One day they're gone. You know like we're. Over one hundred more and more about that later. OK thanks. Well thank you Chris. For the invitation and opportunity to tell you a little bit about C O two capture technology. What I want to do today. I understand you've had a series of lectures that talk about the role of C O two in climate change and why we're interested in doing something about it. What I want to do today is give you some ideas of what the possibilities that we can do about SEO to capture and what that might cost and what the options available are so many of you have probably already seen this. This is a graph that shows how the atmosphere a concentration of C O two has been increasing over the last several decades. These oscillations are due to seasonal differences in winter and summer and the slope here is roughly two parts per million per year. This correlates pretty well with the annual emissions of C O two worldwide were roughly emitting thirty three Giga tons of C O two and there's roughly thirty five hundred tons of C O two in the. Atmosphere already so adding another thirty gigatons per year gives you about one to three parts per million per year and we can expect that's going to continue for some time the scientific community as a whole has in this report here from the I.P.C.C. I.P.C.C. panel. Agreed that climate change is probably due to global C O two emissions and we need to significantly reduce these emissions. If we want to avoid or stabilize atmospheric C O two concentrations in the future this work shared the Nobel Peace Prize in two thousand and seven with Al Gore. So what I want to start out with this. Where's the C O two coming from and what are the issues with reducing C O two levels and what are the possibilities for capturing it. So in this picture here. I show a coal plant that's pretty close to where I'm where I'm from over here is a big coal yard These are barges that have coal in them. These barges probably are about half a day worth of power for so lots of coal comes in this river right here is where the coal is burned and these are water cooling towers. About five miles away. Is this blue lake here. This is a real color seen from Google Maps this blue color is due to the alkalinity of the water that's come from a flight from fly ash from this coal plant. Now this coal plant produces about let's say close to twenty five hundred megawatts of power is the generation capacity and to do that it burns seven million tonnes of coal every year and the power production from this is roughly forty one percent. So that's like the car no cycle efficiency of how much potential energy goes into coal and how much electricity comes out. The consequence of burning this is the generation of about seventeen eighteen million tonnes of C O two per year or this almost fifty thousand tonnes a day and that C O two is coming out of the coal plant at only fifteen percent concentration. So we're taking coal which is practically carb. In burning it in air and what comes out is a large amount of food gas that's mostly nitrogen eighty five percent nitrogen and about fifteen percent C O two plus or minus a few percent. So this is a huge amount of gas volume that we have to treat in order to do anything about the C O two. We can't burn less coal. Because then we would be cutting down the power. And so we're really stuck in a way of producing this much C O two per day that we have to deal with. Now this amount of fluid gas would fit at Sea Quest ration pressures which I'll talk about in later in the talk of about one hundred forty atmospheres in a cube that was four hundred meters by four hundred meters by four hundred meters that doesn't seem like a large volume but this is only the yearly output of one coal plant. And the real issue is that the U.S. has almost fifteen hundred coal plants. And produces something like three hundred thirty six thousand megawatts of power producing close to to get tons of C O two. So two times ten to the nine tons of C O two emissions that are roughly a fifteen percent concentration in the volume in the flue gas. So this amounts to about one third of the total C O two emissions of the US About one third is from power generation one third is from transportation one third from industrial sources. So the breakdown looks something like this globally. We're up here in around two thousand and you're thirty gigatons most of it's coming from solids this burgundy line. This is coal burning the liquids combinations of transportation fuel natural natural gas is in here and oil oil burning for power generation and breaking it down by country you can see the U.S. has really been leading C O two emissions for quite some time several countries countries in particular. China is catching up. But all of these show a trend upwards with the exception of the Russian Federation which showed a dramatic decrease in C O two emissions. In the late ninety's. Probably we don't want to miss. Their strategy of economic crash to reduce our C O two emissions. So we have to come up with some alternative strategies. For doing this. So I think there are several ways to look at what is this going to cost the bottom line is that capturing and Seaquest ration is a separation. It takes work and it takes energy and that's going to cost us some money. So there's several ways to look at it but let's take a simple view that doesn't consider how we're going to do it but just looks at consequences of what it might cost. So several estimates around in the literature estimate that maybe thirty dollars a ton is a probable cost of capturing and sequestering C O two that doesn't seem like very good tons we have to deal with and based on the amount of electricity the three hundred thirty six thousand megawatt generation capacity that I described before at ten cents a kilowatt hour. We have something on the order of three hundred billion dollars a year of revenue from electricity generation. For the amount of C O two generated from this two gigatons if we can do that at thirty dollars a tonne that's sixty billion dollars a year in the U.S. something like twenty percent of what. Companies are making selling electricity will have to be used to compensate for the cost associated with so C.C.'s globally that's going to be a trillion dollars a year to deal with thirty gigatons. And that's assuming the thirty that we can do this at thirty times or thirty dollars a ton. Now it may not be necessary to deal with all thirty gigatons maybe we can get by with fifty percent capture. Maybe we can get by with some other methods that reduce the amount of emissions. But the point is a trillion dollars or half a trillion dollars doesn't really matter at this scale it's still something trillion dollars. Now if we thought about replacing the power capacity so maybe we think you can stop burning coal completely and switch to nuclear or switch to totally renewables. This is also very expensive so. Generating new capacity is expensive capturing C O two is expensive and one of the points I want to make today is no matter what we do in the future. Regarding this problem. It's going to be expensive. The challenge is figuring out what is the cheapest expensive alternative in order to make progress in climate. Managing the C O two emissions. So let's let's talk again about scales here a trillion dollars sounds like a lot but how much money do we actually have so one way you can estimate money is by your gross domestic product this is the value of all the final goods and services produced within a nation. Globally our G.D.P. is something like forty five trillion dollars per year. So one trillion dollars off of that is maybe one to two percent of G.D.P. worldwide is that too expensive too to manage for this. That's a good question. This is again it's going to be a decision if we have to spend one trillion dollars on something. How do we spend it. What do we spend it on that's not a technical solution that's something we have to decide as people and as societies that will be determined by what's technically feasible in the U.S. has something like twelve trillion dollars G.D.P. and the annual budget for the U.S. government was close to a trillion dollars in two thousand and eight. So a trillion dollars is a lot but we have a lot of money to do things with we spent almost half of that on defense and maybe ten percent of it on education. So again. We have a lot of money we spend it different ways and we have to choose what we're going to do with it in the future. We're also pretty good at spending lots of money. So historically if you think about how we spend large sums of money. Mostly we spend it on wars World War two is one that stands out that cost close to two trillion dollars in place in adjusted. And inflation adjusted dollars. Iraq over here we're probably over half a trillion dollars since I made this. Graffy year ago. Other large things if we want to build a new fossil energy plant. So this is what I brought up before if you want to replace capacity a new plant is on the order of one to two billion dollars And there were one hundred fifty one of these planned at a total cost of one hundred fifty billion in the past year. Nuclear plants if we wanted to avoid C O two emissions by changing to nuclear we have to spend almost twice as much on nuclear plants now in addition to finding out sites where you can get licenses and permits to build them. So the main point I want to make in this is if C O two capture. If reducing C O two emissions becomes a priority. It is something that can be done if there is technology that's feasible policy that requires it and public support for it all three of these things have to be in place in order for. Any of this to move forward. So now I want to focus more on what is the technology for carbon management options. We have on the left side here. Reducing carbon intensity. So that means getting energy from sources that don't emit as much C O two. These include renewables like wind and solar nuclear power switching fuels from coal to natural gas natural gas has a higher energy density and produces less C O two per energy on the demand side that's you and me we can improve efficiency and conservation measures so that we use less energy. Or we can imagine sequestering carbon where we capture it and store it permanently store it because of the volumes. And in order to reduce the emissions of C O two. So all of these three things are going to occur in different amounts over the next few decades. The how the the fraction of it that occur will depend on how affordable renewable is compared to capture and sequestration it will depend on whether the government is sub. Dies in renewable development in order to make it happen or whether they subsidise Seaquest rationing capture in order to make that happen. So I'm going to focus the rest of the talk now on capture possibilities of what can we do to capture. C O two. So looking at the base case scenario of what kind of energy costs we're talking about separation and concentration. That's what we mean by capture separating it from the nitrogen flue gas concentrating it so that it can be pumped into some Seaquest ration reservoir all of these cost some energy. And the best that we can do in terms of this energy is a thermodynamic limit of reversible processes with efficient second law efficiencies. So in a simple way we can think about the dilute C O two mixed in with nitrogen this is what comes out of the power plant. We have to separate that to go from fifteen percent C O two to C O two at one atmosphere. This has to be compressed into a pressure of about one hundred forty atmospheres this is a typical pressure associated with Seaquest ration that would go into a pipeline and then you have to pump it underground and the act of pumping it underground displaces some water and there's some energy associated with that. So here is an ideal mixing kind of separation. This is roughly nine kilojoules permanent. All of this is coming from this paper here just to work out a simple thermodynamic analysis of a minimum cost of energy separation. So nine kilojoules promote C O two is roughly five percent of the output of a power plant. The compression here. Is about thirteen killed Joules per mile roughly seven percent of the power plant output and this to kill Jews promote this approximately one or two percent of a typical power plant so adding these up gives you know something in the order of eleven to thirteen percent of the output of a power plant is going to be used for capturing. Compressing and sequestering C O two. That's the minimum amount we can hope to spend if we could do everything thermodynamically reversible. The reality is we can't do everything thermodynamically reversible. Because you can't do it at rates that are feasible and you can't do it if the rates aren't feasible then the capital costs are very large because you do everything slowly in order to do it reversible. So there's two ways to look at this penalty. It's either the fraction of fuel that's going to be used to provide that energy in which case new capacity has to be developed to make up for the loss of capacity. Or it's an additional fuel that has to be burned in order to keep a constant output. This means additional operating costs. So you can think of it as we need extra capital cost or extra operating costs. Either way these two are related. So with these perfect second law fission seas and really good waste heat integration. In what I showed you before the thermodynamic limit of parasitic fuel cost is about eleven percent. That's the the very best that we can hope for that we have to give up eleven percent. Estimates of today's efficiencies with what we know how to do today that account for irreversibility S. and the fact that we cannot approach the thermodynamic limit and have practical rates suggest cost estimates of forty percent her acidic fuel cost. So that's what we could do today we could lose forty percent of our capacity in order to do capture and sequestration. And realistically a target of probably thirty percent on existing technologies is that what we can probably achieve in the future. So we either lose thirty percent of our capacity to do capture or we have to increase by thirty percent. In a carbon neutral way in order to achieve capture and sequestration with today's technology in burning coal with air. But that's not the only way to do it. There are other methods for. Separations and the C O two capture is a separation challenge. What I've described already is what's called post combustion separation you take your fossil fuels plus air and you burn it. You get the mixture of nitrogen and C O two. This goes into some separation module that will separate the nitrogen in C O two and then C O two goes down here to a Seaquest ration reservoir. It's called post combustion because you separate after the combustion. In pre-convention separation. We have a different approach to doing power generation we start with air and we do a nitrogen oxygen separation. This could could be cryogenic distillation it could be other types of oxygen separation but the point is we get pure oxygen and we burn the fossil fuels with pure oxygen and by doing that you get concentrated C O two and water and the water is easy to separate by condensation. And you have concentrated C O two that goes to a sequenced ration reservoir. The third possibility is I call it alternative combustion. Some people call this also pretty combustion. And then as we combine gasification where we convert fossil fuels and steam into send gas in the city gases then separated so that C O two goes this way and hydrogen goes into a combustion down here. We're all that's coming out as water. So these are the integrated gasification combined cycle ideas or solid oxide fuel cell ideas that combine separation and combustion in a process that allows you to capture C O two. So I'm going to give a couple of ideas on what this technology looks like a little bit of this technology and a little of this technology. In the rest of the talk. So let's talk about post combustion capture conditions. The process for power generation here is you have coal. It's burned with air the heat from. That is used to make steam in the steam goes through turbans. The flue gas that comes out and has to go through a sulfur scrubbing unit to get rid of sulfur so that we don't have acid rain problems and what comes out is roughly thirteen to sixteen percent C O two forty five percent oxygen. There's always residual oxygen because otherwise you have lean combustion conditions that causes coat formation. They're saturated in water because the the sulfur scrubbing unit has a lot of water in it and there's minor impurities like mercury and. Arsenic and other other things that exist in coal and the rest is nitrogen there's some variation in this just because different coals have different carbon contents and result in different levels of C O two. Temperature is typically sixty to eighty degrees C. and it's slightly above atmospheric pressure. And just to remind you what the scale of this problem is we make a lot of C O two. Much more C O two and much more fluid gas than typical cryogenic air plants are able to handle the typical The biggest cryogenic their plants in the world maybe do one tenth of the volume of gas in a day. So it's really a challenge to devise engineering structures that can handle this amount and the capture goal is about one hundred forty atmospheres or this many P.S.-I and it needs to be dry. If it's going into a pipeline. So that establishes the conditions and the goal to get from moist local concentration C O two to dry concentrated C O two. And it needs to be dry because wet C O two and high pressure is very corrosive. So if you have a pipeline with C O two in it. You will make lots of carbonic acid that will corrode the pipeline. So the three three basic ways to approach the separation challenge you can have liquid absorbance where C O two is selectively dissolved into a liquid liquids or to. Bickley liquid means where there's an acid base reaction between the meat and C O two. Chilled methanol or glycolysis where you rely on high solubility of C O two in these materials were children Monia which is a little bit of both you can have basic ammonia reacting with acid fuel to. Another approach is selective sore passion where C O two selectively adds orbs on a surface. So you have some surface that C O two selectively sticks to and nitrogen does not and so you can achieve a separation by cycling between adsorption Indy's the option. These can be supported to means or they can be in organic materials as well. And finally membranes are is an approach where C O two selectively permeates a membrane. So you have a barrier that C O two selectively goes across another other molecules don't. These are going again be made of supported it means around a quick wit. There is and sematic membranes electro chemical membranes. And probably other types of membranes as well. So let's talk about the means first this is the most common way of separating C O two right now there are several types of A means we have primary means here. This is a secondary Ameena has one hydrogen and two are groups of tertiary I mean and this is an Amity in structure all of these are basic molecules that can react with the acid gas of C O two or any other acid gas in in their. There's several issues associated with these They're usually only about thirty percent in concentration in water. And that's for a couple of reasons one. They're so basic that they're corrosive and you have to put them in water also to manage to discuss the of these so it's easy to move them around. They're usually quite toxic and volatile and these are means are prone to oxidation where they can make nitric oxide. And then they're no longer useful. In. The I'll show you in a moment. Why these are so energetically expensive to regenerate. But they're very strong basis so they sort of C O two very well. On the other hand they do work and there are lots of industrial processes for using things like methanol mean or die off and all I mean in order to capture C O two when efficiency is not a great concern. Hazards of switching computers. These are back and forth of equilibriums. So the chemistry here is important the chemistry is important to understand where the energy of regeneration is coming from as well as what the story is going to be. So the two kinds of C O two mean chemistry is that are described most often in literature. Are these carbon is what are on structures where two means can react with C O two to form this carbon Amyt structure or C O two and one of Mean can react. With water there should be a water in here to form a body carbonate under flue gas conditions there's always lots of water around and so these reactions are much more likely to be relevant under. Flu gas conditions where you form these by carbonate salts. This is essentially a base and then C O two can react with water to form carbonic acid and so you have a carbonic acid base reaction forming these salts on the right. And these salts or what have to be regenerated when you do the stripping to regenerate the sorbent are solvent and give off the C O two. Part of the reason why there's a large amount of energy to regenerate these is these the means are only thirty percent in water. So in this schematic here this shows how these systems work over here is the sorting column where. You have the solvent flue gas comes in the bottom C O two reacts with the a means as it bubbles up and so clean flue gas comes out the top. At the bottom here this is rich in C O two it comes over to a strip in column where this column is now heated up say to one hundred fifteen hundred twenty five degrees C. in order to reverse the reaction and shift the equilibrium back over to C O two in the gaseous. But in order to heat this up you have to heat up to seventy percent of the water that's carrying the amine during the regeneration and that water that heat to heat up the water is essentially lost because it doesn't help. Water is just a carrier that gives you the concentration and properties of the mean that you want. So the inefficiency in this process comes because you have to heat up all the water to drive the regeneration at some reasonable rate. After you regenerate it then it comes out the bottom lean and comes over here where it continues to cycle. So this is the basic process for liquid solvents for capturing C O two the capital costs are pretty big because you need these these kinds of columns the energy costs regeneration are very high because you have to heat up the water and you have to heat up the amine C O two complex high enough to make it fall apart and give off C O two. There are several other solvent approaches. Ones that go by names you may have heard of is Rectus on this is chilled methanol so chilled Methanol has a very high solubility of C O two and it's fairly selective but only at minus eighty degrees Fahrenheit. The good news is regeneration is that minus thirty degrees Fahrenheit. So you just have to expose it to room temperature and it warms up to minus thirty. But you now have to cool or refrigerate which is very very expensive and the levels of flue gas that we're looking at. So let's all as a similar approaches dimethyl ether is of polyethylene glycol So this also is relying on physical solubility of C O two in the solvent and also works at fairly low temperatures. Chilled ammonia is another popular. Approach being looked at now children Monia reacts to form ammonium by carbonate and ammonium by carbonate is very easy to decompose that reasonable temperatures. The downside of this is that you have to operate at very low temperatures. In order to keep the ammonia volatility down and that leads to higher refrigerator in energy costs one of the plus sides is sulphur tolerance. So if there are socks and knocks in the stream. Here you make ammonium sulphate which is actually valuable as a fertilizer product. So you can reuse ammonium sulfate in that sense. Nobody wants to because it's not high quality fertilizer. But it could be some other work here. Charles Acard and his coworkers are looking at reversible on a quick woods. So this isn't a new concept in using something other than water to form the bicarbonate salt. Maybe another alcohol to form an alkie or carbonic acid that can react with the base and has different thermodynamics associated with regeneration and the interesting properties are with respect to volatility because they are in the quick wins are not volatile. And finally there's a quick spaces that are work. That can work. So potassium hydroxide is very effective at capturing C O two. But the regeneration is very expensive so swinging between K O H and potassium carbonate or potassium carbonate potassium by carbonate. Takes a lot of energy to do that swing. But those are essentially the solvents that are being used today. So I think so far I've just told you that they're very expensive and inefficient to use by. The principle is very is a good one. What needs to happen is in the future we need more work in understanding the molecular origins of the C O two and mean interactions right now we know that it means the standard means will capture C O two. But it captures it much too strongly so on top of the water heat needs. There's too strong of a C O two a mean Bond to be efficient What we need is to understand how do molecular properties of the means. Can we functionalized the amine so that they grab C O two less strongly and are easier to regenerate and how do we understand the kinetics of regeneration and particularly the role of moisture. So can we devise organic solvents with lower he capacities or devise a means that are less corrosive to the system so that you can minimize the role of moisture. In there. We need new concepts and destabilizing these so right now the problem is this complex is too stable. It takes too much energy to give it up to regenerate it and actually the formation is so exothermic that you have to deal with the heat that's evolved during the capture. A major advance or breakthrough is needed in novel regeneration schemes. So far we use heat you heat it up until it regenerates if you can devise photochemical or electro chemical or even novel chemical cycles that can do the regeneration we can fundamentally change what the efficiencies. In these processes are compared to what we can do with heat. And this contactor and heat exchanger and systems integration is something else that is desperately needed in this field. So the efficiency of heating of getting heat in and getting heat out is a major contributor to the high cost of these systems and whether we design new power plants with integrated capture systems or retrofit old plants is something that has yet to be really determined. We have an awful lot of plans. Fifteen hundred. That could be retrofitted that may be a better solution than trying to build one thousand new plants that have integrated capture. So let's talk a little bit now about solid sorbent So this is moving away from a liquid that absorbs either chemically absorbs or physically absorbs to solid materials depicted here that have poor structures and these little green stars here represent. Functional groups on the surface that can interact with C O two. These can be a means. That's what they usually are they can be poly America polyethylene Amine or Dundrum or. We're doing work on D.B.U. in our group. Chris Jones here is working on grafted to means that look like this where they start with them is European and grow Apollo America mean from the surface that has a large number of functional groups in it. The biggest advantage of solids is that the supports have much lower He capacity than water. So you have much lower heat load to heat up the sorbent and then it's easier to cool back down. And we have better mass transfer because these particles are porous and you can design the transport properties in me as a porous materials. So what I want to talk about with sorbent is a simple idea about what is what do we mean by optimal sorbent So we have this simple Langmuir absorption model let's imagine that your sorbent has a fixed number of sites each site can absorb one C O two and let's use the Langmuir model that we have a gas or bait site in equilibrium with the C O two. We can express that gives free energy of absorption in a form that looks like an intrinsic Delta G. of absorption and standard state a correction for Delta G. at any temperature that's not the reference temperature and a correction for any pressure that's not the reference pressure. And from this expression here we can do. Find an equilibrium constant and then in the laying there isothermal this equilibrium constant tells us what the fractional coverage of a means and C O two are. So if we can define or calculate what Delta Jeus we know what the equilibrium constant is if we know what the equilibrium constant is we know what the fractional coverage is for any set of conditions pressure and temperature. So over here if we look at this blue line. This shows what the isothermal for capture looks like. So given a delta G.. We can see that for a delta G. of less than this value. We will have completely covered the surface every I mean will have one C O two on it if you switch to Delta Geo over here. There will be node C O two is on the surface at all. So we can look at now the coverage as a function of the delta G.. And the temperature in the pressure. So here we have capturing at three hundred thirty K. and point two atmospheres. This is what the coverage would look like as a function of Delta G. not. What does that mean. This would be in the mean that binds very strongly. This would be in a mean that binds intermediate This isn't to mean that binds very weakly. So I mean that binds very weakly at a pressure of point two and three hundred thirty K. would not have any C O two on it at all. We can now look at what the curve would look like for a higher temperature and lower pressure. So if this is a capture condition. This is a regeneration condition. So at three hundred seventy three K. you find that this I mean here has high coverage but this is mean over here has a low coverage. So for any given to mean each point on the X. axis in essence corresponds to one to mean with one binding energy of C O two. And these different curves correspond to the adsorption conditions and the regeneration conditions. It's the difference between these two points they give you the capacity of the amine. Four capture. So it's the capacity at the capture minus the capacity at regeneration and that's what I show in this red line here is the difference. So this red line now is that what we call the Delta loading or the working capacity of a C O two sorbent. And for a set of conditions three hundred thirty K. point to atmosphere capture three hundred seventy three K. point zero one regeneration. There is one to mean with an optimal Delta loading. And it has a delta G. of roughly minus twenty three take L's per mile. If I hadn't a mean that binds any stronger. I have a very low capacity because if it is. If the delta G. is much more stable then we will not be able to get anything off the surface by heating it up in the other hand if you go to this side then the Ameena so we can never get anything on the surface to even deserve. So for every set of conditions that you can imagine different coal plants might have different temperatures of capture different temperatures of regeneration that might vary throughout the year seasonally in the summer versus the winter. These are not big temperature changes but you see there's an optimal amount optimal Delta G. and anything left or right. Gives you suboptimal. So that means if we had high temperatures that were capturing out we might want to use a high delta gene. If we had low temperature if you want to use a load L.T.G. in order to get maximal capacity and maximum efficiency in this process. So I'm going to start speeding up a little bit on covering each topic because some things get a little redundant in future needs of solid sorbent we have really a need for very low heat capacity supports the heat capacity of the support directly goes into Lost efficiency from heating up to support we need high chemical stability in the support and the Sorgen. So these. Or things that you want to cycle many many times in food gas environment and we need supports that will not fall apart after hundreds of cycles in high temperature steam. And we need optimized absorption properties for particular conditions so different coal plants may need different sorbent and there is a real need for being able to change the absorption properties of them. In order to get high. Delta loading zone or capture conditions and high selective and toward C O two. It turns out more secure is a store key metric part of this reaction. But you need to be running right on the story you metric limit. So we don't want to absorb five miles of water per mile of C O two that will be an additional parasitic power loss because you have to do the water in order to get the C O two off. Finally we have to get a better understanding about the kinetics of absorption and what I described on the previous slide is a simple thermodynamic argument if you're kinetically limited in the way you run your system your Delta loading will be actually lower than the thermodynamic limit and the last point here is how do we integrate a sorbent into a power system. There's major issues with heat management in solid beds and there's major issues with solids handling if you go to a fluid ised bed. So how we can efficiently in Agree sorbent into power systems the still a question to be determined. All right let's talk a little bit about pre-convention approaches this is an approach where instead of doing a C O two nitrogen separation we focus on nitrogen oxygen separation. The idea being you have pure oxygen running into burning fuel and what comes out would be C O two and water. There's almost always a recycle because pure oxygen burns fuel at something like five thousand degrees. So we recycle C O two to dilute this down to roughly twenty five percent oxygen. So. Little bit higher than air because C O two has different heat transfer properties the nitrogen and so you need a little bit higher concentration of oxygen. But what comes out here a C O two and water water is easy to condense out in the ideas that you have concentrated C O two coming out. This. This is a particular challenge and I'm just picking one technology here to talk about oxygen separation cryogenic distillation is not an efficient way of doing air separation for oxy fuel. One we don't need that much liquid nitrogen that's being produced for the amount of oxygen. We need and to the cryogenic aspects make it difficult to be as efficient. So one of the leading approaches now is using materials that are similar to solid oxide fuel cells. These are ceramic materials that conduct oxygen ions. So you can make a oxygen ceramic oxygen membrane that runs that eight or nine hundred degrees C. similar to a fuel cell. Yes ofc and by putting a high pressure air selectively drive oxygen across you can either use high pressure. This is ten or twenty atmospheres. Or you can apply an electric potential to drive oxygen across. These membranes our group is working on an approach similar to this but using low temperature aqueous based electrolytes where we can drive hydroxide ions across this interface and separate oxygen by that mechanism. The other approach that people talk about an integrated gasification combined cycle. This is a really complicated system that combines chemicals electricity and carbon capture. So why chemicals and electricity. The main idea is you have an air separation unit down here that's providing pure oxygen. You have a fuel preparation train here that goes into a gas a fire. So fuel plus oxygen in a gasifier leads to send gas and send gas can be used to make a variety of chemicals. You can. Make methane all fish or tropes Catullus us to make hydrocarbons you can do quite a bit with syn gas. So one option in this is is to make chemicals. Why would you make chemicals because people or people want to buy them. So this is a way to have a revenue stream in a power plant whether it makes sense. Depends on how valuable the electricity is so you can run an optimisation that says how many chemical should we make how much electricity should we sell and you might learn that you do one or the other but the possibility is here. So now we have seven gas the part that doesn't go to chemicals goes through a variety of gas cleaning water scrubbers This gets rid of cyanides and C.E.O.'s and eventually comes over here to a water gas shift reactor. So water gas shifts takes H two N C O and makes more H two N C O two with water. So now you have here a hydrogen C O two separation. Problem you separate out the C O two that can be done with membranes it can be done with you can separate out the hydrogen instead through Palladium membranes or other kinds of hydrogen separation technologies. But now over here is where the magic of combined cycle of curves you have hot gas coming through here. That's expanded to retore been so hot hydrogen goes through a turban and generates power then the hydrogen is burned to make steam that goes through a second turban. So this is the idea of a combined cycle. You do two things with the same fuel and the combined cycle of gas. Plus steam turbines gives overall efficiency limits that are better than a single stage car no engine and you can get up to maybe sixty percent efficiency. Now there are only two of these in existence in the US that I know of. There were plans for several But Future Gen got. Reallocated let's say. And there may be another one in the future. But the bottom line is these plants are very expensive and you can see why they're very complicated. You have air separation units gas of fires shift reactors all these kinds of turbans this is like three kinds of conventional power plants slam together in one. It's complicated and it's expensive but there's only a handful of these and I would say these are at the same stage that nuclear was thirty years ago. So thirty years ago nuclear plants every single one was unique had its own set of plans it took ten years to get. All of the permits approved four of them were sort of in the same situation here. The two that exist are unique. There is no company selling a plan for an eye G.C.C. plant yet several are working on it. Companies like Siemens are developing plans for I D C C plants. And if there is an order it's it's only it's a stated interest in maybe buying it. One day. OK so solid oxide fuel cells are still another approach to the separation reaction problem so far we've talked about combustion in one chamber separation in another chamber. In the solid oxide fuel so we combine both concepts into separation and combustion. We have a solid oxide fuel cell membrane that's a. An electrolyte stabilizer Konya on one side you have in Occident usually it's air going across here and the air the oxygen in the air selectively goes across this membrane in the form of two ions zero to minus ions on the other side you have a fuel in the fuel can be send gas it can be it can be a lot of things gasoline hydrocarbons can be hydrogen and the oxygen at this interface reacts with the fuel in order to produce electricity so fuel is oxidized on this side electrons go across here and reduce oxygen on the side. So the solid oxide fuel cell combines the so. Operation and combustion into a single device so that ideally what's coming out here. If you have complete conversion is C O two and water again and only depleted oxygen or depleted air on the side there so if seas run at very high temperatures eight hundred to a thousand degrees C. So they're often combined with a turban right afterwards because the gases that come out of here are very hot and can be expanded through a turban. So the combined S.U.S.E. turban systems can approach efficiencies of like sixty percent. Which is what this these hybrid systems are so these are these are subjects of very active research right now. There is a solid energy conversion Alliance Program at the National Energy Technology Lab that funds a lot of work trying to get industry and academia together to solve problems like material problems stability to impurities is a big problem. These ceramic membranes are are somewhat fragile and getting seals that operate at seven to eight hundred degrees C. is also challenging startup is challenging because you go from room temperature to high temperature very quickly and stability to impurities is remains a problem across the board when you talk about coal. So I'm going to finish up in another slide or two here. I'm going to assume that we can solve the point source problem. Everything I talked about applies to point sources. Those are power plants that aren't moving. You know where the C O two is coming out you know how fast it's coming. But those are only about one third of the emissions of C O two approximately another third come from transportation and this is very challenging because transportation is distributed the C O two emissions come from cars all over the place all times of day. And there's a wide range of ways to think about doing it. So one way we can think about transportation fuel. Is carbon neutral fuels. If we're not going to take the bottom route where we go completely electric and drive. Everybody drives with batteries some of us will some of us will have to drive too much trucks big vehicles will never run on batteries a way to do it is through synthetic fuel so bio fuel is one approach to this we have plants that grow they capture C O two from the atmosphere. They take solar energy and in a passive way they use that to create carbohydrates and then we do chemistry and Catullus us on biomass to create biofuels an alternative approach to that would be to capture C O two ourselves. Combine that with sorbent regeneration and hydrogen production. This could be a variety of techniques but probably it will be something like water electrolysis. The oxygen from that would be used in an oxy fueled fire fossil plant to make C O two that maybe will be used for enhanced oil recovery or sequester ration were will feed up into here and will have maybe biomass or industrial C O two inputs into here and the hydrogen in C O two will be used to make synthetic fuels. The synthetic fuels then will be fed directly into our transportation which will close the cycle like this. So this this is a very very high in the sky kind of approach to thinking about synthetic fuel. But the point I want to make in here is. I made a good case for the fact that we're going to need a lot of extra energy a lot of extra power generation in order to do. C O two capture this is where the majority of it may come. So instead of trying to build additional fossil energy plants we could build renewable energy at a level that would support C O two capture in a transitional period away from fossil energy. The advantage of doing that is that capacity exists we still have to learn how to do this more cost effectively and we can't do. More cost effectively without doing it in some way. So this would be a way to address transportation emissions in addition to dealing with hybridizing renewable energy with fossil energy. So let me summarize here that C O two capture is a very big challenge but in my mind a very necessary step. If you're going to do sequester ation there are many approaches to thinking about it. They're all expensive and technologically challenging and none of them are clear winners at this point different approaches will be needed for different applications and lots of work needs to be done in many areas. So I don't want you to come out of this thinking that C.C.'s is the only way we will look at other options and but they're all equally if maybe not equally they're all expensive. They all will require major changes to enforce infrastructure major changes to our way of life. And the solution will not just be technical in nature but will require public support and policy. But the bottom line here is we have to do something and it's going to be expensive so. Let me acknowledge a few people at the National Energy Technology Lab who I collaborate with Anthony could Jeanie Geo Henry. Penn line are people that I work with Evan David Mack or some of my collaborators. These are some of the students that have helped me with with some of the work we do in this area and with that I'll take some questions. Thank you. OK So you know I'm sure we're. Yeah that sounds very reasonable. Whether that's you know it's a point. It's a foot philosophical point of how much growth is necessary. In G.D.P. and it's probably disingenuous of me to say that we should hold growth because I had in a particularly comfortable stage of life where growth isn't really going to affect me. But it will affect others. Which is where growth is occurring right now. And I was like yeah yeah that's really a partial pressure. So if you were running steam at one bar. That's Well you know I was so close so sure. So the idea there was you have this is just taking a packed bed reactor you run in C O two through it until it saturated and that gives you the capacity of capture and then if you flush it with steam. If you flush with until it's gone. You know all. Comes out then the pressure is quite low. That's the basis of that analysis. I guess. That's a good question. I'm not sure because presumably the liquids have much higher density of of sites than than the sorbent that's a good question. I don't know or so there are people that go to to make polymers the issue is how much we make we don't make we don't need anything at the scale of C O two. We make except the fuel that made it so in that sense you know the chemical industry is a drop in the bucket in scale compared to the amount of C O you were making so you could satisfy all of the C O two needs and still have way more than we know what to do with your life man. Fair enough. Yeah it could be. Yeah. So the the commercial you can buy commercially available seas now that are in their kilowatt stack size. Maybe up to two hundred kilowatts I think that's the they tend to come in in small units like that and that's how they scale it is that what you mean there are scale in the sense that I. Think the way they view it is you take two hundred fifty kilowatts and multiply it by until you get the scale you want. That's how they're going to that's how they're going to scale them very very had a nice discussion with Andre FEDOROFF own on this concept earlier it's not exactly that but it's pretty similar. He would have compressed C O two that would that was liquid on the car until I had that conversation with him I would have argued that the cost in the weight of sorbent that would go on a car would just be too high and for that's probably true. If you can compress it in liquefied it might be more true or might be more possible that you know. Or are really. OK. Yeah but in principle any kind of base would work a means or the most common organic basis hydroxide or another type of base which I briefly talked about they go. It goes hydroxide carbonate by carbonate as in organic materials in organic materials fourth guys applications just binds you to much too strongly and in terms of other types of organic basis. There are some phosphorous based functional groups that are used as organic basis but I don't think anybody really thought about them for C O two capture. Yeah that's a good question. So there's there are several aspects to that question one is what happens if it doesn't work the other is what happened. How long will it work. So there are several ways to look at it. We have for many decades pumped C O two into the ground for enhanced oil recovery. And are starting to pump C O two in the ground at scales. Approaching relevance to sequester ration. So in the past there have been thousand tonne injections over the next few years there will be a million tonne injections. And it's an open question of Where does the C O two go and how long does it stay underground. If it stays underground for ten thousand years that may be good enough that stays underground for one year. That's probably not good enough. So that's an open question. It's unclear some recent papers in science suggest that most of the C O two is going to dissolve in water and there are now lots of questions of if there's lots of C O two dissolved in water is all of the wellhead cement that's keeping these sites sealed going to dissolve or is it going to dissolve other rocks that you know release other things. So this is a big question. And part of the reason why we need a balance of C.C.S. research with renewable research and other energy option research to be done. So I can answer that question of is it going to work. People are trying to understand if it work. And if we determine that it won't will shift our resources to other forms of research in renewable energy. If it doesn't work we'll do more of an injury lawyers. Right right. Sure. One of the sequester ration partnerships that is getting funded for injecting a million tons is getting the million tons from age your geological reservoir are going to. Because otherwise you have to pay one hundred dollars a tonne you know which one is lagging there. It's there it's like a triangular chicken and egg. We won't pass policies until there are technologies that are feasible politicians won't know technologies are feasible until we develop them and show them that they're feasible in a way they understand that they're feasible and the public will have to have to make some decisions to make life more expensive in a way right. So it's hard it's easy for me to see the policy technology link. It's I'm totally unprepared to talk about the you know public link of what what is the public willing to spend money on and willing to accept legislation on because policymakers won't make policy. If the public is not behind them as it will only last one election cycle. Yeah OK.