Though you may or may not know of Barack I can imagine someone who works in the General Theory of Computation while he was not a very very has been one of the leaders in the field. I mean Barack has worked on many of these seminal problems in bio physics. He's extraordinarily well known for his work. Looks like a stand study in the Basically because I guess your ninety's. I mean what Barry continue on on and touches you thinks is very important and uses. Extreme physical insights not just merely Let's do a large calculation and a clear victory. He actually tries to develop an understanding of fundamental principles that he's been interested in other things like the mutual protein fold space are the sorts of things you know how does one classify folds of one canvas a lot of implications functional inference. Very has been intimately involved with developing was in charge of production and refinement packages. He's the author of Almost two hundred fifty papers he's a fellow of the vi Physical Society a member of the National Academy of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences an extraordinary city but he's also an extraordinarily nice of course I always consider always learn something from Barack so today. Barry actually is moving on from his traditional work which is my heritage computations I understand that Irene has got is a born again experiment and he's going to be talking to us about probably very interested in today in particular living so you look for molecular specificity the recognition making this you hoping to hear. Thanks for thank you Jeff. I'm actually trying out a new talk on you. So i Pod. As for that and it's really something I don't like when people do what I'm doing anyway which is to give you two trucks and they are related and I'll try to make the relationships but they're related by the title. Number one and by the subtitle I'm interested in these days is how subtle differences between closely related proteins lead to very large differences at a cellular level. How so. That's the general question we're looking at families of proteins that are closely related and very different things and these are two areas that I've been working on and in each case they were started by a faculty member in my department who told me that there were some problems that were interesting to them and I say I will give a group meeting and see if the people in my lab get interested and in both both cases they did and in both cases they worked out to the point where as Jeff told you I now have my own experimental program in these areas. All in collaboration I know what to do with my own lab but I know how to hire people who work in other people's lab so that's what is meant by an experimental program. The basic logic of what we do in both cases and this is where computation comes in as well number one I'm a structural structural biologist so we start with structures we do one kind of computation on houses or another. Try to understand particular properties biophysical as primarily looking at binding energy measurements and then based on what we've learned tried to effects our behavior. So it's from structure computation by physics to the cells system so that's the review and I'm going to start with discussion of hospital. Basically if you look at developing embryos and the developing embryo is partitioned into different segments and the outcome of cells in a particular segment is determined by combinations of what are called eight hocks protein. So which harks protein is expressed in a particular location will determine the out come of that location. You can take the wrong protein from the say the story of A and express it here and then you get how all these months to fry is that geneticists like to create with legs growing out of eyes and things like that. So the basic idea is the outcome. Is determined by these eight proteins and the question is how do they work and how are they different. Now their transcription factors they bind to D.N.A. So my entire story here is going to be about how specific protein D.N.A. interactions discriminate among these curtains and as you say we think we've arrived at a new recognition mechanism between proteins and so we hope at least that what we found is a quite general applicability. So let me get right into the problem from a structural standpoint this is a piece of D.N.A. and how it's proteins bind to D.N.A. This is one of the eight X. and as well as its primary recognition mechanism is the helix inserted into major group D.N.A. Now the way these proteins work specifically is to work together with a second team in this case called the exterior cofactor which also has a home and you can see that there's a scratch X. extends from one here from U.B.S. and binding to the second honey or the main and there's a wipe. Into this property so this is a number of crystal structures and what's going to be relevant is that the connection between the two proteins has not been seen in any crystal structures as you'll see in a second the connection is where specificity lies and here. This is the paradox of proteins if you look at the D.N.A. binding regions all the D.N.A. residues are the same. So this is a paradox how can we be different determine location in a developing embryo when there are these other recognition elements are the same right down to the SO in the end terminal of the brain in the words between the structures so far and I can just tell you that there is evidence that there has been evidence that specificity. So again specificity is where the crystallographer is don't see anything that's very strange by the way please feel free to interrupt me any time during the talk now it turns out that the source of the problem has been people who are crystallizing these molecules these proteins in the wrong D.N.A. and people. Find complexes that usually take them from D.N.A. sequences that bind without. And there are still acts experiments that are used and it turns out that most proteins are not going to go through the details. That are well known there in databases exactly etc but the actual specificity side by biologists even though they sometimes are not identical to the consensus. And for those of you that are interested in transcription factors this is a fundamental problem or databases of consensus sites and those databases hide information about biological specificity. So I'm going to show you how we arrived at address this problem and this work is done in collaboration with Richard man who's a geneticist since we now have a paper coming out together and sell and I claim I'm a geneticist when he tells me I have to be able to tell the difference between a male and female fly before I qualify. And I haven't I haven't really done that yet. Anyway. So this is a dream a dream but there is a transcription factor that controls the expression of gene called and he adds a report or Gene next to the transcription factor and transcription factor site binds one of the proteins called C R. And you can see that S C R is expressed only in the segment. Now and this is the sequence of the binding site. Now there is another site which we call consensus which binds another of a number of rocks proteins and you can see that the region attached to this site is different segments. So this you are binds to a few other proteins and as you can see they do they differ in only two nucleotides So the difference between these two nucleotides somehow affects this behavior in a developing embryo. So to make a very long long short third collaborator and we'll argue all solve the structure of SE are bound to the specific sorry. The consensus which maybe is hidden from some of you and the specific site. So you've already seen the structure is just like this. The difference here is that it's particular. Down to specific and nonspecific D.N.A. and what we see here is for the first time. Their structure in this connecting region between the two proteins here again in the consensus there is no structure so I'll just say right now we think of the blue pill thing is to pull the strands across the minute group so that it's position going a certain way in your D.N.A. So that's the role of the second. But we want to understand specificity in that region and if you look in that region now we're looking at a minor group and for those of you. The don't know most recognition is takes place in a major group and that's because there are more hydrogen bonding. Because But the reason the more hydrogen down in patterns available in the major group in the mine it doesn't really get her that much. It's recognition the difference between things is in a manner growing in particular and in origin in that I'll be focusing on. Now. If we look at binding a theory is of thing are one of the proteins we're dealing with a consensus and for care about the same an animal but now if we look at immune. So we're going to remove these two amino acids and see how it has a protein now binds to the side the effect is very very small from eleven or twelve to eighteen and that's because there's no structure seen of the consensus. So you would expect a mutation to make any difference to the specificity sorry. When you. Remove these two residues I'm not going to really tell if any girls from nine to fifty five gets significantly weaker is that important in vivo. Well if you look at an embryo C.R. A couple can express it's everywhere you see lots of regions light up. It's not only in the skin region. But when you make the mutant. This is lost again so that you only see expression patterns so that those two amino acids totally affect the convivial activity of the binding site that control element. Whereas for the consensus. They make no difference. Again because they don't bind anyway to D.N.A. So the major point here is that a factor of six. Is able to affect the outcome of the control controlling function of this protein. Now how does this work and now I'm going to become a structural biologist to go back to electrostatics. This is a surface of D.N.A. This is the my new groove and here is an origin in that proteins are where the males have here is the same origin in with these two other other amino acids are three in his minus twelve we now there are three is more important than the history and I'm going to be focusing on so this is the structure of the D.N.A. in the consensus. This is the structure of the D.N.A. in the forehead side something some difference between less and this is the source of specificity. And the difference that we first saw in the crystal structure is at a minor groove is more narrow here and here you can see in the picture. It's more now and that's a. We could see that was different between the two. So the question is Why is that important and I guess fortunately Jeff said I used to my whole life in the ninety's focused on electrostatic properties of molecules. This is a slide from a paper we published actually N.D.S. the way this is an electrostatic potential country or diagram around ideal D.N.A. D.N.A. So what this means the level of D.N.A. is negatively charged so there's going to be a negative potential attracting positively charged you know acids. And I remind you that we're dealing with an origin. So that's going to be the source of what I'm talking about. So what this means is that if you brought in a positive charge D.N.A. the attraction would be get greater and greater as you get close to the D.N.A. and as a consequence of classical electrostatics which I won't be talking to you can see that as you get close to the D.N.A.. The potential is very much. Follow the shape of the surface of the molecule was just a consequence of basically electrostatics So somehow the shape of the protein what we know how reflected in the D.N.A. is reflected in the pattern of electrostatic potentials. So the thought we had was that the attraction of the groove to positive charges would also be dependent on its shape and here. What you see in this is a fork. The blue curve is a plot. And you see in the cycles two minima the red curve is a plot of electrostatic potential and you see that the potential really follows the with very nicely in the consensus is only a single minimum and again this is where. Corrected in the electrostatic potential. And in the one in each minimum in the consensus there is only a single origin in there isn't enough negative potential in the other are so what we're arguing is that the shape of the minor group is actually controlling its ability to recognize positive charges. Now the shape is controlled by the sequence and there is if you look at the sequences are both eighteen rich regions are known to be the big difference is that in one case there's eight in the middle of the sequence and one in the right around the right steps as they're called are known to open up minor groups the classic example is some of you will know of the box eighty a minor group. So what we thought was happening is that the sequence is designed to have two now regions in the sequences designed to have one a post-doc in my lab. So I won't go through it has developed a Monte Carlo technique where you basically sample lots of D.N.A. confirmations and is able to predict structure based on sequence and the blue again or the X. ray and hear the green or the results of his simulations and you can see that the regions that are seen to be narrow in the crystal structure are predicted to be now and not going through this spec some people will be interested. But the bottom line for us is that the source of specificity that we believe we've identified simply not hydrogen bonding there's no specific hydrogen bombs. It's just the within the group so be D.N.A. isn't just ideal B.N.A. there is there's freedom there more generally what we're saying and where. Other proteins that I won't have time to talk about that a common feature is that the helix sets common to all members of the family recognize the major groove the same way and subtle variations in a minor groove in this link or region. How they recognize D.N.A. start beginning start breaking up the family members in groups and we certainly don't have a complete answer I've been looking telling you about S C R which has our Q Are there and there are others that have R Q R So this isn't all this is the whole story. But what I want to focus on is that there are other protein is there a consensus sequence that have so I've told you that the results means Argentines fitting into the minor group but other proteins are the same reason they don't fit into the market. So that's what's wrong. When we don't know we don't yet have a structure of N R G R proteins but we have them for many other proteins and in the case of other proteins where there is an R G R on the minute the glycine fits into the groove in the origin in splay out in the case of C.R. You can see fit right in this group of mean spaces out of south so what we assumed is that if difference actually in specificity is not only in the arguments but in how the origins are presented to the group. So we would like to do is starting to do is change the guy not a D.N.A. contact residue and see if we can affect behavior we that hasn't been done yet but we do have to grind you Taishan and of the boss is a fairly a strong. As the origin in your. So you can change you get the same effect. So the presentation of the charges is crucial and that's how we think recognition is taking place. I'll just point out that if we look at other holy domains look at many other D.N.A. binding proteins the pattern of regions of the miners group is very widely observed. So we think this is hopeless in the recognition mechanism and that's sort of the story that I wanted to tell you I think I've been giving you all the messages that I need to summarize think you are interesting. I think the choice of a loop is there to make sure that the protein doesn't buy into the wrong sequence. So there's going to be an end tropic cost of fitting into the group only when the entropy is used to reduce affinities only when faced with the right in a well binding place. And another message that I alluded to at the beginning I repeat again is that specificity requires look at a specific sequence a lot of what people know about transcription factor binding sites today is based on consensus sequence. So there's a lot to be learned about D.N.A. control of specificity which obviously is very important and we think that working on specific sequences in sites rather than in vitro sites is going to be very important. OK I'm actually through here and so it's yes we have some answers some questions here. They do. Exactly and that's where we're going to be playing the obvious claims of. Measuring infinities different protein different sites. But yes you can see that there is a variation. That's conserved right up to man of the site the site is better conserved. You know the proteins in thirty nine in vertebrates and the conservation of the eight to thirty nine go in groups is remarkable across species. Yes No it's MT D.N.A. when we calculate I didn't show the results the binding affinity. Of a single origin which is just what we've done so far to the two sites. Yes there's a repulsion because of the salvation of facts for example. It's about an order of magnitude. It still is an order of magnitude greater to the natural part of the group than the white part of the group but we put all that and I just was trying to give you know ultimately the driving force is the potential so it's going to be more attractive. It's more negative. It's a very good question and. There's a long way to go from a binding affinity or from a crystal structure to the function of a pretty what we found so far is a correlation between affinity and expression patterns and my guess is that when the story is complete there going to be lots of Connecticut facts that. Yes yes I can give you examples nuclear very interesting. They have their own loop. I mean they bind. So they have a tire see that binds back to themselves. I got this from Peter right. So the loop extends from the protein fits back and when encountering the right sequences again these are G R R X R the same motif is widely used and almost always associated with the same side because the side is on the back of the major and look more carefully at what this is telling your so everybody knows everybody. I didn't know a year ago but everybody knows who we are domains by regions. People didn't know is that the location of a T.V. in the region is crucial. So it's that kind of thing that I think people have to go back and look at. There's a lot of people have been looking at chromatin structure on how D.N.A. binds to his terms or a lot of these effects they're very specific in fact there's been a very large focused field looking at D.N.A. but the connection hasn't always been made to biology so I went back and read that literature and it was just amazing how much of the stuff we could understand based on crystal structures of nucleotides So a lot of this. Information is known and I think it's coming out again Steve. I'll never get it anyway. So I've been trying so I don't know the answer. I've been trying to get people to crystallise I know I have some good friends who told me they didn't get promoted till they went away from studying the D.N.A. they now have to study proteins and they don't want to go back. So that's why I hired a crystallographer to look at these things. So the connection is through simulation remote simulations do a good job in reproducing the results of crystal structures of isolated D.N.A. So right now our only connection to crystal structures is through the simulations that seem to work. So it's a suggestive argument but until we solve some of these structures we believe it could be just an inclination to look that way but we know that you know better than I tell you steps. There's a connection between OK So if you've had a break from questions I'm going to the second part of my talk as I said connection is the issue of a single protein doing very different things. When you look in detail and there are other connections as well that I'll get to so here I was introducing you to proteins known as here and these are seller he's in molecules and I don't really need all the information on the slide. If you imagine the structure of the membrane. Proteins that extend from the membrane they have five extracellular domains. And when they really signal through the membrane to contain in this case and other signal molecules that ultimately activate active but we're going to be interested in cell cell specificity how that relates to molecular specificity. So how does how does the binding of molecules relate to the binding of cells. This is a picture from the. Graph from the textbook the molecular biology of the cell and this is the kind of phenomenon we'd like to be able to explain these are real cells in a developing ectoderm of an embryo and they express a cat here and called here in and I'll tell you there are six what are called Don't worry about what that means an E.P. and I'm going to be talking about the theory is neural Ronal and what you can see here is that what is called the neural tube if I had a really dark you could see that this is up here through breaks off from the ectoderm and the only difference between these cells and these cells is that the apathy or cells express reportorial and the neural cells express here. So this important logical event is determined by the here and you can really should turn them off for some of this you can do experiments which mimic this behavior someone. So you have our cells express are green. The first red or green and they don't normally bind and then if you express here and you transfer the cells would entail here in this case the green and red are both in cat here and you see the cell stick together. But if you have red cells expressing in green cells expressing and you see that they separate into two aggregates and this behavior has been interpreted for many years to mean. So that's why you get this pattern but this is been very controversial and as you'll see these pictures were taken in cells that respond very quickly and it turns out that the results can be very different but I'm sort of setting up the problem. This was what we knew when we got to the area and the assumption was that these properties were reflected. At the molecular level now if we look at how Cat here is bind to each other. This is an electron tomography figure from David Stokes his lab and well you. And you can see these come off of the two membranes and what they did is simply build the cat here and this is a crystal structure of one of the care here and. You see five. You see they contact only in this membrane you see one and you see in the electron tomography they also make contacts in that region. There seem to be some contacts down here on the same cell. That may actually be be important. So we know from this there are from structures but we know from lots of mutation data that specificity is only determined in the one region. If you wipe out one of these residents in the interface. You don't. And here we also know that the structures of the sort. You're seeing. Here are not how cells begin this is part of a larger picture of what's called the junction of death in the soma junction between cells and ultimately these molecules form these very tight junctions that ultimately lead to solid tissue but when they start recognizing each other they're dilute their single molecule events when they start binding they come together. So let's look at the interface. Remember the question I'm getting at in this part of the seminar is how is and. How do these how do molecular differences need to sell your differences so we have structures and a key element of the interface between the structures is the exchange of a beta strand between these two domains. You see they bind in this funny way with the with the swapping of the beta strand in this is a trip to sand that inserts from one domain into the other this is the one if you change this trip to thank Allen cells don't bind molecules don't bind etc. Now the problem of understanding the difference between any here and begins with a slide and there is more information than you need to know except that the right. Green are residues that are in the interface between between any of our structure it's any in diamonds. We don't have a structure of any again we assume that wouldn't bind. So if we look at either you look at the interface the crucial point is everything is almost the same everything in the interval very small differences in interface between any care here. And so we couldn't really tell from sequence what might be going on. So I had a graduate student a few years ago. I ask you to go through the following exercise here is the structure of one of the domains of this structure the N I asked him to build a model and tell me what was wrong with it. That is right on these binds do the best job you can building a model. Tell me what's wrong with it and then we'll know why cells work and you get your Ph D. and etc and after two years of every simulation known the bottom line was there's nothing wrong with we couldn't find and he couldn't I couldn't find anything wrong with it and even though the fitting is where the limits of our understanding is that very sort of there are differences between these interfaces that were so small that we just actually wrote a paper saying that to one another with each other so that was the problem. We just couldn't find anything wrong and then we were faced with a more general problem of how do these similar molecules still lead to this very distinct behavior with a separate So there was another issue in all this which is that I'll just summarize here this is a stereo view it's an all slide. I bet nobody under sixty in the audience can see it. But maybe some of my colleagues can anyway this is an interface between two clear here and. And the point I want to make is that it's a very well formed interface lots of hydrophobic surface area of hydrogen bonds but the number had been around that the interface the binding Ophelia's about one hundred microbial Robbie giving you better numbers that's very weak. So one issue is rising so weak another there's a biological reason for it to be weak because a cell. Exploring moving around. They don't want to get stuck so they want to be able to sort of find the right partner and maybe stick them but. So that's a kinetic Yes you actually but that it's always been assuming that these affinities would be low for that reason I think there may be another reason. So it's weak and the reason it's really going through this quickly but I think conceptually it's very simple is if you assume here is a monomer with a triple fan tucked into its own structure and here's a dime or you can see the yellow strand goes into another structure and vice versa. And here's a question we don't really need to look at the basic point is for this trip to fan to make new contacts here to a first approximation at least it has to break the same contacts. I miss are in the equation and the start of the whatever equation. So all contacts here if it's truly swapping all contacts here are identical to all contacts here and without the G. in zero. Except for the monitor. So it can't be completely true but this is the idea. You can derive a swap interface still have a large specific but still be weak because only the right contacts would break the monomer context. So we student of mine shall opposing. Simply did a survey of all structures that were around structures that are known. Well that we had both affinity and structures for. And you can see the binding affinities this is plotted against the surface area of the interface binding a fairly is range over many many orders of magnitude. But all the green triangles are swapped structures and this is so the basic principle of using the lower Filreis but still having a large interface that we ideally need a lot. Two things that specifically said you don't buy into the wrong thing. But if you want to really slow this is the way to do it. Entropy is another way. So this is also relationship to hucks proteins is find a competitive mechanism for binding and only the right. Structures will form. I think that there's some kind of semi principle there anyway I want to go through this slide is is a cartoon that really displays I think we're summarizes the logic of how we're thinking about how this works. I think there are some interesting general principles here imagine two cells with a bunch of in this case here. And so on the surface and I want to say they simply asked the question what's the binding affinity between two cells so I could write an equation which says that the binding affinity of free energy a binding B. of two cells is equal to the number of diverse times a binding free energy of individual molecules. So what you get is an amplification mechanism that is even if there are so binding upon these eventually you get strong effects if they are multiplied by multiple interactions on the cell surface because now. Now nature. If it's going to work this way runs into a problem which is if if you have let's say the cells the molecules are different than J You don't want them to stick to each other if too many of these diamonds form. Then the wrong cells will stick to each other. So what you need is a situation where you have enough interactions to amplify individual finding interactions but not too many or else. Everything gets stuck and that gets gives rise to questions of whether the concentrations of molecules and cell surfaces. I don't think because of time I'll go through that I just want to sort of appreciate I think the main point here is that very small difference is that a molecular level. The amplified and that I think is the way specificity is included on the scale here and because they're very very similar to one another. But how similar. So here's where we go to recent experimental work none of it has been published. We've looked at two domain constructs. So there's a second the main coming out of each of these where I'm only looking at the first one and now we run into some real surprises. The first is that the binding affinity of hearing is one hundred fifty my Comodo Now that wasn't a surprise. That's what that was intended to support it. But when we look at here and the Finlay has twenty microblog So these proteins that we can tell the difference between them. In terms of cocoa is that these are very similar but the feeling is different. By a factor of seven eight seven a half. This came as a major surprise. Then these were measured with an analytical interest of a centrifuge Now we wanted to measure the hetero feel like a fairly easy to end. But we couldn't do that in an analytical and herself centrifuge so we used a technique known as surface plasma resonance of course through the device and again I'm just going to tell you quickly how this works. You have a chip when you label the chip with one kind of care here and. And you know another care here and over measure a signal. So you're basically measuring an affinity by flowing one molecule in this case over and over and over and over and it's tricky because these molecules dimer eyes on the chip and it's messy stuff. But if you look at the data. Here is a chip with an carried here and on the chair and you flow over the church and you see the height of this curve is the strength of the signal strength the binding when you flow over the church. It's much weaker. Well that's not surprising and environs to better than EBA surprises down here. Here's a chip with the red curve in which we know is weak but when we buy into any stronger. So the head of interaction is stronger than the hunger feel like interaction. This is the strongest the these arrows mean affinities free energy and in a strongest any is the middle is the weakest how then to sell separately with these molecular affinities remember our expectation at the beginning and end doesn't guarantee this is totally different than what we expected. And again I think I'll just explain this to you in pictures. These are equations that come from statistical mechanical theory of fluid mixtures. Having said that it's really easy to understand if you have the environment and they don't stick to each other and you have cells sort of mixing up then what you get are two aggregates if you have binding to any stronger but they also stick to each other then the ideal situation would be this and the basic logic is the following and sticks to N. so far and forms an aggregate is left with nothing else. But the stick the other is if they buy into each other. You'll get envelopment depending on the numbers and so on. You can also get a situation where N. binds to be binding is stronger than the binding. And then you can get ordered aggregates like this. So the basic qualitative bottom bottom line is by controlling affinities you can control shape. You can control how cells aggregate and what kinds of shapes they form. So we went back to the cell aggregation assaye is seen pictures earlier of the binding these are different types of mass A So these are the same molecules and this is a control which I'll show you a minute here and six be the dozen by each of them but now it's easier to see. Appear if you look at an end very carefully under the right conditions. You see they form aggregates where the green separates from the red but they stick to each other. You see some of that here as well but when you express them with care here and six B. that none of them are one stick to you get separate aggregates so there are lots of figures like this that I'm not sure this is the best one. But the basic bottom line and looking at a lot of them is you actually do see next aggregates that have separation which is actually what we have in our insides. We have we have touch other organs. But still prefer to prefer to stick to each other. So where are we going with this. I think I'm the sort of go to the. We want to turn into an entity and we look at these interfaces we still don't have an answer because that was the question I. You know we have made me swear. I told you about we can actually make that make it a stronger when we try to make actually make it stronger too so there's a lot we don't understand yet but this is where our program is going to understand what's happening at the molecular level and what I haven't told you about is expressing these proteins in developing embryos and creating monsters just like the fly people work I've spoken about collaborators or Richard. These are people in his lab people in my lab who did the work along here and work is done in very close collaboration with Larry Shapiro a crystallographer in our department is a statistical mechanician. Stephen Price and the work in my lab was done by Peter Chen thank you for your attention. And why you are asking the question and yes we did the president of the third main has no effect on binding it so the two domain affinities in the three demand affinities are going to go with an experimental or. Are you just asking me. That's my philosophical response and my my my my my my my base my scientific response is the saying which is to get on with understand this process I know we have to look at kinetics we just haven't gotten there yet. I could have spent a lot more time talking about the sort. And that's all kinetics the serving is all kinetics if you spin and that's why there's a big debate some people say the other other guys spin too fast and so we had two sorts of ways one are hanging drop acid. We're not moving at all and the other are forces and they do change the total picture but not the bottom line of what sticks to what you get very different patterns depending on on the spinning and that's clearly kinetics. So we have an internal seminar series and I spoke to people about people who work in various cancers about these results and they said that even the need to invade tissue may depend on and he's of strength and. So I found out a few weeks or. Well that is a great funding source. So I can't answer your question except I just become aware of how important it might be but I don't have anything more to say other than consciousness raising the entanglement depends on the sheer forces there is you can separate them. If you're sure persons are large enough but yes. So before they bind to each other the hearings are diffuse on the surface. They don't have a direction they're just you can see from straining that you just everywhere. When they make a contact. Then you want to create tissue with specific interaction right cells binding to each other so at least the way I think about the problem is that recognition takes place with just a few care here and once they stick their other cat here and diffuse into the region and ultimately create tissues and create junctions that activate signaling pathways. But you need to start with a pure recognition of that. That's at least a hypothesis we're working under we certainly know that regionally there diffuse and eventually they concentrate so that that process occurs and for sure how it occurs. So it's a controversial part of the field the word intern meaning so there are papers that claim that they start this way and then I don't think they ever occurs there's no evidence for in my opinion but what happens is they start forming this way and then they start making contacts on the same cell through other domains. So what we think is that they're weaker interactions between other domains and that get a phase transition eventually driven by weaker interactions but not into these would be trans on the same server would be yes yes yes exactly. Exactly exactly.