. So. There. Yes yes but that will not necessarily still rock sitting on the surface that have been sitting there for four billion years so the outer portion of them. Our Earth meteorite that lands on the moon will certainly have some of that weathering crust but inside will be pretty pristine So I think I mean it but you have to right there is all kind of weather in the solar wind and cosmic rays and so forth this yes you know very much so. Much. I think it would be just shocking if there wasn't some place in the cosmos where there were microbial type life when it goes beyond that when it goes to multicellularity and and then intelligent life and what most people mean when they think of aliens. You know what do you think I mean there's this ten billion trillion planets that's that's a lot of planets with billions of years to play with it is it really plausible that. We're it. I want to people think how many people like this is the question this been asked astrobiology conferences I mean how many you could put your hands don't know how many people think that there's some other intelligent something out there yeah I mean a lot of us sort of have that hunch we don't we don't know it's just a hunch it's fun to think about. But. Yeah so we have a number of people in this room who have written very very profound statements about this but the basic idea is as long as you have a system where you're pumping energy in the sun or. Some other form of energy as long as you're putting energy into the system and typically at a fairly thin interface the surface of Earth then there's ups it's just like you know how do you get salt crystals out of a salt solution the salt crystals a highly ordered system you just set it out in the sun the water evaporates you get crystals. It's I mean there's many many examples you see every day in your life every spring you know flowers plants trees leaves. Put energy into the system if there is no energy those things would not happen and you'd be actually correct that there is no way of spontaneously generating something is information rich as life if you don't put energy into the system it's just going to sit there and do nothing. You know so I'm I wouldn't claim that life originated at the surface of the mineral mineral just provide you a a place where the molecules can meet each other and say hello and and create interesting structures service might be just a nice place to latch onto so you don't go floating off into the ocean. But the kinds of elements that you're talking about for molecules that in many many different ways that here are two different kinds of surfaces not just mineral surfaces but you can you know you can form oil slicks you can have and you can also form concentrations despite evaporating pools so that you basically dry something up in the remaining solution gets more and more more concentrated so so these concentration mechanisms just part of the physics and chemistry of any planet that has water. I know off the top of my head I don't but actually there has been some really fascinating work by Kepler you know the Kepler mission this is the mission that goes out and looks for planetary transits and I think I think it's stop collecting data now. But it it basically found thousands of planets around many nearby stars now that they didn't find any planet was exactly like Earth and part of the reason is because the didn't observe the transits for a long enough time you know to see Earth like planets. Very many of them but if you do statistics on the planets that they did find you can actually predict how many smaller planets with longer orbital periods are out there. And it's a lot. It doesn't mean that it's certainly not every stellar system but if you just extrapolate you know it's billions so. Somebody has done it I mean they've basically done their extrapolation and and it's just mind boggling the numbers are get beyond really being able to comprehend what it means.