What if. The speaker. Would. You don't. Like. I mean you were. Just what you were four months ago or months ago. But. I thank you for inviting me. But I'm not sure the mikes on but maybe that's just for recording OK. So. I had trouble finding this room because I'm so new I don't know the difference between Pettit and teach so I was going to the other place. So I apologize and so the work I'll be talking about is largely how we can think about using nanotechnology for medical diagnostics and this might be slightly different than type of talks that you might be accustomed to and the vast majority the data will be showing you actually is data collected and the research I've been conducting our haggling cutting thing at MIT in my research lab right now is actually housing markets Nano and we're kind of moving us like different direction but I won't tell you that at least for the context of this talk the activities that's going on in that space but I'd be more than happy to let you know what we're thinking about now if you drop by our office or lab and I'll show you around OK. So like I said we're very interesting and think about how we can use nanotechnology for medicine applications now one of the first areas that we've been heavily and vested over the last five four five years is in the area of cancer diagnostics and thinking about how we can develop better tools to detect cancer is for example at early stage when treatments we know are most effective and the question of course is that we want to develop these technologies to help clinicians may. Clinical decisions that are important to the outcomes of patients now if you look at a typical just a cartoon of disease progression in for example a typical patient with cancer he or she might be healthy for several decades before they develop a two or they would go in for some therapeutic intervention they were entering into remission stage and eventually some of the subsets of these patients will indeed recur Now specifically what I want to talk to you about today is the use of biomarkers in medicine now biomarkers are very simply a molecular indicator of disease and I'll tell you more about the different flavors of biomarkers are currently use but the most famous ones right now are ones that are used to diagnose or to stratify patients at the time in which the disease is actually detected OK because it turns out cancer is very heterogeneous there are many different flavors of cancer if we say lung cancer there are many actually different subsets genetic subsets of lung cancer that actually respond very differently to different treatments so here I'm showing you two or three different examples of the type of markers that we're looking at in order to help personalized medicine one of these for example is there her two new amplification this occurs in breast cancer patients if you have this particular subset you are most responsive to E.G.F.R. or excuse me or septum based therapies for example we have examples like. You have the V three E.G.F.R. mutation glioblastoma so that we are definitely identifying new and emergent markers that helping us to stratify patients at the time of diagnosis now if you zoom back even further and you asked well what other flavors of biomarkers are there that is currently used in the clinic the earliest ones who are very simple snip are a Terry hereditary mutations that you can look at the most famous ones are the BRACA one bracket two snips and these are of course if you're a female and you harbor these you actually should. Go for a more intensive screening for breast cancers as well as on. The cancers because you are actually at a two or three higher risk over the lifetime of your. Over your lifetime of develop new types of cancers. Now also as we're learning we're actually surprisingly learning month best to use different types of biomarkers also not a good example of this is the prostate specific antigen test the P.S.A. tests I think all men over forty or forty five be very you know this is common vernacular this is something that you monitor it's a blood test now it turns out that P.S.A. has a very poor negative predictive value and what that means is that you could have a high positive test but it doesn't really tell you whether we should take action because there are or indolent types of prostate cancer when she can just wait really won't kill you during your lifetime and there are more aggressive types of prostate cancers which require immediate intervention and so it turns out that United States task force agency recently has no longer recommended P.S.A. as a screening test because of this poor negative predictive value but it's still not a bad biomarker because in the context of recurrence monitoring and high risk patients that already have had prostate cancer it turns out to be a very sensitive biomarker for that situation now the question of course is that within this space we're still missing a lot of biomarkers for early detection and a fancy word pharmacodynamic biomarkers twitchy sensually means markers that became used to monitor achievement efficacy of drugs in real time OK So the question of course is why is this so challenging for us to uncover new biomarkers if you compare the rates in which the F.D.A. approved the rates in which new drugs and therapies are approved drugs vastly outpace that diagnostics and yet diagnostics if you just sit back and think about it you might intuitively think or guess that it might be each actually easier just to develop a very simple test to look at that differ. Type of diseases now the challenges are several fold and here I'll just go through three what I think by the major bottlenecks in this area the first is if you think of the different types of data are currently being targeted as tests OK there are many different flavors of molecules that we can look at we can look at metabolites more classically we can look at proteins but of course there are even new and more exciting biomarkers even such that we can look at for example single individual circling tumor cells as a way of them forming a disease state now the challenge I would pose to you as an engineer is that there is a tremendous diversity in the properties of these molecules OK And so as an engineer every time are interested in probably something else we have to develop an entirely new and a local platform to fish these guys out so that's pretty challenging the second aspect I posed to you is that as biologists as these particular maybe you know trained in biology maybe not full fledged biologists is that the limitations of this is that we're essentially limited by what nature provides us OK So if a disease doesn't happen to produce a unique protein we have to look at some other subset of molecules in order to do a diagnosis and so that makes it challenging so together I like to collectively clump these together and say that these are and markers because they are naturally occurring in healthy and disease systems now the second aspect the second bottleneck is that most of these tests most F.D.A. approved tests are single marker tests OK we know that single markers are prone to high rates of false positive false negatives OK And then too late the way that you can think about this is that the more you know we have first names we have last names we have middle names to use or for my name is Gabriel manual name you know embarrassing is actually Abner So if. That's pretty darn unique there's probably only want to be in the whole of the United States but if I say if I just use Gabe there's a lot more people. Nice States that's named gave Gabriel also OK so what that means is that the more parameters of the more markers that you are able to modify the same time the more specific test will be for a particular disease now this is used all the time in the good example this is in prenatal screening we have a three biomarkers serum tests which is a has a very good specificity for a few employees and this would be like Down syndrome OK And then if this kind of specificity is only attained by looking at multiple markers at the same time. OK And the third element I want to very briefly share with you is that most of these tests are designed to be blood tests and this is great because blood obviously babies all their major organs and so if it's a diseased tissue is spitting out these unique molecules or any cares in the blood you can just take the blood sample and analyze it and hopefully be able to. Define what that disease is but the challenge of blood is that it's a very complex medium and if you think about it especially you want to do early stage diagnostics where tumors are on the order of say five millimeters what happens is that these tumors as they are shedding these bomb markers in the blood what happens it goes from a pea sized volume into five liters of blood so the first thing that happens is you have a biomarker that's enormously diluted into our blood pool so it makes it very challenging to detect Now of course there are many bottlenecks to this process and that's just one we have to consider for example how quickly tumor cells grow how quickly they can stash we make a protein biomarker for example which is limited by cellular machinery a cell can only make proteins so quickly and furthermore as these protein markers for example shown in green or circularly in the in the blood they have a certain half life they're not stable OK there are clear by normal mechanisms and so there are a lot of great constants here that we have to consider and what Sam Gambhir as Stanford did was he did just that he. Built a mathematical model and he asked how sensitive can a typical blood biomarker actually be in carrying cancers especially early stage cancers and he took into account what we currently know about growth rates about the stability of these bombers and their results are actually quite striking and what he's showing you here on the X. axis is time until detection time with Genesis where point zero we would assume that's one tumor cell and then we're worse we modeling how gross and what he found it at least for ovarian cancer is that with our current technologies using a blood test it would take anywhere from eight to ten years for our standard clinical Eliza test to indicate disease and by this time is certainly not early stage disease these tumors are quite large they're not wanted to send reason diameter and it really does not eat fancy or medical imaging platform such as in this case transrational ultrasound OK So this is where we are with all these blood biomarkers to you so the bottlenecks that's we're very interested in addressing and so our approach is that since there are so many potential limitations with a natural biomarker deaths very hard to circumvent right because these are biologically constrained we were we asked ourselves a question well could we make a market that synthetic OK if it's synthetic we can engineer a way a way around some of these constraints that I just showed you share with you and so our thoughts was well instead of an dollars a spinal marker let us make an exogamous agent nanoparticles and I'll show you how we've built them later on but it's an exhaust agents debts would produce a disease contrasts so we're going to make our own disease detection signal instead of relying on something that's natural the second aspect I want to share with you is how we can take a single test and build a multiplex library OK And again like I said earlier the reason why I want to do this is this would increase the. Our test and hopefully not just be able to differentiate different types of flavors of cancers but allow us to do staging as well and the third aspect I want to share with you is how we design synthetic markers so that they are not detected from the blood but rather from the urine Now this was circumvent some of the limitations I mentioned earlier about biomarkers dilution in the blood and what's nice about urine is that it's concentrated and it's a downstream filtration product of blood so ideally you would potentially hath assess ability of blood but in a more potent and concentrated a solution OK So what are the synthetic markers. If you can survive this cartoon you can survive the rest of the OK so synthetic biomarkers are very simply nanoparticles and I show here just one formulation in which these these are particles and they happen to be clustered together but you really can't take any type of nanoparticles scaffold and use their particle states recreate on the surface with peptides these peptides have two unique domains associated with them showing and color is a region where it's pretty sensitive meaning that they can make leaves by a class of enzymes called produces now produces If you don't know basically ends of magic scissors they're molecular scissors and they go in and. The cleavage peptide OK so you can cover this part of these particles with Cleave more substrates and to the second half of this domain you can couple of mass barcode and I'll tell you later on exactly how we design this and the function of this mass barcode and the idea here is that you can pull together a multiplex solution of these different flavors and then a particles sense of the different types of produce this into one injectable formulation you infuse into the patients and we use the nanoparticle carious because their function is to essentially deliver these peptides to the disease site here I'm just showing you it's as the liver metastasis but this actually this phenomenon that holds true. For many different types of cancers. And here within the disease Mark environment what we're asking the nanoparticles to do is to present these peptides to the local market environment so that these protests which are specific for disease for specific for cancer were common and cleave and shave these parts off the surface of the particle now a very interesting thing happens now is that these peptides that there are now very small OK previously there are a couple that small is in relative terms there are a couple to nano particles in these particles happens to be about fifty nanometers so they go from fifteen and a meters to two diameter measured in angstroms and so what ends up happening is that when these fragments enter into the circulation they actually very quickly filtered and concentrated into the urine OK So the idea here is you can collect a urine sample and because each of these peptides have been prematch labeled we can come in with mass spec quantitative mass spectrometry and be able to tease out the cleavage the presence of these cleavage fragments as who also relative abundance of these fragments in the urine OK. So synthetic markers are very simple like I said they are made of produce sensitive couple of nano particles the very first test you can do is to design sequences of sequences to sense the different flavors of produce is in the way that you would do that is to make peptides which are terminate at the end before force and what happens is when you pool when you conjugate these peptides to a nano core it tends to promote home of quenching between the floor so this is a dim fluorescent state you can incubate this with the purpose of interest you a clear peptides off and now the floors are free to fly us and using this very simple four channel gas and you can go about screening different rates looking for relative specific sequences against Proteus of interest here we've designed a peptide against them which is a blood Proteus you can see there a pretty strong activation fluorescence specific verse. Other types of. Blood as well as the and then T. family. OK So like I said earlier since their biomarkers a very simple they're peptide to nanoparticles and we were very interested in figuring out exactly how these individual components interact within their living animal to produce a urine signal now this first piece of data is what would happen if you took three peptides to label with a reporter for us or an importer and you inject it into Disease and Control animals you would immediately see that the liver excuse me the bladders The lighting up and this because the peptides are small and that just being secreted very rapidly into the into the bladder now what would happen if you conjugate floors to the surface of the nanoparticle is you would see in this case the first thing the lack of fluorescents in the bladder and this is like I said earlier because these particles are large so they're they don't actually gets created they're circulating in the blood and they eventually get scavenge by resin that monocytes America faces in the deliberately left nose and that's why the liver in this case is lighting up and the third piece of complimentary data I want to show you is what would happen if you injected particles now particles in which the for force are labeled again the first thing you would notice is that the see the bladder for the disease animal is lighting up OK but the control animal is not. And so what this tells us is that at least in this very broad overview of these animals is that there are some produce in the disease animal that seems to be cleaving these peptides and these fragments are kind initiating this pharmacokinetics which that they have now after clears are going into their urine now to give you more direct evidence of this process actually happened I want to show you data that we collected from a mouse model of fibrosis excuse me of thrombosis not from bosis is the formation of blood clots and these blood clots are usually found in intravascular and this particular mouse model. You can monitor the disease burden by infusing fluorescent fiber engine and just a reminder Firebird engine is a precursor for fiber and clots OK So when you have active clot formation Fairbridge it will be clear and incorporated into the newly formed clots and so by using this very simple reporter you can see in this case in mice that were induced with on both as a very sharp regulation induction of these blood clots within the lungs as quantified here on the right hand side now you might ask what would happen if we injected these Flora genic sensors like I said these particles are in the current state so if they are clear they will be activated in the flush and should go up in this case if you come back to the lungs in the thrombotic animal you can see a significant increase in particle activation with the lungs that we did not observe in the control animals Furthermore as you start looking downstream you look at the kidneys you can see a fluorescent we observe increase in fluorescent activity in the kidneys and furthermore lastly when we looked at the urine for the presence of these clippers fragments we indeed observed a significant increase in the level of fluorescents in the urine versus the control animals Now we also repeated these experiments in the presence of by a valid route in by a valid route in is a direct inhibitor OK so in the presence of a direct an inhibitor we were able to abrogate any differences in the urine signal and so collectively what this data tells us is that we can. Get the synthetic markers are indeed activated at these sites the fragments are going to the urine and this activation is really dependent on the activity of. OK. Now this platform potentially can be quite sensitive because there are two major Most of signal amplification The first is that we're targeting produce is you know we're not looking at the abundance of produce as we're actually relying on produce activity OK so produces our catalytic one produce concrete. Thousands of peptides per unit time so there's your single application the second part that potentially could be very sensitive is again we're not looking in the blood where these fragments looted but we're actually looking in the urine Now it turns out every five to ten minutes all your blood pool is filtered through the kidneys OK this is just normal physiology so what and your kidneys of course is responsible for you absorb the water so if there is a point source generating some signal somewhere in your body releasing these reporters it's filtered every five to ten minutes and into the kidney and the kidneys are to draw in the water so essentially concentrations reporters into the urine so now compare and contrast this platform versus a normal and dodges biomarker shown in green again once they're from the tumors they have no ability to amplify their own presence and furthermore especially if we're doing a blood assaye they're diluted in blood so I just want to compare and contrast to these two different types of approaches. And so we came very interested in this in trying to decipher whether this approach might be potentially more sensitive than traditional blood markers and so we focus on one particular protein it's called C.D.A. it's currently F.D.A. approved for colorectal cancer. And what's striking to us is if you look at all this stablish available human colorectal cancer cell and some A.T.C.C. plotted on the X. axis and you ask how much protein can these cells make per unit time we found that these rates varied by over four orders of magnitude in difference and now each of these cell lines is derived from a different patient and so this kind of gives you a glimpse into the heterogeneity of these types of cancers and it can you can already kind of scratch your head and say well if I develop a blood test for CA How am I supposed to account for this vast diversity OK And so we decided to do was to do fairly competitive comparisons so we took a cell on this one seven forty because it's produced a clip one hundred for the book the median value expected in humans now if you implant two cells. Into my state form tumors expect to expend exponential growth rates and furthermore Now if you ask what are the levels of the CA protein these tumors can produce and that's detectable in the blood and what we found is that we did not observe any significant elevations in CA until day thirteen OK when the tumors were fairly reasonable size about three thirty millimeters cubed in general. The first thing that we want to assess was whether our synthetic markers could indicate the presence of cancer and we did this very simply with particles you can see that the bladder is lining up here and furthermore we want to head and quantified the elevation in the urine signals here in the left you can see this is the scatter plot for the control animals which did not have tumors in the presence of tumors there's about a two fold three fold increase in the urine signal and furthermore again this signal could be depleted or reduced in the presence of a murmur start in this case is a broad spectrum M.M.P. inhibitor because in the presence of tumors. Plus this inhibitor we see a signal go down it suggests that the cleavage activity or the production of this urine signal is due to the family of Proteus is typically implicated in cancer OK And like I said we wanted to do a head to head comparison and so in this model we infuse nanoparticles I ten which remind you that there is no significant difference detectable difference in serum in the concentration of the CA protein. And yet in our system because of this ability to amplify signals we were able to observe a significant elevation in the urine. Signals at ten we want further to quantify the the productivity of this assay and you can do this using a receiver operator characteristic curve and basically the way that this analysis works is that. You're looking at the true positive rates versus the false positive rates as your varying eight discrimination threshold OK And so the way that this works is the perfect classifier the perfect diagnostic what always give you an area under the curve of one OK It's never wrong now a random classifier will give you an area and perfectly five because there's no better than coin flip OK And so if we looked at our serum samples we observed an eight point six one four C. A which again like I said this is the F.D.A. approved biomarker but at the same time point we were using our synthetic bomber protests we observe a significant increase in the area in the curve meaning that we had developed a more predictive assaye. For mice to indicate colorectal cancer. Now like I mentioned earlier do you start experiments were done with a cell line we which we chose for a very competitive type of comparison now you might ask what would happen if we chose a cell and this happens in the clinic in which the patients tumors are not or secreted very low levels of CA What would happen in that situation now it turns out that if you take this and we chose for you know because it's making this year product three fold below the median value you can do we piece the same set of experiments you see that in my state grows exponentially but perhaps predictive of a significant reduction in CA production versus tell us once and for two cells we were not able to observe any significant elevation in serum levels of C eight even up to about a month after we implanted the tumors and these are very large tumors they're so large we have to essentially sacrifice some eyes because it's not really humane to let these tumors grow that large but conversely infuser nanoparticle test that they thirteen we very easily were able to discriminate a significant elevation in the urine samples in relatively small tumors and so collectively what this data tell told us is that. We potentially because of this ability to amplify signals looking at produce activity and look at the urine we might have a way of circumventing the traditional limitations associated with the blood biomarker even having the ability to indicate cancers that normally don't produce a typical blood for us to test OK. Now the second part I want to share with you is how we think about multiplexing a platform that I've just shown you. Why do we even want to do this now because our platform is targeting Proteus as it turns out that there are many flavors of producers out there aren't you know in codes over five hundred different types of purchases there are actually more produces than kinases in the body half of them are extracellular which allows our platform to detect Now if you look at complex disease such as cancer this is a very cursory and by no means exhaustive list of the different Proteus is that you can find there are implicated in different stages of cancer and so because of this complex see if you just take one probe one sequence and you you know interrogate a subject most likely you would not be able to represent the complex the the underlying biology the complexity that's inherent within that disease state and so like I mentioned earlier what we're very interested in doing is thinking about ways of doing high throughput measurements OK how do we think about doing a multiplex measurement here in this system and in. Our design criteria is to think about how we can incorporate mass bar codes into these peptides substrates Now the first thing I want to clarify to you is Why do we even need a mass barcode OK because your question might be that if we had a pretty substrate of interest that we knew of Shouldn't. It be sufficient to know where Cleave because if you knew where cleaved you can because you are looking at mass spec simply to figure out what the molecular weight of that species is and then do mass spec and it turns out that that's the way that the vast. Majority of in vitro studies are done you have a putative Cleaver site you calculate what the medical rate of the release fragment is and then you do mass spec Now the problem with this approach with the evil studies is that very quickly clear which fragments will be degraded by produce which comes in and choose down and so from a fine fragments which you know where to look you look in the blood or you look in the urine guess what it's all degraded in this latter pattern and most likely single amino acids are coming out and so there's it comes confound mass analysis and so one thought that we were. We innovated in this space is thinking about how we can produce mass bar codes now at the distinction of a mass barcode is that we use the stereo isomers OK now if anyone remember from the standard biochemistry all of proteins are are handed all approaches actually coded OK because there's a sterile center carbon for each immune acid so it turns out if you make the right hand that version of Mean asses guess what can the produce in the substrate interact with each other no it cannot clear if the version is so very simply by switching here represented by the lower case L to D.M. you know acid we can create a resistance bar code if you will on the left hand side. This barcode sequence really can be anything but we gravitated towards this one peptide which actually has a name it's actually called and asked the name because mass spectrometer has. Found that this particular sequence I now use is very very well in a positive ion mass spectrometers and so why is that you know important for us well is partially because we're using mass spec as a downstream analytical tool the second very coincidental. Property of the sequence that is very unique is that it turns out that this type is derived from fiber engine and it's shed when fibrinogen is cleaved into the urine. And so by looking at these studies in the sixty's and seventy's what we figured out is that it turns out this peptide is a very natural. Creator sequence is not actively reabsorbed by the body OK so these two properties made a very attractive to use as an enviable mass market and now the second element of this structure that I want to share with you is the incorporation. Funky looking and you know asked and anyone who is again taking about should we know that this is not the canonical any one of the twenty amino acid that's normally found in the body This contains a natural fennel group and if you know natural fennel group is very sensitive to light Why do you want to do this because if this region is clear in vivo and it produces laddering effect shown here by the by the cleave lines we don't really care because now we can take the urine sample return to radiate by a long way of U.V. light it will initiate for a cleavage and it will release our mask for for analysis and so we have a way of cleaning up if you will all these messy cleavage fragments on the other side of the peptide OK now I'll show it to show you deficiency of this process you can see the ten M. peptide mass spectrum on the. Top here on the upper right after thirty minutes of U.V. light radiation and you can see this complete disappear followed by the appearance of this red more if you. OK so now I've shown you how we go from to how we design a photo crave a bowl barcode into our system the question next question will be how do we go from one to many how do we build a library OK and to do this this goes a little bit into into chemistry sorry apologize if this is a little bit too much into physical damage but I find a very interesting. It turns out that if you talk to any proteomic person an expert de you molecules like people. All the time for mass spec and I'm showing you one of the structures here it's called I track molecule and what's very neat about what these guys have figured out what these guys and girls have figured out is that they have a strategy of incorporating stable isotopes for so for example if you look at this is a carbon here you can substitute a carbon thirteen here OK the substitution of a stable ice What does it do is shift by one atomic mass unit but it preserves the molecule it's a behaves exactly identical you can do this you can do this trick and you can the only difference you can see between these variants of these four molecules is where they do with the substitution of the carbon thirteen and the heavy oxygen eighteen by doing this trick as you're doing tandem aspect when you're fragmenting this peptide or excuse me this report a molecule what ends up happening is that these four molecules it turns out if you at the mass of all of them together without fragments and they actually have to say more weight OK and this increases the chance to read because you can sit there and collect all the signals you have you know how to scan a large and the window but if you fragment this then all of these variants in the way that these are steps are disputed becomes very apparent and you can figure out the relative abundance of each of these family. Within each individual within the family of reporters and so I was inspired by this approach and I thought well surely be able to do this same thing for peptides and it turns out that you can so you can take peptide sequence I showed you earlier and split it in half OK and that's where you do the mass balance and you can come in here and it's bluish reported for example you can consider this as your natural. OK here you notice that I substitute it's a plus one glycine So this one part they want to talk master to shift the next one has plus two plus three plus four and so on and so forth you can see that this is an extensible strategy to build a family of codes. And so what's interesting is you can pull all these peptides together ten bar codes by mass spec by. The By just mass spec and they're completely on this thing. But if you go and do a tandem aspect you fragment this individual component within the system would be apparent and I just want to mention here that these people are complete quantitative OK so how much of your reported ten is in solution is reflective of how high that peak is OK so it's quantitative aspect and so here's the fun part you can start thinking about coupling these bar codes on to clear of all substrates showing and read OK So remember these are mass barcode substrates Now you can couple these to nano particles and one of the things you could do is just start monitoring ten cleavage events at the same time you can monitor one Proteus to ten vents or you can monitor ten. It doesn't really matter but again I like to emphasize the activity of the top interactions is really given by the height of the peak OK. So we've gone from a single floor Janica since a biomarker platform I've shown you how we can use concepts in mass bar coding to create a multiplex library so now we have a template set of synthetic markers So what's an interesting problem to look at OK so in my previous training as a post like at MIT that lab the lab in which we focus our efforts on cancer now is technology and the half on liver tissue engineering and so we had a lot of resident experts and lab and so I thought well one of the interesting and we could kind of merge the two and so one disease that has a need for noninvasive biomarkers is in the area of liver fibrosis and fibrosis essentially excess to scarring of the liver and this could have happened whenever you have untreated hepatitis B. to see for example in alcohol abusers and it turns out that in the in the western sphere fatty liver disease because of our fatty diet is actually a. Markedly rising complex that we will have to figure out how to deal with in the very near future now if you look at a typical histological slice of these levers characteristics of the fibrosis you can see an accumulation of scar tissue. And like I said earlier this process is currently monitored by invasive biopsy so you go in there with a needle you take out a chunk of tissue and what we really want is a noninvasive means of marring disease state and now Furthermore what's very interesting about fibrosis is that is trim by a very diverse collection of Proteus is shown here in the first four panels or so but also by their natural inhibitors these tips are the tissue inhibitors of M.P.'s and so you have and then piece up regulated but you also have their inhibitors and so if you're going to say can we say and then P two is activity that is operated it's hard to tell because it's a balance act between it's over expression plus the effective than the hitter and so because of this complex that we thought this would be a very good platform actually to do a non-biased screen to look for biomarkers because of these competing rates of interactions and so we implemented a mouse model of liver fibrosis where you can give mouse give my diet Chow in which is laced with a small molecule Did you see D D D C is a paddle toxin So after three weeks on this Cho. These mice will develop liver fibrosis shown here by serious red standing which stands to cause and fibers or the scar tissue within the liver quantified here on the right hand side you can see that after three weeks on this on this food there is a significant elevation and total amount of scar tissue in the liver and what's neat about this model is that now after three weeks if you restore a healthy normal child to the mice they have the ability to slowly heal over time to regenerate into remove the scar tissue and so here. Quantified on the right hand side you can see that the scar tissue peaks around three to seven weeks but after another four weeks off of that the child the scar tissue is being repressed OK So we have unique windows in which. There's fibrosis in disease and resolution. So within this window we decided to infuse our templates library of synthetic biomarkers and these are the type of data that we can collect by my spec. One through ten represents different flavors of peptides substrates that we infused into this mice and because like I said earlier we're interested in. Window and reversal we injected these particles that zero three seven eleven weeks now the first thing that we noticed is that not all the markers have the same type of activation kinetics which I think in itself is very interesting the second thing is that some biomarkers for example G one two eight nine and ten were completely and informative in the context of fibrosis state did not deviate from the baseline values there were some biomarkers that were significantly elevated only in the reversal when those again in the seven eleven when the seven long weeks. And there was one biomarker in particular that we found very interesting because it was significant elevated throwing the fibrosis window but not reversal and so it seemed like we had a template's library we did a. Blind screen and we seem like we were able to fish out one peptide that was specific for fibrosis could differentiate fibrosis even over. And so we went further on and we wanted to cross validated this by a marker cross validation is important because you don't want to you know over fit your data for one model and so we took agent addict model of the fibrosis this is and they are to knock out mice you can see that after about four weeks of birth they develop naturally develop scar tissue within the liver and furthermore when we went into validates the potential G seven as a biomarker fibrosis we indeed saw a significant elevation in urine signal versus a marker dollars not informative in our day of the. And so this is a way of cross validating there are initial hits in our first system in our thoughts and. Fibrosis. One thing that we define very interesting is if you look at templates of bomb markers if you looked at the most predictive biomarker from that pool the single bomb marker is the best one gave us an eight of C. A point seven three so not very good but now if you ask combination of biomarkers Like I said earlier multiply X. we were able to show that when you looked at a marker combination this could again significantly increase the area under the curve create a more predictive fast say for us. OK. In the last ten minutes the show so I just want to talk a little bit about the advantages of a urine test Now I mentioned earlier one advantage is that you're seeing the concentrate in the urine but if you think about what we have is we have a platform which is essentially imaging free we're not tied down for the need for a C.T. and M.R.I. etc We have a vial of nanoparticles that we can administer of really anywhere OK at the point of care but what is not really flexible in terms of the broad utility is the need for a mass spectrometer and so we became actually quite interested in whether we could design low cost diagnostic step could be used to analyze urine to analyze these fragments in the urine and replace of mass spec so that we can create a platform if it's low cost and portable that might be employed in resource limits environments in the global health applications and paper is fascinating material we use it all the time but not really thinking about in the context of diagnostics paper has very natural working properties it's all true portable is ultra cheap and very stable you can transport any largely many different types environments and it turns out that many different groups have now investigated the use of paper to do three dimensional markets even to culture cells on pay. And so we got very interested in a particle or type of paper test is called a lateral flow assaye on the left hand side I'm showing you and or a quick this is a saliva swab asset that was recently approved by the F.D.A.. And this is exactly the same type of technology that's found in the home pregnancy test that you can go to the local supermarket and purchase the way that a lot of flasks a works is that you said to have a sticky piece of paper that you can print capture anti-bodies on OK and then you would apply your your your sample your urine sample on that Dr pad and essentially Lao the flu to work across these capture regions and if your sample has an interest that will be localized to capture anti-bodies and you can come back and you can develop it. Usually with a gold nanoparticle detection agent Now the reason why we use gold nanoparticles is because they're naturally colored they're pinkish reddish and so in parts and then gives this very characteristic red huge that we're all I think pretty familiar with in terms of paper test. To make of particles compatible with detection on paper we had slightly changed a bit so remember I just described to you how we design mass and code mass bar codes here we want to switch it up a little bit and we put in little Legan's these are small molecules in which antibiotics can recognise to these particles and so that when there is produce activity in these reports are released they can actually come in and form a sandwich complex OK where the antibiotic can capture these fragments and then we can come in with our detection agent and read out the presence as we went ahead and showed that this platform is indeed orthogonal meaning that if you design multiple lived in code reporters they show up only. When you put into and a bias against is properly and so for example here you can see that this law as well as lighting up this one is not is because the floor scene is targeting one of these days here. And secondly we went ahead and also thought about how we can make multiplex paper based tests OK So mass spec is nice because you can look at multiple Paramor set a time and so you want to do the same thing on paper in the way that you can do that you can use spatial encoding you can very simply a place to control line somewhere and reference these different capture and roll tip to that control line OK so by distance you can tell which reporter is localize where. And so by doing this we can do a multiple X. paper test so we went ahead and want to validate these type these slave to this particular embodiment of these synthetic markers back in our animal models we looked at thrombosis which is again blood clots and cancer and we first validated that the paper test could and couldn't detect activity so we incubated. Nanoparticles with thrombin for example for thrombosis and used our paper strips to indicate the presence of the cleavage fragments and then we further went on and to validate that the quarter report did not change or alter the way these now particles are distributed within the mice that they are equally Cleaves and localized in the urine as our previous. Formulations and then furthermore lastly we want to head and took our portable paper tests and were able to fish out significant increases in the presence of these fragments both in our thrombotic animals and in our cancer animals. OK so I'll stop here but just give a summary. Of. Showing us that we can design since the markers to diagnose M.R. different types of diseases from the urine I've shown you how we can do that for fibrosis thrombosis cancer and I think you will probably kind of see if there are different Proteus is. Distributed in a type of disease most likely we can tailor this platform to target that disease secondly that the idea of using and sematic activity if we're not looking at abundance of measurement and sematic activity plus you. We can potentially create a very sensitive test. Lastly our ability to monitor multiple bond markets simultaneously by mass spec this provides us a way of doing unbiased you know screenings in vivo as well as to come. Together to improve deceased discrimination and that's Lastly these are highly engineer ball platforms we've shown you how we can make the system detectable by mass spec by paper or by allies and we have another paper that's published looking at how we can use digital to detect these fragments etc. OK And I do you want to acknowledge a very talented group of vigils like I said earlier most of the studies were conducted that MIT so the bots. Where I was supposed to talk for the last couple of years and particularly. Ventures in Boston who was one of the earliest Prasoon so I developed all of these ideas within the very beginning my previous mentor Sankey that my funding sources that girls welcome for the career were about scientific interface and the and. And I'll stop there thank you. And that's a great question that we try kratom in craton and turns out so craton in is essentially a by product of many muscle metabolism so it's normally present in the blood and then because a small it leaks out into the urine so often times it's used kratom then in the urine and in the blood to normalize concentration of urine samples craton then is a baseline measurement where if the individual is at is exercising or high activity it dramatically changes Kratz and levels we did try using craton and it turned out it wasn't very good as a normalizer in our system what we eventually end up doing was using one of our codes as an internal control and so it's just like in. And which is a polysaccharide that you can go to the doctor's office they infuse in the blood and they use that as a call that for. Filtration of the urine we took that as inspiration and took one of our barcode center normalized concentration. As a good point there X. that it's really really just. Hereditary if you will because it turns out that you know the saying there was a deep collaboration with sale there. Is chemistry at U.C.S.D. and he was the one who formulated these nano worms if you will because they look like worms in terms of targeting they actually seem to have increased video because of the cooperation between neighbors but for this case because we're just looking at it really doesn't matter and in fact one of the areas that we're really pushing is thinking about how we can use biologics for example antibodies which are already used in the clinic but coupling some of these kleagle peptides on these biologics because now you have essentially a Theron Gnostic which can report on its own advocacy in real time so that is definitely and direction that we're pushing but you're right we don't really need to use a scalpel. That. You. Know. Another war. Well we do we do modify the surface so it's not just peptides we actually put a layer of paint on it we in previous studies we've often mines that pick a length so the longer the peg chain is actually in that only prevents this Corona or delays as Chernoff the happening but it actually does reduce the Kalak efficiency of the cutting plate as the Proteus is makes it harder to penetrate past this layer so we found this you know Goldilocks if you will length of twenty K.B. which seemed to surprise somewhat stability you know stability to the particle but still allow the Proteus come in and cut but I think that is actually a very interesting space to think about how we can for the author of mice the surface to to increase activity and chill background activity. I. Mean your. Own. You would treat each in biology there are no stuff functions. OK So everything everything in biology has a plateau OK and that's what you what we did was that we assume that each of the biomarkers could be modeled by the shape OK And so we normalize each of the intensities to a score from zero to one OK so for a one zero to one marketing etc Then we added them up OK and we use that as our risk or analysis and so that's basically how we did it but I'm actually very open to different ways of interpreting the data and one thing that I failed to didn't have time to show you is thinking about these signatures as you would an R.N.A. and a transcript or analysis you know because we have many different you know signals here just like a marker or a or on a seek you should be able to do clustering hierarchal clustering and analysis and I think that So definitely this is not the only way of analyzing the intensities. Well. You are. Right. We have a paper that's about to be submitted in which we developed a P.K. model of this whole process so you can very simply model this as compartments you have a blood compartment you have a tumor compartment you have a urine compartment you infuse the particles to a certain concentration with a certain proclivity to be cleaving the blood back on produces as a certain diffusion rate into the as a certain half life and so this model of taking those counts all these different parameters and what we are teasing out is what is the importance of circulation time for signatures for signatures and it turns out that blood back on activity is a significant problem if you will for this platform where you think about ways of suppressing blood activity and you know it does kind of connect with the earlier your earlier question of worms versus So it turns out that if you put peptides on protein based they're actually less susceptible to cleavage there's evidence as a company in Boston which has shown that this is true and it's probably true that the fact that our body sees proteins all the time and so having like a cryptically if you say it's probably shielded versus an inorganic particle which is fairly foreign But you're right there are many different parameters were teasing that out and our model would most likely allow us to optimize this formulation better. Than the. Yeah we're actually. That's probably the most exciting aspect of this work is that it is highly translatable we have we have three patterns that were issued over the last five years on this technology we are spinning a company. Although it's being you know in lean mode if you will for the past two or three years and so there hasn't been an official But is this is definitely that's tied back to MIT and the MIT business side is you know involved in this but definitely our goals is to get this into the clinic and the really the big issue is matching the market size with the research OK So it turns out that if anyone's interested in translation it's always informative to really constantly talk with the business folks because the business the market might not fit the research interests and so it turns out that where we were very interested in liver fibrosis because that's where most of our most robust that is but the market for fibrosis is very small and furthermore there really isn't a therapeutic for fibrosis and so if you were to catch fibrosis earlier. So what the doctor there's no clinical decisions us triggered and so that actually is also not a viable market but yes we are actually think about translating.