Here's a person you go through as good as yours. Here's your this May two thousand and three or higher which is the greater the distance or whatever. There is to your body position. The fortunes of fat. Muscle and the body were a shield that mask a brain which is usually expressed as a person but in fact. Apparently there are a number of ways to estimate body fat percentage in general population. However there's currently available and those with the let's see moment to examine why decision is important in case I like to give you the facts from the study the subject was using the gold standard edition as are two separate occasions. Once in two thousand and one in two thousand from an initial look at the B.M.I. and we can see that this person was categorized as healthy and low points in time despite over eight kilograms weight or so the year further percentage can see that over the course of the year they went from a healthy category of body fat percentage to be status. Not only this but they have gained a considerable amount of fat mass they've actually doubled their value and lost about eighty percent on this example demonstrates that while B.M.I. is a fast assessment of this B.M.I. snapshot can be misleading. Especially when you take into account the considerable amount of weight. That is not present to the patient. We have about the size the field. Never is going to estimate body position under estimate now compared to laboratory based measures for persons specifically we have to assess the every see a skinful biological circumferences in body and. Compared to doall and X. rays chemistry or that persons of the nation. Additionally want to know does the use of the symbol circumference have value is an invitation. Here's a snapshot of my subjects as you can see there were eight subjects they were evenly distributed by gender meaning age was forty one with a range of twenty five years old to sixty years the mean weight was in the one hundred seventy six centimeters and the six individuals who had transferred to individuals who transferred and as you can see from ethnicity and subjects are very first I'd like to look you show you do energy actually research and I'm free to all energy answers are three is the gold standard position and it is used in our study as a pretty serious matter. Every subject was given and all the answers were compared to the data from this was conducted with the filters that you can see here using the symbols measures. Sequentially pinch seven areas of the body. To measure some fat and three times and average and then utilize those measures measures into a generalized equation to estimate a subject that present. A is a virtually no body as Or is this not or can be influenced by number of factors for instance body temperature skin temperature this. Previous studies previous capsules and specifically it was found to be any demonstrated the tendency to underestimate by percentage and patients necks and with their circumferences this measure used three circumstances which for the end of the subjects age sets as demonstrated in my picture letters and I'm older males we use the former are the weights and the hips are covered in females we use the weights and the calf almost hers were down unaffected. And this method tends to show populations of the city specifically and it's also important to know the senior later used to be in excuses they have circumference. They just discuss and also the subjects to calculate the percentage of body that measures are easily obtained and the equation you see below was utilized to kill five percent moving into marriage and like to this graph first on the X. axis you will see this and Y. axis you see the body now percentage in each eye is representative of. It's got to say this on the side you can see is actually represented among the subjects. I just want to keep in mind that all the other grassroots all this for me and the grass is for computers and the other measures. First I look for cool incidences you can see as a general trend first looking at only looking at it if you can see the general trend and I did underestimate by fat percentage in our subjects. There was a mean difference of negative seven percent of the standard deviation of two point five that just listening to them point zero five was done using a repeated measures and in addition that's a correlation point for less than zero next looking at I.B.M. I see and this is you can see there is a very some subjects were underestimated and other subjects were overestimated. And we found that there was a mean difference of negative six point one percent plus or minus two point zero standard deviation. There was such a simple significance at point zero five as well as the relation between them. So many of us to the point seven four and again that was just listen if you value them. It was already here. Moving onto circumferences again to Paris her followers you can see some subjects body fat percentage was underestimated and other subjects percent. Overestimated. And although we found the mean different city. The closest of all the measures that we perform there was no statistical significance again which probably be explained by the fact that it's underestimated in some subjects and over SE other subjects that one correlation with point six nine. But again that was also just and I have to apologize because I know you're very can see the little triangle. I could just elaborate to underestimate that percentage minus eight percent on the list to be statistically significant to be valueless and point zero five as well as a correlation that was significant with the less than point zero five from this graph and just why do you believe the variability measures particularly if you paid attention to subject. Everyone and subject number four in subject number one there isn't a very big deal of variability. It's about ten percent between the highest and most measure. There isn't such a number for there's greater than twenty percent variability in the last measure compared to the highest measure going back to my hypothesis period to show polls as well as somebody asked me and I do significantly differ from that. So in conclusion the. Consistently underestimated by a simple circumference pressure for your initial evaluation of patients direction years after that research your. First. Yes to be underestimated. But they were statistically for any difference. And so there was a significant difference in your personal use the better be accurate be precise and be debated among various people but I think what if you can figure out what difference there. Differences present difference. And you can use that. To calculate around one time where your subjects are at your current your same so you look at this coming up for you are rooms that we can find. So this kind of gives you a snapshot of all measures and where different people are different in particular subject number four circumference measure greatly overestimated the body fat. So you would go by looking at the black square and the criterion period to be preserved and circumference is over estimated and subject number to subject number four and he knows it because that is just four years consistently skinfold underestimated by percent. And it was very subject one hundred percent under estimated reasons and to Congress in subjects. There were three and five it was underestimated and subjects time six was interested as well. Interesting in the body and Pasadena actually correctly identified that person's body and their. Well I can speculate that's number two in the percentage but it is considerably lower compared to the rest of the subjects that were tested I can tell you something to do that by five percent thirteen percent dependent upon there's different assumptions that are made. So something's use it. Three three mess. Where is it to them for us to fascists and by the assumptions made and the types of occupations that we use to establish these measures we are going to get differences within Europe.