Well if you. Actually think thanks for the invitations It seems like a really great meeting. OK so. So this is going to be the summary of three fake papers. But that doesn't mean it's going to take a long time. So the first paper was with. That and my commit some else it is now in Iceland. Second paper was with Tony Hanson and Tony is. Booked solid in Sweden and Samantha Petit is here and she's been advised by. Santa. I'm Phyllis is fill in because I gave the last time I gave this talk it only took twenty minutes. OK let's go OK So what's the problem so you. There's a underline the whole thing there's a bar to a bipartite graph G.. With two sides Al and left and right L. and R.. And R. is bigger than L.. And you don't see you don't see the you don't see the graph it's given to you online OK so what in fact what happens is you are presented with the vertices of the left hand side L M When you. Actually look for it and when you're given a vertex on the left you're given all its neighbors so you just see vertex comes along given all its neighbors. And. We assume that everybody has at least two well actually receive everybody on the left has L. neighbors or where we're at as at least the L. is always the number of vertices. Is the number of neighbors of a sex on the left of L. for left. OK And so what's the aim for the i me as to maintain a some sort of matching. And the it's a matching on the left hand side in the sense that each that he first takes on the left hand side sees one edge by. The verges on the right hand side can see up to our edges. But our far right hand side. OK So remember this Allen left and right OK. OK so his. Is a picture of the. So here's the current state where we have a matching. Let's say I think here L. is three and along comes. The fourth vertex and unfortunately it chooses three neighbors and they're all matched So Woody So what the vertex does is it picks one of these at random. And so you pick this one and this guy is for now forced out and. So this one was force that chooses from its set it choose another one at random. OK So basically what it's doing is finding an alternating path on the actually find in a mentoring path and is doing it by a random walk OK so it's just looking for a moment in path and it's just in a random walk to find it. So wisely what is going to do it could use on and of cookies do exactly this. So this. So this guy here is supposed to be a cook OK and. Picks a random nest this one and kicks out know which one ethic that this guy around but this somehow survives and goes on and pick something else so that's the one cooking passion. Story. Yet all the ages around so these guys here when it comes along and picks three random edges uniformly at random. Yes I was the what is the problem in a moment is no problem so the problem is to sort of control arm the lengths of the omentum path What's the expected length of. Or of the omentum parties died. And we will consider two cases. So in the first case we have a large L. is large. And but you're only allowed one in a nest. OK. And the other case is Ellie's true exactly to. But you are allowed day in the nest and they are specially very different algorithms by the same out rhythm the analysis is different and here. So if you would use if you wanted to do this in practice you would have D. small you really would like say D. not much more than you'd like D. to be three. OK. If there's any sort of interest in the talk it will be that there's a nice question is to do some sort of analysis for the case the three. Hour. Day has two articles articles two articles one is sort of fairly easy it's just. You just wait for so we'll talk about that later. OK so they will be enlarged so there's some criticism about deviating you know me better than nothing right OK. So natural questions are how large should. So fix D. How big should M.B.A. or if I fix them how large should be with this stuff is completely solved it's not this messy but you just basically applying holes there to see when there's holes theorem kick in. And. And how long is it take to construct this thing. Is want talking about. OK so this was it so they know the name cook who has Xing came from power and earth and they consider this case and are two seconds about it later. Not this yeah. There are lots of papers on the subject which are always I haven't read any of them but this one. This one the main contribution here is I think that they show that a sort of breadth first search breath first search can be done in sub linear time and sub linear spies OK so you don't need to need to do you know they do the full breadth first you sort of stop short. And they also mentioned that the random walk thing would be of some sort of interest to figure out what happens OK So this is the I've already said this so I will skip that round already said yes. So in cookoo hashing the L A G.'s are the results of. Pash functions. And we're going to assume that they're completely uniform this is a close you know and should be called a hash a big Because then you're saying we assume we've got completely uniform random hash functions which are not so easy to produce so another open question would be how do you do this with. Hash functions which are. Not completely random may say How would you do this with if you using Linux a linear congruence would generate. Something like that OK So the first attempt I made with this was when Mark. Was power males than a Michael MIT's America and we didn't we aren't we show that the expected time to insert was probably logged so before this. I don't so I suppose only sort of entity epsilon was none so we surface what we showed prolly long so how was the argument he the Army's quotes him Paul. So M.S. will be the matching after you inserted S. elements. And so now we're going to M.K. minus one so the basic idea was the following You could use you insert the new V.. And if you saw if you did a bread first raw what you would find Is there be a sort of a relatively large set S. one. Of an over poly log. Which can be reached in poly log steps so this large set of side N. of poly log. Such that are that. So that the probability you can reach it from V. in poly log steps is say into a log steps A is one of a poly log So this set of size N. of a poly log and the expected time to reach it is poly log that's what I'm saying. Yes relate to maintain power yeah so here's this says you can argue by just say no matter what the moment or what the perfect matching is there's a set of size N. over poly log such it expected time to reach it is probably logged. I waited. For M. and N. are Amy's we were seen in the M. is one perception on times an OK And we're assuming that M. is sufficiently large so that with high probability there is a perfect match or there's a matching from the left or the right. And then you have to argue that. There not that many as you sort of there's this say what you're trying to do is you're trying to reach a set which has neighbors which are unoccupied OK And then you argue that So there's always a so because M. is one percent silent times an. There's always a linear sized set which is unoccupied. And if you back off from that there's a sort of a bigger set which is the neighbor of somebody as I occupied and you go back further and further eventually you only have to go back log log in steps until you get to a set of SA is such that all but something over poly log is within log log. So So to summarize what it says in expected time poly log you really assess a vertex which is if you only log log or Y. and if you only log log away and the. Degree is constant. OK then you expected time to reach the end results are only poly log. And then that's it. So you this there's this set. Of a large set which is bigger then such that everything in this set is within log log of the end. When you reach than expected time Polly log and you've got a one over poly long shot now reaching the end and so the expected time is probably log and it sort of probably logs high probability around OK silence means it's Oran OK. OK So is that OK So then I was a paper after so the problem here was I think we had five day at least eight in that to be very large they had to be at least eight and I think these guys. Show that you could do roughly the same amount of time. But you could do for savings three as well so that's OK So that was the state of the art a few years ago and spent a lot of time trying to get from Poly log down to constant and lots of tried lots of ideas talked to lots of people. Who turned out to be simpler than I thought than I thought OK so. So this is work I did with my grad student turn a year Hanson which basically says which made a large enough you can make the expected time as close as you like to one so this is. So how do we do that so we tried using sort of Markov chains mixing time canals work but nothing seemed to work until we had this idea. To get it where we are yes so we said this is this is really what happens for the last for the last one. So here is the Yeah so some not only these have been changed to L. So here L.S.D. and there's only room for one cook. Up yet only room for one bird in the nest inside. How big is what. L.S.D. and day is a large constant Yeah large consonants the point so it is always a large constant question is how long does it take to insert a credit. Or. Where you go where this analysis doesn't matter just do it again just keep going I mean has a side called when the bird then then what happens is they will start again. Don't go back I just assume you just keep. I mean you can still choose you know I would have not got kicked out on the R. though I'm dizzy and I was just added the beginning I just got kicked out well I just choose another random place to go eventually our farm I work eventually will find a way to insert run. One now and then this is Ellie cause D. left on the left hand side the articles one. Redoing the whole thing where. You're. Yeah if I was if I was as if it was a sock or if I came back and I kicked out the first one I put in just keep going I just do differ in our Choose another random number where that remember that so I might do exactly the same thing for a long time but very lightly OK I can skip this so long. B.K. are those vertices it on the left right which have a neighbor that's not that hasn't been filled. OK. R.K. is the rest. To R.K. month one year or so because of those can if I gets a big a far if I if more random walk reaches a vertex him be undone Rocker's I can see the outside and I can just put the I can put the item into that location. On so that. Well no actually the algorithm says R R look to see where the I mean I could just say will pick something at random and keep going but it's more natural to say well I can see this I can see a place asked the kid in there and. Only randomize of it if everything is blocked OK. Yeah OK so now our list are come back to this. Earth and I can live to do this OK so I'm not an aging Mensing path. Will look like this something on the left followed by something that's not in there because if Y. one was in B.K. there and I would be finished. OK so this one is or I keep going so X. two is so why one was matched to X. two and now X. two chose Y. those X. two must not be in here otherwise you'd be done so no alternates and no mention part goes left something not in here than the matching edge and if it's if if if I'm not in the match if I don't see if I'm not in here or keep going so I keep going until I reach something not in here. So the sort of powers that are I'm seeing are of the from left not in B.K. left not in B. when actually the other way round is not in B.K. up to the top not in B.K. not in B. can't tell I find something in B.K. then I'm out. OK so let's call yes or there's not a very good choice of words but let's cause such a path interesting another set in the sense that any other part is an interesting OK So these are the interesting parts the parts of interest now not all interesting parts are augmenting that's the point there are many more interesting parts and augmenting OK So that's the basic I was the kid sort of done thing it's not hard to estimate the number of interesting powers of a given length but it is hard to estimate the number of interesting alternating powers because somehow this depends on the matching. OK And that was a problem which is always trying to figure out what was the how what was the distribution of the matching live you know which is is is constructed by some process and it's not an adversarial process but it's quite difficult to actually understand but if you sort of forget about the matching and just think about interesting part somehow the matchings of this doesn't really matter what matching you've got so interesting men. So it be B.K. with the bad guys right B.K. can see the outside or is it the other way around with a look. Because a because the bad guys you can't see the side. So interesting bad guy bad guy bad guy. Good Guy OK. And the point is that B.K. is small. And naive calculation which he would say that big way is OK says Caleb dom. And what's the probability don't see the outside when it's about one minus Epsilon to the D.. I mean if it was everything was on condition that we were minus Epsilon to the D. and that's any of the minus EPS less than any to my stepson on day and if he is big enough current fastener want to reps along this is pretty small and it's not correct this obviously but you can make something look like that. The case so B.K. is small so right means you should get B.K. bar quite quickly OK so then you have to argue then you want a number of interesting parts or with two S. minus one vertices and then you have to argue that the expected number are. Or how do you choose them where they go the choices are you could achieve those big hey of the side it's big case of the S.S. then you go to choose the. So this is on the left these are on the right and then you have to do something about what's the probability the ages are there. OK And again you sort of can argue that this is sort of it's sort of close to been random and this is a good approximation OK So this is the number of paths now there are possible powers and this is the roughly the probability that all the ages of the path exist OK so a little bit of conditioning is not easy when you think about it isn't that there isn't too much conditioning. And then you can use some concentration inequalities three simple applications of Azuma. And you can show this is highly concentrated and there and then S. where you just are the only other trick mallees So you're right so you've got the probability that this is large is pretty small and then you use the expectation is the sum of the probabilities have been large and then you certainly have to do this up to log log again. So that we're only looking at really sure interesting part log log in and then we can kill it with the previous result plus the basics so the key there is. Replacing old Mensing powers by interesting problems that's the key. Where we could It is easier with Well one thing is you know you and I took out a log log in. Yeah there is a certain you do you do need to think about sure parts. But not log log and log will again is but you know but Logan is like a constant so you say. OK so that's that page OK so now the one with Samantha Sam Petit. Are OK So here now we've got Alice two. And the right hand side are is big. So it's a completely different completely different ballgame. So let's. Are it's OK So the point is so you see. Well along comes a vertex the case vertex and it has two choices P.K. and Q K. And so that's like an age joining P Cain Q.K. and one of them has to be one of them has to be chosen so that's like orienting it from P.K. to Q K. or Q kind of Pekin. So or so let's let's top pick. OK so so at the beginning when you have an eight you add it in a sort of a random order without thinking you just choose randomly that is D. and. There's another thing which we get by after the ins and what's the list look at the Insert the insertion algorithm is quite simple suppose the arm so what are you going to do if you have to add the ages then orient them to alter the you have to order in the edge and it points to the location points to the location where the item is to be placed so you have to are in the age and we have to orient the edges so that no vertex has in the green more than our own so here's a case everybody here is going degree at most or are is two. So we want to add this guy but this makes this in degree three so what happens is we have to reverse one of these ages so then we reverse this age and this ages go in degree three so we reverse that and we've done. To the algorithm is basically you have this random die a graph. OK initially some of the edges some of the edges which is completely random some of the edges of been altered and you add an age you put a give you an R. and then you what you do is OK if there's an easy orientation you do it was an easier in Taishan Suppose R. is ten and the A's joins two things in one lead in degree five none other in degree seven so doesn't really matter which one you do you just orange it randomly but if both of if both are in degree ten then you're in trouble so what you have to do is you have to sort of find a path reversing orientations until you find a vertex which has indeed agree less than ten and then you can do it. OK. OK so. OK so his in our study so I is the set of vertices within degree at least are minus one in D.. Today's other ones are likely to get saturated very quickly OK so we're trying lots of complicated arguments trying to figure this out and then somewhere Samantha noticed the following orders happening again the point I first of all is these going to be very small. It's going to be exponentially small. In our run OK so this. Samantha notices that this set contains all the saturated vertices there so this is the segment you get as follows You start with the guys as the ones with very large in degree. And then you add you start to follow it you take a vertex if you've got two neighbors in a as you add it. And then you keep doing that and you keep did it until every vertex is going to most one neighbor in this and then the point is that this set S. contains all the saturated vertices and that's pretty simple because you have to have you need to flip the gate because you weren't in an eye you have to have two neighbors to get in there. And the point is that because A is small. S. is small. There's some sort of standard random graphs way of doing things and it turns out that if S. is small a is small basically small sets. Have a very low density. And if you keep adding the disease a degree to and get big that means you have some or you you've got to dense at some stage and very nice trip. And basically that's the end of the game once you notice this once you notice that this set S. is small contains all the saturated vertices What does that mean what it means that all that the graph induced by the small vertices is basically little trees and little uni cyclic compounds. It's just subcritical And that's just a sort of first moment calculation and then you can basically it's done right because you only got to do is do random walk for little trees. And that doesn't take very long and these are most of the trees are constant size arrives. Yeah definitely there knowing this and calculation. OK So that said What's the weather I think I've been through the question is that the real questions are. Reduced the independents from large day to three only say some so it's obviously for small obscene lawn you're not going to get away with three. So one thing you might want to do is say replace the grows one over epsilon two The grows like log one of reps alone or give me something for three. Not when are when thirty thing were. So when Ellie's to R. and R. is one you need. To N. You need to air the M. has to be two in. Mind because this is just sort of subcritical A-T. in the random graph process. And the other thing is if you could make it in you could do deletions So it's toward tempting to think that if you do random deletions It's like they never were there. And so sometimes that mark that might be so are fairly easy and then handle the case where the hash functions are only or not already K Y Z depended on. What might be more interesting and never saw the other the one of them and OK thank you very much. Thank you. I know if you do prefer search it takes up too much space. Than That was the original paper.