so we're very happy to have you them here with that introduction I'll turn the floor over to you thank you great thank you very much and thank you all for coming it's been a great chance to come here and meet a lot of you see some your facilities this is really a great place to be doing related research so I'm happy to be able to tell you about mine for the reduction of carbon emissions I'm gonna tell you quite a bit about my research I'll be focusing on a couple things but I'll tell you in a moment but I'll try to give you a little bit of a broader overview as well into what we work on so before I begin I'd like to acknowledge a few people including some of my collaborators at the University of Wyoming and my current and former graduate students have worked on this the work I'm going to show you and related work and then some of our funding agencies which is supported this work including the National Science Foundation school of energy resources at the University of Wyoming and the University of Wyoming more generally so to give you an outline of what I'm going to talk about I'm gonna start by talking about biomass utilization in general where we are where we're headed and the different ways in which we interact with biomass in our lives I'll then talk about conversion I'm gonna specifically talk about feedstocks and challenges I'll then talk about thermal pretreatment and biomass combustion so that's the area of my research that are really going to focus on in this talk but I'll try to relate it to other things that we do again to give you a bit of a broader picture and then a little bit about our group looking forward ok so starting by talking about biomass utilization so biomass is a very broad term encompasses a wide number of different materials large categories of these include wood such as trees forest residues agricultural crops which could be dug at dedicated crops I'll talk about those in a moment as well as agricultural residues herbaceous crops such as grasses which can also be dedicated feedstocks other organic wastes such as animal manure or sewage and other materials including algae and fungus I'll talk a bit about those so we interact with biomass in a number of different ways in our day-to-day lives most significantly looking forward to the future I'll talk about a moment but looking at electricity and heat derived from biomass is a big area poised to become much but or household cooking and heating is used by billions of people worldwide billions of people use biomass biofuels and biomass materials which some of you in this room work on and which I'll talk about a little bit and then open burning so these are all you know the first three are very intentional deliberate uses of biomass create attentional interactions but we also interact with biomass through slash burning through wildfires and so there were major you know major questions in those areas but the big question for our deliberate interactions with biomass is how can we tailor these feedstocks and conversion processes to achieve the desired conversion efficiency and products so electricity and heat let's talk a little bit about where we are and where we're headed with this so there's small distributed use of biomass for electricity and heat currently in the United States we're talking cumulatively around 23 gigawatts of capacity over 190 plants so these are very small installations as compared to say coal-fired power plants there's comparable capacity in the EU although there are some notable examples of much larger plants specifically run by drax and these are mostly converted coal plants so that has major implications for the fuel that we're gonna use the handling that's in place to deal with that fuel and I'll talk about that during this talk in this map you can see mapped out here examples of or locations of biomass installation so we see a lot on the coasts and we see some down the center of the US here in Georgia we'd have a few I my name home state of Wyoming we don't have any currently but again these are small installations so this is poised to increase however so there's a concept called bioenergy with carbon capture and sequestration with which Chris mentioned and this is a concept outlined really by the schematic on the bottom left of the screen so the idea in Beck says we call it is the final mass grows taking up co2 from the atmosphere we convert it mainly through combustion producing co2 that co2 instead of reading returned to the atmosphere closing that carbon cycle is instead sequestered into geologic storage and the net effect of this is that we're removing co2 from the atmosphere now Beck's has been identified as a key sea to removal strategy by among other groups IPCC and the International Energy Agency has also identified Beck's as being incredibly important with more than two Giga tons of co2 needing to be removed such as by Beck's by mid-century to keep global temperature rise at below two degrees C above pre-industrial levels and so if you look at this plot on the right this is the schematic by plus at all from major climate change showing our historical co2 emissions up to around twenty ten and then projections based on our continued emissions and what you'll see is that in this RCP 2.6 in order to keep delta T low we actually need to reach negative emissions by mid-century and so when the question becomes how do we reach negative emissions well mitigation will only get us so far so we need to talk about removal and so that's where Beck's comes into the picture among many other strategies so electricity and heat so okay so we can use biomass in theory to get negative carbon emissions but there's some major challenges and potential pitfalls so among these are the sheer quantities of biomass needed to meet these they need to meet the sequestration goals another issue with biomass unlike say coal which can be mined in a very centralized location biomass is quite distributed so we're talking about forest residues we're talking about agricultural residues these are widely distributed versus the local use that we're seeking in concentrated power plants there are concerns about land-use competition loss of biodiversity the water and nutrient needs required to cultivate as much biomass as we would need to meet the sequestration goals and so if you look at this table which was compiled from the do a billion ton report you can see the current state of biomass utilization in the US as well as the technical potential at least as of last year so we have major categories again those ones that I talked about forest agricultural byproducts energy crops other types of waste organic wastes and you can see our current use us usage now some of this is currently for electricity more so heat but and there's major potential nearly three to four times as much as what we're currently using but there's a caveat this table and that is if you look at the line which is energy crops and so currently there are very few and there's a very small capacity of energy crops being grown in the United States but there's major potential there's just not currently economic motivation to do so there's no reason for people to be putting the time and energy and cost into growing these energy crops okay so let's move on to this next category which is household cooking and heating so billions of people around the world currently use biomass for cooking and heating approximately 41% of households worldwide use solid fuels these are typically used in inefficient open fires and traditional cook stoves which produce high amounts of CO and other pollutants which are quite quite hazardous people's health so in 2010 it was estimated that over three and a half million premature deaths resulted due to indoor and related outdoor air pollution so this is a huge health hazard and relatedly a lot of the solid fuel that people are using is would derive charcoal and so this leads then to issues of severe deforestation so there are many issues associated with this but as we look to the future future biomass demands for heating and cooking are only projected to grow with population so well you know percentage-wise people may be decreasing their biomass use is we have more and more people we're talking more and more biomass utilization and so many groups including my group are looking for potential improvements to this so many groups are booked to clean and efficient cookstoves designs so improving cook stoves while retaining the traditional features that are desired my group is looking at the fuel side of it so looking at engineered fuels for example alternative fuels these could include things like at use of agricultural waste and energy crops to reduce the burden on forests could also include engineered fuel designs to include to improve for example air recirculation or air circulation around these fuels improve combustion efficiency so on the left you see an example of an improved cookstove this is exactly the model that we have in my lab that we use for these studies and in the hands here you see an example of an engineered fuel so this is done by an NGO called carbon routes International based out of Haiti and what they have done is they've derived charcoal replacements from sugarcane bagasse so from an agricultural waste and they're working on integrating this in the market to replace tree derived charcoal again to reduce that burden and so my group did a study with carbon roots international in which we then expanded that feedstock range to include dedicated energy crops and so the question that we asked together with carbon roots is could we have a self-sufficient plant that's economically self-sufficient that can everything within the system boundary grow their own biomass harvest chip dry carbonized mixed with binder Burkett and packaged and sell to a consumer in a way that's self-sustaining and profitable and so to do this we used Monte Carlo techniques or probability based simulation and what we found was that with a nearly 91% certainty the plant would break even and there was about an 84 percent probability of 23% return on investment so this was really promising and it was nice to use a Monte Carlo type technique because it's not just a go no-go answer it really gives you a probability of success or failure okay so we've talked about a few ways in which we're using biomass another whole category poised again to increase is the derivation of bio derived fuels and biomass based materials and this is the concept of the bio refinery so for example do-e has put significant emphasis on development and piloting of for example cellulosic ethanol advanced biofuels including algae derived fuels the concept being that you have an integrated biorefinery concept where you bring in a feedstock again here we see you know in this schematic that we have a wide range of materials going in and we have a number of different conversion processes we have biochemical thermo chemical other types of chemical processes and then much like a petroleum refinery we have a bunch of different products coming out and so what we can see right away is that first of all this is a highly complex integrated process they're gonna be impacts of feedstock properties on the yields for example of these different processes and so we have a lot of considerations when we have a highly variable input feedstock okay so now let's go a little bit more into the conversion the feedstocks themselves and some challenges that we face and then I want to talk about how we try to mitigate those challenges so here's a flowchart that is it's not a complete description of all conversion processes but encompasses pretty well the areas that both my group works in with my collaborators and a lot of the major categories of conversion processes so you have biomass resources at the top we have chemical biological and thermal conversion processes under chemical one major categories biodiesel production that's a major product it was seeking biological conversion is typically to produce ethanol or biogas although you see that I've included an arrow over to thermal thermal conversion and my group we're using biological conversion as a pretreatment for thermal conversion I'll touch on that in a little bit at the end and then under thermal conversion that's where we do the majority of our work so we're looking at for example tour a faction pyrolysis these are heating in an inner environment tour affection is a milder version of pyrolysis at lower temperatures with the goal of producing biochar so a concentrated carbon solid I'll talk quite a bit about that non condensable species and bio oils gasification which is largely to produce a hydrogen and carbon monoxide mixture called syngas and combustion which is to produce heat and power so I'm gonna talk quite a bit about torah' faction as a pretreatment combustion as a conversion process and biochar and heat and power as products during this presentation but again we're doing work in in most of these areas and I'll touch on that as we go on the other idea that I really want to throw out there is that while I'm going to be talking about torah' faction and combustion combustion necessarily is a process actually encompasses many many of these well really all of the thermal processes so if we think about combustion of a solid fuel we start with a fresh biomass it undergoes drying at the undergoes pyrolysis and so there's a d volatilization this is the first stage of combustion so there's a default elation process a pyrolysis process whereby we produce volatiles in char now those may burn and I'm going to talk later on about you know what kinds of flames the flaming duration what that means for our combustion process but they may also escape that combustion zone that that flame zone and then we have issues of for example condensation of formation of aerosol pollutants so this is a this is a loan is a quite a complex step the char that then results after pyrolysis is then oxidized and produces come our typical combustion products co co2 water and other gases so you know as we're thinking about these different conversion pathways I think it's important to understand this especially in the thermal that these are all really related and interconnected ok so let's talk about the feedstocks a little bit so we look generally my group at lignocellulosic biomass and the composition can vary quite a bit depending on the specific type of biomass but it generally consists of cellulose I have a partial diagram of cellulose there there's a polymer of glucose units so we see the glucose unit here linked by glycosidic linkages this is approximately 25 to even 50 plus percent of biomass and you can see how cellulose fits into the whole matrix and the schematic on the right so we have cellulose there again is our glucose units and our glycosidic bonds this generally Orient's itself into a cellular excuse me a crystalline cellulose structure in the single microfibrils that cellulose is then encapsulated with hemicellulose lignin making it a rather protected structure and those single microfibrils form a mesh which then forms the cell wall okay so we see already that for example if cellulose is our desired extracted product of biomass it's already we can see it's hard to get to so there are issues around this I mentioned helpmeet hemi cellulose heavy clay this is also a major component it's an a morphus polymer of sugar units so here we can see a couple of the sugar units identified it is also a significant component as I mentioned 25 even 50 percent of biomass by weight and then we have lignin which is a bit different in that it's a highly aromatic structure so you can see all of the aromatic building blocks here and it's really cross-linked polymers of phenolic units so there's already you know just by looking at these structures we can get a bit of an idea of okay let's say we pyrolyze these what cuz ifs compounds do we expect to get well we can see you know for example especially lignin that we expect to get a lot of aromatics and so that again is giving us clues as to what we're gonna see in terms of pollutants again major constituent 10 maybe 35% of biomass and so if we look at these together we see it's a common feature here which is significant significant oxygen content in all three components this from a combustion standpoint immediately suggests a low energy density from a you know a large system standpoint we're starting to think oh you know low energy density means we need to move a lot of biomass to achieve for example a certain firing rate in a power plant we don't want to be moving oxygen just like we don't want to be moving water you know these are these are not things we can oxidize and get energetic value out of so oxygen is a deterrent if we're thinking about it has a feedstock for production of chemicals for example or thinking about pyrolysis well that oxygen translates into high acidity of our bio oils and really poor stability so the oxygen is a big issue so let's look at some proximate and ultimate analyses of these components so cellulose hemicellulose and lignin so a couple things stand out which I have circled to draw attention to what is this oxygen content to a particular cellulose and hemicellulose we're looking at almost 50 percent oxygen by weight and some of these materials which is quite substantial lignin on the other hand is more concentrated in carbon and that's reflected in fixed carbon after pyrolysis but you know again so we've got trade-offs we've got pros and cons of each of these components which ones do we want to target for a so-called cleaning up of our feedstock and then we've got minerals we've got a few other constituents so we have to consider minerals potassium chlorine calcium magnesium phosphorus which I've highlighted as a major one that we have spent some time thinking about the preservation of and sulfur so these are mobile at different temperatures these have implications for example catalytic effects these have implications for slagging when use in in boilers for example and then moisture so as I mentioned we can have a wide range of moisture 25 to 60 percent free moisture even if we dry this material which is a huge energetic loss we have to put a lot of energy into dry we then have more water evolved during dehydration reactions and so even if you start with a bone-dry feedstock you could end up to the 12 with 12 to 15% of water in your bio oil so a huge consideration okay so let's look at some proximate analyses here so I mentioned minerals specifically well we may think okay you know we can deal with ash well let's look at a few of these feedstocks we have pine Miscanthus which I'm gonna talk a bit about more about later it's an energy crop corn stover and agricultural waste that we study a lot in my lab and rice husk and rice straw so rice has can Rea straw are plentiful resources around the world people have spent some time trying to figure out the combustion properties of them however because look at this ash content these are huge so there's an enormous amount of ash in rice byproducts which could cause major issues so okay so we see that there's a variation in composition what does this affect we'll affects everything really it affects bio oil non condensable gas and solid char yields it's gonna affect the specific energy feedstock costs and emissions associated with moving these things around as well as the emission from conversion of them ash slagging many other issues okay so one of the things that we've looked at in my group is we've looked local for resources and if you've been to Wyoming in the surrounding region we have a major problem with bark beetle it's really reached epidemic proportions it's been estimated that a hundred thousand trees fall daily in Wyoming in northern Colorado just due to bark beetle kill off and so thought best swaths of our forests are dead so we looked at is we looked at okay well there's already a very great incentive to be cleaning this up it's dangerous it's dangerous both for you know people engaging recreation in our forests but it's also dangerous from a wildfire standpoint it's a dry fuel that just you know burns extremely well and wild fires and it's an economic deterrent to people coming to Wyoming it's really a blight on the forests so what we looked at is could we use the bark beetle kill could it be collected and used as a co-firing feedstock in regional power plants and so to do this we started by gathering Forest Service data and using GIS to map out the location of bark beetle kill and you'll see in the red is greater than 25 percent mortality the Green is all treed land and the black which are tiny and you can sort of see here but are the coal mines because what we really wanted to see is we move this material to coal mines Co fire it for a reasonable cost and reasonable emissions and so we considered a couple of scenarios in our study a scenario one was within 20 years the target was to use up all butyl kill in 160 kilometers and the second scenario was a 20% Co firing by energy which is generally considered to be an upper limit that's feasible without a significant loss in thermal efficiency and then we considered an interesting sub scenario in which the money that currently goes into cleaning up forest from the Forest Service which is really not sufficient investment of funds already to really solve the epidemic is instead used to incentivize power plants to gather and use this material and so what we found again this is a co-firing scenario this is not a pure firing scenario which would change the economics a bit but we see just in terms of dollars per tonne of co2 mitigated by avoiding fossil fuel usage the costs are really quite reasonable and then when you add in a subsidy you actually can make this economically advantageous for a plant we also have done a lifecycle assessment to look at the impact of transportation distance on emissions and so you know really that the focus of that study was on looking at local domestic use of wood for example wood pellets in the southeastern United States versus long distance transportation so more and more there's going to be emphasis on life cycle emissions associated with for example overseas transportation of biomass and so it's important to account for that when you're looking at the life cycle emissions of biomass utilization okay so I'm gonna talk about thermal pretreatment and how we've put a lot of emphasis on this as a way to improve some of the challenges of biomass utilization in my group so the first one I want to talk about is Toro faction so Toro faction as I said is a mild pyrolysis it's heating an inert environment about 200 to 300 C objectives here are generally to increase energy density I'm going to show you some results of that increase grind ability so handling of biomass is a major challenge for power plants we generally want to pulverize so for example coal is pulverized in many types of fire power plants biomass raw biomass is incredibly hard to pulverize it's it doesn't grind well not very friable we want to reduce that the water uptake of biomass so for example if we're looking to replace coal well how is coal stored well largely it's stored outdoor outdoors and piles well but raw biomass is stored outdoor in some piles it's gonna rot and so if we can reduce its water uptake this will help quite a bit we want to decrease the oxygen content now that's goes hand-in-hand with increasing the energy and energy density but if we don't even if you know we're not thinking about burning biomass if we're thinking about subsequent pyrolysis of biomass reduction the oxygen content is going to be advantageous for reducing the acidity in in the improving the stability of the bio oils and we want to disrupt the matrix for further processing so that I'm gonna show you a bit of that later but essentially again this is helping to sort of pre-degree the biomass and make it more susceptible to subsequent utilization so not just for combustion but for a lot of different subsequent paths and on the right here you can see a schematic that shows the temperatures at which those three major components hemicellulose lignin and cellulose breakdown so we can see pretty you know pretty clearly the hemi cellulose is the first one to go by the time we reach the top of our torah faction range we already have extensive developed elation and carbonization of our hemi cellulose and i'm going to show you in a moment that we clearly see it's gone lignin and cellulose her but more reluctant to breakdown so not until the top of that Torah faction range do we expect to be breaking down our lignin and our cellulose and I'll show you some rate data on that a little little bit so one big area of emphasis is can we model the mass loss during Torah faction specifically in my group we'd like to get to a more detailed mechanism but because that is so challenging there are just so many chemical species that are evolved during thermal conversion of biomass as common approach taken to this is a lumped sort of global mechanism so an example of this is a two-step first-order mechanism of five pseudo components so we start with raw biomass upon initial heating we first break down the hemi cellulose to produce lumped volatiles we'll call those volatiles one we then have an intermediate solid which we further heat produce to break down the cellulose and lignin and we produce a lumped category of volatile volatile - and then what we're left with is a char and these volatiles again are incredibly complex we analyzed them using gas chromatography mass spectrometry I'm going to show you a little bit of results of that in a bit but some compounds that we produce acetic acid formic acid methanol lactic acid Ferol hydroxy acetone what are we seeing in here well we're seeing significant oxygen even the oxygenated compounds okay and so we can lump these as I said into ball tiles one ball tiles two and we can look at the composition of these and come up with lumped compositions so volatiles one is generally well represented by something on the order of c1h 4.90 3.2 volatiles - you can get a lumped composition of c1h 2.90 1.1 now compare that with raw biomass which is well represented in general by c1h 1.50 0.7 and what you can see very quickly is we sort of lump you know lumped analysis of these is that we're proportionately releasing larger amounts of greater amounts of hydrogen and oxygen as compared to the carbon and the material and now if we keep proceeding to a more severe form of Tora faction pyrolysis we're now heating to above 300 scene that same inner environment and the objectives here are generally a little bit different we want to produce bio oils again those can be turned into fuels or other chemical precursors or we may want to produce biochar that may be the target this can be used as a soil amendment there's a significant amount of work going into figuring out whether or not it has a positive effect on soils but it's generally been shown that it's pretty stable in soils for long periods of time and so now you have a sequestration pathway via that biochar you may want to combust the biochar and you may want to make functional materials and so we're beginning to do a bit of that in my lab which I'll talk about briefly at the end and so again we can see the pathway here we go through drying we go through primary pyrolysis producing water tar permanent gases and char and then we undergo secondary reactions which include namely cracking of the char to produce more gas in this brews more char and so what's really important here is we look from primary to secondary pyrolysis is that the the opportunity to proceed from primary to secondary is provided through issues such as heat and mass transport in biomass so longer resident time of these primary volatile products produces opportunities for secondary cracking so these are all issues that we need to be thinking about as we're going for example from a pulverized fuel to larger sort of need of biomass constructs okay so let's look at some results to kind of show this in action so in the picture on the top right I like this picture because it shows a sort of what our material looks like as we proceed these are actually pictures of elephant grass so in pan one we have a raw elephant grass kind of looks like what we'd expect from a weed growth Reedy grass pan 2 is a late Tora faction so it's kind of a caramel color and then pan 3 we've fully torrefied this at 300c and you know what's starting to look like a charcoal this is really what we expect to see now what I'm showing here is called the Bank revelon diagram on the x-axis is the oxygen to carbon ratio on the y-axis is the hydrogen to carbon ratio and in the top right here we have our raw this is for pine we have raw pine and pine torrefied at 200 and 250 C and what we can see is that ok we don't get a significant change in these ratios not very substantial at that point but as we proceed to higher temperatures we pretty quickly get a decrease in our hydrogen to carbon in our oxygen - carbon ratios as we proceed to pyrolysis temperatures of in this case within 2 for ADC we jump right over this filled circle which is our Powder River Basin coal a very high volume coal produced in Wyoming so we actually get a carbon intensification that exceeds that of coal and relatedly of course a significant reduction in hydrogen and oxygen content and so we looked at for example the heating values of these fuels as they're torrefied and pyrolyzed and what we can see here is that as compared to raw well but when we pyrolyze we have an over 40% increase in the heating value and we actually have a higher heating value material than even our coal for comparison and as we're thinking about the importance of this is major implications for transportation so if we want to move a certain amount of energy and feedstock we now have you know a way denser fuel in terms of energy content that we can be moving okay so we're not just interested in what happens as a fun temperature you know we can see which we can see clearly here on the x-axis is time and hours on the y-axis is mass loss and I'm showing here time profiles mass loss profiles for 250 275 and 300 C and what you can see is the number one there's a significant time component we're gonna talk about that in a moment but of course there's also a significant temperature factor here in terms of the rates of mass loss if we were to carry this out to very long times you know they were of 20 hours we would actually see that these mass losses reach about the same extent which is really interesting because again there's a huge rate component going on here and so we looked at the evolution of heating value with time so on the x axis again is tour affection time this time in minutes on the y axis is heating value in mega joules per kilogram and so you can see as compared to our raw material starting out about 17 and a half mega joules per kilogram we increase pretty dramatically here with time to 17 percent or excuse me a seven percent increase at 15 minutes 15 percent increase at 30 minutes 20 percent in an hour and up to 25 percent at 3 hours and so the time dependence here is starting to give us the impression that there's an optimization issue because you know we probably don't want to be Tora fiying a batch of material for 3 hours what's the optimal time and there are many many factors that fit into that decision and I'm going to present a few of them to you so we've developed a model that predicts energy yield and heating value enhancement using a very simple technique one that could actually be implemented in industry with minimal inputs so as a function of mass loss using only proximate analysis and raw biomass heating value you can determine what the energy yield is of your biomass so pretty simple you know running model and we can see pretty good results with the current model so again we on the x-axis this fraction of volatile matter release so that's the extent of Tora faction this is readily measured so for example in a laboratory with some pretty simple tools you can measure that I'm the primary y-axis is the ratio of heating values between your dry ash free torrefied biomass and your dry ash free raw biomass and on the secondary y-axis is the percent of energy retained and now this starts to give us a different you know angle on the and the issue because not we're not only increasing our energy density which we've already seen is we horrify and we lose mass but we're also losing a significant amount of our original energy content so again there's a balance here you know we're losing a lot of energy and yet we're also densifying so there's a trade-off so I mentioned the rate issue so what we're very interested in is can we start to elucidate rates of Torah faction and then of subsequently of pyrolysis under conditions of either a function of time or a function of heat and mass transfer limitations and so this is just an example of our GCMs results on the y-axis arrghh excuse me on the x-axis is time and on the y-axis just the ion count and so in Peaks 1 to 13 okay we don't see a lot of change in time these are bio oils collected from tour affection of Miscanthus grass again as a function of time okay so with time we don't see major changes in those Peaks but I've highlighted two peaks glucopyranose and phallic acid that we do see evolving in production in time these are great markers for the breakdown of cellulose and lignin and so we're able to see is in a very time resolves way we're able to quantify some of these breakdown products this gives us a lot of insight into what's breaking down quickly there's a lot of great evidence the hemi cellulose breaks down very quickly but what's breaking down slowly and at what rates will we can start to really elucidate cellulose and lignin and then we can start to compare to existing models develop different models okay so we're talking we've talked about heating value we've talked about evolution of species let's think a little bit about other issues that we have with biomass when we're thinking about widespread utilization and one of those is handling so I mentioned the fact that biomass doesn't handle well it doesn't grind well well Tora faction has an advantage of making material more friable or more readily ground so what we do in the lab is it's pretty simple we just mill a sample in a ball mill and we sieve into size fractions before and after milling to assess the grind ability and what I'm showing you here is just an average particle size so this is some of the work that we did looking at bark beetle killed pine and healthy pine each torrefied at 200 250 and 300 C and you can see pretty quickly shown here as a temperature dependence of particle size reduction so as we increase the torah' faction temperature we decrease particle size pretty significantly now in contrast here well I should say adding more to the picture is again the time dependence we're really interested in this time dependence so that we can attempt to optimize the process so here's the time dependence looking at Quora faction in nitrogen and co2 so a lot of laboratory studies have looked at Tora faction in just a nitrogen environment we wanted to expand that into a co2 environment to start looking at many practical considerations of you know for example to refining combustion gas so again time dependence point to five point five one and three hours and what what stands out to us very very quickly is that regardless of the gas environment even at fifteen minutes we get a significant reduction in particle size after grinding even more significant is that we don't see additional significant yield or gains and grind ability with further time this suggests two things to us number one we can achieve one of our objectives which is improve grind ability in a very short processing time but also it suggests to us taken together with all of the other information that Hemi cellulose is really one of the big deterring factors it's really one of the very resistant factors to grinding so if we can remove that Hemi cellulose which we know is gone by 15 minutes into tor faction we can improve the grind ability that's a pretty valuable piece of information okay so we've pre treated this material we've turned it into a more friable higher energy density more carbon intensified material well now what do we do with it as I mentioned before we could take it in a lot of different directions the one that my group likes to focus on is combustion one of the ones we like to focus on I should say okay so Tora faction then is a combustion pretreatment so one of the first tools that we'll use if we're looking at a mid combustion of a material is called the thermal gravimetric analyzer or TGA and so TGA is a very nice tool I sort of you know casually described it as a scale and a furnace because what you can do is you can prescribe a heating temperature or heating profile or temperature profile to a sample and you can study its mass loss in response and I don't give you a lot of information and so what we'll do is we'll do combustion in the TGA so we introduce air we heat it at a given rate and we see we want or its mass loss so when the x-axis is temperature and degrees C on the y-axis is derivative mass loss in percent per minute and the first one I want to draw your attention to is the black line which is coal and so coal undergoes the same two stage combustion three stage if you include drying that all other solid fuels do it will undergo any volatile ization step followed by a charc sedation but when we look at this we see that those two stages are really quite merged from a TGA perspective so in other words the volatiles are evolving late and as the charr combustion is beginning to take over okay that's interesting because then when we compare to biomass we see very distinct characteristic to stage combustion so again they're both undergoing the volatilization followed by Charak sedation but the volatiles and biomass evolved earlier so they have a distinct first stage and then we're left with that char which then actually oxidizes a little bit later on so there's a discrepancy here between the combustion behavior of biomass combustion behavior of coal now if we look at a torrefied biomass at 300 C we see a couple things the first is that the volatile peak has reduced a bit so most notably we call this the Hemi cellulose shoulder you'll see it a little more distinctly in the next date I bring up but we see that the Hemi cellulose shoulder is gone okay good indicator that we've lost our Hemi cellulose we also see that the second stage combustion is more significant not too surprising we know we've intensified the carbon we're getting more char burnout again we've looked at this as a function of time and there's a lot of data on this graph so I want to point out a couple things to you in particular so again on the x-axis we have temperature and degrees C on the y axis again it's derivative mass loss the two data sets that I really want draw your attention to are the black line this is now for Miscanthus grass and we can see here you really see the Hemi cellulose shoulder over on the right excuse me on the left and then we see us like a smaller second stage combustion you know at around 400-450 see the next one I really want to draw your attention to these are soon these are again this is our time series so we're starting torrefied this material for longer and longer or monitoring the impacts on combustion behavior so what we can see is that the first stage combustion continues to sort of you know decrease decrease until they it's a three hours now if you remember back to the time series of mass loss three hours is is essentially a complete mass loss at 300 C and now what we see is this first stage combustion there's almost it's almost gone and we have a very prominent second stage and so it's really beginning to look more like our single stage coal combustion okay so that's that's another data set for us we may have found great grind ability after 15 minutes at hora faction but what does the combustion behavior look like well it still looks a heck of a lot like coal I've skews me a liberal biomass so we're not quite there yet from a combustion standpoint so there are a lot of factors to consider here okay so we start with TGA the next step will take us into a pulverized fuel flame so we really like this pulverized fuel flow reactor because it allows us to number of things allows us to look at rapid heating it allows us to look at evolved species and it's very fuel flexible so it gives you just a very quick overview and the facility is pretty simple here we've got a flat flame burner it's very hard to see because there's a very set time 'center tube through which we can introduce pulverized fuels of various sorts could be biomass could be coal could be fuel blends we have uh solids pump and a pump controller around that solid fuel that pulverized fuel flow will have a co flow flame so we'll typically use for example a lean methane flame to provide rapid heating and some oxidizer and then around that will have an inert shroud to protect the whole thing from ambient air and so we'll look at it so again we'll look at pulverized fuels but look at the rapid heating that they undergo and what's nice about this regime is we have minimal heat and mass transport limitations due to the small particle size and the plentiful oxygen around it and so what you can see on the right-hand side here is two different flames so you can see a sub-bituminous there's a pure B coal I note that it's sub-bituminous because there's a very high volatile content and then you can see a pine biochar that we got from the National Renewable Energy Lab in Colorado and right away to the eye you can see some differences now these are equivalent and feed rates but nevertheless for the PRB you can see a highly luminous region a generally larger bulbous region in the bottom here and what I'm going to show you in a little bit is this is predominantly due to slip formation in contrast for the pine biochar remember for the pine biochar we have very little volatile content now for the pine biochar we see a far less luminous region the lower you know boldest region in the bottom so we're starting to get some insights even just from visual analysis of these flames we are forming just visually way less foot so does a very large radiator of energy which I'm going to show you in a minute and so we're starting to understand that ok depending on what the pretreatment is of our of our biomass it's gonna potentially have way different radio radiative properties way different radiant energy fraction and that's a big consideration especially as we're thinking about introduction into power plants we're thinking about thermal efficiency we're think about heat transfer with an boiler the radiative heat transfer is an incredibly important property okay so it's another piece of this puzzle again just you know asking for optimization so a collaboration that I have going with a colleague in my department Michael stole injure is the comparison of experimental in numerical work we're really taking a taking great steps to integrate these two techniques the experimental numerical allowing the experimental to inform the numerical work and vice versa - and the goal here is to really come up with highly accurate models to simulate pulverized fuel combustion and so far to date we've really been focusing on coal but we've been refining these techniques and they would be readily applicable to other fuels as well so experimentally I'll give you a little overview and then I'll talk a little bit about the numerical side so we use to quit called two-color pyrometer ii we essentially view the flame through two filters two bandpass filters 580 and 685 nanometers in a stationary you know particle ignition study this would be to deduce particle temperatures but in a pulverized fuel flame you have a little bit of a different situation because what you see the radiation you receive on your detector is an integrated path emission okay so you actually have emissions from every cross section within the flame and you're not just seeing the outer edge you're seeing everything so what do in this technique is we actually individually analyze the individual channel signal so we're looking at the 580 signal we'll look at the 685 signal and we'll deduce you know we'll derive those signals signal profiles now in contrast what my colleague does with the numerical simulations is he also simulates this flame and he comes up with a simulated signal on a simulated detector and then through comparison of these two signals we can understand if we're capturing the behavior of the flame well and if we're not then we can try to you know refine and think about what the sources of those discrepancies are and so again I show a little bit of a just a schematic of how the numerical integration goes so essentially this cylinder that I'm showing you the plain view of is our it's our flame and what they do is they'll integrate the radiant emissions from the back of the flame to the front of the flame and simulate what's received by the detector and so what we account for is the emissions from each cell at our two wavelengths as well as the absorption by each cell okay so when we compare these what we find is really very interesting so on the x-axis of this plot we have height above burner so there's our burner height and then this is the height up through in this case the coal flame on the y-axis is the heat flux or the read a flux rather received by the detector and here are the signals for the two different ways these are both numerical results so the red dots that you see are the signals as a result of the soot radiation the black lines that you see which differ imperceptibly from the red dots are the emissions due to the soot and the coal particles okay so what's the major takeaway here the major takeaway is that the major emitter is the soot and this is this is not too surprising really for a coal flame although it's a you know been impressive to see the fact that the coal particles make no difference and the caveat here of course is that this is a relatively dilute dilute flame in terms of particles if we had higher particle loading we'd expect them to participate a little bit more but nevertheless the emissions are predominantly really dominantly due to so okay so what's the implication for this well if I have for example a lower volatile fuel I'm gonna expect way less formation if I availa slip formation I have less radiative heat transfer so there again tying all these considerations together we can't just look at fuel properties we have to look at their combustion properties okay so we went a little further and we tried to compare we compared the behavior and the magnitudes and the position of the signals to understand try to understand again is our D volatilization model functioning correctly can we capture char burnout are these you know how is the numerical model stacking up against the experiments and what's really lovely about these experiments is that they're nice laminar flow experiments so we can you know we've done a lot of validation work to validate that the flow is the flow regime is correct okay so x-axis is head above burner again here we have our heat flux on our simulated detector as well as our real detector these dotted more solid lines here are the experimental profiles and the dashed lines are the numerical profiles okay so we see a couple of things first of all we have a 10-millimeter discrepancy which is a significant fraction of our actual liftoff height of our flame the steep slope increase here is where we indicate the liftoff height because we get a lot of radium emissions okay so we have a significant discrepancy this is suggesting a problem with our D volatilization model which is no small task to try to match to actual volatile emission or volatile release from a flame so this is a huge you know this is a huge area that for potential improvement so we do have a shift issue but when we do shift these data we see that we actually are capturing some trends pretty well we're capturing the onset trend we're capturing the subsequent decrease post peak emissions so so it's a work in progress we're trying to now refine the model really refined that on the numerical side refine the model and then assess the predictive capability of the model so again what's the end goal here is to have a numerical model that accurately captures pulverized fuel combustion why because then we can start to assess for example large-scale advanced combustion techniques okay on the experimental side what we're going to try to do next is quantify the radiative fraction so we've already seen comparing coal comparing pyrolized biomass we've seen just visually major differences in their emissions so what we'd like to quantify what's the radiative fraction difference why because then we can understand what the what the various heat transfer mechanisms are for the heating value released from the fuel okay and then collaboratively collaboratively bringing these together we want to assess the impacts of fuel and combustion strategies on thermal efficiency that's the big picture goal and so as some initial you know sort of a snapshot of what this looks like we've looked at different fuels and we look at their part just single particle ignition okay so we'll introduce a particle to a flame we'll watch what's the ignition delay time what's the time before that that homogeneous gas phase flame begins what's the time until it ends then what's the char burnout time these are all very characteristic quantities for a given fuel and so what I've shown here just for kind of you know a snapshot of that is for a few different fuels we have raw elephant grass 300 C torrefied elephant grass and 500 C pyrolized elephant grass and we're comparing that to pure be coal and on the y axis here is the volatile flame duration and so this is as I said you know we watch a single particle ignite we watch what's it's volatile flame duration we can already get some information just from that alone and perhaps not surprisingly based on what we've already seen in terms of how the species are or how the biomass is evolving with thermal treatment the raw flame duration and this is given in seconds per kilojoule of heating value of the fuel the raw fuel has a you know high high flame duration the 300 C is substantially reduced and by the time we've pyrolyzed in material to 500 C it really has negligible volatile matter left such that we don't see a volatile flame and again tying this together now with the results from the numerical simulations and the radiative fractions we're starting to get a picture here that if our for example our boiler or a kiln relies on radiative heat transfer from the fuel which many do we're gonna have a little bit of an issue if we're introducing pyrolyzed fuels we need to be accounting for all these things and just for comparison I have the PRB coal which is most similarly like the 300 C okay so looking forward kind of where we're headed with this again this is kind of in a snapshot of what we've looked at so as I mentioned biomass utilization for energy really Beks as a concept is really poised to increase so it's again major interest in this as a negative emissions pathway but there are environmental impacts and we need to look at these holistically including water demand energy intensity and emissions associated with use land use requirements nutrient depletion and so the question that we ask is can we improve thermal efficiency which in implicitly lowers biomass demand in terms of how much we have to move at least so we want to by improving the feedstock again through all those or the different knobs that we've looked at or all the different metrics we want to lessen a biomass firing penalty and so typically there's about a 10% reduction in thermal efficiency operating a plan on biomass if we can reduce that that discrepancy again we can lessen the biomass demand and we really like to tailor the fuels to reduce transportation demands and holistically again as I mentioned in collaboration with my colleague we want to do all this to also assess alternative conversion strategies so for example various advanced combustion strategies such as various forms of oxy combustion things like that okay so as I mentioned again looking ahead we're looking at increasing population using biomass for heating and cooking well we would like to do with a lot of the insights that we're already gaining from how biomass transforms we want to see to reduce pollutants from cook stoves via the choice of fuels and pretreatments and so we're seeking out these more sustainable fuels we're looking to tailor the feedstocks again through these thermal pre treatments that I've talked about as well as things like briquetting you see an example of a Burkett here which is basically a ground-up fuel that's then been formed into a desirable form for efficient conversion to improve the conversion efficiency and reduce the pollutants and we're very interested in developing low-cost or faction in pyrolysis technology that's highly efficient and khloé as clean as can be so for example you see some images here of very low cost pyrolysis for a faction kilns can we develop those to be both highly efficient so minimizing energy losses that are not sought maximizing our energy yields well being as clean as possible so essentially the idea being to be able to roll out the engineering fuels worldwide for bio fuels and bio drive materials were seeking these of course again you know same idea to be replacing fossil fuels as a feedstock my group I didn't talk about it here today much we look at novel conversion routes for the production of bio derived chemicals and so one of the avenues that I'm working on with one of my collaborators in chemical engineering is the use of lean oolitic fungi to pretreat biomass and so we're really trying to do in this project is elucidate what the techniques are or what they excuse me what the influencing factors are to influence for example fungi of which I've shown you three examples here what influences them to digest for example lignin instead of the more easily accessible and more desirable sugars in hemi cellulose and cellulose and finally my group is looking at supercritical co2 as a pretreatment strategy I've been using a lot of the same concepts that we've been talking about looking at the evolution of chemicals looking at the evolution of morphology what are the impacts of this on subsequent conversion and so with that thanks for your attention I'd be happy to answer any questions [Applause] hmm yeah that's a great question so not directly so my group does do work in natural gas a lot of our emphasis in natural gas is on the utilization of natural gas with higher levels of C 2 plus hydrocarbons which are currently somewhat challenging to use and are often the flared components are from the flared gases so we have not done a lot of comparison and with biomass necessarily coal really has been our target to cover the drop in replacement for coal but it's a great it's a great question I mean if we're thinking about alternatives to biomass natural gas is absolutely a cleaner burning competitor so it's a it's a great point to do that comparison our emphasis though has really been on a solid fuel replacement yeah thank you that's a great question okay so in especially you know in industrial scale processes it's often the torah' faction gas that's evolved during taura faction is burned to provide the process heat so this is already a bit of an integrated process my group doesn't analyze we we don't for example you know in our techno economic assessment we have not looked at the energy intensity of that other groups have done that but we don't look at that but there is the important point that the gases that are evolved during court or faction can be burned and used to provide the process heat and the inert environment so there is an eye towards already an industry towards you know improving efficiency and lessening energy demands that way yeah thank you yeah that's a great question so in in specifically the Van Creveling space we have not done that yet so those were all at a given you know period of you know after an hour of tora faction this is their state and with the exception of the for a DC power pyrolized material which was a fast paralyzed so by Enron so we have not looked at that but that's exactly where we're going with it so for example the little bit of GCMs results that I did show that was a time resolution then of one of those snapshots so so if you remember the 300c was sort of halfway down on the van kremlin diagram that was the first big leap and it's that 300c that we have started to resolve in time and only four 300c so far but that's exactly where we hope to go is to look at the evolution of species in time but again for the 300-seat that was where we saw the suggestions of rapid hemi cellulose breakdown with negligible additional breakdown past you know 15 minutes and then with time we were seeing the evolution of the cellulose and lignin breakdown products and so it's just sort of a snapshot of what we're trying to resolve and how we're trying to sort of study that and the next steps for us are not only to look at the evolution during tora faction but then okay can we do the same thing during pyrolysis well sure you know we can start to look at the evolution of species during at higher temperature and pyrolysis then we can start to look at the impacts of for example these are all pulverized fuels but we can start to look at the evolution of those species at larger and larger particle sizes as we have heat and mass secondary reaction so that is the goal is to sort of you know be evolving in time and then to look at the evolution in time with particle size which introduces whole new issues so yeah that that's a great question so I think the answer to that well there's a practical answer to that which is that will we likely will not get all the biomass we need from one type of biomass and that's really what that billion ton report tells us is that we're probably gonna have a very diverse supply the results also you know of looking at all these different biomass types strongly suggest that we can make them into a more cinéma similar uniform product through targeted thermal pretreatment so I think the answer to that is sort of number one we may not have a real choice as to what we have going on what we use I think the probably the residues and the AG ways those are gonna be through the lower hanging fruit as opposed to you know planning energy crops and in rolling out significant lots of energy crops but we'll have to get there eventually if we're gonna meet our biomass utilization goal so I think the answer sorta we have to be able to we have to be able to be fuel flexible and adapt to all these different fuel types and so what are the treatment strategies that sort of allow us to get there and Tora faction does in many ways allow us to sort of converge and I think that's an important next step is to show that we can take a variety of different biomasses and make them perhaps more uniform to allow for fuel interchangeability yeah so if we're kind of for more distributed use yeah and that's a really interesting question that we've chatted about a little bit today even is the idea of more you know optimization of plant size and distribution like you say so that you don't have to move the biomass to the plant you can move the plant to the biomass it's a great question I think some of the issues that come up is the efficiency of scale I think that's a big one and the cost with distributing these systems but yes absolutely and I think that's that's a that's a real optimization that needs to be addressed is I think you know the numbers show that it's maybe not feasible to be moving all that biomass to a centralized location so what do we do there's actually a plant in in Portland that did a biomass firing day so they took their power plan and they fired it on torrefied biomass and they had so many issues with just procuring enough biomass just for one day of firing they were moving it from the Southeast United States so you know they're driving truckloads of biomass up to Oregon and they just to this point you know now they've thought about you know growing their own and trying to produce their own local supply but but it's exactly at this point I mean it's not practical to be moving biomass all the way across the United States sure for a demonstration day but not for a long term so I think that's a great question