Our next presenter is Aurora detailed her presentation is unilateral trance to be only a pretty dynamic stability margin dream treadmill walking in the middle but Hi everyone and welcome again. My name is Chris Tyrol and I'm going to be presenting today about unilateral trans tibial in P.T. and dynamic stability Marston during treadmill walking and I did this research under the guidance of young Chang. So the story all starts with what we call a lot of role instability every individual while you're walking is passively stable walking forward and backward. But Media lot are really you need to stabilize yourself using muscle octaves. If you're actively stabilizing yourself consistently from side to side but there's a real lack of research that looks at how this media lot are all instability affects in beauty's while they're walking a majority of it. Your research looks at the plane and how they're walking. But misses this whole segment of stability and media LOTRO to mention why is this important one simple fact amputees fall they fall a lot and so we need to understand why they're falling what's causing this falling and how can we possibly train them to walk better fifty two percent of community to eling lower limb N.P.T.'s fall at least once a year and this really means that this is a big problem for entities and this falling and fear falling further leads to them walking one which is a real problem and decreasing their prosthetic use in order to understand falling and understand stability my projects overarching goal is to quantify differences in stability between how trance to feel in the teaser walking and how able body controls are walking stability and remaining balance is a really complex problem and involves the bunch of different dimensions Lockhart. Site is for me areas that are used to stabilize yourself and balance visual stimuli are per receptive and muscular skeletal and these are all related to one another and they're all compromised with tranche of Elian piccies who are walking so since we have such a complex multisystem problem. How are we going to study stability one way researchers have really found steady stability is using kind of global measures and these two global measures are using the center of mass your center of mass concentrated about where your belly button is. And your base that support this is the distance between your two legs while you're walking a lot of the previous background research that is used this measure has looked at Able bodied amputees able bodied subjects and they show them that walking at slower speeds increases these media a lot of movements. So we know aren't beauties tend to walk slower. So that's going to contribute to some of the need a lot of movement still experience and some of the research that's been done with amputees has been done mostly standing when we place a probation or push them a little harder they restabilize themselves and the research shows that they restabilize themselves predominantly by leaning towards their sound like to regain their balance in order to study stability during walking. I'm looking at something called the dynamic stability margin. This was developed by hot at all in two thousand and five to study dynamics stability and evil bodied subjects and some pathological groups so I'm taking that margin that he's established and developed and applying it to if you tease. This is really to explain what equation is he using to establish dynamic stability there are two main variables we're looking at we're looking at the math here of the bases the port between one life and the other life shown here. The difference between that and what we call the X. center of mass what the X. center of mass is doing it's taking the center of mass position and adding in a component of velocity. It's adding a more dynamic element to it to. Make a more accurate representation of how center of mass is being adjusted while you're walking and this B. value that I'm looking at is the distance between the center of mass etc Nothing to be for I'm going to focus from here on out on the beam in value. So when it is minimized. It's usually at the beginning of a step and why is that important because when viewed zero point beam in is your zero. You're falling over. So when you don't have any more distance between your center of math and the edge of your pieces or that's when you're falling and that's what's interesting and that's why I'm looking at human My hypothesis is that you know a lot of trance to fill every cheese will have greater beam in values on their prosthetic side compared to able bodied subjects. I believe this because I believe they're trying to protect their prosthetic side by moving their center of mass away from it more towards or sound like much of what was seen in the standing research that's been done previously in order to do this. I had five M.P.G. subjects and seven controls this is a video a living of one of our data collection. They did thirty second trials of instrument a treadmill walking. I only looked at the one meter per second speed because I felt as if it was most relevant for looking at this particular dimension of Mt walking and we collected kinematics from reaction forces and lower Louis and the folded areas are what I'm really discussing in this presentation but we do have this huge database of data that can be tapped into for future states after the data was are collected we took it into Viacom and created this nice full body model with markers and fourth place and I extract all that data using Matlab in Excel to interpret the center of math we use the ground reaction forces and we control for math. So we took out that element that can potentially lead to some variability and the based support I use the term marker and all the statistics run off to a basic snapshot. What are subjects look like we basically try to control for any extraneous variable that may lead to further instability. So we had really good walkers patient models who had spent a lot of time walking could walk in variable speeds people who only due to trauma amputation and had no big systemic problems or any sort of muscular skeletal disorder. Other than they had the unilateral trance to feel in our average age for our subjects was about thirty one years old for controls and for the amputees they're about forty four store in P.T. population was a little bit older but fairly close the results that we found we did in fact find that even with greater on the prosthetic side on that it was for control and this was statistically significant. But we found that on the south side there was no significant difference between what their beamin was versus what controls Beeman was so essentially what amputees are doing is they're minimizing how much their center of math moves while they're walking they're bringing it closer to their sound side and they're holding it a little more centrally to their sound side and addition to minimizing the motion of their center now they're also increasing their base of support and this is something that I'm sure every clinician in the room has objective leave served and this study currently with that results that we have increased these as support for all of the areas that in addition to comparing our amputees to our controls. We also looked at one like to the other how symmetric are that we didn't find any significant differences from one line to the other in either group but what's interesting about that is there is an order of magnitude greater variance within our trans T.V. land he said and you can see this just visually really quick snapshot there were some subjects were very easy to measure. I'm going to talk about some of those reasons in our discussion. So some of the reasons that we believe the huge. Difference in the theory true even between the different subjects within the N.T. Tikker if they have larger standard deviations they weren't as tightly compacted between step to step and we see a lot of almost a trend Ellenberg with these subjects that have the larger concentration of their center mass sure it's there down by so they're placing their center mass directly over their sound like they're keeping it really far away from the press that it like because they're free to follow some other subjective considerations are it would be nice to know a little better the integrity of this download musculature some good habits if we had more information about fall history we might be able to start to extract subgroups within the entity population. So we know N.P.T. is generally behave this way but what characterizes the difference between one of our thugs that had a much larger difference between one leg of the other and one that was more symmetric what me creates that difference and we talk about them here if we have but we don't have enough information to justify any right. The conclusion with the hypothesis was in fact conceived confirmed unilateral trance to be only if you did have greater females on their prosthetic side there protecting that side so that their first safety mechanism keeping their center mass in the small little area and a second safety mechanism is increasing their visa support so they can remain more stable some clinical applications this is actually mostly just correlating what a lot of clinicians already know with some scientific evidence which I think is really important as well in addition to this is creating a clinical B.S. practice because now you can say we know this happens. And now we have our understanding of why it's happening. Also observed gait analysis for those two subjects that were very sort of more different from the rest of the M.P.T. subject group. You could see it. So there is an element of being able to physically see when there is huge differences in the center of mass movements Franky sceptic. But some of the symmetry is normal. Even our controls favored one like versus the other but they favored it by very very small future directions we have a ton of data that be great if we can analyze all that muscle data and get a better idea of what muscles are using to actively control like the gluteus medius is a big muscle and but placement outcomes measures related to stability is there a way we can make this more easy for clinicians to see and figure out in practice if we can Carlie these results with an outcomes measure that clinicians can do in five minutes in their office then that's really valuable. I also step activity monitors does the amount that they walk from day to day impact these results and by how much. And maybe even the impact of prosthetic feet on these different beat out some of my acknowledgments I would not have been able to do this project without every person on this slide making Tony especially if she did a majority of the job a collection that I used to do the analysis in a subject and he changed advice and guidance was invaluable as well as just for his amazing man of coding. I'm sorry. Now I'm pretty going to hear my references and now I will take questions and. Thank you for are you moderate when it rest. The center method. Well I did OK I did a calculation using the force plates. So I integrated the force plates and they divide by mass and add a constant just to place it in the proper spatial frame essentially So I was using for Slate dot I wasn't using the other center of mass to have a valuation which is much more difficult. Which is kind of like you did a lake in a bucket figure and I was using for Slate dot. Yes So we did not control for that at all. We didn't change whatever prosthesis they were walking on with the prosthesis that they came in on I did look into what types of foot units the amputees that we had tended to have and it was all across the board. So some Had you heard or seen inverters and some didn't. I will tell you that one of the amputees had the greatest kind of distance that she kept from her prosthetic leg was one who had a prosthetic foot that actually complements for you further and further so I think it has more to do with good habits than differences between prosthetic feet but but based on one subject and some subjective analysis question of the room. What do you mean integrating instability. No this was normal walking. We just wanted to see how unstable were they were just normal walking at one meter per second which is pretty close to the self selected speed. We don't even want the speed to be too fast because we can we consider that a perturbation if it was walking too quickly. We didn't introduce anything and we saw these differences because even the baseline research isn't there. Introducing instability and stabilization would be the next step for sure. Articles are to be so that you see the correlation through most of the OR world. None of our subjects had superconscious and so none of them had that particular type of socket design and however they had a very to Greece that some had Pence's that somehow the ceiling. Honor. We basically just use stoplight as a metric to say how well is their sock fitting socket fitting and we had them personally evaluate how well their sockets fitting we've recognized the best subjective limitation of the study that some people might have had better fitting sockets which led to more stable walking but there was we tried to control for as much as possible. I'm thinking as they came and that's another we weren't able to I just feel I never prosthesis. However I will say that all the subjects we're using some are here all the little all the subjects that we are using are patient models. These are people who have come in for several different studies these are good walkers and they tend to be very well fit. Just because they come in and participate in a study if you're volunteering to do treadmill walking as an amputee. You probably have. Do you think confidence in your prosthesis or you wouldn't be OK with just walking on the treadmill. One last question. This was one of those little you think we'll talk to my little one and receive these potentially yes that is a limitation of the study when you have a split well treadmill some people might artificially try and make sure they're on both shelf properly one way we tried to control for that is when they were walking we put her a picture of buzz on the wall and basically said fix on a picture when you're walking and we didn't start collecting the data and mediately when they started walking we gave them a couple of seconds of acclimation So the hope is that they will be paying attention and they'll just naturally drift to where their normal basis. OK thank you very much Christine.