Every day. We live like. That. Like it. Used by the title of the work of all the take up all of the time. From three point three thank you all right so a pleasure to be here today. And indeed most of the work that we do you know Lab focuses on robotics and some of the more well known work that we've done has to do with lots of interesting mechanical structure like the cell from directly caving robots there's a modular on one. The. Feedback feedback control so so these are robots that can build identical robots given the right supply of materials so this is sort of an interesting take on robotic ecologies we make all kinds of crazy machines of various shapes and sizes this is a ten segment the robot with all kinds of cables an interesting thing about this robot is that by pulling on its own cables it can roll or it can collapse into a flat thing and crouch under the door do all kinds of interesting Star Wars like stuff but that's not what I'm going to tell you about what I want to tell you about is a different. What I want to talk about is a different sort of. Story that started quite a while ago and when I was doing my post. Dog and it's about making adaptive robots so let me start of the beginning and you know most of most of us to do research in robotics and most of you probably know that robots the day are super human in almost any way you want to measure it so they're fast they are strong they're powerful they're work twenty four seven they're precise so almost any metric you want to put on it is a robot that can do better than human but there's one thing that robots still can do very well and so important for you to know in case there's a robot uprising and so also what is that it's their ability to adapt to new situations so most robots the day work very well as long as they're in a structured environment where everything is the right time the right place but once things get wounded big things begin to change in unstructured way most robotic systems today have problems and a lot of our research is about making adaptive systems that can handle that kind of uncertainty so that uncertainty becomes even worse when the robot itself changes if a ball falls off of this robot this game over most of these robots cannot take care of themselves now when you look at biology it's exactly the other way around the biology is not as fast not as precise materials aren't as durable but biology is all about adaptation and adaptation over if illusionary time scale and that a patient over the lifetime of individuals that learns of the body heals adapts recovers all forms of adaptations and all scales so what can we learn from biology and apply to robotics in order to solve this adaptation problem so that was the challenge I was given when I started my postdoc at MIT and at Brandeis this is a picture of Brandeis complex system center and doesn't look like it now it's all covered this No but this is a good picture and when I came there the idea that we had with Professor Jordan power because my advise. So the time is to use evolution so the idea of evolution basically was to breed robots instead of designing them just them sitting at a desk and designing it think about the robot how to program it what components go into it how do we do everything and think about all the details we're just going to throw a lot of robotic components into a big physics simulator allow evolution allow random process to connect them in the rain random ways and then going to test them for whatever task you want to do let's say their ability to crawl across an infinite plane and they're going to take the ones that do less worse than others and crossbreed them and throw them back into the simulation in the next generation and so forth so if we do this enough times we're going to get lots of bars in wires and neurons connected together then we'll start getting some possibly interesting things so that was the basic idea and we wanted to see a far we we could get with that so we wrote a proposal for DARPA DARPA said Sure here's two million dollars to try it out never managed to replicate that that kind of effect but but it worked at that time and we got ourselves a super fast computer and on existing processor computer it's a slower than your cell phone today but this was a big deal I'm not talking about the fifty's right this is two thousand big deal of the time a very fast computer and we started running this thing so what you see here is a plot over time of lots of different robots each dot here is a robot and you can see generations on the X. axis and speed of this pile of junk on the vertical axis so you can see from many generations nothing happened these are just static piles of junk with wires and neurons and things hanging off of them they're not going anywhere speed is the euro after hundred generations something happens they begin to move and then nothing happens for a long time it's only as something a disk. Over the Ganser get this eclipse punctuated equilibria development and what if you look inside you see these sort of. These piles of junk that don't do anything but some only a pile of junk happens to vibrate a little bit and that vibration makes it move a tiny amount it's not a lot but it's infinitely better than the other piles of junk not moving at all so these vibrating piles of junk take over and then they get better and better and after a while you get interesting sort of behaviors that are. That basically are robotic motions that here you see two of these very early machines crawling across the infinite plane in the simulator the one of the right almost looks like it was intelligibly designed it has this sort of symmetry to it it wiggles its tail it's a very interesting kind of the zine and it's a cross for so one thing we did is to take these designs and have these robots to crawl out of the simulation into the physical world using a three D. printer so for you printers were a new thing at the time and here there are two of these robots crawling across the floor three D. printed with crude three printers of that time and then tire about this point in one shot so everything there is printed pre-assembled So when you look at these robots you're have to remember these are very simple but they were designed sort of automatically through this process of breeding. So since then we've you know our research going to split off into lots of different directions one direction is improving the three D. printing because one thing the first created me a lot without process is that we could only print the body the white plastic but equally couldn't print the wires and the batteries and everything that makes the robot robot so since then we've been working a lot on printing electronics and we can now print wires and actuators even batteries and things like that we haven't quite pointed the complete robot but we're getting close and there's a lot of people catching up with. Technology so you probably heard about three D. printing and sort of the next phase is printing electronics and so for this is a printed loudspeaker hundred percent printed with wires and magnets and everything and you can play music on it and a lot of by products happened when we did this exploration like printing biomaterials this is a printed miniscule cartlidge of the need for implants this is the printed cookie so food printing another new area that's that's happening unfolding as we speak very excited about going to talk about all this three D. printing stuff even though there's a lot of interesting things happening I want to get back to our story of evolution so since doing the war we've been spending a lot of time evolving in breeding robots of various shapes and sizes and we switch from from evolving rigid structures to soft structures so what you see here are a couple of evolved soft robots and it's a skipping because of the video not because of the robots but you can see sort of interesting evolve structures that happen when you let evolution breed robots made out of soft materials much more difficult to simulate but much more exciting and much more rich in the space of design little bit closer to biology but let's go back to our story back in two thousand so we printed these robots here both of one of them and that's the point where I was looking for my faculty position I just finished my postdoc and and the question is you know what what what where can I go with this kind of idea so. You know it made headlines appear on the front page of The New York Times robot making robots and end of the world that kind of stuff but. I got my fact of the position at Cornell based on this list of that work so that was a very exciting moment but I knew. I'm not going to get tenure making plastic robots. I needed to make robots made of titanium. And we the robots to look much more complex that have much more much more sophisticated structure that could impress my colleagues in the control theory group so we build this incredible robot it's actually. Made of aluminum by the looks like a team and it has this paint ball canister in the center it's twelve pneumatic activator is very powerful This is a powerful machine in the sense that it can flip up in the air it can do loops and it's a very large power density this machine very rich. Potential space of behavior the question is how can we control the can we make this thing gallop through the fields. So so the idea was again to use this kind of evolution because it was very difficult to simulate we said OK we're going to put it in the big cage and we're going to see if we can breed controllers for a fix morphology so we have a fix morphology here that we had this line but we're going to let the controller evolve so we're going to have initially maybe a hundred different controllers that's a neural networks they're all going to take turns riding this robot the ones that in there's a camera at the top left the watch is how far this robot moves Here's the camera view it actually watch of this red dart and the farther the red dot moves the better the controller is and against a cross breed with other controllers and so forth there's a very fairly automatic process you leave it overnight it just keeps on running. Even a real here that pulls back the robot when it's done. And this is the only and not automatic thing here is underneath it here behind the curtain there's a student and the student once in a while comes out and pulls the robot out of the corner when it when it's stuck but apart from that it's completely automatic you just leave it overnight and you let it run so we left it over night. And we got some interesting results here are some of the first. Behaviors and if the video will start playing we'll see it. OK so I'm going to just skip the slide apologize so. OK so. In that video you would say you would have seen this amazing robot. Galloping in the field you know. So the truth is that that robot did not go anywhere all right it stumbled along and. It made a lot of noise and. The air pressure made a lot of dust also some of those it was amazing experience but it didn't go very fast anywhere and we're going to conquer the world and neither was I going to get tenure All right so so this is a this is where the sort of the story could have ended but but we sort of we said OK we were doing something wrong so let's go back and look at these two project the first project we had a big physics simulator and we bred everything inside the simulator and then we sort of after a week we took the best of all of that we had then we built it in physical reality and it happened it so happened that those robot work pretty nicely but they only work nicely because the robust a very simple very quasi static kind of behavior but in general we have what we call the simulation reality gap and if you're doing any kind of robotics you know that will work the fact that works and simulation doesn't mean it's going to work in reality and that gap grows the more complex the robot the second project that we looked at had a there was no simulation at all we bypass the whole simulation thing you all happen. In the big cage but the problem there was that it took too many physical trials and there is a limit to how many times you can run your robot in a big cage over night and we can do it fifty times a hundred times five hundred times is not enough to do a lot of learning if you're just sort of blindly reading controllers through trial and error so. Again the more complex the robot the more difficult it is going to be to learn things in physical reality so we start with when these two approaches simulation doesn't transfer reality to expensive What do we do so the third approach which you're going to sort of think about is a hybrid approach it looks at it in different ways so they there is very simple we start off with a simulator and I start putting a similar in quotes because it's a simulator that are not very good it's a it's a sort of crude simulator we take what we have and we use it to do breed robots then we take the best robot that we get we build it in reality but because that robot the simulator isn't very good the robot is not going to work in reality very well either Nevertheless we take that robot is that experience and we collect a lot of data about it so we collect specifically actuation and sensation data we can we collect more commands let's say an acceleration of actor and sensory information we take all that data and we use it to breed better simulators so just like we were breeding robots before to accomplish a particular task we now also breeding simulators and the figure of merit of a simulator is how well it does compared to reality so how well it predicts reality as compared to what reality is for real so if you think about it there's a sort of core evolutionary process happening here this sort of two things the optimizer the same time robots are being optimized for a task based on the simulator simulators are optimized for their sin. Really simulation capacity based on performance of the robots and these two things are sort of feeding off of each other in an interesting way so there's an interesting relationship between them and maybe a sort of competitive cliff illusion like predator prey or maybe it's a. Symbiotic relationship where they help each other maybe it's a little bit mix a bit like Professor and student right so there's sort of up teacher a learner kind of relationship between us is interesting to think about that analogy but that helps us set things up so this is a third robot that we built this way in my fifty years of the clock is ticking and this is an interesting robot it has four legs as you can see it has eight mortars. Two on each leg one of the hip and one of the knee and it also has to feel sensors that tells how still to the left and right for them backwards a very sort of sparse machine and what he needs to do is to learn how to walk it's a very simple task but the challenge is that this robot has no clue what it looks like so you look at this robot and you can understand how four legs maybe can start thinking about how to make it move forward even though it's very tricky because these legs and only go up and down they can go sideways so only eight more but this robot has no clue what it looks like doesn't know if it's a snake if it's a spider if it's a tree doesn't know how these pieces are connected and how long they are in all that kind of stuff so it needs to figure out how to move so what it does so to understand what that means Imagine yourself a moment seeing in the black box with no windows and all you have are eight norms and as you turn these knobs you can feel the box tilting left and right forward and backwards and your goal is to turn the knob in such a way that makes you cover the most distance how do you do that so of course you can do trial and error by the you know this is different very difficult so maybe maybe this is what the brain of a newborn child feels it has all these actors has these sensors and needs to do so. But can't figure out yet what it is and how to do this so this is what this robot is trying to do and that's how we set it up so we set it up in a sort of iterative process as I described before where we have a robot in the middle and it's going to start off by doing a random babbling it's just going to move its Motors in a random way and it's going to then collect all that data and it's going to generate hypotheses about what it is the top left box there the yellow box all has of hypotheses about what it might be again it doesn't know if it's a snake a spider is just putting these parts together and they all see a lot of these models in the moment in the movie hopefully of the movie works and you'll be able to see that they're all wrong because you happen to know what the rover really looks like but insofar as the robot knows these are going to be valid hypotheses about what it is right the next thing is that in this is a really tricky step is the green box is going to figure out how to activate the model the motors to create the most disagreement between predictions of these different models so why the most disagreement it's a little bit like a scientist designing an experiment and the best experiment to do is one that causes disagreement between predictions of two competing theories because then the results from that experiment will refute at least one of those theories so it looks for them for the maximum variance in predictions of all these models and then it takes that next and various variants activation in actually perform as this only it's a second physical trial it does that that new data eliminates some of the models and then it goes again looks for disagreeing with and so forth that will do fairly few trials like that fairly few physical trials a lot of computation he remains grounded and so for the until it cannot make it small disagree disagree more at which point it will look for a pattern that makes the model moved. Forward and whatever because the model is pretty close to reality will make a small move forward will also make the robot in reality move forward so we started that off a while ago and I hope this video works because I have a lot of those. There you go. Thank you so OK so here the robot is finally moving this is one of our first experiments if you do robotics you know the camera is always rolling and the robot died and that was it so you know it so this is the lesson here is you don't explore the robot to explore too far beyond what's safe for the robot this is an interesting sort of whole area of thinking about the future of robot safety but here's one of the more successful runs this is. Now the robot exploring itself. So here it's going to. Hopefully. Start and experiment with itself. All right so if this with video would have worked I'm tempted to try it out the every every experiment is expensive right so you know I think about it so. So what this robot does it begins by sort of doing a few trials here a few trials there and gradually it begins to form a model of itself wish you could see this and and it takes it about four days and after four days it has a pretty good image of itself with this it looks a bit like. A cartoon image of itself made of blocks very similar to the kind of early rovers that I showed you earlier and it's pretty close to reality and using that self image it can learn how to walk in at the end. It does this sort of interesting crawling behavior and you know we were hoping to get an evil spidery walk out of this robot but instead we got a kind of lame way of moving forward this robot kind of crawls encroaches and sort of moves in a way that no human would program it but when you look at this that behavior have to remember that it was not programmed by humans. It was there was no model that was you used to try things in simulation in order to do trials of walking before that behavior again so did it only uses these brief brief trials with brief experiments and figure out what it is and how to move forward All right so after that we decided to something very cruel we chopped off a leg of the sort of to see what happens so we move the way we put it back on again but no need to worry. By that and we watched what happened and within about a day the robots self image also lost the leg was very interesting the robot sort of moved around and it's in self model began to adapt and one of its legs became shorter and shorter and till it sort of more or less resembled this broken leg and then using that self image it moved it learn how to move but it moved in different ways sort of limped around a qualitatively different way of moving around that took of that sort of compensated for the fact that it only three and a half legs so again if you looked at that robot you might say OK you have to remember that there wasn't let's say a a sensor that said came off switch to plan B. There was an engineer that sat down and thought OK if the leg comes off here's plan B. And let me program of it know what happened to lead came off the dynamics change therefore the self model change therefore the behavior change show it so remember we talked about adaptation and that sort of is one what was behind the scenes where in the given idea of how this thing works as that. Mystically these are thirty independent runs they all start at the origin there is a sort of the red dots are what the random controller does. And the. Black dots are where the robot thinks is going to get to using its self image and the blue dots are where it actually gets to physical reality so that you can see here is like anything else in academia this robot has a self inflated self image about what it thinks it can do about twice as much as it really can but nevertheless that self image allows it to make the right kind of decisions and this is a very interesting question we talk about about human self image and this is good to have an inflated self image of or not an optimism and pessimism of these kinds of questions this is an interesting window into some of that so you can see here the robot whether it's self image kind of looks like all right so there's a lot of interesting questions and things to do on that one of the projects we're doing now are robots that create a model not of themselves the robots the create models of other robots purely by observing them so not by communicating with a human engineered protocol but just observing them like the way you can create in your mind a model of a cat by looking at a cat there's no bluetooth communication protocol between you and the cat it's all you are observing in Mali and we're trying to do that which robots that can model not just their own mechanics but their own behavior so that's equivalent to sort of introspection or self-awareness of this all these interesting robot psychology experiments to do there but I'm not going to talk about any of that I'm going to talk about go back to my story and tell you what happened after we did this all right so we came out with this came out in science lab people were excited and a student came along it's a let's take that algorithm out of the of the robot. And try them all general dynamical systems so you think about of this robot inside of it so this robot is sort of a dynamical systems with mortars and sensors and things but inside of it there's an algorithm that just is looking at a black box with inputs and outputs and is trying to maul what's going on inside it's a very sort of generic kind of thing and switch back as well to have videos for a while but have tons of cool any Maisha it's. So. They hope those work. So we. So we. So they there was that maybe we can generally take this algorithm out of their wild and try to maul various general that ample system so now if you think about modeling their systems. It's basically a sort of machine learning task in we call it system a fixation but all these different problems all have to do with observing a inputs and outputs the system understanding what's inside and what's interesting about this particular situation is that you're not just observing a system inputs and outputs and trying to figure out what's inside you can actually choose what is going into the box so you have control over how you perturb this black box you can interrogate the black box by perturbing it in various ways and watching what happens and then comes the question how do most efficiently perturb it how do you ask the least amount of questions to get out the most amount of information so so that's sort of where where we are with this system so I'm going what I'm going to do is I'm going to replace this this is the same slide as I had before with a robot that instead of a robot I have a sort of. Some experimental system with lots of inputs and outputs instead of models made out of building blocks of components of robot. Points are going to have building blocks I'm going to have models made of building blocks of equations so lots of different types of the plus minus divide multiply and so forth so literally building blocks of equations and I'm going to have instead of patterns of actuation of the motors as my tests I'm going to have various knobs of the experiment that I can turns I'm going to. Basically change or the initial conditions of the experiment and so forth so it's the same idea but I have a very different sort of more general set up of how I interrogated an ample system now what I'm showing here this is where the experiment is and you can have a real physical experimental system with lots of knobs and things like that and measurements you can have a human doing experiment in service of the robot that is coming up with a path assist apostasies that's a sort of reversal of roles most usually we think about robots as doing the experiments and the human coming up with their policies but this is the other way around or in this it turns out to be the most practical way of doing it and the way most people do it is they do lots of experiments randomly put them all in a big database and then when this entire process asked for an experiment there's a separate process they go so this big database pulls out a snippet from a previous experiment that is as close as possible to what was requested and uses that So these are all different ways of implementing this but this is probably the most practical OK So the first time we implemented this idea outside of robot was on this bridge this is a bridge across every morning when I walk into Cornell and as you can see Cornell is very easy to defend So this is the this is the one of the advantages we have over Harvard for example but. It's also when you walk into across this bridge this is a foot narrow footbridge you have a long time to think what would happen if something here wasn't as strong as it needs to be and so what we decided to do exactly the same thing we have vibrators on the bridges on simulation we didn't do this you couldn't get permission to do it on the real bridge but this small Vibrators the vibrate the bridge in different ways sensors that can measure how the bridge right breaks in from this relationship between activation and sensation it can for models see how to activate again to make them all disagree the same idea and we could find a broken link or a weakened member of this bridge a lot faster and more accurately than conventional civil engineering approaches against a very simple idea and applied here to a bridge so err Here's an example applying it to a biological system started to a circuit in a black box we can perturb it in different ways observe the outputs evolve the test to make the model disagree and we can figure out what's going on in the circular not only inner circle. Pretty nicely so lots of examples like that so. So that brings me to. This so I can show lots of examples of famous but I want to kind of focus on mathematical modeling so brings me back to this idea that I have to take rest for a second talk about symbolic aggression embodied you know what symbolic regression is nobody knows and nobody admits All right so symbolic regression is this idea. So you all know what a linear regression is known or aggression where you fit the equations to occur to you and fit curves to the data and you let you think about the curve but it looks like symbolically and then the computer fine to use the coefficients I left that's what regression is very easy to understand. But what's embark aggression is. When you don't even have you don't even know what the form of the mole is so for example look at these dots over here so there's a couple of dots what's the function the generated the fits this dot right so because there's no any mation of the answers right here but if there were any Masons I would give you a second to think about it or maybe a minute and somebody would say this is exponent times sign right there if you were able to defer trying to do that in your head you were sort of trying to do symbolically version because you don't know what the function is you don't care about fitting coefficients you're taking basic mathematical alphabet functions that you know through the metric functions exponential functions here trying to see how to put them together to qualitatively get that data so that was embargoed in his in arguably that's what a lot of scientific Malling is we look at data we see patterns and we try to figure out what's the what's you know what's the how they describe that mathematically using building blocks where where so I can get more and more complicated that was a simple example to get multi-dimensional to get very complex so you know what's the function that fits this data center this is a lot more complicated and so forth I have this in case somebody would have solved the other Want to quickly show that all right so so. So the way we thought of doing this this so this is sort of the old symbolically version idea from ninety two is just like we breed robots to walk we can breed equations to fit data very simple idea so we have lots of equations represented this trees this is a tree that represents the equation X. one minus three times sign of X. two plus minus seven so this is a mathematical expression and it's a two dimensional expression has X. one X. two and we can use it and measure how well it fits there this is. This is a function here and you know we can start off with just. We started with random piles of junk we could start with random piles of equations don't make sense known for the data and over time they get better and better right so that's the that's called symbolic regressions technique invented back in the early ninety's. By John Koza from Stanford is a great idea there's only one problem it doesn't work why why apart from that is that it's a great idea and published papers and everything but that was so but why doesn't the worry has the two problems as do most or many machine learning approaches one over fits the data. You get crazy expressions have nothing do with reality and the second problem is that it's too slow why because you have to test a lot of functions against a lot of data points takes forever and it just doesn't scale well so so if this technique has been sort of mostly use that condemn a CLI But but it was interesting so what we did is basically a small change and we the only thing we did is we bring in this idea of cold evolution so not so just like we didn't just evolve robots will be also clearly of all the simulators if you remember what we're doing here is now we're going to evolve models to fit the data but we're not going to fit the models to the entire dataset we're only going to fit them all to a small subset of points but those subset of points are themselves evolving Sometimes it's these ten points sometimes it's an different set of ten points they're going to be a different subsampling of the tire did a set and that subsampling is going to be rewarded for how much disagreement it can create between models so a point that all the models can predict correctly is useless for breeding better models but a point that some models think is going to be value five in other models. Addicted to be a different value when you actually measure it will tell you which model is right and which maul is wrong so it turns out that you can use much much fewer points than the entire It is said to breed models so what happens here is two fold it runs faster and it of voids all of the overfitting So two of these problems go away so here's some examples this is trying to fit. A general this is a symbolic aggression problem of the that is written here if you use the entire data set even the random subsampling it sort of over time begins to find it but if you use the core evolved there the evolved to defeat to create the most disagreement between your models you can find it takes a long time in the beginning but eventually it. It can find them all more accurately and sooner than other approaches this is another chart that shows that if you use the core of all data said even for the same amount of C.P.U. you get much simpler solutions for the same accuracy so it involves a lot of the overfitting why because of the many ways to overfit the data and so there's a lot of disagreement the bad mauls disagree how to overfit and then they get thrown out so interesting sort of. Perspective to me this was very interesting because it suggests that more data is not necessarily better and this flies in the face of all the big data movement in all that when we have more data it doesn't necessarily get better we have to have the right data and this sort of coalition area idea helps you find the right data All right so with that tool in mind what do we do first thing we try to do is the fit the stock market and why not I'm still here so obviously that didn't work but by they did work for some and there's a couple of blogs that use our software and then the blogs were taken down so that's the ultimate proof that it worked so OK we said. Try to find the equation for all the prime numbers small simple tasks we threw in the prime numbers we hit Enter we waited waited for a week and we did not find a formula in fact we found some approximation some well known approximations but nothing useful so think that we're not going to be rich or famous we said let's write some proposals since here we can do so. So we published this and. Immediately I got an email from. CERN from a particle accelerator. And Geneva and they said we have the perfect problem for you we have this. We have this. Data set that describes the we have a gap between the binding energy of atomic nuclei doing exactly understand that means that but they have this gap they can't explain and I thought maybe our software can actually find what's going on so. We ran it and we got this top expression here we're very excited it's a very simple expression explains everything to three digits so we're very excited we wrote back and they merely wrote back to us and said we were ready know about this thing it's called the Y. It's like a formula in our formulas good to four digits. So there were disappointed but actually we were excited because it means our software can find named formula right so that means that if we get the right data we might actually be able to generate something that nobody knew before so we decided to kick it up a notch and try to model dynamical system instead of static systems so whatever would what do you do in order to model the emphasis is actually simple in principle you take time series data and you computed the riveted you create a static model of the derivative and that's a dynamical. So we can we take our time series data compute the route of in fit the derivative Now if I have my so there's lots of things that you can try with this this is one of our first experiments we took seven equations that describe the glycol as the cycle of the cell I don't know exactly what that means either but the looked like pretty complicated differential equations to me. We simulated them to create data we sprinkle ten percent noise and we fed it back to the system without about four within about four hours able to generate the seven differential equations that describe this data and they matched almost perfectly for this storm over here which is wrong but but but small so we have this incredible hammer that can look at this crazy the medical system with all kinds of interdependency and write down non-linear equations and again it's not as fitting parameters the only thing we gave it here is plus minus divide multiply and open and close brackets that say there's no biology background nothing and is able to come with it so we started running this on all kinds of systems if the video is working this is the You'd see this flapping. It doesn't even want to skip through the videos so we ran it on. On this flapping So there's a flapping having robots very cool flab it collapse its wings and hovers in places what weighs about three grams was the world record holder for a couple of months is very stable you can you can punch out it and it stays in place it hovers untethered for ninety seconds. And it's passively stable so there's no control system in it but it turns out the mauling this flexion of the wing was very very difficult people spent careers mauling the elastic behavior wings and we said OK let's dump it in here and see what happens so. And we created models that were more accurate and simpler than state of the art models in air the NAM explore for flapping wings so again it shows you that this is sort of them only a tool that if you're a scientist you want to pay attention to because it might show use a little bit of where things are happening is another interesting example of this is a mother a guy. Came and wanted to create models for tire road interaction this was important for the SE formula team but it's also important for gaming and lots of the vehicle safety and again so they created got all the day they bought the data barely the formula as the team have paid for all this data it plugged it in and you could find models that are simpler and more accurate then state of the art Malls used my industry and again I'm emphasizing these two things as these are usually the two dimensions we care about in science accuracy and complexity usually there's a tradeoff you can have models that are more accurate but also more complex models are simpler but less accurate and there's room for Also people lots of papers in between but what you usually don't want is for somebody to come up with a model that is simpler and more accurate than what you've done because that really means they don't mean it you in terms of scientific accomplishment and that sort of what this thing is doing so I have lots of examples of that kind of thing so I just want to although the last. Piece of the story is that we. Ended up. Talking about this other conference and asking for data and somebody came up and said I have this perfect data set this about logical data set. Tracking cells over time but these are individual cells individual cells. That can come and go and tracking various ingredients in them so he could track those cells and collect this data he said I'll give you the entire data set and maybe you can find what the equation is so we plugged in the data we hit enter. And we waited for a week and we ended up coming up with the system came up with these models and here the top so either of this is true or not I email this is girl soil who did this to give us the data and who looks at the small and he says this is told crap doesn't even does not even biological there's nothing you know it's wrong and you know we were again slightly insulted by that but the but we also thought OK we're probably doing something wrong and you know we have this awesome algorithm but it's coming up with garbage results of what's what's wrong with it so we thought about this for a while and realized we were giving it the wrong building blocks of first of all we gave it signing call sign as building blocks and that's totally relevant for biology and that's an engineering thing physics so we threw those away but there was another building block that we were missing but was that so we thought about eventually realized the missing time delays so biology the differential equations new quiet time to his nothing happens exactly the right time right so so the biology he's the Slackware's you know physics the pendulum can't delay right so he put in the time delay and rewrite it and BAM we've got these two beautiful equations that describe the entire system different cells might have different professions but they all full exactly this behavior so we said this to grow and he said we have a problem this is the established mall in the field and your model is simpler and more accurate. All right so what do we do. So. So that's exciting but there's only one problem and that is that we have no clue what it means. This one was the rifle first principles and we understand everything here this one we don't know what it means so since then we released this software there's forty thousand peoples right now using it lots and lots of papers whose main result was generated by the software called Eureka misspelt with a Q So you can find it easily. I think the student who did this has created a start up but the software still free I think for academia and a lot of people using it doing lots of interesting things often. You know half of them are trying to predict the stock market but others are using it to do scientific discoveries because you can give it a lot of data and look at sort of what's happening in there trying to understand how things are going on so will this replace human scientist probably not. As I was very careful to show you we humans are still needed to choose what variables to feed the system to decide what building blocks to allow the system to work with and if we give the wrong building blocks we get garbage results and finally to assign meaning to the results but I do think this is the future of science THANK YOU THANK YOU I. Thank you. Yes So you're asking the question of scale ability and you can sleep through a talk about AI and then you wake up in the end he said how there's a scale and that's always a good question to ask. And so so this particular process sort of scales almost linearly with the number of equations but exponentially with the complexity of each equation so the hope is that we can model things that have involved interaction of many things that each of them is fairly simple but if you're trying to model something that involves a few monolithic monsters it's going to be very difficult to maul it with this or with anything else but to address the question of scale ability what there have been shown here to have time is one thing we did is that we analyzed many systems and began to look for motifs in that begin to reappear and once you take those materials and you capsulated them as new building blocks you can start accelerating the search you can actually discover the alphabet of the domain that you're interested in I think that's the real key to scaling That's how science Those are we encapsulate concepts and use them as building blocks that's what this system that's the only way really to scale to the high level. So it's all odd with them that try to create models out of they die if you give them the wrong data there will not work the question is will they tell you they're not working or will they give you some wrong answer which is worse at least I can say here when we when we feed it let's say random data then the only the only mall it generates is a constant This is this is the only thing I can predict about this David is it ever so that kind of can give you a sense that you have the wrong data set but apart from that it's very difficult. If you don't cover the entire decide that's wrong data is the same thing. Yeah. OK. Thank you thank you.