And that thanks to Jennifer and louder cannot be for inviting me so I am a professor of physics I know surprising because I look like I'm twelve but I'm not well five promise and so because I'm a professor of physics I mean I do a lot of teaching and I was and so you know this is these are the things that you do and I really enjoy teaching and so of course I'm going to start off my lecture with a quiz Are you ready OK so you've got one two three four movies here and what we're going to do is don't worry about this is just an opinion poll to start off with this quiz so we want you to do is you're going to vote on whether you think these are these movies or from life living life cells or if you think there's something that we recreate in the laboratory OK So first we're going to do this movie here so raise your hand if you think it's a live cell. OK if you but I RAISE YOUR HAND IF YOU THINK IT'S recreated thing in the laboratory OK that was about fifty fifty it was about this one in the middle this is actually the same thing red green and red green overlay if you're color blind don't look here look here all right so raising a visa from a live cell. OK Raise your hand if you think it's only recreate in the laboratory for a more of you thought it was recreated again what do these two together to raise your hand if you think these are live cells. OK most of you raise your hand if you think it's something we recreate in the laboratory OK if you feel that if you cheat. If you've been to my if you've been to my Web site this quiz list on my web site and so you could have cheated by already taking it I said you one of the answers OK here they go all right so actually most of you got fifty percent of you were right on this one it was alive so there's something about this one it looks fake I think because it everybody always thinks it's reconstituted and it is but this one is the one. Always full of everyone or a mostly everybody and these two systems have been reconstituted in the microscope from small component parts and they do very much look like cells and I'm going to do another set of questions for you so why do these look like life cells. But now. It looks it looks a guy has some kind of disorder but it's a completely disorder. When he actually has order a I mean it has structure some kind of structure. Plus I you know here's the thing let me ask you a question What's this. What is this a nose OK you have a nose and you have a nose and human nose most people have a nose not everybody but most people OK So and when I look if I were to take all of our noses and average them together they would make an average nose and you would know it was a nose right but if I would take that the noise right is the standard deviation of those noses there'd be a very large standard deviation gets to be both in those and some people take notice that's what we expect from biology we expect to have an average shape plus a lot of noise on top right and that's what I think you're noticing here that's what we expect from things that are living right there's another thing about it most people say maybe one of the students would one of my just look alive. It moves them well that's not cool. Are you five is what I was about a fabulous in the front two rows right. All right so you know it's a dynamic rate so we also expect that living things are dynamic that they move right and actually it's one of the first things you do when you come across a dead body where you do they have that dead body thing or somewhere in Georgia to learn about how a corpse is decay I think it's somewhere here right it's hearsay. Where I don't know where it is but the first thing you would do if you came across it I would like lift up the hand and I'd make sure it doesn't move autonomy Asli right and that's why zombies are creepy because they're dead and they move so actually I call the zombie systems right because they actually move but they're not alive I mean they're not living cells but they're something that we recreated. Yes right you have the walking dead here that's very very exciting All right so so OK so this is a big open questions that I'm not going to claim to solve our answer at all so let me something look alive now this is something we might be able to quantify this and that something maybe a physicist might be able to answer this Miss Middleton is probably not something maybe well maybe physics could that contribute to answering it so well make something actually be alive so what's interesting looking alive and actually being a life right and so you know there's probably some There's probably some philosophy philosophers need to way remember we are all of science started as philosophy right we're trying to explain the world so I think it's OK to have these big open questions here but you know so I think maybe in twenty years if we've made a dent on any of these things it would be nice perhaps. Let me put it a little bit of a plug for bio physics I don't really have to in this group because there's many biophysicist here but I think that reconstitution of functional biological systems in whatever way you want to reconstitute is a very important grand challenge of biological physics so in my case it's these things in the test too right but in the case of somebody else here could be making robots that do things the way that animals move right and so but we have to if in order to understand things we build things right this is all fine and quote right and I didn't quote him I just say he has a quote I don't know what it is but it's about how are you in order to understand something you must build it and so this this is actually the way Fineman proposed to study biology he wanted to move on to biology towards the end of his career and you propose that we study it from the bottom up that we recreate these things and that we will truly understand them and in order. Really after you've recreated that it's not quite enough to under to recreate and we also have to measure them right and so quantitative biology or bio physics it might in my mind go hand in hand right we we want to measure things and so for instance here you have this X. on we can recreate something similar to it in vitro with say you know so there's cargo transport up and down this X. on and we can recreate that by putting these kind of the cargo transport motors on these beaches and walking them around and see these things but what's actually more interesting than that is if we track our is a function of time we might be able to start something about half as a function of time and this is what we really want to do as physicists write in so everything in physics started by particle tracking OK So planets particles and proteins right all of them started with particle tracking and then from there we were backing out forces ready and that's what we want to do and all the REAL LIFE IS biology so one biology is really hard because it's young OK so I know we're not used to think about biology as being a young field because we've been naming things for a long time but that's not really biology right it's not understanding mechanism but like true molecular and biochemistry these kinds of things this is a very young field microtubules thing I'm going to tell you about there are women who graduated from my alma mater with biology degrees in the fifty's who did not know what this protein was this protein didn't exist to them and they did an entire degree in biology right so this is this is very this is it's a very young field and we and I should also add here animals cells right all of these things and I just wanted to have in the literature and so I put proteins there but obviously with everything in order to learn the rules behind it the first step is to track it right OK so what we're interested in my lab is interest so organization so I'm motivated by pictures like this so here's a plant cell a neuron so we added cells like you might find in your guts and then this is a cell a cell culture dish is going through my ptosis and what's being highlighted in ever. A single one of these movie everything one of these images are these long filamentous things and these long filaments of things are microtubules and what I find amusing is that this sequence the genes that are coding for these proteins are the same they're like almost the same between plants and you and your guts and whatever sheep yeast there are they're very very similar in fact I can take used to be alive and do all my experiments we used to have only minor biochemical perturbations right the majority of what of way used to really works is the same as the majority of the human two and works and so what I'm amazed at is how this same protein can exist in all these different cells and it's a very vital for almost every cell in your body and yet it looks completely different in a nerve cell than it does and I got so right it's it's organized in a completely different way how does it do that there is no micromanager in there right telling it where to go right is also forgiveness ation right and so this is a place in physics that we're not very good at right so we're not very good at understanding how you inject energy into systems Anderson and how they or things can organize themselves and so that's what that's what I am I want to learn that the biology and we can learn some physics from that right because we can learn from the non equilibria active matter type of physics from us so who knows about microtubules already but not that many are right so we'll go through it a little bit slowly so this is a microchip a real cartoon it's not a real one they're not this big and they're. Circles so I am so it's mostly so but it's a it's a schematic of what a model not the kind of model that we write down in physics but but more like a model ship All right so so it is also a cartoon so those are my she was twenty five millimeters in outer diameter seventeen animators an inner diameter it is a tube and it's made out of these two real and proteins that bind head to head the. An Alpha and a beta they come in a dime are always a dime are right so you never find them just Alpha or just beta always alpha beta together after the beta bind to each other head to tail head to tail head to tail head to tail and they form kind of one of the substructures here's the thing we call a proto film and the reason why we call this the proto foam it obviously is it's a clear lattice spacing that we can identify but in addition we can classify the different types of materials by the number of filaments they have inside of your cells you have mostly thirteen proto filament microtubules you see this part of this dimer is eight nanometers high is about four nanometers around and they bind and these these diaries always bind head to tail you can never flip a dime around and stick it in it always binds in the same orientation within the part of Solomon because these proto filaments then are bind together in the same way than one end always is kept with an alpha the other end is always kept with the beta and we give these different and different names this is the plus and with the beta and the minus and with the elf are you paying attention because there's going to be a quiz later OK so you have to pay attention OK So so the plus and so this person minus It has nothing to do with charge OK it has to do with the fact that the plus and actually adds new sub units faster so the way you make these guys is you nucleate something and if you're looking for a really outstanding problem in bio physics how microtubules nucleate is completely unknown OK So there you go I just gave you the next Nobel Prize seriously we don't understand how much your two rows are nucleated but so once you have a little bitty microtubule then you can add individual dimmers on to the end they add faster on the plus and on the minus and and the hair structure has this overall polarity and again I don't want to get into semantics about this is not charge I should say that my travels are charged these Kobach see terminal tails which actually come into play tomorrow tomorrow so talk are highly negatively charged and every single one of the monomers Alpha and Beta has one of those and so they they are actually a really important part of the structure. But they're an intrinsically disordered part of this protein yes. Could I I wasn't going to point that out but you're absolutely right there's a defect right here it's called the seam and that's because the when all these got guys to come together there's thirteen proto filaments and when you wrap thirteen performance around with this particular kind of Cairo ality then you have to reconnect with a seam where instead of a bit attaching a bit a sideways or an alpha touching an affair you get an alpha touching a beta and it is not known exactly what the seam is doing nor if it's a weak point mechanically in the microtubule but it is thought that perhaps it could be weak. Good i All right so in our lab over the last eight years we've been studying a variety of aspects of microtubules So we have some work on my kid to go mechanics to Mars talk is about these microtubule severing enzymes and we're also going to touch on my good she will dynamics in that talk and then but today I'm going to tell you about self organize ation of microtubules into the power of molecular Motors we will flip side of that those sorts of experiments where we actually look at organizations that are already made and then try to understand how motors navigate across complex networks I'm not talking to you about that but I did just submit a proposal to see bits of any of you review that think it's not in the stock. So I'm So we're very again you know influenced by movies like this so this is a movie of a cell dividing this is it was taken by the IT WAS WORTH who's actually my cross the street neighbor at U. Mass to pick up a few of those are going through my toes this is a G.F.P. labels to realign cell line and you can see it's going through like these various stages which everybody gives names to so there's this interface is very and in this case at the very before my toes says than the microtubules all arranged in an astral array where there minus ends are gathered next to the nucleus and their persons extend out throughout the whole maker the whole cell and then they completely rearrange and form this my. Todd expendable and that this arrangement is the kind of the topic of many people who study my ptosis they're very interested in how this forms and then you as after you've created the perfect Mike are my top expendable the chromosomes are lined in the middle you separate into tonight new cells and what you're left with is a microtubule bundle that's between the two daughter cells and then you kind of restart the whole process and there's obviously other side of skeletal filaments and here are motor proteins and things like this allowing this to happen but this is what the process looks like from the micro to go point of view and when I look at something like this I think about phases that these could be different phases in this case it's all energetically driven so instead of phases I think of study States but it makes me think of something like this right and so on if you had this thermal phase diagram for let's say water you could go some liquid gas or liquid gas and you know once a day you could go through this cycle just like i said i once a day goes through its cycle but instead of again this is a phase diagram where you have pressure and temperature on the axes but instead what we want to know about is a state diagram and instead of pressure and temperature instead of temperature we have activity right or A.T.P.'s activity or enzyme activity of many many proteins we don't even know how many necessarily and we have number of objects and so you can think of each of these as analogous number of objects a similar pressure activity is similar to temperature and so the question is that and this is obviously fake don't this is not real data right I just drew these lines in here with the idea that you know could we dance around something like this in order to go between these different phases is this is this some way we could understand the way that cells pattern themselves based on physics and chemistry physical science understanding. So a lot of people have been studying this these studies States and what they do is they start with like a bag of goo of all the things and then they go turned on and then they watch. It and it evolves into some state and that's cool but actually cells don't do that very often right so only when cells are like egg cells to they start is a big bag of goo that then turns into something actually most of the time so a star in one of these states rate and then they they go from one state to another so although it's important to understand these states from the homogeneous state right it's actually also important to understand how these states can flip from one to another this is a huge huge open question I'm not going to answer OK I'm going to keep telling you about really cool problems that I can't answer yet and the hope that some are you will be very excited about it and want to join my team and want to work on these things with me but I really would love us to get into a steady state and then mechanically or chemically trigger into other states and what I really what I think is that you know the importance of this steady state is not to have you know the state itself it's actually to position yourself to transition because when you have not equilibrium phenomena right you're injecting energy when you have a phase transition a state transition the energy injection could take you crazy in a crazy place the initial conditions are very important and so I think actually the initial conditions of those city states why there's so many checkpoints on the my top expendible it's because if you don't have the perfect my toy expander you're not going to transition into the next state properly and you're not going to divide the cell right so these initial states are important but the transitions are really important in the states are just setting you up to transition properly and the transitions are important because this is where force is being produced it's where the actual process is occurring and perhaps even the essential step for life certainly if you sat in my talks panels really pretty to look at but if you sat in my top expend all day long you're not dividing yourself so it's actually the transition that's important All right so we need in order to do this well we're going to start off with just first the structured organized which is microtubules and then we're going to use we need some kind of energy and action so the system so we're going to use are these again I'm just showing you a. Two of these motor proteins the motor protein that we're going to look at is can use in one motors and they use A.T.P. as an energy source I'm going to give you like two seconds I can use a motor proteins OK so they're made out of a dime of heavy chains I'm showing you a blue and pink here just so that you can distinguish them but they're actually the same protein they bind together so there's this big Robbie Parker is about foreign enemy Toure's and size and it's where the enzyme is it's where A.T.P. binds It's where binds to microtubule and large scale conformational changes occur upon binding of A.T.P. or hydrolysis that make it change shape so that it actually takes steps OK And then it's it's a dime of these two heavy chains and it locks and they hand over here manner like this ready. OK so right here you guys ready to be kind Hughson because it's about time you got falsely so now you're to wake up so put your arms in the air OK now it will make your hands in the fist because these are the motor proteins now cross at the wrists and they're trying to swing on monkey bars OK so if you swing a monkey wrench this is how the rock so I used to do a funny walk I'll do it for you now where I try to walk with my ankle side together OK it is really hard and sometimes I fall down so it's embarrassing so I stopped doing that and I started just making you guys do this all right so it only takes to these little tiny steps because it actually goes on a lot of spacing OK let's remember what was the other spacing of the microtubule remember. Close double that. Eight Yeah the monomer was four there you go all right so goes forward so it takes even a meter steps uses one A.T.P. first step and it's a process of meaning it can take multiple steps in a row where of for about one micron on average is an exponential decay because at any step there's a constant probability it'll fall off and so you know one might go for three steps and one might go for ten thousand steps and then there's some the average is one micron and they can go top speeds of about one micron per second so this is an impressive machine OK but it's only it's only fair only in a meter is it sticky. Reader steps in it can go one micron a second that's that's really fast many body lengths per second you can't go many body lengths per second. Right this is faster than you with you re skilled you all right so I'm going to do another quiz Are you ready you OK so this made a protein and it walks towards the plus sense OK so now I have this is when is your automatic She was right it was for us and I'm going to flip the whole system around we're going to put the motors on a glass surface and it's going to it's going to move and I get to know what direction will move the microtubule I want us to vote with your hands. OK so it looks like most of you got it and some of you are are are abstaining from voting and many of the people in the back have abstained from voting that's fine OK so it's when I get to the process and these motors of the bottom rocks where is the person which moves the material so minus I am for those of my friends who are in high energy this is relativity it's just it is Galileo and relativity is the classical right is not it's not it's not it's not general relativity so special OK so what is meant to be because you can either be in the my God She rose reference frame and see the motor proteins walk or you can be in the motors reference frame and see them are going to really go and in fact you can do both of these sides of experiments right so here in the Maker she was reference frame and you see the motors walking and here we have is a set I have of a gliding of of sorry it's a ban on of motor proteins and the individual microtubules are now on top and they're moving around and I don't know I was supposed to hand out my thing earlier OK so I headed out now because this is another time tis you're going to fall asleep so these are my city bills so if you want to see what my good she rose looks like they look like Twizzlers. Fruit Well take a second and inspect the mice are still there past some around I guess individually wrapped land because apparently I don't care about the environment. I was worried that you guys were very upset because your hand. Well each other's can there should be more of that. Crane has some back. In them for him some tax money. Because have enough. That's around. OK. So. So if. You've got to bite the ends off to see that it's hollow if you buy see ends off it is actually had. Well. It doesn't have enough credit film it so that actually it's very difficult to find a perfect microtubule Candy. We have a mutant show this was made at a high salt lake hair new hair doesn't have hair. Right and that way when I bring them together they're appalled as I always say. If you look at these guys they are left handed he was to use like Mike or two girls I saw Sam the other day that were mutants and they were right handed I didn't I didn't get those if you buy of the end they do have a hole in the middle and they're fun to eat tomorrow I'm going to talk about severing enzymes I show you how severing enzymes work like this more of an. All right. Now is so these guys are you there right in there or you can have them by around where we just did was kind of similar to this right I just passed out a bunch of microtubules also this is similar to so how many of you like music your music I mean if you go to concerts still grownups OK And how many of you have been to a concert with a crowd surfer where biophysical Society meeting actually if you go to that come to my residence Society meeting go to the dance there's always a crowd so for the end of the DIDN'T night after everybody has had several drinks. So that is it so that's basically what these guys are doing right there's motor proteins all down right if I had you guys put your hands up again to be the most proteins and then I just like jumped on you and then you guys can push me around that's precisely what's going on here and so we can visualize these things actually with we can come across but they're actually space time pots just like high energy so you draw a line along your path and then we just put images of this path side by side and it creates our kind of graph where space time plot now anything that's moving with a slope has a velocity anything that's vertical does not and this I this is like terrible Right like when you want time here in like space here but this is how Image day makes a so this is so I was sure like this but I always also come and this is not great but anything here that's vertical is not moving anything that has a trajectory is moving it's a little bit more difficult to do one extra step to actually figure out what the velocity of the microtubules are the first thing we do is make a standard deviation map so for for an entire movie we collapse the movie and and report the standard deviation of the city Vientiane is low then it's dark so you can see in the background there's only noise fluctuations so it's dark and if the C.B. isn't as high but only. If so also if Sorry if there's a high signal but it's always constant you can see here see it's dark here because this is a piece on the background that just stays there and so here it just turns black and so the standard deviation is also low there but anywhere where you had dark and then light or light and then dark the seriousness high and so now you have a trail and so now all this little snake trails that you're seeing are where microtubules when we can draw a line along one of those trails move it up to our Mike or to our movie and now take make our camera graph of the movie and you can see the velocity. Over time right so in fact you could even see velocity changes or loss of mass or anything like that over time. All right so what we are interested in is how can we have a very small group of reconstituted things and how to start to make things that look like cells right and so we're going to we're going to like I said the micro tools are the things we're going to organize and then we're going to we're going to add these motors and they're going to to move in and give us our motion in order to cause organization and so on the first thing we're going to do is just change the density of the microtubules and we'll keep the motors the same and to see what happens OK so so our first question is can just crowding alone stare kender and sorry biting into each other like a at a very high density like a liquid crystal perhaps calls organization right and so we have a very high density of microtubules and we're labeling only one to three percent of them and so in these images here what you're seeing is actually only one in a hundred most microtubules labeled so there's a hundred times as many microtubules down and so of course this is what you have seen assistive this work was all done by Lynn Lu when she was an undergrad in my lab she had a paper come out and she is now a grad student at Yale in the biophysics program there I am going to play the movie and I want you guys to look at them and tell me what you see and what's interesting this is what we do in my lab a lot I go do that thing and then the soon cuz I go what's interesting OK so now you're in the lab what's interesting. Circles Yeah. Yes you see collisions and use some circles there's a lot of crossing that doesn't result in anything right but then there are these kind of circles that come about so this is what Lynn also noticed and she noticed it was it was not just obvious from these craft movies but was actually obvious from the whole movie if you had ten times as many of these loops as you do normally you you sometimes get loops just in a regular lighting I say but but not so. Many of them and so she started she tried to characterize them. And so what we are seeing is no long range order only the short range bumping and this was this was just her being because when people do the same thing with acting in my ascent they see like these beautiful long range order like always flock eating it works perfectly with all the theory from John toner and I didn't see any of that and like all great I say I am like our system doesn't do that right if you want to talk to me more about why I think this doesn't and that does and other things that I think we could do to make it do that I can do that but it's kind of long and drawn out so I'm happy to chat more about how I think motors are actually the the actual biology of the motors are affecting this. So I added this actually for Harold because we talked earlier today about bending and so these microtubules have a persistent length and a half a half a millimeter and yet the rate loop radius that we're measuring is one to two microns. OK so if we use this bending energy equation as the contour length you know anywhere from less than five to all the way up to twenty five you see the majority of them actually have this same radius of curvature no matter what their length is and these radio courage are actually which mean one in ten which is what I'm showing you here but actually mostly a one so if we use one on one micron we actually see the and the bending energy is is twenty five hundred K.T. that's really that's a lot of energy right and so you know so what's keeping these it while it's being buffered around by the other buffeted around by the other microtubules but then also you know there's motors on here and these motors each motor can make five people Newton's of force taking eight nanometers steps so they can they make a lot of force and there's many many motors right there the whole surface is coded in these motors and so the motors we estimated based on the surface density based on how many we add that. They're actually contributing to about half of this energy and the other half is actually coming from bumping into your neighbors very and so so I know this is actually published in this paper and it was it was awesome for an undergrad but it did not it did not make any large scale pattern formation like I want it there are so we decided that we need to add something else we need to drive condensation by adding in cross linkers OK so the cross the thing we're going to do is we're going to add these cross-link has to make microtubules like each other they don't like each other right they just they just cross over each other they don't care so if we can drive condensation maybe and make some see each other and interact with each other more that maybe we'll have to get more patterns Yeah that's what we want. Our site yes I'm going to go through them OK so the cross-link areas that we're going to add is map sixty five which is a plant will also see a protein which is sixty five killed omes it's a really exciting name All right unfortunately to add some excitement to it they're also called a swan if you're looking and fission yeast over there P.R.C. one if you're looking in a million cells so although this name is very boring they have three names so that makes a lot more exciting and also confusing but if you look at this protein is found where microtubules antiparallel overlap so there is an anti parallel overlapping cross-linking protein so what I mean by that is so if microtubules where they have a memory of a percentage of Meissen So if your fingers or the person's Why do those doing activity then I refer you to the president this is hair and that's antiparallel. OK so this one is antiparallel so it wants to cross them so that they go like this OK and you can see that in the cells I want to point out that it's used this protein is used in a million stars for my ptosis to set up the my top expend all of this overlapping inner polar ray as well the end in sight OK reason to have this kind of a string you bundle that's between the two new daughter cells and. So all those states earlier right those are two of the states that I pointed out. So first thing we did was assume if it was diagram OK so no motors I mean for that someone were to know in motors OK this is just thermal and this was work done by a Muslim or to Kumar does her last name look familiar to anybody Yeah that's a move to his daughter and so she was in our lab and she did this all by herself because she's moved his daughter there I was like just makes the stuff together and she came back with a phase diagram and I was like Wow OK So and it was repeated by many people in the lab so you know if you can should worry about a high school student did all this work. Everybody actually repeated it so what she found were there were three phases there was this kind of gas phase where they don't interact there was a small bundle phase these small bundles didn't interact with each other they kind of just had a finite size and then there was a could bundle phase where the bundles of these bundles would buy into each other there was enough microtubules in there was a cross-link or that everything would get kind of snarled up together in the literature about this protein only this had never been published before no one had ever seen anything like this because they were all biologists they were like let's be physiological So what happens when you're not physiologically. Right is it OK So but interestingly So it was so then to my undergrads Amanda and Josh just wanted to see what would happen to a blighting as a sort of guide you might get chills so the measure of the not here and then they added in then the interacting cross-linking protein and then they measured the V. After OK and then they just wanted to compare those velocities How did they how do they look so they plotted the relative velocity as a function of cross-link or and they found this really cool thing so when you have this phase you have high velocity and when you have this phase you slow down and when you have this phase you saw. Right and it perfectly followed this phase diagram. I'm not showing you the rest because they were all pink which means there was no velocity and if it matched at all of the microtubule densities that we tried it also matched at different velocities initial Rossi's So if we had less A.T.P. and had slower interactions we still saw this if we had more E.T.P. and had faster interactions we still solve this. But I thought that was really cool All right so Josh was not happy though because he could not see what was going on that was it getting slower right is it just that it's like acting like stuck to the glass or is it actually doing something like its own function and so we did as we had a green for us in protein version of map sixty five this is a movie that I'm going to play and the kind of graphs are going to pop up over here as it plays OK but what you're going to look at is there's a microchip all here with Arrowhead microtubule here and these are gliding at each other like this OK and what you're going to I want you to look at the measured She rose and the green channel and again if you're if you're a green color blind look up here OK All right so here goes. All right so your my right again what do you notice. They get stuck they slow down so here you see the velocity is high the last of these low. What I'll see you notice. But not the green channel what's happening in the green channel. When now. It's binding it's actually binding I mean you can I guess you can think of a specific biting as opposed to nonspecific aggregation I guess or Gratian for using that as a negative term and so my protein they stop working. But yeah so it's binding So look at the map sixty five first of all look at it on the part of my teeth when they're not overlapping it barely binds at all it's kind of a crappy binder OK but as soon as they get within range of each other to overlap this thing by Is it biased co-operatively really really fast. That's right that's very and so Josh did a really nice job of quantifying all of this in this paper that came out two years ago and what's really cool so this slower velocity is actually due to the protein interacting with tween two microtubules right and so that the vases I was showing you were an average velocity right so obviously we can have sparks so even the same will go faster and slower but overall the average goes down and of course if you look later times you're going to get more and more of them that are stuck to each other OK now I know this was beautiful and there's even more data that I'm not even showing you here but I said to Joshua like josh All that's really great but none of the six like cells I want to see some pattern formation let's do something and so we thought how can we do this and so we decided let's take the things we'd already bundled the thermal bundles an atom to a gliding asset so all we're doing in this case is everything's the same as these assays that we just showed you except for We've added the crossing our first OK so it's just the order of that we've added things into the into the microscope and when we do that we get these things that you've already told me look like cells so to. So you know you go to a go that doesn't really look like a cell too late you already said so. All right so so this to me looks like different parts of the my top expand and I'm going to show you here there's actually three microtubule bundles of people identify in the spindle there's the the astral already is at the end of the poles that helps to keep the spindle in the middle of the cell there's the Connecticut fibers that helps to align the chromosomes in the middle of the spindle and then ultimately to hold on to them as they fall apart and pulls the two chromosomes apart from each other and then finally there is this overlapping Interpol ray and that overlapping Interpol Ray is actually what this looks like to me and it's actually where map sixty five is found in heal itself so that's pretty cool. And. There he also found structures or exist in the same chamber this one looks like the end states of my my toe says when you're going through cider can you says You basically have two daughters cells right which look like these photos and then there's a stroppy bundle in the middle and that's where you see again we have sixty five buying and He La cells so I was really excited about that and then we saw things like this. And this is that these are only three things that we saw we saw him all over the chamber and some nice products so that we took the pictures in the green channel to buy you didn't see anything different as Looks like this so what does this look like to you. It looks like a gel for Jell-O. or cilia that's ago I've had the Allen and body else and I want to hear something crazy and you neuronal head that So to me I agree I think that's what I see but what does anybody have anything crazy here doesn't matter OK I have I right when I want to talk as if I have my dark matter friends I want to write a paper a review article called intrinsically disordered proteins the Dark matter of biology because we can't see them because they're not structured it's perfect OK anyways i'm Yeah so so so one time an undergrad said it looks like sperm which is kind of like the sewing or flagella but unfortunately the sperm is moving in the wrong direction so I told him that if this was a sperm he has troubles and used to go to see that one thing. But I bet I could actually about the neurons I think it looks like very early time points of neurons in fact here's a movie that I just found on the Internet from this paper and these are green fluorescent neurons so they're making green source and proteins are the whole neuron very early time points and they're actually crawling along you know these things in red are. They well I guess this is in a brain this is in the brain first of all as I help you know these red things are. The blood vessels so these neurons are burned in the middle. Your brain and they actually migrate out to the edges and so this whole process is happening here when you're when you're a baby when you're in the world OK so you've got these cells in here they get born all in the middle part and then they migrate out to the edges and that gives your brain extra mass at the edge and that's what causes these kind of lesions and these credit lesions are what makes you smart and. So actually my star have as many incredible Asians for instance as humans do but I should also point out that there is no mutation so if you have listened subtly it's a it's a birth defect where you have a smooth brain that's what Listen listen smoothed so fully and subtly as brain and what you see in these patients and this is a child because people don't live very long with us and they have severe mental defects and but when you see look at all this mass here right those cells did not migrate out to the edge here on the cortex right and when I put normal brain I put it in quotes because it's actually my brain that was the reason for the pressure of my brain in an M.R.I. when I was in grad school so it's I don't you know who's to say right OK They said it was normal they said it was in our I don't know but you can see so this was brain fever type where you have all these extra Saarland here right and so what's clear is that now we have a hypothesis that biologist contests and so Peter boss is this really cool neurobiologists and he's actually already shown that my target proteins have a role in early stages and rural development and so I called them up and I sent in my paper and I was I do think mob sixty five or P.R.C. one could have an effect and he was like come down we have to talk about this yes absolutely this is a this is a thing I think those things are like great I knew you were a person. He thinks outside the box. That is a good question I think that it's occurring over your development of the brain but I think for an individual one to do it it's on the order if it's like a child's brain it's on the order of days to get to get through and. What's interesting too is actually this process is dining driven so the protein I studied as a grad student so what's happening is the front of the axon is moving forward but the back has the nucleus at the back of the cell. And it has to pull it up behind it and in order to do that it actually docks dining onto the onto the nucleus and actually Toni's them up the axon to actually pull the back up with dining while the front is forward actually actually moves the hole so it's a it's a it's so they're dying mutations that cause listen softly and proteins are associated with dining that causes me Taishan as well. So. That's the thought. Yeah. Yeah but but yes exactly so it's like a it's like a it buckles It's like a sin film buckling and so I think you know these concepts right from soft matter these other concepts from self matter I think have especially in development have a ladder of. Have a lot of consequences for organ development in particular brain development since you and these are actually you know the shapes of these Crennel lesions are something that you can theoretically predict from certain buckling patterns. All right so we did this and I showed you this really really cool movies but I only did it at one concentration and just like a one off experiment because I frankly I just wanted to like I'm just mark my territory a little bit on this problem so I threw this in at the end of that paper and so that we can be like we are working on this OK so far but we've been and we've been working on it since then so so the next thing to do is actually do a nice like systematic study where we change the microtubule concentration away to have an animation would say and we also want to change the cost think or concentration into it systematically and understand. What happens and when do you get these patterns versus other patterns or activities OK so. We have to we have to turn it up to eleven right so you have to be a to have a separate knob but we don't want volume one in volume two we actually want cross-link a density and filament a C. So who's old enough to actually know what this is a reference to Oregon. I also want to point out I picture this front car of Georgia I just want to let you know I was in honor of you all OK. And I also want to point out that this is our world premiere of this so I haven't shown it anywhere else and so if it's totally crappy please just let me know and tell me what to change because we haven't written the sub or anything it's brand new so what we're doing is we're going to change the cross-link or density we're going to keep the filament density at the intermediate level or level pretty much a low level and this work was done by talky stand hope she was an undergrad in my lab who stayed on for a fifth year master and is probably going to stand to be my lab manager and and so what you see a little cross-link or density is this what's happening here what do you notice when you see it. It is just dissolving the motors just pull the whole thing apart. Yes So it starts out as well John it's really good to use the word OK So basically you have motors on the bottom and then we put it in the bundle. So this is whatever these these big craggy bundles right. With cost linger well one without so busy or it's just nothing we actually did it with Peg to make it kind of want to be cohesive and it just just gets torn apart right so using depletion to make a bundle at zero OK So when you and then this thing falls right over time and then it gets pulled apart OK it's good to know I will add that slug had a slight head and I didn't put it in but if we increase the Chrysler density was to get the same thing even at really like we're starting to get now intermediate here and then at some level you get this. And I made this twice as fast so these are these are actually really sped up movies they're they take about an hour each and the reason why I sped up this one even more is because I want you know Lucy the loop to see what's happening on the loop. Pop you see it that was the restart OK so that what does that mean if when it when it restarts it gets bigger because I mean it was during during the movie it was contracting Yeah so we can so and higher crossing against the we start to get contraction it doesn't look great so for any of you who've ever seen active minus in contraction this looks like poop compared to that I mean this is nothing almost nothing but it is contracts right and then if we have if we turn up to eleven but this is actually a movie and that's hard sell as a nothing's happening. It's not actually it's just I can see it in focus here but it doesn't look it's a little the resolution isn't that great but also it is really not changing over time it's a frozen state there's so much cost linger that the motors can't overpower and this makes sense with Joshua's work remember because a very high cost linker everything from so that makes sense OK So this is now being tracked by I have a new post doc he's a soft matter person from our side. Not. Control these labs and so what he's done and he's been a real blessing because he had already studied filaments but he was studying coffee servers right when he was well because he was saying granular matter and they were large things and now he's studying filaments but they're actually microtubules But what he's really great at is data analysis so we had this this data sitting in hand for a long time in and really didn't have the expertise to handle it or the time and so so he came in and he has not been tracking the boundary has actually an automated algorithm these are not his boundaries I drew them in for your eyeball OK but he actually has real boundaries and so again we're talking about tracking are is a function of T. Where are is this. Boundary and then we can also quantify the center of mass mew and now we can calculate the standard deviation as a function of time so it's a standard deviations basically if this is the center of mass it's the standard deviation of this object so that the distance to this. OK And then we can take that data normalize it by its initial with and then plot it over time these error bars are not error bars are there to give you an idea of what the width of this to sure looks like and so you can see it's a fairly wide distribution some some move faster than others but what I really really like there is that it's clear the trends are very clear right coming out because there's enough data over time that you're actually able to pull out a real trend and what you see is that little cross-link or density right you spread over time that's what you just saw if you go to an intermediate crossing you're density in the green then you actually contract slightly and then if you're a very high concentration density then you are frozen you're in a frozen state and so. The expression is linear in time why what did you expect. Because you thought it was diffusion But this is motor driven right motor driven exactly excellent That's what I thought too at first and I was totally wrong and he would he said this and I was like PA isn't it but I didn't understand it and he was like because it's all motor driven and this is the velocity of the motors and I was like. Yes you're awesome good job you guys think all right so we can now take the speed which the speed has little error bars on it their little bodies are there because obviously the slope is the same I'm sorry and now we can see in extenso apart a contract top are in a frozen part and we can do this for a variety of different experiments and we're actually still working filling out this part in this part but we cannot have a phase diagram and you see these very sharp transitions between extends our contract. Well in frozen parts of the phase diagram we're working with the fear is to actually model this and he was able to actually see extend sorrow and contract on the part that's probably not that surprising because these models have been used before to see to see this what I think is going to happen is that he's not going to be able to fit. With what we have here for instance at a very high cross-link I think you have to go all the way to infinity right in your cranial cross-linking in order to get frozen state and because we have a cooperative system it's non-linear and obviously biology is often non-linear right because it works to be cooperative on purpose it's tuned and so I think actually these transitions are going to be much much sharper than what the model is going to say but we do have more to do and particularly in these areas we want to fill in some more data and Cerro of that brings us to the end Sara I'm just in summary I think in visual reconstitution can be very informative and we can build structures from minimal components and I think most importantly the take home is that non equilibrium behavior of the city state and the transitions to the in from those two states are important and biology is using it and we need to understand it in a systematic way and before you go I just want to say thanks to you for listening and thanks to the people in my lab they do the literal and figurative heavy lifting of the lab and thanks to all of our funding agencies here and I'm happy to take any questions. Thank. You. So we're currently working on the encapsulation because I think so are the systems a surgery and everything in IT systems and it's clear that you. Like condemn states that are smaller than you know. The system. Valjean calculates itself for a reason so they can control its chemistry and if we want to get we want to be able to make transitions we have to be able to control the chemistry locally. And so we're working on putting these systems into motion droplets and we're also working on then couple in those emotion droplets with ion channels so we can for Turbo and then have the chemicals go in and out on the other. It is it is it using the contractility I mean I think it. So I actually so. This is actually the first example of contract Filippi seen in microtubule systems in Acton systems it happens all the time because you can buckle the acting so it's not as stiff so part of reason why I showed you that part with the stiffness of front was to show you really how stiff microtubules are they really do are able to push out against compressive loads and that's what they're designed to do so we were surprised I was actually surprised we saw a contract to Lety at all there's one other system that people are starting to see contractility also in microtubules and that's where you take a Zen oppose extract you add Taxol to it so that you make a ton more microtubules than you normally do and then when that kind of activates where the A.T.P. dining motor proteins come in and they actually contract the whole like a like a big just like an active gel system and then they end up making these weird like like pineapples Ray And so again that's also not physiological because you don't make that many microtubules normally but it does show you that you actually do if you increase the amount of polymer you can get a contract all state which is not normal and even in even in the literature probably local contractionary even forming the my top expendable needs local contraction of some sort in the sense that you glide microtubule. Relative to each other and you can get this just through depletion interactions if you have to make it two goals of the same length they'll come together by depletion interactions and then the depletion reaction is you know the the energy is minimized if there are overlapping You know one hundred percent and so if you put him apart like this they'll actually pull back together like this and so armored Odjick is doing a lot of stuff looking at that stuff right now. Because the Army has people actually came to our lab and got some of that like they made sixty five in our labs they wanted to test that same thing but with cross-linking proteins in the middle. That's a good question we actually measured it there is a slight depression of the run length when you have the cross-link or on a single mike or two Bill and you add Neeson. And you look at the can use and run lengths but it's not it's not huge I thought it would be bigger I you know so because especially because these cross linkers they kind of like forming a ray by people seeing that they kind of form an array and so I would have thought that it would have been more but it's not super huge so we have a paper that came out inside a skeleton last year where we looked at. Chinese and when moving on bundles of microtubules and of course we always compare it to the non bundled state so all that data is published in that paper came out and last fall.