well thank you for the invitation for the kind introduction so thank you all right so I guess without further ado let me get started ok so I like to talk to you about some problems in pattern formation which I think on some level are familiar to everybody so here are some examples of patterns that form but I why what I would call the simplest interfacial instability which kind of maps on to the mathematical problem of laplacian growth which I'll talk to you in just about in just a moment so we see a couple different phenomenon here that lead to similar patterns so on the Left we have viscous fingering which I'll talk about in a moment of phenomena multi-phase flow where one fluid is displacing another immiscible fluid in a confined geometry the second one is electro deposition so the growth of copper metal by electrically depetro deposition of copper ions from a solution and on the right we have the formation of snowflakes by crystallization under the right conditions the basic phenomena here that leads to branch structures is the idea roughly speaking that what something sticks out it gets more flux and sticks out more that's basically what happens when you have an interfacial stability instability and the source of it on a very simple level is that around each of these objects is some kind of laplacian field or harmonic function in this case it might be the pressure so we have a pressure driven flow here in a point of you know healy shah so as I'll explain in this case it might be the concentration of the electrolyte in this case it might be the temperature as a latent heat needs to be diffused away from the interface and in each case if you have a dynamics of an interface which is sort of governed by the laplacian field then you have this sort of instability that leaves two fingers or dendrites and the simplest way think about it is that these these regions of harmonic fields those are regions where you have a high resistance and resistance to transport and essentially the interface forms a finger or a protrusion because it's trying to find path of least resistance so basically rather than growing uniformly and sort of fighting its way through the system it finds a way to break through and sort of more easily move ahead where it wants to be okay so just a little bit of a sort of mathematical context as so this is a problem that I worked on kind of wearing a mathematicians hat 10 or 15 years ago which is to look at laplacian growth type problems not only with continuous dynamics of interfaces but also stochastic dynamics of interfaces and to summarize a certain body of work I would say that what I showed was that transport quasi steady transport limited growth is always unstable to forming these dendrites or fingers and a certain sense they're all in the same universality of class and form the same kinds of patterns and by transport limited I mean a class of models we imagine there's some set of variables ci which could be concentration potential temperature some kind of scalars and you have fluxes which are driven by gradients and the and you can even have a nonlinear matrix of couplings so basically this this K matrix could sort of a couple of a potential feel to a concentration variable all those kinds of things but the important thing is that these gradient driven fluxes are in equilibrium so divergence of flux is zero so those are equations of motion that's your generalization of Laplace's equation and when you have that kind of dynamics where there's stochastic or the street at least in two dimensions you always form these kind of fractal patterns in the case of stochastic growth this leads to so-called dla clusters or diffusion limited aggregation you can also generate these clusters by a Monte Carlo type simulation where you have a random walk of particles coming in from far away and when they get near this cluster they stick wherever they first touch the cluster and again you get this branching instability because the more samay sticks out the higher probability it has of catching the next particle and that leads to this kind of fractal growth and the main generalization which is important for today's talk is that this class of models includes things such as dla growth in a fluid flow also dla or other kind of stochastic growth on curved surfaces all of them are in some sense the same instability but you do need a couple of things do you need that it's quasi-steady so there's no like dc/dt this is just divergence of flux is zero so it's quasi steady transport and also the transport is only on one side it's kind of ahead of you it's not behind and so those two features of what leads you to always get similar instabilities in these kinds of problems now I'm going to try to look at the intersection of those kinds of problems with electro kinetics so here are just some examples of instabilities that occur in electrokinetic systems so first if you have if you have immiscible fluids for example a liquid and air as in these two cases or even two immiscible liquids then it's well known that electric fields can destabilize those interfaces and cause undulations and patterns to form or sprays also in liquid systems with miscible liquid interfaces where you have sailed a high concentration stream of salt and a low salt stream in our electric field in this direction you can generate instabilities there as well and then this is an example which I'll come back to later in the talk of electro dialysis this is a membrane based separation process where you have a flow in this direction a current applied in this direction through a stack of cation exchange membranes and an exchange membranes and that's to basically remove salt from the water and there too when you have large salt concentration gradients you have some vortices forming and you have electro kinetic instability so I'd like to ask is sort of what is the intersection of those problems that I just described so is it possible that we can use electro kinetic phenomena to actually control this notorious laplacian growth type instabilities and of course I wouldn't ask that question if there weren't at least somewhat of a positive answer so yes and it leads us to I think some pretty interesting new types of problems that are kind of come from combining those different fields so one is to look at you know we're talking about electrolytes they're confined by solid surfaces but in particularly then we're also looking at interfaces between two immiscible liquid electrolytes or in the case of electro deposition a moving solid liquid interface but the key thing again is sort of being under confinement by charge surfaces so I'll give you three examples of these this these types of phenomenon so the first one is electro kinetic control of viscous fingering so so first a viscous fingering which leads to the pattern that I showed you on the first slide is basically a the easiest description of it is through so-called Healy Shaw cell geometry so you basically have two parallel plates which are separated by a small gap which might be sort of at the millimeter scale or less and we have it initially filled with one fluid the yellow fluid and we inject a different fluid in there which is immiscible and displace the first fluid and do it in such a way that you know we're not leaving behind to like a wetting film but that the interface actually can move so it's a partially wetting situation so this is a classic problem the instability was actually first analyzed well actually that was first analyzed by some Russian authors actually in 1945 by polar Bravo and galine but the first description of this sort of the nonlinear dynamics of the instability that forms these fingers was by Safin and Taylor and so this is an example of their experiment of air displacing glycerin but you very generally see this when are you have a less viscous fluid displacing a more viscous fluid again the higher resistance is ahead of you so when you push the interface wants to go unstable to allow sort of a path of least resistance to breakthrough this is an important problem in applications such as oil recovery where you try to use water to displace residual oil in the ground of course fingering is bad because then the water rushes through and doesn't push out the oil that's just one important example but it's a very fundamental phenomenon a basically comes back to us laplacian growth in this case you get it because in a Haley Shaw cell if you look at the depth average sort of flow field here it's roughly a pause a flow where the velocity is proportional pressure gradient and divergence of velocity zero so it's Laplace's equation and if you have let's say air then it's roughly like a constant pressure surface and so you have basically all the ingredients of laplacian growth so as I said this was a classic problem analyzed by Safa and Taylor and in fact others and so if you ask it so the way linear stability analysis works you start with a base state which is it's a moving interface which is flat and you ask if I put a perturb Ridge perturbation of a certain wavelength will it grow and if it grows it's it's linearly unstable so you can solve that problem in the case a viscous fingering and what you find is the stability is controlled by this ratio M which is the ratio of viscosities and it's exactly what I said before if there if the fluid ahead of you is more viscous it's unstable if it one behind you is more viscous it's stable and you also can predict what is the wavelength instability in the sense that this is the dispersion relation that relates the growth rate of an instability of wave number K to the system parameters so the capillary number comes in which brings you surface tension because basically the laplacian growth instability is incredibly unstable as I said the smallest perturbations actually grow the fastest so it's incredibly unstable but surface tension kind of brings it back down so under the normal conditions when you have unstable fingering as a function of the wave number at high K out here you have very you know small periods down here you have a very low period and long wavelength and you get here as a maximum and that's the that's the mode that will grow the fastest and so when the instability develops initially that's the pattern you're gonna see so so the starting point here is to see what would happen if you kind of repeat the analysis that I did in in the first mathematical work I showed you where it was kind of one-sided vector laplacian grow three is set of fields ahead of you governing an air fashion motion but now we have those fields on both sides interface so it's a much more subtle problem and in particular the vector laplacian gothe comes in because i already described you how flow field is related to a pressure gradient through a term here which could be considered the hydraulic conductance similarly if I have a grading of electric potential that's electric field it gives you an electrical current and the same movement of ions through Ohm's law so you have a you have a electrical conductivity an electric kinetic phenomena linear electric kinetic phenomena come from the coupling between those terms so basically there's a matrix that relates kind of the two the two forces thermodynamic forces pressure gradient electric field two the two kinds of fluxes in this problem which are the flow and the electric current and they're off diagonal terms by Ansari's relations it has be a symmetric matrix and it turns out this is the electro osmotic coupling so that gives you phenomenon such as electro osmotic flow as streaming current where that comes from is through the fact that we have the system confined between two plates which are charged and so the electrolyte or the liquid contains ions which on average are an equal numbers positive and negative so it's neutral but near the surfaces which are charged we have so-called luxury double airs where there's an excess of opposite screening charge and when you imagine for example electric field which is parallel to this interface in the bulk solution there's no force on the interface or no strong force because it's neutral but near the interface in this double layer you see you have a big push on the on the fluid but there's also a you imagine a no slip boundary condition and so you get sir a balance of electrical force and viscous drag and that gives you so called electro osmotic flow that leads to this factor here and just to sort of define things epsilon is permittivity mu is vers viscosity and Zeta is the so called zeta potential it's the voltage drop across this interface which somehow measures the surface charge there's also the inverse effect if I if I apply a pressure I get a flow and that's what imagine if I have sort of a pressure driven flow through this system there'll be a shear strain rate on the surface which is going to move these ions and in this double air there's a net charge so again there's a flow of charge which is a current and so the inverse effect is there as well okay and we're here just talking about linear responses so it's a symmetric matrix okay but we have this kind of matrix on both sides so if you analyze that problem and you ask yourself I have flat interface moving and ahead and behind I have an arbitrary like electro osmotic conductance matrix governed by all those parameters the stability criterion becomes this one right here and this was work of my postdoc Muhammad Mears a day and so you have a very similar looking dispersion Latian before it's got a linear and then a kind of cubic term and it can be either unstable or stable depending on this criterion here and so again the viscosity ratio is critical but what's interesting now is you have this other side here which involves parameters you can control so what you have here essentially is a dimensionless it's the current to flow rate ratio with some material parameters so you see like an average of the two conductivity x' average of the viscosity x' averages zeta times the dielectric constant ratio etc but basically by adjusting the current or the flow rate you can play with this instability and basically make this be unstable have some growth modes that are positive and also have it be stable so here's some examples of that so in the upper left you see what happens if you just do viscous fingering without any electric field applied this is simulation of a healy saw cell and you can see the onliest thing that's changing is you go from here to here is this parameter a is changing which is basically that dimensionless current that i mentioned so we given the sort of charges we've assumed on the services and the viscosity ratios and the dielectric constant ratios and the conductivity ratios all those parameters when you move the current in this direction you actually can stabilize the interface and basically what's happening is we're kind of like in a very simple way flipping sort of where the highest resistance is so if you have an unstable situation again it's the more viscous liquid is ahead of you so you're pushing it and wants to break through but when you Charlie electric field in the right way it's making it so that the higher sort of electro osmotic resistance is on the back side basically so that if you sort of have a perturbation like sticking like this it kind of pushes it back forward again you know so it's just competing effects but it is kind of complicated in each case to really understand the instability because we do have this coupling of different fields anyway so this is the theory we published this last year and in my lab actually we've been trying to observe this experimentally which frankly I think would be very difficult to do if we didn't have the theory because you have to sort of find the right liquids the right set of parameters to actually see the phenomenon so here's an experiment on just classic viscous fingering the same as what I showed you on the first slide in our own Keeley shaw cell oops sorry so here's yeah unstable marginal and stable so those are the different situations okay and so here are the experimental results so here's just an example of a stable case of oil displacing water so in this case it's M greater than one which means the oil is more viscous but when we apply a current in the right direction you can start to see we get instability so we've just taken stable situation made it stable and if we apply the same magnitude current in the opposite direction it's equally or we would say even more stable here's a situation where it's actually unstable even at zero current so this is a case where you have a lower viscosity liquid pushing a higher viscosity liquid and you can see there's a little bit of an instability there and sure enough when we apply the correct current we're able to stabilize that system and I should say that there are some challenges setting up these experiments so here's what our system looks like we have a Healey Shaw cell but we have to integrate electrodes and as you can see some of these colors here are coming from the dye that we use actually reacts electrochemically in at the at the electrodes and so that's what you're seeing is color changes here we hope that that's not influencing too much the dynamics but nevertheless we have in the middle here what you're seeing is sort of a conical shape reservoir where we place one electrode and there can be some water splitting reactions there for example that are carrying that are you know sustaining the current the direct current and then we have a ring electrode kind of on the outside and we try to keep those electrodes far away from the dynamics so we can apply a current but whatever is happy electro we hope is not influencing the dynamics and so here are if you do a lot of experiments that type you can start to build up kind of a stability diagram so this is for this particular choice of materials we have a plot against the current and the flow rate and the black line is where we expect the stability boundary to be according to the theory and we see pretty good agreement to do this plot here we take movies like this and we digitize the images and identify the boundary and we actually calculate the roughness and the growth rate of the roughness and so we actually plot the dimensionless growth rate of the roughness scale to the radius and whenever that's kind of above a threshold we could say the system is unstable and so kind of the magnitude in color and the size of these points tells you how much of this kind of instability is growing and you can see that sort of below the theory line like things are pretty stable there's still some perturbations there but nothing growing very quickly whereas above this line we pretty clearly are seeing instability and so at least we're getting a pretty good fit there I should say there's no fitting the only parameter that leads to this range here is that we don't actually know the zeta potential so we've tried to measure them but there's some uncertainty there but anyway does it doesn't make it doesn't make a huge difference if you kind of pick us or reasonable ranges ated potentials for these materials and otherwise the material properties are all known the the conductivity the dogger constants and viscosity and so here actually is a data collapse now for different materials so now we basically play with the viscosity liquids so one of the liquids is a water glycerol mixture so we can vary its viscosity and then we're using a few different oils like octenol for example and we're also using different salts to vary the conductivity 'z materials also different dielectric constants anyway so for every viscosity ratio we can do a whole bunch of different experiments of different currents or different material properties and here's all the different dimensionless groups and again we have this linear stability boundary which is sort of plotted here in dimensionless variables that should ideally collapse all the data so everything above this line should be unstable everything below should be stable and so far you know it looks like pretty good agreement up here you see what the error bars look like so it's not you know that that air by the way is coming from the zeta potential is we don't actually know for sure what the zeta potential is are so that's the range we're plotting so it seems to hold up pretty well but not everything fits so I just want to kind of be clear about that so here you're in the stable regime but if you go to really strong currents in this direction you start to see instability again and you see situations like this where instead of kind of this evil and even sort of linear stability looking like nice viscous fingers forming we're seeing like individual bulges coming out we're not sure the meaning of that but it might be from that high currents we started to get our Maxwell stresses so we've been neglecting electro hydrodynamic switch I showed you at the beginning the electro spinning and all that this is just electro kinetics away from the interface so the forces and flows that are generated there but the interface itself feels electric fields that gets deform in the field you can even form a cone and that might be something we're seeing here but I don't know yet and also in this case we're supposed to be unstable but sometimes it actually looks kind of stable and some of those cases it looks very blue and some of those reaction products I talked about maybe contaminating things and so I don't claim we understand everything here but certainly we have like a reasonable picture at what we have demonstrated is that definitely electric fields electric annex can be used to control viscous fingering okay so now on to a different phenomena and then at the end I'll try to bring these things together actually so let me tell you a bit about what I called ionization shockwaves which are actually stabilized again by electro kinetic gamma so this comes back to the topic of electro dialysis that I briefly mentioned at the beginning so here's a classic sketch of electro dialysis from the work of protein and and Sonnen which is again this method of desalination where you flow a salty fluid into a stack of membranes which have alternating selectivity or polarity for ions so you have a high anion selective membrane a cation selective membrane etc you alternate pass a current in this direction and so it's indicated by these arrows when you cross the membrane here the current is let's say entirely carried by cations for example sodium and then at the next membrane it's entirely carried by cation anions the other way and that repeats itself and since the system is really not at the nano scale it's at the millimeter scale let's say the liquid is more or less neutral at least away from the interfaces and so basically if you zoom in on what's happening your interface you have let's say cat is going through anions get blocks even buildup of salt concentration on one side on the other side cation goes through anion goes away you have a depletion of neutral salt so overall the salt concentration stays neutral but you get this kind of rise on one side and depletion on the other as you flow through the system that takes the form of boundary layers you know so you see here you have a depletion layer forming on this side on the other side you have an enrichment layer forming that's classic electro dialysis now one of the fundamental questions in this field for many many decades now actually is why it is that you can see so-called over limiting current so if you do the simple theory of the process I just described where you imagine let's say outside this boundary layer is a reservoir of uniform concentration of salt and here's your membrane if you require electroneutrality and you only have electro diffusion so there's no other transport processes or reactions going on then what you predict is there's a diffusion limited current at some point the current go that the concentration goes to zero and that would pretty it would look like this the higher voltage do you apply you don't get more current but in every experiment you eventually do get more current so it means that somehow the system is breaking down so it's giving you more current which can happen for example by reactions you could be producing more ions you could be breaking down the membrane so they're not so less selective all those things can happen but also you've got new transport processes and one of those is hydrogen hammock instability so if you initially say this is this assumption here is only diffusion well if diffusion doesn't carry the current then the liquid can't start to flow and then you start to get instability and that's the so call that traumatic instability I showed you a picture of that on my second one of my early slides but I'm not gonna focus on that for the moment actually so if you had just a membrane in contact with a bulk fluid as I showed you you do get that electro osmotic instability it's also called the Rubinstein Saltzman and stability after actually my collaborator is our Rubinstein and Saltzman on a lot of this work and those are the guys that initially develop the theory of that instability but what I want to focus on now which is the novel part is not think about a bulk liquid in contact with a membrane but rather a micro channel or porous medium in contact with the membranes so we have confinement with charge surfaces I already showed you in the first part of the talk that when you have a Healy Shaw cell but the services are charged and you're confined you can totally change the dynamics of the system with lectric kinetic phenomena same thing is true here that if you imagine now I have a membrane and let's think about the situation where the concentration is sort of appears to be going to zero somewhere away from the membrane so there's some very high current we're over limiting and again the classical picture there's some instability happening near the membrane but if you imagine now I have a micro channel which dead ends at the membrane you can also think of a porous medium where this sort of kind of a pole which like dead ends at the membrane and that poor is charged and it's charged with the correct surface charge and what I mean by that is that if I want to let's say pass positive ions to the membrane I need to get them to transport faster then I need to have negatively charged walls so the double layer on the on the on the less liquid side is positively charged what that means is I have a pathway to sort of short-circuit the system and sort like a shunt resistance almost that allows you to get more current because basically this region of depletion is a region of high electric field so what happens is when the concentration goes to zero or near zero you can't rely on diffusion anymore but this large field can do two things it can in very small channels let's say submicron the electric field is strong enough to pull the ions in the double layer and give you basically fast transport by electro migration or a surface so called surface conduction you also have the effect which is stronger in sort of middle range channels where the sort of pulley lets you feel them as ions generates flows and those flows provide pathways for convection of salt to the surface okay so those are two mechanisms and these are described again theoretically in this paper from 2011 and what it does it basically gives you a sort of mechanism for over limiting current so instead of having like a flat current here you can go over limiting another interesting aspect of that is the dynamical part of it so the steady state I just showed you but there's also interesting dynamics that imagine like now I apply an over limiting current but I do it I I look at the dynamics of how I get there so a classic problem in sort of chemical engineering which I teach in my transport class I've got the diffusion equation initial constant concentration and at time equals zero I turn on a constant flux which is like constant slope so what happens is at constant flux there's a diffusion layer the form of the spreads like square root of time and then the concentration goes down at the surface also a square root of time and at a certain time which is called sans time which I will come back to the concentration goes to zero and if you have a neutral diffusion model at that point the experiment has to stop because you've now hit zero concentration you can't you going but somehow the system does keep going and the way it happens is that the simplest model of what I just showed you with these a charge layers is if I imagine homogenizing that surface charge so Rho s is like a background surface charge per volume then the effect of electromigration is based the electric field which is current divided by conductivity times service charge and it's basically a drift term so what you have is is a diffusion equation with a non-linear drift and those of you that know a little bit of applied math know that that kind of system leads to shock waves basically whether it's gas dynamics river waves like you name it many systems lead to shocks as well the nominee or drift and where it comes in here is the fact that the conductivity of the solution depends on concentration and its concentration goes to zero basically this electric field blows up and it kind of turns on that drift term and it basically does it causes kind of this thing to sharpen and propagate as a shock wave until you then reach the steady state these shock waves were actually observed actually before I got started in fact that's what got me into this field in 2009 Juan Santiago's group first observed these shock waves experimentally in microfluidic devices so they made a device in an etched glass micro channel which was if you take a top view or side view of it was kind of a thicker channel about a micron thick and then it dropped to 100 nanometers and then back to micron and water and glass typically gives you a negative surface charge and what they found is when they passed a current through this system they saw salt property of propagation of salt concentration shock waves away in both directions which are kind of sketched here this by the way is an experimental space-time plot so this is space here's the mite here's the nano channel constriction and these and this is time and you can see kind of like a light cone here which is basically the shock waves propagating one is giving you very strong depletion the one is giving you a more modest enrichment of the saw concentration anyway so that so the interesting thing I want to focus on is the propagation of these shock waves so they focus on microphone expand what I got interested in right at that time was applying these ideas in porous media and generating macroscopic shockwaves I'll come to that in just a minute but first here are some movies of the stuff I don't want to show you that one first I want to show you the other okay the top one is a simulation we published in 2011 of a deionization shock wave here you see the red are cations the bluer anions the walls are negatively charged and at the end of the channel you have a membrane which is only passing cations this is not like Rio mutter dynamics actually we did this simulation just we did this simulation just simply to make this movie just to kind of visualize what's happening we're not claiming this is real all we did was just random walking particles that feel the mean electric field that and you know have some kind of noise so I would not claiming that's like the real system but anyway what happened you see this sharp front forming and you see a transition from when this thing is out here it's basically highly concentrated so you've getting normal kind of electro diffusion and back here there's a high electric field and you're seeing that the the current is carried by cations moving along the surfaces by surface conduction and these are some experiments done in 2015 by a group in Korea of seungjae Kim which demonstrated this physics and also the physics I described before of two different mechanisms so first here isn't a chant as a top view of a channel that is 2 microns deep and we predicted that would be in the service conduction regimes I should look a lot like that movie up there and sure enough these are negatively charged tracer particles that are fluorescing and you can see they're forming a fairly sharp front which is propagating this way there's no significant flows affecting the shape the important thing for today's talk is that this thing is flat it's actually stable now I'll explain you in a minute why that is so stable in the sense that doesn't want to form fingers or any kind of vortices it just it's it wants to be flat if you make a thicker channel then you get electro osmotic flow and to be honest actually we don't even know actually how stable that is you look in general sorry this is a zoom in of some here so here you see look in this channel there's much stronger electro osmotic flow and so these particles are moving all over the place but still a shock wave goes by so this is the concentrate regime and you'll see the shock in just a second there it is right about there and behind it is heavily depleted but following behind the shock are basically pairs of counter rotating vortices like I showed you in the steady state drawing so Bay electro osmotic flow and the sidewalls is generating some vortices that allow you to kind of sweep the salt away faster the diffusion that's what's leading to that shock wave okay so that's this font this phenomenon for today's talk I want to focus on stability so why do I say this that I expect that the least diffusive or let an electro migration shock wave to be stable what in the case we don't have the flow so it's because basically it's another problem with placing growth so basically we've talked about viscous fingering where if we were to push a less viscous fluid into more viscous fluid like say air into water or air into oil then the higher resistance is ahead of the motion because it's basically this pressure driven flow that I talked about and so in that case where you have a oh sorry sorry this is the yes sir sorry in this direction it's unstable because high resistance if you're going the other way to be stable the deionization shock wave is kind of everything's flipped actually is because the region of high salt you more or less have constant electric potentials there's very low electric field behind the shock wave it's strongly depleted salts there's high electric field so you kind of have Laplace's equation on the on the back side so as it's propagating this way if there's a perturbation the part that's left behind gets quickly eaten away by higher fluxes and it flattens out so it becomes stable basically so and there's many other examples in corrosion and other problems where you see the same kind of physics so basically it's like deposition is stable corrosion is uncertain unstable corrosion is stable and there's these two directions basically so this is an example of a stable process another way I know it's stable even when some of those electro osmotic flow is are present is that we've actually built devices that take advantage of this phenomenon for desalination and separation I this is a whole nother talk I won't get into it but it's kind of the experimental proof that we do have stable shockwaves so I've been developing for about eight not eight years now this process called shock electro dialysis in my lab and also in theoretical work and it kind of a bit like what I described earlier with normal extra Dallas's where we have a set of membranes and this is just one one layer of a device except instead of having alternating two kinds of membranes we have just one so for example a cation exchange membrane on each side and then instead of having an open channel we fill the channel with a porous material which has the appropriate surface charge to generate that D ionization shockwave so in particular I'm passing current this way and imagine these sort of pores that come through here they're all negatively charged and they have a shock wave propagating away as I showed you in that movie okay right so it's kind of like in this in this movie coming back to that yeah we're not playing here but well anyway there's the salty region and then this sort of not salty region which you also saw in the experiments imagine separating this fluid from this fluid in a cross flow that's basically what we're doing yeah there it goes and so basically what happens because we have a cross flow the shock wave is propagating this way but it's also flowing so you reach a steady state where there's a shock wave that kind of bends over and then we split the two streams so it's kind of like in this region anyway it's a membraneless separation because no physical barrier so by adjusting currents we can move that you know shock wave up or down and affect the amount of desalination and so you see here for example as we increase the current we push the shock this way eventually crosses the splitter and the Ayana Ruvo gets to be very high and in fact this deionized region which is by the way that's 500 microns or half a millimeter in this example is we're continuously extracting highly d salient fluid so our desalination factor our ratio of initial to final saw concentration can actually be like 10,000 fold actually we can essentially remove all ions by this process especially we don't start with too high salt concentration we've also found this is very good for doing ionic separations as well but the important thing is that we wouldn't be able to get this sort of nice stable of data if this shock we're like wildly flying around like a turbulent flow it's obviously just sitting there we get very stable concentrations coming out of each of the streams so it's kind of an experimental proof that even in a porous medium with all this complicated physics we still are managing it to get stable shock waves so let me now try to connect this back to the original topic which is stability of laplacian growth and instead of talking about viscous fingers I'm going to talk about electro deposition so I showed you the copper dendrites growing on the first slide as well now what I want to ask now is if the copper dendrites are growing in a charged porous medium where I have electro kinetic phenomena can I actually control their stability and so that's what I call and when we get to the shock regime I call that shock electro deposition and so I'll give you some examples of that in the next couple slides so first let's start with a very simple porous material here so this porous material is an article lumina mach side it's a commercially available material that has non intersecting parallel almost perfectly cylindrical pores with a pretty well-defined size for example this one I think is 2 or 300 nanometers okay and can be like 50 microns long so they're just very parallel you know non-intersecting thin channels and those are used in nanotechnology even for fabrication of nano wires if you do electro deposition into these materials people do that you can dissolve the template you're left with a bunch of nano wires but what I think people have not recognized either in the nanotechnology field or even for that matter in semiconductor like microelectronic fabrication where they also do a lot of deposition into porous structures that electro kinetics matters actually because normally that's not considered and in particular we demonstrated that through a bunch of experiments where we controllably change the surface charge so we take a porous template like this and we either make the surface as positive or negative by basically grafting positively or negatively charged polymers to the surface and I should jihun Han is my postdoc was actually a PhD in chemistry it was very good at modifying surfaces so that was essential for this work so basically I'm going to show you a bunch of experiments were the only thing we change is the surface charge of the template and as I said normal way of thinking that should play no role in electro deposition but it plays a huge role in particular if I get into this high current regime then imagine I have so this is like the situation showed you before of the G ionization shock wave where if I have a negative charge surface then the cations which are here red would want to kind of they would be able to go through the double air be conducted surface conduction to the surface so in that case you would expect deposition to still continue whereas in the case where the surface charge is positive now the surface conduction goes the wrong way and so you can't get any extra deposition so you're kind of shutting off the current and here it's enix parent we apply the same voltage same saw concentration it's copper sulfate we're trying to grow copper everything the same but this is negative this is positive in the case of positive the copper barely wants to penetrate the system effect it kind of grows underneath and pushes away the template so basically does not want to enter the material where with the negative charge it goes flying into the material and you make essentially these sort of nano wires and then a nice visual demonstration of this physics here is you can imagine if this surface current is getting strong enough eventually all the ions are coming along the surface so the growth should also be along the surface because the ions are being fed along the surface and sure enough we see a transition to making nanotubes where the metal is growing along the surface and the next slide shows that even more dramatically here so if we do those kinds experiments and we cut open the system and then do imaging we can see here's a sequence of experimental growth at different applied potentials which are in the overloading regime and again the only difference between this set of images and this one is the surface charge so in the case of the positively charged system that is this one here now the surface current is going the wrong way so the copper ions which are positive really have no way of getting easily to the surface here and so at first they're kind of filling the channel but if you notice they're not really touching the walls and eventually they're getting more and more rough but they're avoiding the walls so we're getting sort of dendritic growth but in a way that is essentially avoiding the walls and on the other hand in this situation now the flux is coming along the walls by service conduction you can see some signs of it at this potential but there's a transition here where you start to see some rough growth entirely along the surface or poor surface dendrites and eventually that surface flux is so strong you get the nanotubes so basically the formation in attitudes what people had seen before is actually at least in these experiments a direct consequence of electrokinetic actually again which are not normally considered in this kind of stuff but again I want to come back to my main focus here which is stability so an interesting question now if I so basically those experiments demonstrate the service conduction is important and that we should expect some of the same phenomena here that we saw in the shock electrodialysis system but I showed you that in a in a sir random porous material like the shock which analysis was using a porous silica glass frit I'm gonna show you experiments with that in just a moment the deionization shock wave wants to be flat on the other hand as I explained the beginning of the talk electro deposition wants to grow dendrites if it's transport limited because basically you have a sort of a limitation of by diffusion if something sticks out it gets more flux that sticks out more so it's unstable and as I said the D ization shock wave is the opposite if the shock waves propagating this way then the higher resistance is behind the shock wave and so actually that tends to want to stabilize it because if something sticks out like this it gets a higher flux of ions away and it kind of pushes that forward but each of these are unsteady so coming back to the theorem I mention at the beginning the reason we might have some new behaviors because this is on this is it's all unsteady it's not this not so quasi steady so the real question is what will happen if we have both a Deanna's a shock wave and metal growing so imagine charged porous material I go to really high currents where I form this shock wave and metal growth is kind of following it will it be flat or will we have dendrites and so I say which effect will win I say well we must experiments partly actually because I never got funding to do theory for this topic but I got something funny for experiments cuz people are very interested in electro deposition these days for a variety of reasons so short answer is yes we can suppress dendritic growth this way and in particular we can certainly do it for copper as I should because copper is very strongly feels these effects so here you see again copper growth from copper sulphate solution this porous material is cellulose nitride which has been treated to be either positive negative or positive and the case where it's positive this is elemental mapping of copper using yeah you yes method this is STM imaging so you see you can still form these kind of rough structures in that case but when it's a negative surface charge and we believe that there is a dilation shock wave which is proceeding this growth because we're under over limiting current you notice we get sort of very flat interface here and you can kind of see it there this is not the original interface this is actually right there so there's like a growth of copper essentially if you see how much copper was deposit you know the porosity you really are filling the pores with copper and it's pretty flat so it's just kind of a wave of copper filling the porous material and again the only difference between this experiment is experiment this potential plot is the same the salt concentration everything is just the surface charge of the porous template okay so that's a nice result I put a little asterisks here because I was actually funded to do this by Bosch to look at lithium metal people are very excited about lithium metal for batteries as of course we want to control dendrites that's like one of the big hot topics today and so the hope was that maybe this would work by use we could make design sort of charge separators that would allow high ionic currents but also would sort of in using electric Kinetics would block the instability that leads to metal dendrites that can short-circuit a cell unfortunately it doesn't necessarily work for lithium but before I do that let me briefly show you here the summary of what I showed you so for copper I showed you first this a OH material that had these channels and there you saw that when it was negatively charged I could sort of form these like nanotubes or these sort of surface growing things but they were each one is kind of growing into penally so you saw there all the different lengths but in the case of a random porous material where instead of just a parallel pores they're all kind of connected then you have this more macroscopic behavior of a shock wave of salt concentration followed by a sort of flat a deposition front so the question is does lithium actually grow like copper so amazingly in this field there's tons of papers including in very high pack journals that claim to have sort of solved the dendrite problem but they actually never visualized dendrites and they never specify what a dendrite actually is so to me a dendrite means something very specific it means those fractal structures that we saw that are growing by transport limitation if you do not have transport limitation you can have rough surfaces but that is governed by some kind of reactions that's not a dendrite in my book anyway okay so I'm advocating for changing that terminology by the way so my former postdoc Poong by who's now a professor at Washington versity devised a very clever experiment to actually visualize lithium growth under battery relevant conditions so here he actually used a pulled glass capillary where we could just optically visualize the system this is lithium metal it's in a typical battery electrolyte we're applying reasonable battery currents and we just sort of watch what happens and so if we do that this is a very typical video of what happens so initially you do get kind of a rough growth which is certainly not flat but only it doesn't look very much like the patterns I showed you at the beginning it's very dense and if you zoom in there's all these little whiskers actually and sort of complex structures and if you also look at how it's growing it's not really growing at the tips it's growing almost like from the roots it's almost like it's kind of bubbling over so it's definitely not dendritic growth but then at a certain moment boom that's a dendrite it looks just like a dendrite you know what you know it feels like a dendrite right and and not only that at this exact moment if you follow the voltage the voltage blows up why because you just hit transport limitation when the concentration goes to zero you have a roadblock and the current you know you if you fix the current you get a high voltage okay and so and we did lots experiments demonstrating when is this point it turns out it's exactly sands time that I showed you before it's a great homework problem for my transport class basically is that I start with constant concentration I apply a constant flux at a certain time concentration goes to zero and it comes back now to this general discussion stability when this interface has a roadblock ahead of it it can do a couple of things it can create more transport which is all the electric kinetics I talked about but if that's not working it can also destabilize and push itself forward so it's kind of like if the ions can't come to you you go to the ions okay that's what a dendrite is so they see what's happening here is that it's sort of that is that the interface is moving very quickly and harvesting all the ions everywhere they are and not waiting for them to come okay that's see what happened so it's transport limitation and this kind of physics is well known for copper but it wasn't established whether or not this is actually valid for lithium and what I'm going to show you on the next slide is that almost every experiment every battery relevant situation for lithium is usually in this regime not this one so actually we pretty much are not solving or not the dendrite problem because you probably don't even have Dondre it's actually another sense that we're usually not transport limited so it's like a totally different problem and so what we define there is that I told you about sands time if you're applying a constant current then current time stands time as sands capacities to told them on a metal you're going to deposit and for batteries you're interested in sort of the trade-off of like what kind of current do you want to apply and what kind of capacity do you want for your battery how much metal do you want to deposit and dissolve you know to store energy let's say for your battery and so basically this formula sands capacity is this redline and if you you know kind of we and we visualize in those capillary cells the transition from sort of this mossy structure - more like dendritic growth you know when you cross that line and these are many previous papers on the dendrite issue and a lot of them are down here they're either very low currents or very low capacities or both which is still interesting and you want it you definitely want to control that situation but it's not transport limited and those are not dendrites there are not these fractals that everybody draws it's something quite different actually you have lithium in close contact with a separator there is very rough growth going on there there are competing reactions if you're in a liquid cell anyway we also studied this idea of interaction but between the dendrite in the separator so there's also this concept in the in the solid battery field that your separator needs to quote block dendrites like mechanically there's a there's a sort of highly cited paper of Monroe and Newman very nice paper actually which looks at the growth of a finger of metal into an elastic medium and naturally if you make the medium very hard it's not going to be able to grow it's going to be mechanically blocked so the idea is we want hard separators and so a lot of the research in this field has gone into ceramic separators that are good lithium ion conductors because then you know the idea is the dendrite nothing can poke through you can't have the anode like reach the cathode and have like an explosion or a thermal runaway event for example so it's safe but the problem with hard separators is that if lithium is changing its shape below you can't maintain intimate contact between the lithium metal and the separator and so these wonderful lithium ion conductors that are solids usually don't work that well you actually need them to be more soft and so we're also showing here that you really don't necessarily need this idea of a dense hard material to block the growth so we set up a cell here where we have like two compartments and we're letting lithium grow in liquid through different kinds of separators and even the same aao material that I showed you which has pretty big pores of the scale say 200 or 300 nanometers is pretty good at blocking growth depending on the regime so if it's this regime of sort of under limiting current that I showed you that very dense growth that mossy lithium tends to be pretty thoroughly blocked actually however when you reach transport limitation that's when you very easily get metal growing through the separator and you can get short circuits you can control that with surface charge as I showed you but you may just want to stay away from that regime actually because whenever your transport limit you're always going to trouble briefly this is what happens in the relevant regime in liquid electrolytes for lithium metal and this is now departing from the rest of my talk as I've been talking this whole time about transport limitation but when you have reaction limitation more things can complicate things can happen in particular lithium is different from copper in that when you grow in typical battery electrolytes the bet the the solvent is decomposing and lithium is reacting with solvent molecules to form the so called s CI layer so there's kind of a passivation film that grows it's also true in lithium-ion batteries so there's competing reactions and basically when things are growing slowly you kind of have a good se Aiye layer kind of covering the surface but then you can have situations that lead to these sort of whiskers as I talked about where there's a competing reaction of lithium deposition and and sei growth and sort of the thicker this sei layer gets the more it starts to block lithium metal and the place where lithium most easily grows is actually at the root that's where there hasn't been enough of that as much of that passivation layer growing so kind of in this problem whatever something starts growing it gets a lot of sei gets kind of stopped and then lithium can kind of come in underneath and so that's how you get that growth from below actually and so here's a movie actually high resolution TEM imaging by my colleague Julie at MIT showing actually the growth of one of these fingers so you can see it right there who pushes out and it kind of we think is getting sort of this sort of leaves mechanical stresses that are building up below actually where the lithium is being inserted but if you look carefully you can see that you know it's it's not growing at the tip it's actually growing at the root here's another movie of lithium growing kind of in this more like smaller over potential regime where you're getting more like surface undergrowth if you're getting used to looking at these kind of patterns as a physicist I would say that is kpz or Eden growth where you have sort of limited by surface reactions those fractals I showed you on the first slide those are dendrites that you're limited by transport like genetically you see that difference these guys are much more debts because they're not limited by transport they're limited by reactions so basically to conclude I didn't really talk much about engineering applications everything I showed you today was basic science and mathematics but motivated by some applications so we talked about controlling this is finger I mentioned that's important potentially in oil recovery and actually we're working on trying to assess how electric fields could be used in oil recovery and even in fracturing so like hydraulic fracturing is usually done by pushing water into Rock you kind of break it open and gas escapes but if you apply electric fields at the same time you've got some very interesting effects on that process in terms of leaving more water in the ground so you don't have as much produced water what you have to deal with and also in terms of displacing more thoroughly the gas and fracturing more thoroughly also electric any farmer that could be influenced by this multi-phase flow are involved in soil remediation and also I should mention a manufacturing in fact in making certain kind of membranes you sometimes apply to let your field in order to make certain channels by instabilities on this topic of growth into porous structures or templates it's obviously important for things like composite coatings and fabrication of nanoparticles integrated circuits and then finally for metal batteries controlling and stability is very important if you want to have any electrode which is sort of changing its shape by deposition and dissolution it's extremely important to control that as opposed to lithium ion batteries where you're just inserting lithium in and out of a fixed structure which is kind of much more friendly you could say and easier to control unfortunately we would rather dilute the metal because you don't have all the waste it's are a dead volume and you'd rather just use pure lithium metal if you could but then you're stuck with these kinds of issues so with that I'll stop and take your questions thank you [Applause] [Music] okay so that's a very good point so in the viscous fingering experiments we're using a glass that we have done some characterization of and so we are we believe at the pH as we are at that we have a negatively charged glass when you have the oil mixtures on there with different viscosity additives like we don't really know for sure that's why I said there's the uncertainty about the zeta potential I suppose one proof that we have the zeta potential we think is that the theory agrees rather well with the experiment which assumes you know a certain zeta potential solis the sign of zeta potential probably is okay but I agree with you that's a potentially important issue and in fact the general issue charge regulation what your context is important so as you have these especially large electric fields and large depletions going on you change the pH of the solution which then definitely interacts in water very strongly with most surfaces and changes their charge so the point of zero H R is very important and the shock electrodialysis I didn't get into that but a major area for our research is actually controlling that very affect actually because when you get the strong depletion you get also big changes in pH which often work against you so one of the big inefficiencies for us at high currents is that actually eventually we're like splitting water and running protons through the system and we actually want to be removing salt so there's kind of that's kind of what happens when you run out of salt the system is still going to do something and what it starts doing is like splitting water and moving charges around we have not measured PCC yeah for these but it's it's a good point we do measure pH and the shock electrodialysis experience we definitely are measuring pH of every stream but we do not we do not measure the PCC it's a very good point and even for the experiments on electro deposition at the end there we have less reliable results when we rely on the native surface charge of these materials where we go really nice results I showed is and we do layer by layer deposition of charge polymers you know following the work of my colleague Paula Hammond where we lay down sort of very stable highly charged molecules basically that in the range of PHS we're working we'll be you know very reliably positive or negative you know so we can don't address that issue it's a very good question yeah that's a very interesting question yes a very good question so certainly in electro deposition people use pulsed electric deposition where sort of the average current is the one you want but you apply temporarily higher or lower currents what that does is it fights that depletion effect so the source of the sort of instability in the dendrites is really when the concentration is getting low that's when you start to have kind of the roadblock that you need to break through and so when you oscillate you allow you create like a strong diffusion layer but then it kind of gets a chance to relax and so you control that depletion and so that definitely is effective we have not studied like the role of like oscillating forcing in these kinds of systems yet okay but to have a net for which problem though for the oh and the first scenario okay we haven't done that yeah you know that would be that would be interesting yeah you know there's many variations one could do actually so put what part of the elegance I think of those experiments is just it's a simple problem it's very well-defined and we kind of don't want too much other physics like I said if proof we've got electro hydrodynamics of the interface itself like forming tailor cones or jets like that's not in our theory right now and we don't want to put it in there just yet so like you know you we try to isolate certain physics you know but that would certainly be interesting once you kind of understand this to look at the dynamical control of all all the effects that I showed actually yeah oh yeah here you so dendrite growth is not good for the bad I'll repeat the question [Music] so the cause of the dendrite is very clearly established by this experiment which is that it's transfer limitation if the salt is getting depleted you can get dendrites otherwise you won't otherwise you have this totally different growth like they described here that we zoomed in on with forming those little whiskers the mossy lithium totally different growth so as long as we avoid transfer limitation you're not gonna get like what I call dendrites that you might be talking about just general you know rough growth and you're also asking about well this is a point okay fair enough but the other experiments I showed like here we're actually entire compartments you know where there's it could be lots of metal I mean there's it's not just a single point actually so those experiments are definitely looking at like a you know big electrode like centimeters across and how its stability looks but maybe not answering your question yes yeah that's true if all the kurma focused at one point it would like a breakthrough yeah that's that's definitely true but generally like there's no point even really looking at that like in the sense that if you want to design it better you want any dendrites like as soon as it goes we're talking about rechargeable battery it's like a primary lithium batteries nobody like if you want to dissolve the a no that's a stable process so if you want to use lithium metal and dissolve it and then deposit at the cathode that's like what was invented and put in your hearing aids in the 1970s like that's a primary lithium battery all the research here is a rechargeable lithium battery so we have to be able to deposit and that we'd like to do it more than once or there's really not much point to it they want to do it like hundreds or thousands of times so any kind of instability interface is basically bad so really understanding like the kind of nonlinear dynamics of this growth that you know after many cycles and whether you have ten dendrites or 100 dendrites like I don't think that's really that important actually you want to make sure like to avoid this situation entirely yeah but the purpose of this study here was again it was really to establish like the mechanism for like when you really get you know the tutor at least two different kinds of growth here in fact our more recent paper which I may have cited no I didn't actually kind of even identifies a third regime that's kind of in the in the lower currents but but anyway they're served a few different mechanisms for controlling the growth and once you understand those then you can try to you know kind of work around them but we do consider this sans capacity as kind of like a safety limit you know for batteries that generally you don't want to deplete the salt and have the risk of any kind of instability of interface as I said in my first slide the sort of laplacian growth is stability that's one sided where the transports only ahead of you is always unstable when something sticks out it gets more flux there's just like no way around that you know so you never want to be in the situation where you're waiting for transport and it can't get there fast enough with a moving interface you're always gonna get instability with the viscous finger I was only able to flip it because I've got transport out both sides you know so basically by kind of tuning the balance there with the with an electric field I get I can stabilize the system but for you know electric that position that wouldn't be so easy