[00:00:05] >> He everybody thank you all for coming I'm going to do a real short in true and then the real players are going to talk. As well as take 3 things just the format of this so we really wanted to do sort of a showcase of stuff that's happening around campus by different people so we actually have 4 different presentations and we only have an hour so each presentation is going to get about 10 minutes on give or take and. [00:00:31] And I only say that because I don't want to discourage you from asking questions so if you have a question in the moment feel free to shout it out. But we are going to reserve about 15 minutes at the end for questions and discussion so it's something that could wait till the end that would be helpful that way we can make sure all 4 presentations get their full time so that's the 1st thing the 2nd thing is we do we've got about like 40 people here today but we've got I don't know Britney what do we have like 10 people on line or something like that so for the people that are here with us you will hear the people online but they'll hear you so if you do have a question use your teacher voice so they can hear you from the back of the room sofa to maybe get a really project back there and then. [00:01:13] And if for the people online if you have questions just chat it we're not listening for you but we are watching Britney is on the chat so she'll hear you and we have him here so so that's that the last thing is just about this at some point today go through the steps we're doing this thing where we're experiment ing with black chain based certificates and badges and things like that so we'd like to give you a badge for coming today and it's really easy to do just go to those steps and then we'll send you an e-mail with some instructions and those are called block service. [00:01:45] I'm not going to introduce all the speakers in the interest of time I'm just going to say their names mostly so they know what water to go with. Blair Macintyre to be verses from indirect computing David Joyner of the 2nd he's from I'm going to talk about them a C.S. D.D. is going to be 3rd talk about from College of Engineering and we've got a crew proof. [00:02:04] The imagine lab concept design here and what mattered and the last so we have for the usual start with. Something you just read. They didn't hear any of that. It was it was very sad. Welcome on line people do what have you I don't think. There's a question. [00:02:28] OK so I'm presenting my phone for reasons I'll. Say. I was asked just give a brief overview of X R Y X X X. X I'm going to do so I'm going I'm done faster computing actually going to leave. For her since 2016 and apparently this year I'm partially some Partially partially here. [00:02:56] It's good to be back and close I think it's been like a year and a half since I crossed the bridge. So. OK And so I'm tethered to his computer so I will try to stay out of the way of things so OK so what is X. are so I've been doing are going to be all this stuff since I was a grad student 91 and there's a sort of word salad of terminology that you'll hear if you're in this sort of immersive space. [00:03:26] So you might think of you know you might think about the reality which is a terminator you might think of things like 1st and 10 system for sports and T.V. Everyone knows the lines right. So I always have to make a joke I think could be our video games these sorts of things anything that sort of immersive in 3 D. And these different terms get used in different ways. [00:03:46] You know. Lots of science fiction is talking about these days different companies have co-opted the different terminology in different ways so if you go back to all the academic papers and read about augmented reality people are really talking about full 3 D. stuff registered in the. If you. [00:04:06] Use Google Glasses or see look at something Google matter what they did when they talk about are going to reality they're talking about a small screen on the heads up display it's not sort of ones better ones worse they're good for different things but it that the word salad makes it hard to understand what a given study or a paper or something might might do so a lot of the stuff Chris back to the sixty's is Foster I think it's a student of I think. [00:04:34] This was like literally within a year of when I was 4. And it's awesome this is the 1st head of display see through was tracked by either. Ultrasonic sensors or by this long mechanical linkage and it really was the 1st time that anybody could put pretty graphics of the world on and nobody did anything with this technology or tried to and for many years afterwards because it was incredibly hard to do anything foods that Nassau and Boeing in the US and early ninety's started actually working with the concepts again the terminology. [00:05:16] Evolved after that and people started doing lots of things so I will see that in the educational and training spaces things for industrial stuff medical stuff teaching people how to repair cars or or. Do other kinds of things. Lots of movement over him to sort of more informal things I've done a lot of works a lot of these are stuff we've done intact over the years and games are entertainment but a lot of these things for sort of play thing over into informal education kind of spaces right I'm I think the big thing that I'm interested in and that a lot of people are interested in that is the potential for sporting collaboration on people experiencing things when you think about are going to reality virtual reality and related things there is on. [00:06:04] Sort of an initial appeal of thinking about I could overlay a thing on the space to teach to you know optical or teaching fluid flow or physics or math but if the experiences are solitary you're limited in what you can do so whether it's games or helping people remotely do things or supporting new forms of education I think that's where I think a lot of the interest in promises so quickly terminology is so personal that it's kind of the 1st one the term came from the idea prayed for 2 overs of reality the term augmented reality was coined by people that. [00:06:41] Never. Came up with it was that I'd say. In specifically in contrast for you know the idea is really augmented reality instead of. Creating a virtual one. Google at some point use that term for class Microsoft decided that they couldn't have homelands be augmented reality because their reality is a whole heads up displays that they call the whole ends holographic reality holograms and so on which irritated a lot of academics because they are really called. [00:07:15] Magically came along and decided that that stuff was just 2 dimensional so their stuff was mixed reality is going to make things in the world but if you go back and look at all the literature makes reality generally originally in the early work referred to sort of the spectrum of all these possible right from virtual time to so on. [00:07:38] And X. are has been around as a term for a little while our people thought of it as cross reality or extended reality and so on in sort of the non academic world generally values where X. is like a variable it's any of the realities so I get a reality virtually and so on to the extent that if you don't look at say crows they're developing a standard called openings are which is meant to provided a low level device A.P.I. to allow all of these different kinds of technologies to Iraq for a price of this sort of equipment. [00:08:15] But there are things like not in the world we talk about whether X. are for the same reason combining all the different ways of creating 3 D. immersive experiences of the axis not extended or cross service just any of the about. The reason the stuff being popular severe attack 1st started maturing then we started seeing a lot of A are displayed is I brought a few people want to look at about 4 years I'm not going to. [00:08:43] Want people to try them on because it gives me the heebie jeebies that they get people sharing display with. Clay cleaners and things right I have stories of pink eye lights and all kinds. So we don't we don't share this place which you know as a tangential thing is a big issue if you want to start thinking about these and education Fortunately they're getting cheaper. [00:09:03] So briefly my work has been augmented reality thinking about creating stuff out of the world right so that's what I all talk about 2 things that I think are our interests in the context was this so a lot of times we think about are going to Reality of virtue out think about creating an experience that is meant to be an artifact to teach something right or to help people learn something whether it's you know math or something I'm actually really interested in sort of stepping back and saying I can use these technologies change because you're much more holistic way Mark does not before he left and that's all I did this experiment so yes 1315 where we projected. [00:09:47] Next cover all the walls around and the idea was for every student in Mediacom when they when they ran a program to create a picture it would automatically display the wall and the motivation was to start bringing in some of the sort of. Experience or pedagogical environment from design studios architecture studios where students can look around and see what each other are doing independent of the fact that everything's hidden inside the screen in front of them right so so much of what we do engineering and even visual design and so I was hidden so students in a room together may as well be somewhere else right here we started seeing things where people would look at a picture going out had to do that or my God you know I had I had a problem what you would do you see how you can help you or. [00:10:37] Your picture hasn't updated in a while or you're having problems and it really did change the name for the rest patients and so I'm actually really excited about that projection stuff was was interesting eventually you know and years from now everybody could be wearing a display I could look around and see your work floating markers. [00:10:54] You will have war chance of. Madness are going to stop and the. Folks in Germany been working on this thing called Rock Terrace most people are familiar with and so we worked with them for a while due to use they are to expose a survey hidden hidden state of robots right from old robot stuff and Magnus can probably tell you more about the state. [00:11:22] So the things we've done as I mentioned I've been happens a lot for. A few years working to bring all this the web and I'm very I've been working on a web based X. are going to reality for trail since about 2010 a series of projects here called are gone and the idea and the reason I'm excited about this especially in the educational sense is to allow us to take advantage of the characteristics that make the way useful right it's good we can publish things on the fly things people can bring their own devices access stuff how they want when they want it's very easy to be able to his her experience if there's no gateways there's no sort of I have to publish this space through the app stores and so on so there's a lot of abuse of the web which And I do have to talk to people afterwards about this especially when you start thinking about privacy and so on with these devices which are and there weren't a number of sensors on. [00:12:18] So. So I was going to dig more into the idea of the metaphor but. A lot of us at Mozilla particular and the Web world like to sort of touch on this idea of. A lot of science fiction evokes this idea about a verse of this big 3 D. world that we relate to on I think of it as as this hybrid space where they are the are on are all part of this immersive environment I might going to be our to do something but I'm much more interested in these hybrid spaces where eventually people could be attending this not watching video but their avatars could be sitting amongst us right they might see us somewhere else they might try to talk to us and we're here to her you're asking a question making a comment when we can start doing these sort of things it will sort of enable new kinds of experiences and I think the Web is the right metaphor and environment for creating these kinds of spaces because we're not going to have one huge away service like an ready player one we're going to happen is a bunch of disconnected experiences you can call them you can put what I can balance between them some of them would be huge like 2nd Life or high fidelity the new version some of them would be a single room like David's or hugs and so on but it but they're not there's everybody is in control of what they want to do as a parent what a play. [00:13:43] Characteristic OK so. Random now. So we can do you can do that the cool thing is you can start doing these things more on photos of them so I'm actually running this in a web browser that I've built. Which you know has where G.L. is based on ERA cat so that's G L T F all being read. [00:14:05] Here those sorts of things now you can do phone graphics it's interactive so I can tap a little people. And I like to show that random general in the context because this is a presentation. Right the Web program is also on the web if you are running running in the web but I could mix sort of land screen shots images tax with interactive content in the context of a presentation I actually have a version of this that I gave which was never work so everybody can go to the same U.R.L. and we can see the thing together at the right spot right and so I think there's a massive amount of things that we're going to do very serious and with the web we can work with the art of I say our devices and so on and I actually have this if your interest there's I can talk more about it here or later wetbacks are which is the basis for doing air of the air on the Web is going through the standardization process right now and being implemented in browsers right now I was actually messaging someone who's working on a browser and magically This morning we're trying to get that stuff working so you can go and do it right now but a year from now we'll be able to deliver a RB or experiences aversive lay on the web. [00:15:22] To every device right and so I think there's a lot of interesting things to be able to do in the very near future thank you. Thanks. And if you want to see magically. Touch it. Still. Well David So you know this is one of those fly that I got it's a different based thing it's in the few hundreds of dollars but $400.00 a completely standalone 6 stop motion. [00:15:57] Is based on paper so these things are getting we're able to. Make you hire and my favorite joiner and the associate director simply experience our online master science and pure science program and do some other stuff as well I'm going to talk about today is. A side we're. [00:16:18] Going to date is what I call. It's a reality for come robbery at scale you would think so a better term Feel free to let me know I'm searching for a term for camaraderie of scale for literally months and my own term was small Mr Big Miss which was good but get better term let me down. [00:16:34] But the dynamic talking about is the traditional education we have serious comedy classes like this where we all agree to get together in the same place at the same time and it's wonderful because we kind of build camaraderie by the fact you see everyone sitting around even if we don't ask questions even discussions happen you just kind of see everyone peripherally taking place in the same working part the same experience and talent around Zuccotti Park computers for you build some sense of community just by virtue of being together but this environment is also inherently rather limited in that we totally have people who physically come to Atlanta and be here at this time so this builds camaraderie but it's also very kind of limiting it and put it in this case has been built this way for a long time technology recently is going to walk let us have asynchronous and distribute classes which are wonderful because if people do the people who can't come here for class can't be here at the right time because you think on their own time from wherever they are it's cradle it's free it's the audiences for whom the choice is not between online and on campus but the choices between online and nothing so most of our audiences are people who have no other option to go to the conversation to get up with their families bring them prerogative plan for 2 years to issue costs are higher tuition costs even are more minor compared to the opportunity cost of taking time off work so we see new audience. [00:17:53] And saying no come our democracy there's no camaraderie there's a lot of camaraderie that environment but it's a very different kind of sense of community I ask you to look for the bridge they have to kind of engage more per actively doesn't happen tacitly like it does in this room and so many students report feeling somewhat more isolated somewhat on their own you know and how they do this but as we've scaled something interesting happens which is. [00:18:20] You think of working individuals ation of this but think you've got a calendar of hours during the day we all 168 hours per week how we estimate students for all my master's classes should have been about 10 to 15 hours a week on each box you only need 3 or 4 dozen people before there's a very strong chance that like every You're working on class material there are other people doing it as well as we scale the larger you will find that wherever you are in the world there's more likely someone who is nearby to work with you and so what happens there would be hope to have happen is that as we get larger we can reintroduce some of that camaraderie that you get from being in a room together right now simply through scale synchronicity parties didn't hear of $168.00 hours a week you only need a few dozen people to have it happen colocated that is more challenging it does happen in places like New York and San Francisco where a lot of students are gathered in an actual city town environment but if you're kind of more out on the periphery if you got a major city may not have access to that cohort unless you get extremely large and even if so there's something different about going to a you know finding a shared place on your coffee house having a restaurant the accommodate you leaving your house getting ready going if you're home as many of our students are a pair with kids taking care of childcare ask a spouse to take care of kids while you do this it's more there's a lot more overhead to physically leaving the house in the cold and so the question is we can do synchronous be aware of a period here can you cloak a ship since our use chat and chat is great for this but it doesn't bring the kind of input data we get from being in a room together you can have 40 people all in a room together all working on account of the same time and still no one really knows what the others are up to there's never a transparency to meet ups but again those have the problems of actually being anyplace higher density the everything there and all the challenges actually leaving house do it and you can do video in many of our students have formed these kinds. [00:20:20] Out of hoc video Study Group which is really cool to see happen and also really hard to research which is frustrating but it's it's cool to hear that as happened after it's happened we can't look at it anymore but since I've also reflected that this is kind to me soup is inviting people who are at 1st at least a little more than strangers into your home via camera you were able to background if we like about online education as you can do with your pajamas you probably want to actually propose on a full of a more basic in that way so the question is can virtual reality supply Vironment for this co-location as we get people barracks we can lose a lot of us through a grant from them it's free publicly available it runs in the browser so there's not the very heavy resource constraints of what you have as you can PROVE YOUR else we can actually create different environments to send out a link and say Here is the virtual reality room corresponding to up to this class for this reason you can customize these rooms so we can put decorations on the wall we can control the physical layout of the room for different uses and I think one of most important things right now is it doesn't require a year and said you can attend with I think pretty much every day our heads it is compatible but it doesn't require it so I find that the art and schedule can make problems that too by the hour it's up to be a lot of use cases for it but there could be a lot of good use cases for a lot of people need to have access to it so it's kind of heads us off by saying that those who don't have it yet you can still attend participate you won't get quite all the features you would have if you were in virtual reality but you can still actually participate also it makes very good with that in mind in my classes we deal with 55 Use Cases one to simulate a lecture hall which is kind of like this where people are on the lecture hall together watching right now are free to lecture over a period to do a live picture of work to reality as well and kind of get that her full participation from your peers see the effect those are there in Europe questions have it posted pause for discussion discuss it after discuss it before kind of recreate some of that meeting in the hallway after class kind of thing that had the emergence so sial things that are. [00:22:20] Hard to deliberately designed for those who have a disease for office hours I used to use video office hours in my classes and found they were just really awkward because my view office hours were always 15 students showing up to listen to what I was talking to the other students about and no one actually having any questions so it became 2 hours of your listening to me checking me out which was weird but in virtual reality was kind of this more or peripheral participation where I could be checking e-mail but I'm still in the room you come to the room you can look around and see posters from your work on the wall and see papers every you can interact with media the room instead of necessarily being a one on one interaction and if you can ever replace that effect you would have or if I have a professor's work I'm interested in I might just go and out of the library and hear what's going on for dissipate kind of tacitly as opposed to really having a I want your full attention for 20 minutes of conversation allowed to carry some of that the student the students because pop in to. [00:23:18] Discuss Of course material and why to socialize a little bit fishballs or one of the I think could be very interesting as well which would be discussions pale through things like our you may have 4 or 5 students discuss a project ideas or experts kind of I mean this is big and things like that and all your other systems can listen in on that conversation but still have to be that kind of garbage and then push your sessions I think are one thing that we have recreated online in different ways but we've had a very mechanical aspect of the mothers of all these P.D.F. presentations to the opposers I can look through them but I don't get that tacit interaction of seeing the other people wander around kind of overdoing that interesting conversation going on between those students over there things like that so we tried out 2 of these sort of try out the virtual lecture hall these are screen shots from this each of these little figures are someone who attended the spiritual lecture and the French think on the right is the host of it causes the plays and I stop and ask questions things like that I would done surveys of this person was a disaster we found that the system didn't handle 45 people all trying to sign up once all. [00:24:20] It's an interesting issue of if it doesn't scale that well but we do know that the initial interest is going to be much higher How do you manage that initial interest in 2 weeks it will be an issue but you're speaking soon to the point they felt or more connected to their classmates and environment they didn't feel they learned more and they mostly said they were going to go back to watch the lecture again but I think most interestingly almost all of us said that they would likely attend something like this again so we better get it seems to really see the potential of doing something like this it's just a matter of catching up with how we design departments and how technology works we all started Social out of just a couple weeks ago so I have 4 classes between headed to our social lounge or we just said hey this will be open for 2 hours and interact with people. [00:25:05] To service on those as well interesting for both we found that most students do attend the P.C. Even students who have access to your headsets just do it via the P.C. just because it lets them to be able to task everything like that and usually people student in this one didn't report as much so they felt more connected and even more reported that they would likely do this again so think I think things seem to have a sense of the potential of something like this and would like to see it evolve so our operations so far one is that in essence a lounge there was can we make rules for conversation so stupidly everything target is talked about and we kind of figured that we had a few but we also just kind of like to see what would happen if we just threw people out of room to put happens you'll really get one chance to do that our next little actually have all anchors of what we're doing next week is for Austin's our exact last talk with a messy C.I. A student to find out they have a different team one class in the C.I. A degree and. [00:26:00] We find a lot of interesting things around the social norms people don't really know what the norms in virtual reality are do you actually approach someone do you just stay wherever you are in history have a teleconference thing I'll learn about that. Since in this little experiment with all the different features which is really distracting so it really is a bunch of people in the room together experiment with what they can do. [00:26:20] But I believe that would go away to get the same people to get 3 or 4 times a certain someone something something very simple there's no I'll be. Like I said most people taken down the are to be our team These appear to have they have some more function they can do but better writing they have here and they can push away something and do more things that we believe we will serve those people are less prone to use this features because there's something else awkward about having a feature that you know where everyone else does and I still want to be show off or don't want to. [00:26:51] Engage in behavior that can't hear what works parents were planning just to actually get all the people with your heads up that we get there and see how I can tell and most importantly to turn to you asked if you know what this could be in future projects come in she said this day this could really feel something that is currently missing a lot of online programs so. [00:27:12] That's all I have if you want to read more I'm working on me as my dress. My lab or something like that. Well I'm getting D.D.'s set up can we do a quick sound check go online can they give a thumbs up in the chat that they're hearing it can. [00:27:39] Really. Help you know it was like I'm going to be very. Sorry but you're in this. World. I'm using There's only. One OK if I ever want to I'm going to use something I see you read on the overengineering I'm a dream and my goal today is a kind of talk about some of these blogs that's just you know your just go your way and we need to go through all the problems of going to Russia. [00:28:20] People can still ride. With not so what I'm going to talk about to see in Rome a spectacle one from by the name of magic lead the way I was you know and that won it's one of many moments walking in that field and I know talking about this concept of this gift Roach of this nation this company in particular has received a lot of attention recently and I'm trying to create that wall and it was just. [00:28:46] So little talked about you know and the are they are and all I saw you know overcome by using such arms of special of being you know for the because of this when we talk of bogs and all special commuting thing from both the Detroit experience where we are was that it's a physical ride so for example in this large you have a robot but did not experience is where also for the insurer all sense was a world where the site could be devoted to hiring again beyond basic piece of chalk. [00:29:23] So the dummy strike has been all wrong and I believe going to be introduced on the victims I suppose said has been introduced at the time of cyberspace back in 19 Eighty-Four hands and overall in the women's Reserve who have talked about it you know using its army 5 else in the US defense and you know who I'm so proud of think about and make of those you know I think that the job is just basically a short space of short shelf space where you try to have some degree of conversions between the actual and the. [00:29:59] Well that's right to define that it would be better right that magically views of the terms. Of this fit for this nation computing this nation so how do you create them in the US What is take something which is lost that's a difficult now it's hard to manage in what would look like being you know for the free. [00:30:20] Mash and economy 3 D. to close this gap. I think needs to be a system because over time we need to be able to have this kind of control shock status they can sue for long term interaction like you know what they've been saying we want people to come and go maybe even all the checks and it's some steps right when you create this I mean this large scale 3 dimensional city if you're going to have a building built on Spring Street you want that building also to exist and being built you know so me real tall I mean it's a pretty good she told Tweed presentation good but also in imagining that you want to have to send on the shine of you know she was option try to be where they were present in the 3 D. representation. [00:31:11] Where he goes and trusting what we think about now is free you're presenting a digital tween or something like a city is that now you can create semantic like he has with us or wronged you know transportation with Laos or running the ship or some trunks but we kind of created Laos for one specific fame So for example we had this weekend sick of all for the Imagine that you know we put our creative seed to lay our ranch at the top 100 lamps out specifically for the Super Bowl and then go off was on the order of log book in book area where one of the is open to all of you know and all that sad and we want to see it hey I mean you know fans also buy free also call for on our runs we've seen this you know ball then you realize hey I want to go and visit those Italy and that's an experience you get directions or I didn't experience down top now I don't know how to get your head said even specific information on how Tonight he gets up it's very it's you got a scope of what happened now you want to move to a different layer to try causational. [00:32:20] Because you want to have really precise information on how to go quickly to see up or the pros you want to get out of town. So this is live you know highly motivational power and all that needs of your stuff live with as a means for the time. [00:32:36] Well let's imagine that are so important there would be the 3 of you representation compass in one of these methods maybe some of us will magically maybes and created by I've thought about the world's largest of all how do we use. One passivity if we want to have multiple layers or use layouts to Laos to see Baltar we saw for us you know if you are the presidents who want maybe to have some kind of interaction you know on the side of the secret joint actually research like maybe what I will may go wrong you know a structure some layoffs may be accessible only physically locations because you need to have a high degree of interactivity so maybe you're going to be in a specific location of the geometry on which as you know more the fans are obsessed with it and to rock we've equipment to keep like in a high degree manipulate tools so I like to think of all this weather could look like problems of us with your fresh imagine for 2019 Your 1st dizzying trying to arrange to have you got a cup of coffee at Starbucks and you're interested in just to make a space you jump into so they are all. [00:33:50] Sick because the house or when they close their eyes and you want to find out where you can have leisure condos and troubled people pays a recent example so I do see Obama there you go stick with that but you want to use it well you kind of you have not have received profound safety protocol in how to use a laser printer so now it will come to us just on your headset so if you are in the US you know how to get the training you get the training you start to use it machine goes down enough. [00:34:20] The trust is this helping of the player to guide you on how to do post record that must be why you still wearing the headset no excellence is not required. Still up walking you can find out which of all is a crime so it's not about my goal here is to try to get you to think about how now we can eventually Afridi representational Protect Act and lay off a profit motive for. [00:34:44] Example to be easy because when you talk about the when you talk about create seeing the digital tween all tried to comfort us you have to think about this is not just about getting 3 different a showing up outside the building you have to think about creating act or a premier has additional insight spends this role this is not about just the room itself it's a chance to tell us some companies are working on this you know signal that they are these right to think about how to hospitals people using their phone being able to take short you all for a room and all of his name and by treating this for your positive. [00:35:24] Sense it makes all of your enough to reduce your position is going to be treated you know think about the kind of interaction that David was talking about but now you want to have actually someone remarks someone in this room having some form of interaction if you put something on the table you want that you know thing being also accurately represented. [00:35:44] In terms of procreation means of produce phase. We're still going to have. And then in fact on discomforts right I mean we're going to mean a role to more infrastructure just assume all these columns of people with this kind of mathematics you can think about some kind of net talk about who it's a kind of in progress of trust we're going to need a lot of just your whole scope of interaction. [00:36:10] You know we're going to have a lot more sense I don't really need to think about imagines a concept of Joe fence right maybe if you have so many rooms. Access to both indeed documentation over had sex with a gun or the ecstasy vote if you are in a specific locations remote so maybe there will be some room like this one text only accepts. [00:36:33] From you and mom has said only a few of the details for you. And only if someone is physically here. We are going to have also to finger both also a lot of interactions today you know we think about the visual interactions but if you want to many political 101 of these because you can't use your hands are you going to use force. [00:36:59] What to box off right I mean David you introduced the concept of I saw how many typos I've probably going to say what are we going to have will be short of our talks if we are students but if we want to attract them to make us this lady are we going to have more artistic of young talents what's going to be our going to see a primitive. [00:37:20] Overflew focus. Only hope we all try to take on those how we're going to miss this concept of last. Good social space you know there is going to board the ship the reason vision dramatically there is no way that some of the ships Facebook Google would have pulled out all over to have their own vision of how each war planes were going to work for rocks I've had over to be set on the details and go talk to on the ship or the entities I want to connect to that. [00:37:52] You don't want to have as a nation if you're coming from the Goddess west coming from Facebook or coming up with the vice matching. What kind of rules for this is all going to be. And we're going to have to have different logo rules for on The Sopranos and trying to be a you're going to have to make us what about starts his ability to do math 5 away from my books that when I die I want to get to be what about cyber security measures. [00:38:20] Was that really interesting. Why go you're probably going. To be so over this was for a guy to see just one of the shirt clerical it. Really was testy during the last presentation is the audio better OK OK. All right it's so funny and that's works I was in the Imagine recently have moved over to get your writing energy and sustainability if you do that sustainably blood because I have such a long history with the lab and I know about all these projects I'm going to present develop these with my colleagues here Miro and know arrayed there they run the lab right now and we're just going to talk about it was just 3 projects in here one of them is about. [00:39:31] Actually I should explain with Imagine love is it's allowed that really funded through. Activities around the campus and campus planning and operations and since the Olympics since $96.00 we've been charged with maintaining a model of the. Campus but we often get requests from city governments to make similar kinds of things and we merge them all together and we have this large 3 D. model of the city of Atlanta that includes topography and all the buildings and the roads and all the systems and we maintain those and provide those to students in the College of Design or others or on the campus for different research purposes for different segments of it and sometimes we use those for other projects as well because content is king and you need the content that matches this. [00:40:20] The campus in order to do things that are about the campus because that's a big hurdle is creating that environment even if it's a low resolution version of it you regardless of high resolution so here we have that application that we've built where we the question was about. [00:40:37] Where to place a greenhouse on campus and so we flew some drones around scanned the area created a map. Put it into the rest of our structure added some trees where they're supposed to be trees and create in this. Journey for additional marker that is a map so that we can use that additional marker and meant it with additional information about the solar angle that other participants could look at and they could quickly see under this these 3 here is also another producer of it represented the green house itself which you can see right here and you could people could move this piece around everyone who did not have a tablet could still participate in it because of the way the do fools were designed but if you had a tablet we have a couple different ones there you can get additional information into it so you always want to think about when you're creating some of these environments some people might not have tablets if it's augmented or to be are they might not have a device so that's the you'll see that is sort of building throughout these and some other images that we could change the solar array but we could also change some different characteristics of the trees again this was one of the projects we just have to be. [00:41:46] Put up there very quickly and then there was very easy for the stakeholders to come to a consensus about where they should put the. Greenhouse which is now not in that location. And then. Another project that we had was some of these tangible cubes so we wanted to allow people to participate in the design process of the city design urban design and we start off with Lego's but they're little too small and you have to build up a lot of them and it also creates this idea that you need to be good at like those in order to build something so. [00:42:20] Design these different these cubes that bit in the Oval and the child the horror of an older adult they can still grasp to move them around and they have magnets attached inside so they kind of lightly written each other and you can change the angles around with them but we can also scan them in real time while people who can them around we can get the information about them create a virtual twin of it and run different simulations if we were to consider this a building model. [00:42:46] That we can run solar analysis energy analysis water demand we can even run some expectations about how people are likely to interact in this space and you can use this in different scales of the building scale or a at an urban scale depends on kind of the context you want to use them in and we explored some other ones later where we could we had it's an electronics inside it to to make the scanning of that little bit easier and then here you also see a little bit of a digital projection Mabyn onto the surface the idea here is that when you have to when you require people that have the device it makes it difficult for everyone to participate so we try to make more interfaces that are more involved in more tangible user interfaces and this is an example of it where you live thing is sent to all objects scanning them projecting back onto him which leads to a similar project that we had here which is a giant sandbox a U.C. Davis has a day our sandbox it's primarily one projector on on the on the sandbox there's a couple that are a little bit larger but we designed this one actually with 2 projectors and designed it actually so we can expand out even larger but what it is it's really just a box of sand a very a lot of sand we've had to move it several times for different presentations a lot of sand. [00:44:04] And so there was actually designed so that we could so let me explain this so this is just a bunch of sand you can form it into different shapes and in this particular case this is for the Dian Fossey fun in Rwanda to show 30 years of guerrilla. [00:44:20] Movement on the broom the mountains which has a lot of elevation to it so we built as designed this built this and shipped one to Rwanda which is there now in their museum and there were a couple things that we didn't expect or account for in the users we thought that there would be about. [00:44:42] 4 or about 10 people or so at a time that might visit this and that they could use their phones and use their phones to augment the interaction with it so you could you know select a person on here select a group here and then you could maybe do some they are or some P.R. and see something from the person person perspective and then when we found out of the actual users a little bit different it ends up being that it's more like groups of 40 or 50 elementary and middle school students and this is the 1st computer that they've ever seen so they and they don't have phones so we had to rethink we continue to work on this and rethink how we use this to interact but this isn't their museum and the museum is kind of a traditional museum you go this goes a lot of empathy artifacts or table or desk and. [00:45:28] Kids they told us the kids are kind of like looking down yeah this is a museum is kind of boring they had this in the back and then the kids get in here and they said their eyes widen up and they start to ask questions not only about this but then they ask questions about the things that they saw in the museum to me that means that the huge success in what we've done here and this makes it very relatable being tangible being something physical that they can all share not this with having a device on this is really great but I think there's a lot of room for more development in this area another project that we had on the campus is. [00:46:05] They are doing it. And initially we were trying to use some some web tools. And there are a couple others. But the use case really needed to be about people learning about the arboretum itself though there are in Georgia Tech's campus we have over 12000 trees they're all mapped. [00:46:28] If they're if they're over $11.00 inch in diameter there's a G.I.S. later layer that we maintain and gets updated with all of the locations of all the trees and there are over $125.00 species which allows us to get to a level to our breeding and so what we did was we created in addition to creating these traditional kind of tags we also designed the solar powered supercapacitor charging Bluetooth beacon that beacons out at each location of the trees because G.P.S. isn't the nuff to get you to the specific tree that you're trying to. [00:47:01] Target with and it works with. Works with an application so you can it helps you guide you to that location and then knows let you know that you're in that spot and you can sort of. Collect the tree as you move around through the campus. This is some more recent work that they've begun doing the like what you mentioned the cost of the hardware is ridiculously cheap in the ninety's these were $1000000.00 for to build a cave with so much additional support and now $500.00 we should be buying these for every single classroom because it's dirt cheap I don't know why we don't have them but. [00:47:42] But we should this is an example in particular of the. The There you can see the the new stadium but over here is the new building is is this it works from here there's 3 OTEC square feet 3 so this is actually where the parking lot is just in front of Starbucks but we do some projects with a couple planning space management every so often where we're looking at projecting what the building space is going to be like because we maintain the models or at least the some of the shells something tears with the shells for them so we can create animations or renderings horror. [00:48:15] V.O.R. or they are experiences for them then and modify them in real time so they can begin to ask and interrogate questions to this kind of B.R. is really helpful for any kind of spatial programming like you have with with the city planning architecture and it does to design when you get to the product scale it's as well there's an example that has this projection mapping this was designed. [00:48:40] Initially is like a Christmas card that you can open up but we can also project onto the surface here some other ones these are videos of the day so this is another one of the buildings he can project some of the information on this one of the later ones latest ones right now that know it's working on. [00:48:58] Where you can scan this really this is a 3 D. printed model of text where we have a much higher resolution of some models of buildings on campus tech squares one of those has a high resolution model and some projection mapping that's being done with a single projector to highlight these edges and then eventually do some other work on showing what might change with it we've also been integrated in use this as a 3 D. object can be a marker as well and you can augment additional information on top of the. [00:49:30] Atlas. All right so we had an e-mail thread amongst the presenters and me about planning this and we decided that you know read that we're going to stick to 10 minutes for a presentation and I didn't believe anybody they'll be good and they did it so we have time to revise it. [00:49:51] So I just like to ask you but has a question or if you know of a project that was a highlight today. We'd like to hear about those too and I'm not going to has any questions because I don't I don't know if there's. A day. I can do that. [00:50:14] Do you have a question. Goes on to see the coffees and. The setting of the slide that's. Right with everybody yeah yeah yeah for sure. But I will do it is to. Those of us I see 21 you've got to take. What status. You. Have pics of it we're doing. [00:50:52] Here in the laboratory. Here. There's nothing for the. Controllers that. Are still stuck to. The. Very latest have to be. There hasn't. He or sensing worst of. Those systems just. Not enough to steer the seniors are still shocked. Boy that was. You know all right. Well that. Goes on. [00:51:52] The issue. So eventually we will be similar to the studies you know that you suppose. It's a great meaning of humor. But they're very awkward to use the 1st person who's a bit ambidextrous very. Closely because you are easily confused with a 3. Person which one that's what. [00:52:19] They also you know when you run the court will show you how it's still offer holding something. On object. For example to the smaller We're going to move us you want to it so you can use this. As you know who is on some kind of feedback. You know you're listening to some good customer list of 20 pounds you just put out so the next time your problems just some period so you have some brothers China who are still controllers and you have been there. [00:53:09] Yes it was only you can prove that but it's not there's not really worth it will lead you. To the degree to which you want to protect the region price. How you do things on her case civil suits specific. Goals. Will. See the group for a while right yeah. [00:53:38] You know why over there one thing is that I was not there my man who said they're both me but again. You have I've seen like the 5 I say have migration my son. And I. Better stop. Trying to do this visually. So that we need to mention here in the city the regions idea of using music here's our visual systems of the city big media education if. [00:54:21] You make this bridge this this is rude to waiters and some This is what it. Says. If you can move it and. The sort of the kind of the whole range of subjects such as. The bridges the steps that. Move trust to the roots. Of it what you want to say you know this kind of rolls with. [00:54:56] These things that are sat here of a physical very. Trying to really you know. Very bright very. Very early but we're a. Big city but it was very very local so. We had We're trying to do a little bit of this as we were working on. Your own and one of the ideas this was asked to bridge that and students are just looking in place where there's an effort and we can see where the stresses are how motion was you know speeds. [00:55:38] I mean for various answers as it would like that a bit like ritual or that into their argument in water looking at and physically gravity moving around this it will ease out which kind of small so that they think that they can see what all 4 sides are the data is this. [00:55:58] And that verse decently well they have something like this start. There there seems to be a heavy emphasis on visual. And teaching me the sum of the real loss to the nation and its heart is to merge in. All of this FREE. Form over the name of any of the other senses. [00:56:32] But then to do for one of the better term to suit the skill that they're on because we as humans are very loose and well we can only see in a certain range and we want to do better not we either have to get my school work telescope. [00:56:49] Doing that we see things that we can't see ourselves. The 3rd movie to or so we're trying to not just play in the same place that will create in this richer whole of a multi sensor environment. Idea. But there is no better press he said Well that's right all of it. [00:57:18] From Google before. A lot of young guys. Write about the great days it will be offered here I would be the shows to do not just stop they are going to be stuck if you give us the very best you are left will move. All. Right you really believe it's just a sign of higher tribes you also I say old school you but do you want to reassure him that they're all on board right or for you. [00:57:57] This is all those where all experience all this. Is. Just because you're building your job or her office of a good changes or she was. Intended to show. The city. Living here is if you know. Yeah taste people are very taste. Sensations just super. Nice features they walk around. [00:58:35] Or we go off with her. To get. Groceries like here. I'll. Give you this great great. Lovely that gives you a. Really really. Really Whistler if you're in the flower or you're talking. To me if I talk all through somebody's house a cigarette with pals or reject it because. [00:59:08] It likes to go. All you know. And just more of a person there's another coming in it's a mid scale facilities in this shouldn't. Is this or any group here on campus that might. And can give us the next generation. Tested that that means. I don't believe these were cases she will or will be the result of the creation of a of an environment immersive environment where we could do something. [00:59:52] Really silly. There was it here. You. See. There it. Was it said you know yes and it was. Like a predator is going to find this very interesting call. I came here one particular type of you meant something like this in my class in terms of food ration things like that and I have to get this clues those numbers will cause a lot of work and yeah and American men and sleep well kind of become even more media should do things. [01:00:40] To at least through I share you during. Your whole life work with a research group to create 4 years of your game reserve which actually are what you're always 3 separate. Juries or you know people it just works it will be very. Successful on getting split up what we're looking for to the decision right now is still I'd like to really specialize something to go. [01:01:11] By the division very very quickly there are a lot of work to get there but because of what we've done the way. It was Are those are what you would do if you lose yet your study is that it's going to build a custom fit this for education experience that. [01:01:31] I was thinking more of the. Trash. Cans. So there you just need to do a 2nd life or on their knees or whatever you did so it was easier for me at least. You're taking out exactly how you want it in your life but you may also see how your students already have. [01:01:56] Been asked. Now by name online right now 10 percent already have access to well including things like a car with lower interest and. I think one thing would be really helpful for a good 36263 camera and that will that will allow you to do easily record the bus load I would be if you streamline well because opposed to just to do would be the simplest way that people. [01:02:29] Get it was good for the. Street here knows that it was fish oil here. One of the things we're looking at. 60 or one of the things I mentioned is it's very good if you have a single user in the environment you walk around or actions if you want to have multiple people the area around each other is much less powerful because it lets you hold hands. [01:03:01] To really sick patients they are in fact it's. One of the challenges are you really your question actually. How do you change perceptions I can't allow them to experience the world waits for they actually can purposes and that's something that we're very good it was for him to hear either for E L was one of the students are serious here having to ask for the C. word happy and the 1st to me stress which are not very visible. [01:03:38] There's a lot of ways of living color or sound this thing as we're going to live and it would like to take revenge would be our environment and it would slow down what they're experiencing something moving into her purse which is you know try you can slow it down and see whether we should. [01:04:04] Not have a. Bus That wasn't just a standard standardisation boxes in their lives are an open mics are still exactly what kind of parts of the battery out process are changed and I think that. He's coming like slam over them for the future stuff I think just because of all the different or the like is that is some variation in terms of content that will have some sort of I think 6 founding generation. [01:04:37] Will. Be expected to go about 5 for trying to figure out. Sort of where big guys go wow pretty rough around the world so there's no way to get a list you have to completely of the source code in 5 years. Or so. The bottles are good so. [01:05:06] If you're interested a list of good a good ghost watch the worst of. All schools I fear the weather by city which will burst but there's discussions about. Markup Language is about standards for all kinds of different stuff that we do. But it's. Just it's just hard. I mean I. [01:05:40] Interesting. What you. Call it all off. When you get serious. All. President. Salva said how do. We know of the serious stuff here or do we should be able. It would be entirely conceivable for us to have a president on the other side. Say for sure. We have it if you get. [01:06:27] It But you know that right we didn't have that and that's why you really want it illegally Yeah I mean we do it for this have already present do we get it it will be over this coming school year about this for the next year where all the relatives all devices are all deliberate. [01:06:49] About this what is the experience level going to I personally like the idea goes worse because students go university whether that is the word of the University. And so you can imagine a lot of things. We've talked about yes we've had some that were threatening its soul to drive the record. [01:07:16] With. One. Good result of the work of things that are very have a website you know where there is a top 5 get it sent to devise. New things are possible will be possible to. Make everybody down very very.