Picking up again from your first love Mark. Today we're very lucky to have Tucker Tucker's associate here actually here and eight hundred ninety eight for one year and then for two years before returning to Georgia Tech in two thousand and one Tucker never writes the Borg. Well yes to attack his research interests include collaborators in communication and multifocal teams and activity right. Moderately live social systems. Tucker has published over seventy research articles and did two books on a personal note he likes boiled peanuts and he said and a former F.B.I. team thanks. The poster for my talk talked about using robots for education and I'm going to talk about that but I thought I would just before that show you some of the projects we're working on in robotics here. Overall. A couple interesting things that occurred over about the last two years. One of them is we've created a Research Center for Robotics. There are about thirty professors and other researchers here I enjoy the tech and of Engineering and Computing the do. I work in robotics and we got together to form this center that now you know arguably. We're among a handful of the top schools and robotics anywhere because we sort of pulled together in this way we also now offer a Ph D. in robotics. Or one of only two universities that offer a Ph D. in robotics. I have to pull asterisk pending Board of Regents approval which. You all know how that goes but they're meeting actually next week. On that. So we think there's not going to be a problem with that. So we're really excited about that and we're also pushing robotics more and more into the undergraduate curriculum and that's the topic of. Sort of my last. And my last set of slides. But let me let me show you just a few of the things. We do here related to. Robotics. And many of you may have heard about. The urban grand challenge. This is the robot that we entered now. And you know unfortunately we didn't when the finals were conducted. This Saturday but. We I think we really did a fantastic job within a year so we we went to centrally from nothing to a fully autonomous car that could operate in traffic. In about a year and. It. No it didn't know. Well it finished some courses I should say. Well just let it run and fortune. Jump a little bit tell you what it is so this is from art testing of the car at the Georgia Public Safety Training Center. Down in Forsyth there is a. Test Center where actually the police in Georgia train and there's a large highway like track and then an urban course which is where we're running right here. And this. This other cars acting as as traffic for us. So it's got I believe a total of eight laser sensors that act like radar five actual radars six. Six cameras and then in the back. We've got. Eight server computers that process all the data and the way we've got it. Architected is. Each computer. Is paired with a sensor system so. For instance one computer is devoted to radar and others devoted to laser and so on and the sensors connect directly to those computers they process whatever they need and share it. With the others and eventually. To the main control computer. The vehicle could go or can go thirty miles an hour stop at stop signs and look for other cars turn on its turn signal when to turn. The. Infected it can do all the tasks that are necessary for the Grand Challenge of what. Caused this big problem at the qualifying event for the Grand Challenge was in. First run just as the robot started the serial connection between the G.P.S. and I.M.U. and the control computer froze. So the robot didn't believe it was moving. Actually it's a. Normally very reliable connection. And we're not sure what happened is just a normal nine pen serial connection but it froze. So the robot thought it wasn't moving. So it applied some gas. Still not moving. So it applied some more gas. And if you look at the sensor logs. It looks as if from the robot's point of view this concrete wall ran into it you know that it was sitting there minding its own business and home and it was actually. Recorded at twenty four miles an hour when it hit the concrete barrier. So we actually. Rebuilt it. And it and it worked fine but that. Accident early on sort of. I don't know. DARPA didn't like it put it that way and and so we were qualified for the final. However I think our our vehicle actually performs. Just as well as as many the vehicles that were in the final. So anyways. We're going to continue our work research with this robot a lot of folks ask you know what. What is the goal or purpose for research like this and it. It's not just for autonomy cars. There's many many spin offs for this technology for instance. Being able to process the input from all the sensors and know what's around you can help a driver and in many instances. For instance. The the car can sort of alert you that you're about to do something that might put you in harms way. So you know magine it's late at night some driver. Coming up the intersection doesn't have their lights on and you don't see them. While the car could see it. See this other car with a radar laser an alert you. And other using vision the vehicle can see the lane that you're in those where the center of the lane is very well and just a simple sort of tactile feedback. You could feed back to the steering wheel that such that when you go to change lanes or so little bit of resistance to move and then zip you go over the next lane and kind of snap into the next lane so you can safely keep you in lanes and so on. So what lager is about is. All the performers there are eight eight groups participating get an identical. Robot. And. Then have to set solve navigational tasks and in general we have to do is. Each month we send to the government a Compact Flash with our software on it and they test it. They run it three times over this course. Now what we've done recently is look at the problem of. How can a robot. Navigate through. Sort of complex obstacles. And not say through planning or through sort of classical control theory but through learning. So let me see. As we get over to the robot Let me show you what it looks like. So that will be. A little or an herb red cup was the. The goal. So this is the robot and my. Right into that my student. Was driving it. In this pause there. OK It's kind of hard to see but it's got sort of the stalk on which there's four cameras actually two stereo pairs. So it uses these cameras to see what's in front of it and to build a model of what obstacles might be in front of it. So right now there's no obstacles. And it knows by G.P.S. where the goal is so it's happening now while my student drives it to the goal is it's getting all these examples of OK if the goal is there and there's no obstacles around me I should drive to the goal. And the very back to the thing he did at the very start. Beginning here. Notice that we started it facing away from the goal and then he very slowly turned it around to face the goal. The reason for that turn is for training it for that turn is we found out in our first couple tests that if it got if it only been training just driving straight to the goal that somehow found itself in a situation where the goal was off to the side. It didn't know what to do because it didn't have any training example. So that's why the beginning we do that little turn. So now it. Now knows OK if this open terrain and goes ahead I mean just drive directly to the goal but what if we make a lot more complicated and put a hay bale in front of it. Well it hasn't been trained so it doesn't know any better than to just drive into the hay bale. So now we train it. To drive around hay bales when it sees them. So he's he's got the radio control and this little switch he turns that turns it on to learn and then when he drives around. So now the next time. It sees a hay bale. In those drive around it. Not as much more complex. You know terrain than just a single hay bale. So we set up a more complicated course with lots of hay bales and there it is doing that final turn. So this is you know the robot's all you know just driving by itself. So we trained it for about fifteen minutes among hay bales and now these are sort of sped up replays of what it what it learned how to do. You know just and make a motion sick. Now I think in fact I'm pretty sure we can. So some somehow in that earlier part. I mucked up the. Movie we quit that now start my Power Point. We can we can use the same approach to to train a robot say how to find lanes on the highway and and. It can be used for vision for stereo for all sorts of things. So we're going to be expanding that. OK now this is the advertised topic of my talk and. In conjunction with this new robotics research center. We've created something called the Institute for personal robots in education. Now so Georgia Tech is an institute that we have a center in their institute and inside the center. I don't know where the official rules are for what you can. Name things but I suppose. And we could have a lab within the institute and maybe a center. I don't know. It was the reason it's called Institute as we got funding from Microsoft for this and they really wanted whatever it was to be called an institute so we said OK we'll work on Institute. What it's about is to make computer science education more interesting and exciting and. But a little bit about how we lead up to this. I mean Georgia Tech undergrads are in here. You know it's a few. Dirge tech is one of the few and certainly one of the first to require that everybody all undergraduates take a course in computer science. And that started back in the early ninety's. And that you know I think that's a great idea. The problem however was when college of computing started teaching. Computer science introductory computer science to every single student about thirty percent of them failed. And the percentage was even higher for women and some minorities. So we had this big problem. You know namely that students had take this course over again we were already teaching about one thousand a year. In introductory computer science if they had taken over again that meant to since they were teaching you know close to two thousand a year. Those were eating everybody's resources and ticking off the College of Engineering and so the issue was how to address that. Well one thing we did is created a new version of the course that centers on media. And by take the media version of the course. OK. It was the way that courses pitched to students taking it is OK we're in a learning. And images and sounds and movies. And you're going to learn how to make a little movie and the way after you've made these movies and sounds and so on you you sort of inadvertently learned computer science and that became very effective and now about thirty percent of the students take that version of the course and it's got a much higher pass rate and. For some reason women take it in much higher percentages than the other than the other Course so. Around the same time we also began this. Well in the early two thousand as we began this big effort in robotics and we began to think hey can we use robots to help teach computer science in the same way that we used media before and that. That's that's what we've been doing let me. Jump ahead here. So the. The experiment is that we're going to give in fact this semester. There's there are two sections of this course every student gets their own little robot that looks like this guy down here in the bottoms about this big. It's for sale in the bookstore and it's required. You don't have to buy a textbook. But you do have to buy a robot. And. The idea is so the textbook actually is online as a electronic document. The idea is. So we're not the only ones who thought of this idea to teach computer science using robots. In fact there is and they did do something similar at MIT. The what's different about our approach that I think is better is that we have these inexpensive robot. And everybody gets their own MIT they've got a lab with you know five to ten very expensive robots and the students have to work in groups of four they have to reserve time to use the robots and so on and our approach you get your own you take it home in fact. They now have cameras on them and you know lots of kids that are in dorms or so on in the robot down the hall. You know to spy on their neighbors and you know take pictures and then becoming situations and put on the Web So they're having fun. You know they're showing it off to their friends and so on. The. The current robot. Plus the dongle you need to buy is about one hundred twenty. The robot is made by the the robots made by a company called parallax. We have our own dongle that you plug into it. That adds vision and Bluetooth communication back to your laptop. So that dongle costs about sixty dollars robots about sixty so it's one hundred twenty are our follow on robot which will be available in the fall is going to collapse. What's on our dongle and in the in this blue robot into one and we think will be able to sell that all together for about eighty dollars or so in the sensor go. Yeah. It's not being taught this spring actually will be taught in the fall there and there is a junior level robotics course being taught in the spring though. Actually two of them. So let me remind you though the course I'm talking about is. Is computer science thirteen No one you know the first computer science course that you that you take it there's lots of questions that we don't know the answer to. And and actually this is kind of an experiment. And fortunately a big research universities you can conduct experiments on undergrads so. You have to file some paper saying that you know you won't burn their eyes with lasers. But as long as you know. No nobody is physically damaged it seems you can but I'm exaggerating. Of course. The we were taught this course last spring and we taught in the summer and now we're teaching at this fall. Two hundred eighty students and the result from the spring was essentially. We did no harm in other words the students coming out of that course. Liked it. About as much as students taking the non robot version of the course. I think part of the reason we didn't have sort of a stupendous success. Last spring was it was sort of new and actually we were used to teaching it. Where'd getting pretty good at teaching it now this fall. So I think we'll have more interesting. Results but it was there are a lot of research questions about you know how do you really teach computer science with with these robots that that we're pursuing and I mentioned. I mentioned a few minutes ago that at Georgia Tech that we were among the first to require computer science for all all majors and now we have. Before the robot version we actually had three options available sort of the standard. Java based approach. There's a Matlab based approach and then this media approach and what we're doing is we're replacing this. Traditional Java based one with the with the robot version but anyways the results as of. A few years ago before the robot. Was introduced is that we went from twenty eight percent withdraw failure rate down to sixteen percent. And the students who take who have taken these sort of alternative courses like media are doing just as well. Later on in the program. As their as their peers. So there's there's evidence that using this what we call a context based approach works. I mentioned already that. A key component is everybody has their own robot and I see like you not in your head like yeah that's cool. So I mean part of it is kind of a cool factor but. You know we need to do everything we can to get. Students interested in this. Now something I hadn't mentioned yet in this presentation is that. Not only. Do we have trouble with with people not faring well in computer science one now nationwide enrollment computer science is dropping. In fact. It's down about fifty percent from two or three years ago. So that means for instance my wife teaches at University of Georgia. And she used to teach her operating systems course to twenty students. Now there are six students in that class. And that's not because they don't like her. That's just how many students are around. Georgia Tech is one of the very few. Who's in Rome and computer science is actually growing. But in fact we may be the only one maybe the only major university for which that's happening and. This this idea of using robots is also something we hope to we're going to send out to other schools to make. Make it interesting for students in other schools to get into computer science. OK. The question is what should the robot look like you know us with the manufacturer was and so on. Whenever people think about a robot for education they think of Lego and the biggest question we get is why aren't you using Lego's But let me throw that back at you. Why would why would you think we're not using Lego's. Yeah so that right. So you kind of hit it on the head there were teaching computer science. Not sticking Lego blocks together. Now Lego. Is actually a great platform. I think for teaching say a junior or senior level engineering course in which you're trying to show how to integrate computing mechanics and syncing say like is great for that but you imagine your teacher you get two hundred students in the class. You're in the first day of class and say OK everybody open up your Lego box and then you open up this thirty seven page. Construction manual and you know you start with step one. And you know clearly that's impractical The other reason it's impractical is Lego's are great but they they break. And. If you've got your program on the robot and you try to run it. It doesn't work is that. Because your software is bad or because you didn't have a little connector in the right spot and it's just becomes extremely frustrating for students who are just trying to learn programming. So the idea is we wanted something that. Is kind of like an i Pod on Wheels in other words it's all we're already assembled you open up the box boom it's done. You turn it on and it's easy easy to make it work. Now you could do that with very expensive robots. Which is kind of the way mits going. But again everybody. Reserved time for the robots and so on. So this is why we've gone with this approach this is a picture what it looks like I forgot to bring a robot with me. I'm sorry. But it was every student gets one of these robots. It's this is the version we were using last year that has this little. Electronic attachment and what that is is that say U.S.B. connector. So it connects back to the laptop. That's on the another aspect that's very important here is the software the students write. Runs on their laptop. It doesn't run on the robot. Now they're couple reasons for that the you know the standard model. You know a standard approach like what one people use for Lego is you write software your laptop compile it download it to the robot. Now that's. That's fine except. Imagine you're running this program on the robot and it does the wrong thing. How do you know what's going on. Well the normal thing tell a student as well just put some print statements in there and you can see what's happening. Well robots don't have anything that you can see a print statement on so the best you could do is like turn on an L.E.D. or something to get feedback for what the robot's doing this is why it's much better if it runs everything runs on a laptop because you can see exactly what it's doing in a print statements and so on. Python. This just talks about the sensors and so on that they the robot has. This is now the new version you can see this thing kind of stuck on the front the the little black circular thing poking out is a cell phone camera that's on that little longer. And on the bottom you see. This is a picture taken by that camera and this is doing a little bit of processing to find just the orange pixels. You can find things like soccer balls and so on. So this is the version we're going with this semester and for the next few semesters. And this is sort of what we want the final version to look like something about the size of what's in your hand. And it detection going to have someone look exactly like that but that's about the size or we're aiming for. These are just some pictures of students. Using the robot. Now one thing I noticed when I was an undergrad here. Everybody saved. P. E. for their senior year I don't know why. But back then we had to take this drown proofing course. Which we literally had to do this they would tire hands together in our feet together and they would put a brick around our neck and we had to somehow survive in the pool for twenty minutes and eventually that course got outlawed. Not sure. But it was that was of course everybody saved till their senior year. It turns out that computer science one for some majors is the course that they save until their senior year. And these two women were graduating. I think systems engineers. Who've you know their senior year their senior their last semester they took this course and they just had a great time and they told us. Gee I wish I had taken this when I was a freshman I might have switched into computer science. There are of course people who hated it. And but for the most part I think people people have had a good good time with it. So he also mentioned we're doing this with Brant Mark college. And part of the reason that we're. Paired with them is they're an all women liberal arts college. We are in almost all male Technical College. And so the. The idea is let's develop and test it in these two extreme environments and sort of distill the lessons so that it can apply in many different environments. And starting next fall. We're also rolling it out to University of Georgia Georgia State. Maybe Spelman and other colleges as well. So the idea is that take the same curriculum and try lots of places and see if it can sort of survive the test in these other places as well. This is just some example code. Let me tell you how. Just real quick. How you teach a fundamental computer science concept on this robot one of the early things you teach is something called iteration. So something for example something you want to do over and over and over again. It's called iteration. So one of the first assignments is OK make the robot drive in a square and one of the things that's nice about this robot it's got a hole in the middle. That's exactly the same diameter as a sharpie pen. So you drop the little Sharpie and put some poster board on the ground and you can draw. All kinds of designs. So what they're really projects is OK draw a square. So we show them that. OK. You know right. The step to draw draw them drives forward a foot then turn right. Knight agrees and then do that. Four times and you have a square. So you've got eight lines of code go Turn turn to a turn. So that's an important concept in other words that you write computer programs by showing step by step sort of a recipe of what happens and it happens in order but Haiti generation. Well what you can show is OK. Instead of having these two lines repeated over and over again. You just have a little for loop and you do the same two lines four times and so that's that's how you teach with these robots and then the idea is that it's grounded. You know something physical moving around. And sort of comparison sort of classic first programming assignment is write a program to print the. Fema not she number sequence. And that's all well and good except. Students don't get why does that matter it's just a completely artificial thing. So if you ground in a robot this moving around. It's more fun. Is the chapters in our book. These are just some of the example. Projects. This is this is one of the brain Mar students project. So their task was to turn the sound off. Their task was to program the robot to go through a maze and reach a light. And this is one of their solutions. What's kind of. Cute about it. I turn down the music but she. She made sort of a dance video out of it. And then. Thank you thank her. Professor. Yes. So if you just start at robot Education dot org. And then you can get to the book. This is this is another project where the. The robot. Follows a light. I guess it seems a little bit impractical that you have to stick the light. You know right in its forehead but it was it has three light sensors in front and. This is just showing that you can connect with the brightest light sensor you know says to the motors. Let me. Yeah that's the aerial I should add that these. The company. That makes these little blue robots. For some reason they don't like them. So when we called them and said we want to use this little blue robot for the course they said no no you don't want that you want this other one and I said no we want to the blue one and the other one that he wanted us to get is something called the bow bot and it's the classic you know you get a screw together and connect the wires and we you know we didn't we don't want that. So anyways when we started this about a year and a half ago they had. Two thousand of those robots now they have zero. And they can't understand you know the robot wasn't selling they had it for five years now they have zero in a certain you know we're telling look it's because of this you know we we've been to lots of conferences. You know where people teach computer science and they're buying these robots. So now he's. Ordering ten thousand of them. So that's that's that's kind of nice to know they were having an effect on the economy. But the the new robot they were going to make is going to going to going to replace that one and I think be much nicer but it was the was finally getting around to saying is. The same robot can work for many courses not just intro computer science in fact. It Carnegie Melon they're using it for senior level intro to robotics course. Because you can teach certainly much more complex stuff on on the same robot and here at Georgia Tech. It's used in a mechanical engineering intro to robotics course and strangely enough they've figured out how to control it from matlab. So they teach this course in robotics in matlab and they can drive the robot around in my lab. Anyways that's sort of the end of my two.