Contact person: Martha A. Grover +1 (404) 894-2878 File format: zip-file Time period during which data were collected: January to April 2019 Location: School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA File Information:, containing IControl.xlsx, Temperature, pH, and rpm Data Library.mat and Library. npz, containing the reference spectra Measured_Data_Raman.mat and Measured_Data_Raman.npz, containig the pre-processed measured spectra Methods: Raman spectroscopy Variable Information: the relevant information for the units are reported in the related journal article. Softwares: Python, Matlab; IControl (Mettler Toledo) for generating IControl.xlsx The dataset was last modified in May 2019. This data have been used for the paper: "Analysis of Multicomponent Ionic Mixtures Using Blind Source 2 Separation: A Processing Case Study", published in Industrial Engineering and Chemistry Research Authors, Maggioni G. M., Kocevska, S., Grover, M. A., and Rousseau, R. W. The original Python script for these data can be downloaded from GitHub at: