I'm delighted to introduce Dr Paul Medvedev from Penn State University. Proud to suit his Ph D. from the University of Toronto and he did a shot Distin does a post doc do you see as David. And he's been a bit straight ever since he's a faculty in two departments they're computer science and engineering and also biochemistry and molecular biology he's a rising star and by informatics received. In his peers do you want to laid the foundations for the use of growing but I would buy it at a good neighbor and Dobson genome Assembly has done a lot of influential work already in the area of genomics He also directs. The Penn State competition in biology and by informatics Center just under that genomics Institute So please join me in coming under it. Thank you. Thank you and their faith thanks for. Coming here today. I was. A sense of depth of the audience so how many of you. OK I will say this is broadly speaking. I would. Hand them over what I would not. Only three to five OK So only one of them let me get started. Salute to do whatever I do this for a large part of it and serve it with you know. All of the things genomes. In our general other. Car good things but for the purposes of this article really for all our researchers America you know the strings over the door before her for a little bit we know one of those are very emotional structure and timeless just rock. But it is for the basis for our. Own life. And I wasn't going to genome probably organisms. Can tell a lot by all those blogs are the basis for a lot of now Street questions you might ask I just listed some here are very difficult if you want to look so you know we should do philosophy photos of different species or of our marriage really one of the standards are the seas it is you want to understand he's rushing your protein. Drugs always good news you need the starting point. You know. Unfortunately there's no way to just sequence the genome. To just get a string of getting to then you know see. What it said recently called the skull sequence in that particular whole genome Charlie. And what it does is he and I load struction it takes samples of short substrate from the key. You know. And it tells you if there's a sauce for. This or this is a secret it's coming somewhere and you know but you don't know exactly know nor where it's coming. And you take many of these samples just to give you a sense didn't you know of three billion base pairs. Of samples of all agreed. Under two hundred base pairs and you might get. Few billion. Now from this from this or from Asia and would like to reduce for the original you did good business good use of the reasons for either of you saw when you were there or will are. You know where they're coming from without the Oscar gold for. Good this is or it's just the start of your technology and more of it last. I guess already been ten years the. Top of their generation sequencing has been around. It was really a breakthrough because it dramatically lower the price of sequencing. Increased throughput sequencing this is now i'm very big with this. And one of our methods for. Genome soundly is the problem. Of getting a set of release that we're sequence from one of the genome and we've constructed in other words a sample for you know and. I'll stick with this for our situation where you. Have a reference to your bill like if you see was one of the individual human individual or in our records of another human individual or some of that becomes a much bigger problem here. We're borrowing you know or something probably I'm so it's a used piece he's really you know it's a it's an individual oldster it's very near a soft truer the sort of there that he doesn't know you. Are somebody there are for a very long. TIME One of the one of the classical. Our paragraphs a long long time article. Twenty years so it's rather to feel that. All our work is in the other night I want to make sure that I mean I like that there's still a little relieved charge just before and I put four up here one is to handle it or to leave the I mentioned cancer earlier so that if you see birds who are trying out different salt and are very different you know or the. Softer. Cancers So you take a sample which is really it's really a mix of whatever you wish to start with you have on the side that are good it's not one of the. Men So you want to or you or somebody wants to. Know it's a problem. That there is the sequencing to Gargi itself there are different data types are. A lot of what our role is a little bit of a company that just reads There are other companies that have different policies and maybe our breeds that are lower there are shorter than I would ever hear about these need to be to. Finally sort of the group that I pursue this is this is something that's always remains it still remains a charge. And probably scale Bill. As I mentioned this ecology is a big deal with it as you're doing a lot of the things seen with us that our lives that were perfectly fine for just nine months get. Lost or talking our way out how you can solve this problem. I don't very basic level we try to avoid the problem there's the solution as it comes to restrain. We got into this like how to reason it means that you have to give every reader's a source that is the dinner was over that you know so you're a guest of one of the genome This should get a nose. The problem with this correlation of course it's it's under the under divided so. There's actually a bit maybe kind of. One thing like doing your science is you look for a loop with a minimal little solution in this case you want to formalise the problem finding the middle way through. That this also and I'll just go for the critical arsenal that just sort of the simplest solution is probably the right one in this case I called out to have a good sort of solution. Now a couple of problems over this for ISSUE one is that it's going to be hard to be good I like the leaders of the bush to be exactly the same. But there we go with it we can get around our practice but the more serious problem is classical. So really needs are our region of the genome that are good for them more than once so that it would be. An entirely by the Middle East through which you can actually prove for a lot. Without release you can never get more than one they're still doing good in the War of the ones who just made the superstrings order without you the. First intuition that you. Prove this one. Fortunately the genome is for everybody not just these are only. Our biological need to be there so that they do peter out. Now to join in on these charges or. These matters have been proposed to more or less adopted the support of everyone. To live there rather than go on to do families want are street drugs and one of the programs that are like the word drugs just to say this is the alarm where I will say it was also. I didn't fire the righteous with example here. For you. And you have three reasons that are readily. Here and I really doubt they're the center. Of the road rather than. Those are the gamers of the. Cambridge just the sort of straight away. And this example tables. Came with two so you can see the scene because I know it's needed to go on the. Edges and then divided by over lost or playing. This case or out while. He sees hears normal are. A person who likes to feel. All right but if you and I would of course. You do the right. Word for us. So why why we use these graphs for the so called either one of the author of the. The first ones to walk right. Well it's in the Stronger Than up their original genome this guy corresponds to walk around because you can if you look like you've interviewed a really let's say give you this that is a filing of over a lot of papers this is to see is he that will be a walk in the sending of the original. As long as it is on as you know the errors which this assumes and you have enough reads to cover everything that you know you will have seen on the first. Walk that covers every birth. And moreover it should really cover every reader least once every reading law should be a sour water solution and the same idea that we want to do the Silver Spring. Now would you for a league of all our guests or readers are. By the first walking in the world or out of that contains the reach of the sun so that it's very similar in structure to the first three three problems that we have we still have the surest and dish it out but it's so strictly talked about was. Doesn't have really nice to have to leave this I would repeat fighting all the way through the just to the. Before with a sort of restraint you could. You can create a story whenever you want you have no constraints on what you could risk here you're constrained to walk along the road so that economy constrained by only using good immersive highly data there's a there's a little cheating just cut out for the purpose. Of this story it's the whole story means and be harder by that we can overcome that but we do have an alternate version of the formulation wish things it is the same sure as what the rug boil instead of requiring that every reader's aside why are we wired every vertex here's what. We heard in dish. Because of this condition we also can solve the problem on time. Even though you know we all we might have a solution that the kids read. But it was of this contained became. So that it's a nice compromise. And the so are the remaining five zero on the. Problem so. Is this how I was under the car in them and then it's always a problem dancer is no good and this is the the problem is that there's one there's more than one author more reconstruction than solution. One of the one I started out published and I mean as for the oil problem of solution so here's a here's another example just to illustrate why you have to grapple here part of the ground here is the part of the graph you know you have this little part which you know goes for a lot of ground but it has these two balls and if you wander over its coverage why are you allowed to walk through the sky whites to cover both up and out of the bottom. You have a choice right you can either go through the our own Bible and go through the fire marks or you could go to our own backyard top. To give you. Both optimal solutions there are shortages and fire using most. You could think no other opposition very cheery a little likely that both of these solutions to all be really awful for what we are. But they're different so how do you know it works without. It practice some of the don't like trying to be conservative there are just our to do the same right. So they are were able to exist are structures that the summer sure about for another year this blowhard would be a party for the dialogue and the generals who are just out with this and your politics and. On the other hand. Are. Theoretical good reason continue to study this all this formulation which I resent about finding the best you know construction and our. Neighbors are in this list as well it's a kind of it's a kind of Sharia thing when you're you know you've adopted the model and then you kind of become blind to the movie. The media says because you think well you know the hours are heard there so maybe this is the finest lodestar book but in retrospect when you really think about this it were viruses it was this were serious so when you realize that darkness is tomorrow so this is this I wanted to try to reform earlier this period to see how it. Was to be did meet closer to what was done prior. Just to the side of the school ocean of. What is the right question to formally when you're modeling the problem are all the music of your science that needs. To get cut off a little bit but. It's a it's an educational question. And there were the total of part of the. Kind of walks you through in the traditional way or are you would come up with the right with the right of. Getting back to this problem. Our time to reform at least one of the spoils. That there's a result they want to sort of let's let's make it out to be pretty serious in fifty three definition. Don't come to the suddenly just our political goals straight. That that means so stream assume it is a guaranteed to be a substrate OK Gene on reconstruction. No matter no matter which one it's always going to be and I'm sure some of the are either going to be are the artists and we want to say. Also called sound so every bit every output stream you say I would like to be complete so anything very strong that is saying would like to do the. Right and the right isn't going to Greece is just one system out of the. Public. So I lingered and. Giving it credit I LOL Now technical definition of the poem do good in the neighborhood meaning more than we want to see on the site just these types of graphics but also others like stream graphs of the becomes more I recall. Formulation but I'll leave that for the people. This notion is not completely new Actually we look back over issues of mine and realize. You're right in part also will briefly looked at this notion of our getting out of you know restructuring but. Things that are safe and it the media covers some of the relations for only doing under different models of the theory is for. The kids to be reformulated the virulence he was done prior to this to solve problems the unity government of this really didn't mean the mean are going to go to the bottom of course so unity is a remarkable power where. There's a vital power like this one where basically all the doors are of the why do you want out of that one out so. The first the first guy or the one in the last. That's immunity and you get We'll show you our. Problem was showing it on fire go though we didn't see all of it. That are getting out of which power and all you need to do is save. The reason for lies if you think that by your spirit instruction and walking past are all the words you saw as our way it has to get here that when it has no choice right it must do so on it's all and only that it might go over dealt with it has to do this. It turns out though that our examples are surely this not at this hour the Snark So if you can manage it here and I. Owe it to the blue guys our unity. Don't you imagine that there is. Hardly grout from here to here that said it all out here about. It here then you know that. When you go through here it's our morning if you go around here at some point you'll have to leave it will have to be this way so as you leave your problems this guy. Here So you actually know that it's a safe. And that's not the. Bottom line is the better you think this time. We came up. With you or called on the two younger than we find all on the to. Do you know in our own two years it's like you did it it's all you know find everything all the seats for so it's not a problem. And the key here was to characterize it exactly those walks that are first five states here. I don't read the definition but I'll just sort of show up or show those who use a walk and one of those to do the sort of meeting. You check for every do for if you were to sit on. If you want to keep if you want to get the right words like perfect you can opt out of this kind of situation where you first thing you do get off the walk you get a ten yard at last thing you do if you get on that walk. If you have that in you that's a tough for a bit of. An opportunity to hear how some guys walk in the right to the left it would like to either get off here but then go all the way to the beginning of the bridge by getting more go all the way into their first. And what we should remember is that this is our motives are exactly correspond to the same strengths and that we can find these I'm going to. Go the. Purpose for this are not trivial but I want I want to get into here. We need a little regard should prove this on our it was not for us to order in the times we spoke of were sitting. Around the top most of her. Predecessor and as the number of no's rather than. Our So here are the results the simulation results and I want to stress over there and work out who this is are his results are for an idealized community a dataset that the social value me and our model and make by the socialist to. Two to be able to work out theory so we assume there are no errors in the reeds there are no gaps in coverage is. The genome a circular it was a single stroke. But you know the point I guess we want to see if you would for this case if it were the results of our efforts are there for. The hearing we try to differ and it is that is because you know many humans you know I would compare you to do not want to so I just look around we compare the numbers it's. Our Or that but never the less I meet it and hours later there's a significantly higher level of peace that is but before we get too excited. Look at the size and this is the expected size. It's a measurement that So there's a if I choose the right only going in the genome and right you know you look on your back with it. Because doubt that ours is a leg is kind of a little bit bytes so the expected sizes turn out at night neither do very much and when you look at it we realize of course about it is that we were. Combined guarnteed were fine it was shortly getting. Together but they were quite long it took so long it takes for just translate directly to i wanted me to do a standard a little bit but they were all really joining too big for me to get so that's why the seaside. Changed. This is still a lot more than worth it and I think. The current work is to miss the seed of the Spirit translates rights trying to remove these assumptions. Because something. With him. Going back. To the Certainly. He did this idea reformulating the problem you see you aren't inserted into this goes through or are your results in something for longer. Being able to recover the order right. Side aspect which I want to talk about it still do it. And still believe the tale the sellers can relieve me of food for the soul wonders what are the really large kiddo. And the other large religion of the birds for the summer. Or you might. Be more to the good stuff these are full of dimensions of skill building that. We want to trust and so the bottleneck for for this work is for the usual the right of fire and also the memory usage to do by weight and for parameter selection is just a part of it no we don't usually go for selection in this way but you know if you do it's created for you right now really takes an hour but if you know you're such a priority it is to set try to meet different. Values for the parameters in order to get your results that it's not a good hour and stating you know what day or hour alone time. So that you can fight the how well those are the eight round or selection that you can also scale. Or. Just good you give a vision of the memory you cite. Good American These are sort of corresponds to our church in years scale fires are small and sure you bigger than the bigger fires have a wider range from it Soul Food Mart so if you look at every usage of the cereal suddenly you're talking about where you get which you know a good thing it just argued or maybe not ALL YOU NEED IT WAS ONLY for example runs like this but in doing the mailing list only minor error by ground fire by that's really pushing. Boundaries it was all just recently you know those are. Then you get like the pine trees only which is the point building the Virgin dollar and I. Told you so. To forty three terabytes. I'm sure Peter could really do this really. My argument is that none of this is necessary yes to you guys we're going to give you that was all this part of it is that these problems are actually things are not good enough to be that challenging and if we first part of our arms would run in the dust while we can run my nose made a million or so require this. I'm. Sure that is. So what is Alyssa Souther do because you. Only talk about. Really good find unity the first stuff you take to read the New Cambridge cult. Leader by all gamers we become. The first then you go to grab the sluices find those you need to replace the unit a bicycle that. We have used examiner for other stuff so I won't get to do that here I wanted to draw your attention to the stylist. Your dataset the symbol really. Is a pyramid you might start with the four of you the price. I think a workout do you get down to three quarters and I got tired here. And there you have. So you don't want to start with oil we want to address the parts first that's what we are really forced. To work we want to what it would put their. Own. Work out of it or work on that and there is a really fast Hello. Over the. So we tackle the next hour which is. The size of. The we developed the store called The Call it would be called to do this part of the old medley. Now what's the challenge here it seems like a very easy problem here certainly an argument for a graphical chip you need to identify. Anything related by air or the first is that it should be. I don't remember or never show unity we can buy. Things that visit one in one out which for Paris means that a lot of guys want out of the right guy and one of. Them might our guys here and me but it was cold here that we could contact those guys together so they said Jesus is here. And that we would be so then we're like OK we're going back to get together. Again. This is where the production. Data size out because here you guys get laid here and I thought this was you know I hate mind's eye characters or story or is it when you version really is for the first or last night just one of her very. So this is a because I was. Pretty. Sure. The problem delivering this is you have to load all the crap. For them and order. The hollow to do is to purchase the courtesy lorries British and American want to. Run. Are you are the. Actually British. And we know the huge need for additional amounts of small size of the ground we can fertilize this so I load the sounds good the problem is how are we how do we make this British system this is the. Essential question. The problem is if you if you look here if you're looking locally or through worst is it looks like OK this guy was what I was what. We did this. But if there are other. Parts of the graph which you didn't see then maybe you should not have. The support that you see all of our neighbors of this guy and all that endeavors of the guy before you make a decision on whether. Or not. Someone who needs it isn't even good or living less than a good neighbor is buying a life in my wrist warmer or right in my house why didn't your lot. So you know however as I told her that it is normal in my smile that means the right in my eyes one word is the same as a lot of. Pride. And eat and eat burgers that our neighbor this guy was our will start with the same minus and ending coming in to hear what and with this just by virtue of being. So it's enough for decision that will be. Our memory you know the tradition all over the city state the facts. There were true. Putting it all everything we need to look for me. So we can take this I mean I try to make it our own which is partly a good hour let's see where it takes us let's create a British bridge gate minus one. Now or whatever what it. Averts has the same level and write it minus one. Binary column but it is possible. For those marginal cases all we want to do is double digit for it meaning. So discredits I said for the cases where the Left and Right in mind is one of the same that we just put out in the British put up words in the British like their. Chances of there are different. Then which person should say this word is gold and they're doing this or this does all this verdict could both British so. They're all over traditions for how to come back and fix the splitter. But then we did. SIR MICHAEL CLARKE The one of the British in peril. How good their goals are on our boards of those coming Martians to the final unity because if you don't do as good. As it is this group proves to be dark by the way do we showed in the paper that those double headers are always goes good and are straight. So we're used up to our vantage and we have the strains of the double gamers are always a good loser the good guys are. So the hour looks like this you start of the kid murders you do this horrible. You know you are you know with a parcel because of these double double d's papers and then they get so sick once or the doctor are put to the ceiling to be further sort of these guys who really know this guy starts reading these are the doctors here were so those who are will be good together to give. The problem with all of this years. Almost all over the cities with double. Here's a look here with us what to do. And then the very thing is W. you're essentially saying I think the part. To the people who are or who want to get more work are. We also doubling the amount of good school in all of the. Studies of the minimizer A B. The middle managers are overpaid taxes collected graphically smallest over subsidies. For our I was usually the first so. Here's an example. Our Here is your paper it was cited Well it was to all we do is we look at all the. Tumors and while that's like a boisterous crowd with a smaller AC. Just a minute might. Say we're talking about the level you might just want more of your car out alone so this is hey we're we split the left and I just whatever the right it might just one or the left then right through here is the right one there. Is this. Whole. Did I was that most came with was the same like the way. So this gives us a way that other ways British rock stars are fishing here to the game I just want to work with British or to the elder which is a bit of my. Stuff with crude prose readers do good by good position at first glance. And so this model I will create space for to the altercation forces that are out there so there are we don't distribute things or that before it's good to do the minimizer is the same we just go with whatever official or different double. Put gas in the frame. For the security to different British. And because. This is the this is going to be good to be our good work and I want to show some results. Are we took three datasets or a few minutes you know on which sure really are some numbers for us and this kind of you know it's crazy you know which are really large twenty three would. Be so for a little humor as you know the heartland sixth graders in one of the towers using less than the kids around. This is a reason for it so that it's at the other girls schools are. Run. We ran up to the actual stuff to just you know I say there are just a few hours. But ninety years ago. There was also not showing for years that if you want to run another one process for that then do around to just out of forty. The smaller the space that comes from. The thread. I want to point is that it is in our with a good way to on our way to point zero it do just that mentally we have run the risk that the. Players are the largest Geno's how we were going to get out of the war was a good yard sale here. Although it was it was one of three months or so we were able to do that. And so using it gets around. The flip side of the. Trip two days are very worth it if you. Wish you a good. Hour. Rehearse which are truly there are going to be hard for hours. So. If. You don't you don't eat. Right and finally get. Voted out why. Are people going to argue. With you that. You. Were not saving. You know we're right. Here we are going to be. Like yes Goodell. Is. Happy and we chose the age of the interest of experience where we're very often working want to give the number of professions and. So we want to with it. Here's what. I did it just for the gist of what. This is so you know you missed it in order for those we know. Well I should mention also today there was all of that. Here and it blew through on. The cold calls. Well good luck. Going back to the Marlins to the year one zero zero zero zero So that's I think that's kind of that's. People see that under the rug you know a lot of papers these are like. He'll never get out and you know it's very. Tight. So this suddenly we're going to see this roll of the from here. To the for about. How long do you think this is her and what is it with all those that play so let's do it live let's do you know the to do then straight away or the place here's your scene of the car park straight I do think he was your. If you're going to just be the old you that's what you're right you're probably what you go on to get a little. More money out of coverage available if you find out there will be that. Just doesn't cover all that good upbringing because you. Know when you go over there. Then you might have an old alarm but it might mean for sure and if you do or the wonder are. Two strings to release all of my lust and it hurt your mother share it with the bill or should you just get a. General over the summer the whole of this list could miss it and the results would really. Bring. Out the full side release also ready for anything we. Really Are the heat and. Bring the economy right. Now or you can. Do this can you discover the trail phrases you'd like to make this bridge through for Leaf welcome Chris Kate because for work a cable car less. But if you miss me you're going to start this whole so there is a good tradeoff there. Yet it is that it's really good for is that. House clothes are the borderless not going back to well it's actually quite pricey if I could if you were married. And here you're right it's a quality American. You can see inside of Boston all of the choices. And this is just taking the biggest say there's a. Big dataset just fine all of a sudden with all the. So you have this flu more proud of her. Husband sure isn't it it's just that there's a good yes a bit like pick a little over. Five or you can be more if you have a small you know you can actually try to for the use of kids do that is one of them but that's not going to work inside you know. They're also form was based on what you could produce. Came with those formulas are based on land or water mistakes which part of our. Legs are counted in around you know so you know which is a brand. Dark color for this purpose is very you know just quite. So busy doable just. So. That the tool that we came up with the slope goes dark and I just it was dark and I was not seeing interest research or cold fronts. Right and she came up with a tool called Cambridge and so are our. Scholars are all was that if you give your sound over. For a good deal then you will give you a better. And one day easier for the value of a less cowardly The number of distinct nodded or in this case. Your discovery or so if we do lose Gardley this number not repeat not an erroneous the stick came first and then it is the biggest number the barrier somebody. Am are are kind of lost besides a groomer's a little bit but it doesn't do doesn't mean you're right. We just picked a good match why is this the. Snow. The challenge is how to find a. Good way we can do it is looking at a game or at least so this is just showing. Distribution of a road by this is near the bottom of this hour for a period. When you have this service should be for you. We get if we build this distribution just for the data then we can make a model of what this really is showing the draw of the three fourths of the lot here so the little blue distribution is representing their own needs. These are. The areas they're going to be quite rare they're yelling green which are a good Daro used papers like I'm probably not going to argue. That we are at war in which it is good news coming from the parks. Are. We in the finest hour or less of this is a rather distribution. Are you only fit this model to the park today to attend the paper value while we do not come up with. You story just part of the show. But once we figure out. What these girls are worth they're answering the. Final number of this thing you know. It was easy just the area. Yet. You step off. It. So we were a little here's this reality it was one and for it for it it was for London to find where the street really and. The stage. That we're trying to get all those thirty. Zero six of those sort of Windows for. The second challenge where the two are gone in order to make this work is the well I do you build this of my sister the way one of the building enough about what it was you came. To do if you do to the county you're our Those are your cable or some other scale it's a function bill of distribution Those are. Forgetting that the new stars Well we well I said it was five but it was still would take an hour or two hours but we want to try it all it was making our lives better here. So we realized that we need to do Cambridge not to build the suburban the sister we just need to know institute we lose our pretty good care of each partly due to the shit local distribution and for violence and they are just used to sell where we scan through the data but we're on T.V. We're only interested in some predefined. Side of cameras we're going to count. It's inside so we can do our very articulately troops just using I wish to go. And from back to build our approximate that journalists are just from this really. Care. Since we published this is there the group Institute to do this or are the modeling sites you know school was a bit of a game out that. Prove that we followed up on the SR or is it you are it was good that you couldn't really go through the start of the sampling strategy which would have the quite straightforward. If there was fighting for a more sophisticated sound strategy which this it didn't work careful that's the bit they were able to cross to be better than they were G.'s the truth. But it took everything included these two steps and. Slightly And so I want to show you the results we did result for the for the Big Bird. But actually the neighborhood rather a bit more thorough evaluation it was a lot of us going to do with it so our first goal for. What they DID THIS IS A one gene along with it was trying to do various other of these slightly different salary here is that boys or you measure it and you could hear the suddenly and different values. And it ran all the this out there for these values probably part of. It and the word of the lion for a lot of life is the value that he or she. Just did corresponds with what you get for that's something. That's so but even for others owners now when I was a baby see me like this one also did that about. Others not exactly but not too far from the others into the valueless life and I would just do the piece I already do. You just. Want to keep. That was going through this are going to get your life or. Anything this is a bit. This really projects. Right good this is great your software out it doesn't work all the hard yards are near so good that it. Doesn't produce a few good value it actually yes actually able to tell the good. The deep haters of the people that are doing so you know look at these values and say Are you on the securities You know she was the star but it's not like there's a look like this it's very. It's so just for a school building only just give you a true picture challenge for all of the good quality of life and doing it in different dimensions so you have occurred you know mix where you take already settled you know different speeds for the street you want to hear it was earlier on now you know I'm a lawyer and you know parent who does some work. Out of the population level you have a lot of different individuals that your son. You know Lindsay union or some other market wish it's the same species biologically. Or cancer gene or where do you actually see where there's. Lots of different cells. You want to sequence itself. To look at that region there will be no difference. So this is their skin really isn't just an issue and all these drugs but also all of the other they were able our own. You know by the way we did for a seventy year. Old him to be so it was it was I was there look. Let's start.