Next in line is our rapid fire presentations and I know that several of our presenters there are all of the in the room I saw them earlier today so we will start to visit. Jennifer. To both. Hold on once again the new go back here but before I turn over the mike to Jennifer. I was told to remind you that you can actually use social media to share some of the ideas from this from this particularly one so if Jennifer is this the my musing things make sure to to be about them so if you were the know if. You didn't Good afternoon I'm Jennifer DuBose and here's a picture of me at the end there in this very room at a blue sky retreat it was very appropriate that I that I use this photo so I am a research faculty here at Georgia Tech and the College of Design and I am the associate director of the lab called the some great design lab which is part of the College of Design the director is standing there taking a picture right now Craig Zimring and we are very well represented in the poster presentations I'm going to actually kind of give you a taste of some of those posters to hopefully entice you to go and talk to our percenters So the mission of our lab is to transform the process of health care through the design of the built environment and how can we use the design of the built environment integrate that with the care process and come up with better solutions that help improve the delivery of care so that that's the vision that we have and we've had the opportunity to work with lots of people in this room around campus including I asked why and Pienaar and so it's it's great to be at a university where we have so many diverse skill sets that we can use and so architecture is just one of those that we use in our talk in. So these are the 4 basic things that that we do or how we can organize our work so the 1st thing I'd say is we analyze problems which is probably a pretty common thing to do here Georgia Tech but we spend a lot of time reading the literature or writing literature of views analyzing things coming up with new frameworks and ways to to think about how the problem of healthcare and the delivery of health care can be improved through our built environment and through doing that better so we do a lot of publishing and one of the big papers that cited in the field is from 2008 that I worked on with Craig when I 1st started working on evidence based as I'm We also conduct research we have a lab in tech square about 5000 square foot lab for now until they build a new high rise there where we do some really interesting work and you should come and check it out we have a few pictures and mentor that we try to speed up learning and innovation so how can we find out what the better ideas are in the better ways of doing things faster before people start pouring concrete before it gets built in place and then how can we disseminate those lessons and get that out there so how can we help these this process speed up so we're not doing we're not building based on what was great 5 years ago but what's going to be great by the time the building opens up and then we also develop guidelines guidance documents so we try to actually get that out of the hands of people who are going to use it so we don't want to work with the military health system we're hopefully going to be starting a project with the V.A. so we can take these lessons and turn it into checklists and guidance documents so that it gets repeated again again and. So I'm going to tell you about a couple of the projects that we did we have been working with the C.D.C. The C.D.C. funded a project with Emory ourselves in Georgia state and we've been working on how to improve the doffing process for treating a bowl of patients so this is the part that's the most dangerous when you've been dealing treating in a ball a patient high stress situation you're wearing this kind of onerous personal protective equipment and you've most likely got a BOLO on the outside of your suit you've got out now take that off safely without contaminating yourself so we actually went to this is into the field and we observed 41 training exercises where the health care workers did a simulated patient care task they were infected with the a harmless facsimile of a bola and then we watched as they went through this process and we looked at 1st specifically where they were interacting the environment where the environment seemed to be impeding their progress or seemed to be in a insufficient for steering them away from risky behavior so we've been really careful to not say where we see people making mistakes but where we see that they're doing things that could put them at risk and how can we design the environment to kind of scaffold their activity so they don't do that so we have a poster on that this afternoon and I'll actually be presenting well on this in another thing in Phoenix at our big national conference in a couple of days. So this is our lab and we built a bio containment unit there our lab a room we're not certified to actually treat contaminated patients but so that that's our lab that's our bio containment unit lab space and we built out what we did is learning from those 41 observations we did of people doffing their space we came up with what we thought was a better design and we tested specific interventions and were able to find and make modifications of the this is that rapid prototyping right and tested it with students until we thought we had it right then we brought healthcare workers back in and lo and behold we actually improve their performance and reduced risky behaviors so that's really exciting we're just now processing the results on that but we are excited to see that the built environment can in fact help people be safer and hopefully that will translate into fewer self contaminations infections so we have a poster on that as well we have our 3rd I think and final post for post is on is on the work that we've done around team rooms we've done a lot of work looking at the layout of outpatient clinics and how that layout can improve the collaboration of the Care Partners so the doctor the nurses the med techs will they work better will is their collaboration affected by the layout of the space so these are some images of the floor plan to show you we really are architects are we really have architects that work for us I'm not marketing but so these are space and text diagrams that I can explain to you when you come and see her at her poster but that show kind of the visibility and how visibility to exam rooms from team rooms can affect that collaboration in your sense your ability to control the space right so can the our IN be aware of what's going on the team in the clinic from their team room so we're looking specifically at how the design is going to help that happen. And this is my last example I'm going to give you don't have a poster on this because this is just emerging but very very exciting work that we're doing. The funding of this next week but a collaboration we're doing again with Emory funding a large donor or a donor has as promised a large gift to build a mild cognitive impairment program to help people with mild cognitive impairment which is can be the beginning stages of Alzheimer's it doesn't always lead to all timers but how can we help through the design of a better space and space in their homes and how the space in the homes is lead to a better experience and we're also running an innovation accelerator through that that I'm going to have the great pleasure to to operate and will be giving out seed grants on an annual basis 3 seed grants to work on things at the intersection of technology the built environment and therapeutics and this is just an example of something that happened just up the street at the Aware Home couple weeks ago really exciting the gentleman the older gentleman in each of these pictures has mild cognitive impairment and they were working with a team of industrial design students to develop a teaching kitchen or a coaching kitchen where they could cook and actually the gentleman on the left. Is not a cook he never cooked and here he is with mild cognitive impairment he prefers prepared a beautiful meal who is so proud so this is what we're considering empowerment it's not that he's being cured he's not necessarily treated but he feels empowered so we're hoping to do a lot more of these really exciting and Gage's with people through working with students in classes to come up with design solutions so that's just a sample of the things that that we have going on you find these people in the room Gabby is here in the back she'll be doing one of the posters and you can talk to her about how your students can earn $10.00 gift cards to participate in research in our lab ask her for more OK. So I know. You like the OP So I think I'm good OK. Fantastic. So you can get a slight appear fantastic I am Danny Hughes can you all hear me I think I can hear the echo that is coming to the speakers I know they control the volume on these things OK I'm a professor in the school of economics and director of Georgia Tech's health economics and analytics lab which I'll talk about today I just joined the faculty this August so I've been here about you know a couple months which is why you'll know I'm using a generic Georgia Tech slide we have yet to develop our own templates and slides of course we're still building up but this is actually leveraged off of an awful lot of research over the past several years that I've been doing prior to arriving and just want to spend some time today talking about this very exciting initiative from my perspective at least and how we can use this to leverage different kinds of interactions of different kinds of research across campus so the health economics analytics lab is really a 5 year 3000000 dollars partnership with the Harvey Lehman Health Policy Institute based out of our Reston Virginia for full disclosure I served as executive director of that institute so we can talk about what that means at another date at the same time that institute is really dedicated to examining health policy problems which is a little different from the sort of narrow clinical sort of problems outcomes research problems that many of you are thinking about but at the same time it turns out that we've discovered in our research over the past 56 years that it's becoming increasingly important to have access to the same kinds of systems thinking the same kinds of analytical capabilities and tools that you would otherwise leverage in some of these other areas specifically we're earmarked for the Center here to examine things such as large scale data analytics machine learning and artificial intelligence which again buzzwords everyone is using and everyone is playing with it every facet of health but there is one important distinction with our center and that's what we're doing this with a policy focus so the traditional study that you might think of using these tools are let's evaluate clinical pathways and see how we can optimize the various patient treatments or but tention look for ways to optimize the turnaround times in a high. Spittal suite look for those types of efficiencies that's not what we're doing we're looking really at the systems level the policy level how when you move from value based games to volume based payments how does that fundamentally change research utilization patient outcomes and fundamentally even the profitability sustainability of the organizations participating this on the provider and payer side so leveraging large scale data models to better understand issues studies are working on would be things such as Accountable Care Organizations are providers choosing the horizontally integrate or vertically integrate with many different specialists and how does that change again their ability to make savings targets change outcomes alter research utilization and we do this using large scale databases what we've brought in addition to funding this lab are really extensive databases of large scale medical claims type from C.M.S. for example we have access to a 13 year panel of every medical claim associated with 5 percent of the Medicare population pretty large more so than that we have a partnership without them inside for the next 5 years we have access to every medical claim associated with every United Health Care beneficiary and every large self insured corporation that utilizes to manage their claims that covers 30000000 American lives so when I say large data I mean very large data large panels terabytes and terabytes of patient level data that we can delve into and in fact with their Optima partnership we're now one of only 6 organizations that have access to the full database and so that's something very exciting that we bring to the table in terms of how can we leverage center of course partnerships of age and ha and other sort of large scale databases available but the sort of promise of what we can do when we're looking at literally millions of claims are the sort of prescriptive predictive and descriptive analytics that everyone's talked about but in slightly different ways so for example current projects we're working on again some of these come from and out who are in from previous research but we're starting to. The linkages and working with working with probably 4 or 5 different folks here in Georgia Tech now not counting the grad students we've picked up to examine problems such as the all timers foundation is funding a very large clinical trial right now called ideas designed to come up with yet one more can we definitively test for all timers understatement groups in the path ology world trying to do the same thing but suppose we have that test could you give that test to not everyone with dementia or cognitive disorders and of having all high numbers one of the markers you use to determine the right guidelines for who should actually have that test Well that's where we leverage machine learning artificial intelligence deep learning within millions of years excuse me millions of patients over such small panel and try to understand can we come up with nice sure it's acceptable in bed either at the health system or at the payer level that flag these patients and say maybe these patients should have that test and then you develop the sort of guidelines that you don't really have the kind of guidelines that were formulated for say mammography or other sorts of screening that's just one kind of project we're using We're working carefully with I assume when you say yes to try to develop the right type of algorithms we would have other sort of projects to look at standard sort of evaluations whether recent study examining whether at the annual wellness visit that C.M.S. started authorising for patients in 2011 did that make a difference in the preventive care utilization why because that visit is not a physical it was designed specifically to try to convince patients to meet with their providers and discuss exactly what preventive care they need and hopefully prevent downstream cost of course it's a voluntary piece was that of interest well if you follow politics at all you know that many specific procedures components that C.M.S. puts on the table are always up to date. Or really up on the table to be removed and this is one of those procedures said literally on the table excited perhaps to be of low value we perform are starting to recognize folks who actually participate in those and Wallace visits increased preventive care utilization roughly. 3040 percent across a broad range of preventive services and from a modified a colonoscopy to Zambia pap smears etc and so that's very important information because once folks are thinking about potentially taking that off the table what happens to the potential downstream cost savings we have from the preventive care so again looking at a very policy oriented approach to how we want to use that leverage its data to try to make a difference at a systems level than the health care system what do we provide with healed or again this is the importance of having this presentation here today with this group many of you partners here on campus and away from campus we just opened our doors so we're looking for collaborators we're looking for post docs we're looking for G.R. rays I'm still staffing up the center we're still getting our office space of a side of that show you a nice slide but we're going to be set up a lease for the next year and a half or so in the camp and they have a sham building and we'll see if we move into code or not that's still apparently on the table with everyone in this room I think right and so this hopefully make of all of what we have in terms of dollars opportunities for students and faculty member and data to collaborate on research at this time I should also know we have extensive collaboration is with clinical partners I'm actually an adjunct professor department of Radiology never University have deep relationships their wife worked with folks for about I don't know 67 years but we also have extensive partnerships Mass General Harvard I'm actually drew my hat as executive director of Neiman Institute funding a similar sort of health analytics lab with NORTH Well health and Hofstra University that's actually dedicated to clinical patient outcomes research and actually sent and I graduate student last summer there to directly work on the comparison for 2 different stroke pathways so it's more traditional sort of comparative outcomes or good research where we're using their system wide data that determines if a stroke patient arrives and has a C.T.A. instead of an M.R.I. for which the guidelines are unclear which imaging approach you should have better guide treatment. Doesn't fundamentally change patient outcomes readmission functional mortality and even the timing of when they have that image from when they arrive and so that somewhere else where we also operate outside of the space but again still thinking very much in terms of the systems level of how do we approach this in addition we see that as a foundation for additional research we've actually already are a partner for peace 30 center at University of Washington which is funding musculoskeletal research will be performed grants looking at dedicated clinical areas and it's something that can leverage our retrospective data and databases to hopefully form that sort of you know why is this an important study when you're putting forth there are one and P. 30 grand for something a bit more focused in clinical and at the same time we have existing international capabilities a collaboration some we're working with folks at Taiwan for example where we're comparing our data with their data to examine again an important policy question what's maybe something that's key but the current medical debate that we hear in the news Medicare for All right is that makes sense does it not make sense what time one has Medicare for all so collaborating with folks in academia Seneca work comparing their patient panel of 5000000 folks which is roughly 10 percent of the time when these population maybe a bit more to all of our databases and try to look at very precise clinical areas such as downstream the Margraf utilization and other clinical areas to see if the Medicare for All is fundamentally changing how patients and providers are utilizing resources and then ultimately proximate outcomes like read missions mortality and etc so we can better evaluate what Medicare for all might look like because they also have a fee for service national payer system that would be proposed if we chose Medicare for all here so again this is ways when you can leverage large scale databases of the kind that are traditionally thought about for more of an engineering standpoint into what we think of as higher level policy oriented research Thank you. I. Know no continue the question. I don't disagree at all I mean the one I've done a little bit of research in age our space I'll defer to folks who spend a lot more time there before the mentally a trickier concept because I mean they're 60 vendors it's a competitive market and without a world where we impose national standards are going to let the market generate standards and I'm not going away and even as an economist whether that's a good or bad component and then you've got a market being with like epic which basically dictates what they want to do and position sort of have to rely upon that it's very tricky to say I mean we can design and give an anecdote for that so when I was at the University of Oklahoma several years ago we had a grant to evaluate health information exchanges they were trying to set up in the state they were beacon Grant winner from the Office of National Coordinator of health I.T. and the folks in the state thought well we could come up with common standards or have a better idea let's have competition rule and we'll set up 7 independent health information exchanges and that way physicians can decide to use the health information exchange they want that conforms with Christy's of their E.M.R. systems and then come up with a reduced set a common standard for them all the communique which of course meant literally patient name you know not enough to actually make any meaningful decisions the problem is you know you can model that in engineering framework and we can discuss it but that's more of a more of a political question what is to growth or what is the reach the government should have in terms of the finding standards and even the Office of National Court for health I.T. is not that very old but let's let the users to find standards and hopefully we'll have a very quick convergence from V.H.S. the Betamax and the something that we love Sadly I don't think we're going to see that in health I.T. anytime soon is that an important component Absolutely I mean by only real research other than doing evaluation of that program several years ago was really looking at the degree to which health information sharing made a difference and that the paper earlier this year I had examining whether menfolk shared laboratory test just something as simple as laboratory test or imaging data between institutions. There are Taliban rates. It's kind of funny right not funny but kind of perverse for Taliban rates increased when they were sharing information which one hospitals in a different network so how is sharing additional data leading to an increase in mortality rates and that's when you get into what's actually being shared what is the quality information being shared are they simply not using it and that's why we see an increase from control for different variants so I don't disagree at all it's an important part of the system but important part of a system that has more part of political solution part of an incentivized market solution because it's the real solution to either have incentivized mandated standards that we fill a comprehensive knowing that we have a lot of hospitals and you know that are already heavily invested in specific systems you have a lot of vendors who are financially motivated to keep proprietary aspects of that sharing in place them acts a miser market share or do we choose to reward natural monopolies or provide otherwise financial incentive for them to consolidate because ultimately if they're sharing standards it's probably not as much you know as many ways to differentiate your product and so you see a world where you actually have almost like it on you know in the Internet space we're going to have fewer providers but much more even conform to products as opposed to a lot of providers providing highly differentiated products and so again that's what's the right question there and is it right when you move into that world as well because this brings it to another system level policy thing I've spent some time on and then I'll give someone else's a moment sorry P.R.. But we will Let's catch up after this actually though. Is it on well OK I almost feel like I probably should not use a microphone at all but Anyways let's do it so I also use the template Georgia Tech slides I don't have the excuse of being new here anymore although let's just pretend like that's why. Anyways my lab is is really interested in measuring and understanding parameters about the body using noninvasive sensing so sensors that we can place for example in wearable devices outside of the body and learn things about. Health that could actually be relevant for making decisions so I'll 1st maybe I'll start with kind of a question to you guys since we have so many different people representing the different aspects of health systems here how many of you think that current commercially available wearable devices are providing useful benefit from a clinical standpoint for patient management. I would say for me I would not have raised my hand and I think part of the problem is what we're measuring with commercially available devices is not really that relevant from a clinical standpoint and most of the devices are not F.D.A. approved or not going through proper sort of validation channels so. I'm an engineer by training I'm an electrical engineer by training in fact I came from a lab or my advisor was an M.D. Ph D. and so he was really instilling in us from the start this concept of clinical relevance and so everything we do in my lab here although we're in Electrical and Computer Engineering is focused on health related applications and very much of the scientific level we're interested in better understanding what we're measuring from the body and by doing so how to better exploit those signals that remeasuring to learn things that actually matter from a clinical standpoint so one of the projects I've been fascinated and this is a rapid fire so you know how can you get any in-depth information about how these things work now but if you have any questions and you want to chat with me or if you want to check out of papers if anyone actually does that then that's of course those are the real options so one of the things I've been fascinated with since I was a grad student actually was this concept that every time your heart beats there are mechanical vibrations and movements of your body that occur as a result of the heartbeat of course if you put your hand on your chest you kind of already know that but many people don't know for example if you stand on a weighing scale your body weight actually fluctuates by about point one pounds every time your heart beats and that's because of the fact that the center of mass of blood in your arterial tree is moving slightly up and down. And my lab has been measuring and learning more about that signal is a signal called the ballistic cardiogram it was 1st discovered in 880 S. it was 1st measured using these tables and giant beds in about the 1930 S. and forty's so in my Ph D. work I showed that a ordinary electronic weighing scale could basically be hacked and used to measure these signals reliably and I started discovering that things like changes in cardiac output which are useful parameters especially for managing and understanding heart failure patients that US could be measured with the scale my lab here in Georgia Tech dows working on wearable measurements of these vibrations using Celeron meters on the chest so some of the work that we did recently showed that for example you could detect essentially the compensated versus the compensated status of heart failure patients using some of these measurements especially before and after some exercise tests like a 6 minute walk test in particular and that you could track heart failure patients in the hospital from admin to discharge and notice that through the signal there were substantial changes significant changes from a statistical standpoint that preceded other things that are more commonly measured but. Heart rate related parameters as well as sort of walking distance what I do there. Whatever that button was should never be pressed we've been doing some work for the past 4 or 5 years now through this large collaborative network funded through and I H. focused on cutlass blood pressure measurement again we're using these vibrations signals to understand when they are valve is actually opening when blood is 1st pushed into the aorta and then to use that and some timing specifically how long it takes the pulse wave to travel through the arterial tree from approximate location to a distal location to detect blood pressure without the need for a cough we're still dealing with many problems in this project but we've shown some promising results so far with the wrist worn as well as again a scale based prototype and this is ongoing work in the lab. Separate from this cardiovascular measurement work over the past few years totally by accident I started getting excited about the sounds emitted from the joints after finishing as a grad student at Stanford I started working at this pro audio company where we built microphones that had much better high frequency response on this one that I'm using now. And so. I had learned how to basically build miniature microphones for Broadway singers for rock musicians and also for basically hiding and clothing for for T.V. shows and that kind of thing and so when I 1st started here I started thinking about why don't we put these around the knee which is why we do that right but maybe to be able to understand some structural abnormalities or. To see if somebody for example rehabbing a knee injury might be at some points ready to move from one particular sort of activity to another during rehab. Since then because of this cool Georgia Tech Children's Healthcare of Atlanta partnership we got connected my lab got connected with some pediatric rheumatologist there and realized that maybe these signals that we're measuring for athletes. After their injuries to see if we can track their rehab status could also be useful for patients with juvenile arthritis where it's a heterogenous condition it's very difficult to understand which type of medication is going to work well for which patient and where you have to wait for months and you symptoms and pain and these sorts of subjective criteria to determine if a particular medication is working or not so we're really interested in seeing if the sounds from the joints have particular signatures and patterns that are representative of the state of patients with arthritis to see if the joint is inflamed for example does that change the sounds that we measure and to use that maybe as a physiological biomarker that could help with the process we have also been doing some more basic studies so again we do sort of full spectrum from. Boring sort of engineering work all the way to clinical work and part of that is really trying to understand these signals better at a fundamental level so we do some work here with cadaver limbs. That are use the same kind of limbs that are used for orthopedic surgeons in their training so fresh frozen rim limbs that preserve the mechanical properties of the joints and the tissues and with these limbs Actually I have a student who's an M.D. Ph D. student again with this through this collaboration with Emory who can induce a minister perform different surgeries on the limb to see exactly how again the signatures of these sounds change with those surgeries we've had some really exciting results with this that have shown that some of the same sorts of algorithms used for example for analyzing acoustic emissions from structures in civil engineering can also be used to analyze the structural integrity of knee joints that's been exciting and just one other project to briefly mention we have this Defense Department funded project which is focused on trying to come up with a noninvasive and hopefully more effective than pharmacological approaches therapy for patients with P.T.S.D. This is again in collaboration with Emory psychiatry radiology and cardiology and we've had some really promising results using this noninvasive peripheral nerve stimulation device at the same time as a patient receives a recall of their traumatic event and it's essentially this interesting sort of neurophysiology behind that that essentially blunts the sympathetic fight or flight response to that. To that normal sort of stimulus that would normally elicit that. And so I have a fantastic team here of I guess now 19 Ph D. students working on this work and research engineer and funded through writing of of course sources that are generous and. In this Georgia Tech collaborative environment of course we've got a lot of great folks that we work with so thanks for time. And. So trying so hard to stay on time but I forgot that I have time for one question I was at a panel once where please say your name and one sentence about your research turned into 20 minutes per person so Rick. Lazio is the woman. I get out there and I won my I mean see how Lee and then in our side I was I was after working with Pienaar my. For my Ph D. degree in the US engineering and I just graduated last year and joined C.D.C. as a prevention effectiveness fellow at D.. So this is where does this concern prevention actually I mean the division of a shiv is prevention and our team is called prevention modeling I think in our mix team where we actually develop mathematical modeling for the entire division to estimate is cost effective I mean we perform cost of found in the. Models and tests out that different interventions. So I mean obviously I'm only a small part of the C.D.C. and only at. All of my projects are it is that there are other parts. Of the C.D.C. that some work can they be willing to cooperate with anyone sitting here if you're interested. OK So the primary go of our team is to apply a quantitative science to HIV testing and use a charity that you in this and that we focus our work as many of the cost effectiveness of prevention efforts such as the testing here and gauge and retention. And one of the major breakthrough. Was the. Viral therapy which is in 1906 and we have been using this drug to suppress the viral load for people who are in fact there was actually V. and we usually hear us think this will be treating patients but actually having people under. Under Control is actually a very effective prevention policy because it prevents the transmission of HIV virus in recent years we also were investigating the effectiveness of pre expose prophylaxis this is basically. Having people not infect that was to take to take the drugs so that they won't not be getting infected. We also. Analyze some of the behavior interventions where people will tend to be less risky behaviors. So to kind of figure out what will be the best way to prevent HIV We divided us our role best medical models that are mostly in the simulation area so one of them although we used to estimate the transmission rate was a simulation model we called the progression and transmission of HIV or path. So basically it tracks a disease progression treatment and transmission of HIV at a individual level it also simulates the sexual and injection drug use partnership from between people who have a shot at the people who don't have to estimate the. The transmission. That now mix in the United States and we usually divide people into some populations based on their population risk group whether they are men who have sex with mad people who inject drugs or heterosexuals and also we incorporate the HIV. Treatment options each of the individual have and we divide them into age group year is a years we have seen because of they showed the drug are getting better and better people are leaving a lot with a longer life expectancy so there is an increase. In researching the different interventions for people who are with age more than 65 years old. Using this Asian base model we were also able to recognize some of the transmission networks features and clustering in our national hiv surveillance systems where we're see a lot of the infections are happening at the same place and with a crossing in fact so you will see a huge cluster of 100 people that were mostly in fact that in the last 6 months to one year or so we were able so what we're trying to do now is to use our civilization model to replicate that feature and test out cluster based interventions in and hopefully we use that when there are there is a break. In the future so another kind of model that we are using is more population base so basically we divide every we divide people with. Different compartments based on their age group risk level or transmission group sex and race and this in this city and each of the compartments will have a number of people flowing into the compartment and number of people flowing out of the compartment and where where you are using a system of differential you clearly been solved to to to monitor what will be the dynamic transmission maybe 20 years later 30 years later. So the 2 projects that we're using this common though for are. Assessing the effects of reaching national strategy goes I'm not sure that goes in place. And we're also analyzing the cost of this of different interventions including increasing testing frequency increasing and here is to HIV treatment and increasing the coverage of prevention drugs. And then finally we are using all of these models to estimate. And some of the time is. As a federal agency we allocate fundings to state and local health departments and we want to have and she used to fund the A wisely so we devised a bake sale for the state the local health departments. Each of the intervention programs that we recommended and they didn't put to this model are related to each other in their visual problem programs and clinical data specific to the states and we put a budget for each of the states and years a Opposition model to help the states to solve for their individual states parameters and Octane a optimal funding strategy and where we're trying to test it in-house and C.D.C. and hopefully push it out to use force the department 2 years later. So obviously we are still in a very early stage of developing these models and we are partnering away as university professors and Research Institute is outside of the C.D.C. and sometimes the team will give funding out to do some of the math and models that we so we welcome any collaboration efforts with our team and we look forward to it and that's all for. Any questions. Yes so the transmission has a maggot that it's both a fracture to these and also a chronic disease I think. For influenza we don't really require partnership so so in my in my own idea I think it should be modeling is a little bit harder than influenza you some sense because you have to capture does network effect whereas the euphemism you can have you can chest meant to everyone contact with so I guess modifying the contact network could result in the different model in simulation that Gopi. That will work out for influenza. And more question. Thank you. My next speaker is Mark. I am so ready for. This one. So thank you very much for the imitation to tell you a little bit about the work that my group is doing in terms of developing low cost equipment free low volume and quantitative diagnostics that's a big old mouthful but if I can convey to you kind of why this big part of our lab is important and what we hope to be able to accomplish in the near future so when you think about medical diagnostic tests it's quite possible you might think of some things like the following potentially big needles blood draws train lab personnel that have to go and do this complicated test potentially on some very expensive fancy lab equipment that not everybody can afford and then you wind up waiting days to get results when you finally do get the results eventually you'll get attention a very big bill for them right so that's kind of what I think of when I think of medical medical diagnostic tests and our goal in the research in our group is to try and turn a bunch of that on its head so we're trying to develop diagnostic tests that can use drops of blood so that you can maybe get it from you know fingerstick and that can have really significant ease of use right to the point that almost like a blood glucose monitor that home user could potentially be able to execute some of these tests but perhaps different than a blood glucose monitor we want to things that don't actually require analytical equipment because there are a lot of cases where even relatively inexpensive analytically equipment might be out of reach for a lot of different people we want to get visible readouts in a very short period of time and that's kind of where we come to this idea of no analytical equipment is that if we can get visible readouts that we might have something that moves from like this blood glucose monitor to something that's like a PH strip where you can just look at individual colors and you can have an idea quantitatively of what the what the reading is for that individual target the is that you're trying to measure and then ultimately low costs right so to go from tens to hundreds of dollars to tens to maybe hundreds of cents so that's what we're trying to do and kind of the initial motivation we got pulled into this area of work by the bill Melinda Gates Foundation we got a little secret and we're whom scuse me I'm recovering from something. OK Art So our original motivation we got pulled into this was looking at vitamin and mineral deficiencies in the developing world and so I'll talk to you a little bit about zinc deficiency and so here we have a map that is really a of very basic kind of 3rd order general estimate of the prevalence of zinc deficiency across the world and so as you can see 1st of all there are different areas that have different prevalences you'll see that the areas that have the biggest problems are typically the developing world and if you look specifically at zinc deficiency it kills $100000.00 children under 5 every year across the world but the problem is that the agencies that are going to try and fight this problem they don't have the David they actually need in order to attempt to make this fight so I told you these are kind of like 3rd order very rough estimates and they don't have the kind of resolution they don't have the kind of accuracy than agency that like the USA ID could go in and say well I believe I know that in this country that specifically one sub region is where we need to devote our efforts right in for these agencies that have do a very limited resources they need this information or to allocate those resources effectively. And the reason why they don't have this information is these diagnostic tests are just really too expensive and too logistically difficult to perform at the scale and in the locations where they're most needed so I've already highlighted that the developing world is where most of these problems in nutritional deficiencies exist and in the developing world you not only will typically not have access to a fully staffed and equipped clinical lab often you might not even have access to electricity at or near the point of care and so it's important for you to develop extremely low cost equipment free electricity free approaches to take these to take these measurements now that's one motivation but health disparities exist at home to night so across the United States based on your zip code you will have a different adjusted estimated life expectancy and this is perhaps due to an equal access to health care but perhaps also when people do have access to health care and even quality of health care because somebody who is going to a rural physician's office where they might not have the equipment necessary to do one test or whether when they take the test that they might have to send it very far away and pay a lot of money that they otherwise don't have in order to get the kind of test readouts that they need and so my question kind of my motivator here is that if we had more of this diagnostic from ation could we do a much better job in these low risk areas if we could revive them with low cost things they could do in these potentially remoter under-served offices could we do helping these folks and so our vision to do this is what I say is cheap easy equipment free biosensors and by biosensors I mean that what we need to start with for the nuts and bolts and guts of our work are these microbes these bacteria that are otherwise harmless and the 1st thing that we do these bacteria is we bust them open and we take away their cell membrane and we use the stuff that's inside which is really valuable and can do lots of interesting things and so we take those insides and then we add some genetic program to it. Right so we can take different pieces of D.N.A. and we can add them to this now in vitro mixture and that mixture it can then be programmed to perform different functions to sense different things and to make different outputs and so what we then do is we can put those that combination of ours so free life plus that D.N.A. program on to these different spots and so this could be on a piece of paper this could be different tubes that are all nearby each other and then the vision would be that you can take your blood sample in each of these spots and what you wind up with is really a customized calibration for your specific blood sample where just like that ph paper that I point to earlier you're to have these different calibration spots where you can just look at that bottom spot and immediately tell what the quantitative value is for the thing that you're trying to measure and we've done this right so this isn't pure fancy This is an actual zinc in vitro cell for a transcription translation diagnostic that we've now developed where you can see these are the calibration spots that we're all run in the same specific blood sample and then you see that these are individual measurements where we spiked in different levels of zinc and you see that the colors do indeed match up exactly how they're supposed to be and so we've got this working for zinc and of course our goal is to get this working for more things that we can then deploy across the world and hopefully across the country and I want to point out that one of the valuable things here so I've already said this is a quick completely equipment free measuring zinc and using micro leader volumes of blood we actually receive spend any of the each of these with anywhere from 2 to 8 micro liters of blood. And it is a generalizable approach is really important so Remember earlier I talked about those different those D.N.A. programs that we're putting into the cell free life say so those D.N.A. programs we can change out what's in them we can choose different sensors are that are inside them and so as long as you have access to those interesting unique and useful different proteins transcription factors or other nucleic acids that you can make something in theory to try to detect arbitrary power. There's And then also importantly is something called Matrix effects and this is kind of maybe a higher order thing that maybe the analytical chemists among us might really care about but these are actually really big issues so fundamentally my blood does not look the same as your blood and actually to be really specific the my blood does not look the same as one of my graduate students but she spun it down and her blood Sara was really black bright yellow and mine was not at all bright yellow right and that's due to differences in the bill the ribbon the holes but the point being each of our blood major cities ultimately are fundamentally different and that can change the output So where then trying to measure zinc all of those other things can change the perceived measure of zinc that comes out of your diagnostic that comes out of your measurement and something that's super simple and equipment free like ours is particularly susceptible to this problem but you remember earlier what I described we actually take the same blood sample and run it in all both our calibration spots and our test spot so we actually remove that matrix variability and this makes it then much more generalizable so it'll work for potentially antibodies blood sample so this is a big goal in our group is to develop these quick meant free low cost blood tests and so if you have any interest of kind really buried the science here if you want to anything about the science please come find me after or if you have visions for things that you'd like to measure or maybe how this could be used and please also do come for me because I book to hear you say of course thank you to the people that actually do the work Monica and Daniel were the people that have really driven this from nothingness into something that we hope will actually grow and impact the world so thank you very much for your attention and maybe a time for a question on a. With with work I mean it's not just like yeah. So you mean in terms of things that you wanted to act OK So funny thing. Yeah so so the funny thing is that the R.N.A. problem is actually more solved than some of the things that we're trying to address we've been addressing small molecules the important part is then if you want something that's quantitative like if you're looking for viral load that's where what we've come up with this quantitative aspect is really important. Here I know exactly who you are sharing. I've been dying to talk to somebody how to gas a so that's an amazing and insightful question so the question was specifically for zinc What do you do when you actually get this information and so that's kind of a difference maybe between what we would do with zinc and maybe with our in a biomarker that Cherry just asked about so for zinc actually the way that this is addresses on a population scale so nutritional deficiencies are typically endemic to a region not a person and so in USA ID or somebody like that swoops in to a region that actually treat a whole town a whole region with a supplement rather than individual people so what they're actually looking for is can they take a statistical subsample of an area get that information and then act based on that so for then it's not going to be a one to one although getting those results quickly is extremely useful for them so they act on an epidemiological level. But I can envision other applications of this that are more in the clinic where you could get that one to one you know. Well thanks so much for time THANK YOU THANK YOU YOU THANK. Once again to all of our fire presenters this was amazing most of this information even though I made sure to take was new to me so and hopefully you all enjoyed it as much as I did so you may not is for other Fife repertoire presenters vergers or take faculty but they all came from different units different colleges so that's by design one of the goals of this event is to expose the audience to all the great work that's happening in Georgia take each of the professors video of it into the Ask think we talked about their students their team so we have several students in the room and really our students are truly amazing we couldn't be luckier to have them here at Georgia Tech they really really help progress are he certainly impacting society's to be are grateful to have them year. One of the rapid fire presenters was an along and we actually we'll have have more along in the audience and we will have some of them in our panel discussion later so when they graduate our students go out to the world to do in mazing things and they also come back and. Continue their commitment to Georgia Tech to our education and some of our other activities so we are truly grateful to them for keeping this connection and for continuing to support us and all of our activities here.