Today I was there to introduce or a little bit of both mechanical engineering in a very disagreeable University of Colorado Boulder. On the roof in the chemical temple of various universities. Of. The University of Michigan Law School. And of course our group with us in your first. Appearance. In the movement. Certainly but there are certain programs. You. Think you live. Your life. Thanks Lena thanks for the invitation it's great to be here today thank you guys for coming so I want to sabbatical. A year ago maybe two years ago now and sabbaticals are great for many reasons but one reason is that it really gives you a chance to just sit down and think about one idea really just focus on one question and and give it your all and. The question that I really spent a lot of time thinking about was the speed of our movements so why do we move at the speed that we do. Why do some people move slowly. And why do some people move fast and do people who reach slowly also walk and talk slowly and do fast awkward talkers also reach fast and walk fast and this isn't idle curiosity because the speed at which you move can actually say a lot about individuals health. OK So for example and Parkinson's disease the cardinal symptom is a break can you first slow or slowness of movements. So I thought if I want to understand the neural determinants of movement speed then Parkinson's Disease is a reasonable place to start now Parkinson's Disease is a disease of the basal ganglia and it arises from loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra a part of the basal ganglia in these neurons release a neurotransmitter called me to various parts of the brain so in a study back in two thousand and seven John Krakauer and his only investigated reaching movements in individuals with Parkinson's disease. And so they had Park and park and P.V. patients and healthy age controls they asked them to make reaching movements to targets on a screen out of prescribed philosophy and this study had surprising results for two reasons one when sufficiently motivated the Parkinson's patients could reach just as fast as the healthy H. match controls OK. And when they reach just as fast they could also they not only could they reach just as fast but they did also reach just as accurately and this is surprising because the under what was thought to be the cause for slower movements and Parkinson's disease at least partially part of the cause in people with Parkinson's was that they couldn't move just as fast but they could they would move less accurately OK but in this case they saw that Parkinson's patients could move just as fast and sufficiently motivated and they did so just as accurately so the common reasoning for why P.T. patients were moving more slowly wasn't some way debunked it seems that P.B. patients were moving slowly because they chose to OK And I thought this was really interesting because as I mentioned earlier the main pathology and Parkinson's disease is loss of dopaminergic neurons. Which produced a neurotransmitter. That called the mean so to understand why this is interesting let's look a little closer I don't mean so the don't mean neurons in the basal ganglia are located in these essential Niagra and the ventral tegmental area shown here in areas eight through eight ten in these neurons send axons along a long distance trajectory that could influence brain activity in many areas so from the stray them all the way to the frontal cortex an area that's critical for decision making what this means is that don't mean is not just involved in movements but also plays a role in decision making OK So what role does adopting in play in decision making in a series of pioneering plastic experiments Wolfram Schulz recorded from single dopamine neurons in the midbrain of monkeys as they learns a Pavlovian conditioning task and in one variant of these experiments a thirsty monkey sat in front of a waterspout and unpredictable intervals a tone was played OK and a drop of juice would be provided to the monkey shortly after the tone was played so initially if you look at the top plot the dopamine neurons would respond to the unexpected juice reward indicated here as R. and they would increase their firing rate OK let's see if I can move it up here so here is the unexpected tone. With a way to get a turn Here's the unexpected reward and then you would see an increase in the firing rate here but showing up great OK So but as the monkeys learned to associate the stimulus with the reward the dopamine neurons began to respond to the tone that was predictive of the reward so if you look at this middle plot here here is the stimulus the tone and now here you see the increase in firing rate even though the reward is provided right there OK in here so the. Suggest that those mean activities linked to the expectation of reward and here we see an example at the bottom where there is a tone but it's a trick and no reward is the livered So the neurons increase the firing rate when they hear the tone but then you see a slight depression when they don't get the juice they expected or the water they expected in this case so this and many other studies suggest that the activity of those mean neurons is strongly tied to the expectation of reward. In these neurons fire in proportion to the value of the stimulus that is the greater the expected value of the stimulus the greater the release of the mean. So all these findings highlighted an interesting puzzle so the same neurotransmitter dopamine is involved in movement control via its connection with movement slowing and Parkinson's disease as well as this issue making via reward expectation in value based choice so could it be possible that these two processes decisionmaking and movement control are linked and that puzzle is the central theme of my talk today so when it comes to understanding the brain there are two types of decisions that are often studied the first is what to do for example do you eat the apple or the cookie and the second is how to do it so the choice of the movement that follows so if you like me prefer the cookie of course why would you not prefer the cookie but if you prefer the cookie does that mean you're going to reach faster for the cookie than if you were forced to reach for the apple so traditionally seen ever thought about these questions before but you can think about the months about so. So traditionally these two questions have been treated separately but recent results have demonstrated that people will actually reach faster for items they prefer more. So I thought this was super interesting that the way that people move in the decisions they make may be related but I realized that to investigate this further I needed to determine whether there is actually a framework capable of explaining both so single framework capable of explaining not just your decisions but the movements we make. In the framework we proposed is based on the intuitive idea that our choice of action and our movement reflects an interplay between reward and effort OK so how do we make these choices so a standard approach and decision making is to ascribe to each option in case two factors the reward at stake in the effort required to acquire that reward so the former serves as a gain and the latter serves as a loss now a major determinant of most movements we make is the effort they require so but the spite this decades of research in decision making and movement we still don't have a good understanding of how the brain represents efforts and that is really the central question of my top. Or of this really research projects how does the brain represents effort and we're going to I hypothesize that the brain represents effort as the metabolic cost of the action. And if we represent effort as metabolic cost then this framework where you consider both reward and efforts can explain not only the choices you make but also the movements that follow OK but to move forward with this we need to know what the energetic costs of movement actually are. And when it comes to locomotion scientists have been measuring metabolic cost for decades OK And they've observed a consistent relation between the rate of metabolic expenditure and walking velocity so they've see they've showed many many times that metabolic rate increases linearly with velocity squared OK now velocity is distance over time so we can reply this here because I like to put things versus duration so this is metabolic rate versus duration and so you see that if you were to walk one kilometer you know the longer the duration the lower the metabolic rate so the metabolic rate decreases with time for a fixed distance OK now this is for walking but what about reaching OK So up until this point there'd been no measures of metabolic rate in reaching PE So we thought let's do an experiment. So my post back to Helen and I brought fifteen subjects in civil out well Helen Helen brought fifteen subjects into the lab and had them make plainer reaching movements across a range of speeds very slow slow medium fast and very fast OK and as they reached in each block we measured metabolic rate via expired gas analysis in this is the data so this is rate of energy consumption in Joules per second. Or Watts plotted versus reach duration so this is the data for a ten centimeter reach so it decreases with increasing duration and now we did two other distances twenty centimeters and thirty centimeters OK So we want to do is we want to promote our eyes metabolic rates as a function of distance and duration so we use an equation similar to what was observed in locomotion and we fit the data to it. And we found that it fit the data rather well and now this is metabolic rate we wants what's When I showed you the utility equation the value the variable there is not metabolic rate it's metabolic cost to the total energetic cost of a movement of a given distance and duration so if we want metabolic rate metabolic costs we need to multiply rate by duration and we get an expression for total movement energy which looks like this and. And explains the data well as you would expect. Our rates so now we have an expression for movement energy as a function of distance in duration which means then that we can take our utility. Function here and replace that term for effort with our newly or newly determined expression for movement energy Ok so now we have a movement utility in which effort is represented objective leak as the metabolic cost. So I want to go back to the data for a minute and highlight something interesting so it's interesting that there appears to be a metabolically optimal movement duration so fast movements have high costs and as you move more slowly these costs decrease but as you as you move slower still these costs increase again so there seems to be a metabolically optimal speed so a speed non-zero duration that minimises that minimizes them medical costs are non-zero. That minimizes metabolic costs OK And this is surprising but we can obtain an expression for this OK for this energetically optimal speed and so we have a prediction now for how fast someone should reach if they were only concerned with minimizing energetic cost. And we can plot that prediction here so this is the duration that minimises energetic cost plotted versus reach distance. And then we brought the subject in and the same subjects and we asked them to reach at their preferred reaching speed OK Actually we did this before the experiments and then we did the metabolic testing so we had measures of the preferred reaching speed at each distance and we see that the duration that minimizes energetic cost does not predict how fast people prefer to reach so people reached faster than energetically optimal OK So all right so let me summarize what I've shown you that so far we have measured metabolic cost in reaching and found that it decreases with duration and increases with distance. Interestingly metabolic cost of walking is that exhibits a similar relationship also there is an energetically optimal reach speed but people prefer to reach faster than energetically optimal OK suggesting that there's something other than effort that is influencing a person's choice of reaching speed. So if we go back to this utility function we see that reward can discount effort costs so maybe when you're moving to rewarding items like the cookie there increased value discounts the motor commands resulting in faster movements so do we have any evidence that reward influences the speed of reaching movement. So to test this idea we did another experiment this is my graduate student Eric Summerside is about ready to graduate hopefully he'll defend in a couple months which cost so Eric brought twenty subjects into the lab and asked them to make horizontal out and back reaching movements to four targets that were equally spaced around the perimeter of a ten centimeter circle and there were no constraints on their accuracy and in each block of one hundred trials one target one sector was consistently rewarded while movements to the other targets were not OK and what I mean by reward is that once they cross the target the target would explode there would be a nice pleasant sound in the subjects saw that they had gotten four points and they just they didn't get this when they reach to the other targets so for this subject here I'm plotting their velocity traces so you can see the velocity trace when the target is rewarded is in red and when it's not rewarded is in blue this is the same target just in different blocks and you see that when that reward target is rewarded has the subject reaches to it with a greater peak philosophy and then when it's not rewarded in this was consistent across subjects so subject consistently increase their significantly increase their peak philosophy when reaching to rewarding targets and reduced their movement duration OK So it suggests these results suggest that targets with a greater reward this increase in value discounts the motor commands even though it's only four points and I sound resulting in faster movements. So these results support the idea that reward can influence movement OK movement speed but we still need to describe the relationship between reward and utility so a large body of work in psychology neuroscience and decision making suggest that reward is discounted by time. Hyperbolically So based on these findings we're going to represent reward here's Alpha and we're going to discount it hyperbolically as a function of duration where gamma is the temporal discounting factor and T. is the movement duration. And now we're going to combine it with the effort term to obtain our movement utility and one way to represent utility is to simply take the reward that's temporally discounted and subtract the movement cost from it so that's one way to represent represent utility. But we have found that a utility that explains does a better job of explaining the data is one in which effort like we're award is discounted by time. So for now I'm going to move forward with this utility where not only is reward discounted by time but so is efforts kind of think of it as it's the net gain that is being discounted by time and if I have time or be props in the question and I can I can explain to you more the the data sets the multiple data sets we found that support this function over a function in which effort is simply subtracted from Award and not temporally discounted but for now we're going to move the with this so what we have here is a utility that tells us whether one movement or decision has a higher utility than another so that's the one you should choose so the cookie may have a higher J But it will also tell you that for a movement of a given distance its utility is also going to depend on how fast you make that movement so how fast should you make that movement let's look at an example movement here with a distance of one so this is a plot of utility versus movement duration Here's the reward term. Reward is high initially but it is discounted with time here's the negative effort term effort is high for very fast movements it costs you a lot to make. Of minutes but it decreases with time now if we add them together we get a utility and that utility has a peak so very fast movements have a high reward but they cost you a lot of effort very slow movements cost you less but the reward is no longer as valuable so this gives us an optimal duration that is neither too slow nor too fast and together movement utility in the optimal duration yields a number of predictions. So first what happens when you add reward when you increase reward So here's the utility of a movement with a reward Alpha equals one thousand great and there's its optimal duration Now here is the utility of movement we've doubled the reward Alpha equals to thousands and so these equations predict that with increased reward utility increases in optimal duration decreases so you should prefer the rewarding option more for the Cookie Cookie has a greater day and you should also reach faster to it OK So this is confirmed by the reward studies I described earlier. So in reaching. And it's also been shown in the Qods book in monkeys and in humans OK Now second the equations predict the following are going to have is going to happen when you have a greater effort cost so we're going to increase the effort cost by increasing mass OK So this is a movement made moving a mass that is two kilograms and here is the utility of making a movement of mass four kilograms OK so so as you move increasing mass utility decreases so you should prefer At last the optimal duration increases so you should move more slowly OK So the question is can we examine this in the context of movement. So let me rephrase this question can you to a T. were effort is. Represented as metabolic cost explain mass based changes in reaching speeds OK And this is really a three part question we first have to know what the effect of mass is on the metabolic cost of reaching then we need to know what is the effect of mass on preferred reaching speed and then finally we can ask if metabolic cost can explain mass based changes in preferred regions OK So let me walk you through this to answer the first question we measured metabolic cost of subjects made reaching movements with added load on there are OK and their arm was supported against gravity they made ten centimeter reaching movements to four targets equally spaced around the around the perimeter of a ten centimeter circle. And we added four different loads to their arm two point five kilos four point five six point five and ten point four and so they would reach for five minutes with a constant added load and as they did so we would measure metabolic rate the expired gas analysis. OK And within each mass condition we would have them reach six different speeds so we would measure metabolic rates different speeds and different masses. And here their data so metabolic rates on the Y. axis versus duration so as you can see metabolic rate decreases with increases in increasing duration what we found previously and we see that metabolic rate increases with added load and when we parameterize this relationship as a function of mass and duration we find that metabolic rate increases with mass to the Power Point seven OK So our next question is what about the effect of mass on preferred reach can magics and again we tested this directly in the lab we had it twelve new subjects come into the lab and make or just horizontal out and stop reach movements to four targets again. Equally spaced on the perimeter of a ten centimeter circle and in each block of two hundred trials we would add a different load to their arm OK And in this case we added a mass of either three five or eight pounds and we order a randomized order across subjects and importantly in this case we didn't tell them how fast to reach we just let them choose their preferred reach velocity so we could just quantify how mass affected their movement velocity. OK These are the average velocity traces across the objects the black is zero added mass the red is eight pounds added mass so added mass significantly reduced peak velocity and we found that when we saw this across subjects' so peak philosophies reduced with added mass and movement duration increases with added mass. Writes OK So question one we measured metabolic rate as a function of added mass question two we measured preferred speed as a function of mass OK so we can now turn to our last question our third question does metabolic cost explain the can a matter of math based changes and preferred movements OK so here is our preferred movement duration data OK Now according to our theory the effort of so stewed with reaching is specified by the metabolic data which we can now estimate without any free parameters. Then we can compute the expected duration of each reach by estimating the only free parameter in our utility function which in this case is Alpha and we set a gamma equal to one OK now the circles there are the data with standard error and the line is the model prediction and as you can see it can occur. For the data in the data rather well. But let's also look at so movement preferences can be explained by representation of effort as metabolic cost OK but we're also interested in other representations of effort OK So for example in motor control it is often assumed that effort is the sum of squared torques joints works required to generate the movements so in this representation effort would increase quadratically with mass and when we try to explain the data again only fitting alpha in our utility function we see that this representation is inconsistent with the data there's a much steeper change in movement duration as a function of mass OK Now another alternate cost in ones is one seen in the study of locomotive preference so and locomotive preference when people study preferred walking speed they find that there is the preferred speed corresponds rather well with with a speed that minimizes metabolic cost so in that sense the utility there is a utility that is only metabolic cost OK So we asked Well could a utility that was only represented as metabolic cost could that explain mass based changes in preferred reaching can Magic's. And the black line there is the prediction if you were to only care about metabolic costs that's how fast they should reach so it actually predicts people should reach faster than they were so let me summarize in this last study so we found that people choose to reach slower with added mass and preferred movement speed can be explained with the utility that represents efforts as the metabolic cost of the movement. OK So in that experiment we added mass but there's an even simpler more naturalistic way to alter effort and that's by moving by reaching in different directions so the human arm has a mass distribution such that it resembles a heavy object when you're reaching in certain directions and the lighter object when you're reaching in other directions OK so in a classic experiment back in one thousand nine hundred four quad guess and colleagues asked subjects to make horizontal rapid movements centimeter rapid movements and importantly they could choose whatever speed they wanted three chats OK And what's interesting is they found they found that people would reach at sixty centimeters per second in some directions but only thirty centimeters per second and in another direction so there was a two fold increase in preferred reached speed simply as a function of the reach direction and again these people have no time constraints on their movements. So so the question is can we use our utility equation to consider these observations so according to our theory the effort associated with reaching again is specified by the metabolic data OK which sets the parameters in C. to fix the values so we use the inertial properties of the arm to estimate the effective mass of the hands as a function of the direction of the reach and that and that's how we determine what the premier M. was then we computed the expected duration of each reach by estimating the only free parameter in this utility function in this case the Alpha because we said get me one. OK. And the resulting peak velocity is shown here in sighing and so it has a direction dependent pattern the velocity was largest for the directions for which the effective mass was smallest So the direction dependent speed of reaching movements could be accounted for by to a T. in which effort was objective we measured via the metabolic cost of the movement now if this framework is useful it shouldn't just account for the speed of our reaching movements it should also say something about the decision decision making associated with those movements So in other words it shouldn't just tell us how fast to reach for the cookie It should also tell you that you should choose the cookie over the apple now I showed you earlier that as mass increases utility declines for all durations OK that means your preference for a certain option is going to be greater if it has less mass keeping everything else constant so the difference in utilities should predict the probability of choosing one option over another so we tested this prediction so and that's how we have been sky and colleagues few years ago instructed subjects to make a fifteen centimeter out and back movements in any direction but they were not provided with the targets OK so you just have to reach out fifteen centimeters you could reach in any direction you like OK so their choices are descript described by a probability distribution shown here for the left and right arm. OK So as you can see there are some directions that are more preferable over another OK there were chosen more frequently and we can predict these probabilities with our framework via movement utility as a function of reach direction OK so for each possible movements we calculate its utility and then we calculate the ratio of this utility to the sum of utilities across all movement directions to obtain the probability of a reach in a given direction and then estimating the only free parameter here alpha we use the movement utility equation to predict subject choices and which is shown here in science OK so this same utility that described the velocity of. Movements as a function of movement direction can also describe the movement choices that people me made when they're free to reach and any direction. So let me summarize these last two these last few studies so we found that expectation of reward increases reach speed result that is consistent with our utility framework and subjects prefer to reach to stimuli that require transport of smaller mass and they do so with a higher velocity OK and interesting Lee kind of a side note people prefer to reach slower in this case than metabolically optimal. OK so now I want to take a step back and remind you of this point that I brought up earlier so an important aspect of our theory is that when you compute utility both reward and effort are temporally discounted OK Now if someone if you search through the literature you're going to find examples of both types of utilities one in which rewards discounted by time and you subtract effort from it maybe even divide effort divided by effort or you may find a utility where effort as well as discounted by time and ultimately the question is which function can best account for animal behavior. So let's consider the simple task of producing an isometric force for duration T. case you're just going to produce an isometric force for duration T. in order to an acquire a reward so it's been shown empirically that and the energy required to generate an isometric force is linearly related to the Force time integral OK so the utility of the action is going to be that force time integral discounted by time according to our utility framework now if we just consider the case of a constant force. We can simplify that effort utility so the integral is just F. times T. when again discounted by time now what's interesting about that bottom equation is that as T. increases. It doesn't continue to grow but it approaches asymptote and this makes an unexpected prediction that as the duration of force production increases subjects' will become increasingly indifferent to duration so as you produce a force for longer and longer you're going to care less and less about time. OK So in two thousand and four Konrad Corning and Daniel will perform the pioneering experiment where they ask volunteers to produce a given force for a given time period a or and then to produce a given force be for given time period B. and then they ask them which one did they prefer which one did they want to do again. And the data of the change represented in different points were each line Connex Force time pairs the subjects felt were quick glance were quickly effortful or currently. Effortful OK So let's take this part of take this apart so this red line here is connecting a series of force time pairs what this means is that this point here is generating a high force for a small amount of time in subjects felt that that was equivalent to generating a smaller force for a longer amount of time which makes sense lower force longer time Force time interval that makes sense but those it makes sense is that as the force as the force as the duration increased the force that they found equivalence did not decrease but rather plateaued OK so for holding it longer they held the same force longer they still felt it was equivalent and they observed this across a range of force levels so this is a surprising result but it's one that can be explained if effort is represented as temporally discounted metabolic cost. And shown here so we did our simulations so this is our utility function so you have your Force time interval on top for constant force and it's discounted by time and as you can see those force those Force time pairs do not continue to decrease but they rather plateau OK. And here so if you were to take the standard representation of effort in motor control which is for squared times time. You would see that those forced time pairs are going to decay to zero as you as you would expect and even if we consider a case where it's just the forst time in a row again we find that those lines decay to zero in case so this is then consistency with the data remains whether forces are quadratically penalize or linearly penalized the key thing here is to temporarily discount the force of the Force time interval so in February a consequence of temporal discounting is that the utility of effort doesn't continue to grow but rather reaches the plateau an asymptote and people become more and more indifferent to time with increasing duration. So let me summarize all the results that I presented so in both walking in reaching We found that metabolic rate increases with movement distance in decreases with duration we found that there is an energetically optimal reach speed and in but in that experience people prefer to reach faster than energetically optimal we found that subjects move faster towards a rewarding stimulus compared with a non rewarding stimulus they prefer to reach for stimuli that require transport of less mass and they do so with higher velocities and finally as the duration of generating an isometric force increases the utility of effort did not continue to increase but rather plateaued which is consistent with the utility in which effort is the discounted by time but inconsistent with the utility in which when effort is not discounted by time. Alright So in summary what I presented here is a framework with which to consider both decision making and movement control under a common rubric and within that rubric. Effort is represented as metabolic cost we parameterized effort as a function of movement duration mass and distance and both reward and effort are discounted by time and when we represent effort as metabolic cost and consider this utility framework then this utility framework can reveal results that are consistent with the maximisation a common utility so far and I want to mention a few limitations so. There's still a lot of work to be done so we assume here that total movement effort is discounted at the planning stage whereas there could be a continuous temporal instantaneous temporal discounting of movements pain that's something that we're we're looking into. Also. You know how can we talk about motor control without considering probability so that's something we still need to incorporate so in more realistic scenarios there's going to be the probability of her ward and in movement that is kind of votes reflected through your movement variability or your accuracy so that's something that we need to consider. We also presented you with that example of the Apple versus the cookie. I didn't give you I didn't give you a single experiments that actually did that that looked at the choice as well as the speed of the movement you believe again these are these are looked at independently so we need to design experiments that are going to look at both the choice and the movement simultaneously and just to bring it full circle I want to return to the question of movement slowing and Parkinson's disease so within this framework we can make a few hypotheses for why individuals with Parkinson's disease may choose to move more slowly so one the loss of dopaminergic cells may lead to reduce reward valuation compared to healthy individuals so they may not find the action as rewarding which according to our framework is going. To lead to slower movements OK Also I. Mean has also been implicated in effort valuation as well as reward valuation OK so so P.T. patients may actually with the loss of don't mean may lead to an overvaluation of effort that is required of the movement which would according to our friend work which will also lead to slower movements and then finally it could be that the objective effort cost the actual metabolic cost of the movement is higher in Parkinson's patients OK And and we don't know that we don't have that data yet so and according to our framework This would also explain slower movements so these are all questions that we're going to we've started to pursue We have a new R one just in last April April so we're excited to be moving forward with these with these questions to look at the futility framework not just in healthy individuals but also also individuals with Parkinson's. So I'd be remiss if I didn't think the many many students that have helped me collect this data and put this framework together so Eric Summerside and Gary Bruning are grad students currently with me at C.U. Boulder my going to O'Brien is the post doc that worked on the study She's currently at Northwestern R.C.C. and Helen was started started collecting this data long ago with me and she's an assistant professor at the University of Central Florida and my collaborator Reza shadier at Johns Hopkins University we've been working on putting together this framework for a few years now and it's been in a lot of fun of course funding so that we like to thank you and be happy answer any questions. The metabolic on the metabolic data. So are you talking much utility curve that the metabolic the optimal metabolic curve. Or that there's an. Aha. It's and are you asking whether it aligns kind of whether the they're very below the kind of covered the optimal metabolic optimal duration. Right right so you know I mean I like it's it's an interesting point though the fact that the utility has different slopes on either side of the optimal and we haven't probed that to look at you know either sensitivity to it in their choices and the optimal whether the choice they choose their biases just to maximize the top of the chance that they're going to be on the optimal We haven't we haven't looked at that at all that's an interesting question. But. I've been increased or maybe less variability so all of our experiments are yeah we do them we the reaches are multiple trials because we want to rule out any learning effects reduce learning as much as possible so it's an interesting question when somebody performs something optimally first of all how do you define something as sub optimal but is that because you know increased variability in their movements is that because they haven't learned the model the effort model as well or they haven't learned the dynamic model of their of their of their own limbs as well so it's really it's just an interesting question overall so why you know why are athletes so good at what they do is it because they have reduced the variability they're more accurate let's say someone who you know back I'm back in the good good old days is it because he has less variability or is it said because he's better at identifying the optimal. That's as far as I know there are any things that really been probing that very well that one. In which experiments. All of this of. I never assume humans are rational. But we do assume that there we bring them in a kind of a base state Yeah so we don't do we don't manipulate affix we don't scare them there are we do have ongoing experiments where we look at the effect of threats on decision making so we have a controlled condition low threat versus a high threat environments but in all these explain but in the experiments I presented today it's a very neutral lab environment and we do make this assumption that they're coming in with the normal level of stress you would expect in an undergrad. But. Yeah and I completely agree so when when I was starting down this line of research I looked at a lot of the decision making papers and more and more people are interested in effort and everybody has a different way to quantify quantify it so whether is. I symmetric force or was number of key presses or whether you use your pinky versus your index finger one was more effort full. And of course there's all whole world of cognitive efforts literature so for us for me I wanted to start with terms of physical movements and I thought medical cost is a good place to start but it's no means a good place to to to keep it there so there are many things that could very right there's a subjective perception of effort so even there's there's just that psychological some you know ten joules may feel differently to me than it feels to you and also depends on my physiological states it's really interesting that you bring up this control so we're thinking up experiments now to look at you know movements that have the same mechanical effort or same physiological effort but maybe rather you know there instead of using two joints or using one joint is that simplify Is that another form of effort that something you're going to be adding to the equation so those are all in cognitive effort we've been trying to read more about that and find Look at how people are quantifying that and also to see whether we can kind of compare it you know put cognitive effort on a scale with physical efforts and map them onto each other. What do you mean by preferred I'm interested in and. Thing related to movement but what is what is the preferred movement pattern. Here. Or. Was here so if you are this. Way. But. Let's see her. FACE. More. People might. Like. Based on. Her No no that's a those are all great points so one thing that may be affecting your decision to use one can rig configuration over another is how accurate you're going to be used one can figure for another so one the more of the well practiced movement you're more accurate less practice you're not so you're going to choose the and it may not be dictated by the physical the physical effort that I would measure metabolically another interesting question is strength so if your you know your flexors vs your extensors or one arm is stronger than than another so maybe it's not metabolic costs in that case or maybe it's your capacity to perform to produce force those are all so again it just opens up all these questions we're providing kind of a base So here's metabolic cost Now let's And there's already more studies coming out like in this recent to this year. Finding that you have people don't necessarily make decisions according to a meadow they don't measure metabolic costs but it's true that they say it's not according to metabolic cost seems people have a preference for I can remember moving in towards the body versus out towards the body something like something like that which adds another factor. In your. Choice. But. It was very. Well. It would be. So. Big. You know what. You. Were. Very. Very. Well. I don't remember. Yes or. Yeah I'd have to see how they were determining what was actually optimal I mean for our part what we would do would we would look at probably so accuracy gives you some probability of reward right that's that's kind of an just another way of saying accuracy so how do they trade off that probability of reward with the with the decay of value and reward without a time so so it's hard to say what would actually be optimal so I'd have to read the studies to know exactly man but we would expect that as you know as you reduce the probability of reward. Then we have very specific predictions for how that you chile function would change. And no no not necessarily I mean it really depends on how rewarding it isn't what that what they're variability of is looks like. But I've been great. For. Thinkers.