So my name is Kate I'm a student. Right now and radical school so it's a little bit of a change from what you've been listening to it's really great to be back on Georgia Tech campus. I graduated here with my Ph D. in two thousand and eight and every time I come back. I just recognize what a unique environment that we have here as far as opportunities like the one I'm going to explain to you to really take the best opportunities in fabrication technology and apply it to real medical needs. So. Last time I was really here was in two thousand and eight and since then I've been learning about medicine and I wanted to talk a little bit about that perspective because I thought well what can I bring to this sort of forum and these are technologies that we can see in the embryo are across town on a daily basis so. I don't know. So the top. Would say. So this is. This is something that they do on a daily basis. It's called deep brain stimulation and so the electrodes that they're using go into different parts of the brain and they treat things like Parkinson's disease and depression and tremor other things that you can see in the Emory O.R. on a regular basis. This is a spinal cord stimulator and this is of particular interest to me because they place these on to dorsal column of the spinal cord to control people with intractable chronic pain which is an if you have it is awful and this works very well for them. And this is actually where I'm heading in my own research in anesthesiology and pain management and in the embryo are you can see implantation almost on a daily basis per for all nerve stimulators for bladder control. So all of these technologies are being implemented and there is so much additional work that they're looking. To really be done to optimize it. What these patients need is to have these things once they're implanted not get rejected by their own bodies which is the big deal. Compatibility is a humongous deal and something that now technology can help with immensely and there's a lot of great research being done here on Georgia Tech's campus concerning that as well as over at Emory they also want to make sure that if something does happen and the brain and the spinal cord in the profile nerfs are all dynamic systems things change you want to be able to have the exact ability of your interfacing system to adapt to that and so one way that we do that is we have multiple electrodes and that way if one set of electrode modalities don't work you can change without having to go back in and having another surgery. Another way that we're trying to avoid having more than one surgery or minimal surgeries for these patients who are benefiting from the sort of technology is making sure that once they're in they are minimizing the amount of power that they're using or if they're delivering drugs they're really focally delivering the drugs to where you need them to be. And so that all has to do with optimizing your system to make sure that you're really precisely targeting the tissue that you want and that way it can stay in for longer. So that's sort of the motivation from the clinical and that I spend more time with. Lately. As far as my research is concerned I'm very interested in the spinal cord. And so I'm going to orient you all just briefly to the cord just to give you an appreciation of that's not just a set of wires that transmit from brain to muscle and then from sensory back up to bring But before we get into that I just wanted to orient you to a basic structure of the spinal cord where this would be our front end of this would be our back end so when I say dorsal It's like dorsal fin. And ventral is this way and that's going to be important as far as what we try to target with the technology. That we developed here at Georgia Tech. And Emory. So. On the inside of the spinal cord are the cells and these cells do an incredible amount of cord nation for you. Whenever you're moving your muscles in any sort of way that's coordinated you're not actively thinking about it. Typically it's something where you send the command to walk and then your muscles know what to do. That's all poured unaided by your spinal cord as well as if you come across something and you have to adjust what you're stepping on or if you trip. That's also not something that you need to tell your body what to do your spinal cord coordinates your muscles for you. And so a lot of these cells integrate that a lot of the cells integrate the all the different sensory modalities that you're feeling to tell you how to adapt. And all this information travels up and down your cord some more locally those are called intern or ons and some that come from the brain and some that come from the periphery and go back up. Typically the things that travel up sensory or consider travelling up the door some the dorsal spinal cord and a lot of the descending stuff that goes out is through the front. OK. And that's that's a generalization. So once again just bringing home the point the spinal cord is more than bundles of a standing and descending axons which are the wires of the neurons. There's an incredible amount of very sophisticated interaction that goes on within the spinal cord itself. And that's really interesting to us because many many people suffer from issues where they have interruptions in their ability to either receive or transmit information through their own spinal cord and so what we're really interested in doing is accessing the circuits that remain in the spinal cord and are accessible after injury. So back in the early one thousand nine hundred likes to do a lot more experiments on cats than they do now. I like cats but they're at. As experimental tools as well as pets but. What happens is that if you put a cat on a treadmill independent of descending control if you turn the treadmill on they will walk. So all of the and so we we've known for over one hundred years at this point that all of the circuitry all of the neurons that we need in order to walk. Are below descending control and so that's to me incredibly fascinating and to this day it's debated how exactly our spinal cord does this. Is it a modification of what sort of sensory inputs we get or is it something that's inherent in the spinal cord and and that idea is called central pattern generation or C.P.G.. So the entered court once again is what we're interested in clinically in this case because there's so much needed circuitry left in the cord and we want to be able to access that using our microelectronic race. And so this became our target for a clue to a project that integrated what was going on at Georgia Tech and they're really interested in how these neurons work. Learning how to mimic them learning how to access them. And what's going on over at Emory in the physiology Department and also in the hospital or we want to be able to figure out what we can access from the surface of the cord in a relatively noninvasive way in order to restore function to people who have lost it due to injury. So very roughly if this is the injury what happens is everything that's above that that used to tell you how to walk that input. No longer is descending and what happens as those axons degenerate and so they're no longer travelling down and what's fascinating about that is that means that what's acceptable from the surface of the spinal cord is now different. And that's important because the things that we can access are things that help us tap back into that circuitry that coordinates are walking. So this was our target and so this was when Sean Hodgman over at Emory. Our city department there's a ology came to a talk like this where Steve De worth using the neural lab over here got to talking about wouldn't it be cool if we could figure out how to wrap in a ray of electrodes around the entire surface of the injured spinal cord stimulate it and see what sort of output we can get as far as the remaining neurons that coordinate motion. So. And once again that's why it's so nice to be back in an environment like this where things like that can happen I think it's very unique. So this became my Ph D. project. So one thing to keep in mind is these are these axons that transmit information both up and down. But also between neurons that live only in the spinal cord they travel in discrete functional bundles and we know this based on many many years of really amazing research that of has been done in electrophysiology labs to look around the world and so they've been able to identify what it is that all of these neurons do and where their axons travel. And so the idea would be is if you could wrap an array of electrodes all around the spinal cord. You could pull these sort of strings like a marionette and get coordinated motion. So people have been doing this successfully multiple levels of control. So just to review quickly. So here's where your brain would be. Here's the lower part of the brain and here's what gets severed in a spinal cord injury so descending control which is in sort of this beige collar has been cut off and here's your spinal cord and brain stem circuits. So what we're dealing with are these local circuit neurons and your motor neuron pools which go out to tell your muscles what to do. So interest bottleneck is stimulation and this is done primarily by the University of Alberta in Canada. Taps into these bundles like these gray matter neurons that are within your spinal cord that have been shown to produce coordinated motion that is sensitive to sensory feedback and this works. Remarkably well. And they've done incredible work mapping out where exactly they need to insert the spine by far like microelectronics. Into the brain matter in order to do it. And so this is something that you'll probably if you haven't read about already hear more about if they translated into human studies. Another approach which for me I'm most familiar with Reggie Edgerton's work out new C.L.A. does the same thing except it targets from the surface of the cord and the epidural dorsal pull of an epidural just means that it's around the outside of the hard coding. Of membrane around the spinal cord. And so what's great about this is we put things in the epidural space and outside the epidural space and human beings all day every day and so it's something that clinicians know how to do. It's relative noninvasive But what they do is that that wire and that electrode is close enough to stimulate sensory inputs as they come into the spinal cord and if you do that in just the right pattern you can get walking motion walking movements. And so they've been extremely successful with that approach especially when they combine it if the person has inputs on a treadmill and also some pharmacologic. Stimulus. So but what we wanted to look at was stimulation of the remaining tracks themselves which was to get a little bit closer than dorsal column stimulation. But not as close as sticking it into the gray matter. We wanted to see if we could find a happy medium just rest in the ray of electrodes on the surface of the spinal cord and see what happened. So there are some advantages to that there are inherent more recording pathways which we. Touched upon and there is evidence these axons travel in distant bundles. So I won't talk too much about the ventral out of the Nicholas all that means is if this is ventral and this is lateral this is where. If I'm a spinal chord. This is where the white matter tracked is that we're most interested in an electric physiological studies this area has been proven in isolated spinal cord to produce motor output and so if you look at the motor routes that do flex certain extensor motion. Those light up in a rhythmic pattern when you stimulate that part of the cord on and so on so very promising area but up challenge for people who are trying to do this clinically because how are you going to get your wires all the way around to the front of the spinal cord because we access the spinal cord through the back as clinicians and that's a very difficult thing to do without damaging the spinal cord given current technologies. So I'm going to skip over this and this was what I was talking about as far as these rhythmic output patterns on flex turn extensor. And this is this is a spinal cord in a bath and so we put it in a three respond a fluid like bath and we can keep it alive and do things to it. So accessibility issues. So this was our design goal and this was achieved right here in Georgia Tech in the am I R C. And so what we wanted to do is create an array of micro electrodes that can access all around the surface of the cord and then selectively activate the white matter tracks that we want in order to produce this motion. So our hypothesis was that simulation would be able to vote this walking like motion so hind limb associated motor output in an injured spinal cord. So here were the three steps design something evaluate it and then use it toward a clinically. Eleven And so what I'm about to talk about was done here at the M I R C and it could not have been done without two other people who worked with me on this project and the first one was Rick Julie who's at U.C. San Diego now and the other one was the young girl who might he probably knows more of you than I do at this point but he just graduated on to the I think the Langer Lab at MIT and. He really pioneered this and took off with it but the material that we wanted to use was poly dimethyl Psylocke Singh or Pedia mass and you can see here the difference between what would happen if we were to put poly him in which is. It's flexible but not conformable versus P.D.I. mess around a tube. That's about the size of our experimental model spinal cord in the rat and as you can see there's a lot of bunch bunching in critical in here. And so you lose good contact with the surface but also those points where crinkles are things that if there were a spinal cord in there you would do significant damage to it and. That's just not something that is going to be conducive to a therapeutic. Device and so our goal became to pattern a bunch of little electrodes on to that and to be able to stimulate through them. So here's just a idea of mechanical impedance matching challenge that we had with trying to figure out how to get closer to the sort of the softness of the spinal cord versus what's being used. Typically to make a race and so P.M.S. gets us much closer so. This was what ended up being what worked for us in the clean room. And. If anybody wants to talk about this more particular I can point you toward a really. Pioneered this and also further iterations of it but essentially we were able to figure out how to pattern gold onto a P.D.F. sandwich and then you. In the reactive. Holes in the surface and later on and so this was our initial version of it and you can see it bends quite nicely around. A very small wire and the aperture size was sixty microns. And this is what Leon really did here was he was able to really improve that to make conical Well features which help us to further isolate that area and so here's here's the area that would actually stimulate the surface of the cord right here the rest of that is just connections to the outside world. So and you can see that this lift off method was much more efficient for us as far as fabrication. But the electrode size was was a little bit bigger which actually ended up not being that important to us as far as it worked just as well. So we were able to do that and then it was on to going over the Emory physiology department to see if this actually did something to the to the spinal cord that we could use so stimulus selectively became our goal of what to evaluate. And why is that important to us. Well if we can stimulate a focal region of the spinal cord surface we're really not doing any good by getting closer than the epidural stimulators that are being used. We wanted to really see if we had an advantage as far as can we control the system better by getting closer to it because there's this balance of invasiveness with precision of how much control we have. And so we had to show that this was actually going to give an advantage. And once again it's been shown very thoroughly electrophysiological experiments using very fine micro electrodes that you can produce very specific control of corrugated motor systems by stimulating the surface of the CT so obviously there's an advantage of using a conformable M.B.A. over a bunch of tiny little sharp electrodes on the surface of the cord if you want to put this in a human being and have good. Salt's So this was our in vitro set up where we wrapped the spinal cord and this actually went all the way around with little tabs here and then we stimulated the surface of the dorsal column to start out with now the reason that we started with the dorsal call and versus the central lateral finnicky lists which was our clinical target was the dorsal column has a more homogenous type of accidental fibers that run through and so it would be easier for us to see what sort of spread. We have when we activate through a more homogenous set of axons So that's what we did. And then we what we did was here this is actually one electrode and we moved that in incremented fashion across the cord and as we stimulated. Between two electrodes and bipolar stimulation we would compare it to a control rigid stimulating micro electrode which is the standard for all of these studies that I've been alluding to. Of what they found they can do as far as evoking you know coordinated motor output in the isolated cord. So it doesn't look as pretty a person but this is what it looked like under the microscope and so if you can imagine we're stimulating between these two electrodes and we're also stimulating and this is a bi polar rigid tungsten electrode. And then we record somewhere down here. And this isn't a bath and so this is what we found we found that the M.B.A. is actually you can even see this here. This is a much bigger surface area that we're delivering current through and this is by phase it current charges that we're sending through bipolar in both cases this is a teeny teeny tiny. Exposed I mean almost you can even see with under the microscope which part of that was actually not insulated very teeny tiny Bi-Polar stimulating electrode and so they may require more current for threshold but if you factored in. How much larger that surface area. Was it did require less charge density which is good because charge density is another way that you can really damage neurons. So we want to minimize that. And then when we looked at what happened with axons that were activated in a lateral fashion in both cases we were very pleased to find that if you compared the EMEA with the rigid electrode the die off. Was essentially the same. So this is very bless you. Very exciting to us because it meant that we could use the N.E.A. in a similar fashion to what had been done with the original electrode in decades of electrophysiological experiments with stimulating the surface of the cord. So we wanted to make sure that we could get selectively as far as if we stimulate between these two pairs of electrodes versus these two pairs of electrodes can we differentiate between the two is what's being activated on the surface of the cord and we Michel studies could. So if we record here and we're stimulating in blue we would see a peak in the response here and then with red a peak in the response here. And so once again and this becomes very important because if we implant an array of electrodes one of the reasons that we would do that is we need to be able to change as the spinal chord changes as the body changes to a different location. That's something that we need to have in any system that goes in the body to interact with neural systems and to have that control and to be able to do that is incredibly important with any interfacing technology. We did find that there were limitations to this and this actually was important for us to see because it goes along. What we know physiologically about the axons in the spinal cord as we went more lateral in the dorsal column. We know that we come across a lower threshold. A lower threshold bundle of fibers and so what happens is is it takes a lot more current. To stimulate certain types of fibers and other types of fibers in the spinal cord and so even if you're right on top of these fibers that have a high threshold. You're still going to activate the ones over here that are much more willing to be activated and we saw that as we went more lateral with our electrodes and so there are limitations this goes along with what we know. So. So we found that we can also stimulate some motor output which is important and we wrapped it around a rat. I'm not going to show you a picture of that because it's gross. But. We are able to from the dorsal surface of the cord and a juvenile rat rat this array around the entire spinal cord and bring it out the top. And so it is flexible enough to access everything that's below this. So the conclusions that worked. We were really happy. It was selective and then we went on to use selective stimulation. On the V.L.F. and we ended up doing this. Both with the biker electrode array as well as the stimulating electrode and this part I'm going to sort of gloss over it's more about the physiology but we went ahead and used a model for spinal cord injury and looked at how that changed what was on the surface of the spinal cord as far as those tracks and so we did a combination of imaging as well as electrophysiology to show that it does make a very large difference whether you're dealing with an intact or critically injured cord as far as what we're accessing from the surface. So that's a bunch of science in electrophysiology which I'll be happy to share with anybody who wants to know about it later. And then next steps in future directions. What we're trying to do is show that this sort of technology is something that can be precise and can be noninvasive at the same time it is a very good balance of. Invasiveness and precision. And actually surface stimulation is really taking off in other areas of interfacing in. Well as far as retinal prosthetics as well as electrocardiograms. So this is really and that really goes into broader application does it anyway. Including recording which I didn't really get into at all. And so here's just one picture this is the surface of a brain and here they are on the surface of the brain using a very similar material to stimulate and that can actually be a really nice balance between an E.K.G. and deep brain stimulation and so it's all about what you're trying to do. But we have multiple points of access and we need technology to adapt to that. So these are the labs that made this all happen. We have some guest members Here's a Q. Tansey who is an M.V.P. just over at Emory in this is talk about her and her spinal micro stimulation This is the Hotman lab. And this is the de worth group who are right across the way and without them. None of this would have happened and publications and other stuff so that's it. Thanks. The white matter from severe damage. So what happens is and this is actually something that we. You've heard the term it's not a flaw it's a feature. So there's always going to be some white matter on the surface because the majority of what goes on in the spinal cord isn't what generates after an injury. So if you think about the descending axons being sort of a cortex inside that cortex are all those wires that connect all the neurons that communicate within the cord which they've shown is actually the vast majority of the axons and so you're still very much have this architecture. It's just the ones closest to the surface are ones that are communicating for example. How your arm swing and how your legs swing when you're walking and that's the sort of stuff that we're trying to target. Let's go on a tour. It certainly can. That's not something that this particular project went into but it has been done. Thanks Bill.