okay thanks Santosh it's really great to be back here I spent some really nice years during my postdoc here also I couldn't think of a better place to give this talk than here so this will talk about problems that lots of people here have worked on and you know it took me I heard about these problems for three years and didn't do anything about it but I guess it finally sunk in after I left because and now I've now I've turned to some of these problems okay so I'll start with a couple questions that I'm interested in and so one question is we often hear about phase transitions and algorithms how phase transitions are related to barriers for algorithms but I want to be a bit more specific is it true that all phase transitions are algorithmic barriers or certain types of phase transitions barriers and others not related to this is if we think of a statistical physics model at low temperature so after the phase transition is there a way to find an efficient algorithm here and I'll define what these counting and sampling problems are what low-temperature means and maybe a provocative way to describe this talk is the following the techniques you can use to prove slow mixing can actually be turned into efficient algorithms okay so hopefully this if you're familiar with slow mixing hopefully this sounds a bit strange but I'll try to convince you that this is the case okay and so this is based on two papers one joint work with Tyler Hellmuth and who Rex Bristol and Amsterdam and the other with Matthew Jensen and Peter kibosh both at Oxford okay good so let's I'll just start by defining these physics models will will stick to two physics models today and just review some of the statistical physics so the first model I'll talk about is the plots model and what is this this is a random assignment of Q colors to the vertices of some finite graph so here we have a little grid graph and I guess three colors and how do you choose such a coloring so the probability you see a certain coloring Sigma is proportional to exponential time of beta times the number of monochromatic edges so write the number of monochromatic edges in the graph under this particular coloring Sigma okay so to be more precise what is the probability you see Sigma well it's e to the beta times number of monochromatic edges divided by a normalizing constant to make it a probability measure this is the partition function the Potts model partition function and what do we do we sum over all possible assignments of Q colors each of them might bethe number of monochromatic edges okay so it sounds innocuous that it's the normalizing constant but we'll see this as somehow the key to understanding such a model okay beta this is a parameter it's the inverse temperature so when I say low temperature I mean large beta it's 1 over the temperature and if beta is positive then the model is ferromagnetic so we prefer the same color across an edge and today I'll just talk about ferromagnetic models one thing you immediately notice about the ferromagnetic Potts model is that there are Q different configurations that receive the most weight in the probability distribution and these are the monochromatic configurations okay and and so I'll call this a ground state a configuration that is receives a maximal weight okay so that's a Potts model what is the statistical physicists interested in they're interested in defining the Potts model on an infinite graph so say ZD the integer lattice and how do you do this while you look at the probably distribution on a finite graph a sequence of finite graphs that tend to ZD okay and look at what kind of probability distribution you get out and you have some freedom you have the freedom to choose boundary conditions so one thing you could say is you could make this little grid graph into a torus by identifying vertices at the top and bottom or on the sides so we'll think about this a lot the tourists the discrete torus you could have no boundary conditions you could take the boundary insist that the boundary vertices all receive red you can insist the boundary vertices all receive blue and so on okay so so there's lots of ways to take this limit okay an important quantity is the free energy and here we look at a sequence of graphs GN has n vertices but n 2zd and we we look at its partition function take a logarithm and divide by the number of vertices okay it turns out that this limit exists and doesn't depend on the boundary conditions on Z D and we call this the free energy so it's sum is some function of beta it depends on D and the number of colors okay so what is a phase transition I'll give you two definitions of a phase transition so the first is there's a phase transition at inverse temperature beta star if maybe I reversed the inequality so it should be if beta is less than beta star there's only one possible measure you get out you're in the uniqueness phase there's a unique infinite volume limit and if beta is greater than beta star so that's in reverse the inequalities there's at least two possible limits and so one way to one way to check for this is imagine you put all red boundary conditions on your boxes that grow and then you ask what's the probably the origin is red does this tend to 1 over Q or does it tend to something that's bigger than 1 over Q okay if it tends to something that's bigger than 1 over Q then you certainly have at least two possible limits because you could take blue instead okay another another nice definition of a phase transition is there's a phase transition at beta star if this funk this free energy function is non analytic at beta star so that means there's a discontinuity in one of its derivatives okay so at least we see that in terms of the phase transition this normalizing constant somehow captures the interesting behavior so if we could somehow compute or get some knowledge about the partition function then we would know something about the phase transitions okay so that's that's one model the second model that I'll talk about today the hard core model this is a random independent set from a graph so independent set a set of vertices that don't have an edge between them so here the shaded vertices are an independent set of this grid graph and the Hardcore model is a random independent set drawn with probability proportional to lambda to the size of the independent set and here lambdas the fugacity the larger lambda is the larger typical independent set you pick is let me note that if your graph is bipartite so you have like an even set of vertices an odd set of vertices for say the grid then again there's a bounded number of ground States there's two ground States here they even vertices and the odd vertices and so everything I say today when I talk about the hardcore model I'll be imagining it's on a bipartite graph because I really want to be in the setting where there's a finite bounded number of ground States okay and you can also define a phase transition for the hardcore model in the exactly the same way the ground state is a configuration that receives maximum probability under the distribution okay so here is just a maximum size independent set but on bipartite graph you can just take the two sides okay so what are the algorithmic problems associated to these physics models one is approximating the partition function so if I just computing the partition function exactly this is usually sharply hard so a very hard computational problem one thing you could ask is week in it and just ask for an approximation and we can be you know quite bold with the approximation we ask for 1 plus epsilon factor so you know just just to put that in perspective if you add one edge to your graph your partition function changes by a constant factor okay so 1 plus epsilon factor is really a very accurate approximation that's one problem can you do this efficiently another is output a configuration so output a coloring a Q coloring of your vertices or an independent set with distribution that's close to the distribution of the model the target distribution okay and what do we mean by efficient we would like to do both in time that's running time polynomial the number of vertices of the graph and one over epsilon so the you know the finer the accuracy you want you should pay a little bit more in the running time but only a polynomial in one over epsilon okay and so if we can do this for every epsilon with a deterministic algorithm we say there we have a FP toss a randomized algorithm we say it's an FP rass fully polynomial time approximation scheme and I'm not sure this is standard terminology but if we can do this sampling problem in time polynomial and vertices and one of Reps on them we can call it an efficient sampling scheme okay so that's what we would like to do what are some approaches okay so one very popular approach is to run a Markov chain whose stationary distribution is the target distribution okay so let's give an example the Glauber dynamics for the Potts model you just pick a vertex in your graph at random this is one step pick a vertex at random and then update the spin at this vertex according to the model but just conditioned on the neighbors so you only see your neighbors and then you say what you know what's the probability it's just seeing these neighbors that I would have spin blue okay good and then the question is if we want this to be an algorithm how many steps do we need to run this for just groups pick the spin according to the model that conditioned on the neighbors no it's probably proportional to e to the number beta times number of monochromatic edges I mean it it's a nice thing about this particular probability distribution that the conditional distribution of the spin only depends on the neighbors so that's a that's a good point good okay so one way to measure this is the mixing time and you know you come to Georgia Tech to learn about this mixing times what's the mixing time it's the the fewest number of steps you need so that's starting from the worst possible configuration Sigma the total variation distance between the output distribution and the target distribution is less than say 1/4 in total variation distance and then okay so one question is for these problems let's say on lattices or something like this when when do we have fast mixing of this Markov chain and one very general result is for lattices at least if we have uniqueness of the infinite volume measure then we have fast mixing okay so in this whole region of the parameter space where we have a single infinite volume limit possible we have a fish and helga rhythm can just run this Markov chain ok right so this gives you and by a process called self reducibility you can get efficient counting algorithms as well so so for let's say subsets of ZD and the torus at least below the phase transition point we know how to do this let me actually show you a Markov chain strong special oh I see so there's there's a gap between uniqueness and strong spatial mixing yeah ok ok interesting ok a good point ok I'm going to show you a simulation here this is so this is glower dynamics for the hard core model unoccupied vertices are white and even occupied are blue and ah docu pider red and here lambda is 1 and I started all blue but I think hopefully you see it gets quite jumbled okay so one so this is two dimensions and lambda is 1.0 and we think the phase transition happens like 3.7 or something so okay so it looks like it it sort it sort of looks random completely mixed around let me now change the parameter let's put lambda to b6 and again start all even occupied okay it looks different right there's one there's not many that's the point okay this is true but you can see some evidence of this phase transition in this finite problem it's hard for the Markov chain to get to a state where it's mixed or mostly red if you start mostly mostly blue now when I when I look at something like this if you think which which one actually looks harder to sample from I mean this one looks pretty easy I would say just blue it's mostly blue and then put it in a few pieces of red okay so so that's that's the question I mean I think for a couple years I thought that it looks a lot easier to sample there but but certainly not using this framework okay so we actually know provably that Markov chains like this mix slowly and so here's some highlights of slow mixing results on the torus so this is the torus the ZD torus for hard core again we're always talking about even side lengths okay so this first paper with lots of authors some of some of whom are here they show slow mixing for the hard core model if lambda is large enough glob or dynamics slow mixing for the glob or dynamics for pots as well and slow mixing for the Swensen Whang dynamics this is a different Markov chain that lets you do some big global at the critical point for large kill some improvements to the bound in this board stay steadily paper and then even more sophisticated techniques to you know use contour techniques to give better balance for where this phase coexistence point occurs say on hardcourt on z2 okay so so these on one hand show that if you're talking about mixing time of Markov chains something bad happens with the phase transition and also I would say the techniques here the techniques here are actually the same techniques we'll use to find algorithms okay so that's slow mixing there's other algorithms of course so there's two special cases so one is the easing model the two color Potts model actually is easy so on all graphs at all temperatures there's an efficient counting algorithm German Sinclair and adapted to a sampling algorithm randall and wilson so for the easing model this is not a hard problem it doesn't matter if it's a lattice if it's any kind of graph you can count in sample also for the the plots model on z2 so two dimensions in particular we know that the Swensen Wang and Markov chain mixes rapidly for all temperatures that aren't critical okay and the blue well this is this is pots but Swensen Wang is able to like switch between mostly red and mostly blue yeah right so so one open problem is show that Swensen Wang mix is rapidly above critical we know that from the last slide that it mixes slow at critical but maybe it mixes fast above critical okay and so so here's here's the question beyond these two special cases can we find provably efficient algorithms in this phase coexistence regime okay at low temperatures on say lattices I'll say one other thing which is you can also study these on other graphs so a nice one is like the random regular graph or the random bipartite regular graph and again we know something about mixing times so we know for the hard core model if you're if lambda is greater than the tree uniqueness threshold so the uniqueness threshold of the infinite Delta regular tree then Glauber dynamics mix slowly and actually this slow mixing is used as a gadget to show hardness of counting in the hardcore model for general graphs and conversely we know that below this lambda C there is an efficient algorithm okay so we have slow mixing above for random bipartite graphs and we have an efficient algorithm below Potts very recently some Georgia Tech people again show that there is an efficient sampling algorithm in the uniqueness phase so in the tree uniqueness pays for the ferromagnetic Potts model so so here I just mean for random bipartite graph so right so we have slow mixing for only bipartite random graph and of course we don't have MP hardness for bipartite graphs yeah okay and so so in general for random graphs can we can ask are there any efficient algorithms in the phase coexistence regime except besides like easing model above the critical so when there's multiple infinite volume measures so the pots on z2 this Winston Wang except at the critical point right so there's so easing yeah so easing you can always do z2 pots you can do everywhere but critical but essentially that's it okay so here are some results the first theorems about lattices and so the result says tell me D at least two and then there's beta large enough and lambda large enough so that we can get efficient counting and sampling algorithms on the torus let's say with an accuracy any polynomial and here are the torus if you're talking about hard core should be even sideling okay and then as well you can do just any regions of ZD as long as the boundary conditions are come from one ground state so are all even boundary conditions for hard core or say all red boundary conditions for pots you've got these algorithms I'll note that what's the running time the running time is something like n over epsilon to the log D power so if you think of D is fixed this is a polynomial but this is not a nice running time so we'll come back to this at the end when we talk about open problems but this is the same type of running time if you know Weitz's algorithm that you get and so this works if D is a fixed constant okay so that's a that's the results for lattices the result for random graphs is actually a result for expander graphs so if you tell me Delta the max degree and alpha the expansion factor then there is beta and lambda large enough so that we have an FPS an efficient skimp sampling scheme for pots and hard core on any alpha expanding graphs of max degree Delta and again for hard core there should be bipartite graphs just ferromagnetic pots you can do okay you can do anti Farrell pots if you're on a bipartite graph yeah but but this is important the these algorithms really depend on the fact that there's a constant number of ground States okay so that was for glob or dynamics mix slowly take exponential time to mix and now we say for lambda large enough we have an efficient sampling algorithm no these these are large enough they're not this is not lambda critical No yeah I'm not gonna run the markup yeah that's kind of the point of the talk yeah I mean and I mean this it's deeper it's not just a throwaway line it's deeper than that the techniques you use to show slow mixing or the techniques will show to show this algorithm so it's actually tightly connected okay and in particular this because random graphs expand this result ik applies to random graphs okay so any questions about the results or the setup we'll start to get into some statistical physics now good so what are the so what are the ingredients and inspiration for the algorithms the way I'll present that algorithms yeah yeah so FP toss so the best kind of counting algorithm for expanding of expanders yeah clobbered means slow means there's another algorithm okay so so the way I'll present the the techniques and the algorithm will not be somehow the way we came up with it it will be like the simpler way once we figured things out a bit more but I want to tell you at least where we were inspired by so one thing we do use is pure Gafsa night theory and subsequent developments Kotetsu key Borg's Embry's a radnik this was a huge topic in the 70s and 80s in statistical physics and the idea here is you want to understand a spin model at low temperature by expressing things as deviations from ground states okay so a lot like the picture we saw the simulation we saw but there's a nice formal way to do this we're also very inspired by barba knox approached approximation okay so his approach it's it's a very nice idea if you want to approximate a partition function z this is a polynomial you look at the tailor's for log Z and just truncate it after a certain number of terms almost the simplest thing you could think of and it turns out if you know something about the complex zeros so the zeroes of Z in the complex plane you can actually deduce something about how good a bound this is and this is a deterministic algorithm so we really you know we came up with these algorithms trying to apply his method to the problem his algorithm actually doesn't give you a polynomial time algorithm it gives you a quasi a polynomial time algorithm and Patel and Rex came up with a very cool algorithm to compute the coefficients of this Taylor series up to the required number of terms in polynomial time and so this is quite a nice argument okay so I mentioned that because I'll describe it in a different way and I'll tell you what the cluster expansion is from statistical physics and somehow it unifies this whole algorithm so in a sense like the physicists had this algorithm before they just didn't realize it was an algorithm and arvy knock and Patel and Rex didn't realize that the Taylor series and cluster expansion are closely related and that you can you can somehow phrase everything in terms of this okay and so and the setting for the cluster expansion is something called an abstract polymer model or an abstract contour model and I think these are final kind of fun things so let's talk about it so a polymer model and here the idea is we have some spin model maybe it's a Potts model or something like this and we want to map it to some hard core model okay the hard core model is nice big because the only interactions between the particles is just that you can't neighbor you can't overlap okay so it's simple in that way and we want to map a general spin system onto a hard core type model okay so what's a polymer model it consists of a set of polymers and a polymer for us will just be a connected subgraph of a host graph so let's say for example a connected subgraph of ZD okay but it comes with some stuff it comes with a weight function so each polymer comes with a weight function a function of Z and then how do polymers relate to each other we say two polymers are compatible if their distance is at least two in the graph okay so they don't overlap they don't share vertices and there neighbors okay and so this this is the whole setup you need for abstract polymer models and you can define a partition function just just using this information so let's say you have some region of ZD lambda or this is some graph the partition function is defined as follows you want to sum over all sets of pairwise compatible contours so it's a set of contours none of which are incompatible so they're all pairwise distance at least two okay so these are your configurations and what is the weight of a configuration well you just multiply the weight functions of the polymers in the set okay so that's the polymer model partition function okay so they're the easiest example is just a hard core model itself and you'll see why you know we refer to the polymer models like this generalized hard core model take the hard core model and now say the set of polymers are just individual vertices okay so every polymer is an individual vertex the weight function is just the identity function w of x equals x so then what is a set of compatible polymers well you need polymers that are a pairwise distance at least two this is exactly an independent set in the graph and the polymer mode model partition function we're summing over these independent sets and what's the weight well it's the product of the weight functions so this is X 2 the size of the independent set so the the Hardcore model really is a very simple polymer model okay here's a bit more complicated one let's look at the easing model so this to spend model with an external field so we're drawing configurations proportional to e to the beta number of monochromatic edges times lambda to the number of say minus 1 spends or or plus one spends okay so here maybe blue or plus 1 vertices what are the polymers they're connected sub graphs of plus 1 spins and so here we have five polymers well well the the weight function is defined by lambda tune the number of blue times e to the beta a number of monochromatic edges but I want to somehow make this simple so imagine lambda is less than one right so you have some bad bias against blue vertices if you think of a big configuration you'll see mostly red and some scattered blues and that's where really what we want we want to capture that picture and so yep yeah yeah there's different ways to define it I want to find a way to define the polymers that give me back my partition function yep so here the weight function what is it well it's lambda - the nut size of the polymer that's the number of blue vertices that accounts for your lambda term in the configuration weight and then you have to look at the number of edges in the edge boundary of your polymer and these are all by chromatic edges and so you need eetu the minus beta times that and then up to a scaling of like e to the beta total number of edges of the graph this gives you exactly the partition function but you see now things are a bit more interesting right these polymers actually are geometric objects they're not just single vertices and then but the the easing partition function now is the sum over all pairwise compatible sets of polymers so you turned it into a hard core model with these interesting weight functions ok good yep you mean you mean join this whole thing there's multiple ways so yeah so one thing you could do is you could say it's all yeah exactly so we'll actually do that and the algorithm but you could yeah you can always say well the polymer is like the to neighborhood of the blue vertices right I mean this will affect like your bounds or whatever but you can there's lots of ways to do it okay so now now in the setting of this abstract polymer model we can define the cluster expansion and what is it it's it's a power series for log Z if you think of the variables being the weight functions in fact it's not just a power series it's the Taylor series for log Z but the multivariate Taylor series where the variables are all these weight functions okay that's fine and if you if you calculate what the Taylor series is you find some actually a really cool formula with a combinatorial interpretation and so what is it as a formal power series log Z is the sum over all clusters so now cluster is something different before we had pairwise compatible collections of polymers a cluster is kind of the opposite it's a collection of polymers whose incompatibility graph is connected so you have to have like some overlapping polymers so that the whole thing is a connected object okay so that's a cluster we sum over all clusters we have some coefficient Phi of gamma I'll tell you what that is in a second and then again you multiply the wave functions okay so this is the cluster expansion what is this coefficient this coefficient is the earth cell function and it only depends on this incompatibility graph so you have a cluster it has a certain number of polymers these polymers are the vertices of some graph and you're you have an edge if you overlap if you're incompatible and then this or cell function is sum over all spanning edge sets of this graph minus 1/2 the size the edge set so this is this is related to parking functions I think Prasad told me this is an evaluation of the top polynomial it's like T of one zero depending on how you like to define the top polynomial but it's very common tutorial object okay this is great now we have a power series when as a power series useful its power series is useful if it converges so we need to know does the power series converge and there's there's a lot of Papers written in statistical physics about sufficient conditions for the cluster expansion to converge one very nice one is Kotetsu key price condition and so here's the condition if you look at all polymers gamma and you sum over all the polymers that overlap with it so that are incompatible absolute value of the weight function of this overlapping polymer x exponential in the size of the overlapping polymer this should be at most the size of the original polymer gamma okay so just to parse this a little bit what's it saying is somehow you better have the weight functions decay exponentially in the size of gamma prime if you have any hook take kill off this okay so you need some exponential decay of the weight function in the size you can oh that's just the variable so we have show you in a second gamma is a polymer the weight functions are functions of some variable well if it could be a I mean it's a it's a number it could be a complex number a real number so this is I'm thinking about fixes e here yeah yeah so fixes II and in the complex if this condition holds then the conclusion is that the cluster expansion I mean I change Z to X so think of Z being X then the cluster expansion converges absolutely at this particular value okay and and moreover okay so this this is key TM of lambda this is if you if you do the cluster expansion but stop after you've done all the clusters of total size at most M so it's a truncation of the cluster expansion then this error is at most the volume of lambda times some exponential in m so that's the conclusion that if you have this condition this power series converges and you have some nice balance on the error term so X and Z in the end what Allah set is X will be 1 over lambda because we're thinking about very large lambda or X is e to the minus beta okay let's just do one like concrete example just the hard core model on a graph of max degree Delta okay so remember the hard core model is this polymer model with every vertex a polymer so a given polymer is incompatible with it most Delta plus one polymers itself and its neighbors right so what do we need to check we need to sum over Delta plus one polymers the absolute value of the weight function is just absolute value of x the wave function was x e to the size of the polymer the size of polymer is 1 and we want this less than the size of the polymer that's 1 and so this tells you that it suffices to have the absolute value of x less than 1 over e times delta plus 1 okay this is not so bad actually like as as Delta gets large this matches the you know the correct bound the shear bound for the zeroes X is the same as Z yeah yeah there's capital Z that's different okay so does everyone see this is a short little example of checking the condition so if you if you're fugacities your lambda is a complex number but it satisfies this bound then the cluster expansion for any max degree Delta graph converges absolutely well here here lambdas X right this is just hardcore model the usual hardcore model not low-temperature anything like that we want the partition function to be the sum of our independence that's lambda to the size so the part the weight function of each polymer is just lambda and so we need the the absolute value of lambda is at most okay so that's an example of checking this condition and now under a couple of conditions I'll give you an algorithm accounting algorithm for polymer models and there they're not so such bad conditions the first is polymers are connected objects in some bounded degree graph okay second condition of course is this Kotetsu key price condition holds and the third condition is that the weight functions aren't too bad to compute okay so we can compute these weight functions for a given polymer exactly and when I say somewhat easy I just mean let's say exponential time in the size of the polymer okay so quite mild and then then we have a efficient approximation algorithm for the polymer model partition function and it's quite easy what we're gonna do is enumerate all the possible clusters of size at most log in now clusters are connected objects right they they have this connected structure and the graph they live in is bound to degree so there's a most like Delta there's a log n possible clusters so this is a polynomial number of clusters you have to enumerate next we have to compute this earth cell function this little combinatorial quantity and each graph since that the total size of the cluster is at most log n it has a most log n vertices and so we use this nice cool fact that the Tut polynomial can be computed in vertex exponential time so again this is like Delta to the log N and this is polynomial and then what do we do we just compute this truncated cluster expansion and output the exponential of this Emma's gonna be log n yes it's gonna be like log of n over Epsilon yeah okay and so then we then we output this and the context key price bound tells us that this gives us a good approximation to Z I haven't I haven't talked about low-temperature models at all yet so this is just some some abstract thing we have an abstract polymer model this example would work for hard core at low fugacities on any graph but I haven't gotten to that point yeah okay so any questions about this algorithm okay now you can ask how to sample from a polymer model and normally you do something like self reducibility you set one spin and then you go on and you say what's the probably this spin would take this you can't quite do that in our setting because you know we have very specific boundary conditions you might ruin these by setting a spin but what's nice is you can actually do self reducibility on the level of polymers and so the algorithm goes something like this you pick a vertex in your graph and what what you want to sample first is just does a polymer pass through this vertex and if so which one and once you fix a polymer that passes through this vertex a bunch of polymers that would be incompatible of this you have to throw out of your set that's all you do throw them out of your set and repeat okay and the nice thing is that somehow this Kotetsu key price condition or absolute convergence of the cluster expansion this is monotone on taking subsets so you can imagine if you have less polymers this condition is only easier to satisfy so you get this for free but that's that's all I'll say about sampling okay so we can we can go to expander graphs now so let's do the Potts model on expander graphs and here we'll get to a finite number of ground States so the first step in approximating the partition function is just to say that just by the expansion property the partition function of the Potts model for large enough beta on an expander graph is well approximated by the sum of Q different partition functions where each one is just summing over configurations with like let's say a majority red majority blue and this is exactly the type of thing you would want to prove if you wanted to show slow mixing okay so and for an expander we graph this is quite easy so now what do we need to do we need to approximate each one of these partition functions okay so let's let's take the red partition function now we have a mostly red model and we want to express this as a polymer model we just define a polymer to be a connected component of non red vertices okay that's it and I have to tell you what the weight function is the weight function will just be e to the minus beta the number of by chromatic edges incident to the polymer in particular the entire boundary has to be by chromatic because it's non red vertices and everything else is red and so you have at least that many by chromatic edges and because if expander' graph the edge boundary is sum as proportional to the size of the whole polymer and so we do get this exponential decay of the weight functions if beta is large in the size of the polymer and that's that's the whole algorithm so you just check these things and you plug it into that that polymer algorithm I told you about so here we are using the fact that we have these ground States because we say we can express the model as the sum of a finite number of models where some nice properties happen okay good so in the last few minutes I'll tell you about contour models so the point is on ZT we can't do this you you know we could have an all-white state outside and then you only pay a cost on the boundary but this the boundary size on Z D is not proportional to the volume so it's both plots model but this is on Z D now instead of expand or graph and all I'm saying is that the the boundary costs you pay these by chromatic edges is it's no longer proportional to the size of this set so you somehow have to deal with this yeah and that's that's not enough yeah that's this exponential decay it's like e to the minus beta by chromatic edge the polymers have to expand ya edge boundary of the polymers okay so what are contour models contour models are polymer models but each polymer comes with boundary labels and so a polymer here the polymers are the contours are the black regions and what do I mean by boundary labels they have a color outside so the exterior label of this contour is white and then it might have some interior regions so the interior label of this region is green and blue here okay so a contour model is a polymer model but with boundary labels and each each region that the contour divides your space into is labeled with a ground state okay so precisely a contour on ZD it's a connected component comes with a weight function it comes with an exterior label and labels for each of its into your components so exterior white interior blue and green for these two regions you still have to say which spin is outside yeah okay and then what is the contour partition function well it's the same as the polymer model partition function you sum over sets of compatible contours multiply the wave functions but there's a restriction your your contours have to have matching labels so if I'm a contour here this contour this little triangle it has exterior label Green it better be the case that the guy it lives inside has interior label green so this is what we mean by matching contours and all the contours on the outside if we have white boundary conditions they better all have white exterior label so that's all we mean it's almost like a polymer model but this matching condition is a long-range correlation so it's not nice and so the idea of pirogov and Sanai is to rewrite the whole thing in terms of outer contours so just look at the contours that are on the outermost level and forget about everything inside okay so I've erased all the contours that appear inside another contour and you can actually just rewrite the partition function you still have the same partition function you multiply this wave function but now you multiply also by the partition function inside these regions okay and now the sum is over sets of compatible contours that are mutually external none appears inside another and this is really a hard core constraint okay it's like that the the filled in volumes don't overlap and so now now we're now we're good to go so this is a polymer model it just happens with the wave functions are more involved it's the weight function you had before multiplied by the interior partition functions but now I really you're in the setting of polymer models and we can apply that previous algorithm yeah exactly right so we need to compute the weight functions and that will be the recursive step okay so check the convergence criteria this was all done for us okay boards and Embree have a very general criteria if you have a piles condition you get this convergence well they were trying to understand the phase transition so this pure graphs tonight there is a way to understand the you know the probabilistic properties of the model you know do you have exponential decay of correlations once you condition on the phase is a first-order phase transition well the one thing that was proved using this technique is the dot Potts model for large Q has a first-order phase transition maybe that's the most famous thing but also the the slow mixing results I mentioned were proved using the same technique and then like you said how do we do the weight functions we compute them inductively so you start with thin contours that have no interior regions those you just have the wave function and then once you've done those you can go up and up and up okay good so just to show you what the contours are for the plots model and Z D you call a vertex correct if it shares like the same color as all its neighbors everything else is incorrect and here neighbors like Dana mentioned you choose something slightly different this is an L infinity neighbor this makes some topology easier so shaded vertices are incorrect there's some disagreement in the L infinity neighborhood and and a contour is just a connected component here okay so we see like this contour has exterior label red and interior label green okay so it's easy to define and then the number of by chromatic edges it's proportional to the size of the contour and so this is Pyles condition that's what we need well because we're not we don't include the interior volume in it it's only the the ones would have a disagreement and you have a disagreement somewhere in your neighborhood so like yeah okay so the last thing I'll say in the last two minutes this because I think this is a good open problem for lots of people here is that the running time of this is polynomial but far from linear and so you would want a better algorithm this somehow is not the algorithm I wanted to show works there's a very simple algorithm that I wanted to show work that I couldn't so for these models with a finite number of ground States maybe the graph is transitive or something but pick a ground state uniformly at random start in the ground state start with all red configuration and run the glabra dynamics for n log n steps and I claim that this the output is close to the stationary distribution once you include the randomness of the choice of ground state as well and perhaps you can actually prove this if you if you are in the setting where pure golf Sanai theory works so you have convergence of cluster expansion this gives you some correlation decay properties can you use this to prove that this algorithm works this is like a near linear time algorithm very simple algorithm this should somehow be the right algorithm okay so actually with prasad and jennifer chase and christian Borges we can now do like Potts model on Z D at critical even at critical where we know Spencer Wang mix is slow and all above critical for large Q so for Luke if Q is large and you're on Z D then everywhere very large like exponential and D yeah yeah I can tell you more about that okay so let's see the other thing I won't talk about this just this is related to this complexity class Sharpe this bipartite independent set and one question would be for what classes of graphs can we define contour models you can't do it for all graphs like a 1d align you can't define contour models so is it true my my very bold guess would be if you have a transitive graph that isn't 1d you can do it vertex-transitive so no vertex is special any lattice that's two-dimensional we can do so that actually it's quite easy yeah so it has to be at least two dimensions it can't be 1d but then any lattice is fine okay so thank you hmm that's a great question so fixing magnetization can be very very bad so if if you have like the hardcore model on the random bipartite graph that's a very nice model but if you all of a sudden fix magnetization so it's 50/50 1/2 1/2 evens 1/2 odds somehow I don't think this is proof but my physics friends tell me that this becomes like the random graph the non bipartite one with like glassy phase transition on all the horrible stuff so so you can go from a really nice bounded number of ground States model to a the worst possible situation by fixing magnetization well maybe I mean I think that's roughly the intuition if you can describe it really well probabilistic aliy there probably is some simple decomposition that you can use something like this ah because all those proofs of slow mixing that I showed you there they're using pure graphs in eye theory they're using piles condition yeah and they're they're counting contours and it's exactly the same techniques so we actually there are a lot of this stuff that needed to be proved was already proved for us in the paper showing slow mixing so it's not that slow mixing implies a good algorithm is that the techniques people have used to prove slow mixing we can use for the algorithm yeah no but I mean like the general result here for ZD would say if you're on a lattice and the piles condition holds then there's low enough temperature so that there's a algorithm so all we need is piles condition and boundary gram sense