today very pleased to have Bob Gross here with us Bob is an MD PhD trained at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and is now a clinician scientist at Emory University where is the MBNA Bauman professor in neurosurgery and neurology he's the president of the American stereotactic and functional neurosurgery society and at Emory is the co-founder and director of the Emory neuromodulation & Technology Innovation Center in Tights which is very unique combinations of clinician scientists and engineers seeking new treatments new therapies for diseases I encourage you to check out their website to a Google and in Tison Emory and find out what they're all about some really interesting events we bring clinicians and engineers and scientists together today we'll be hearing about the work in his lab the translational neural engineering lab at every one University and very pleased to have him here if you're joining us remotely I encourage you to please mute your microphones so I can hear someone fiddling around in the background thank you very much Bob thanks for joining us welcome thanks my pleasure thanks for inviting me Chris all right well I will I'm not an engineer even though I'm program faculty in engineering and and PhD advisor to a number of bona fide engineers but I was majoring in engineering for the first semester of college so you eventually returned to your roots I found my way from there to computer science and then ultimately to neuroscience which is where I ended up but it's interesting how things go around and come around so I'll talk to you about neuro technology really at the interface of science and medicine so that's really where I focus anything that I do in a research project has to have an application as you will see some of the applications are immediate now some of the applications are quite far off in the future if at all but we always have that angle of approach it's fine for other people to do discovery science and and even to do it of course engineering that doesn't have a clinical application but that's the unique focus of my lab I do have some disclosures in respect to some of the things I'm going to talk about really clinically and this reflects the fact that that if you are going to deal with technology at the interface of medicine you will be dealing with commercial entities commercial entities in our capitalist society and economy are important because they drive the application there's the saying many of you might have heard no margin no mission and so we have to work very closely with them and so so I work as a consultant for some of these I don't have any actual ownership in any of the companies but in particular I'll talk about some technology from Medtronic MRI interventions and some of these others and neuro pace so the focus of my applications today are epilepsy epilepsy is characterized by recurrent seizures where you know you are seized ultimately named after being seized by the devil essentially so we still use that arcane terminology and when you have recurrent seizures you have epilepsy and it affects a lot of people about one in a hundred people have epilepsy per se it involves synchronous discharges of neurons throughout the brain and as and we see that on an electroencephalogram which is recording electrical activity at the surface and usually it sort of marches off in this fashion where it looks pretty flat it's not completely flat or you wouldn't be doing very well and but it has these slow oscillations when all of a sudden large populations of neurons begin to fire together and and of course it's not every neuron in your brain that's firing together if it's just a very small subset but if you imagine in this room if only three people started whispering at the same time the same thing than it actually would be quite distracting to the rest of the rest of the people in the room and if 15 people under that of the hundred in the room started whispering the same I wouldn't be able to continue to talk over over that cacophony so it doesn't take much synchronous behavior to to have an epileptic seizure and and that may be one of the problems in treating it and that is that we you have to identify these small populations of neurons that are firing together the epidemiology is such that the actually the cumulative incidence or the risk per person is 2 to 4 percent so if you think of if there's a hundred people in this room four percent or four people in this room will either have had or and I won't ask who's had a seizure but either have had or will have a seizure during their life or have epilepsy during their lifetime and the risk of having at least one seizure is 10 percent so 10 people in this room will have a seizure at some point during their life we call it an emergent property of the nervous system so in doing the things that you're trying to do perhaps right now which is learning and remembering what we're doing that sets the system up to have this abnormal types of overly synchronous connection between parts of the brain now two-thirds of the patients are actually treated with medicines and that have epilepsy and don't continue to have seizures upon taking medication but one-third of the patients that we see have medically refractory seizures so one so thirty percent thirty to thirty three percent of the people that we that have epilepsy is treated with anti epileptic drugs will continue to have seizures despite that and that has not been changed since the very first anti epileptic drug potassium bromide was discovered you know close to a hundred years ago so despite decades of drug targeted drug drug discovery we have not moved the marker on that so what do we do in people that have drug-resistant epilepsy well that's where I come in okay so we have surgical treatments and this has been going on really since the dawn of the field of neurosurgery in the late late 19th century really in the 1890s and we've been removing large chunks of the brain this shows removing part of the temporal lobe and and then the medial temporal structures or the hippocampus over here and this shows a more selective approach to that and you can see we remove large chunks of brain in order to treat this problem and you can imagine that something like this might have some adverse effects on patients functioning okay strikingly sometimes it doesn't but that's really where we're trying to what we're trying to deal with is this problem and sometimes we do things even more radical this is called a hemispherectomy so back in the 1930s it was discovered that if you remove a whole hemisphere of the brain and the epilepsy is located in that that you can stop seizures okay that's pretty dramatic approach nowadays we do things that where we leave the hemisphere in and we just disconnect it and sometimes even more subtle where we just this every place is a black blue this is a ventricle but every place is a black mark is cutting through the pathways that connect the epileptic area to the rest of the brain so called functional hemisphere Atum II but that's pretty radical and we do things like cutting through the corpus callosum that highway that as you know connects one side to the other so a corpus callosotomy can divide the brain and disrupt the synchrony of bilateral discharges and be a reasonably effective operation although with adverse effects like the disconnection syndrome which is actually what drew me into neuroscience when I was an undergraduate as many of you are was being very interested in hemispheric asymmetry that's what drew me into this field to begin with so this is very effective and this shows you a randomized double randomized single blind control trial where patients were randomized to just continuing medical treatment and looking at the percentage without seizures and if you take this group only 8% of the patients became seizure free with continued medical treatment whereas 56 really 64 percent but the details are not important became seizure free with a temporal lobectomy so that's pretty effective that's good news for patients I can tell you two-thirds of the patients will be see you're free and that's just the temporal lobe and that pertains to all operations we do basically if you look at sort of meta analyses or systematic reviews 65% becomes seizure free and 25% becomes seizure free and off their anti epileptic drugs which is a cure so that's really good news on the one hand on the other hand it creates problems as I as I said removing large chunks of brain can have adverse effects so this shows the picture of after we remove these this medial temporal structure that there can be white matter changes in the in the areas that are in the vicinity of the places we're operating on and if you actually look at the amount of what we call collateral damage off target effects and the more collateral damage you have the more loss of function you have and the less collateral damage you have the more gain-of-function you have actually from from rendering patient seizure free so this is at a cost and these are what we are taught what we really are trying to do is trying to maximize the benefits in anything that we do and I told you we're at about 65% that's over here well we want to get up over here and every time we take out more brain tissue as we take more brain tissue out we get two more deficits so this is a patient that has benefits but that is deficits this is a patient that has no benefits and no deficits and somewhere in between is the sweet spot where you get benefits and minimize the deficits and that's really what we're trying to do by engineering the system a little bit more so minimize off target collateral damage this shows someone going after a fly and ruining the room so that's a depiction of the collateral damage and we want to optimize the on target therapeutic effects and we also want to decrease the pain and suffering that goes along with surgery because as you can imagine when I take out a large chunk of the brain there's a lot of pain from the surgery and and you know people take a long time to get back to work they stay in the hospital and because of that pain in offering a lot of patience never come forward for surgery so we are very very under penetrated in the market of patients that could be helped with surgery because we might say well I know you're having seizures despite your medicine if I do an operation they say no no no I want nothing nothing to do with that not going to brain surgery or even perhaps more importantly the referring doctors are very scared of surgery so patient might come in to see their doctor and say hey I saw a report on CNN about how this could help brain surgery in this area no pay people end up as vegetables next question I have a new drug for you so so this pain and suffering in the collateral damage decreases the accessibility of patients to getting treated and people die from epilepsy every day so the first engineering advance I'll talk about is one that was not my own but because I was really at the forefront of dealing with new types of technology I was one of the earliest adopters of this therapy called Laser interstitial thermal therapy so there's a very long history of using lasers in in neurosurgery it dates back to the invention of the laser back in the 1950s and these very large and cumbersome devices much of this work was done at Bell Labs and the Nobel Prize was given to the first functioning laser and then there was as you'll see becomes important the invention of the light emitting diode actually and the LED laser source is very important in making these available for use and you can see these early lasers were not particularly elegant devices and and they also were not very minimally invasive this is hardly what we would call a minimally invasive neurosurgery and you can see there's a large amount of damage and the original lasers were actually developed as cutting instruments okay they caused immediate vaporization of tissue and because of the cumbersome Ness of this and the fact that they were only used as cutting tools and we have other cutting tools without having to deal with something like this there was a very slow adoption we had lasers when I was a resident back in the 1990's but I kid I know we had them I can't say I ever used one during a case because they were cumbersome and not particularly useful but they have the potential for precise delivery of thermal energy and and with the advancement in certain types of visualization technology they ultimately became more useful so the idea of using a laser instead of as a cutting tool but as an interstitial tool was developed in the 1980s some thirty years after their invention okay the idea here was to put laser light into the tissue and release photons at a much lower energy level where those photons would cause localized heating and that heating can cause a thermo coagulative necrosis or damage so this idea was born in the 1980s and as compared to the photo mechanical damage that goes with these short pulse high-energy laser exposures that cause vaporization and instant perforation this causes photo thermal damage which is a medium exposure level continuous-wave laser and tissue coagulation thermal denaturation and this looks quite a bit different than the other type of picture I showed you okay where there's an area which has lost its blood supply and where the tissues have been heated to the point of enough destruction that they will ultimately die so rejoining the timeline here this was used in the 1980s to see to treat certain deep brain gliomas but it wasn't particularly useful because you couldn't tell how hot you were heating the tissue okay if you're doing what's called a radiofrequency ablation you can which uses a metal probe you can put a thermocouple in there and monitor the temperature and temperature is critical but until we could do that with with lit it didn't become useful but there were certain other technical advances engineering advances that occurred in the 1990s which is the initial use of MRI and you could observe the effect of the laser but not so afterwards you could see the destruction but you couldn't see it immediately while it was going on but in 1995 now Toshiba released the paper demonstrating the ability to observe temperature based on the phase change of water molecules in the tissue so you could actually use the phase change in the MRI as a thermometer and you can use the MRI as a thermometer and this married up very nicely with these with this laser interstitial thermal therapy and this shows what that looks like so the system can use fast used use MRI sequences which have high susceptibility so not your typical one just for looking at structure which requires a lot of fine-grained detail but the type of sequence you would use for an fMRI with high temporal resolution and you can you can in a linear way exactly relate the change change in temperature to the change in the phase of the protons during heating so this very nice and tight linear relationship allows you to look at change of phase and meet a temperature change and this is what the imaging looks like so it's obviously not very good for structural imaging appearances you're looking at a phase map here so it encodes all phases changes by using warm and cold colors so this is a heat map of a heat map that's a joke I always telling you I saw one guy chuckle over there at least in some ends in a crowd of engineers some people chuckle with that so and so this is what it looks like as put together ultimately by the company that sells this and this is a thermal map right over here and this is now I just looking at a thermal map I can't tell exactly what's happening but if I overlay this on top of a structural image and you have in there Co registered in MRI space so there's no no movement allowed from this thermal map to the archival or historical imaging set then I can see that this damage is happening to this area of the brain and now I'm using the temperature change but if I as a surgeon I'm sitting there and reading the temperature of the brain I can't what's happening I can just tell that an area has gotten to 60 degrees or 40 degrees and what I want to know is what has been damaged well it turns out that the chance of being damaged is a function of two things one is temperature and time the longer you have something at a particular temperature the more chance it will be damaged and so we're looking at the area under the time temperature curve and that is quantified by this integral now which I'm sure some of you know what that means and and this basically looks at the area under the time temperature curve and what we do is this is the actual live thermal map and I can see that this area is being heated up but by calculating the Arrhenius model we can depict the areas that have been faded to be damaged because they've reached a critical mass a critical amount of time temperature and that grows in front of us so I can see the area that has been faded to be damaged here by this damage zone estimate so this takes this advance and then Couples it together with laser interstitial thermal therapy first done in the late 1990s and allows us to use develop this mr thermal imaging and couple it together and this is what really drove the whole field forward so these are the critical advances that have moved this from a therapy which was in the 1980s not something usable and just try it on a couple of patients with gliomas to something that we're using every day now then now the diode laser was an told you about the LED that was really critical because you have to be able to reel these things around I'm bringing this thing down to the MRI suite I can't wheel that used laser down to the MRI suite so that was an important advance having cooled catheters certain automation and these real-time damage zone estimates are critical to this therapy so in 1997 in the late 1990s Asha Gowda and Roger McNichols who are two biomedical engineers working down in Houston they both trained at Rice they put their heads together and they found that a company called biotechs based on this application they eventually spun this off as visual the you'll lace clever name laser visual visualizer so visual lace and a visual lace was eventually purchased by Medtronic and the first procedure using this turnkey approach where the laser this is the diode laser over here this is the imaging city or the computer display and the computer down over there and there's a peristaltic pump to cool and this was eventually used in 2006 it was FDA cleared by a 510 K mechanism someone wants to ask me about later on I could talk about that and the first nerve surgical procedure was done in 2008 in the United States and the first time it was used for epilepsy was by a friend of mine Dan curry down in Houston in 2010 and we did our first procedure in 2010 as well this is what it looks like so the laser is introduced through a fiber optic and this is done by stereotactic technique and you can see the laser at the end of this the the fiber-optic comes down the catheter and then there's a diffusing tip at the end which diffuses the laser light into the tissue around and where the photons bounce around and cause localized heating by their interaction with macromolecules that absorb at that particular wavelength of light so though it's a very particular wavelength of light that's used and this is how the whole thing works in that I told you about vaporization of tissue at greater than a hundred degrees at 43 degrees nothing happens but somewhere in between you get to this time-dependent thermal damage in this area between 45 and 60 degrees so this again was what the thermal map looks like the damage zone estimate this is a already showed you what that looks like this shows a very nice screen for for tracking these and this shows what it looks like in actual practice okay this is a coronal view and this is an axial view and you can see the thermal map you see the fiber optic being passed into the hippocampus and then you see the irreversible damage zone beginning to accrue in the hippocampus and I can follow that and when I've said enough is enough and I can also make sure that there's no damage to surrounding structures like the visual pathways over here or the brainstem over here because I can directly visualize them I then pull the catheter back and then and then you may want to yeah yeah someone on the remote side if you can turn your microphones off please you are echoing over here thank you I think we made some progress great okay now now this is introduced by various technologies some of these these are all stereotactic tools that we use to put these things in and this is the way the system was designed and this is how we use it so this is another nicely engineered platform so this is called an MRI targeting platform and this allows us to finally adjust this in the MRI scanners way the way I do this procedure is I bring the patient directly to the MRI scanner and we're able to do the surgery in the MRI and we attach this frame to the patient's head and this is basically a gun sight so this has a gadolinium containing tube over here and I can see based on that gadolinium tube where it is virtually projecting and then I can adjust that using these dials to adjust the azimuth and declination and the translation until I get it just on target and then I can introduce this fiber-optic right into the into the brain through that technique and it works out quite nicely this shows what the damage zone looks like this shows what the what the actual damage is and these overlap very very nicely so the damage done very nicely predicts the actual damage area and so we have looked at the outcome of this and this is a paper we published earlier this year with the help of my graduate student Matt Stern who's sitting in this room Matt raise your hand so it worked very hard on this and what we showed was that about 60% of patients have become seizure free for at least a year using this technique so it's about the same level as as we were seeing with open temporal surgery well have we moved the marker as far as that collateral damage that I told you about so this shows the work of Dan drain and our group looking at the deficits and basically object recognition and naming and if you go down over here you've had a decline in object recognition and this population or all patients that have had open temporal lobe surgery the kind that I showed you earlier where we actually removed the temporal lobe so all of those patients experience declines in object recognition and naming whereas the patients that had laser ablation experienced no decline and in fact experienced a recovery of some of those functions so we are able to get a reasonable degree of effectiveness and decrease the collateral damage and this has substantially increased the acceptance of this operation whereas previously I would see patients in my office and I would propose doing a temporal lobectomy and they would say many of them would say no thank you I'm not interested and they would continue to experience seizures whereas now nobody is refusing that surgery anymore and that's actually from our neurologists we don't have any patients that are not interested in surgery because of the laser so we have a lot of different things that cause epilepsy aside from temporal lobe epilepsy there's tumors ganglia gliomas there's this cavernous malformations hamartomas malformations of cortical development and this is a useful tool for all of these actually so this shows a very deep-seated hypothalamic hamartoma which you can imagine if i were to do this in an open surgery would be quite difficult to get to and associated with a lot of potential for injury and this shows the damage zone the thermal map and the damage zone associated with that and this shows other types of deep-seated lesions so once you have a hammer a lot of things look like nails and we are in the process of spending a lot of time on on exploring other usefulness of this device I showed you a picture earlier of the callosotomy of dividing the corpus we can even use this for dividing the corpus callosum so this shows a patient with five different bolts in their head for introducing the laser over five different places and you can see that we're able to do very nicely oblate and destroy the whole corpus callosum and we've done this on about 13 patients now and it also is benefitting them as well well what do you do though however when a destructive procedure is just not the right operation for a patient so there are patients for example that have an onset zone right in their motor cortex region of their dominant hand all right well there there's no chance of developing a therapeutic window damage that gets rid of the epilepsy also gets rid of the function so no therapeutic window what are we doing those instances so this is on to the second engineering advance so new approaches to neuro stimulation well this is a beautifully engineered device that was developed in part by intellectual property developed here by blah a guy named Brian litt who's now a professor of biomedical engineering and a neurologist up at University of Pennsylvania and while he was here he developed helped to develop the the idea that if you run an EEG and you detect the seizure onset you can stimulate that area electrically through through a pulse generator generating an electrical signal in the brain and that will actually suppress the seizure so there are certain seizures that if you hit them hard just at the right moment you can actually break the seizure and so this was encapsulated into a device called a responsive neurostimulator that runs a continuous EEG and with it and this is what Brian's contribution was the closed-loop feedback activation of the unit in response to detecting a seizure and actually what's nice is that the patient can actually this will store that information and the patient uploads the information to the internet where I can then go online and see if the patients had any seizures of over the last 24 hours and how effective this device is so this is a skill mounted device it has to be skull mounted because it's recording neural signals and you need to have the head stage pretty close to the electrode to minimize the noise floor and this shows electrodes in this particular instance in the hippocampus one on each side one on each side and this shows a patient of mine that has a electrodes that are implanted into the motor cortex and this is just such a patient as I just described she had onset in her in her okay did you mute me or something oh thanks Chris I'll go back and redo all that so so this shows a patient with electrodes implanted into them into her motor cortex and the device implanted in the skull and she has had no complex barceló generalized seizures since the surgery and a reduced frequency of focal these focal motor and sensory events so she's had a nice response but she's not seizure free completely and patients want to be seizure free so this is a randomized double-blind controlled trial of sham stimulation not turned on and stimulation that was turned on and this showed about a 35 to 40 percent decrease in seizures in this population of patients and this was sufficient to garner approval by the FDA for this device this shows the percent change in seizures from their pre implant period and you can see that some patients have no response or very little response few patients actually got worse most patients got better this is a hundred percent response over here in a handful of patients so about 10% of patients became seizure free with the majority of patients 65 percent having a reasonable greater than 50 percent benefit so if you have an onset in an area that cannot be removed and you are not someone that I can cure of their seizures this is a great device except that when I tell people that the happy news is about 60 you get about a 65 percent reduction in their seizures except for a handful of patients they say that's great I'd like a hundred percent please so we have to try to continue to move the marker this is great but we have to keep going forward so how can we increase the effectiveness of neuromodulation for epilepsy so that's been the focus of my group so this is a multi electrode array on which is cultured neurons cortical neurons and this was work done by Steve Potter who was a faculty here at Georgia Tech up until just a couple of years ago and this shows what happens when you put neurons on these micro electrode arrays so this is stacked 64 channels okay and you can see that after a time this shows the after a time period that they start to fire very synchronous bursts of activity so that when they start to fire they start they entrain each other and they fire together so if these were firing all separately you wouldn't actually see anything here really but the fact that you see these big black mark shows that these are synchronous populations of neurons firing together and what Steve showed was that if you stimulate them all synchronously that at a low frequency that you can actually in train the whole culture together so it actually makes things worse but as you increase the the signal size and as you increase the number of electrodes firing you can begin to back this off so that you get basically close to this situation and this is with single site stimulation when you just single stimulate one site and then he looked at what happens if you stimulate across via all the arrays all the electrodes across all 64 so in a distributed multi-site fashion to basically try to break up the activity and he did this in a feedback controlled way where he actually used as a biomarker the spikes per second or a wide so we're trying to get rid of these synchronous spikes and we can look and see when the synchronous spikes go away but you can also use this surrogate how many spikes per second are happening are a wide and as you pass the electricity into it more and more electricity you're getting more and more spikes elicited and that is a surrogate for actually decreasing the amount of synchronous behavior as well so as you turn it up higher to 500 spikes per second or a wide you're able to get rid of the synchronous activity so you can't see these action potentials here but the fact that there are no big black bands tells me that there's no synchronous behavior so Steve was able to eliminate synchronized bursting in these cultures by using a surrogate spikes per second or a wide as he delivered multi electrode multi-site distributed stimulation so when we started working together we said well how can we get this to the bedside alright how can we move from the bench to the bedside well it'd be kind of hard to go into a bunch of venture capitalists and tell them that hey I've got this thing and it works great now I want to stick this thing into someone's head okay so you need a translational pathway and so we started out with the rat and this is the work of John Ralston and saranya Desai did this in in the group John Ralston is now a neurosurgeon who's an MD PhD got his PhD here and he's now a neurosurgeon at University of Utah and tirana Desai is a PhD and she's not working for that company neuro pace that made the response of neuro stimulator I just showed you before that was implanted in the head alright and during their thesis work they made these multi electrode arrays and they we put them into the hippocampus in a rat and we passed patterned fader frequency stimulation and we hypothesized this would suppress the seizures we used a rat model called the tetanus toxin model where we infused tetanus toxin which changes the ratio of excitation to inhibition in the favor of the former and leads to seizures in a close to a hundred percent of the rats that we do this to so that's our animal model and what we did was we looked at pre stimulation and then stimulation and then post stimulation and look to see what the effects of stimulation were and we did different types of approaches to this where this was continuously done versus being two minutes on two minutes off during that period of time and we also looked at a mic macro electrode a big electrode like the electrode I showed you before when putting in that responsive neurostimulator so does this perform better than a macro electrode using these micro electrode arrays so when we pass synchronous pulses in we can in train the whole the or rather this is what the synchronous pulse pulses look like look at different types of pulses and this is the data and it shows that when we stimulate using a synchronous like Steve did okay not synchronized across the whole population a continuous stimulation or intermittent stimulation in the theta range we were able to suppress seizures during the stimulation period as compared to pre before and after stimulation and if we look at various other synchronous populations and different approaches we were unable to to get that same result so that supports the idea that that this distributed multi electrode asynchronous stimulation can actually suppress seizures I didn't show you one of the control conditions before was with a macro electrode we couldn't get the same effects with the macro lecture all right so now we're not going from the bench to the bedside we're going from the rat to the bedside and can we go right from a rat to a human that's also a very difficult jump to do especially because we're not only trying to show in a much larger species that it works but that type of array that we use in a rat using a neuro nexus probe with with 15 spikes putting that into the hippocampus deep in the brain is not something you can do so we really need to translate both the finding as well as the technology and do it in a fashion that is amenable to a large primate and so the the pathway for us is through the non-human primate and I know that last week dr. diver nias was here and she talked about some of the non-human primate work that we're doing and she's one of the principal investigators on this with Babak Mammootty a biomedical engineer working with us and Narol just and the PhD in my lab and this is the scheme behind what's called Aug 3 u h3 grant from the NIH from the brain initiative that was given to us a couple of years ago to translate this work so what is ug 3 u h3 stand for well the first question that I asked when I got on the phone with this with the program officer after we were told of our score and we wanted to talk about the milestones for this grant I said to them the first question I have for you is what is ug 3 u h3 stand for and the answer was we have no idea so and what's really you know I was especially curious about it because we applied for this twice the first time we applied for it we it was called a u h2 u h3 and then they felt the need to change it to ug 3 u h3 without even knowing what it stood for so the NIH works in mysterious ways but the ug 3 refers to what's called the preclinical part part and the u h3 is the clinical part so maybe the H stands for humans and then the G stands for the nonhumans I'm not you know so good animals something like that so so this is our scheme for getting this to human so the second part of the grant is to go into humans with a device and the first part of the grant is to translate that into non-human primate model so we start here's the rat these are the studies we've done already and first we have to have a data acquisition system that's appropriate and instead of challenging ourselves with having in the translatable data acquisition system to begin with we're going to use just a typical Blackrock and we started this work about a year or so ago and develop the type of electrodes that we need for the humans and then ultimately go into a system called an RC plus s which is a type of deep brain stimulator system component of this is to develop our own surrogate so I told you that spikes per second array wide was a surrogate that allowed dr. Potter to tune his device so that it could achieve the clinical result of getting rid of the burst firing so we have the same problem call this the burst frying over here and we're looking for a biomarker of response like spikes per second or a wide it takes weeks and years to evaluate the clinical response of these types of things whereas using a biomarker allows us to figure it out in anywhere from microseconds to at least months and so one of the components of the grant is to look for biomarkers of the response this is just some of the the the parameterization of how we're going to do it this shows the development of the electrodes the type of electrodes we're developing these are our equivalent of of these neuro Nexus arrays for putting into the non-human primate and ultimately to the to the human this shows the complexity of doing these type of things on an animal skull this shows the seizures that Ana L showed you last last week and then ultimately this gets boiled into them into human electrodes that look something like this and this is our RC plus s so this is not that dissimilar from that our responsive neurostimulator in that it records neural signal and stimulates but is capable of higher degrees of analysis of of spectral doing spectral analysis and and being able to look at biomarkers and so forth anyway that's for the future but another side of the lab we've been asking the question now can we have a more mechanism and neuron specific approach so electrical stimulation we haven't talked about the mechanism at all we don't really know how electrical stimulation really helps epilepsy or even Parkinson's disease in fact we as a field have have been like a sine wave going back and forth between thinking this is inhibiting neurons and it's activating neurons maybe it's activating and inhibiting neurons so we don't really know the mechanism of action of these things so so we're really interested in trying to figure out a more mechanistic approach and instead of just sticking electrical wires into the brain and hoping that the right neural population has the right thing done to it we are working towards more specificity so so we're using life for this and I know that many of you are familiar with the approaches of optogenetics and Garrett Stanley is here and he of course his lab as you as you know where I works very hard in this area and so so these optogenetic channels just for those of you that don't know there's they come in both activating and inhibitory forms where we can actually introduce sodium ions or chloride ions or protons and thereby specifically activate neurons using channelrhodopsin or inhibit neurons using a halorhodopsin or Mac so there's a lot of different flavors of these things I don't want to spend too much time going into the details for Translational approaches as we are always focused on we're not very interested in transgenic animals so so you know the likelihood of making a transgenic human is is very low especially since epilepsy usually presents later in life the ship has already sailed on that so so we use viral vectors to introduce optogenetics into animals and then you can put light light guides in light fibers and and achieve behavioral responses so we started actually Steve Potter and and I started a number of years ago to to bring this into the epilepsy model system this shows you one example of one person who beat us to the punch by a long margin so Esther cook Magnuson showed a nice responsive system this on-demand optogenetic system so just like that responsive neurostimulator you can look at the EEG menhir and decide when there's a seizure and then turn on an optogenetic LED in animals that have been transfected she used halorhodopsin to inhibit excitatory neurons and channelrhodopsins drive inhibitory neurons and you can see that when the light is on after a detection the animal doesn't have a seizure and when the light is not turned on the seizure light on no seizure light off seizure and this just shows amplification of this and a clinical response so so this actually does work and in fact there have been a large number of papers now published on using light in optogenetic form in various instantiations for for accomplishing this in our lab we're concerned with putting large amounts of light and light fibers into the hippocampus so for patients whose hippocampus is doing something putting in a single fiber is insufficient and putting in multiple fibers is potentially damaging and so we've been looking at targets that are much smaller and that are easier to control so the medial septal nucleus is one such area that projects its fibers to the hippocampus and is actually the pacemaker of the hippocampus and it has various different populations of neurons gaba cholinergic glutamatergic and is the type of area that if you put an electrical micro electrode in or macro electrode in here you have no control over what you're doing to these sub population of neurons so it lends itself very nicely to to being able to do cell type-specific control of jabba glutamatergic and cholinergic neurons and so this shows an a viral infection of the medial septum and then nice expression along the septal hippocampal pathway all the way into the hippocampus and this just shows our approach to this of turning them on turning them off and this is work that's ongoing in the lab sang Park who's a who's a bioengineering student in the lab so hopefully we'll have results to show you on that in the coming months and years now the translational problem ultimately is a big one for me so that dr. genetics works in mice in particular and even rats is fine but how do you get opto genetics into the human are we going to be in the in the near future putting light guides into patients eyes you putting a fiberoptic into a patient's brain for destroying the hippocampus okay but are we going to be able to distribute enough light without causing damage into the poke APIs to be able to get optogenetic control the problem is really depicted here by the fact that at this is the amount of spread that you get in a rat brain and the size difference is is substantial between that and a non-human primate not even to mention into a human so so this is the problem at the light of the spread of light and these are some of the solutions that are being promised and being developed and and but we decided to take a different approach to get around the physical limitations of external light sources in the brain so this is our answer to that that problem so light is produced by many other things aside from light emitting diodes for example this sea of bioluminescent organisms provides copious amounts of light and they provided at various different wavelengths so with Ken Berglund who's an assistant professor in the lab we've been developing bioluminescence coupled to optogenetic channels so in the presence of substrate called seal and Terezin or basically luciferase light is generated by an enzymatic reaction and then can be coupled ultimately to these two halorhodopsin channel adopts and what have you so this is what it looks like in a depiction this is channel adopts in' and this is a it's yfp and this is Galu sephorus which is introduced as a fusion protein to the channel adoption channel and then in the presence of Sela terezin makes blue light and can self-regulate its own channel you can also switch the channel adopts into just to point out that we can also as a check use standard opto genetic approaches because this does not invalidate the the approach of introducing external light so we can compare the two and then we can switch the channel adoption to halorhodopsin and make a separate different type of light and you connect do this in the same cells if you want so this is Manila luciferase which generates with its unique substrate yellow light to activate halorhodopsin so what this looks like is this is a fluid static fluorescence image and then in in cultures let me submit can get this mouse to come over here you can see that in the presence of substrate we get nice pile in essence over that whole network so again these are the two different forms we've called the inhibitory form of this inhibitory lumen opsin and the excitatory excitatory lumen opsin and this just shows the experimental implementation of this and again we can use these these opcodes micro electrodes coupled to opcodes as a as a means of using the conventional approach and we can put in multi electrode arrays like we were doing before with the electrical approach but here we simply use it for recording within the CA 3 and the CA one area we've been able to show this works in patch-clamp experiments so you see the fluorescence and the luminescence and you can see Sealand Terezin and Janet generates a nice spike and a nice inward current this we ultimately are able to show that this can actually control rotational behavior these videos are inactive but you could see them rotating if you wanted to and we've quantified this and this shows that with Sealand Terezin we can actually cause EPSA lateral rotation when put into the basal ganglia into the substantial nigra pars reticulata and that nice thing about this is that you can actually see the luminescence and the animals themselves so you can see the control signals being generated as we're doing these experiments we are applying this in various different approaches we've recently applied this in Parkinson's disease to show chronic activation of dopaminergic neurons by lumen opsin and we're actually looking this in this in a neural restorative way where by by increasing the activity axons we can actually get BDNF neurotrophic factor secretion and have neuroprotective effects on these animals I'll show that in a second with Ling way and chopping you I'm sorry and uh chanting chanting we're doing this in a stroke model looking at transplantation of engineered stem cells combined with chronic excitation and James Zhang is a graduate student in the lab that recently defended showing this and and miles McCreary is also doing that presently in in Champaign in Ling ways lab and we're doing this in my lab with epilepsy so this shows the the rat experiments for Parkinson's disease protection and we can see that with Sealand Terezin were actually able to get a nice clinical response in these in these Parkinson model animals this is the work of Jack Tong who got his PhD and in biomedical engineering here a couple of years ago and is at Stanford right now and what he was able to show in cultures these are these multi electrode arrays that I showed you that Steve Potter that really started the whole thing these are the very same cultures on micro electrodes and you can see in the ilm oh the inhibitory lumen opsin expressing cultures the firing rate is decreased as compared to control sister cultures and quantified over here we then translated this into the awake behaving rat and again you can see the same thing that in the presence of Sealand Terezin we get decreased firing in in the hippocampus this is a bike you killing model I'm not that dissimilar to the tenth to the tetanus toxin model and you can see that we're able to get decreased activity decreased seizure activity again you see here is with a little bit of delay this isn't the vehicle and this is in the zoo and Terezin infused animals you see a decrease in the number of discharges in the hippocampus this shows then decrease them seizure activity this they're animals that that where the lumen opsin inhibitory lumen opsin is infused into the hippocampus or the dentate gyrus and we can see decreases in in seizure act seizure duration what's interesting here is that the seizure duration decreased but the actual intensity of the seizures didn't decrease when we just infuse this into the dentate gyrus the nice thing about the aluminum s'en approach is that we can infuse this in multiple brain regions we're not limited by all the areas that we can put a light guide or fiber optic into any place that we can get gene expression by transduction we can we can we can target for epilepsy so we've been exploring now the idea of multi-site neural modulation and so here he put this into the dentate gyrus but also into the anterior nucleus of the thalamus which is part of the circuit that involves the hippocampus in the so called circuit of PES and in that case we were able to see decrease in duration as well as in can't even see that on here but the well in this particular this is the anterior nucleus alone but took out the slide sorry about that this is the anterior nucleus alone in the anterior nucleus alone we got decrease in duration and we didn't get a change in the Racine score in the intensity but if I left the slide in you could see when we coupled this together we finally got decrease in seizure duration and in the Racine score as well so these things seem to be additive so lumen options for epilepsy are nice because they allow more widespread neuromodulation than conventional optogenetics there's a gain in the distribution but one of the things we lose is temporal control so instead of being able to flip the light on and off like cook Magnuson was able to do we are to rely on drug delivery but what we're looking to develop now is there's been some really neat microfluidic devices for for very tight drug delivery and control drug delivery so we're thinking about beginning to try to apply this work where we can have great control of the drug delivery and then we've solved both problems we've got both temporal control as well as a better distribution so we need to solve the substrate delivery hurdles there are certainly pros and cons of the systems and of course some of you may have heard of designer drugs the designer receptors exclusively activated by by designer drugs it's another chemo genetic approach like the luminescent approach which has certain advantages and disadvantage it's compared to lumen options and we're working on autonomous responsive lumen options whereas where we could provide the substrate continuously but not have the lumen option be activated but building in a responsiveness into the bioluminescent part of the molecule for example putting calcium calmodulin and conferring response to calcium levels within within the neurons to make an autonomous response of lumen opsin and this hopefully will lead eventually to a completely non evasive approach using perhaps vascular delivery of the of the viral vectors vascular delivery put in a drug pump at least there's something for me to do as a neurosurgeon and and and hopefully get more widespread adoption so to summarize I'm going to summarize this by saying what all of this is basically exemplifies is unmet clinical needs which I and my in my physician colleagues can identify treating epilepsy is good but not great we can get to 65% we don't often get to a hundred percent seizure reduction patients want to be seizure free off of taking drugs so we identify unmet clinical needs such as these and we marry this to clinician scientists and engineers working together to make new therapeutic options these are our targets I've told you about some of the tools that we have and all of this is basically what entices mission is on the emory side and then we married together with the neural engineering center Chris and Garrett and Lina ting and Rob Butera and others here on the Georgia Tech side we really are one center we formed as two separate centers because of the administrative aspects of working in under two different universities but we one Center really working together and I think somewhat seamlessly towards all of these advancements and that really is the is the focus of the group together so just to acknowledge the people that are involved I have to involve acknowledge John Willie who's a junior partner of mine who's been doing this with me especially the laser stuff and in particular for the last us I guess it's seven years Matt who I already acknowledged some of the other people work in our group the Emily Emory neurologists and our and Babak and Anna Elle working on the monkey experiments and some of the previous students have already already named and of course our funding sources have to be gratefully acknowledged so with that I will conclude and if anybody has time to stick around happy to take your questions questions yes Annabelle yeah I mean well first of all this the substrate now the substrate sealant Terezin is a foreign substrate so it actually as opposed to dreads does not actually have any other targets to drag the metabolize or NPOs metabolize said they're wrong as CNO it's metabolized to clozapine so sealant Terezin might have some toxic effects actually in japan they sell sealant tears they sell bioluminescent lollipops so so we don't we're not worried too worried about that but yeah the idea is not to chronically activate these systems I mean we right now we're using the substrate and it has to be substrate dependent we don't know what the effects of long term activation are with electrical stimulation though there is some data on this because while the neuro pace approach uses responsive stimulation there are other approaches using continuous stimulation of the hippocampus and remarkably it has pretty minimal long-term effects we've been doing electrical stimulation for you know decades and similar patients so I think there's the possibility of habituation I found that a company called neuro Vista with some colleagues and the idea was that was that we don't want to have these things be active long-term because the nervous system would habituate and so we have to make these responsive but we don't really have any evidence to actually support the adverse effect of long-term continuous stimulation in most settings so we'll have to see right right so yeah I mean this has been looked at looking at various markers of microglial activation and so forth and in fact you know anytime we put something in the nervous system there is an inflammatory reaction around it it it and and gliosis that occurs as well in a more long-term fashion so these are important as far as the inflammatory effects of neural modulation per se we and others look at this and we we don't see very much with respect to that in fact there are certain scenarios where you can actually see an anti-inflammatory effect of neural modulation I think perhaps the reason for it is because we are working in the context of how the nervous system works ordinarily you know we're talking its language certainly if you do things that are non physiological that you know we certainly get into damage zones and inflammatory responses there but as long as we stay within the physiological range and just feed those physiological signals in in you know a non physiological way I think we're we're usually pretty safe with respect to inflammatory effects