My pleasure. OK So this is doing go to great. And Leslie that I saw somewhere here. So all in the start of a big amount so. We have already seen the independents that pull in the mail but let me just thirty finish. The definition OK So what do we have you have some underlying graph G. and then we look at the over independent thirds of alum that do the size of the independents that are here for example for this graph here that are seven in the pen and. The first one has size zero so it has weighed on these have size to have weight so I could go on the square and the independents at the polynomial over the gain of. Now would a lot of the problem the deal going to be looking at so it's going to be decelerated to me question where are we to thank to make a deal. That are labeled by a number Lumba And if you feed the good half into the good and they're labeled by law then what it spits out the independents pulling the meal over that good stuff. So if you had to get in there and there was to you she does get off into it it will spit out. Whatever nine plus. Eight seventeen OK now. You could ask for the answer to be exact but then it turns out to that. There is no damage interesting that you can say OK so maybe you can have a poll in the mail time I get it I'm bummed that he would get out but that's about it and everything is easy. But any other type of good if you look at the regular graph or any kind of the problem will be difficult. So then. I'm going to be lax manufacturing. And we are going to ask only for. Good and there's that spit out the answer which I didn't but I fission and the profusion is also part of the input. So input now is a good half but a season and you want to have independence polynomial or they're going to do that but I mean to with some precision. People look at the before of course and by now we understand the situation for a completely OK so or almost completely maybe it would be exception of the critical critical point OK so there is some critical threshold. That depends on the maximum degree of the graph and if you look at the class of the graph of make some degree Delta. The problem is easy for London below the threshold and it's N.P. hard. Above that threshold and if. They didn't work. We have to change our market plan. Let's see why would we be interested in looking at this question OK So well one motivation for studying. This independence polynomial is that this is the simplest or one of the two simplest spin model thought of graphical models so this is probably the first thing to try to build that understanding on. Well and we have all the big gain from understanding in the previous work. The second motivation. Could be from the. Very end of loco look at Lemme. Return the strongest known the very end of the local local Lima OK so what is the setting there we have a collection of bad events. We have some notion of a dependency graph between these bed events and I would like to understand under what conditions can we conclude that the probability of no bad even happening is positive. And that there is a condition that looks at every possible subgraph of the bending to get half. The independence polynomial a negative value of P. in the condition is that all have to be positive OK so. The conclusion from this light should be that it should be interesting to look at negative values of alum decibel they are interesting for for example this application. Now. One more motivation OK. Detail but that is the technology developed by battery Norco and further by pattern that act that allows to construct approximation already tons of these. Problems if you understand where they're. Pulling on the L. has complex heroes and if you managed to find it he didn't write the polynomial doesn't have complex then you get a fish and I'll bet it I'm OK So the conclusion from this light should be that even looking at complex values of is an interesting question OK so. Now we made the problem more complex so let's expand our mind to complex numbers and let's look at the problem with complex numbers in mind OK Now our understanding from video line is still there. And we would like to understand a little bit more and what will play out all in their understanding is this region that is a precise definition there but not doing but it didn't identify them by bottle and that ECT. And. There was some work on this and what people managed to do is they managed to get a little bit. Why there's. A line where we have all got it them and they managed to figure out and I'll get it when we have complex values in the small that it circle. And then there are some negativities old for the real line if you have negative numbers we. Had to N.P. hard and if it is old previously. So are the result OK so the result is we are going to show that the problem is N.P. hard everywhere outside of the city didn't identified by Buttle in that act. So I'm going to explain how dirty didn't comes about. Yes. An algorithm in the circle. Probably no but it's kind of difficult. OK So let me. Let me try to do the proof for more or less in. On a high level OK now. As any is any how did this prove we'll have to create gadgets OK now. It's hard to search for gadgets or to be about them when they're good but it turns out that if we did expect to. Know how to score a model you don't have to think about other gadgets that are going to be enough and if she's got. All of it be understood in two thousand and six now probably not everybody sort of telling me let me do a proof that you only have to think about thirty OK so here is a graph where the probability that it takes there is occupied. Uniformly to undermine the penance that So let me assume that day is equal to one now for simplicity so there were seven independent sets two of them contain the better tax so they are to be two over seven now if I look at that like this well it's a path if you wanted to compute the probability that the Vatican is OK. Counting independent sets on the like looking at Fibonacci numbers so you could figure I would go down for days and it will turn out to be two over seven for these are good enough so the quantities are getting. How to do this in general so this is due to the whites two thousand and six OK So we are going to look at the probability of the better pictures occupied but actually it will be easier to look at the the ratio of the probability that you is occupied divided by the probability that it's not OK. And then. Just in pictures what you can do is you can take your graph and look at the all the configurations where it's in divide by the configurations out of a sort of circle means that I'm committing to the particular value OK now you believe the better takes into. It doesn't matter OK along with I was equal to one so no change. And the only important thing about but it putting this about effects in order node in is what it does to the neighbors and here we are doing the same thing to the neighbors. Now once you have read it and like this you can but I think there's a telescoping product now the next step is to understand one term in the product OK so. There is only one disagreement. What does the disagreement do well here is the better Texas in this one cannot be in. Configurations of this type if this one is empty then I have possibility of taking this empty or occupied I divide by numerator. Getting means I look at the ratio OK so you get equation like this the ratio of the probability of Occupy to only could bite you can write as a product of. Things. What did we accomplish their objective is. To be accomplished so that it would be accomplished on the next flight OK so we had a drink to accomplish did whatever you can accomplish on the graph you can accomplish on a thirty K. So if you are looking for gadgets the only thing that you have to look at. Or the three who are coming in now are coming in the clearly. Trying to model this by three. Reduce the size of the graph by one better fix by induction those can be done by three I put those who demanded the better pics if you apply the equality on the thirty you will get difficulty. And you are done. Well has support if you send it I mean how far would you have to go but I believe the exponential in the size of the graph. But these are gadgets and they are going to be constant size in the end. But in principle as I search for the gadget I only need to look for three so at this point OK so the. Bulb it vaguely have a day that is. OK but in the sense or no. OK now. Back to having this part of me to lumber that mean. OK so if you want to have it then and I don't know what it's X. now with the ratio of the to the probability that there were these occupied but it doesn't matter OK. If you want to figure out that the probability that these occupied on the or the ratio you can figure it out on the thirty by days it occurs the formula by taking their smaller teeth and computing the value for them. And there is some function F. that does this computation for you. The probability that you are OK by done this study I think if that ratio. If the ratio of Occupy to undercut by one of these three if the ratio of occupied by to these three that X. two X. is the for the last three and then you are going to get better. For them to three. Now you can forget about you can forget about the game will be now just looking at this function and seeing what you can do with it OK so the game now is. Function you started with one dollar or whatever and you can never have you can plug in for that but I mean to function those without the number you have a new number you can decide to a plug for some of the values you still have the one you can put in there you get in your mind number but he did it be that he beat What is it that you can get. Yeah X. is not a one for dollars that there's just the initial value. People I don't think they studied these maps for complex value as much in. Complex dynamics. But they would study these univariate maps where you have some national function and then your map X. using directional function and try to see whether this process of growth. If you ever do a Monday will be. Such a thing on a computer you are doing something like this. OK so now we come back to where did that he didn't come from. So we had a going to look at this. And then. What happens if you eat I didn't map so. I guess the behavior will depend on the value of lumber. And it the way this that agent is defined is well if you're outside that he didn't all the fixed points of the repulsive. Where if you are inside the city didn't attract a fixed point. What does that mean OK so what that a fixed points will fix points out of the things the function takes for themselves OK how do you find them well you multiply you have a polynomial of degree D. plus one and you have the roots those are the fixed points OK Now you take the fixed point a new perturbed out of a little bit and you started applying the map do fly away or do go towards the fixed point or what happens OK so formally what you're going to look at is you have to look at the Jacoby end of this map at the fixed point and see where the. Specs that although they do is less than one that would correspond to the text of fixed points or it has spectral. Bigger than one trip correspond to people from fixed points. Did. I think that is unique that is unique to fixed point. Well there is only one fixed point there that I did that are about to but here are all the plus one repulsive and here I think of them are repulsive and one of them is that active. It is depends on the value of London so there are days I love that one days upon a meter and the Caribbean will have the lumber in it. OK So the next plan is to very publicly fixpoint. What does that mean OK so we are going to be using some tools from complex dynamics. And smart enough to figure all of these out on our own OK so people that study these are national maps developed quite a bit of technology. And there are a few notions that I'm going to need OK so if you have this complex dynamics that is the notion of to sit so these out of the points that travel the difference and they keep the friends on a leash OK so here is a formal definition. So what this means is that. If you start close enough to the point and your reply did then I mix and you go your friend is always the standard most epsilon from you as you go to the future so all your travels your friend Bill stay with you. Up to distance up your lawn. For ever if you have trouble remembering the return if. It stands for friends I guess if you're a member now I have trouble. So example of it. At that active fixed points so if you are attacked if you keep your friends on the leash. Now the other course is this Julie S. it so that the compliment to sit and that means your friends no matter how close they are going to divert to eventually so example or. Point to that is in the for to set out of the repulsive fixpoint. The right that's right there. Now and don't ask me about the fine details of a devout do you describe can happen or not I don't know but especially in complex than a mix. OK. To use if. That says that if you manage to get a dense set of points in a open neighborhood. Of a point that is in the in the do list it OK so if you manage to get your hands on it and you get then set on the point. In the Julia set then if you'll apply the map and actually financially many times then you're going to get all the points in the complex plane. With few exceptions but that's not important OK So somehow. Or other beings to gain from from this complex dynamics that it's enough to get close to a fixed point and get a set of points around their. Complex Numbers complex numbers that infinity I guess. We we played with this for quite a while and it's kind of difficult to get your hands on a policy fixpoint OK So that's the whole difficulty how do gets to any policy fixed point. And we tried all kinds of things and the last ditch effort we just said well what if we. Look at the following the very end of the map or the following way of dealing. With the quantity the quantities that we have OK So we started only with one OK but then we take the ones and we get to New Well you and then we shift the value of the new values in and applied the function F. on one one one one and then you value then we remove one of the ones at the end and apply the function F. get the new point get a new point and so on OK So we have the sequence of point and we always take the last of the of them we apply the function F. on them and then we get the new point that he that he didn't beat OK so here we are heavily using the fact that we have this. Multivariate access to the function F. we had no dues in the universe it might but we had it using as heavily as possible the fact that we can plug in different axes into the into the function F.. And the fact is that if you do this then this process gets to the fixed point of of it it gets to be the fixed point of the universe at the recursion where the proof Well the proof. You set up a slightly different author. Like this. And you compete with that I can answer it and then. You argue that there is held of this process if you take that ratio of constitutive terms then they are. These are the current. You can well understand solutions of occurrences that I do just figure out about the. Transfer to make that exists on your computer the largest eigenvalue and you are going to figure out where the process goes to. And then there are only a little thing that you need to check well in here you need to check the do never divide by zero. And took a while a get in to figure out how to argue that but luckily. These are the case. Dispose of the do said he if it's actually counting independent sets or independence polynomial in a get off like this. And. If you look at the get up for a while you see that it's a call for the graph so it doesn't contain a subgraph like this and if you have a Closer to get it's known that independence that polynomial cannot have complex roots real don't have to worry about this possibility that you will be dividing by zero and if you have that then you. Pretty much settled OK so now what we have is we have that this process gives us access to a. Fixed point. Now it actually goes to the fixed point to be the smallest making a cute OK so the sum in about isn't. Actually no two fixed point of the same magnitude if you have complex lumbered on the system but proof OK if you have fixed point it's not just a question like this if you have another fixed point equation like this if. There are magnitudes about equal then the norm of the of the inside would be the same therefore the magnitude of that identified would be the thing so that means the points are equal distance from zero that equal distance from one that means they must be called to get but if they were going to get there that would have to be quite a bit to itself so long there would have to be deal but we are only dealing with the complex case he had a lot of the deal was dealt a bit better with papers. Saw what do we have. So we have a defect Milady we know how to get to a fixed point now we will be. Real need this real need to get that he could add numbers in some interval OK this is just a high level description of what do do if you want to achieve and then sort of points inside it if it. Supposed that you had a set of maps F one F two or three or four the data from the set. To some think outside this or maybe slightly outside the set and the madness contracting and all together the map cover devoted you know. If you have such I think then you can increase prices and you can create the density of points how do you do that you have some targets that you want to achieve if you look at the map that maps to that but the contracting for the premier of the target is smaller. Now you look right at the target lies and. In each of the maps. The target gets bigger target to get the bigger target to get bigger you go beg back at the end of the target is sufficiently big We'll have a sufficient lead then for the point here you will have something in the bull's eye nearby and if you forward the maps you will get to put it to close to the point that you want it so that it. Gets you close to a fixed point now. This. OK so a little. Bit close to a fixed point. Will do. That at least then sort of points out on the fixed points once you have more that at least at this fixed point you will construct these maps that you saw here. Moderately set of points. Then set of points that you can achieve. On the fixpoint. Well but. That only polls if fixpoint if you are outside the cut of the region so that the point you get to a fixed point is it repulsive for a detective and it's going to be repulsive because all of them are repulsive if explained means. If you get dense around it you're going to get everything OK. Yes Julia said. Thank you now how do we get moderately dense of points around the fixed point. So you have this map you wrote to a fixed point of the of the universe. Now. You are almost at the fixed point but lay off OK so you are off by. A fixed point got off by a small amount OK now if you apply the map numbers are small it's going to be linear that everything is lean on a small scale OK So we have a lean that a map. It. It expands. A little bit if you had all coded into the same if the preservation of the same the map would actually expand its policy fixpoint but. If you made some of the corner there do you know it would be actually contracting OK so the only point here. The map. Fixpoint behaves really naturally. And it multiplies by some quantity which is smaller than one. Quarter this is capital F. of the of the of the left hand side. And since it you can do addition you can do multiplication the P.D.P. the repeat you're going to be able to do any polynomial that you wish OK now if you can do any polynomial that you wish well only polynomial with integer coefficients but do you have this bill in the mail and you EVER late it at this point to me to see which is which is the. Multiple out of the Jacoby under the fixpoint OK so if you if you are able to achieve this polynomials then you are every thing polynomials with integer coefficients and you think polynomials with integer coefficients ever learned it at complex numbers with magnitude less than one you can get that then sort of points OK So this is how it this is how you get the first initial set of points OK so just high level you you go to one of the fixed point you have a little bit distance away but you are still know that the fixed point now everything is a linear but always gets multiplied by this but I mean is a complex number of in magnitude less than one you are going to build polynomials out of these and you're going to get evolutions of this ball in a Mills and they're going to be pretty dense because polynomials integer to question the validity of the complex number magnitude less than one give you anything OK so now you have. More that it sort of points around the fixed point you used those to build these maps F. one F. two F. three F. for that cover. Some target circle and you just zoom to any point that you wish OK. This is the third part. This is the third part yeah maybe I should switch it into talk. You know work yes. Why are you trying to do the right so you are trying to have a reduction that I had a new in the introduction you. Will see in a second. You want to have an all kinds of values for that because they do allow you to. Do some kind of behind the research on the number of independents that in a good are somehow what do you need to do is like this initially there is some initial set up where you set up these maps and this constant stuff. That depends on lambda but then you have these machinery did allows you to zoom to any point. In a clear many steps and that's for that's for like so that you don't have high complexity when you don't need an actual input when you do deductions. Or levels just. OK so that some of the. Higher level stuff in the proof. All. Right. This is a constructive proof of getting something care in the neighborhood after you are done in the neighborhood then you're going to use the hammer so once you dance in the neighborhood you hit the hammer new good you get everything. Well the hammer just says that if you have any disks then after financially many steps the disk maps to everything so it has a bound on the leg how many traditions you have to do well I mean that I would the number of iterations that you have to do the course then depending on the ideas of the circle but we don't care I mean less fixed and then we got interested in complexity so computer science but I guess we did all these very old the oldest construction but the question still is where the need to get down there particularly of lumber that exists right so these need to get in there is they exist and I guess the only way to do it is look at the directions OK so let's assume that we have a meat meat grinder that does the computation for us and we are going to. Create me to get in there of industrial quality that something something that we know cannot be done OK so we are going to let's say look at the problem of Everly think. Independence polynomial for a five foot three to go to graft at five. How do they did action you know that you can do anything so what you're going to do to go to get you're going to take. Attach a thirty. To a very very picks that effectively changes the Lumba you're going to change lumber to five and now if you ever late they're independents blooming all Revelle you complex really lumber down this one it will effectively computed the value of the Independence polynomial of eight over if you get five but it had a problem therefore this would be a hard problem with well. Now we threw you out an old hippie weed. OK So this is the meta good and that is you construct if you're out of the happy with this one. And they're not good enough to begin before at least for it being required your own dignity to the and maybe one child to how to Nashville you have to do that action slightly differently OK so now we are going to do that action when we are going through exactly computer number of independent sets how do we do it and action like that well here to what you do is you take your graph age and you attach that to the to ever have attics. And know what kind of independent indies get off eight. To be decent dition Well I do take this about it takes but then you kind of take anything from this graph or you don't think it is about a text and then you count the number of independents that in this graph. And now we should do by and that if. You are going to figure out when this is both at the fort and they get the If so you're going to exactly cound a number of independent thought in this order general graph H. OK now is cheating a little bit we have a high degree of error things here that's no deal out so what do you have to do is you have to do some reduction with the diggity How do the direction we did you construct a little gadget allows you to copy information OK so we're going to have a gadget where the number of quarter the weight of configurations of. Points. Is the door but if they agree it has the same weight you can do it by the full length of the with carefully chosen weights for the one of the three. And I think that's it. Connected I am also like M M M was like the bind that I searched but I meter so M M Was that ratio of two on it could bite on the study and that allows you to figure out how many independents that. May be negative for them and if they're going to be a negative value and you're going to. Will. No no no no these only covers it for a complex a lot of. It it covers it for that's right now if order for a positive one do you have to do whatever Alan was doing for modalists that is there is no cheap way out OK so if you look at the picture. Everywhere we have Shot of the hardness but on this line we have N.P. hardness and some shut behind this if you can get out of behind this they do usually easier to do and be hot and I think so so the. Line I think by nature has to be more difficult to prove. Well there either is not going to be so I would be how they think and the complexity theory. That I'd.