so it's my opportunity to introduce you all to a doctor excu from the University of Georgia try not to hold that against him and he is an associate professor in the College of Engineering and the director of the computational and you know biomechanics laboratory there's a lot of other things on here but I'm just gonna go ahead and get started and let dr. Wong kind of tell you about his talk today he's gonna talk titled interfacial mechanics of cell nano particle systems a computational perspective thank you thank you thank you Michael for your introduction it's my great pleasure to be here to briefly discuss my research I have done the past few years the first thing I wanted to say is the main work is from the computation of mahagony simulations I'm a computational guy so I haven't done any kind of experiment work so most of my work is from the view of the computational modeling simulation to understand this problem and the experimental validation from micro operations so you can call me my name as XQ my Chinese name actual name is Chen chow it's very difficult to pronounce for most of my colleagues and my students so I just let him to call me xq instead of essential so I joined the UGA into cilantro so at that time we form the newest college of engineering in Georgia in 2012 okay so before I talk about the material let's try to acknowledge my collaborator and my students ok so this is my lab kind of picture and this is my groups and County I have a full actually for graduate students and two visiting scholars and long for undergrads in my lab and I graduate to PD in the last five years post them get a faculty job one is in China one is in the Saudi Binghampton in from this year and my major crabber it meaning from the UGA and a fear from the outsider UGA the major crabber is the one is from computer science and a lot of truth from physics and chemistry so I would like ecology the their kind of contribution and the corporations and also I would like to acknowledge the funding support from the NSF and edge so let me give you a brief introduction my the overview my lab okay what I'm doing okay so the ultimate objective for my lab is to understand the fundamental principles that control mechanical property or behaviors materials in both engineering and biology by virtue of the theoretical Isis computational modeling and experiment that experimental investigation so as I said I never done any kind of experiments kind of work so these parties for micro operations so my current research frauds have a three area one of the straws area is mechanics by logic materials so I mainly study the brain foldings okay I studied the fundamental principle of the brain folding from the mechanical viewpoint okay and the thrust of number two is mechanics nanomaterials so I have done lots of two-dimensional materials and the crystalline materials and Calabro is one professor in physics for this type of experiment validation and the third area is serenella particle interactions so this area I try to understand the fundamental mechanism of cell mallepalli interactions okay and help we can on better understand the interaction and for the drug delivery design so that's the three area I have kind of working on and today I'm meaning talk about the cell metabolic system and the major computational tools I have used in the past few years wellness molecular dynamics image okay that including Auto Tomica simulations and course screen molecular my simulations and also I use a lot of final analysis for these brain stuff so that's the over you my Condor work in UGA so today I'm going to focus on the nano sail teleporting into actions so let's take a look why we are interested in this there another party into action right yeah one other thing everyone know that right not a particle right now everywhere everywhere we have nano particle in incarnate nano particle in daily life so one of wallet problem we have see a lot is air pollution okay everyday right ninety percent every day is spent in door like sometimes our door okay and actually we have a breeze a lot yeah and these kind of air actually pearl polluted those type of nano particles or micro particles right and this particle will from your long interacts with your long and in your lung cells okay and a lot of one I think right now is very hot area for the dissolve of flexible electronics for diagnosis or prognosis or even treatment for many many different kind diseases that this is one of the picture show these dissolve electronics made of a kind of slick home and polymer material right to detect the brain signals right that that's kind of thing and also we have seen similar kind of stuff using on the heart right covered on the heart and try to understand your heart behavior okay I'll put those signals these things are actually devolve particles now the particle dissolve eventually dissolve into your in your blog okay and I think this one everyone don't use right especially ladies actually I use every day for these facial cleaners or or kind of face cream all these same actually have lots of nanoparticles and absorbed by your skin yeah and a lot of things about these daily cookies okay anyway my song enjoy a lot this this kind of stuff this type of cookie especially the colorful very colorful more colorful cookies they have a lot of those titanium nanoparticle inside okay and this titanium of course eventually I just in your body right go to your go to your body cells those things right so all these things are talking about nanoparticle interact with your body cells so for nanoparticle right we will see both advantage and disadvantage so let me give you a couple example for disadvantage right was a frustration with a nanoparticle so this is a one of the imaging shows the cell try to up take these big one dimension of fibers okay you see this fiber actually penetrates through yourself this cell feel not very comfortable okay and he tried to update these nano fibers or fibers but the fiber actually cannot be absorbed it right and these penetrates through the cell the cell feel very stressful and these type of thing actually costs informations same thing there's a lot of picture tells us about these cell interaction with the two-dimensional material this is actually made of graphene okay so the graphing actually also can penetrated through your cell membrane right getting inside the cell the cell has not also feel very stressful and not very healthy for the sales development yeah so these are cases for frustration for nanoparticles but we also see lots of benefit from the nanoparticles right for example the drug delivery okay that's a very huge amount of the part of a nanoparticle for for applications right and another particle co-leader with white blood cell right these are kind of nanoparticle this is a white process they're counting on that right that's will be helped to deliver the drug right to the target area and also avoid these kind of degradation similar thing we have this nanoparticle Coral complex these are calling coating with this narrow particle on the surface is neither is a kind of Carlo complex that also we increase this particle circulation and target to the certain area for for diseases and the solar picture also say show the similar stuff like a drug delivery system right so these are typical benefit we haven't seen for the sale teleporting interactions maintaining focus on the drug delivery system and for nanoparticle right as we know the another particle size is from from 10 to the minus 9 ok nanometers to 10 to the minus 6 that's go to micro sized meter right and there are lots of different type of nanoparticles most of the here like a biological nanoparticles and in terms of nanoparticles shape right for fabrication we haven't seen lots of different kind of nanoparticle shape I the most popular ones though of course is a severe shape right and you have this kind of star shape you have a wrong shape and even you have this kind of liquor soil right and the also loss of those different kind another particle shapes and actually the shape of nanoparticle inference a lot whole another particle object by the cells yeah for the cell okay this is a picture for sale right and they made the majority work I have done here I'm not going to study the the namib particle interacts a cell with inside a cell how those cell intact with this organs right I'm going to study the nanoparticle hollom at a party will penetrate a sueded membrane right and mature the the one of the major barrier or major prevent preventive for the cell attack with the nanoparticle is the cell membrane so I'm going to study the cell membrane how the cell membrane interacts with another particles one of the big issue right we have see for drug delivery right through these nano carrier right and deliver the drug to the tumor cell okay so one of the typical process is we do this kind of injection right administrate Dmitri via nanoparticle so your brother vessel by when you through the blood vessel where the first thing you will see this not a particle interact with this protein right these kind of biologic mature in your blood that's the first thing then the nanoparticle we're going to circulate right through this blood circulation that's a lot of thing right once the dualist circulation you crude so you are very hard all the way to the olive lock vessel and these tableting or eventually to the target area let's say for example let's say you have problem with a kind of legal problem okay you have a little kind of tumor then this and eventually will go to that area then how there's not a particle exit right the blood vessel into the tissue area okay that's a lot of that's a lot of kind of problem then once you the drug release to the tissue then the next problem is how this drug to penetrate to the tumor by the tumor probably your tumor is solid tumor right and the concentration you're a lot of particle were influenced how depths you're not a party would have penetrated your tumor right that's a lot of kind of issue in your do is then even you consider that right that means we less that we reach a very tip of this kind of penetration to your tumor then the next thing will happens how this not a particle are going to exit your to your tissue and get inside a cell right that that means how to sell object tumor cell uptake nanoparticles and eventually we have chocolate released right and we don't want the drug will release before the drug get inside the cell right we want this drug inside cell then release okay there are so many different kinds of issues relevant to the drug delivery from beginning all the way I I don't I haven't seen anyone have done so listicle II that means from her beginning but you inject your kind of a drug delivery and all the way to your to your target area and release it and after you release actually you also want to lease nail up some nanoparticle can read of your body okay so all these kind of thing relevant to enhance how to has the drug delivery to a tumor right all these reissues every every part has certain kind of challenges okay so today I'm going to mainly focus on the cellular optic and intracellular trafficking okay that means we as we consider all the those issues has been solved excuse me and we want to see how the cell right getting inside the tumor right that's I'm sorry how the nanoparticle inside the tumor cells right this slides tell us the basic pathway right a typical pathway of cellular uptake of those nanoparticles so if you have a very large particle let's say you have a micron size particle typically the cell will do the phagocytosis right to uptake the nano particle this particle typical are big okay and if you party will go smaller you will see this kind of micro pinocytosis and even all the way you have a current dependent and the receptor depend mediate kind of endocytosis or either way if you have a very small particle for gaddama water particle right it's ion actually can directly potentially sue your membrane getting inside itself okay so I'm going to focus on receptor mediated that's the main area right now for this knowledge or delivery system right we want coding differencing on the cell right those cell have some different type this type of knowledge party will have different type of ligand and the ligand will interact with the receptor on the cell membrane right we sue this kind of a receptor mediated endocytosis right to let the cell uptake nanoparticle these are typical impact right for the nanoparticle property right on the cell object but we have seen lots of research in both experiments and the modern simulations okay so in terms of nanoparticle what other thing we can think about is not a particle size no doubt right okay think about a big not a particle small particle right that's a that's one other thing we have studied a lot and you if you look in the integer there are so many different types work on that okay and the tech listen we can think about is now the particle shape okay that's a lot of very obvious probability we can think about that right like a severe cube raw triangle right okay and the third part is like targeting ligands that means we have different type of targeted leggings on a cell membrane on another particle sorry now the particle and how long on a particle will be better interact with these cells and relevant to this one is like a surface chemistry okay surface chemistry and our state is about the composition that means we have a different type of another particle most we focus on the biological based biologic material based nanoparticle right these the reason is we want to enhance the bioavailability will selves but we also see lots of inorganic nanoparticle like go right Seaver for these type of drug delivery systems as I said before right I mainly focus on modeling simulations okay so let me just give you a very brief kind of introduction about the computational modeling and also computational methods I have used in this type of studies okay so as I said before many folks on the nano particle interacts with cell membrane all right the cell membrane is the majority of the cell membrane is made of a phospholipid okay it's like a bilayer lipid bilayer lipid and of course you have these kind of transmembrane protein okay and the majority part as I said is like lipid okay so this is a atomistic structure of the t.o.p see that one of the phospholipid and if i put them together right try to make a patch of these cell membrane get the the cell membrane can be made of this d BD t OPC which with all auto mystic models that means i collect them in terms of atoms okay and one by one okay and these type of simulations based on all atoms okay this type of summation actually give you very much detail very detailed how those each atom right move and how the not a party will interact with the sale memory okay but this type of simulation also cost a lot of computational resources okay so we want to reduce the competition resources meanwhile we want to maintain some kind of features right from the simulations okay so we try to use a lot of way that we call the core screen MD simulation so the core scream the assimilation idea is very simple right instead of I show this Auto mystic lipid molecule I group a certain number of atom into a super B okay if you look at here right that means I group this part right as a one bit okay and I have a lot of bead and you can see this is the one of the you can say this is a tail this is a head and this is a two tail okay and I group those atoms into a super bitch okay so then you can imagine maybe this at this kind of a do PC molecule is made of 200 or 300 atoms right if I do the core screen I can reduce the number of atom to a number of a few number of big beads okay that will be increased the computational modeling simulation efficient a lot right so that's a lot of kind of representation I made of these across screen MD simulations right this is the kind of very cause MD model okay for the lipid system and the computational tool we have used for this type study one of the solving the free call screen model and of course we have done a kind of solvent quarry model also okay and we also have done lots of these dissipative particle dynamics okay so post them we can consider as a molecular dynamic simulation I guess lots of you have heard of that right okay I suppose all of you heard of the molecular simulations if not okay I can give you a very short an introduction of MD simulations so MD simulation is a computational simulation techniques that allow us to predict the time evolution system interacting particles so the particle can be Adam's right can be molecules can be granules that means that can be a big particle can be a small group of atoms right so the two thing for the MD simulation okay one of the thing is when you consider the the particle kind of initial conditions okay side of a set of initial condition for these particles that means you need to tell me the initial positions right and what is the velocity for all the particles okay then the most important thing for this first step is we need to find a good as a suitable inter-terminal potential to describe the interaction between those atoms okay for example in this case I just mentioned that right I have these kinda super B's right so how these silver beads interact with each other okay so that's through kind of inter Tomic potential right and once we have these first step down right we can go to second step the second step is solving the the system right the involution system in times can be followed by solving a set of classical equation of motion okay in this case is M D it's kind of Newton's second law okay very simple ma equal to F okay the substitute I means the number the ice particle atom right and once we have the acceleration for the lab particle based on initial condition and the initial velocity we can find the next step right velocity in position right as time goes on we can march on march on then we show that how the atom or how the system involved with x and Allah last thing I'd mention here is the force actually is relevant to your potential right that revenue inter-terminal how you choose the inter time or how do you define entertainment potential that's very important and that's most time we needed to according to the real physical phenomenon okay when you develop a kind of entertainment potential okay we want we want those potential actually can reproduce the physical meanings right physical behavior of those systems so let me give you a little example a small example about inter Tomica potential right so this is the one of the model I choose for similar soft nano particle okay so for the nano particle and the soft and our party was made of in here it's made of kind of surface here and the surface is meshed into kind of triangle you can say triangle mesh and each triangle mesh you have these kind of particle right this particle and the particle will form a triangle okay and the particle particle they are bounded through this bomb right and these two element let's say you have a two triangle this to this triangle this triangle they have kind of you can say bending right I want to show the flexibility how the particle deform then I have to consider the two adjacent okay triangle can paint right that means to change the angle between them okay so if you if you take all these information okay into the into account but we will have these type of potential right the perennial includes bound get into the area okay that means I want to control the area of the nanoparticle mean why I want to also control the volume of nanoparticle okay and also I consider bending the bending as I mentioned that is like how these adjacent adjacent triangle right behave this type of bending right that means I need to control the angle between them and this is a lot of model for the lipid membrane okay for for simplicity in this case here I used actually this week called three five five kind of lipid molecule I can do further right if I can if I want to simplify the model again or even cause I can do a three B's right I have a 1 K 1 1 hat and a two tail and of course we know the tail ok the tail of the lipid molecule is actually hydrophobic okay and the head is a hydrophilic ok and the potential for this kind of membrane we can have repulsive force hydrophobicity bond pain all these type of things ok I'm not sure here that was details and all these parameters KS k k VK or those parameter actually from the experiments okay or either way you can you can calibrate based on the current MD simulation for those systems right you can have these parameters from experiments right they make a model compared with that or either way based on the current data from MD simulations ok those parameter has been studied for nanoparticle interact with the cell as I mentioned before right one other thing is another particle size this also been done a lot ok now the particle shapes ok they also has been done a lot ok I have a very simple question for you guys okay for another particle shape okay okay when we have these severe model okay and you will see through this type of interaction you will see the another particle will be in a cytosis through this member right for this a now the particle shape with rod okay KO tell me typically what type of rotation you will see okay when another particle rod shape like a particle in tag with the cell membrane why you will see this kind of rotation right let's say I just randomly choose an angle whatever okay now rod with the cell membrane right and typically how the nanoparticle is now rather will be interact with this with the cell okay these things we have never seen from experiments viewpoint is very difficult this is a very dynamic process right and when we see this resulted from experiment we work we just know I we couch your cell we put a nanoparticle right with the cell and after a few hours we just checked how many amount another particle object by itself but we don't know Harlen a lot of particle so the member getting inside right so simulation can tell us this type of evolution right dynamic evolution how long other particle interact with the same membrane getting my cell yeah so my question for for you here is if I have a now rod right instead of nano Saphir okay how this now rod away in tack was a member just try to from the energy viewpoint what what happens you were just directly penetrate this room or there's another particle will lay down then then get inside they have some other motions service potential okay of course that that ever right but if let's say if we just put aside a surface potential let's say we have a love surface potential how is he okay so based on current simulation have done by other scholars in cream myself right so most time if you have another particle like Raja and a particle in that way cell memory that not a particle the matter would kind of angled another particle eventually will lay down first okay lay down for that that's pretty easy to understand from the energy viewpoint right you increase the contact area you increase the adhesion force between them right then after you wrap by the membrane let's say you remember wrapped another particle the another particle will totally wrapped by membrane right and you want to pinch off right the next step is you want to pinch off the pressure off when I try to picture of actually the metal party will lay up again okay so the nightfall go is get inside right lay up I'll get the foam laying down right once you wrap it by the membrane and that party will try to lay up again and then you pinch off okay so that's that's also kind of interesting phenomena that's from the energy viewpoint I think is it easy to understand the reason if if you if you try to pinch this way you have a loss of area to pinch off right okay that's caused a lot of energy but if you try to pinch this way that's that means you pinch on tip that's a very easy to pinch off separated for your membrane okay and also we have a seeing a lot of study working on the surface chemistry right now the party surface chemistry we coating with different thing right like a protein polymer all those type of biological materials try to enhance or either way prevent some kind of behavior between Sarah and nanoparticle okay and also we have see lots of study for the micro environment effect as I mentioned before right when we put the drug in the in your body most time you will see the drug actually in a block right on the plot condition so blood actually you have a flow right the blood flow after you have a velocity that's a shear that will generate a shear force right so how does shear force in tax okay cause the inference then on a particle right intact with the sails member or sail okay that's a lot of kind of thing we see a lot of studies these typical simulation based on the largest ghost vision in a way measure match free or either way it's based on these kind of final analysis okay so what else can we study okay same is here we have to see most of them right for for nanoparticles we haven't see lots of them what type of thing do you think we can make a contribution here okay based on the knowledge part Eagle property right and how the nanoparticle intact with the sails okay so I think all of us haven't seen this type of thing right how those virus can interact with the cell okay so we will have a virus the virus typically behaves very soft you agree very soft and kind of particle right solve the particle right comparing with those in organic another particle okay we made of less than made of gold made of silver all those things right they are very stiff yeah so the question is how those material or say particle stiffness right influence the uptake that means if I have a if I have a particle made of hydrogen right those kind of a yawns module stiffness very comparable to your cell membrane right okay instead of you have a particle made of gold or made of polymers numbers very very strong material stiff material right how these particle stiffness right influence the cell uptake okay we have seen a lot of kind of engineering fabrication right for general rate different type of stiffness nanoparticles right sometime another particle was stiva some not a lot of soft but we have many many times with a clock techniques wall over here is developed by dr. Shi okay you have these type of water and you have a P PLGA that's a kind of polymer okay and you can have coating with different type of coal right this call and the coil is likely you can say it harder particle is a hard hard call but encoding with this lipid and of course here it actually you are putting inside a water right okay between the collar and the shield that will make the party were pretty soft okay so before I'm talking about okay show some results how these nanoparticles difference inference table take right I would like to give you a few of these kind of studies I haven't done in a few years okay this picture actually show how these coding patterns right I have a call let's say I have a particle nanoparticle core and the coding with the different patterns of polymers okay and this polymer you can imagine a polymer can have hydrophobicity and Joe hydro sometime is a hydrophilic sometimes just hydrophobic right so I have these tighter pattern then you have a B pattern ABA is the hydro typically we say hydrophilic and the P is hydrophobic you have these kind of have a feeling polymer and you have a different you changing with different coding patterns right and you will see how this nanoparticle penetrates through the membrane okay so this pattern actually were influenced you're entering force of this nanoparticle get inside the cell and from here we can see this PA pattern okay had a smallest or the minimum force the smallest force to get inside a cell okay and this type of simulation okay we can provide some kind of guidance experiment guy experimental guidance for your extreme world right provide the guideline right how we fabricated nanoparticle and another party we can easily getting inside the cell right to for fear drug delivery system and also we have this doula simulation to mimic the drug delivery system process here you can consider this in all sale the sale is a much larger than this size here okay we do not have not logically the computational resources so we simulate the cell just like a leper zone you can consider Lebanon right and a lot of particle interact with a cell and you actually get an inside cell and eventually that this nanoparticle will be dissolved the shell and deliver the drug right inside the party you can consider the drug for the drug process and a lot of interesting study we have done I think in 2006 without real paper is a study how we use these kind of two-dimensional material right actually to extract or remove the class show okay from your cell memory okay so the class show level actually relevant to loss of disease right for example diabetes or or relevant to the fat you have lots of those if you have lots of a fat kind of grease inside body the sale actually have the cell membrane involve loss of those cholesterol so we would ever want to recur rid of those crest roast right so one of the thing we think about is mechanically we saw kind of remove these crest rows so we made a model very similar model right so this is the Qaeda cell membrane and the same memory have a loss of kind of lip lipid of cold and lipid molecule and of course have loss of those class shows and we we put a kind of graphene right the graphene is like two dimension materials and through that membrane and we masu the member and actually you will see this kind of small okay crash the molecule will climb on the surface of your graphing and actually you will get rid of those crash all right through these interaction and here is the wall of the movie it can take a look you see this nanoparticle classroom molecule actually climb on the surface of the graphene and also we have we have done all the kind of simulations right to study these lot of particle shape in fact and the rotations those types of things okay okay the last few slides okay I would like to show how these nanoparticles difference right influence the contact process okay this is this is a one of the thing we we published recently and we study a two different data particle this particle is riveted hot this particle live is soft right you will see the call and you have coating who is the kind of our team or something like that and this is just a single layer polymer and this one we have a core and we have a gap right then you code in some kind of a polymer okay and that's make the particle very soft and if you look at here you will see these hot a party who are easy to wrap okay and these solve the particle very difficult to wrap okay you can you can try by yourself I I try before sometimes you can success sometimes you cannot so one of the example when she says and try to try to wrap let's say you wrap a harder particle let's say Apple right and you have a lot of soft particle let's say I have a small balloon okay and you try to use a very larger broom right to wrap them okay pose and you will see if you try to wrap these small balloon that's a soft a softer one right it's very difficult to wrap you can easily wrap the hard one right like an apple okay you can try by yourself okay and also we we study the cooperative entry of the tuonela particles with different stiffness and interesting happens is if we have a hard particle okay the particle inside the member actually is one by one okay they sue the party so we remember and one by one but you have a softer particle these party will choose to get inside sale at the same time okay so I haven't I haven't done more okay I tried it down more okay let's say I have a group of nanoparticle okay not just one - okay even larger number of body we'll see what happens but I list from here I see if I have a softer one okay I have harder one is soft this this hollow one try to get a member in one by one but if it's softer one you sometimes just get it membrane simultaneously right together okay and here it's a lot of kind of a simulation I'm calling a walk on and we just submitted paper and this is a I want to study the shape effect for this deform of articles okay there are lots of work have been done about the shape right but we made when those papers dealing with the shapes at that time they couldn't see the particle isn't non-deformable with rigid okay so this time I'm trying to consider solve the particle let's say I consider with from the rod shape all the way to the Saffir right based on based on the ratios right okay isomer ratios and the onliest particle considered are the same volume okay that means this party will have a same volume but only with a different kind of a spur ratios and USC when the particle is solved okay actually the particle will be pain okay deform with this member okay that's a very interesting phenomena which is the different from these stiva particle okay I should have provided comparison side-by-side one yourself that one is a heart okay there'll be more interesting I'm going to jump these things okay so maybe give me five more minutes let me wrap it up I have one thing I want to discuss a little bit more it's a we have already seen most of the current research working on another particle interact with cell are based on this kind of what we call the passive now that particle so the particle itself okay doesn't move okay that's typically just uptake by the member okay so what what happens right if we consider particle actually is active that means the particle itself has a motion have some energy to to rotate or we're transport right see what happens okay so these things actually give a lot of information about activity now the particles we have a see these kind of magnetic another particle by getting inside a cell and we use a magnetic field right to general the either way generally heat or either way generally the kind of rotation right the other rotation actually can wrap the cell membrane but if you wrap the cell membrane the cell will be die okay and also we have see this type of staying food plot clot dissolving right we deliver a lot of particle here these are magnetic another particle then you rotate they once you rotate you will try to accelerate the dissolve a blood clot mechanically and I show a few simulations okay let me just bring all of them together so that will be easy okay so these slides tell us very simple kind of idea right if we have this nanoparticle right as she's rotating one is an incline rotate one is all the plane rotate actually you will have different behavior by interact with the cells or cell membrane if you actually rotate was in plane that means axial rotation okay you can easily penetrate through the membrane or if you have a auto plane rotation that will cause a damage huge the damage of your membrane right and for example if I have this type of design okay I can generate a kind of a channel right on the cell membrane and this channel hopefully we can use this channel to enhance the drug delivery okay so you can screw the channel the channel came through the nanoparticle came through the channel get out of the cell or either way the latter part of our cell can get inside the cell okay and based on this idea we we general lots of different kind of connections between these cells actually you can use in this channel like to exchange this information bit from A to B right largest these small particles actually you can do a larger particles let's say I can hopefully I can use this technique to transport DNA for one cell to another one right if I one of them is a it's kind of disease the cells right Allah low and he'll sell I can use those kind technique to transfer some information or DNA information from one cell to another one that's Q Allah lower right these type of ideas okay and the last thing I want to show here is we have see a lot for chemotherapy that means we use those chemical behavior another particle to kill tumor cells right so horrible if I design a nanoparticle and a lot of particle not only deliver those chalk to a chemical drug to kill the cell meanwhile this nanoparticle can be rotated okay that means if the lab can rotate I can exert a mechanical force on the sails right and I hope this mechanical force can disrupt the cell membrane okay I accelerate that process that means I can use chemical property and also I can use mechanical property of those nanoparticle right to kill the cells that'll be great right so I've made a lot of simulations if I have another particle made of in this case made of raw kind of a co shape and I attach to the nano particle on the cell membrane and that the nanoparticle rotate and the actually you will see depend of course depends on your kind of attack attachment strains right between the cell and nanoparticle that eventually you will see this kind of rupture behavior of a cell membrane and of course we do a little bit more simulation about different shapes of nanoparticles and you will see this L shape and the rod shape another particle even better to mechanically rub the cell membrane and right now we are working on experiments ok we hope we can have some experiment results coming soon to validate these kind of models ok and this is the last movie I would like to show you then I'll stop here yeah so if I rotate nanoparticle along this diagonal axis and you will see this kind of ruptures right and if if if we can design by three dimensional a particle I think that will be better okay and the challenging part right now for this kind of experiment work is how can you rotate in another particle along the desired or target axis right that's a big challenge for us okay the fabrication and the the other kind of thing is not very challenging okay so let me I just stop here okay thank you you may hear my simulations mice invasion is a go 200 nanometer maybe let's say maybe 10 200 something just for Nana one other particle I use cross screen model all all those things are based on course cream dissemination not-not-not ought or atom MD simulations close agree so I think the nanoparticle I have for that model is like maybe three or four hundreds a kind of kind of big atoms okay he said you can say big beat right instead of atom okay I think that's your your hundred percent right so wait the way I did for the course Queen MD model right I based on the MD simulation not for first principle calculations you can of course you can do the simulation from first principle to get a mechanical properties right and try to fit that or you choose all atomic simulations I the way I did is I used those current very matured developed all atomic scale simulations to match a few important parameters right for micro screen models okay so I develop a cross screen model based on those potential forms I have a certain kind of parameter to optimize right when I when I autumn eyes I will rat I will try to match those properties by from course query model to my domicile model that's the way I did okay that's that's a very interest question okay the I I just happen to make a model I try to make a model from from altima simulation to the quarry model the one is simulation you see the call screen simulation right I try to similar something let's say I try to make a model from from the autonomous model of Agravaine right interact with this classroom molecule okay and I I see that the cross draw molecule are very easy to attach to the surface of the graphene right if of course when I see Melissa Malaysian I put these class show in a memory structure the membrane is a kind of liquid molecule the structures typical audio Dana classroom okay a little bit larger than that and I think the reason is the interaction the the hissing force between the classroom molecule and graphene is a stronger than the DP this kind of lipid molecule between the graphing and also a lot of thing is this lipid molecule people call small okay it's easy to get rid of those structure climb on the surface by instead of these lipid molecule and then live in the molecule you have it you have a we have a tail right they tried to stay together this tail or hydrophobic try to stay together okay but these equestria not that that's my understanding I mean that that I I discussed this project that maybe two years ago with one of my colleague from the computers from the chemistry and he tried to do that but it it is very difficult to set up with those kind experiments you have this kind of membrane and you have put the you have to put this cholesterol more cholesterol inside right and you do this kind of penetration and protein process we haven't success yet but I think is a very interesting to look into we haven't look at that crowd party there are two two modes one is the nanoparticle can listen and a particle can attach on the surface right III know your point so if the particle is a fully good info in the cytosis by the cell that means then you rotate that's not a party just loaded inside the cell that's very difficult to to break so what we do is we hope this not if you try to culture the cell right you put another particle and we with definitely want a matter time control a time how much time you need to to let the particle interact with cell right then we we mirrored that right time sayo then apologies are attached on the surface a membrane then you rotate yes yes okay so there's a there's a two parameters one is finding bonding strains okay Bonnie's train time is relevant to the ligand and the receptor on the cell membrane right so there's that that also depends on the strength and also depends on the density how much kind of lipid you put on the on the nanoparticle that's one of the parameter our other parameter is a rotating frequency that means how fast you rotate get that that's also can be controllable okay so you can imagine if I if I if I rotate very fast okay and that that will be us see in this case you will see no matter no matter are in this case see no matter what's your rotating frequency right if you have a very high strength okay actually you will see there always have the damage so the rotating frequency I know this one in this case right you can control the magnetic automotive magnetic field then control the rotating frequency we have see those things before for from an experiment viewpoint but we haven't done for the real application not a particle with cell member but we see how to control the porteño frequency a stall means the rupture that the the cell is damaged and these these are these are so close means they're not always a perfect oh let me see another vice versa vice versa sorry rice was okay that's definitely true and that's that's one of those things we are well actually right right now we are working on we want we want to introduce multiple nanoparticle at the same time not just single particle right if you do a single party no doubt for this stimulation you never see those kind of Gration but if we do experiment see very difficult to control just one particle inside remember right inside the channels whatever so we will study those collective behavior definitely if you have another particle right let's say is hydrophobic right no doubt if you put them together if we just randomly distribute eventually they try to aggregate together that's their very true and that we want also want to see how those aggregate cluster interact with nanoparticle if you have a small different way right if you're a larger wall see what happens so that's that's definitely kind of thing we are looking into right now yeah thank you aye aye I agree I read a couple of a review paper okay and published in nature in recent years so one of the papers saying they did do lots of a kind of statistic kind of analysis and collect all those papers in your field they say right now is around point 7 percent of those administrators are drugged right will be go to your tumor cell point seven percent that's low okay so that's relevant to the one on the slide I mentioned that they have a several battery a several kind of process way from the from the injector the kind another particle all the way plot of circulation and to your tumor cell optic all these process actually will be try to clean out of you another particle for your body by your different organs right different interactions how we to improve those interactions how we improve that will be improve those efficiency okay deliver to the tumor cell that's a very big challenge 0.7% that's that that's kind of a paper I read before it's very very low then we can imagine that thank you