That's indeed really great to see you all here tonight. And I got us all. So anything but off the grill to do technology if his daily routine personal pleasure believes are they very special well known throughout distinguished lecture and off to the last. Really you all are to be able to close the first part of this you start this is the reason I just. It's also is your pleasure to meet your welcome to Georgia Tech faculty stock and students who it is evening and especially joyful warm greetings to the members of the Atlantic community who joined just here all the same to bend please tell those that we really do consider you to be a vital to protect family dearly hope that you will join us frequently for events just such as tonight. Well certainly as it goes through thirteen years you read nice without acknowledging the students hard making I mean if you're going to serve contributions the last thing here is the basic technology and of course face up to. This recognition in spite of the creation of all the sense of the Space Technology understood or she started the good life I want to focus for her is the center in which the full spectrum of race related research activities throughout the characters are organized and integrated with the goal of increasing collaboration and usability cross this is a very very scientific policy and national We believe that a good vibrant approach to leveraging the calendar creativity and excludes he is the Georgia Tech research community as. Well a local office certainly Fusion I thought is really the second he has a three diligent responsibility to share exciting discoveries in science and engineering with your community and United Community as a whole. Accordingly He did hope. You're. Not going off my dear friend Jane right from the phone to science or words I. Would. Be very happy to welcome you here to my very own P.C. advisory. Board for. Steve like me grew up in New Jersey it was really not so bad as a lot of people. But he also moved on to Cornell University where his undergraduate studies are in geological sciences Steve actually got this he has a number of exciting adventures going on to explore our own problems scuba diving on really our use and. Going down the aisle to summer fall to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean to actually living on those who are at the Aquarius Reef Base our work is where we work with the astronauts so. It's climbing in order to keep in the Arctic it was because of. This you never with planetary science and with Mars in particular during an undergraduate project no and then I'm talking to Carl Sagan who was a professor of astronomy for what time was convinced to return to Cornell for this week's. EDITION I think I'm going to tell the story to about how I don't know if we have a fire or go from here this really is because I was somewhat distracted in those days by a little project called cost for. A student nevertheless finished twenty five went off to do you know. Ames Research Center for Research just were. Returning to Cornell to join that he's now the team's weeks and down professor of physical sciences are now worked on issues to your system the sound system is asteroids and of course. I have to thank me for my own involvement with a number. He also chairs asses Advisory Council and has won several major player. In. Science and yet it's really not yet done for being good science and not wait there's something in common with inopportune. Moments you know. Which has been his main scientific focus ever since I. Guess he has been the science and the State of the scientist or. Worse before they were born. Probably or about that but he also without. The stone. Wall that went better than I thought James know me know so much about me I think I got off easy on that one anyway it's a great pleasure to be here. So I'm doing my math right today is thirty three thousand nine hundred and eighty eight of our ninety day mission to Mars. The Opportunity rover is still going strong and so what I'm going to try to do in the next hour or so is give me a sense of both some of the challenges that we faced in getting the rovers to Mars and then kind of the scientific adventure story that we've experienced since we got there so this is Mars. The object of our affections it is a truly terrible place if you went there you would absolutely hate it. Average temperature is about minus sixty degrees C. it goes down the minus one hundred night if you took all the water vapor in the Martian atmosphere and you can test it out on the planet's surface you would make a layer of frost barely one hundred of a millimeter thick so it is a cold and dry and desolate world but there are these intriguing don't do that area there are these intriguing clues that in the past it was different OK this is a valley this picture taken more but there's a valley that was carved by flowing liquid water and if you look close in the upper right you can actually see. There we go you can actually see the tiny channel. Through which the water that carved that valley flows you can't do this on Mars today a Mars today it is too cold and too dry to allow something like this to form. So this is telling us that in the past it was different it was warmer it was wetter it may have been more earth like. Now any geologist will tell you that if you have a Rosen somewhere else you're going to have deposition and there are places that you can go on Mars we can find these wonderful sequences of layered sedimentary rocks that the great thing about layered steady mentor Iraq's is that they can contain in their details in their structure in their fine scale texture their chemistry their mineralogy information about what it was like on Mars when they were laid down so if you can go to Mars with the right set of tools you can find rocks like this you can read the story written in those rocks and you can understand more about what Mars was like in the past was it warm was it wet or was it the kind of place that might have been capable of supporting life so we built two high tech robotic geologist to do exactly that this picture was taken to Cape Canaveral in Florida. Twelve years ago this is the rover Spirit in the form. To go to Mars opportunity is back there against the back wall these vehicles are our surrogates we experience Mars there are sensors now the search with the vehicles look looks like it's a bow this tall a little wider than you can reach out with your hands it's got six wheels and the scientific payload that it carries comes in two parts one part is supported by this big fat white stovepipe looking mast at the top of that there are some cameras stereo color high resolution those cameras per the ones that provide the beautiful color pictures that you see on the web and then living down here inside the rover is an infrared spectrometer and then we can use that to tell what minerals are made of. And what minerals are present in the rocks from a distance and the what the way that works this may have this hollow on the inside and there are scan mirrors of the top of the periscope and those mirrors provide the spectrometer the same view of the countryside but the cameras get on the front of the ickle there's an arm. A shoulder and elbow and a wrist that has exactly the same dimensions as my arm that is purely a coincidence. And on the end of the arm there for devices there is a microscope. So look at the rocks up close to more spectrometers to tell us in detail what chemical elements and what minerals are present and we have a device which we call the rat or a T. the rock abrasion tool and this is a diamond tip grinding tool that can grind away the outer surface of a rock kind of opening a window into the rocks interior that we can then see through to the with the other instruments. Now the spacecraft that gets the rover to Mars is built like one of those Russian doll sets you know where there's a doll and sided doll inside a doll OK so the rover shown here folds up in this heart of flying the intricate fashion to make a compact. The package that goes inside the lander letter is shown here and you can see it's got these three things thrown of color on the sides we call these petals because they're like the petals of a flower and what the petals do is they fold up around the rover enclosing it in casing it protecting it on the way to Mars so when that's all folded up the ladder looks like this. That is contained in turn in another shell composed of two pieces this thing here is the heat shield which protects the vehicle is it the sends very rapidly through Martian atmosphere this cone shaped thing on the back we call the back shell and then there's that kind of blue Frisbee look a deal on the back end of it that we call the cruise stage and the crew stage provides electrical power propulsion the stuff you need to get to Mars. And this is what it looks like when it's all buttoned up this is the spacecraft for Spirit all put together in a thermal vacuum test chamber at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California where we built them. We launched in the summer of two thousand and three from Cape Canaveral to beautiful launches on Delta two launch vehicles it took us about seven months to get to Mars. Now when you arrive at Mars you hit the top of the Martian atmosphere going Mach twenty seven twenty seven times the speed of sound that heat shield bleeds off that kinetic energy as you burn a hole through the Martian sky and then once you've descended and you've slowed down to a nicely surely Mach two we throw out a supersonic parachute and we learn the hard way that supersonic parachute Serveti difficult things to design and build the lander descends on a long cord and this is what it looks like is it still screaming down towards the Martian surface at about two hundred kilometers an hour you don't drift down lays Allee on a parachute on Mars the atmosphere is very very thin. We had a terrible time with our parachutes These are pictures from the test that we did the first test that we did of the perished. Design that we thought would land us on Mars we did this test that a National Guard gunnery range outside of Boise Idaho was the place kind of place we can drop big heavy things from the sky and they won't kill anybody and we dropped our test article from a helicopter at four thousand feet we let it fall we deployed the parachute Blas And then it made this perfect beautiful orange or white bowl and it just exploded as ripped to ribbons and parachute after parachute failed what had happened was. As our understanding of the rover and the lander improved our estimate of its mass went up the design got bigger and by the time we did this test there was no way for this parachute to land us we were really in serious trouble so what we did was we embarked on a crash program of parachute redesign designing three different parachutes in parallel praying that one of them would work we tested those parachutes in a NASA wind tunnel and Ames Research Center this is the first successful test of the parachute design that actually landed us on Mars this first successful test of our parachute took place eight months before we had to be on top of the rockets in Florida. It was horrifying. We land using airbags. The airbags are one. That's an airbag engineer being consumed by his work. The air bag. The air bags are like the air bags in your car except a lot more expensive and what they do is they inflate explosively around the vehicle about ten seconds before impact with the surface. About two seconds before impact we fire some rocket motors that zeros out the velocity maybe twenty meters or so off the ground we drop the airbags to the surface and they bounce and they bounce and they bounce and they battle. And they're old and they were all of their old and they can bounce and roll as much as a kilometer before the vehicle finally comes to rest. We had a terrible time with our airbag testing as well OK this is Georgia Tech there are a lot of engineers here OK you've had days like this before you. Look at their faces. This was terrible we did these tests at the world's largest vacuum chamber outside of Sandusky Ohio and basically just inflate the airbags and use giant bungee cords to Wakeham down on to this platform that is studded with sharp pointy rocks and the bags just ripped you know gaping holes in the bag again what happened was the vehicle had become too heavy. The only way to solve this problem. Was to add more layers of more strength of the bags making them heavier still which made the parachute problem worse. We got that to work too this is a picture from one of our successful air bag tests and of course the ultimate test these are air bag balance marks on the surface of Mars. They work. OK Now once you have landed the pedals open. Flips the vehicle up right if it's lying on its side and then inside looking nothing like a rover yet is our vehicle. Now what this thing has to do now at this point is it's got to do origami in reverse unfolding itself and turning it into a rover and. There are many parts of this thing that made me nervous but this part here with all the gears and motors and springs and hinges and latches I mean what you're seeing right here those are the solar arrays those are the life giving solar cells that must deploy the first day on Mars or we don't survive the first night on Mars the camera mask comes up the antenna goes out and by the time we get to this configuration here we're safe we're not ready to go anywhere but at least we've got power now there's more that has to happen it's even worse watch this and says the second step in there is a jack that lifted. It's like to jack in your car. And watch the throne will have to do. It's been twelve years and I still get the heebie jeebies when I watch that if those latches don't watch you're done. Now we thought that once we got to the configuration that you saw there with the lander standing up or excuse me with the rover standing up on the lander we're kind of home free OK we cut the cable and we just go monster truck and down on the mark on the Martian surface and we did some tests. Yeah this is this is a bad day. It turns all turns out that when you drive one of these rovers off a lander it can flip itself upside down that's a bad thing so we had to come up with a solution to that to the solution that you actually saw him with a video clips we invented some ramps made out of fabric made out of the same fabric that the airbags are made I was very tough stuff they stole between the pedals and then as the pedals. Open now the fabric ramp snaps into place and the rover can drive down the ramp. OK to drive it once you get on the surface of Mars you've got to deal with the fact that the Martian surface can't exactly paved OK It's rugged there are rocks and dunes and drafts and things and we had to come up with a system mechanical engineers at J.P.L. invented this elegant system that allows the wheels to conform. To whatever topography they encounter and you can see it here statically but it's better watch it move so watch this watch the wheels watch how the suspension system conforms to the topography and if we find of corrugated metal roof on Mars we're all set. To watch this we're going to do a little pirouette here. It's a very very slick system works extraordinarily well. OK now driving. But I wish I had of course as a joystick right now what I will going to do is I want to be in my office and all of the air around us you can't do that. Even on the night that we landed on Earth and Mars were pretty close together as these things go it took ten minutes for a radio signal traveling at speed of light to go from Earth to Mars something happens on Mars ten minutes to find out what it was that twenty minute round trip time and then run into Iraq to try to joystick. What we had to do instead is in Dow the vehicles with vision. And intelligence and the ability to make their own decisions about what is safe and what is not each vehicle carries a pair of these kind of wide angle Google cameras on the front end on the back end and they take these fisheye view images of the surface and sometimes those images don't even come down to earth what the rover will do is it will use the images to look ahead the terrain in front of it and it will build up a three dimensional range map a model of the terrain in front of it so it knows what the progress he looks like can assess how big the hazards are and can decide this thing is small enough I can drive over it where it's big enough I have to drive around we could program different levels of courage or cowardice into the vehicles depending on you know how dangerous we think that terrain is this was a drive that early in its mission the first part you see here we commanded explicitly but the rest of the drive it's on its own we told it to turn right and then go that way so it goes that way a little ways in here finds a scary pollo rocks those know what to do thinking about it says I can do this I'll do it backwards. It does make that B.P. B.P. sound as is backing up. Now this very pile of rocks here thinking about it thinking about it OK I will go this way you told me to stop here all done there. Little bit. OK The Rat. The rock abrasion tool this is one of the most important tools on the rover. When a Rock sits on a planet's surface for any period of time it gets exposed to the elements humidity sunlight dust wind all of these things can work to change the outer portion of the rock it's a process geologist called weathering and it destroys the evidence it changes the rock from what it used to be to something different and or to understand the origin of rock you've got to get through that whether it's surface and down into the fresh rock underneath so the rat the rock abrasion tool is a diamond tipped grinding wheels and these these grind head spin at three thousand rpm and we grind into solid rock with these so the rock is effectively a power tool it's the world's first interplanetary power tool and as with all power tools when used a device like this you've got to be very careful because you don't want to get into a situation. Where. Or something like that happens. I'm sorry that's such a cheap laugh I thought the wheel coming off was a nice touch All right let's go to R.C.. So we'll start with the Spirit rover. We landed spirit in this crater right here it's called To Save crater it's one hundred sixty kilometers in diameter it's about sixteen degrees south latitude on Mars the reason we chose it was this there's a great big dry riverbed. Flowing into that crater now there's no water in that riverbed Now there has not been for billions of years but it's a big hole in the ground with a dry river flowing into it there has to have been a lake there. OK so we went to goose of crater hoping to find layered sedimentary rocks laid down billions of years ago in a Martian Lake. We landed it we saw this movie. What I managed to convince myself for about three days that this is what a Martian dry lake bed ought to look like. And we started looking at the rocks. In the first rock that we looked up to look at how close was this one we name it Adirondack is this tall. And we hit it with everything we had we looked at it with our cameras our spectrometers microscope drilled a hole into a rat looked inside of it. There's no layers in that that's not a sedimentary rock it's a piece a lava it's an Ignace rock and every other rock for miles and practically every direction is a piece of lava to OK Mars fake this out here I still believe those layered sedimentary rocks must be down there somewhere OK but what has happened is since they were deposited they were buried with. And we didn't know that till we landed and this is what we got and when we first discovered this it was a bitter disappointment. Now the rovers were designed to last for ninety Martian days and to drive a total of one kilometer over their lifetimes about two and a half kilometers to the southeast of our landing site there was this beautiful range of hills that we named the Columbia Hills we named him after the Columbia space shuttle. And recognizing that every single rock in this scene was a piece of this same Wabo what we did once we figured that out was we sprinted Rover speed. To the base of the Columbia Hills hoping to reach there before the mission was over. On day one hundred fifty six of our ninety day mission we reached the base of this hill we need Husband Hill it's named after Rick Husband who was the commander of the Columbia when I went down and everything changed. Everything changed. We began to see minerals that can only form in the presence of water we began to see layering this is a picture right here. Taken with a microscope and what you're seeing here is layering less than a centimeter thick so now we're seeing layers in the rocks we're seeing minerals that point to a watery history all of a sudden things have gotten very different we climbed. Over a period of almost six hundred Martian days doing the first ever mountaineering on Mars to the summit of Husband Hill a mountain this tallest the Statue of Liberty like any good mountaineer when we got to the top we took a picture. Here it is and today. Eleven years after Spirit is landing it's where it has landed this is where Spirit rests we operated spirit for six years and the rover finally died at that location having done some absolutely magnificent science this is one of my favorites. So about eight hundred days we really beat this rover up there was climbing mountains and going over rocks and we really pounded on a pretty badly and about eight hundred days into Spirit's mission the right front wheel failed. So it would no longer turn and what that meant was we then had to drag that wheel whenever we drove we drove Rover backwards dragging that wheel through the soil and a rover that used to do one hundred metres a day now a good good day was ten metres but the good thing about that dead wheel was that it dug this marvelous trench for hundreds of metres through the Martian soil and what we learned was if you do that interesting things can pop up on the floor of the trench we were driving through a little valley. And. At the end of the drive the soil in the bottom of the trench popped up as white as bright snow this caught our attention we went over with our spectrometers we measured the compass composition this this stuff is ninety one percent pure silica as I O. to this is not quartz this is not. Beach sand it's a more fluid silica it's got water mixed in with it is Opal kind of like the gemstone. OK so this silica the posit. That we found in this valley that we were driving through on Mars what this does is it tells us that the environmental conditions here were like what you get on earth in hydrothermal systems where you find Opal deposits on earth this deposits of Hot Springs. Funerals that sort of thing so this is pointing to a low to a set of conditions at this location on Mars that would have been habitable the would have produced conditions suitable for life so of course what we named this place was Silicon Valley. Spirit out at the time in other ways one of the toughest things about operating a solar powered vehicle on Mars is to dust there's dust in the Martian atmosphere and it will settle out of the atmosphere and it will coat everything so this is a picture this is a self-portrait is a selfie is a rover selfie and this was taken about. Three hundred thirty days into Spirit's mission and you notice the solar rays are brown. They're coated with dust now in spirit was brand new straight off the showroom floor those solar arrays put about put out about nine hundred watt hours of power per Martian day so enough energy to run one hundred watt light bulbs and I ours that power went down and down and down and down and by the time this picture was taken the solar array output was about two hundred fifty watt hours and we think that death is somewhere around one fifty so spirit was very close to the end of it and then one marvelous day this happened. And Lucky got through it when hit the vehicle clean the arrays and overnight the power went back up to eight hundred fifty watt hours pure dumb luck. And it was as if this had happened Aereo. In reality it was probably more like this check this out. Dust Devils. Little Martian many tornadoes and we think one of these might have just hit us I'll play this video again is very cool you can almost see Dorothy and Toto. Flying through the scene that was probably what hit us. OK Check this out. I was at I was at. It i heard it's a eclipse very good so Mars has two moons their names are Phobos and Deimos this is the moon Phobos passing directly in front of the Sun This was the first solar eclipse ever witnessed from the surface of another planet there's no science in this at all we just did it because we could. And that's a sunset. On Mars there's this very very fine reddish dust in the atmosphere extremely fine grained and red And so what happens is the sky is pink during the daytime and it turns blue at sunset it's the opposite of Earth. OK let's go an opportunity. So we chose the landing site for opportunity not because of its topography you know hole in the ground no driver bed we chose it because of its composition. The picture on the right is data taken from orbit with an infrared spectrometer it tells us something about the minerals that are present the blue stuff. Is probably boring all lava. But the red in the yellow in the green is a mineral called him a tight. Human Tate's an iron oxide It's a mineral that is present in rust and it's a mineral that sometimes in fact usually but not always forms as a consequence of the action of liquid water so that it was like a chemical beacon visible from space saying hey come land here. Now the thing that made me nervous about the opportunity site was this it's a I mean it's smooth it's. This is great for landing it's great for driving but I fear that it was so smooth and so flat. That no where would we find the topography that we would need to expose bedrock I need not have worried. These are three of my favorite pictures from the whole mission so. As our Lander was descending towards the Martian surface he carried a single camera that looked down. And that camera had enough time to snap off just three pictures during the landing process so those three pictures are shown here you see an impact crater there and just the left of the craters the little black dot OK that black dot the shadow of the parachute. OK And here this is just the same scene being viewed obliquely the red curve shows the reconstructed trajectory that our vehicle went through as it went through the landing process so we're coming streaming in from pace from space on the parachute we're going like two hundred kilometers an hour OK we inflate the airbags are far there's rocket motors we drop the airbags to the surface the wind that day was blowing from the south. So the trajectory bends through the north bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce and then reading the green perfectly it curves to the left and goes right into a little twenty meter diameter impact crater. Tiger Woods on his best day. Could not have done this again it was just pure dumb luck. We opened our eyes and the first thing we saw was the spectacular outcrop of layered bedrock right in front of the rover now we figured out very very quickly that we were in a crater. But we didn't know what Creator we were in so we didn't know how big it was so we didn't know how far away the crater wall was so we didn't know how large the greater wall was and then the night that we landed when we first saw the picture of the outcrop that you see here the now. Game that my team gave to this outcrop that we're going to have to deal with the name what they named it was the Great Wall. That was what they named it. And we took some stereo pictures and we did a little bit of trigonometry. A little tiny out great big row over the Great Wall was this tall. OK but its small size was part of its charm and when we went over and we made our first measurements on the first measurements by the way were made on Iraq right here fact I go back there it is right there we named it Stone Mountain. After a place nearby that you might have heard and. When we made our measurements of this we discovered some extraordinary things. The first thing that we found looking around was we start looking for the human type OK We wanted to know where the human was. So our inference spectrometers a great detector and so we made this map of where the human tide is and red is lots of blue is not so there's lots of human tide out on the plains outside the crater there's a fair amount of it on the crater floor. There's thought in the outcrop in the bedrock but not as much and then down on the crater floor there are these splotches shown in blue that have no human side at all. The splotches are airbag balance marks. When you bounce in the dirt at this place on Mars human goes away. OK what do we do with that. I've seen this picture before here the balance marks very smooth soil and in between where the human eye is there's lots of gravel so I think an aha they must be in the gravel. We drove off the lander and we look down at the gravel and we start to notice that the grains looked awfully round so we took out a microscope and we took this picture. And I will remember as long as I live where I was standing. And how I felt and the unrepeatable words that I said when I saw this picture the surface of Mars at the Opportunity landing site is littered with an uncountable number of little round things and they're four five six millimeters in diameter and they're absolutely everywhere we had initially no clue what we're dealing with now this that Stone Mountain OK and we drove over to it what we quickly realized was that the little round things they did in the outcrop like blueberries in a muffin. The blueberries are hard the muffin a soft the muffin or roads away and the blueberries fall out and they're absolutely everywhere. Now. By this time we're desperate to know what the blueberries are made of we have an instrument on the end of the arm that's a very good human type attack there and it's got a field of view that. Centimeter to have two centimeters across but if you try to to to look at just one of these blueberries is a picture taken with a microscope it's only three centimeters across your field of view it's going to be full of a little bit of blueberry and a whole lot of muffin that's going to be hard to figure out what you're dealing with so what we needed was a gathering of blueberries and we found one there was a place where there was a little bowl shaped the pressure in the rock that a bunch of the blueberries had rolled into we call it the berry Bowl and we went over and we stuck our spectrometer into the berry ball and what we found was that yes indeed the blueberries are made almost entirely. When we came to realise is that these blueberries are what ya just call concretions concretions forming in typically in sedimentary rocks on Earth that are saturated with liquid water there's some mineral like human type that dissolved in the water it wants to pursue potato out if finds a little nucleation point and begins to precipitate and it starts to grow and it grows and grows adding layer upon layer. In the same way it way that an oyster builds a perv. What you get of these little hard to human jewels in the rock and so what these human type knowledge roles what these blue birds are telling us is this is a place where water just wants absolutely soaked the ground so the subsurface of Mars. Now we're also interested in whether or not the water ever came to the surface if you've ever looked into the bed of a sandy stream you've seen this when water flows overstand it makes ripples and the ripples propagate downstream in the key here is that the crest of the ripples are highly sinew if they're not straight there and they're seen us on scales of like five or ten centimeters just little tiny ripples and we've seen this OK if you looked into the bed of a sandy stream Now here's the same thing being simulated in a computer and watch what's left behind the layers that you get from these downstream propagating little ripples and instead of flat layers you get these little concave upward sort of Smiley shapes in the rock that's called Cross geometry cross Betty and that Smiley shape at these little scales is the signature of liquid water as the agent of transport so here it is from set of sediments in the Colorado River in the southwestern United States and in a few places here it is on Mars we found a lot of this but we found it in several different places beautiful little concave up shapes the tell us that this water that soaked the ground occasionally came to the surface and flowed across the ground. OK so we spent. Sixty Martian days exploring the little crater we name the Eagle Crater where we landed with and went to another crater that we named insurance levy insurance crater we began to head south in the first thing we went to was our he or the heat shield is the thing that protects the vehicle as a descends through the Martian atmosphere once we're once we don't need it anymore we just drop it and it falls on the Martian surface the pictures at the top. What that he looked like last time I saw it and here it is you know busted into pieces on the surface of Mars and there's the crater that it made when a hit now we went to the heat shield. Not to learn about Mars but to learn about heat shields. OK For decades engineers have been given the task of trying to design a heat shield that will work in the very poorly understood atmosphere of Mars but until our mission not one of those engineers had had the chance to actually see their creation after it had done its job we were able to go to the heat shield go to this fractured part of it take our microscope take a cross-sectional image through the chart he chilled and give it to the engineer who had designed and built the thing so that he could assess how well it performed. Now of course we're scientists at the same time we're doing our engineering investigation if he were looking around for rocks we found one or two metres away from his shield just sitting there we call it heechul rock. We're going over to measure the composition of this thing turns out this thing is not made of conventional rock at all this is a nickel. It's a meteorite it's an iron meteorite that was just sitting there right next to the heat shield pure dumb luck. I told the team we shouldn't stay here it's obviously a place where big metal objects fall from the sky. We left the heat shield and we began a long long arduous drive to the south and as we drove south we began to encounter these little wind blown ripples and the farther south we got the bigger they were until we were effectively driving through a doing field and we would drive up one side of these ripples and then over and down the other side and we go after one after another after another and we did find we just drove over hundreds of these things and then one day and I still don't understand this. But one day we were driving along over these these ripples and we ran. And into one that was just a little bit different from all the others I still don't understand how and the wheels broke through the crust and we did fifty meters worth the wheel turns thinking we were driving when in fact we were just digging ourselves deeper and deeper and deeper into the soil. We came in the next morning and all six wheels were buried over the hubcaps this was a bad day. Now the first rule in a situation like this is don't do anything stupid that's going to make the problem worse OK The sun is shining We've got power the roguish are not going anywhere so we've got time to work this out. And we built the rovers we actually built four of them two of them are an opportunity or on Mars the other two are back here on Earth and those two rovers we can use to simulate predicaments the we have gotten ourselves into and then try to figure a way out of them now another it in order to simulate this particular predicament we needed a very large quantity of fake Martian soil. If you ever called upon. To create Martian soil Here's the recipe that I recommend that you use. It is roughly equal parts place sand the stuff in Kid sand boxes clay and diet summations for. The very fine grain stuff that's the stuff that's used in swimming pool filters and once we figured out this recipe a bunch of engineers and pickup trucks fanned out across the L.A. basin and bought up literally tons of these three ingredients people were getting algae in their swimming pools all summer long because of us. And we brought it back to J.P.L. and we mixed it up it was horrible work and made these dunes and pits and mounds and then we would drive the rover into it get the rover stuck just as it did on Mars you can see it caked on the wheels in the same way it did on Mars. And we spent two and a half weeks rehearsing trying to find the optimal way to extract a robot from a sand dune on. Another planet there are a lot of things you can do you can run the wheels of different philosophies you can steer the wheels back and forth and try to open up the holes that they're in you can rock the vehicle OK we tried all of those are a bunch of other things and we finally found the optimal technique the optimal technique it turns out was to put it in reverse and got it. Right there's no place to go to look this stuff up OK. So here we are gone on Mars that's the left front wheel. Over many Martian days here's the left rear wheel I mean we're really stuck we did one hundred ninety two meters worth of wheel turns to get the rover to move one meter but one wonderful Saturday morning. After six weeks stuck in a feature we later came to call Purgatory Dune. The rover popped out and we've been treating those little dunes with much greater respect ever since. So. Sense of scale Here's Eagle Crater the little crater that we landed in there's insurance greater heat shield was about here Purgatory Dune was about here what we're trying to get to was this enormous crater down here Victoria Now you notice that the names of the craters and see the one kilometer scale are there the names of the craters come from famous ships of exploration eagle of course was the Apollo eleven command module in durance was Ernest Shackleton ship in the Antarctic the Victoria was one of Magellan's ships. Magellan left Spain with two hundred sixty men and five ships they set out towards the Spice Islands. Magellan himself. Was killed in the Philippines. Most of the ships were lost many lives were lost three years later having circum navigated the. Globe The one remaining ship the Victoria with eighteen surviving sailors from the original two hundred sixty limped back to Spain so we chose that name for this crater thinking would be an apt analogy for the condition that we would be in with our beat up little rover driven by surviving graduate students if we ever got that far. But I'm pleased to say very pleased to say that we did make it to Victoria Crater and wonderfully at virtually the exact moment that we pulled up to the rim of the crater a spectacular new camera one that changed those very well. On a new orbital called the mark on its orbital orbiter pulled into orbit around Mars they turned on the camera and they took this marvelous picture of Victoria crater so I'll blow up just that little portion of it. There it is. If you look real close. There's opportunity in fact if you look really close you can even see the shadow of the camera mast being cast on the Martian surface it was really cool to see our rover again. We spent two years of Victoria Crater the first year was spent traversing along the rim of the crater and you can see the intricate wheel tracks that we made as we drove across the top of this six or eight metre tall cliff with the rover the rover drivers told me when we were all done that was going to Stephen I'm not seeing it. But that's what they said but but seriously these wheel tracks to me actually these represent one of the finest accomplishments in the history of planetary robotics because what you've got is you've got a bunch of engineers who's job first and foremost is to keep the vehicle safe driving along the top of an eight metre cliff and a bunch of scientists saying go closer go closer go closer and we did go very close over and over and over again we've got spectacular views here is one of them this is a place called Cape St Mary. Eight metre tall cliff I blow up that portion there you go and look at the cross that look at the layering in that rock and the way the layers cut across one another you could take a terrestrial geologist and shown this picture and tell them they were looking at the Navajo sandstone from Utah and they would believe you what you're seeing there is the signature of an ancient dune field there was once a dune field at this place blowing sand around and producing this spectacular layering on exactly the scale that you see interestingly all rocks on earth I don't know if you've been to many talks by geologists what geologists love to do is put their rock camera into the scene for scale so there is my digital rock hammer. And it's just magnificent stuff we also went down into the crater came back out again spent about two years there. At that point we had decided what to do next you couldn't see in durance at the top it took us years to get to Victoria Crater. And what we decided to do at that point and James was actually instrumental in in motivating this decision but what we decided to do was to head towards Endeavor Crater. And there were a huge twenty two kilometers in diameter it's hundreds and hundreds of meters deep and what makes it especially interesting and important is that it is older than all the stuff we've been driving around on so the rhythm of this create this crater it's been almost completely buried by the same rocks that we've been seeing over and over since Stone Mountain. And then the rim of it is poking up like islands through a sea of these sandstone and we knew that if we could get there it took us three years sixty metres take a panorama sixty metres take a panorama we did that for three solid years before we finally got to the rim of the Devore but we got there and everything changed it was like a brand new landing site it was like the mission started all over again this happened about two three years ago. Spectacular view when we got there this is a just as we were pulling up the thing it was cool about the drive to and that ever was you can see this stuff from miles away and every day we get a little closer a little closer was like being on a ship at sea and you could see land off in the distance and we finally got there. As we speak right now the rover is revalue where that arrow is it's actually just over that ridge and a little valley on the far side we have found I wish I had time to tell you about all the wonderful things that we have found here here's one of them. This is a vein. Of a very bright mineral this veins about as wide as your thumb it's about as long as your forearm we found hundreds of these and this thing is made of a sensually pure gypsum. Gypsum is a calcium sulphate it's a salt the precipitation from liquid water so this is a place where water in large quantities flowed through fractures in the Rock and precipitated out this bright white vein of gypsum. This what. I get to that this was a weird one this was really strange so we were driving. Along the route the rim of this crater doing a little bit of climbing and so these are two pictures this was taken on day thirty five twenty eight and this is the same scene OK this rock here. Is that rock there this one here is that one here here's the same scene twelve days later and look at that. There's this little rock it's about this big. It's white around the outside it's deep red in the center it looks like a jelly donut and if you showed up and. You just showed up this really freaked us out. And we had we there were all sorts of crazy theories flying around the over the internet work nuts on this one. It turns out all it was was that we had a few days before this picture was taken we had done a little what we call determine the turn and place its little pirouette to maneuver and as the one of the wheels was sort of shattering across the ground as we did the maneuver it kind of just simply went this thing out of the rock and then it obligingly flipped itself upside down so that what we're seeing is the underside of this rock and we're seeing a rock that has not been exposed to the Martian atmosphere for billions of years and we just sheer dumb luck just just flipped it out and there it was and we've measured the composition of this it turns out it's very very rich and manganese compounds tells another again a very very interesting story about water the flow of anything around here really very very close to the surface so sometimes you just get lucky. OK The Mars marathon so a rover that was designed to last for ninety days and drive one kilometer has as of a couple weeks ago gone twenty six point two miles so we have completed a marathon on Mars and so to celebrate this we actually had an event at J.P.L. this we ran a marathon only was a relay nobody ran a full twenty six miles but all you could see all the runners with their bibs on and they would hand off and then the final final leg which was like two meters was run by one of our rovers and and so we actually have completed marathon on Mars and I'm actually I'm actually very proud of that this picture which has just come down in the past few days. This is taken from where the rover is right now. There's an impact crater right here called Spirit of St Louis this big huge thing sitting inside the crater very interesting I don't know what that is it may actually be what's left of the thing that made the crater in the first place that we have named Lindbergh. We're looking at the rocks in the immediate. City and the value that you see just beyond the Spirit of St Louis crater we have named marathon Valley and that's the next place we're going to go now I mention that James his work had a lot to do with us going to Endeavor Crater one of the most important pieces of science that James did back when he was a Cornell was that after we sort of decided well maybe we're going to head off towards this Endeavor Crater James dug carefully into spectral data taken from orbit for Endeavor Crater and what he was able to show is that in a few special places along the rim of Endeavor crater and it turns out maybe the very best of those is marathon Valley and we've been making a beeline to this place because of that you see the definite signature of clay minerals They're claiming they're also tremendously important because clay minerals form in the presence of liquid water but in contrast to a lot of this over the other stuff they form in neutral ph conditions OK A lot of the minerals that we find and we want to answer and water on Mars water on Mars Well a lot of places what we've really discovered is evidence for so if you're a gas at all Mars OK but here in Marathon Valley if James is right and I think he is. We're going to play minerals and that's going to be tremendously important to us. Well. There we go. Whenever I give talks about. The project I always end the moon with a slide wrote a book about the project called Roving Mars and in an appendix I tried to list the names of everybody who worked on the project there are more than four thousand names on that list so I'm just one of a very very big team. It's an extraordinary group of people that I'm very proud to be part of this is part of the team here this is down to Cape Canaveral this is the night that we set the Opportunity rover out for the launch pad. And for everyone. Us who has been part of this mission it has been in the very literal sense of the phrase the adventure of a lifetime and I really want to thank you very much for inviting me here to tell you thank you OK thank you OK to Iraq. And he says we have time for questions you. Could. Read here. OK. OK. You know I talked to were. Very very nasty and. Have. No I haven't broken shoulder would be overstating it the shoulder joint has three degrees of freedom it can go like this and it can go like that this degree of freedom does not work reliably anymore so we've chosen not to use it this one works so when we need to go side to side we go like that which is there with the rover So yes so that the the as I'm a joint on the shoulder as we call it is no longer we don't use that anymore so I think. The other things that are wrong with opportunity I can list them all. So there's the as Mr One of the shoulder another one is that the right front steering actuator no longer works so when we turn a place or when we do any kind of turn we can steer the right front and rear wheels. And we can so we can do a nice little turn place and the right front wheel doesn't. Turn doesn't actuate in the steering fashion anymore. That. Was that flaw was what was responsible for typically winking that jelly donut rock out of the ground if it had been working properly that wouldn't have happened it's. Just like the the silica discovery OK just dumb luck that this thing work because the rover wasn't working for properly but yes that's Turing actuator doesn't work. The only other significant thing things that are wrong. The infrared spectrometer are no longer functions and the reason for that is that in order to preserve the lifetime of the rover to let it live as long as it had we had to turn off the heat or the survival heater the keep that thing warm at night to conserve power and eventually that broke the instrument the only other thing that's wrong is that one of our spectrometers we called our last power spectrometer it has a radiation source of cobalt fifty seven. Works great the half life of COBOL fifty seven is two hundred seventy one days now when we had a ninety day mission that seemed just fine right you know four thousand DAYS IN we're out of cobalt so that instrument doesn't work anymore but everything else is there we're finding clues include in their operation tool that's still working we haven't worn that out yet all six wheels are still turned so we're doing really really well solar power the solar panels this is been an interesting thing at the Spirit site you see lots and lots and lots of dust build up punctuated very infrequent intervals by these cleaning events as we call it only happened like three times over Spirit's lifetime opportunity we've never really gotten that rover dirty the wind regime at the opportunity site is very different and instead of the occasional blast you get these little things all the time and we've just never really gotten thirty rover at that site so the solar arrays are fine. Others. Are. OK. OK. Yes. Curiosity I love curiosity that's that's the other over that I'm spending a fair amount of time on James spends a lot of time on that. Over these days. Curiosity does all the things that I would have wanted spirit to do an opportunity to do two main things first of all. Cheery our city has nuclear power you don't have to wait for a lucky wind gust to clean it off it's got a steady nuclear power source that just keeps it going all the time the other thing and this is an experiment that both James and I are involved in it carries this wonderful instrument it's called Sam and this thing is able to we can drill into rock we can put it into this instrument package inside the rover and we can detect organic molecules that like the parts per billion level I mean just really really tiny trace amounts of organics and turns out to be hard to do there on a lot of organic molecules on Mars but we're working real hard with that seeing some encouraging results and so that ability to look for organics and that ability to just keep on truckin even when the rovers dusty those are the two things I wish I had a spare an opportunity to have both my curiosity. All the questions where the back. Rest. Yeah that's that's an interesting that's an interesting question. That's something I've thought a lot about and I take very very seriously these rovers all together to get them to Mars cost about eight hundred million taxpayer dollars thank you all very much. When we first landed expecting to ninety day missions when you did the math it worked out to about four and a half million dollars a day. And I hammered that number I hammered that number into my team's heads I didn't want to make it it's very easy to go a hundred million that's a few slices of pizza for every american know you could do an enormous amount of good in the world with a hundred million dollars and I wanted everybody they heard that. Number for me over and over for years I want everybody coming into work thinking my God we had before to have million dollars worth of science today and there were some days we did and there were other days that we didn't but we took that responsibility very very seriously I mean to answer your question I've always felt. That. In a society that says wealthy as ours as a society that is able to do a pretty good job not a perfect job but a decent job with taking care of the basic needs of the citizens has a certain imperative to spend some fraction of its resources on things that you know for lack of a better phrase enrich the human spirit we should be spending money on the arts we should be spending money on basic research that's not going to pay off for hundreds of years and we should be spending money to answer fundamental questions like Are we alone in the universe had life first arise and so yeah we have spent eight hundred million dollars Our efforts do not fill in the potholes they don't put roofs on the schools they don't put libraries in the schools or textbook in the libraries they put knowledge into the textbooks. And I sleep OK at night. But that's what we do. Yeah. Well OK. So where the atmosphere go yeah that's a really interesting one so. How why do we think that Mars was how did Mars get to be warmer in the past a good hypothesis is that it had a dense atmosphere which is what he's referring to and it was a greenhouse effect carbon dioxide is a wonderful greenhouse gas as we know but where did all go OK So here's a theory. We know that very long ago early in its history Mars had a magnetic field somehow generated in the Martian core there was a magnetic field because we can see the remnants of that magnetic field still frozen in the oldest rocks on the surface but younger rocks don't show that So after a little while maybe the first five hundred million years first. Billion years something like that the magnetic field one away why I probably because the core froze or you had a liquid molten metal core that was convecting away but then the planet cooled it frozen no magnetic field Now why is that important the reason that's important is because one of the things that magnetic field does is it protects the planet's atmosphere from the solar wind there is this steady stream of charged particles flowing outwards from the sun and if you have a magnetic field the solar wind will be diverted by that and it magnetic field around the planet that's a protective bubble but if the magnetic field collapses it goes away now all of a sudden those solar wind particles impinge on the top of the Martian atmosphere and they can strip away atmosphere of gas and that process may have been in large part responsible for atmospheric lost and losing that greenhouse effect now there's a mission called maven it's an orbiter it's at Mars now and its job is to answer exactly that question by studying the interaction between the upper atmosphere of Mars and the solar wind and seeing you know what are the last rates really like OK is this a viable hypothesis for you know where did the atmosphere go why is it different today. Other questions yeah. Sure. That's right there's more he wrote the other nine nine different principal investigators. And I mean there there were a couple couple of major differences. One difference was that our mission a rose from catastrophe. The two missions that preceded ours launch to Mars in one thousand nine hundred eight one of them crashed on the Martian surface the other one burned up in the Martian atmosphere because of a mix up over English in metric units that's a very bad way to lose this. Craft don't let it happen to you. Because of those the goal for the two thousand and three mission was to try to fly something that at least had a payload that was ready to go and at that point I had been the principal investigator for a two thousand and one Lander mission that had a bunch of instruments on it instruments were built tested calibrated. And NASA just decided to take that whole thing lock stock and barrel and put it onto the Rovers and you know build another one so we'd have two sets but part of the reason any ARE was done the way it was was because we had an existing payload with a single P.-I in the case of curiosity there was time to do it and sort of the more traditional way other things big difference in price OK this is an eight hundred million dollars mission curiosity is more like two and a half billion so that much money you want if you want to kind of spread the love around a little bit OK. So there are a couple couple reasons that it was done differently either one works in one of the good things about having. The entire science payload under the direction of a single principal investigator is that it gives me a kind of more pieces on my chess board it gives me more levers that I can push when I need to fix something so if I got one instrument Janet just to pick a trivial as simple example I got one instrument that's ahead of schedule and doing great on budget and then I get another one where I'm out of money and I've got a problem I can take money from one do it to the other boards if you got there from Principal Investigator you can't you can't do that sort of thing so it just gave me a lot of flexibility to kind of tune things the other thing is that in designing the payload I was able to design it so that all the pieces work together so the size of the area that the rock abrasion tool grinds off is just right for one spectrometer fit in there for another spectrometer fit and for the microscopic imager to cover it completely and it's just right for the infrared spectrometer to look at it and so forth so we were able to design. The instruments as an ensemble as a suite that was was complimentary so they work for us but obviously it's working for curiosity too so either approach could be fine yeah. OK. That was not planned scientific Marshall missions to Mars coming up yes there are me see if I can list them all for you. In two thousand and sixteen so next year there is a mission called Insight and that is the lander that's going to land on the Martian surface and it's going to do geo physics it's going to look for Mars quakes it's going to try to learn about the interior of Mars in two thousand and eighteen the European Space Agency is going to fly another mission it's a rover mission it's called Exo Mars and it's going to land on the Martian surface and explore it's particularly interested in what might be signs of biology. In two thousand and twenty we're going to fly another rover is just called Mars twenty twenty right now and that one has a really interesting job that one is the design to drill into rocks and take solid cores of rock which then it will cash on the surface take all these little rock samples pick them very carefully put them all together in one place and then some future mission will be able to pick up those samples and bring it back to Earth so it's the beginning of our sample return program. Then there's a bunch of other stuff going on to India. India just successfully sent a fantastic orbiter mission to Mars and it's working and it's working beautifully in two thousand and twenty one the United Arab Emirates is thinking about doing it at their own mission to Mars so it's becoming the thing to do it's kind of. Yeah right here. How much oil does the rover use it uses if it doesn't use oil at all. OK It uses grease so if you think about the rover so it's got these wheels that turn and then to make the wheel turn you need a motor and a gear box and so in the gearbox you've got these years that are moving and to lubricate that you need a little bit of grease so we've got a little bit of grease in those your boxes but that's all we don't use in the oil at all just the grease. Or just one. OK I go all night go ahead you're going to. Go ahead one more. OK So when you're for the first party question deals with human spaceflight OK. Let me answer the second part first I mean huge fan of Sony you know sending humans to Mars you know I'm a robot guy I have devoted my entire career to building robots and sending them to Mars but I believe that the the best most successful most compelling most inspiring. Most scientifically productive exploration is going to be done by humans now if your criterion is simply science bang for the buck you know what's going to give us the most science return per unit dollar then robots are always going to win but that's not why we do this stuff OK. I will tell you for example there is a you know somebody once famously said nobody's ever going to give a robot a tickertape parade and that's true OK scientists have are humans have a capability to inspire that robots to not. Spirit and Opportunity were built by a bunch of people like me who grew up in the sixty's in the seventy's watching Mercury and Gemini and Apollo on television and dreaming of sending spaceships to Mars someday and now we get to do a. So there's a real real value in that in terms of the science. Jeez you know these rovers what what our magnificent state of the art robots like Opportunity curiosity do in a day a human can do in about thirty seconds I mean what Spirit and Opportunity did in six ten eleven years on Mars James and I could have done a good two weeks OK. And have the ability to improvise and ways that the robots don't so I'm a huge huge fan of sending humans to Mars it can't happen soon enough for me now to get to your other question. Right now. Nasa. Has the long term goal of sending humans to Mars but in the near term they have many many pressures on them to achieve many different things and a budget that in my personal view is not adequate to achieve all those things so just as one example you mentioned human spaceflight right now really NASA is conducting to almost completely separate human space flight programs in parallel one of them is centered on utilizing the International Space Station which is a magnificent accomplishment and getting cargo and crew there be a commercial means the other one is focused on this new space launch system this big new rocket the Arayan crew capsule and sending humans out into deep space we clearly have enough research sources to do one or the other of those trying to do both of them in parallel is proving to be very very problematic so. I think in order to achieve that long range goal of getting humans to Mars it is necessary to reduce some of the pressures on the NASA budget either by a reduction in scope of what NASA is expected to do or by increasing the resources. OK thank you very much.