Right. So basically are you. Globalization at Georgia Tech many Brandon. This is Alex and a very and how healthy are their credit. So we've got a president basically kind of calculating a lot of the things that everyone has talked about has been really good and by that I mean every kind of a I guess if you go as you always have the advantage but I'm glad we did the last because hopefully at the end of this I'll be able to kind of tight and some of the things from the presentation that Brad was a part of in the one that we just heard about kind of thing that we've learned in this class what Georgia Tech has done as far as you know pulling them and then what we think that Georgia Tech has done just as a whole and just as a professional institution in the world and so this is really starting up right away. Starting at Georgia Tech who we are because this is very perforate the kind of start up with yours or Yellowjacket most of the people that we talk with on this campus believe that we are men and women of impact just given the idea and given the opportunities that we have that a lot of people don't even the respective to our own places back locally or even of course in a broader sense in the world. These are just things that we all know never worn return on investment. The idea that to take equals money that's something that we all are here for as well as the international experience that we gain as a you know as a university and I no shame in saying that I never send you to a public university in the world. I didn't get there just from you know overnight and so that's kind of something that we're going to kind of go into where you go first off if I can I want to get you guys to introduce this notion of how versus Why. And I was going to speak with talk first about this and we're brainstorming I made sure in this presentation I'm very careful about how I explain this to you all in the sense that you gain what we're not as a criticism to Georgia Tech because your tech does do great things but just as with any professional you are never never ever done learning and as a humble institution which is what I would like to say I'm a part of it's kind of cool how this notion is actually something that we can really use as a platform that my three colleagues will talk to you guys about in the way that we've tested kind of how Georgia Tech and what they're doing. In that in that mindset starts off the G.T. is great but how we think about engineering we think about. I can't solve a problem I can tell you how fast it's going. I can tell you at what speed and what temperature is going to come out at but that's all mechanics that's something that I've learned through Georgia Tech. That's how To me that's like how do you get this process to equal this amount you know or how do you get you know these kind of students to do this kind of thing dipping all your money on your major. But what I want introduced What's the mindset behind the why. And if that money is private coverage ition you know all things that we all as humans have innately inside of us Georgia Tech as a whole is basically one large mass of everyone. I mean ultimately what Georgia Tech endorses we are part of and so for me I think it's kind of cool I'm going to kind of introduce you guys something called the Golden Circle and I'm going to related to something that we all know very well which is Apple and kind of the idea of the Golden Circle is it's outside in versus inside out thinking and what that does is kind of a nice little post you know little graphic I found when you move from the outside in you're simply following the same thing that everyone else does. So Georgia Tech was to specifically be your only focus on this one aspect. We are no better than Cal Tech than MIT than anybody else and any other school that teaches the how behind something you can go to any school and learn algebra or any school. You can go to any school and learn that in Georgia Tech the same thing but the why behind what we're doing here has to be bigger than everyone else or else we wouldn't have the international reputation that we have and that's what we're focusing on because when you think of the inside out. We start with your why you start with the reasons why people do something in the beginning. It doesn't matter what it is ultimately at the end I think of this really fast. I think Apple Apple is awesome. They've got computers. I Pad you've got if you play we've got everything that we all buy we buy tons of stuff from Apple. But ultimately it was all just a computer program sort of back in the ninety's. Samsung and all these other great other actual you know brands have all the same things that Apple does but most people tend to buy from Apple because what they do is when the marketing strategies that they use they don't say you know we have a really cool computers and really awesome things that make life easier. They start from the Y. that we build really quality products that enhance your life there. For we make computers that do this. Therefore we have an i Pod that does this. So it's kind of the inside starting from where you. I far as like the quality of what you're doing rather than the what because most people appreciate the why more than the what even though the what is usually what people see first the Moving on now they're leaving That's Georgia Tech. This is actually take a write up for a website the vision. We want to find technological research university of the twenty first century. I think that they've somehow come a little closer to that and kind of the idea is basically what I like out of all this is I think about it you know Tivo Peterson sitting in his office or some other you know executive board of people who are in charge of you know progressing Georgia Tech you know they want to take if you're in a different location they want people to ask what would Georgia Tech think if we had this problem. What we Ga Tech think what would they do and relating that's their mission which is what my colleagues are going to actually kind of present really kind of just put the pressure on what they're actually doing a kind of best to give the areas that they are exemplifying this is that we have a mission she graduates of global citizens we've heard this before and we will be leaders in the proving the human condition in Georgia the United States and around the globe. So I see personally that Georgia Tech. Obviously it's kind of to me it's like well they're talking the talk and I think that one of the things that was really great but we got to do here which they're going to take over is actually seeing what what is what what are they walking away. What are they actually what are they done in the past that's really showing that they are on the right track and what are we going to do in the future and if where the gaps are compared to other universities what things can we recommend. Can i get us even higher on that scale to things I'm going to talk a little bit about the sex current progress and what drugs it is doing what programs and all kinds of incidents it has to really promote graduate and global substance. So first of all the university rankings brings great stories have twenty panel and I'm over all on four coronations in two thousand and twelve thirteen and these are teaching research knowledge transfer and international outlook and since the twenty fifth in the world. We're going to mass now look we're obviously doing so. I think right now graduating Google the first big program to join said offers its students is the international play an arm of the International a website. They say that they are committed to provide are committed to creating globally competent citizens and it in order to participate in a national thing you have to take a few globally minded courses here actions type of thing. I also spent twenty six weeks abroad really just taking what you learn here at school and applying it in the world on Georgia Tech knows that globalization is very important no matter what the major you're in or what field of work you go into and so they try and do your prey in twenty six different majors. This is not easy but this option to gain is global mindset and really be able to assimilate comfortably into different work cultures all across the world and diverse communities. So the second a little bit easier if you don't want to commit twenty six weeks to a studying abroad and you can choose any one of the eighty exchange programs or thirty faculty led programs the doors have offered students each year drawers extends over twelve hundred students abroad and by the time a class reaches its graduation year usually forty six percent of those students have had an international experience. That's pretty amazing for and engineering to technological school with the study of our experience just really you gain a perspective you take even as an engineering student you can take the skills that you developed here at home and just apply them out into the real world and read on people from all around in religious learn how to interact culturally with other people and this is a good overture going to talk with the donors I know that some people have gone and believe in them but as everyone has everyone seen that that's the building looks like in front of you know where you are ready to be if you just get up. Sir good segue to the Great. OK another program address that offers is very interesting language institute and this was hilarious and even visitors to the Atlanta area learned a lesson even learn a little bit about American culture they have a program Thanksgiving with Americans. You can go spend Thanksgiving with American family. So this is kind of the opposite of what the other two are doing the other two programs really focus on sending Georgia Tech students out into the world and gaining that international perspective. But this is having a big international Georgia Tech students that are here and showing them kind of the American perspective and broadening their horizons. It's the opposite of but they the basis for all the programs is the same just to broaden the horizons and gain a global perspective in every student no matter where they come from and then finally International Education Week is just a week full of the events that really highlight all intersects cultural diversity and some of the events that have to go international coffee our cultural trivia events on styles with different types of food and just really showing how diverse our second is and it's a great way for the students to gain this kind of global perspective without even having to leave campus. So that's also a really important aspect because a lot of time students don't have the means to go out and see the world so Georgia Tech is bringing that to campus and still providing opportunities to get a little perspective right so they might know all this evidence so one more question Sylvie So you're going to go into your city the day of the big speech or you could do that you have to go back to sleep to look at his entire speech is a part where he talks about her for his talks about how you were never really stacked you're either for or your former. Now I feel like this is a good lead in to what I'm about to talk about how we measure up as to two other major our research institutions out there. Now why this is important is because as Brenda mentioned you know we are a very well competition and it's student here on campus but the same time we're at home or situation. Sometimes we you know we always need to seek ways to improve ourselves and improve our international outlook and of will come to see even if that entails. You know improving upon ourselves. So without further ado I I. We're going to compare and contrast for major research universities and kind of see how Drew take measures up in regards to the first one we're going to take a look at is the MIT now admits he has sued committees the International Court and the committee committee international Budget Committee that hope to see a Ministry of Sound support there you know figure out these are national activities and promote them. But when I look at this. I look at committees to committees unlike owns a committee kind of what might be going through my mind but anyway. We have recently established major major partnerships with other research institutions across the world school took in Moscow. Most recently of him and I see they have very very few are found in mines he sponsored study abroad programs. Most of the programs are but they do have a web page that lists you know the study abroad programs that many students are going on but most of them have been exchange programs so so much for neighbors who are very good really more. Callous that killed one second instance you know what you put in there they do have a very clean clear about us page which tells us you know like they're global strategy or they're coming from strategy approach but there isn't really any clear mention of who will be on the ship. No they do talk about like we're going to solve the world's most challenging problem but who doesn't want to say that right. That's like. Kind of on the page of everybody we talk about. Ourselves so we the most challenging problems in the world but they don't really listen me and it's us to you know how we're going to do that on these you have some you know some so you about programs available either exchange or with another partner universities. However there are some restrictions calcite be can still be a bit like sort of their sophomore or junior year so that means they can actually only they end up studying abroad. So in their junior or senior year. You know you think about that sack you like. I believe it's after the first semester freshens can begin study abroad so callous and not so high you know. So we move forward. Now look at pretty University. Now Purdue is another famous has a very Now the engineering program but they are also a school that has a a fairly reputable little are spoken to so this is where we get a little competition. So the strategic plan help or do they think is kind of if you look at it kind of the similar gist of what Dillard sections in there. Since you claim improving student opportunities in the global marketplace as well as increasing the university's overall presence overseas. You know across the world. They have a little holes you researched sorry global policy reaches into that address as a city bus global challenges through by the leaking actual research done with how halls. Look how well the pulse works so that that's quite interesting to me about it and they have a wide variety of us. So you buy a program and you've got a search director where you can look at you know based on the number of like hours you want to take or like the cost range of expense that you know and what kind of program suits you and what not. So they actually have a very you know extensive search trip to associate with their sort of run programs and they're so you run programs are charged directly there. It's corner with a number of hours that you take and then finally we will look at the biggest competition and we have Stanford University. Now severed has consistently in the past decade or so they have ranked as one of the nation's top having what the nation's top study abroad programs by U.S. News and World Report and they have the. Particular program called being overseas studies a program that roughly what happens every graduating class a day but there are roughly one half the every graduating class participates in just this one. So your problems there. There are other so you brought programs us never but this is quite quite astounding. And this program is represented eleven different countries and there's also interesting. We call budget allocation. Now we've started running Stanford So if you are on financial aid you're seen as study abroad with several university you automatically get another like we call allowance and it's for your financial aid that includes you know traveling and suddenly Casa hopes you know what just for that only measure up with no heat with through all these other Your University of Georgia Tech. If you look at somebody some people might be shaking their heads in a sense but in terms of at average annual who we should we actually are pretty affordable computer system a zillion schools mostly because there are you know big private schools and also most of the Tech students end up paying less and that average that this average scores like the average between out of state institution. Are you know the total sum of that and to an average those most door to take students and the payment was an average of no show on the bottom right there when they study abroad because every student from go to the same pace institution. When they study abroad on a faculty led program and so like we actually end up you know paying a lot less when we compare what we're already compared to MIT counseling we have a lot more global partnerships in research and we also have a much more extensive study abroad program has shown compared to Purdue and Stanford. We are we're still very competitive in the sense of course we're also the pioneer in the sense here and because produced everday have a lot of they have a very reputable what you call large program. And traditionally they say international outlook programs are traditionally focused more towards the arts program but Jordan said it's been a pioneer in that in transitioning that over to major technical research and engineering and a sense so for for all purposes through tech at the heart of it. We are a pioneer we are a prime example of my technical institute that has greater national awards and now it turns out to the Scots a little more on the current state which are just so we've talked about a lot of our current programs and we talk about what our peer institutions are doing but we have a little bell Georgia Tech's here and I'm really kind of break this down into two big pieces one our resources that we're going to be giving toward our policy and massive policy here I mean like our strategic plan which would come as some of our views over. Really. Right now because it's so beautiful way. I mean you read the whole thing in class but we're really only going to touch and go for but in terms of a resource. This is you know when something might be coming down the money so where are we going to get the money to not only stay where we are as a global pioneer but also to increase not only our knowledge our research and our mission to gradually to go system with where does this come from. So I want to bring up very quickly our temporal campaigns right now I'm not sure we're all aware but we're actually in the in phase of our largest capital campaign. There isn't one point five billion billion dollars toward executing the different are the five different goals laid out some strategic planning. So something to shoot for where this money. You know you can drive the label this as well of course do this in ship program. So think of additional classes like this one in the photo here three increase. Increase classes that are more into play than air and inter-disciplinary in Nature think of expanding that would be programs to get even more programs and scholarships toward our study abroad. So here's kind of breakdown of global position strategy which is in essence a more detailed version of our strategic or number four on domestic you mind that this is all about expanding our world footprint and standing our leverage in our global impact and in embracing not only diversity fusion by embracing how we look at the world and how derivative students view the world you know in a global percent so very briefly who are looking at Spain but our whole world footprint. I want to really highlight two things here one Georgia Tech school building. So how many of us are aware of textbook everybody everybody at Slate is like all right. They are so right now we're in the plans to really develop and look at getting us a lot of infrastructure for Georgia Tech's global village ocean imagine this as a international hub. If you will right international arm of techs where this is where we can have things like for consulting areas we can have different further their research for their corporation base where their other international colleges are coming to Georgia Tech not asking us what do we think what we need to really rely on off of our knowledge in our skill set that we train our students faculty and staff and no one include is our diversity and inclusion resources. Now we do we have to maintain the current level that they are going to expand them to the things we're doing right now is a one point three million dollars renovation to the office of. Minority educational development building the chipping good as well as we are establishing a new a new own G.P. Q I am a center right over into IT services good question on. So our second strategy we're going to extend and leverage search it takes into hype around the globe. Now there's a lot of different ways a plane goes into how to do this but the one thing that is the key to this the key to this entire strategy is our ten thousand plus alumni that live work and use services outside of the U.S. and now are the same Plus think of the research opportunities that they can help us start think of internships they can help a student start thinking of a corporate partnership because again most of them are going to be working abroad or living abroad. So right now we actually have very little data on this ten thousand plus alumni and again that is a resource that we are not again our third search is going to be to embrace and drop sure globally engage students and this really ties of most accurately into graduating Good Will says. So here one of the other like when I was up our goal is one hundred percent work study research service abroad. Right now we're about a quarter we're forcing freezes. So we're apheresis so and it does seems like a lot to go to somebody get if you're going to be a pioneer. If you're going to be the trooper laser that we stay on all of our website and all of our admissions material then we have to strive for the best and put on one thing I would love to highlight here would be that we already have fifteen to agree enjoyed programs. So we're already. We're taking steps in the right direction. So again. Here are if you want to think of us as a task force if you will on your in upper classmen these are kind of artificial recommendations for what we would like to see in addition to some of the things are already specified out in place so my first thing is you really should looking at taking the G.T.O. delish and really putting the resources there to develop an international consulting bridge. Now you got the OK International Consulting branch that sounds good but how does that affect students how does that help us as strategic students and as a home campus graduate going global. So well when people are asking us what is your take on when we're doing our senior design projects where we're going on programs or so or doing this if you prefer the international plan not only do we want to think of that from our local actions as affecting global war star as having global impact but you also want to look at this as people who aren't necessarily aware with all the different resources that trajectory to take has to offer. We want to change that mindset. So we don't have a problem. It's an issue. What with Georgia Tech you can be the whole of them can we fly some students to Beijing and have them. It's our country that's what we want our second thing to do in terms of branch campuses our most popular one is lowering rates are going to popular when it's due to rain. However we have actually had sport. Looking at a brain scan of this media and unfortunately for political reasons we haven't been able to quite get this on the ground. I get this before. However I did a little more research in the last two or three months actually in September and there is an executive order by the prime minister of India that has basically made it extremely easy for other institutions to come in and act as a branch campuses without even having to establish a complete. This is a cool place you are in prison but you know that this isn't just something that we should be looking after this is something that and mighty Harvard Princeton. You know are already looking OK so I'll take it slow and if we don't jump on this opportunity then we will become just kind of right we have inclusion some good stuff but I think especially when it comes to kind of relating this fact like the why behind the how we talk about that money is important you know we talk about we went through three capital campaigns and one point five billion dollars that think of it. I think that one of the coolest things I think I've really realized is being at Georgia Tech is seeing people much more different dynamics of wealth and what not. It's like it's not like what you it's not the fact that you have the money it's what you do when you get it. I mean I think that in this first Georgia Tech. I think it's I think one of the cool things I was really great when we were researching is I was kind of all geared up ready to be like Georgia Tech should do this and this and this and this and I think what I found is that when we were doing research for like wow they're doing a really lot of great things that a lot of kids don't even really know about and I didn't even know about. I mean even in this presentation I'm still learning stuff about it and so I think that one of the cool things I I believe that there should be a more intentional kind of it just in general what we thought is just more intentional kind of discipline and I think classes like this where it's really really heavily based on discussion things like that where a lot of the engineering courses I mean my class I went into today I'm going to go sleep you know I mean he's up there doing stuff on the board. That's great that's important to me but I think that I think there should be a requirement for the for the idea that there Georgia Tech students need to be put in. In an environment like this or some other similar one where you're forced to talk about things that are necessarily super comfortable like being a global citizen if you're from you know offer to George and you never really have lost your you never really gone anywhere else and you've been here you graduate have a great career raise families be great and that really Georgia. I mean so it's the idea of like kind of in instilling them Portman's behind the why that we want to be such an international power why we want to gain the money why we want to do all the things. And when when you're walking the steps and you're actually implementing it with the students having an international kind of you taking the resources like that we have like tech Square which is really great and making it more international That is kind of a represent our recommendation for Georgia Tech and kind of like where they can go forward we're having application GO IN CIRCLE platform for critical thinking you are going to start with your why he study brawling which is a serious injury spoke with you guys about the stuff that we already have and then the three key strategies. I secured strategic plan are expanding standing in the briefing. So it's like the talk in the language is there. It's as if we're you know we have to actually make sure that we're walking walking in this that setting and getting somewhere new that we haven't been before and that's what I think that's the second in just as critical and this is a quote from I believe it was and you found it. You know that. Yeah yeah this is great but our part of the drug sector should you go. If you graduate good global citizens citizens connected with the world with technologically and emotionally and for me that's the why this is the how when that's like the why behind is the emotion. I see your dog attack when it's really really hard because I'm more than just the money you want to write these students are actively in touch with what's happening in the world around them and want to actively work. They're utilizing their type of exercise for us to prove the condition and so that's kind of like a nice little synopsis of everything that we all kind of talk about what you guys did with your survey what Brian and his group talk about with what this class has done in so Georgia Tech. It's almost it's Stepney not doing that with the best they can then there's always room for improvement. And so those are just some of things that we thought. Thank you.