OK. Kesha Thank you. It's a it's a great pleasure to be here at a very enjoyable day. All meeting up with all friends making acquaintance with individuals. I had never met before and I was very impressed with what I saw about the department. Especially the size. I'm from Ohio State's a big place. The Ohio State University. I tend to be a little bit rebellious and leave the off of what I'm going to talk today about. Of work that I began about seven or eight years after I started my career. It was constant in the beginning was all about polyurethanes and about polymer physics of polyurethanes of the year of micro face separation and physical properties. And gradually got caught up with medical school colleagues in whether I could supply samples of materials that they heard were very interesting in terms of blood compatibility. From my laboratory so I would give them samples and they would do some testing and before long we talked about well maybe we could write a proposal and it turned out that the the big mistake the McG. The government made was the first time ever proposals and I got funded. And that launched me and along with a long career in dealing with interactions of blood material or blood components with polyurethanes that's going to be about sixty or seventy percent of women tell you about today and I'll try and transition to work. We've been doing more recently. That's not on polyurethanes but on a related topic at Ohio State so. Biomaterials are certainly evolved since I began working in the field. For the most part the early applications of polyurethanes were to take commercial materials and see whether if they were cleaned up. That they could serve in a medical application so cellulose acetate which is textile fibers even a sausage sausage cake casing it processed appropriately can be used as a dialysis membrane is this use of complement activation another other features that have to be dealt with but basically it's cellulose acetate. Polyethylene tariff were. The early vascular graphs but before then they were often woven fabric some filmed form their mylar etc It's a workhorse polymer. The fact that you could have woven tubes let these heroic surgeons mostly in Texas just are using them as artificial blood vessels and as long as the vessel isn't too small. They are fine. Not only a woven decor. But also cortex tough for stuff on it's when you get to smaller diameters that blood compatibility issues rear their head and there's even after all these years of research in the area is still no real good solution. So it's like looking for the philosopher's stone still a lot of work going on and I'll tell you about what we tried to do and how that research is evolved to where we are today. I got interested because I certainly was working with poly theory thanes. They're very good in support. Where in terms of their high modulus of holding power of the typical type techs the fiber is a spandex as you know it and began to be used in catheters Bloom pumps and pacemaker insulation and they're still I think. Decent application of poly a three year thanes up particularly in catheters these days. I could mention a few other polymers a silicone rubber poly dimethyl Psylocke saying of lubricants gaskets etc and i Phone the distant all additives. But catheters breast implants into being finger joints and there was a whole big upset many many years ago about whether the a lingo a silicone material that's used as the liquid inside of the sill of silicone sacks. It would cause essentially a disease response. It never was quite proven but silicone brought breast plans were off the market for a long time and there I guess they're slowly coming back. P.V.C. we know as vinyl seat covers and the hard form without plasticizer in your basement that white cold water piping. That's polyvinyl chloride. In it's plasticized form. Probably you know what is tied on to being a were there the kind of tubing that it appears in the infusion sets in hospitals the blood bags and the the sailing bags are typically. Polyvinyl chloride that's plasticized and there's a lot of sort of like uncertainty of that. Is that appropriate material because the plasticizer leaks out into the blood if it's a blood bag. And. It's very hard to replace P.V.C. because of cost and effectiveness of the blood is stored to a little greater effect than if you try to make the blood bag out of a more hot hydrophobic say rubbery material or or block polymer material. And finally we have polyethylene low dielectric constant used in the insulation first and then cheating and so on. Of polyethylene wash bottles in the lab terms of that property but if you make it very high molecular weight. It has very good abrasion resistance and it can be used as as the coating of the Cup material in the artificial hip. The problem with all polymers in many of these applications like finger joints in the hip is that they tend to produce small particles that come off with with wear and cause inflammation and problems and repeated surgeries. But what are what are basically saying is we have these materials that look like when you. Off the shelf and they don't quite come up to standard. So the Via materials field has been evolving. To more purposeful design of the chemistry and I thought I was doing that in my research I'll show you some examples with surface modification and with the integration of biologicals particularly thinking we can make hybrid organs with bio material with cells that would grow on it and aspects of that and by mimicry is a very active area of research. So I want to talk about the interaction of blood with biomaterials of for those of you working in the area. This may be too primitive but for those of you who are working more traditional areas of chemical engineering I think go a little review it is helpful but with respect to blood it's a very complex fluid. It's two phase about forty percent red blood cells that's the amount of crit got a lot of proteins. We only know in detail even today a small fraction of the total fro proteins and what their structure function relations are like albumen in fiber and it's in fiber necked in its outer. And and in addition to small particles in here that you can see these little circles those opposed to be platelets of the are the red. So this thing. The red blood cells is about eight or ten microns this is a three micron platelet and in our research the platelet aggregates were very very much a high flow rates the controlling of feature of viability in terms of clot formation on surfaces. There are issues that engineers Arkan are interested in that I'll talk about today like the convection diffusion and reaction that surfaces which play a role in the performance of the material when placed in blood. But if the fact of the matter is you put blood through a material like an artificial blood vessel the first thing is going to happen is protein will absorb and. Some of these formed elements that are of their call like the platelets will come down and act become activated on the surface. And what we observed in our experiments I want to show you experimental data if you will that confirm a hypothesis of what happens particularly high flow rates is that you get proteins or first. Then the platelets come out they recognize that some of these proteins are not natural. They're in the in the sense they've been denatured the plate would spread so in contrast endothelial cells were to talk about later which you want to spread because that's a sign that they're going to pollute right and so on. You want to keep the platelets from activating because it's an irreversible process with with with the platelets that cause chemicals to come out of them and make the surface above them very sticky to subsequently arriving platelets and you can build up a a clot a clump or clot of aggregated platelets and in the interest to seize fibrinogen a protein that's present in a significant abundance in blood and rises to fiber and holds the whole structure together. What we observed and I guess it's a. Emory professors would do is almost simultaneously in a different model. Harker and Hanson was what the team. In baboons I want to show you experiments in canines. Was that you can get them off of these surfaces a kind of passivation that occurs so. There are a lot of questions that arise and the whole idea of making a better buying material which is the first part of my talk was how could you minimise the extent of this process of thrombus and then thrombus a removal and of course it's bad that these thrombus particles come off because. They large in the capillary bled beds. If it's your brain. That gives you a stroke. So a lot of you are too old to remember the artificial heart but that that failure of the artificial heart was due to stroke formation and. In in the poor implants the recipients that received it. So we want to somehow minimize this but the the all talk about that process. After we say a little bit about the role of IT or proteins This is a very also a good many of the comments are still valid today we don't know enough about the role of INS or proteins how we can design a surface that my preferentially alter in a positive way for us the protein composition. The role of minor proteins when I began in this field fiber Nekton was a minor protein it was just being characterized effectively an hour. We know a lot more about it. Veteran act and comes on the scene there may be other proteins out there yet to be fully characterized that play a controlling factor cell binding interactions or something. We're trying to exploit today this is the it's maybe now it's twenty five years but they're in it to the into green lie again interaction has come to be known to be fairly important and why is it that when we do Ass A's in biology very often you use albumin or casing solution to passive A to the surface to to minimize nonspecific consortiums what is what is unique about I'll be human to do that. OK And is it because albumin has virtually no. Carbohydrate. In it and so on and then. Protein denature ration and if indeed we have this thromboembolism that results in a surface that looks passive aided blood compatible for a while. Is this enough the surgeons when they're doing artificial graft. In say the abdominal aorta will often depending on their technique they will precaution. With the patient's blood the graft washed out the clock and then implanted they think they get a better result. But I don't know if there have been any definitive studies as to whether it really helps but there is a passivation it takes place. OK. The platelets are very interested in places but I don't want to spend much time on this but. Chemical engineers were very early in looking at platelet transporter the surfaces. They don't have use according to the molecular diffusion parameters that you would see for its size to the surface they diffuse much more rapidly because of the two face flow we have these big red blood cells tumbling along and you have these much smaller platelets that are given a transverse impulse toward the surface. So the platelets in tube flow are basically rained down on the surface with enhanced diffusion coefficients because of that of the tumbling right bloke blood felt that blob of blood flow and. This was very much. The domain of chemical early chemical engineers who appoint fluid mechanics issues and and sort of studying the fundamentals of. Blood flow. So platelets at that. Here they aggregate. They form from by and there's also a lot of chemicals release inside a platelet there's a sense there are some amount of fiber nectar there's some amount of thrombus Spondon etc There is an A.T.P. and this is these factors. That cause the activated platelet to be sticky to subsequently arriving of platelets. And something that that I mentioned that I don't have an answer to at this point it's a it's an interesting subject. I read most of the work I'll show you is in vivo X. of evil. OK so with an animal model but what is the relevance to the dog. To the bad bone at Parker Hanson studied to human etc The species difference in terms of how you evaluate materials is still very very much of an open area for validation. Of the best that would shape or whatever. If you really want to make a new vascular graft for its. Valuation some people prefer mini pigs. Because of this more similarities to the human to human logical condition. So this is our gift to. The. Blood evaluation technique we created with my surgeon friends at Wisconsin and X. be both shant. The shunt can take on will see a little higher magnification character to have several materials in it so you can evaluate several compositions of the same time. The dog is not anti coagulated So you have whole blood the blood pressure of the dog pushes the blood flow through and periodic Lee you clamp and remove the stems section put a new test section in and we use radio labeling at this time from E. M. for platelets ID and for protein and which study as a function of time. The deposition on the surface. This is a little higher magnification of the what we call the series shot so this allowed us to test. Three or four materials and duplicate or triplicate in a single animal so that if you wanted to look at animal to animal variations in one week we could do three of these kinds of experiments and instead of taking six weeks. If you only did one material in one animal. So we were counting and taking for scanning electron microscopy a little sample here counting the deposition and what we found. And I was I. We were alone in this but it really surprised me and if you understand how to interpret this data of but here's the example I'm not going to show too much of this kind of data. Except to say we have P.V.C. our plasticized P.V.C. and Apollo birthing that Johnson and Johnson kind of licensed the technology from Du Pont which is a kind of spandex recipe of what was called by armor at the time. And. The but I expected that when we were counting the platelets on the surface that we would see a plateau we would sound like a Langmuir isothermal it would rise up to a plateau. But both. Platelets and the fiber in it in which we measure it separately and are going to show that go through a maximum and the height of the maximum could be used in a qualitative way as a measure of the blood compatibility so P.V.C. is not very good. OK in this nonet and I quite related animal but the buyer looks interesting. And if it with the sort of. Anecdotal information that polyurethane. If it didn't bio degrade so we had to be a poly either your thing would be more blood compatible and and useful in medical applications. So. One of the things that you can see in this model the tubing is transparent and this is not a very good S.C.M. in. Having been reproduced several times but this is about one hundred micron size thrombus on P.V.C. at about that peak time. It's peeled back on itself. It's ready to come off the surface and it's visible to the naked eye. You can see these white pinpoints it once you but flush the bulk blood out of the slum by and the difference between P.V.C. and a polyurethane is where you still have platelets run by instead of one hundred microns is five or ten the plate with a little bit less activated a little more rounded and this would be defined in as very qualitative ways is a more bio blood compatible surface. Now polyurethanes are the segment of materials there's the they have a soft segment in this case a poly ether which resists hydrolysis paramedic ice assign a and it's a two step reaction out of essentially gives you a block polymer you have rubbery segments and rigid your thing materials here this is like a Euro thing in your ear. This would be typical of the that by a recipe which is which has a main content. And we sent out after this work to change every variable that you could imagine. Three or four Ph D. theses maybe five on changing the soft segment from of the poly ether to more hydrophobic polytheists the polyethylene oxide. To changing the ratio of ice to sign a to Pollio so you make harder or softer polymers to change in what's called the chain extend or in this case is shown butane dial this is a dime E. and we had a whole series of studies and I never could yet any performance in this model that exceeded that of that very first material I tested by armor. So we were at a loss. It was kind of interesting work for the graduate students and a lot of polymer synthesis and related characterization that led to papers. But it was frustrating. And I want to tell you about. Well the polyurethanes are interesting materials because of that their micro domain structure. They're they're like nano reinforced materials they have these hard domains which might have a dimension here of fifty to one hundred I think storms are very long they can be interconnected knots what gives you the toughness and spandex. Is what gives you the high abrasion resistance in a skateboard wheel or off the off the road truck tire which are made from polyurethanes So it's a very interesting material in this respect. But it's a two faced material because you have this Michael Fay separation and there are many questions that arise which we won't deal with today about what's at the air or water interface. When you using this in a biomedical application because that is particularly since the the robbery phase if you will is of above it's T.G. there's a lot of flexibility and you can get mobility and rearrangements when you go from air characterization or vacuum characterization to putting the material in buffer solution before you would do an implant where it's very spaced. So what worked in a very interesting way is when we started to make some fairly harsh modifications of the polyurethane and make polyurethane ion immerse and particularly the self unaided variety where we would abstract the earthing hydrogen with sodium hydroxide and then propane Sultans a very reactive dangerous chemical. But you could soften ate the material clean it up and. We saw for the first time in this polyurethane an eye on a murders of very icy and hence response. The minimal response in the animal model that I had. So the poly if the earth aims we would. Characterize this is five percent of the of the N.H. groups are replaced with self in a ten fifteen and twenty as a show you later. If you go much above twenty it becomes water soluble so what you're making particularly after equilibrium what moisture absorption after forty eight hours or so isn't an ionic Hydra Joe. So it's a soft gel like material that we could code on the inside of our test tubes or our test segments which were polyethylene which were oxidized so that polymer solutions of this kind of material would wet the surface and give us a coating of poly your Earth. Cell phone had polyurethane for testing in the animal model. And here for the first time if this is sort of like the controlled pollies that you're at then behaves like biome or. Appear that we started to see much lower and it turns out with my cross screen which I won't show you much more rounded platelets on the surface and you would think that the strong acid would be very sign of toxic you know the platelets or anything but in the presence of the whole blood of the animal with all those proteins present. There's a screening reaction and there's something very unusual in which it wasn't only my lab that looked at this. John brash and in in Canada working on very similar kinds of chemistries and being surprised by the tolerance of platelets toward the surface. I think part of the of the mechanism. Is that there is some interference with other four parts of the. Quagga lation mechanism. This is Brahman time partial time activated partial formal placid time whatever and our controls were polyvinyl also. Canine blood or whatever clots at about the second. Experiments and as we put these material. Then at about fifteen makes permille So these are water soluble already. OK so I can put them in and then you know you shake it and measure how long it takes the clot and we can immediately see that we go to a fairly long clotting time so it's doing something to interfere with blood coagulation and we did some other studies that I won't talk about that showed that it seems to be some aspect of fibrinogen Plimer zation that is inhibited by the presence of these strong acid functionalities. So we were kind of excited about this. It wasn't the end because it's a hydrogen. Of the last phase of my polyurethane work was this was at the time when our G D was still a little bit novel. OK but looking at the integration law again receptor interaction and saying OK. I give up can't make a normal polymer material blood compatible. What if we could grow endothelial cells on the surface form a monolayer if you will and that's the natural lining of cells in a blood vessel. Would that solve my problem. And in theory it was should work but a lot of people who are working on this and it's a very big challenge in terms of not having you making an artificial blood vessel. When you saw one into somebody most of the cells you put on this way by seeding a whatever slough off in your back to ground zero. So just say it's not the end but an analogous way of putting a soften a group on the surface you could put a carbon a carb oxalate group and this is probably a lacto. It's a dangerous chemical both propane salt on appropriate a lot. Tone ring compounds are very reactive and they're carcinogenic you have to be very careful using them but once they react. In when the Ring opens. It's a pretty safe compound and we did both by blocking the secondary means on here and in a one step reaction which I show you here you can with a car box later material work with the diameter and put it. Am i bond on air and have R R G D which is the law again for the inner going on on and you'll feel yourselves. And if this works. There are many questions such as accessibility. Again this is on the N.H. group has been car box elated. So it's on these hard segments. Certainly in a Prius systems it's here if you do Esca or X. ray for electron spectroscopy it's kind of hard to see the nitrogen excess nitrogen content say from the peptide and there's certainly about going to be some of this mobility in here which one can can study by of using techniques that freeze the structure and work in X. ray for the lecture on spectroscopy cryogenic conditions. Now does it work. The answer is yes. Here it's about from five to of. The to forty the controls which are the base polymer the poly easier thing to call box related polyurethane is down here and the negative R G E peptide is down here. Very few cells in here and when you put R G D With S which is sort of like a fiber Nekton and with our G.D.B. which is a characteristic of the R G D in Richard I can you get on. Large amount of cells and which will be the continuing theme today. The biggest effect the seen in serum free media so this is an in vitro experiment you just groan sells for four hours on the surfaces and and yes R G D works. Anybody can do. R G D stuff and you'll get. R G D on the service and what you see on the controllers this is the poly easier thing to call box laid our genie is that once you put our G.D. on the surface you get a spread and the feel yourself so just opposite of platelets which with you you you want to stay rounded. A better result from a endothelial cell experiment is to get them to spread because then they'll start reproducing and you get the cobblestone layer. That's characteristic of the interior of a of the artificial Hattori. And the R G D V lots of spread cells. But what happens when you do experiments and serum. Now it's much more healthy environment to do sell it. He's going to have serum present. OK We're just putting men from buffer or whatever if you don't. If you go much more than four hours the cells are going to start to die. So serum is required for any kind of long term. Cell surface studies. So that's the challenge and of course if you think of implant situation you're going to get the proteins from the body which are very similar to many of the ones and in the serum. And what you see is that you lose a fraction of the effect a good fraction so now the control surfaces which before we're down around five are up to I don't know fifteen to eighteen. We still see some effect here in the R G D vu still the best. But you can see from the from the micrographs that. Even the control surfaces have somewhat spread endothelial cells of course more with the R G D S N R G D V in the material and this theme about. The complication that occurs when serum is present and serum has this fiber neck and has fiber engine and it has a piece of proteins is is something that haunts us as I go to the next part of my talk which is more much more recent work on trying to essentially attract. Low concentration stem cells. That might add Zorba or grow on a vascular graft material so affinity surfaces for these human blood outgrowth endothelial cells. So what are we trying to do. Well first of all that what we were going to go away from polyurethanes and the system I've used in recent years is is not. The typical scaffold like material although it can be made into a scaffold is a non-biodegradable polymer of acrylic monomers typically hex almost accurately method with accolade and as we'll see you could use meth acrylic acid particularly if you want to use the acid group to to attach and mean to to the to the material by AM I bond formation. It's by a stable it's biocompatible acrylics to be used of contact lens kind of applications for a long time. And by changing the ratio of monomers you can make fairly soft materials or hard materials. So this is the structure and of which shows change in the concentration but basically. We started to work with human blood out. Both the H.B.O. he sees and the cells they are present in low concentrations in what they form from stem cells that are present in the body in the peripheral blood at low concentrations of their adult cells. And they are a bear to culture and what we did in this study is to first obtain the H.B.O. we seize and second look for the analog of our G.-D. which would bind to these cells using a technique called phase display. So we're looking for peptides and no one has ever thought of using by using the H.B.O. he sees as essentially the finity matrix as it's called so phase display is makes use of common authorial chemistry. You can buy a library of a billion of of of these things in our case it would go down the peptides on these phage molecules and if you can concentrate them on your target in this case an H.B.O. we see and look for the strong winding elements at the end of the day when you have your strong binders. You can use genetic techniques to determine the amino acids sequence of the deck of peptides that are that are in this like and. So that's what we did it took about a year to learn the technique to do these experiments and we discovered a couple of interesting. Peptides this one of the techniques that we used was we knew we didn't want our ally dance to bind to regular endothelial cells so what you do is a kind of prescreening So there's a lot of incubation center free if you gave. PH changes that release the lie Ganz and a cyclic med that meant a method of growing up the the phage in E.-Coli. So it's a it's a very straightforward process but one that takes skill and learning so we have. Incubate the Phase two billion of them with Hugh vex these the open circles. OK. And then centrifuges whatever that get rid of as many of the a billion cells you know like a seven or a thousand that bind to you have X. and take the super nape and put it in here and then put a pc's in that you separated by a very primitive. And tedious process and precipitate them and you expect that these like dance. Of have these like Gans on on the on the hugh backs would be strongly bound to the E.P. see at least in this first round of what is called Bio panning OK so is prescreening throwing away these screening with a P.C. and then collecting the valuable materials changing the PH to release the lie Ganz growing them up in equal I so you get high enough concentration again and repeating the other process without this step. So that's called Bio panning and it looks like a car to form this you have many different like and so you do the colored particles are Deca peptides randomly created by molecular biological technique and you you go down to get the strong binders and you grow them up. And do this. About three times and fall. Anneli you get. There are literally thousands or hundreds of thousands of choices after the third there's still a lot around you you you play them out they grow colonies called phages. Face forming units and they're all monoclonal in those individual. Colonies and you cut you you sequence them to get back information about what peptide was in that colony and we analyzed like forty of the of these at random to get a series of of peptide possibilities and to make a long story short we found a whole bunch that were interesting and I'm going to show most of the end of the data on on this T.P.S. Deca peptide So the idea is just like R G D You take a T.P.S. you functionalize it to get it into into. The polymer if you want to use a meat chemistry will see you use. The Sistine to create a change transpiration and do plumbers ation with it. And then see if they can somehow harvest. Or potentially harvest H.B.O. You see when they're immobilised this way so we did that we created you can you know go to a peptide sequence place and you know the T.P.S. we had three glycine spacers Syrian and then then Sistine which we used in our plumber zation. It has the SH in it which is a very powerful functional group for interrupting a vinyl plumber zation and making a chain and. So we're going to end up in with this kind of synthesis with the peptide at the ends of of the chain as shown at the bottom of the slide here. It's not it's you don't get high concentrates But the other stories when we when we when we did this on our crew of polymers. We found. Again and here's the. Sort of like the bottom line it was successful. Our T.P.S. would bind H.B.O. He sees sort of fiber neck to bite H.B.O. series. It was selected against Hugh VAX so T.P.S. doesn't bind you back. So we had selective binding. Of this it may not be enough in terms of what whatever the surface concentration was. But we were kind of excited about this result. So is is could you make of vascular graft with T.P.S. could it harvest these rare cells in the body. That would polyphony rate and become endothelial like an effect of it in terms of a bit of a lining. The problem was. If you did the same experiment with. Serum. The whole effect was ablated. Or you know it and you're going to have these kinds of proteins around that any kind of in vivo situation. So we were we was interesting study was you know you get papers you can do people get their Ph D.'s etc. Most of this work is done by post-doc though so ph the Wasn't wrist but the bottom line was you know it's this little disappointing. And that leads me to the most recent work we've been doing which was trying to just engineer around the problem which creates other problems etc of incorporating non filing character on our material surfaces along with the like and for the cell binding. And I'll show you a little bit in my talk really with a few slides here. We're not going to have Carbon Silicon acid side groups no math acrylic acid just a skull polymer and instead of meth acrylic acid polyethylene glycol with AK relate. It's not. Fouling polyethylene oxide were non protein resistant. And another one that we've used to good effect soulful but self-will Betaine Zwicker I'm so here again is off friend the sulfate and these two One is what are on this is completely neutral both of them resists protein absorption and you can see that in this curve of fluorescents measurement so when I was at Wisconsin. All we did was radiation all the protein we radio label that we counted and I'm glad we learned. To get away from that the the use of radioisotopes is getting more and more tedious and there are very elegant and useful fluorescent methods to measure protein is off and that's how we did that here. Here's a positive control tissue culture polystyrene this is the piece here is this is the base hydrophobic polymer. Five percent or more percent of polyethylene oxide and fifteen percent basically gives very little protein absorption is case fibrinogen. And here is on the sulphur Petain we does with our ion is the symbol Z. again you have to go up to about fifteen percent or at least in this sensitivity of experiment see virtually no protein absorption from really and in vitro experiment. They also show good resistance to cellular attachment. Now there's there's no like in on these these are just of the same materials we did the protein is or to study your culture polystyrene you can always grow things on here. This is a huge VAX this is the base polymer five percent polyethylene oxide NO percent fifteen percent in the same We get very few adhere to it here and. You this is just a fluorescents are confident Mike microscope images showing that. We get fewer and fewer cells that here and you can even find self reste regions on the Z fifteen in panel D. so. Waking interesting materials. It turns out that probably were we were placing ourselves at a disadvantage using chain transfer chemistry to have a Sistine terminated material. Now with polyethylene oxide ly Ganz we would what we did in this image if occasional C. using sucks intimate chemistry. Is you can buy only go polyethylene oxide that has an N.H.S. at the end that will bind to the mean and of your peptide don't you'll have to put sustain on there and the pending on how much you put in. You can get now. Sigh groups of pure Polya not side or just a little bit substitution of the law again and get the much higher concentrations and if it's only at the chain and. So we did that. Of a C.T. as a symbol for a change transfer and this is the P fifteen very few cells are or are going to hear with no lie again. If you put some R G D now so we don't have our expense of peptide in here but our G.D. now you'll get more and if you have a higher concentration that we're able to put in with. With either a bit emanation or of N.H.S. chemistry. You can you can get both in principle protein resistant and sell adherence surface. Relatively short term contact I think two to four hours or so where you get pictures like this where having trouble sustaining viability. At longer times of a culture in for weeks. So here's a cell density of us more and more quantitatively define the P. fifteen by itself. PIFF P fifteen it has R G D by a change transfer and probably a factor of three higher R G D concentration using socks intimate so the idea would be we this is our test model. If this works or what can we do it with the H.B.O. He sees why we're interested in this. Finally the protein resistance can be shown pretty explicitly hears of three sets of of experiments without proteins blow. The pink is with Prius or fibrinogen and the yellow is with the blocking over serum albumin and if you have no lie again. OK if I burn it is going to help you a little bit. But if you have you're lying and then you get twice or three times the amount of cells that hearing. And this is that the example on tissue culture polystyrene. Now these materials a linear polymers so you can you can do and this sort of like when the end you can make them by Electra spinning you can make a spongy mass. If there hydrophilic you're going to get a kind of swelling and kind of more cheesy structure this a D. is just the H twenty which is basically no polyethylene oxide and you can make fibers like everybody makes fibers here but these would serve and what we had that the last grant I had was sort of giving up on the heroic desire to make a vascular graft. But make another device which would be interesting in terms of the analytical chemistry for stem cells. We called it cell trap and I think this is my last saw the last slide or next to last line. We would make a scaffold like this put our Arwa Ganz on it and have our rare cells which are red. Along with other forms of cells and say I'm looking for the the live dance for the H.B.O. he sees. And then use magnetic B. technology with like hands for you know CD thirty four whatever for these cells pull down the cells. Have them attach the scaffold get rid of everything else and expand it into a Instead of way across a to two Culture H.B.O. he sees is a month. So if you want to characterize a disease state by how many of these H.B.O. season it is conjecture. If you have diabetes you may have more or less of them or if you're young or old you. It could be a useful diagnostic this might cut down the time. If you could make such a device from weeks to perhaps. Say five or six days or maybe less. So we call the cell trap we have done a lot of work with magnetic B. deal of worry a little bit about if you've got beats contaminating your cells are they really going to grow a nice confluent a level of enable you to to sort of back calculate a concentration in that person's blood. But that's that's where I had my last and I grant. To try to make this device. So let me just close by thanking my graduate students. You know I'm very proud sort of like as my career is sort of like drawing to a close to have had about sixty Ph D.'s to sixty one actually Ph D.'s about forty percent were in the biomedical area shown here just a start of this whole thing using the animal model. Jay was for a time to C.T.O. of the three M. company. He now has all of the three M. Asia very successful engineer in advanced materials company. Post-doc of mine is that some. You may know Rich Dickinson is the chairman of Florida. And right now the student who did the last little bit of work with the H.B.O. he sees as Daniel Heath. Gen-Y. and rust and Shankman. So I try to give you a little feeling in terms of a conclusion. It's basically we've gone more and more toward trying to get a biological solution that involves both cells and materials in a kind of synergistic fashion but that the the goal will issue of a blood compatible material or for that may or twisting it around to say the the effective use of stem cells in some way for this technology whether it as a something that can endothelial as a surface. By differentiating to endothelial cells or or a diagnostic that would allow you to characterize a patient's state of illness by rare cell analysis is what what sort of been the last bit of this research. So I'll stop now and ask if there are any questions. Thank you. Lots were hoping but but really really have no quantitative information. What we were hoping to T.B.S. is not going to work with endothelial cells T.P.S. can work with H.B.O. He sees so if G.P.S. can somehow get these on the surface and after four or five days in culture if they pull it rated form the cobblestones at cetera. That would be a homerun. But there's no guarantee that it would work in fact I worry if indeed I have to use gel technology to defeat nonspecific absorption. Whether or not. That is a slough resistant surface it probably isn't. So I'm not I'm not I don't want over promise on this technology has been fun to do the work of but it's a challenge to really say that there's a path forward to you know I don't think an intelligent reviewer. Would help us with another round of this kind of research but who knows they may come to pass. I think that might be the mechanism although I found a lot of things. That along the way that really deserve serious examination. Just the idea of passivation of clotting a surface and removing the clot what's there. That is it is is a surface that might be resistant to clotting at that point. Just covered by membrane fragments from the platelets and that's sort of a fossil lip it's there are or resistant to the further reaction. And it. It takes a lot of energy to focus on what could be a Monday in a kind of observation not too useful the same thing with respect to to be human. It's used very casually. But monolayer versus multilayer exhaustion the nature ation a lot of those very subtle they could be very subtle effects that would enable us to understand a little bit more completely why you can prevent non specific it's option by a coating of this particular protein. So I don't know. What. I think it much. I think it's desirable to think that you could make a synthetic that would serve slightly more effectively than gore tex or polyester because it's more intelligently designed and tested but whether or not it could tolerate the low blood flows in a small they. Amator arteries and certainly the challenge is to get it in a vein. It just may not be possible work for for example could you get that to work if there was an advance in anti-coagulation. So that the patient could and right now even with these large graphs generally are on their on the blood thinner for their whole life. You might be able to get a other prove meant. So that the challenger they all they talk about is like getting below the knee. For diabetic patients which they would avoid if they could do a graft there ovoid amputation. And virtually nothing works. So if you if you're combination of slightly better material or a little bit a bit better at acquiring that regime might be clinically useful. But it's I don't know about. Whether I if you know starting over whether I would try that's very probably my polymer background which would suggest it's a cleaner route than to try to put the cells on but but it's it's like. The whole field of biomaterials has gone more biological and this is a outcome and I think it is it should be allowed to play itself out there should be more research. Maybe some breakthroughs in and and and and that would be great. One.