Very. Very curt. Very for quite some time welcome ceremony you're. Very fond of what really pulled off mission. Right. Side of the medical. And there you go Wally. The Associate Director of your. Medical robotic. Expanding the scope of modeling. Collaboration with you on the medical billing all right and. I was thinking. That you're. Precisely right thank you Henrik. I assume everybody can hear me if you can hear me in the back wave your hand just so I don't work in excellent. So it's really a pleasure to be here today you know Georgia Tech has really blossomed I think in the last few years and I have to give credit to all the colleagues have been seeing today Henry are fine and Jim Frank and whoever else I'm forgetting the list goes on forever but it's really a pleasure to be hosted. I thought I'd start out by just kind of framing where a lot of the work and we talk about today set so so my lab is part of a larger effort at Hopkins called laboratory of competition all sensing in robotics We're about ten faculty and about one hundred grad students I specifically have been interested in how you frame the interaction between people and robots in the last few years but I do continue and let me run the video I continue to do computer vision work as well so we do a lot of work in medicine with what we call quantitative and be three D. reconstruction of an atomic structure. In navigation from video I do have a student mostly a little bit on our scene analysis work and also we have been looking a lot at how people collaborate with information so this actually is a facility we installed in the Hopkins library couple years ago now it's a large scale interactive display it's got five connects on it and it is really used as a weighting gauge the university community in information technology interaction and data and by the way I'm looking for somebody who just wants to play with a really large screen with a lot of cool tools attached to it so if you're looking for a position send me a resume I would really like to find someone for that project but today I'm going to talk mostly about our our languages surgery project which has been going on for about a decade and also as Henry said Bridge that a little bit into human machine collaboration so I thought I'd start out with this notion of competition Hanson of human skill and so maybe at start we should start by saying well what is skill and I think we all have a sense in our head of what that means you know skill the ability to do something well expertise we tend to think of skill being associated with doing a difficult task you know skilled people or people who've had to train to do something that the average person can do and you're synonyms dexterity so you know the ability to use your hands ability mastery the fact that you've actually put significant time into something and you've actually mastered this topic and again if you if you think of the pictures that come to mind you know sports is probably the first thing I have to be giving this talk right around the Winter Olympics so there are plenty of sports pictures on line from from there and we think of those athletes as probably being the pinnacle of skill but of course really an early day lives for lots of other forms of skill that matters so you talk about a skilled craftsman someone who has studied how to in this case you know for example build furniture learning not judge. The manual dexterity but the cognitive aspects of a task and of course today are going to talk a lot a lot about medicine and once again we always talk about a skilled surgeon a surgeon who has great hands and so there's really a notion that skill is something that is it's an eighty human but it's also something that really in our lives has high impact and the question really is how do we start to think about translating people acquiring skill into something that might be augmented or assisted by robotics. Now one of the things I've been alluding to is this question of well how do you become skilled and many of you probably remember the buzz a few years ago around this book called Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell and so one of the take home message is kind of the sound bite version of that book is you need ten thousand hours of practice at any one thing to become really highly skilled at it that's a little bit of kind of the. Popular Press view of becoming skilled It's probably a little more nuanced than that so there's obviously also a literature in psychology where people really try to study the question of how do you become skilled So this is a piece of work by. And go bury talking about deliberative practice necessary but not sufficient that is to say it's not the case that you probably can just go into a room and say I'm going to become the world's best surgeon without anything else happening you have to have other surrounding factors and there are other things that you will learn along the way and so it's again this kind of framework of saying well what is it actually take to become skilled that we've really started to to think about how we could study both the process of skill acquisition and then eventually how they get rich gets reflected into systems acknowledgement individuals so I always like to start this story with William Hall stead so many. You probably know if you say Johns Hopkins probably the the word that completes that phrase is medicine it's probably the I think it is still the largest medical school in the country it's one of the oldest and head for founding fathers also it was one of the four founding fathers one of the things he's known for is actually creating the the system of training that's now prevalent in medicine today so it's called the graduated responsibility model or the short version of it is see one do one teach one the idea that you have a mentor that mentor is skilled at a particular task you get to observe the mentor see how a task is done and you take over parts of the procedure that's the graduated responsibility and eventually as you gain facility at the task you become an expert yourself and soon now you can go and teach the next person down the line and so skill is handed off from generation to generation. It's interesting to note it is known widely as the person who introduced this it turns out it was actually his colleague also lawyer who imported it also travelled in Germany he saw this at work in German medical training he imported it to Hopkins but he wasn't really interested in promulgating it he just kind of thought it was an interesting oddity that they tried out in the hospital so how did actually borrowed the idea he pushed it through Hopkins and then he actually rolled it out as something there became known nationally so really it was an idea borrowed from the Germans imported to the US and then virally again and moved out into practice. So many of you probably aren't familiar with what it actually means to train as a surgeon so this is a pretty typical path that you would follow if you want to become a surgeon so you go to med school and you go to college you get into med school you do about four years of medical school again it varies by institution but the first order maybe half of it is book or and you go to classes. You learn anatomy physiology. So on and so forth and then you get about two years of clinical exposure you actually observe doctors at work then what you do is you start to specialize in so you go into residency and again depending on what your specialization is you could spend anywhere from two to six years in residency so at this point you're mostly in the hospital you're actually working in the hospital you are a doctor first order you see patients you can prescribe medications you can do many things but you're still you're learning you're still under supervision this point you made choose to specialize so you may become a surgeon at this point in your residency then it might take place in surgery and in fact you can then obscenely beyond that do a fellowship and that might be some specialization beyond which you would get as a resident so if you want to become a retinal surgeon for example you will actually do a follow on fellowship if you spend many many many years just acquiring the skill that it takes to be a surgeon Interestingly there is no final exam for surgery you know they don't we all are patient the room and say OK go you have two hours and they give you a grade at the end and that's your your Whether or not you're a surgeon the fact is it's a it's a training program you go in at the beginning you come out at the end and at that point you are a surgeon and you go off and practice and so obviously there is a pretty large variance in terms of both the inputs and the outputs and if any any of the surgeons I've talked to it happens will acknowledge that there are people who are much better as surgeons when they come out there are people who are not as good as virgins and they come out and in fact there really is very little quantification in the end of how highly skilled you are it's certainly the case that and it go to your subjectively there's a notion that there are people who are very very good surgeons and they're very highly skilled at what they do and so the thing that we really started to think about was can we come up with a way that we could quantify what it. Means to be skilled and again talking to my physician colleagues this is something that they would dive for to actually be able to go in and actually look at someone in the training program and have a sense of OK what are their what are their deficiencies What are they what are they mastered what have they not mastered and how can I build that into their training what does that mean when they go into the O.R. and they start to work with people for the first time and they haven't ever been in front of a patient before what could I intice a page perhaps more importantly it's not just about that training but also ultimately can we actually influence the practice of medicine to create more effective or better outcomes you know I have this picture here of you know surgery versus taking a pill think about what it takes to bring out a new drug on the market right so you create a new drug you do a large clinical trial you have you know prescribe dosey to you guys you know a cohort with a drug without the drug you will for side effects you work for the effectiveness of the drug and after all of that is when you finally say yes this is a drug that happens to work for this condition with these side effects we don't do that with surgery even though again many of my surgeon colleagues will say surgery really is a dose of treatment right you know there are and I can actually very that dose in many cases but we don't have a sense of how to quantify the effectiveness of my dose of surgery in the outcome of the patient. Just to bring home how this can have an impact here a couple of statistics for you so there was a study. A study by Reagan Bogan where they looked at how different types of unfortunate outcomes unacceptable outcomes came to be by basically setting medical malpractise records so you can say well a poor outcome could come from a surgeon it could come from just the workflow in the procedure room or could come from the factory just order of you know a hospital they didn't have certain facilities for example that they needed at some point in time and then you can go back from that. Saywell Fitz the surgeon did have to do with what they knew what they had to decide in C two or it could just be that they'd been on the floor for twenty four hours and they had just made a had a lapse because of that the workflow you can talk a basically about how the team works together and again environment so the green ones are one said it you could argue that training might have some impact on and so you can now say well what fraction of those unacceptable outcomes came from things related to training the answer is more than half can be traced back to something that's probably related to the training of either the team or the surgeon. And then if you look at those errors and you start to say well what what actually happened so it turns out about sixty five percent of them are actually manual errors so something where now to me was injured in a way that was unexpected so you know you happen to lose concentration for a moment and something sharp when the wrong place and suddenly you've got bleeding going on there now you've got to control the bleeding for example. And if you look at the impact of the errors it's pretty significant So twenty five percent permanent disability nine percent of the time people died and then the rest are a mix of different things so clearly having better training could have a pretty significant impact you know at this level. Here's another study just to give you one more data point before we drop into things this is the Michigan variadic surgery collaborative So what they did is they took videos very after surgery and they had a panel look at these videos if it was a panel of ten surgeons for a member and. Looking at the video and ranking the twenty or twenty expert surgeons ranking sorry ten I was right ten reviewers ranking twenty surgeons and what they were doing was giving an expertise score from one to five so what you can imagine is I'll be looking at this in essentially if the they don't know who. Who's doing the surgery didn't know anything they're just looking at the video and they say well this looks like somebody who's really knows what they're doing so they'll give that a five someone who's having real trouble you could imagine you would give them a one Luckily that never happened. But you can see the range of rankings was really from you know about two and a half up to almost five so the fives are great two and a half not so much and now you could say well what is the correlation between let's say the upper core tile and the lower court trial in terms of what happened to the patient so here's the answer so if you were in a lower court trial if you were having a surgery and the position was evaluated in the report tile you were about two and a half times more likely to be readmitted to the hospital you were about twice as likely to have a second operation reoperation you were about five times as likely to have some sort of complication post surgery and you were had a very large factor more likely mortality so two point six percent of the cases actually did not make it through the procedure versus zero point zero five if you were in the upper portal so there are significant impacts to scale and so there are real reasons we'd like to better understand this. So so I've been talking really abstractly about this and hopefully I've convinced you there could be some real impact for improving skill so now the question is how easy is it is it to tell who's skilled so I'm going to give you a little quiz here in a little dry lab model so the question is who's the expert who's a novice those of you who seen this before you know keep yourselves. So here we go we've synchronized the videos so you should really be seeing about the same things happening about same time so time doesn't matter here it's really just about what they do you may have already guessed it but let's wait well maybe it's becoming more obvious There we go I think I think you figured it out by now. OK So either none of you I'm guessing most of you are not surgeons. But it didn't take you too long to figure out actually what was skilled and what was not skilled right so you could already start to tell me and by the way you can maybe tell me what's wrong why why is the person on your right having so much difficulty but I guess that there's actually a good technical reason why they are. I think I heard it what's that. Now well that actually could figure into it now they're actually holding the wrong look how they're holding the needle they have no control over the needle at that point because of the way they've decided to hold it if they held it ninety degrees off they would suddenly have much better needle control and that's what a mentor would do by the way as they would look at this they would just say hey you're doing badly they would say by the way here is how you can correct that and you can move more rapidly along the curve and that's really this difference between just practicing and practicing with supervision so the interesting thing is you know being quantitative people this is a dive into the robot we can pull data from the robot so we can give you the hand motions this what the hand motions look like so on the left you see someone who is a an expert at the procedure. And you can see for clearly defined throws so there's a force for running suture one two three four on the right is someone this is actually someone who has trained in surgery they've done surgery before they just haven't used the robot so they're really learning how to use the robot and you can they're actually accomplishing the task but you can see the organization is completely different here and so this really is the thing that got us started thinking well how do we actually measure the difference between this and this and then how do we basically pushed people in this direction you know how do we diagnose what's going on and how do we make them better so we're going to talk about for the rest of the time is project we call languages surgery which is specifically focused on how do we address this problem how do we model patterns of activity particularly for surgery actually only so how do we basically recognise what's happening recognise the stages of. The pattern of activity how do we then use that to start to quantify and measure skill and then ultimately how do we actually use that also is a way of providing feedback so that we can make you better faster by addressing what are the deficiencies in what you're doing. So let me just tell you briefly what data in this case looks like the world of data is like many other areas changing rapidly so that eventually robot surgical robot commercially available they're in their fourth generation the X. I just came out they do a little over a half a million procedures a year now and if you can get inside the robot you have your complete record of a surgery you can get high quality stereo video you can measure all of the tool motions you can actually measure things like tracking and voice in the O.R. and what the surgeon saying if you want to augment the council a little bit so you get really high quality data so the sort of data we work with is typically this sort of data it's a dry lab model benchtop model needle passing suturing. Kind of a nasty MOSIS type task we have a couple of data sets a smaller data set we started with a larger data set that's our current data set you can see they're not huge a few hundred trials and counting on the order of twenty surgeons. We also there is a simulator. Into it now has a simulation system we can pull data from that so we do have what we call a warm up data set it's actually a simulation data that's paired with someone going into the O.R.. And then we do have a live surgery date as well so we have hysterectomy and prostatectomy at this point these numbers are out of date I think we've got about eighty cases so we have about three recording systems at Hopkins going pretty much full time now dumping cases as we go so our data sets are growing quite rapidly. And then. We also do some work with the owner and Gallucci So we do have a lot of data around and a lot of diversity now that we can start to study not just robotic surgery but surgery in general. So the first thing we started to think about is this question and now that we have data how do we actually come up with signatures for learning so if I talk to somebody who studies motor learning in particular. You know most of the motor warning people kind of think in this axis of how do I go from basically no muscle memory to muscle memory to solve the task but of course we also know that there's a cognitive aspect to acquiring skill knowing what to do and so you know motor people would probably say you go this direction there's some argument that at least in some domains you actually kind of think about what you're doing in the motor skill comes in behind but for all we know you go like this you know you could be you go back and forth we don't really know the path so we don't have a lot of guidance really from the literature as to what to look for so we took a couple of different takes on this so here's the first I'm going to talk about the idea here is to say let's not worry about the real structure of the task. Taking it and breaking it down into a primitive components in gestures but let's just kind of look at it as a string and see if we can just find in the actual motor behavior itself indicators of skills so you saw that multiple needle pass right that's really what tipped you off so how can I find those sorts of indicators in the signal so this is work of Nargus Imedi who is actually just finishing her Ph D. she looked at the question of taking this continuous signal and trying to turn it into first a discrete representation that has the right sort of invariance properties that we'd like to have namely we don't really care if your suturing up and down and left and right or forward and backward we care about the innate motion so the way that she set this up is she. Took the initial curve a continuous curve you build a coordinate frame on the curve a so called for in a frame and then what you can do is you can use that local frame to encode direction of motion and so now you're riding on the curve you now coordinate invariant all you care about is how the direction changes not with the absolute positions or velocities in some cases are so what this means is we now can take a motion signal and we can turn it into a string once we have strings of course being a computer scientist I'm I'm suddenly very happy because I've got something I know how to deal with and so the way that you then looked at this is to say well let's think of these strings of different tasks or different skill levels or any category you want as in terms of building categories specific dictionaries so if I take a grasp of motion for example you can imagine that there's going to be certain canonical movements that are going to characterize a grasping movement and what I want to do is to pull out from that string from multiple repetitions What are those common patterns of movement and essentially build a dictionary of the movements that characterize grasping and I could do the same thing for pulling the suture I can do the same thing for rotating the needle through the tissue so pick your favorite categories will just build a dictionary out of these strings by finding a long and longest common substrings. And then we'll look at classification as a string similarity problem so just like you know when you index the web you go in new data mined the web and build dictionaries and you get a new page and you say OK what category does a belong to in our case we get a new trial we turn it into a strain and we say OK let's go through and figure out which patterns appear and which dictionaries they belong to and we'll build a similarity metric around that and it's going to basically look for what is the likelihood of seeing a particular string in that dictionary we want to favor a long string so there's a term that says longer is better and then Location does matter so something's happened towards the beginning something. It's happened towards the end so this is a little metric you train it up if you take no strings in this case from those three categories grass pull and rotate you can see it's actually starting to separate the performances into those different categories and then what we do is we simply put in S.T.M. on top of that and we ultimately do a single class class fire out of that how well does this do well turns out at a least on the benchtop datasets and we've run it on it does just about as well or better than anything we've tried so if we have seen someone before and we want to categorise in this case both the skill level and the gestures so what are you doing and how well are you doing it in this case we've got nine categories so chances all the percent if we've seen the person we can get about ninety five percent accuracy you can doing skill and gesture we haven't seen the person at least in this data set it drops down quite a bit and this is something we've we've seen a lot it probably shows us data's deficient that there's a lot of individual style in how people do things and that it takes a lot of data to bring these two numbers together so that you don't start to learn the patterns for a person not the patterns for a particular skill level. Interestingly one of the things that we tried just to see what would happen is we took exactly the same method that we had trained in the lab and we pulled some suturing data from the O.R. a small data set but. What surprised me is this is a classifier they had never ever seen live surgery before and at least seventy five percent of the time it was able to tell us whether it was an attending or a resident operating and this is a great number to two class problems but at least shows that there really is signal there that's not just in the benchtop but it's actually showing up in the live or as well and so something worth pursuing. So that's one model of looking for skill. And again the idea here is that there's not really a lot of structure so if I were to think of it in that graph it's it's really assuming motor warning is the dominant thing and when I'm going to look for patterns that show up when you're not skilled versus skilled. So another way that we've looked at this is to say well what if it's more that cognitive path what if it's more you learn some basic skills but it's at how you put those skills together that actually matters so we approach this very much like a language model hence the name language of surgery we said Look why don't we try to first parse what's happening in to in this case a variant of a hidden Markov model and then we'll look at the pattern of gestures and decide if the pattern of gestures tells us something about scale now it turns out that if you just take a VIN hidden Markov model like a speech person would use that's not going to work particularly well the data we have is too high dimensional it's continuous data if you look at what most people do there's a big encoding pipeline that happens before they ever even get to the modeling part so we've got actually a family of methods that we developed from simple hidden markup models and we're dynamical systems and eventually switching when you're dynamical systems which you can think of as a combination of a continuous model that models continuous motion but then switching between regimes as you go along and actually a couple other variants beyond this that I don't want to spend time on. So these are results of doing just classification so taking so you just saw a classifying gesture and skill this is just trying to go through and classify gesture in this case and you can see there is a whole family of methods there's a paper for each one of these so if you're looking for something to do just start pulling papers and reading to find out about each one but the main thing I would take away is if you look at the best system say ten. To be the switching winner dynamical systems do about the best of all of them you can see we're doing about eighty percent classification I forget what chance is for this case I think it's around. Twelve percent of our berthing it's eight or nine jesters So we're doing well above chance not great not perfect so you know we're saying you know four fifths of the time we know what's going on the other thing you still see is this differentiation between set up one is we've gotten to see a surgeon before we do the classification and set up two as we've never seen this person before and you can see there's still a pretty good disparity between these two so you still see that we need more data really to get to the point that we can see someone we've never seen before and understand what they're doing. I just mention one of the things that we've started to look at is how to make these models a little bit more precise one of the things we've realized is the market models they're beautiful model they're easy to optimize because they have this Markov property that is to say what happens in the next time and soon it only depends on the time incident before it it doesn't depend on some arbitrary history further back but we're getting our data at about anywhere from thirty to one hundred hertz depending on whether it synchronized with video or not. And if you think about your hand motions. Probably what you're doing you know from time into Time instance pretty highly correlated it's really only when you go back a second or two that you start to see the interesting interaction between the gesture you're doing now and the gesture you're doing before so we started to look at skip chain models that actually have a longer time history to them and it's kind of interesting if you introduce the skip chain models and you say what's the optimal time history to look back to get the best performance it turns out that the skip length is about a second back so if you actually want to look at predict what's going to be happening looking. Second back is actually a better predictor in terms of where you're going to go the thing the hidden market dot model does is it actually is more like a regular riser it says how long will you keep doing the same thing so these have some real power in actually starting to help us do more prediction and in fact we found out that doing using script chain models we actually get better results this is actually a little bit of a different. Test this is testing segmentation as opposed to classification so this is saying now instead of I'm going to give you a gesture tell me what it is I'm going to take the whole running line and just going to break it up into the individual gestures so as to classify him and say with the boundaries are so you get these little diagrams like this so this is the ground truth of what gesture was taking place and this is the prediction of what gesture is taking place so the same colors means you got it right and this is the difference and you can actually see that the differences lie mostly just on the boundaries in fact are getting the sequence accuracy almost perfect one case here we actually missed where we predicted a gesture that wasn't actually there so we're actually doing very very well at predicting sequence of gestures and if you look at the actual accuracy of labeling frame by frame you can see now we're actually up in the kind of in the eighty percent range again but now we're doing a much harder problem we're actually saying every single frame what exactly is going on and this is this is actually pretty much state of the art I don't know of anything out in the literature that does a better job at doing frame by frame labeling of what's happening so I guess the takeaway of this is I think there's still a lot of room to grow from eighty to one hundred still a long ways but we actually a pretty good tools now that we're starting to see have promise. So let me just do the last little piece of this so I set this up by saying. Do gestures matter if I just had the sequence of gestures could I tell you something about skill so if you look at this data the. Colors actually indicate gestures This is a vocabulary we built with a practicing surgeon so we went through we label all the gestures and now you can say well if I take these gestures and I just lay out what the transitions look like what's what are they will quite and you get something like this so this is an expert you can see an expert pretty efficient right they done this many many many times before I actually I just was recently talking to a surgeon friend of mine and I was saying Man that must be so stressful to go into surgery you know a person's life in your hands and all they say is you know actually it's kind of boring because I've done this so many times before OK occasionally it's stressful but by and large I've done this a thousand times before it's not that stressful for me and it's because they've really they've got it down right this is that novice and novice is being really inefficient they're repeating things going back and forth changing the sequence so you can see there really is information also in the pattern of gestures. And in fact if you just collapses down this is using multidimensional scaling you can just pot every trial that we've got on a plane and you can see there is a pretty natural progression from novices to intermediates to experts so it does seem like the actual pattern of how you use these gestures carries a fair amount of information. Now interesting Lee if you do a bake off and you say OK so what's better is it that first approach where we do motor skill or is it that second approach where we do patterns of activity Well the motor skills version just looking at low level motion beats it but quite honestly not by a lot I don't know that I think of those numbers as statistically significant and so the jury is still out and in fact probably the right answer is that both of these matters so you are obviously learning motor skill as you become practiced at this but you're also as you were in these motor skill units you're become. Better and better at applying those markets go units efficiently and really we do need to have methods that that can account for both and so this this D.C.C. method is actually very good at picking up the low level motor skill the H M M work is actually much better at picking up this kind of higher level organization of how you do the work. So I'd like to do just a little case study on this just to show you some recent work we did in this space so this is septoplasty it's actually open. So these docs came to us and they said you know this is something that it's it's called an index procedure it's a procedure that you have to do in order to satisfy your residency for in this particular surgery you're evaluated on how well you do it and it's really hard to teach because what it is is it's raising a small flap of skin on the inside of the nose and so once the surgeon is in there you can kind of see the the working field appear once the surgeon gets in there whoever's watching and can't see anything in fact even the person doing the procedure has a hard time really seeing a lot about what's going on so it means if you're a mentor you can't teach it very well because whoever you're trying to teach can see what you're doing and if you're doing it and you're the trainee your mentor can't really tell you what you're doing right or wrong and so there's just a lot of verbal communication and a lot of guesswork as to what's happening he said is there some way that you guys could could actually help us with this so what we did is we added some tracking to their tools so this is Cottle is the thing that they actually you do the manipulation with it's a reference sensor and the head and then again a sensor on the tools who are getting patient relative to a motion. Are this is the study cohort are going to talk about is about fifty surgeries we've just about doubled that now we don't have the most recent results here but you can see it's faculty those fellows I talked about a bunch of residents that are all doing the surgery. So one of the first thing to realize is they had no way to tell us how this surgery how do you think about this surgery so. The first thing we had to do is we actually had to structure the data how do you take all this data and get something out of it and so the way to think of it is this is the so-called septal plane this is the the outside of the nose itself all the work happens basically relative to the septal plane and the key thing is you're basically doing these strokes to free the tissue and in fact one of the first things we had to do is we created a method to take the continuous signal and break it down into these strokes and so you can actually see here the strokes here going from blue at the beginning to red so we pull these out automatically now we take all the data and we have a way of actually segmenting it into the strokes and now we can start to look at how these strokes relate to the actual procedure itself and this is what you start to see so once again here's an expert so we start with red and we move to blue so an expert started to hear and you can see they've got this pretty efficient pattern of coverage they kind of free the edge and then they're kind of working their way back and eventually they've got the whole flap elevated there's an obvious you can see there definitely they're not nearly as efficient and clearly they've been told they know cognitively they're supposed to start up here so you see these and then they kind of work their way back but somehow they drift down here occasionally at the beginning and then they go back because they're been told no no go back up there and finish and so on so forth so you can really see there is that same sort of pattern starting to show up where we're starting to see the you know this interesting difference in activity. If you actually just take one simple measure just basically looking at the stroke structure you can actually start to really see the differentiation between. The We've got the fellows in the middle the attendings are up here in the novices are down there just looking at a bit of coverage I think is the measure we used here so now here is the question so again can we kind of set this up as we. Just takes some bulk measures of the strokes like how many strokes they use and what the structure of the strokes are we could look at that motor activity level or we could look at higher level patterns of activity using H M M's and so we just did a bake off and here are the results so this this is if we just look at the structure of the stroke so we're looking at things like rate of coverage the consistency of the stroke patterns and so on and so forth you can see this is a two class problem so these numbers are really not particularly good sixty's maybe seventy. We run the man mad at the H M M Actually in this case just did not do very well at all it wasn't able to pull out a lot of interesting structure and in this case the D.C.C. method beat everybody hands down and so this is a case where it seems like this low level pattern of motion behavior actually is the thing that's carrying a lot more of the information than any of the higher level structure that we saw before again in preliminary results and so this is kind of the space that we're exploring now is to try to figure out you know how for different procedures how we want to think about this and is it in that motor side is the cognitive side or are there other measures that we can use but this is an ongoing study so I checked these numbers will change. So in this case you know I think we have this tool to motion relative to patient so we can basically say here's how you're moving. That's the extent of it now there are some other things we could potentially work out like they do flip the tool occasionally and some things like that that we we haven't made use of but it's a it's pretty limited I mean the procedure itself is very limited and so in some sense the data itself is also somewhat limited. You mentioned data I will say one of the things that we have. And working on is trying to make sure that we're not the only people that can do this and so just recently we have gotten permission in this case from Intuitive Surgical to start to release data that we've acquired So this is our first open data set release called jigsaws. And you can download it from the web we've got the your all right here and you know our only request is if you do cool stuff and you publish it that you reference right now a workshop paper that we published we actually plan to publish or we're going to try to publish a broader paper that gives all the comparative results that we've ever achieved for this dataset and the code as well so you will be able to get some of the code some of the tools and all the annotations that go with it so hopefully we can actually start to increase the potential of working in this space going forward. So I wanted to switch gears just because I want to show one other thing we've been doing recently and this is kind of the bridge which is I've been talking to you incessantly about skill and recognizing patterns of activity I've talked about actually doing anything but a couple of years ago we realized what we've got all this data could we actually use it to do augment. Surgery So this is a work in nickel a priori where we we've built a pattern recognition system we can market model that can recognise the stages of suturing and then what it's doing is it's doing handoff between the robot and human when you see the blue past showing up that's automated It's actually pulling the suture line on it's own based on data that it picked up and trained on and then what it's recognising is also when it should take over versus when the human itself should do the procedure so there is this handoff between the human and the robot and it actually makes a measurable difference in terms of for example how quickly you can do the suturing because you don't have to do clots for our transport motions. So I worked at that and I said Well geez do we have to just think about surgery there are lots of places where you could imagine if you could sit down you could get a lot of data and how people do is skilled activity so this happens to be an aircraft refurbishment procedure spirit era systems if we could get data on that could we start to think of building augmentation systems for these cases as well and in fact we literally took this task and you can see we sat down and we headed to do the same task. Just to put in a frame of reference I think it takes a person about twenty or thirty seconds to do that tie the Davinci It took about three to five minutes for us to get it so it's not as efficient yet but we have hopes but it's not just here is all sorts of places so you think of manufacturing you think of rehabilitation for statics they're all cases where what you're trying to do is you if you're trying to somehow capture the structure of a particular movement or task that's being performed and if you can capture it you could either replicated in a robot or you could augment a person or you could collaborate with the person doing it. And so we really started to say well how do we think about putting these pieces together in a broader sense so Henry said I'm kind of a classic sensing of robotics guy I kind of understand how those things fit together. What the project really just talked about at it is this notion of data so I would just surgery really grew out of the observation that we can use robots to get data and we can learn things about what people do of course in the sensing world you know machine learning took over years ago. Never to be lost again and so you know in computer vision we're pretty we're pretty used the idea that we have large data archives with labels and we do machine learning on it the interesting thing is you start to add people to the mix so on the robotics side this is called robotics so it's part of the National Robotics initiative on the people side you have to start to think about reasoning about. How people view context when they do tasks like this and how the robot and the person and the person basically share a representation as well as sharing the physical work now I just happen to have students working on all these things and about the beginning of the summer they complained to me that they had a sense that in my mind this all fit together but they had no clue how it fits together and they would really like to have a clue and so we went on a retreat together we had a bunch of good times we drew a lot of pictures we talked a lot about it and said you know what we want to do a code Sprint this summer we're going to code for two weeks and we're going to have all these things fitting together well the codes print turned into a code mild to a code five K. to a code jog through the woods. But in the end they actually did it and so they built a system we called COSTAR which we just have started to publish about but it really does embody all those essential pieces of how do you interact with people of how do you include perception how do you actually train systems to do interesting tasks the core costar ends up being fairly symbolic behavior tree model of execution we like this because on the one hand it's an executable model we can actually program things and they will actually work and on the other hand since it's symbolic it segues well into be able to recognise the semantic level of what's going on in a task so we've built this programming environment at the core we have a symbolic interface for doing programming we also have a perception system that kind of standard object perception also occupancy sensors and a number of other things uses data for that in fact you can see here are you are five and you see there is one of the earth to be the center is so it's looking at the workplace environment so we did this over the summer and I said well look for going to do this it's got a word. For real so we have a small. Manufacturing town employs about twenty eight people does agile manufacturing small lots of steel products called Marlin Steel and he said you know there are all sorts of things in my shop for if I had a robot that my guys could train in a few minutes to do a task for they be doing it the reason we don't use more robots is because it just takes too long to deploy them so that was the robot throw down I said OK guys you're going to go down there and you're going to figure out how this robot can do something useful and so they picked this machine tending task this is a wire bender and right now what happens is it's not worth it for them to have somebody sitting there holding the wire out and putting it on the rock the machine itself can't do it and it's not worth it to try to program a robot to do it so they just let the wire fall in the ground for a few hours and then they have this guy who is paid actually by eighty dollars an hour come over and pick it up and stack it on the rack and that's that's how it happens today so so I shipped them down there one day it was about eight in the morning they arrived I couldn't be there and I figured this would be shall we say the typical grad student experiment when they go from the lab to the real world expected to come back with their tail between their legs saying it was really it was horrible you know we got there and nothing worked but in fact about eleven thirty I got a video from them and they'll show you what they saw So this is just morrow and some of the things that they do. A fancy dancy wire bending thing doing wire bending there's a person doing wire binning because it's not worth end to try to actually program this particular wire bending task so he just sits there all day ending wire. You know one of their presses pressed is the hard work of the SO got to have a guy there that shoving all the material into it and then taking it out and there is that little sensor there to make sure his fingers aren't in the machine when it comes down. So there's costar and. Oakmont. Really. This is in the lab just doing some set up before that there we go there is our robot at work so about eleven thirty I got a video from them they said we impacted we set it up took us about ten minutes to train it for this task and we let it run for half an hour and it was just sitting there basically tending there were bending machine and I got to say the guys in the shop floor were just basically they almost wouldn't let them leave with the robot there I just leave it here we'll figure it out we'll use it. It's not perfect there are a lot of things that aren't ideal here and to be honest it's not a hard task right so there are other robots around that could do it but I thought it was a need example of being able to take this thing set up a program in five minutes and have it do something actually useful what's a little hard to see is what's actually going on so it's using occupancy sensing to synchronize with the wire bender so it grabs a wire when it shows up not based on a time and all of the. All of the different objects have these markers on them so if things move around we actually can react to that as well. So this is really the beginning of a project as I said you know we're plugging a bunch of things into it for example we're building our own data set for object recognition that's industrial tools turns out most of the vision stuff doesn't work well on industrial tools so we've been developing things to do. Another neat thing about this is I showed it with you our five which is a human safe robot we also have developed a way to program robots are human safe using virtual reality so this is a system we call Ivery where you can take your favorite robot This happens to be an American robot in our lab that we train pretty routinely and we just train it basically in V.A.R. or an augmented reality you know we can blend in for example point clouds in the real world and go through the. Training process so it's still very much a platform in the making but I've got to say it's really exciting to see how quickly we've actually been able to progress into building something that is a coworker on the floor where someone who may not know a whole lot about programming better knows a lot about the task they're trying to perform and start to teach a robot how to do things. I'll just let this run just a little bit more just to see some of the different modes of interaction this is just it actually doing a task in the lab that we've programmed it to do. So let me just close and I'm running out of time by saying you know I think you know probably the take home message to me is I think we've started to enter a really interesting space to explore I think you know used to be robots in vision and then we thought about you know some robots and people but when you start to think about robots and people in data the interrelationships in the things that you can do really are remarkable in the fact that this sort of data and these sorts of interactions are just coming on line means I think over the next decade we're just going to see an incredible incredible proliferation of these sorts of things. And you know I think also it's going to be interesting to see how this teaches us more about how people actually learn as well as how humans learn because as we start to bring robots on as apprentices the natural mode of operation will be to say well how does a people how do people learn a task and have to get robots to do the same thing so as I said I think it's a very rich space to think about exploring not just in manufacturing and surgery but health care home assistance construction and so on so with that let me just thank my mafia to surgery crew the human machine Calabria systems crew both again they're the ones who actually do the work I get to have the fun of coming out and bragging about all the great things they do and thank you very much for your time and I really appreciate it and be happy to take. A few questions before time's up thanks. Yeah. Doing this. For. My next trip. So that one it was just her and skills so we're it's identifying what you're doing and the skill with which you're doing it. Yeah. Yeah actually where we're inferring what you're just what your skill level in each thing is from the total thing so there's a little bit of a question mark however correct. That's one of the challenges we have actually is what level can you actually do skill evaluation so I skipped some work. We're looking at maneuvers now it's kind of an intermediate And that seems to be a good sweet spot between looking at a whole procedure and saying When you're good you're bad but we don't know where you're good or bad and gestures which are pretty micro they're good for the pattern recognition but they're not good for the human communication side. You're very. Right and so this maneuver a level seems to be about the right level we've done some work actually crowdsourcing it shows that actually people are pretty good at doing skill evaluation at that level too. Yeah. So we have talked about that incessantly of how to do feedback the only reason we haven't done it quite honestly is a purely scientific reason that up until now we haven't felt like we're in a position that we could actually say anything about that we could certainly field something that would give you have to feedback or we could field something that would give you video feedback or pick your favorite feedback we wouldn't be able to tell you if you. We're actually getting better or faster at it what we're doing right now is we have a system set up in our training facility and we've been collecting data for a year now trainees going through the program and the goal of that study is is that to actually now introduce an intervention where we would give you feedback and see if we can actually see that there's a change in the learning curve for doing so so you're actually right we should be doing it we've just we haven't done it purely because we haven't felt that we could say something about it if we did it. First. I don't think you'd ever replace the person entire We were at least not in my lifetime. For the simple reason that there's always variability that requires a lot of context and judgement and the sorts of patterns we're looking at at least right now we don't have enough of that surrounding contacts that you could make adequate judgement so we can we can certainly automate little bits and pieces it's kind of like the manufacturing thing right you know there are there bits and pieces that are fairly easy to automate because you don't have to make a lot of decisions it's fairly road versus cases where you actually have to take a lot of factors into account and decide this is a course of action I'm not going to take the other thing of course is the question the question in my mind is you know you get half a million. Procedures a year it sounds like a large number it's actually not if you think about these sorts of issues but of course that's been growing. If not exponentially rapidly and you start to accumulate that over several years now you start to talk about millions and millions of procedures there probably are a lot of interesting things you can mine out of that data just as we found there are interesting things you can mine out of the web once you get a billion pages online and they're things that are hard for us to think of until we actually have that data. Thank you thank you.