My name is Laurie Chris I want to welcome everybody to our first program for this spring two thousand and thirteen semester in our series splendid research at the library. Manipulating light from designed to application is the ninth panel in the blended research series and it's sponsored this time by the factory engagement Department of the Georgia Tech library as always but also by the young professionals group here at Georgia Tech and Stephen I see you here. Steven leads that group. Blended research at the library is a panel discussion series focusing on multi-disciplinary research at every session we try to have faculty postdocs and research scientists and Georgia Tech graduate students from various departments across campus and talking about an area that crosses disciplines. Today each of our panelists is going to give a brief presentation on their topic and then we're going to follow this up by a question answer period and hopefully some discussion. Our first speaker is going to be Jennifer Curtis Jennifer is an assistant professor in the School of Physics and she's been with us here at Georgia Tech since two thousand and seven. Jennifer received her be a in physics from Columbia University and a Ph D. in physics from the University of Chicago. She also spent a great deal of time at the University of Heidelberg and that included a very prestigious Humboldt fellowship is there. Her current research interests include cell mechanics molecular biophysics bio nanotechnology and optical manipulation. Our second speaker will be Joel Hale us and Joel is the principal research scientist at the Perry research group in the school of chemistry and biochemistry he received his bachelor's of science and physics from Georgia Tech and his Ph D. in optics from the University of Central Florida his current research involves the. Characterization and implementation of organic materials with large ultrafast nonlinearities for photonic applications. And then our last speaker will be connect for when taste Hernandez who is a senior research scientist with the Copeland research group in the school of Electrical and Computer Engineering. He received his B.S. in physics from the National University of Mexico and his Ph D. in optical sciences from the University of Arizona. His current research is focused on investigating the device physics and device engineering of a wide range of thin film devices as well as the optical and electrical properties of the materials used for its realisation. I also want to thank him very much for a last minute stand and some of you may have noticed a different name on the list if you noticed. James and they work in the same group but James had a family emergency and was not able to be here. So with less than a week's notice we definitely appreciate him standing in without our old Welcome Jennifer. All right so this is a really interesting forum here I think this is great. I'm curious to see how things go. So I'm going to have to work hard not to go more than twenty minutes and when we do that is I'm not really going to explain things. I'm just going to tell you about things that should get you excited about certain kinds of things you can have a life and then we can talk about it in the form. OK So I'll start I'm going to have a lot of movies. OK to keep people awake so what you're looking at are multiple diffraction limited focus in a microscope that I'm imaging and moving around as I'd like to in real time. OK And what I'd like you to do is at the end of this talk understand why I'm interested in steering light into three dimensions and what applications can come from it. So that's what we're going. Why. And also a little bit of how we do that. So the two applications that I want to tell you about. Our applications where we use a sort of that we use a technique called optical tweezers or optical traps which are used to do all kinds of fascinating things including probe molecules and cells and I'll tell you a little bit about what they are and how we do that and then I'll tell you about a new direction that I'm moving into which is patterning light to stimulate cells. Really I'm just on the patterning right side that's my expertise but the things that you can do or neuro science are fascinating and I think they're worth bringing to your attention. So what is an optical tweets are OK It sounds like what you might think if I had a should bring a pair of tweezers here and I wanted to pluck my eyebrows right. And somehow shaped my eyebrows. I would have control to manipulate the hair in my eyebrows and optical Tweezer is exactly the same thing except that it uses light to manipulate microscopic matter. OK. The real name is the optical gradient trap or the optical trap that goes by different names and what's so exciting about the optical trap is that it's pretty easy to bake. OK. Basically what you need is a laser beam just a little bit stronger than this just a few milliwatts OK And then what you need to do is bring it to a tight focus as tight as you possibly can and then in that tight focus objects become if they have the right index of refraction compared to the surrounding medium optical forces lead to them becoming trapped in the in the almost in the center of the focus and here is where I'm going to start going blending over the details. OK Now what's interesting about it makes it a useful tool is that it's possible to couple it into a microscope and in fact use the same objective lens that you would have on a microscope for imaging sells for imaging whatever it is that you're doing. If you're working in material science call it science whatever you want you can use the same objective lens to take a collimated laser beam bring it to this type focus create the optical trap and then simultaneously use it to image. What stuck or goes into that trap. OK Now these are. Kinds of things that we can do in that in fact we do in our lives but with the shows up. There's a couple of cells. On the surface here and this is a microspheres about three microns inside and it's been held in an optical trap right now it's kept it's been for it's held in the trap and it's believed that the stage is moving so that the bead is being carried away from the cell so you see that I can manipulate an object and move it around with respect to the silence. Now it just so happens it's tother to the cell by some material on the surface of the cell and so when I bring it too far away from the cell. I lose a battle of tug of war and the the fly backwards. OK So manipulation is something that you can do with optical traps. You can also manipulate individual cells and for the sake of time I think I'm in a I'm going to skip this movie with you can ask me to show you later. But these are two dividing cells are not bound to the surface. I can use light to grab on to one of these cells and does that grab the two cells and displace them around or grab the beads that are also attached to the cells and displace them around. So you can manipulate so there's there's it's sort of interesting for just moving and sorting objects if you like. Now the other thing you can do with an optical trap that turns out to be one of the favorite things that biological physicists like to do is you can measure forces. OK And the basic idea for measuring the force is to be right in the center of the big Ok then there's basically an average of zero four solid place from the BE restoring force on it due to the gradient forces in the optical drive light the middle. OK And if it's this way and that's how they saw different place that's an indication that there's some force. Now if you're looking at this from the top down. Look at the position of the B. with respect to the center of the trap and that's calibrated back at least in the springs that this is a track and you do that you can estimate with the forces on the field you can do this really well and the kinds of forces that we can measure are on the Pico Newton scale which is basically the order of men. The gravitational force between me and her. So it's tiny. But those kinds of forces really matter when you're dealing with biological systems and when you're dealing with molecules. OK So one of the things that we do with an optical trap and allow is we probe something called the parasailing matrix parasail a matrix is also sometimes goes by the name like OK Alex I'm not going to get into into too many details but basically this is a cell here down to the surface of the cell is a thick polymer me tricks which is very difficult to visualize which typically is visualized by biologists who add particles around it to see where the particles don't go. And so the thing that we study is exactly what took place right here. OK And it's interesting because this polymer matrix is correlated in its shape and its thickness and its contents with processes that involve sell it. He which includes So migration cancer metastasis but little is known sort of about the mechanical properties of this matrix its spatial organization or how in the world. It happens to mediate those processes. So what we do is we take one of our calibrated optical traps and we push it into this parasail you a matrix and we're sort of like feeling with our eyes closed to see if we can somehow he's forced Herb's that we measure when we're pushing into it to back out structural mechanical information about the cell code. So we have more understanding about how it's used by the cells to achieve those different processes so I'm not going to tell you how what that exactly what the data is but I'll tell you a few punchlines So one thing we found is that for the cells that we're looking at the cell code is forty percent longer or wider away from the surface than what you would find from the standard techniques which are these crude techniques where people are actually adding fixed red blood cells believe it or not to the solution to see it the other thing we found is that the force curves indicate that there's a two layer structure in the cell code of the cells that we look at so you get structural information and then another thing which is quite difficult for me to explain how we got to this one prediction that we have from our optical tweezer experiments is. The cellco should act as a seed that is that this matrix has a spatially varying mesh eyes as you get further and further from the cell. So that smaller particles should be able to penetrate further than larger particles and we tested that which is easier to show you right. Once you have a prediction you can test it and what we did was we sprinkled particles of different sizes into the cell code and we looked at the average. This is that they were able to make the cell surface where the concentration is constant and so these are two micron beads that you're looking at here for you and you'll be telling all of the self-service this is intensity of this for us and beauty versus out one hundred meter B.'s plateaued a distance at three microns three hundred meter beats five to five microns and so forth and so you can get from you. Besides if you want think of it this way mash size versus OK so this here is from our local and user these particles which announces that I'm showing you. So those are the kinds of games that you can play all right now I'm going to tell you about work that is not from my lab just for completeness and because I think this gets people excited. OK so simple molecule manipulation and measurements is something that you can do with tweezers and it's just absolutely beautiful work. What you're looking at here a couple of cells. Whose side of skeletal network has been labelled with a fluorescent dye in particular the yellow filaments that you're looking at here microtubules and among many things they're responsible for they sort of act like a complicated highway for the cells in which there's trafficking going on in transport of molecules from one side of the cell to the other and that's all driven by molecular Motors in particular one molecule that walks along these microtubule tracks is called the Neeson and it basically carries cargoes that's of course little sort of limpid by a layer Spears above its head and then walk alone from one side to the other the cell or however they go OK. And so it's something like someone carrying cargo on their head and there's been beautiful work where people have sort of done things that you couldn't imagine so you can't cram onto a tiny molecule with an optical trap. Not that thermal diffusion would when there's not enough to grab onto there's not enough force. OK but what you can do is if you know the chemistry. You can connect a handle to the molecule that you would like to study like one of these microspheres that I play around with all the time you connect it and you try to make sure that you don't hurt the molecule in that you have a single molecule and then you can use the too easy decision. And the molecule on the track my OK I'll say this solves them that all of this is so somehow molecular biologists made this for you and that way you can do it you can hold on to the beat put a T.V. in the system like a motor. Well OK and you can play games with that like how much force can I exert on it so that it starts. That's what the that you're pulling back on the fight against right. How much D.T.P. does it need to take a single step. OK what's a chemical mechanical coupling. And so forth and again for the sake of time I want to show you this but there on You Tube and there's a link here this will be posted online. There's beautiful movies that show what people have learned from these kinds of studies and if you just go into the literature folks have been able to show that these molecules make steps of one step. That's only meters long for each and each world. You know when all of that was done with a single optical track. You can also look at the distribution of step sizes that's what the sister gram is you can look at the speed that one of these translates along a filament as a function of the A.T.P. and so forth. So that's one optical track. You can do pretty neat things I hope you agree there's lots more that folks have done and then you can start to say well what would you do with more right. And these are a list of things that you can do down here folks have taken red blood cells attached to beads to them and stretch them to measure the mechanical properties people have shown that mechanical properties of red blood cells very different diseases and this is relevant to how the blood cells go through your capillaries you can measure membrane tension in the membrane reservoir in the cell and look at conservation. We've looked at sort of artificial biomimetic side the skeleton networks and how those link up by holding building basically building them. All right so there's an interesting reason for wanting to do this on the other hand in the process of learning how to make many many many many optical traps which is really what I did in my graduate studies. It turns out that that application. If you want to think of it this way can be extended to a new field which I think is incredible and it's a field of after genetics and the basic principle and up to genetics is that you can genetically engineer cells to express specific proteins which are gated to respond to light. OK So that means of those proteins aren't doing anything until you put a light of some shining light on it and then suddenly they become active and I've seen at the last meeting that I've been to recently they're they're starting to do this to so many different components in the cell. It's incredible what you can do and it's incredible that you can sort of look at the molecular machinery bit by bit by bit and say Now it happens if I turn this on. Now what happens if I turn this on and so forth. Of course you have to be careful and make sure that what you're doing is still biological but it's fascinating. The control that you can have now the thing that I find particularly interesting is the possibility to modifying neurons with a ion channel which is photosensitive it doesn't have anything to do with ion channels that are found in the neurons in your brain. OK it's a it's from algae. But they can be that you can convince cells in living organisms like to see profession to express. These photosensitive ion channels and when you shine a light on a single neuron it will fire and it will have the properties similar to what it would if it was on its own. OK now that's incredible. OK because it gives you this this distinct advantage into looking at connectivity and. Processing and brains work in just culture and so really what we're good at doing is making spots in one dimension or in two dimensions in three dimensions putting where we are putting them where we want to and then for these applications to involve up to genetics. We're looking more at how we can control intensity where we have extended illumination in two dimensions and three dimensions and these things here. You need the points. Those are what you need for up to call traps you need a diffraction limited spot the tighter the better because the stronger force now on the other hand for these outer genetics applications you can imagine shining light on part of a neuron shining light on three neurons and so forth. So that's where we go. So what's the trick for doing this. I'll just give you a little bit of the punch line. But if you were making an optical trap right. What you want to do is take one and you want to turn it into three for example and put them in these three positions. One way to do it is the hard core way which is to split the single beam into three being steer them with mirrors into the back of the subjective lens and have them end up where you want them. OK Another way to do it is to do. Timesharing and deflect this being really rapidly and have it be only in one spot at the time. Another way to do it is to put some kind of here so that you met the interference pattern of the three coming beans. So that those who are basically propagate as if this these three incoming beams that come in. That's the trick that element is called a defrocked about it and the key to doing these different kinds of illumination is knowing how to design the diffracted optical element that steers the light where you want it to go. OK so how am I doing on time. What time do I have. It's going to think OK All right. So really in order to do this you have to know something about a laser beam and basically there's two important attributes. There is the attitude and remember a laser beam has a cross-section So this is a spatial distribution of intensity of the square root of intensity practically OK And then there's the face and so probably being poor in here these planes. It has it has a spatially distributed and it has some face. OK And you can write it using scalar field theory just to look like this. The amplitude times to whatever that phase is now it turns out the intensity that you get in any of these things would just be the would be square or the amplitude squared. OK and the game that we play for technical reasons is to manipulate with this phase so that we can get whatever amplitude that we would like K. now you can break this down into a pretty simple problem and say well there's two things that we really want to do with single spots at least we like to position beings in the X.Y. plane and one way we know we can do that using optical elements of these prisms you can take a beam and you can bend it by using a prism. OK And if you want to change where something is an e axial direction that is along the beam you can put a lens and you can focus it. OK. And there's many different ways to accomplish this. But these two here basically amount to changing the so-called way friends of the BE OK and the way this works if you think about both of them. Those are optical elements made out of glass. They have a different index of refraction of the surrounding air wherever you are OK And so when you have a laser beam which is basically has collimated way friends and it passes through something which has some top dog or a few different thicknesses at a different index of refraction as being tells it all of the party says where there's a gap in the glass the beam is traveling slower but where it's been or the being X. it sooner than it does words. VICAR. OK and this causes shifts in the wave front and you're basically writing onto the wave front some new spatial face. OK And so that's the idea. So if you can figure out what phase you'd like to have on your way from in order to get the spots feel. Intensity where you like it you can go ahead and design something like this to do it now the key really is how do you do it. You don't want to go and start carving glass for each into unique distribution you want. I showed you that movie in the beginning where I was rearranging many beans. OK I needed to do that fast. I needed it to be pretty arbitrary and so forth. Instead what we work with is a defective optical element which can mimic effectively what you're doing here. Mimic the face and in fact we use something which is a computer addressable defective optical element called the spatial light modulator and it's a lot like the liquid crystal display that this projector is using to make this image here. So here's what it looks like and you see this little screen right here. I can expand a laser beam so it's rising higher. It's right here. I can address each soul and basically say Mr pixel you this Mr pixel you that face and if I know what I want the face to be I can make that beam split into whatever number of beams I'd like and have them position into three dimensions. So the last thing that you need to know to make any sense of this right is some some clue of how the algorithm works. We work in sort of a special set up where what we do is we have the beam in the spatial light modulator where we're going to write the face. We have in the back focal plane of the of a lens. Typically the objective whens that makes our traps. OK. And there's a very sort of nice to call pretty friendly mathematical relationship between what you have here in the case and what you have up here. Basically the relationship between the fields as a four year transform. But that's nice because you can say well out here. I want five spots in these places. I want this amplitude a prime. What do I have to do over here if I want to leave the amplitude fixed because I don't want to waste my power. But I can play with phase as much as I like so that I can get this distribution over here. And remember this phase doesn't matter. OK that's the game that we play in order to start making these patterns so originally those always done for me in the context of optical trapping Here's a setup that we use laser spatial light modulator basically a relay telescope get it into the back microscope. Here's part of the hologram we call these space can of forms holograms it's a bit of a misnomer. And these beams that you're looking at here are four hundred working optical traps and this was a week of graduate student work to fill two hundred of them and if you think about how you load them if you fill the outside. You can't get anything on the inside. So it's kind of like a computer game but kind of stupid right. So and then because it's computer addressable you can start playing and hoops that's not what I want to hear is that the real one. OK So these are three of my chronic little spheres each held by an individual optical trap where each time you see one pattern. There's a pause for a moment where the the phase uniform on that spatial light modulator is creating that particular pattern the beat goes into that pattern then it slightly displaces and it goes to goes again. OK All right so here's the last two slides. OK so I don't do this I collaborate with people who do this in particular about a million meet and again the name of the game right is to take tissue slices with neurons or even living organisms like the zebra fish. OK and to build a sophisticated holographic microscopes which can both identify neurons that you would like to shine light on. OK And then actually put that spatial pattern of like there and then some with teeny Asli readout what happens as you're doing it so it really we talk about this being introduced this really is something that requires. A special team of people I don't think it's it requires a lot of knowledge and so these are the kinds of things we go through identify what region we want to stimulate Is it one cell is it one point on a cell is it the entire cell. There's a cell here in this case down. You know only wanted to eliminate the X. out of it you calculate the face hologram to get that pattern of light you shine it in OK and then you measure that's that's the name of the game. Now what really sort of shocked me in his sort of forced me to confront some ethical questions because I've never worked with animals before is that there's already a very strong area of. Basically opt of genetics where people are just shining light on a cluster of neurons that's not so specific and delicate in the way that we can do it but they can already control behavior so you see this mouse he has a fiber optic cable coupled to his head. Here's an example of what you can do with this. So this is let's see if we can play it. Here's a mouse like that who has a private optic cable coupled to his head. OK And when you see it glow it causes him to run their clothes and he starts running. OK so by accessing the more the motor cortex of this mouse his brain and shining light into it because the mouse has been genetically modified to have these light sensitive ion channels you can control his behavior. It's creepy. OK it's creepy but it's also really fascinating and so I think that leaves us a lot to discuss and I'll stop there. Just so. Thank you. So we can suppose this one works OK great. Glad everybody's got snacks now. OK So while I'll be talking probably a little bit more on the physics side although we are a chemistry group and I'll be doing this a little bit different than Jennifer and that probably the stuff that we do in our group. I'm only going to be talking about at the very end. I found out as I was making this presentation that it helps to kind of frame the whole picture. And so I want to kind of do that during this talk and so information's a pretty generic. Term but what we're going to be talking about today is the need for developing I guess better methods of transferring information. So I think probably most people are familiar with the type of digital information that is required for what should be entertainment. So in that you can see that you know between streaming audio or streaming video or any type of thing including online gaming there's a lot of data that needs to be transferred not only in the audio not only for audio but for video as well but entertainment is really not the only region over which intensive information transfer is necessary data gathering and I say that as a general term. When you have are if I D. tags that are tagging multiple shipments and you want to track them as they're going through you know they're very shipping locations if you want to look at global weather patterns and try to be able to simulate them. If you want to try and model market dynamics. There's a lot of information that actually needs to be acquired. And then there's the whole thing of what's called Tele Presence So a lot of folks have probably done telecommunication telecoms rather where you're doing both audio and visual interaction telepresence is more about accentuating that kind of environment so that you can actually interact with the other the other person and so you can imagine that being the case for remote learning. If you're trying to teach classes to a developing nation or if you're trying to do tell us your jury and this is been around for about ten years now where a surgeon can actually be able to manipulate robotic arms in a remote location to be able to do surgery that he can't access and so anyway there's a wide variety of reasons why we need additional additional means to be able to create better. Information transfer. And I took this from the I.T. you that monitors information transfer on the Internet and you guys have probably seen a table like this before. Which kind of gives you an idea of how long it takes to download something whether or not it's just a standard D.V.D. movie or a video clip from You Tube or something like that particularly what you get to your house if you have Comcast or universe or something like that it's probably about twenty make of it's per second. So this is actually a little bit faster and we don't even have a line here that talks about H.D. video or Blu rays and and how long it could potentially take to download that. And you know not surprisingly there's many many more people about a third of the people on the planet Earth are actually online. There's increased ban with the increase almost about by a factor of ten over the past five years and you have both mobile and wired broadband that's growing so. I think you can get an idea that in the future we're going to need better means to be able to. To increase data transfer the question is what what is necessary to do that and there are three basic things that you need to understand one is the generation of that data on one end so whether that's you know in the cloud somewhere at some server farm and being able to actually generate those data in an actual processing form to be able to transmit that from that server farm down to wherever it's going. Whether it's going to an office or to your home or somewhere else and then being able to process it meaning. How can you route that information so that goes to the proper place and for me the best way to think about that is to think about that in terms of traffic. It's a really good analogy. And so I hope this is no one's address because I just pulled this off the web so I have knowledge as if it is your words but if you're trying to get to work in the morning and you're living in Dunwoody and you're trying to come down to Georgia Tech. You probably have a route that you take. And when you start out you start out in the neighborhood. And you probably have two lane road there's not a lot of traffic. There's not a lot of cars going over there as you get on to Ashford Dunwoody it's a little bit broader maybe there's like a four lane road and you have to come into contact with intersections that are controlled by traffic lights finally you're going to make your way over to a junction where you get on to four hundred which is a rather large highway become pretty crowded and then you're going to go to the downtown connecter where you have basically a sixteen lane highway and so the infrastructure is in place for you to accommodate you know many people as necessary as you get closer to the heart of town. There are many more lanes to a comedy many more travelers in the infrastructures in place to be able to get you from basically one connection point to the other in a sense it's routing and so the infrastructure is already in place that doesn't mean that it can't be better. That doesn't mean that certain roads don't need to be widened it doesn't mean that you you shouldn't have smarter traffic lights that sense traffic patterns and can be able to make it a little bit easier for you to get to work in the morning in this analogy is is pretty much identical to what goes on in terms of data transfer. So I don't fully understand this entire you know this entire diagram here but I think the point is that you have the initiation of data someplace like a data center a server farm and it's going to travel along its highway to a place where it needs to be routed into needs to be routed to the appropriate location whether it's to you or it's to somebody else. And there are a variety of different locations where it can potentially end up. And the whole idea for data transfer is to be able to make this a faster process and again. Traffic is going to become greater You need to be able to make sure that the infrastructure can be adaptable moved quicker it can accommodate more people more lanes on the highway. And so. Onyx has been doing yeoman's work over the past hundred years working with coaxial cables and other types of cables to be able to facilitate this data transfer so photonics which includes Not surprisingly the generation transmission and processing of light has made inroads but it's mainly been in about the past thirty years and I would say it's primarily in the transmission of data and we'll talk a little bit about that here in a second but. I want to discuss the idea of bandwidth because it's kind of a nebulous term but the way I like to understand it is I think everybody understands audio signals voice signals so typically your human ear a can can hear anything from about twenty hertz up to about twenty kilohertz. So that means if you want to faithfully transmit that data you need to have about twenty kilohertz a band was so that you don't cut off the high notes and you know cut off the low notes and it turns out that not surprisingly video requires more bandwidth than audio quite a bit more isn't as it turns out and digital video requires more than that. Obviously H.D. video would require even more than that. So what's the point there. The point is that typical T.V. let's say a cable station or something like that operates in the frequency ranges that range from a few hundred megahertz to up to a few gigahertz so you can imagine if your channel needs to support say ten megahertz there's only so many channels that can fit in that band. So there's only so many if you want passengers that can travel on that highway. Now if you move up into the optical domain. You're talking about increases in at least six orders of magnitude in terms of frequency there is a much larger frequent scene window which means you can put a lot more data you can put a lot more channels there and that's the benefit of optics that's one of the benefits probably the one that most people are familiar with it's the capacity for caring information. It's much greater. And then for electronics. There are other potential benefits. You don't have electromagnetic interference or you have very little compared to when you have electrons transferring information. It's relatively low loss and part of the reason that's beneficial is that most of what you'll see the photonics is good as transferring information over long distances and so you want to make sure that you aren't very lossy over that distance otherwise you're going to have to regenerate your signal and that's going to cost power and time. And the other thing that is that it's fast and when I say fast I don't mean that actual transfer of information because electronics transfer information pretty well in fact on the order of the speed of light. So you don't get much benefit there but when you're trying to process data when you're trying to route it from one place to another that's where the benefit actually really lies. So there are a lot of drawbacks and not surprisingly the biggest of which is cost. So for instance for fibers which transmit data via light. It's a lot easier to use what's already in place which is copper that transmits electronics electronic signals that doesn't mean that people don't have fiber going in close proximity to their home but it's in all likelihood they don't have fiber coming right up to their home may have fiber coming to their neighborhood and then it may get converted in electrical signals and sent to your home. But right now it's a little big Spencer to come up and dig up in your yard rip out that co-ax cable and throw down knuckle fiber and the other thing is from a processing standpoint is that electronics are just more mature and so there's just a lot. There are a lot more ways for them to be able to route information. I would say efficiently than optics. But hopefully that's changing. And so I would say the biggest breakthrough in terms of using photonics to be able to. Be involved in this you know information transfer is the introduction of fibers and in fact I think the Nobel Prize in Physics A few years ago was actually given for the you know basically the inception and the understanding of how to use optical fibers to transmit information. So if you're not familiar with an optical fiber. It's basically a glass. If you want a very very thin glass rod encapsulated by probably another piece of glass that's of a slightly lower index and what it does is allows light to basically bounce back and forth inside here. It reflects off the surface here. And if you design the glass well which is already pretty transparent so you can see these are the wavelengths that we're going to be operating at this is called the near infrared It's right outside the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum. It's pretty low in and of itself using silica or glass but you can make modifications to make it even you know less lossy which means you can transmit data even further without having to regenerate it. And so I think those are the two key breakthroughs that enabled people to start using fibers to be able to transmit information. It's that you could develop low last five or so that you can transmit this information over long distances and and then they were actually able to develop amplifiers. So once you're once your signal the case pretty you know pretty well to the point where you're probably going to get a pretty bad signal you want to be able to amplify it. Well before what they had to do is they had to convert that optical information to electrical information amplify it then convert it back to optical information then go on its merry way. Well they figured out ways to be able to do this. Optically so that you didn't have that interruption. And so on the transmission side this very important and although I won't talk about it much today. The fact that you could actually take this laser and so this is an example of a laser actually propagating light through a fiber or at least the glass rod here. You could actually embed in from made. On that laser so that was your way of generating the actual signal and you would propagate along its fiber and it would go on its merry way. So. I think where optics lags behind electronics is in the process in department meaning if you're trying to you know if you have a bunch of signals on your optical fiber and it gets to this decision point it needs to make a decision of how to go either to a home or apartment complex or somewhere else. Typically what is done in this is actually shown here is if you have a bunch of different signals and you want to go from this channel to this channel. You need to be able to do something to switch it. So typically what's done is OIO and this is what we just talked about it's going from optical to electronic to optical meaning you have your signal coming in has to be converted to all electronic signal before it's rerouted and then converted back to optical. So this obviously takes advantage of electronics it's much more mature but the switching time isn't particularly fast and there's power consumption I mean you're converting data from one form to another and back to it. So if you could avoid that all the better. What people have been doing more recently and they kind of term it all optical switching but it's not really is is taking something where you actually don't convert it to electrical signals but what you do is you take this input light signal and you bounce it off a digital light processor so this is a bunch of micro mirrors little tiny micro mirrors that you would see in a deal. P. television and and you can basically control these mirrors such that they read direct light to the appropriate fiber so that it goes on its merry way. So the thing is this isn't really all optical right because you're doing you're sending electronic signals to move a mechanical mirror so that you can do that. However you're not having to convert to a what electronic signal so there is a benefit but the switching times a very slow and this is a relatively large footprint. Now you know if you're if you're sitting you know in a in a township and you've got this big old box and you're trying to you're redirect you know a lot you know a thousand data signals to a bunch of different locations you're probably OK but think of if you're in a you know it in a server station were a bunch of different servers and there are a bunch of different users that have their data on their individual servers and you're trying to access that individual person's data. You probably want this device to be much smaller and so what we're trying to look at here is whether or not we can use optics to be able to do switching all optical switching real optical switching. In Unfortunately you need to go to a region where you're not operating linearly anymore. But you're using nonlinear optics and I won't get too much into this but I think most people know that if you shine and and an optical field onto a medium what what happens is you're able to actually cause the electron clouds in those in that media to oscillate you're creating an induced dipole And so what happens is when you're on when you have very very low light intensities infectiously shown here in this little squiggly line right here. If you have a very long week optical field what happens is your induced dipole moment scales literally so if you double the size of your optical field you double the size of your induced dipole moment. However if you go to really strong optical fields. What happens is this doesn't this little transfer function doesn't behave you linearly anymore so what you get out here is some kind of perturbed wave. You know wave here in this perturbed wave is actually indicative of the fact that you change the optical properties of the material. So with very intense light you can change the optical properties the material. So some optical properties are probably familiar with or the refractive index is responsible for a fraction and a fraction dispersion and absorption which is responsible for absorption and it turns out for nonlinear optical materials you can actually modify. These material properties and they're basically going to be pretty proportional to the amount of light that you actually hit the material with so you can control the amount that you're changing those optical properties. So why is that important. Well normally Photons don't interact with one another. They're very they're very stubborn about that they have very little interaction. However if you can actually modify the optical properties of material you can actually cause light to redirect light and that's actually shown here is that if you have a very weak signal and it tends to go through this arm and normally if nothing else happens it's just going to pass right through here and go on its merry way. But here. If you send in very intense pulses what you can do so you can actually modify the optical properties the medium. And you can actually control whether or not certain signals actually pass through this switching device. And that's what we're trying to do here we're trying to use light to control light. This is this is all optical signal processing this is where we're trying to make inroads. And finally we're getting more to the material section but what I wanted to point out here is that people have been doing all optical switching with inorganic materials for a little while. Probably more than a decade now they've been using our old buddy the fiber. And it turns out the optical fiber is pretty good. It's a mature technology get really fast switching but it's non-linear response or it's non-linearity isn't so big. So in order to be able to take advantage of this you actually have to make relatively large devices the amount of fiber that you have to use is actually pretty large and if you're not constrained in terms of space that's probably OK. People also use semiconductors silicon for instance and silicon has the benefit that actually both of these technologies have the benefit they they not only guide light themselves but they work as the actual medium that does the switching. So you can imagine that if you have like a long. Strip of silicon in here and you can actually propagate light through it. What turns out is that you can confine that optical optical mode very strongly in fact probably about on the order of at least an order of magnitude stronger than you can in in a fiber and so the benefit is that your non-linear response grows tremendously. So people have been able to use this to be yet able to send in signals and then be able to switch them out at different ports. So it has a lot of benefits it's clearly into global because everything is based on silicon just about. So that's not an issue. There's very strong confinement of life. However the amount of Taylor ability of your material is pretty low and the switching response times can be impacted. And so what we wanted to do is be able to use organic materials to be able to try and solve some of the issues that have come up here and don't be bothered that you can't read this I can't either. But the point was to show that it least through using organic materials and particularly molecular engineering you have a lot of different avenues to be able to modify the materials properties that you don't necessarily have when you're using semiconductors or fibers and that means that you can potentially change or modify their nonlinear optical properties. You can also change their physical properties which is going to be important because you want to be able to make sure they're stable you want to be able to integrate them with other devices so there are things that you can do to be able to modify these properties one particular set of materials that we've been really interested in our group have been pulling meat molecules. So you can see that this is basically got a conjugated bridge here and what it turns out is pulling meat lines behave an awful lot like molecular wires and what I mean when I say that is that the electrons along this bridge are highly polarized meaning the light field the optical field can interact with them very fission. And it can drive them very easily. Consequently. They have potential for having very high non-linear response. What the other thing that's interesting is just by simply modifying the length of this molecular wire you can dramatically alter the linear non-linear optical properties. This is kind of shown here. Most people know what a bandgap Is it turns out these organics have something like a band gap as well and simply by controlling the length of this molecule you can make you can modify the that that linear optical property dramatically. And it turns out. Consequently you can actually modify the non-linearity quite dramatically as well. In fact the non-linearity isn't proportional to the length that you change this but it's proportional to the link to the power of like seven to eleven. So if you can make huge huge impacts in terms of the non-linear response simply by modifying the length of that chain. So hopefully that's at least given you a precursor that this could be used for all optical switching and so what does all optical switching or most of the time we use what's called the nonlinear for active index. This is what allows us to do that all optical switching. There is a non-linear absorption coefficient which is valuable for a bunch of different applications as well and including my cross to be in some other things for all optical switching it's something that we would really rather not have to deal with. So the idea is could we be able to use these polling the time molecules to make this non-linear absorption small but this non-linear effect of the next large and what's actually shown here is the ratio between those two things and it's shown for a couple or rather a few different polling the thousands in the only thing that we've changed is the actual molecular length. But you can see we've made very very large swings in this response and more to the point if you want to operate in the region that's appropriate for telecommunications. We can modify that molecular property so that it's appropriate for that. So so that sounds all well and good. We've been able to make molecules that have very good non-linear optical properties the problem is when you're dealing with devices. You're not working in the microscopic regime. You're working in the macroscopic regime so you need to take a bunch of these molecules and compact them in a very high number density in a very small volume. The problem is that when you do that with these poly meet tons. They don't behave the same way. So you can see in a dilute solution meaning these molecules don't really interact with one another at all they have this absorption spectrum that looks really really sharp. It's pretty indicative of what a poly meet one should look like or if we start putting like ten percent of the dye in a particular host and start increasing that volume fraction things behave much more poorly you start getting losses out where you don't want losses you start modifying the non-linear response. So what we need to be able to do is figure out whether we could modify the molecular properties to be able to positively impact those properties in the solid state although you probably can't see much of a difference between these different molecules here. I think you could probably agree this looks a little hazier than these other films. So these are films number density films made out of this and if you look under microscopic images you can see things don't look so good when you look at this particular material but if you can modify that molecular response. You can actually make it so that these materials actually behave much more like they do in solid state as they do and in dilute solution. And so this is effectively what we've been trying to get at was taking things that we know have good microscopic Dr optical properties and moving them in a macroscopic domain but the question is can we do anything with them. Well you could use organics to be able to not only not only try out you know help help. Transmit light but also to do the all optical switching much like you do is silicon. However why not take advantage of what silicon offers you which is very small confinement and technology that already exists and that's what we're going to do instead of having a silicon that just has a basically a strip all the way around it where if you remember before the optical field was pretty much confined within the silicon if we split that in half. We can make sure that the optical field is combined in this gap in between there and now if we can put our nonlinear optical material in that gap then we not only have you know a waveguide that can allow us to propagate light through it. We have a material that we know has a really good nonlinear optical properties so are marrying the two. This is called a silicon organic hybrid device and we've been able to show that we can do some all optical switching type technologies with this material. And that pretty much wraps it up but what I wanted to point out is that for our group and our collaborators two is that we're really working from all the way from fundamental principles materials development to what people like to refer to as primitive components things that just on the verge of being devices but not quite. And we're trying to work with with companies that work way over here that really understand how that how to really transfer information over a network and we're trying to meet in the center and trying to figure out what we can do to help benefit them. And that's that's hopefully what's going to be on the horizon in the next. You know four to five years is what we're hoping and. And so that's about it. We have a lot of collaborators as you can imagine because we pretty much run the gamut from chemistry physics to engineering and so we collaborate with a lot of good people. And thank you for your time. Thank you. All right. So I'm going to follow also a similar part to what Joel the basically provide kind of a big picture of their area that we are working in and then start to some meaning to one of the particular series of research in our group. So that I mention I'm going to be talking about this big picture and the specific devices that I'm going to be focusing at the end is organic solar cells. Hopefully you will see why. So to me when I have actually made my Ph D. in optics in non-linear optics so similar to things like what the Joyal talk about but to me something that really motivated me into going into print electronics was the savior of been able to print circuits brains D.B.'s print computers right on on paper. And when when you started looking at the story of of these I mean it's all about communication right. Sharing information sharing ideas and this has basically revolutionized the human history. Since good timber with the industrial revolution the kind of the steam power press where you could now print hundreds of books per hour to the twentieth century industrial press where you can print probably thousands. I mean it right. So this need for sharing information and processing information. Obviously the House also been the Belak independently in a few of their areas that. Towards the end of the century are meeting finally together. So one of these areas is computing right so where we are taking electricity and we are producing logical very medical creations and then we take these operations and put it in electricity and basically display it or use it in a useful way. Optoelectronics which is just basically devices that will convert to the city to light and light to and electricity and obviously the story of all these fields are really quite old all the way back from early in one thousand sent three people were already looking at ways in which we produce we could produce live with electricity and obviously in the last century. There has been a great explosion in terms of how much. How many of our idea of the vices that we have developed to basically capture in machine. For instance. Absorb light and convert it into electrical power and so on. Finally the other kind of area that is finally coming together is telecommunications such joy joy all mention we have always had this need to basically move information and we have a ball in our understanding and control of nature. Basically we have moved from transferring information transmitting information with electricity to use electromagnetic waves and finally in in nowadays with light. So. What is happening basically over the last thing years right with the advent of the smartphones and the tablet P.C.'s is that people are really combining all these these different. Areas into single devices right. You have to buy those that can do computing. You can capture images. You can trust meet those images and you can do all these great things but what we're really trying to do is to marry all these with these super all the printing right. So there is a reason why we want to do that and the main reason is that we want information to be ubiquitous right. We want to have information at the finger of our troops wherever we are we want to have access to all our little gadgets and be everywhere. So this is where science fiction basically starts kind of approaching reality and people have worked very hard for the last twenty years to make this happen right. And finally obviously the science fiction community has heavily profit on this great catch a year. Finally For instance this year something announce the first transparent all the T.V. and these T.V.'s are about a millimeter thick. And they're completely transparent so you can actually. Picture that I venture you will be able to really have this this type of deep this place as an alligator company in the U.K. call plastic and Plastic Logic just announce tablet P.C.'s Some tablet in plastic that very much look like this. Like the newspaper seen Harry Potter where you basically can watch a movie and these are paper thin. OK So among all this. This is one we can use when I'm going to be focusing on solar cells and that's just because to me that's that's an area that is very important because of the societal need to a sickly overcome carbon card. Emissions right. So in moving from the kind of traditional devices like T.V. star blitz to to this world for flexible electronics we really need a revolution in manufacturing. That will allow us to print basically electronic components from transistors to light emitting devices to power devices the DECT or storage screens everything we should be able to do that we need to generate the knowledge to do that on fully on the flexible substrate of freeform substrates meaning that you can print something on a glass or on a bottle or on the on your car directly right. And there is established ways that are being that have been borrowed from basically the old printing community right this roll to roll processes and they certainly made significant headway into actually realizing this vision or the vision that for instance you can take and inject printer like the one that you have at home. Start the Bill of being simple. For instance if you could go to the Best Buy and buy a key to print your cell phone or some point. So anyway. The key components here is that we should be able to print on flexible substrate preferably on large areas right we want to mass produce this thing we want to get this in has many surfaces as we can. Your windows the roof of of buildings and we want to do that at a very low cost and that's kind of the promise and that's kind of the name of the game for the area. So to realize this this vision. What you really need to do is you cannot do. You cannot use this and bulky and brittle. Silicon devices that are being used right now to power our computers or the smart phones and song. We need to the relative Knology that will basically be much more flexible literally. Right. That can be printed not in very controlled environments. Because these manufacturing processes you want them to happen in air and not in a. Super high quality clean room. You want to therefore control all the functionality send integrate all these functionalities into devices that are that had multiple layers that are and where each layer has a few from few nanometers to hundreds of nanometer OK in our group we focus heavily our research on Transistor solar cells and all that. And that's those are kind of the three main areas that we conduct research and again I'm going to be talking about solar cells but before I move into that I'll like to just and this is again one of those things that when you think about it. This is actually fascinating at least if it is to me when you think about what an animator is right. I don't know if everybody has a clear idea of what an enemy Aries and if you take a meter. To be the distance between the moon and the earth. And then a meter will basically be the size of the astronauts foot. OK. And something that is really fascinating is that. That size. Actually if it is the size of molecules that we actually used to build these devices. OK so the fullerene which is one of the prototypical organic semiconductors. The size of this molecule which can test this sixty carbon atoms will be actually the size of a soccer ball. OK So we are building devices that contain literally these are molecular devices that contain on the rest to a valid. And layers of molecules. OK. So matter of fact these devices are so thin that their size or the total thickness of the device actually comparable to the weapon in the flight. So hopefully everybody will be aware that light is actually an extra money. The weight. So you have on a leg oscillation the electric fear not elation the magnetic field and the distance between two peaks or two ballots this is what we call the web links. So again just to give you a idea of the size of things. If you take the web link of red light. OK And again using this analogy then the Nano takes for an oscillation of the electron electric or magnetic field. It's basically equivalent in going from kind of. Built of a football field to about thirty yard of a second for book. OK. And actually in terms of distances. OK the length which covers from about three ninety. Nanometers to about seven hundred nanometers it's basically spans these very short region of the electromagnetic spectrum you need to consider that we have microwaves which are millimeter size and so on. I mean radio waves and so we are talking about really really really small scales. So what happens at this is scales is that light as we perceive it has a very particular interactions that actually when you think about we're all very familiar with this interaction the most important one has at least four to be all devices is the fact that two light waves interact with each with which with each other the interaction between these two waves. You can think of throwing to stones in a pond. OK So each stone is going to produce a ripple. And when these two ripples meet if they. Meet the crest going to be added up if they meet out of Face the water is going to stay still. If they meet at the Valley that you are going to have a slightly larger Valley. So this is what we call here not the interference. OK And this is really what drives. The research up to electronic devices like the ones that I just showed you is to control the interference of light with these layers. OK And you are all familiar with interference so this shouldn't be that the stench of a concept actually we all have play with soap and water right and the bubbles. Do you see all these color for Patterson this actually interference of light is the wide like going into the film and it's interacting this way and this interaction is going to make light to be reflected at certain web links and be transmitted and some other weapons and this is yours for the Senate example right where you have this film of sub water in there and then if you pull feel to it. You actually can see where all the callers are interacting with each other. So this is this is really what we want one to control in Tintin the vices. Now obviously there are the solar effect that we are more familiar like the light is reflected sure light is just me that light is absorbed light actually bends when you tender some a Tiriel because the velocity at which light light's travel actually changes. OK So if you're coming out of the last at the end of a soul and when you enter the street and you start to you cannot travel as fast then the whole way for naturally bends and that's that's how dense this work right. So all these effects. We need to combine and we signed devices that are actually going to control these in the nanometer scale. So this is what we do we kind of low. Whatever devices we want to produce and investigate. Right. We select the materials individually we study the sport their properties so we measure the refractive in this is we measure electrical transmission and so on. In some of these devices specially solar cells. It's possible for us to actually simulate how light interact within the device and we we can do simulations we can do design and then we finally fabricate devices right. Analyze their performance and we go back to the place to the beginning. So. As I told you I'm going to be talking about for the reminder of the talk about solar cells and that's just because obviously there is there's a very big society. On the other hand solar cell it's an abundance of energy. It's affordable reliable and in principle it should be clean. OK Now just to give you an idea of the pool of energy that we haue at our disposal is let me show this graph where it basically shows you the areas that you will need to cover with solar cells that produce that convert about twenty percent of the energy that. That gets to them into electricity. To actually sustain the need for electricity for the world. OK. So with their with their consumption of three cities in three decades ago. You will need an area when you add up all the areas you will need an area like this in two thousand and eight. It's an area of more or less the size of of Georgia. OK to self and thirty's probably more about the size of Texas. OK And if we could basically build as many solar cells as to cover that we will basically solve the energy problem. Now obviously there is. Practical considerations that doesn't allow us to do that and the most cracked up information is cost. It's really really expensive to actually produce these current solar cells. OK So this this table basically shows. Their pollution of the efficiency of the power conversion efficiency so how many light. How many photons you convert to electrons right with these devices. And show the steady increase with the state of that solar cells are made of silicon Crystal and silicon putting out forty three percent. They can convert forty three percent of the of the incoming light into electricity. These are the types of cells that you can put into a spacecraft because they are so expensive but they are so I fission. That you want to save real state and the cost is this not the biggest driver but these are not the type of that you want to put in your in your roof because it will cost you. Millions of dollars to do that. OK. So people have been looking for alternatives. How to reduce the cost of this technology and obviously waste increased the fish and see right because the most of the more efficiency we have we can reduce actually the cost of of advices. So what we do where we work on organic solar cells and these these these are one of the late latest players in this game. OK. They were kind of our first reporting in eighty six and research really just started picking up at about in the neuron the south thousand and one but they are also one of the fastest growing technologies in terms of improvements in efficiency so just last year. Polymer solar cells and these polymer sources just plastic solar cells. They were reported to produce maximum efficiency of about one percent. This year. Just last month and the which is a German company reported twelve percent. So we are now approaching a point in terms of efficiency that will make make it really really competitive. Now to give you a perspective more or less what what kind of cost the solar cell technology have so if you buy a silicon Crystal in silicon solar panel. OK you will need to pay in the order of probably seventy seven seventy cents for each What of electricity that you generate with that panel. With organics. Current technology. OK our current estimate because there is really no commercial industry right now but current estimates are that the cost of electricity for organic system there are there of probably about two dollars per watt. So what happened there. There is a gap right a big gap between the promise of using printer. Print these printed metals and so on and. To that I mean compared to the actual cost that there is a big gap and the reason for that is two things first of all because the frequencies are much lower the lifetimes are much lower. Well also because some of the materials that solar cells use are really expensive. This is where we are in our group we have been focusing our research on very very quickly let me just explain to you how a sorcerer works so our solar cells that is basically a director of light that you need to build to match the solar spectrum. So in this graph it's shown the solar spectrum right. All these bands that you see all this peaks are due to water absorption. So these these these are callers that are lost. Once the song actually penetrates to into the atmosphere and so you really need to develop materials that will absorb. It's left. Of the solar light when it reaches the ground. OK In total we have about one hundred watts per square centimeters that the power that reaches the ground from the sun so we need to convert that into electricity and the way that that happens is that photons are absorbed in a material and that produces electrons and holes and then you have something that is membrane. OK. That will separate these these electrons electrons and holes and will prevent them to reckon bine a lot of them into heat. So the if if the scientists membrane really really well then you can actually split this holes and electrons and you will generate a current that you can actually use this power. So what we do in the lab is we actually measure what it's called how much the current the voltage characteristics which is a measure of how much power you can actually extract for these from these devices and that's basically kind of the area below these these two curves. OK that is enclosed with these between these two curves. So one of the primary focus of the research that we have is that in common. Solar cells you need at least one transparent electrode and then the other one needs to be a mantle OK or can be metal. That is made of a material that is called Indian teen oxide and that's really really expensive. Most of the of the sources of indium are actually in places that are of high conflict on earth so middle east China. Places like that sort. So we don't have any control over the price. So it's there is there's a great need of replacing it with alternatives so what we have been looking into. Actually using polymers right because polymers we can print they are very flexible and they are cheaper. So here is an example of what we this is one of the first successful demonstrations are we having use. Polymers polymers electrodes. To actually build solar cell devices and these devices are obviously not very efficient but I mean it is starting to do to be on the range of efficiencies that we have about ten years ago with materials that at maximum produce around four five percent efficiency so it's not it's not very bad a performance. More recently we have managed in this is structure we still have a layer that is made of a metal oxide so our ceramic material and we recently actually made progress to actually replace that layer with our fully poly American structure. So this is your supply Asterix all are so literally plastic solar cells that solar cells we managed to get the about three point three percent which are actually quite comparable with contour in that these are semi-transparent quite comparable when you put a mirror you actually get about three point five three point six percent. So it's not that it's not a bad kind of efficiency these have the advantage that they are not using any expensive metals or metal oxides so to increase the frequency of cells one thing that you can do is that with a single material you are able to absorb only certain colors of light but you can put two cells. If you can make them semi-transparent you can actually put oneself on top of the other and actually have sort of bigger portion of the spectrum of the solar spectrum. OK So this is what we have done. And you need to engineer. Again what I was telling you the electric field distribution which is the that it by the all these interference effects that happen in these layers and if you do that right. You actually can model how much current you can produce in these cells. So this is just a plot that shows how the current will bury If we bury the weaknesses of the materials of the active materials that we are using And actually when when we go on fabric. The basket we actually can demonstrate our understanding and simulations how recently. So with current materials with the state of the iron materials. Actually this type of device is now produced on the order of ten point five eleven percent. So these are the vices that. In most of the structure is now polymer so you can actually think that if we could replace the stop electrode with with this problem electrode which which is something that we are working on then we will have a really a structure that potentially could be printed. OK And finally in the last thing that I would like to touch is once you are talking about clean energy right. You really need to look at the lifecycle of the technology. It's not enough that you say OK I can produce this clean energy because I can collect from the sun and so it doesn't produce any emissions a big question is what happens with the solar cells after they die right with the panels what happens with the processes to produce these solar cells which are sometimes very very dirty. So something that we have been looking at and this is where again we come full cycle is to use cellulose which as we know it's a very wet from from wood right. So it turns out that if you process this is sellers and you're struck the main components of cells are these little tiny crystals that are called nanocrystals of crystals. OK so they're about two hundred nanometer long. And about twenty nanometer thick. And if you produce them and process them in the proper way you actually can prove you actually can make what will be the equivalent of transparent paper like cell phone. And there has been a lot of care for of producing solar cells some paper but unfortunately because paper is very rough it's porous efficiencies have been really really limited mac. On efficiencies on their own for one percent. So we finally this year just where able to realize on these noble substrate solar cells that actually produce on there of two point seven percent of our commercial fishes is which is certainly still a small it's missing because again when we fabricate these cells on glass we actually get under that of three percent three point two percent and that's because we are losing a lot of light because now we have two metal electrodes. There are probably one that you'll get on while you were working on it and we haven't addressed that problem. We're not really to the point the relief to these devices that actress killed but we have been looking at it turns out that things like we're getting these are extremely sensitive now they're not the tools that were working with. Patients but we still have issues with this relatively low temperature hundred twenty degree C. Some of them. Just don't like it and they are in the process process very good counseling. So what we've been doing lately has been using I've been using that as a very good guess as well but the temperature's So I would save it side by side testing but we've been able to trace the Life least a few words to that story. Probably not particularly stable from the beginning but we still have a little bit further to heal in terms of last fall for him. However with no. So for other applications can you somehow and that's an interesting question for a fraction. I mean maybe if you had a series of You could do certain things but I've never really thought that's a good question. It does present something that I've often wondered about which is sort of. How much complexity code much later information that you've ever seen is pressed that limited in the context of things I do not question the latest we have the right thing. Over blogger's So there you are hard so hard just fire so that you version of what I heard just. Fire now integrate with the ease of your signal we're all what you are all those years. You're talking about very worried about what your life is so if you're in the transmission route it is a yes that's a good. Let me read your plan. I mean like your area right or wrong road to get there is so there is progress there. So let me play songs from a very very very slow process where Jim bursts out. Mr Russell. I know there is a broad area where people laugh but we also. So there's very very question I have a question for both of you. The first is there is now or in certain countries is there a focus now on mostly fiber optics for data transmission towers other places where that or is it still too expensive. I think that's a good question. There are things that are more for wireless technology coverage as opposed to the transfer. Long distances but once there is that wireless technology. You probably have better coverage developing nations than you do in the heartland simply because from experience. That's not so right. And then my other question is interesting. Now I with the sort of relatives squares of the surface area you would need to meet our total energy and if I understood what you're showing me right. That's direct conflict with everything I've heard about solar energy which is that there is no way even if you recover the surface of the earth with solar panels that you would be able to get enough energy. So I I don't know I'm not an expert on earth. So maybe it's the numbers I've seen are like taking into account the missions is that your surface area. This is like a person or you I mean you cited religious greatest right. If you can solve the problem. It's just really interesting because it contradicts what I've heard and it's interesting because I've often thought OK you know we really have to buy that we have to do something dramatic because when you're winning wind energy solar power and these things are not sufficient. So we really need to look elsewhere but I think it's clear to those who are already so you know why not. Let's say I could magically give you as many solar panels that you want to raise percentage you want. Lol. Maybe that's where the calculation. Sure. Want to clarify here a lot of stories about it all are really stuck with you. I guess with the solar. Like that. So yeah that makes a lot less place. Yeah that's right. You're always very late. I mean all right. Because the lower floors must drop the price list price of solar power Rose. So there's really not. Performance there sort of which would be very very busy life with the cost of solar power it's much. I think it's so cool. It's so when one less interesting thing for people to hear about this. I think this is cool. There's apparently there's companies out there now that you can basically allow to install solar panels on your roof where you don't pay anything and they just sort of use it as a place to put them in your promise or reduced rate for your energy. So that's going to have a friend who's doing this in Baltimore. I'm not sure what the sun is like there but you know it's good for our people our. There is a lot of sort of feel for these people I've.