Thank you so much for the introduction and thank you for the invitation and the wonderful opportunity to present my research Europe. You'll have to excuse me for just a minute. Because for some reason I see that the computer is not connected to electricity which is a minor problem because my slide will stop in about twenty minutes. So if you do that. I'm sort of. Open here. But if it's. Behind. It's my apology for that than my apology for my red color is being black on the overhead for some reason there is there is no synchronization was your color isn't mine. So Red is a little black but I hope it will be OK thank you again for do it this wonderful invitation. The title of my thought because a little complicated database and improve adventures will become clear as I go along and then I try to squeeze science engineering and management in a coherent fashion into a single sentence and I hope I manage. But really what I mean by that I hope will become a little clearer later on I'll talk about research that I've been involved with for over a decade now. And have been many people who have been my partners doing just research. First and foremost many students those stars are those happy on some already graduated the others are still there. I've had their collaborators doing a brutal analysis that this takes many people with Wharton working group. Theoretical partners and of course industry partners because I need the data and then there is the Technion C center which was mentioned in the introduction and I show you more provide more details about it as we go along. A little history. My personal history was already described in mathematics computer science that is the separations right. Research. Then my first job was in the business school and currently I'm in an I.E. faculty which I could think of one could think about one could think of as being the convex hull of all those interesting station is or that I've visited all along and that's actually useful to recall because it really affects the way I look at things through all these lenses together. I've been teaching of course type of service engineering at the Technion for those who fifteen years now all of the material that I'm talking about appears either in the course or in one menu of the course and your modem will come to look through it. It's all in English. It's old publicly accessible. There is research on call centers it started Technion about ten years ago and we became more serious of Alltel of research about five years ago. Just research came from I.B.M. in a joint research program that goes under the heading O.C.R. which stands for open collaborative research that's a program that I.B.M. has started in order to encourage partnerships between university and I could email was no strings attached. That's kind of unusual. We have been enjoying to support for three years. And again the tech. Which I shall return to momentarily few words about service engineering and service science this is not a common term definitely not a common discipline. But it is becoming so it's now being recognized or as I say here there are emerging them of disciplines. There are no universities worldwide that teach courses and sometimes programs in service engineering and service science. You just browse through and you're just here in S.S.M.E. in Google and you'll come to a website of I.B.M. as it seems to me stands for service science management and engineering and. Well I.B.M. has their story about why it is important to develop service sciences service management nowadays. Programme one service science it's goes under the we're going to see service enterprise engineering. Germany has programs in service engineering etc etc My take of it is that I try to understand really fundamental phenomena that are unique to services and which are common across up occasions and I shall explain this in more detail as we go along. My main fields about the cases of call centers and hospitals. These will be my main sources for today's lecture and as was mentioned I try to simplify complex realities in a way that is the meaning both for and of the research and I would just want to make a comment that the fact that the ultimate results or Delta results are simple doesn't necessarily mean that the models are simple the models could go deep into mathematics it's just the outcome of the model is simple and actually a couple. So it could be exported either through the classroom or through with management perhaps it's. Obvious to you with the time frame that I have it's impossible for me to go into the details of the whole to do things so I just will explain to you what can be done. And hopefully this will just make you curious about how things can be done. A little about the title. So the classical stuff scientific proof which starts was measurement. Goes on was developing a model then experiment things the model validating the model refining it if necessary and vice versa. This is being day to day reality for physics biology and many other sciences. In recent years because of the human complexity. The need for such a pro dynamo sort of arose in transportation in the comic so we have behavioral economics and behavior transportation but for investment in years and operations researchers which is where I'm coming from this paradigm is of course not very natural and what I'm trying to do and what I've found is that it is useful. So this is one way of depicting those three wards science engineering and management in a way that I think the interaction among them will become. So everything starts was data was measurement and then as I say you just build a model based on this data you validate the model and you keep cycling around here which is to say class like I said it's classical sense if it. Now the markets do each a certain point a level of maturity that makes them amenable for application and this here comes the engineer and the junior takes those mature battle models and transfers the model and the knowledge to the managers for applications the managers implement them improve their system get feedback on that and they cycle around here until something needs arise which cannot be accommodated by existing models and here comes the engineer again and transfers those needs to decide this. The scientists measures again and he wrote the cycling around here. So you have here a whole cycle between science and union manage my. We professors are focusing on this art which we develop we do science we teach engineers and the hope is that they transferred the knowledge that we developed to actual practice and it helps me think about my role and the role of students and the role of your search in this whole big universe. So I hope this gives some idea of what I meant by engineering versus management person is science. OK the first for requisite for everything that I do is data as you saw before I start everything with data and the data it's reusing is quite unique in the sense that it's not really aggregated data. So what I'm saying here. I need data at the level of individual transaction. For each service transaction be. A phone service in a call center or pictures visiting the hospital or browsing in an internet. I would like to have the whole operation will history of this transaction from the second it enters the system until it leaves. OK so I call that timestamps of events. Now the sources for the data as I said are mainly telephone call centers and hospitals but of course we have data from other sources are the service operations face to face services the ministry of data for example the port system and we're expanding. So we're now trying to trying to convince hospitals to install are not afraid the system so that we get I don't know if all of you know but are afraid the stands for. Read your frequency identifiers and think of it as that chip that broadcasts location in real time. OK so we're trying to install our if sensors. For example in hospitals so that in real time we shall know where every patient is and hopefully also where every staff member is and perhaps everywhere every bed is in order to be able to trek motion within the hospital in the resolution level that is similar to what we do actually in poll centers. I'll give you a small example over an hour if I get the kitchen in a minute to demonstrate the difficulties of actually doing database research. But before that I want to pause for a commercial These allow me and the commercial is about the scene at the So this is the logo of the tech and there is a cog wheel around here. And as you can see we change. It's called wheel to a telephone. To express the fact that this is what we do in fact it's four years old because this is how old the lab is and by now this logo is already up Salit people kind of asking What is this because there is no OK so I have to change the logo because of that and I also have to add to it something that represents health care if you have regional ideas I'll be happy to hear that. Anyway this is the logo of our lab. What we do in this lab we create They are reports that or is that support research and so for example. Well the first database that we actually had was about ten years ago and it was a database of a small bank in total about three hundred fifty thousand calls over the whole year. But this really paved the way this was done jointly It was called if it worked and and and. But having this data set already was enough to convince the world that it's really quite exciting and interesting. And this really paved the way for collecting or getting larger much larger databases. So for example the first database that we had. We thought is from a U.S. bank which includes about covers two hundred to two and a half years of data one hundred twenty million colds forty million calls handled by agents hundred and eighty million calls handled by the answering machine and there is about there are about thousand agents more or less operating discoursing So it's three hundred fifty thousand calls per week as opposed to play or year which was our first post and I. Then we have a cell phone company database an Israeli bank. The same one. But now it's group and it's much much larger and data from an Israeli hospital the story with this Israeli bank is kind of interesting and the state that we got into is default. And this is really a bank is archiving door data at the call center every night and when they're done with your archiving they deposit all the data in our laboratory. So every morning I have the data of yesterday and it is being cleaned up the magically accumulates and builds up and eventually those call centers could actually connect to the laboratory work with my server use our interfaces in C. all of the flaws that happened to them yesterday in order to be able to correct them almost immediately. So this is as close as one can get to real time monitoring of the data because you cannot really monitor or archive data in real time in a call center. There is simply too much data and will slow down the operation so doing it at night is the best we can and we just get as close to the the best possible by having this data fed right into our lab every morning. Is the software that we developed in order to access the data in a lot of the pictures that you will see or graph that you will see a record be created was and I demonstrated this this morning to some of you and I like to refer to it as extend Vironment for graphical exploratory data analysis. He is an acronym that was coined by John to grace that decision and thirty four years ago maybe he didn't have in mind. Exactly. Maybe he did have in mind exactly what we do today. You could not do it over and over there. As we do it now but now actually the idea is to be able to sit next to a computer will ship out almost immediately get an answer to your question. And just keep doing as I say exploratory data analysis. That is available for it's free for academic use it's available on the server of the. And you just register and then can access it and get from it as I said Wonderful pictures. Now just to demonstrate a little of the difficulties that are involved in getting data at to a state where you can actually use it so we were actually involved in a small it's not small. It's small data. Data wise it's small but it was a drill for all the mass casualty event at the Rambam hospital in Haifa and what we did is we put our faith the tags on the forty seriously injured. People who actually participated in the drill and then we tracked their entrance to the system and the exits to the system. We also tried to track the motion of doctors and nurses through the system but for some reason they didn't work and I was very disappointed what had happened. But anyway from this yellow line. This was a chemical mess casualty event from beyond the yellow line old the casualties are all you wash your clean we put a tag on all of them and then we tracked him when he entered the hospital and I'm just mentioning here. The directory twenty people are doing these observations manually in order to keep track in real time of the state of the drill. So if an hour of effort are for the system is found useful then it will be a very huge benefit to monitor or to help monitor or disable thing. Now why am I showing you that well as I said there are only forty patients that were tracked. And here is the data of those board patients entering and exiting the system and you see here next. It is missing here is the entry is missing here is exit time is the entry time here is wrong time etc so that percent of the opposite patients are flawed. Now think about what would happen if you had to clean sixty thousand calls per day and that's basically the difficulties that are uncommon. So there is a lot of expertise accumulated in actually cleaning the data in preparing it for teaching and research and show. Get them but it way do it now. OK but I'm not going to for through it again. What does the data. Tell us. OK so here's an example from the first database to ever. Thirst back that we ever analyzed and what you see here is a simple histogram of service time an important service time the time that the agent picks up the phone and talks to you. It's not including waiting time a simple histogram OK. This is time and this is the fraction of coal is that actually lasted that amount of. We had one year worth of data. This is the data covering generally to October and this is the data covering November December two months and you see that they are very very similar in fact when you take the log of that service time and plot its histogram you will discover that you get almost perfect so durations of service calls in a call center are logged normally distributed for some mysterious reason enough to return to this in a minute but there is another difference here. I mean there is a difference here between the November December and the general York Tolbert histograms in this difference is right here around Oregon. You see in November in January to October. There are about seven percent of the coal the last of the less than ten seconds. What can you do in a ten second school basically pick up the receiver and hang up OK until this time I had been interested in and customers I'm sorry customers of course centers abandoning when they are fed up waiting. Now this is the first time that I encountered the opposite phenomena. What you see here is agents abandoning customers. What would cause them to abandon the customers. Why would they hang up ten seconds or less than ten seconds after a day that they. Well one reason is a distorted incentive system in many call centers agents are judged by how many calls they made per day or what is the average duration of the cult and what is an easier way to improve your statistics then just hanging up on customers and other ways and this is actually what happened here is that the engines were simply exhausted. They were they're overworked and this is this was their way to tell the system that I'm fed up. I can't have that anymore but at any rate you really discovered those phenomena and that this was a very important lesson for me. You realize that if I plotted these histograms in the resolution of half the minutes. I would not have discovered this phenomena the natural high scale the trek performance in a call center is seconds and every system has its natural time scale which you want to really track events with OK. The other point is that we discovered an interesting phenomenon the law of normal distribution which I said is not the only and it's also quite surprising for those in no program limit theorem the central limit theorem there would recognize that the log normal distribution has a natural multiplicative structure. It doesn't have an additive structure and want to expect that the duration of a phone call will have for some reason an additive structure and as it turns out then this was quite surprising to me the log normal is what we call infinitely divisible that's something that is very unclear and very difficult to prove mathematically but it somehow gives some all I say I don't want to say credibility but if someone explains why would the normal normal the peer as the distributions is appropriate to describe service durations but there is still the question is why specifically look normal and not any other infinitely divisible distribution. This is left for future research. OK now this is a broad picture of the service rep told long does the service take. But as I said these are simple models for complex realities and here is. The complex reality. This is what a service conversation looks like from at the resolution of seconds. You see you start here. Then there is a Hello there is a request. It's a flow chart of a phone call at the resolution of seconds and we create three Stipe models for those who know the technical term. Sometimes the fixes are exponential as they ought to be theoretically and sometimes they're not so you can see the difference the mean. And there is a standard deviation. And when the face is exponentially distributed the meanest indication ought to be close to each other and sometimes they are thirty four thirty two and sometimes they're not forty nine twenty four and so it becomes an interesting challenge to fit the face distribution. Even when you have all those phrases. Granulated at that level. OK So this is a map of a phone call this is a very complicated process. Another point of view on this conversation is from the agent's point of view. So what you see here is joint work with no advance you and Shannon from from from North Carolina. This this simply tracking phone conversations over six months for a single agent service time. How long it took half a year. OK And it's kind of obvious that there is a decreasing trend here. So services become shorter as time goes on agents tend to learn even that individual level service times are still look normal distributed as you can see here and what you're trying to understand here is the learning effects of agents while they talk over the phone. Well sometimes they behave normally indeed they learn so this is not the service duration but the service. This is that means service that right. So it's decreasing in time. You see that sometimes when agents going to break this one less. For three months and came back they forgot to actually what they did and then they went up again and sometimes they did change the nature of the job and their conversations became longer. So here you see actually twelve the learning curves of agents this is no longer to serve a duration. It's now the service rate and as you can see some agents increase their service rate in time they become better but some of them become worse a slowdown and when you have thousand agents and you pay them lots of money is salaries it's very important to be able to track this individual behavior as one goes along. OK so the learning issue is one important. Why should I bother was performance at the level of an individual agent and at the resolution of seconds because as it happens when you have a large call center. It turns out that if you increase effort service duration by one second. Suddenly you have to find several million dollars to fund. It when you do the mathematics you'll discover that you have thousand salary Speer year one second per each cold added or added to the effort. It becomes a lot a lot of money and similarly if you save one second. Then suddenly you've got free money that you can spend on other things so many years of call centers are going to show associates huge importance the duration of the call because of these very very large cost figures and basically what we're doing is we're doing classical industrial engineering time and motion studies but the result going down to the shop floor. We do through our data and I know lies ing it the way we actually done so we do work design. We do work or design based on what I showed you before and we actually are now going to do the same thing but with the I.V. our I.V. our stands for interactive voice response. It turns out for example that in banks seventy percent of the services are carried out through the I.V. our people don't talk to an agent but it may sing lead there is hardly any research to support. To design proper design No five. You are in the way the I.P.R. interacts was desisted itself. There is very very little if a hole that can help managers or designers actually create good systems and so here is his the realm of the art and I'm not going to go into the details but you see it looks quite clear that there are very several peaks there in order to fit a distribution to such an eye view artist to such an eye duration. You need to be a mixture of several distributions and we have automatic tools and no software that allows us to fit make sure. So in this particular case I needed about seven log normal distributions before and mind you I push a button and in a couple in in ten seconds twenty seconds. I'm getting an answer to what is the best mixture of seven lognormal distribution is that will fit my data. This is a flow chart of the I.V. are exchanged it is similar to what you saw before. Let me not expand on that. Some of the pictures arise not in hospitals as well. So what you see here is the length of stay in Israeli hospital measured in days looking in DIE as well. It's like this from Singapore and they look quite similar. So look normality prevails all over the world. Now if you plot the same histogram but instead of days in years resolution of hours. You get this picture. So it's the same thing. It's just now it's hours here it's days. So you have a log maybe envelope but there are those peaks that arise. Every day. What is the source of those peaks what it turns out that they have to do with the release policy in the hospital because in Israel patients are released typically at three o'clock. Plus Minus some in Singapore they're released at one o'clock. Plus Minus up. So when you plot the when you plot the this length of stay of patients. It was written of our. Then this India release rate of patients shows up and then you get old those peaks. Spaced by by date and again one would ask why should I bother was it. Of course it affects this resolution is very important. It affects stuffing decisions it affects bad management within the hospital and many other operational challenges must address must be addressed using this resolution. So you see this is an interesting picture and you'll see a similar picture later on when I get well I gave you a little of the history and I said that I started with school center of this was about ten years ago the call center is a huge industry and I don't want to go into the details just to impress upon you a little the fact that. It is argued that there are between two to four percent of the U.S. workforce employed in call centers. So there are more people actually answering phone calls that are working in agriculture. That's a fact and similarly in health care are more nurses than people that work in our culture just impress upon you decide is of the service sector. So these are really sectors the deserve the attention of Engineers operations. Researchers managers etc If you've never been to a call center. Well that's what it looks like it looks like your computer lab not very exotic it's just average very taken from the Internet. You'll find many pictures like that but sometimes it can also look like this. That's a call center. Obviously if you see the people because I don't know right now so obviously in a call center like that they don't need my help. They need somebody else who designed the whole working environment but it can get better and that and that's why sometimes these environments are cold the sweatshops of the twenty first century. So not everything is bright and high tech. Call centers. But this is more and more familiar picture of a call center from our point of view as an engineer or a service engineer. OK. It takes me about forty minutes to go in details over the slide which of course I'm not going to do so let me just. And I'm using it as an introduction to the course disservice engineering course. So let me just give you a glimpse of what you see here. First of all there is color coding you see the yellow is a function that is to be carried out at the coal said OK So forecasting for example I want to forecast Khomeini people will probably do more is an obvious function to be carried out that of course underneath the function there is in purple the scientific discipline that is required to support that function so naturally statistics supporting forecasting now whenever there is more than one discipline that is required to support that function. I indicated that in blue emphasized a multidisciplinary needs in running a post and so for example when you want to analyze the phenomena of abandonment. You need to combine psychology and sophistic. And when you need to do what we call a skills based voting which I should explain to you in a minute then you need marketing human resources Operations Research and Information System people talking to each other. OK So oftentimes you need really is into the. Multi-disciplinary approach and I'm using that to actually do to convince my students that they chose the right. Profession because the only place that a technician and I bet the Georgia Tech as well where all of these disciplines are under one roof is industry junior right. So that's good for the profession. What do I mean by let me just focus on two points here. Cueing I mean what the what does weight look like in a call center and a function of skills based wealthy. OK What you see here is an actual map from a call center that matches customer types to server skills so customers are over many many types that require many types of for. Services agents have many many skills and skills based routing is the algorithm that matches in real time types the skills. That's why it's called skills based routing OK. Marketing is the function doesn't the that is in charge of second getting the customers into their types or their worth to the organization Human Resource Management is in charge of segregate in the order determining the skills that are required in order to manage all this customer base and this really determines various functions such as who you do. Who do you actually hire how long you train them etc So the level of a specialist. It's quite important here. And so this is human resource management your patients researchers they're in charge of developing the algorithms that match that the customer types with the server pools and the information systems are in charge of developing the infrastructure that is required in order to get this very big system. Board and all these as I said before must talk to each other in order for ultimately a call center to work and that's I think an example that shows you that just you require this market discipline or education. You know or to be able to do to manage or engineer successfully such an operation. What do we do I mean when we see something like this obviously it's very very complex. So how do we actually do research that supports US based quality So one approach is to try and identify a simple typologies was isn't this very complex structure. So you see this is a V. model. This is an X. model. This is a reversed the model. So we identify special apologies and then we develop models that are tailored to the public another way of simplifying reality is to identify characteristics that somehow help one success simplify thing. So for example when services turned out to be the last dependent last dependent means that it doesn't really matter who you are served by the service the service is that the determined by the plus of the customers OK So this the private prepaid will have the same service regardless work they will get the service from so when you have such a phenomena discovered and sometimes you do then it turns out that this very complex the poet you can be reduced from a theoretical point of view. If the model. If the architecture does significantly simpler to allies and here I'm mentioning three excellent Ph D's that were actually focusing on working on these on these simplifications so cold out that was supervised by Jim Di going to shake out. And if I go by ward with so these are really ongoing. This is really ongoing research that people do Ph D.'s on these are quite recent. It's another simplification is when the services are not. As dependent by Paul dependent which means that it doesn't really matter what customer you are if you are served by this particular poll eight then your service will be always of the industry. When this is the case then the very general policy actually reduces mathematically to ever first vith apology which makes Again things much simpler. So this is another way and for these we developed theoretical models which are actually applicable control whites who control these very complex environments and so we call such phenomena state space called apps because this is a much simpler state this one and this is what what is meant by equivalent broken control problems which of course I don't have time to get in and that point I want to mention is or just to show you is the experience of waiting in a call center. So what you see here is three histograms of waiting. I'm in a call center this is not the service time but this is the time until you get served. OK so ever. At a given resolution sometimes waiting time could be almost perfectly exponential but sometimes it could look like this and sometimes it could look like this. Which reminds you i hope of the hospital picture that you saw before. Let's go to resolution is every minute. There is a peak. But every day there every minute. There is the did resolution is very different. Why is there a jump your every In ten seconds. Well this is that when taken from the US band. It consists of four call centers interacting with each other and the particle works as follows you calling New York and if you are not and should was in ten seconds then you join into queue a poll that is being served by all four call centers together and you stand stand away in this interview until you are being answered and this ten second here shows you the system works well because hardly anyone is waiting more than ten seconds and why ten seconds and not immediately. Why don't you need to be an interview because the exchange of information is taxing and then the system will just crash. If you have to update it every second. So the ten seconds was found based on experience to be at a level that gives you what you actually need and why are there jumps every sixty seconds here. Well the protocol here is this follows you call and you join the queue was a certain priority and based on how important you are your priority is upgraded every sixty seconds. So there is an operating priority in the increase in the priorities also functional by for you on the bottom line is that there is an increased likelihood of you joining or getting service. Whenever your priority is bumped up. And then this manifest itself was these jumps every sixty seconds. Interestingly we didn't we didn't have any theory that it was capable of. Analyzing or or covering this particular algorithms and based in jointly was it had been trying to understand. I wouldn't actually conform to the NYMEX that I just described. OK Here are some pictures from a good picture show the picture from whole center here are some pictures from a hospital. I'm not going to explain that in detail and an analogy to what I showed you before that some things can not be as nice. Well here is a picture in a hospital that I got from a colleague when I visited China. That's This reminds you i hope of the picture that the flow chart that you saw before of the call center. But actually if you look at the details it is not this is the flow of a patient within an emergency department using the same coding that was used before. But as you recognize many of the functions that existed before do exist here as well. So we do want to forecast. How many patients will arrive to more in order to know how many doctors or nurses are required. We do have skills based routing was in the emergency department. But this goes on to different names or other type of routing. We have surprisingly enough patients abandoning emergency departments It even has a name. It's called left without being seen and there are about six seven percent of the patients that actually leave the emergency department before actually being seen by a doctor and then naturally most of them return later on it to much of your state. So there are many similarities between their environment of the call center and the environment of the emergency department not to mention defect that both of them serve as the gate to the operation. This is the first encounter of the customer with the operation of your mercy Department and the call centers and through this encounter the customer forms their opinion about the. Of the organization for better or for worse. And that's something for us to take into account when we design such systems and taking into account the human human factor. So the point that I want to show you that I'm showing you that is to emphasize defect that I'm not doing service engineering of both centers and I'm not doing service engineering of emergency departments I'm doing service engineering here again and the tools that I develop are applicable to call centers and immerse the apartments like in many other operations as well we have been involved in several research projects in hospital and I don't think I have much time to go over the details here so let me just focus just give you details about two of them. This is OK. The analogy of skills based relative in an emergency department. This is flow controlled within the it could be operationally based or it could be clinically based What do I mean by that clinically based means that there is a process that is encountered by a patient when they entered the emergency department the first if you want to go hear those over a particular type or year etc etc So this is one particular architecture architecture of an emergency appointment but rather think can be also operation you based as opposed to clinically based for example a fast track model. What is a fast track model you try to identify those patients that we remain in the emergency department for short time and you give them high priority shortest processing time for us. Now those who actually get short service time could be because they are light the heart or they could be also severely hurt but in both cases they will stay within the emergency part and for short time and you really try to identify them as fast as possible in order to clear up the beds for those who will come later. So those are two different architectures and there are you. And you see there are two other architectures. So they're in short there are various ways of being able to operate an emergency department various flow control policies and what we tried interest in this project to do is to understand which one is best and of course that's too broad of a question we try to understand which one is best. Under what circumstances we try to tailor the strategy to the circumstances and the circumstances typically is the patient mix. So for example when you have an early population to dominate your patients. Then a fast track would be preferable because most of them will be hospitalized and you really want to discover this is fastest possible and then they get them flow into the system and let the beds empty and be ready for others so that's one project that we've been working on the other one is a student from Singapore and a home for him kind of the Technion. And it has to do again with flow control within the emergency department from a different angle and the question is quite interesting and a quick question is this full. There are two doors in the emergency department the door the entry door and the exit door and went up been a physician becomes free Idol. Then he asked himself who should I see next those close to the exit door or those close to the to the to the entry door. The reason you want to give priority to those close to the entry doors because you don't know about them yet. So you need to learn about them and in order to do that reality properly and reason you want to give priority to the exit door is because you want to free up the beds and just let others flow into the emergency department and not block it and it's an interesting question of who do you give priority to and when and how and in this project what we did is we just formulated it eventually as this is actually quoting the physician that manages this emerging apartment when I asked him. What do you think just try to articulate for me your priorities. He said I would like first to adhere to reality constraints. So high point and type two are to see if you're to even worry about your immediate jump and serve their lives but three four and five. I think you need to see within half an hour for the sake of the story. For within an hour it type five was in five. It was in two hours. So each arriving type has a deadline associated Was it that is based on the political priority. And so he wanted to say I want first to adhere to those three articles trains and then once I do that. Get the rest out of there as fast as possible and this is exactly what the the problem that we formulated we minimized congestion costs either waiting cost or number of beds occupied subject to it. Hearing to those constraints and it turns out that in heavy traffic. There isn't very interesting and that very nice way. And that's what we are for many of these problems in solving it. And that's something that is not presently written up and we followed the framework of the plumbing person and considered mission control. Instead of just minimizing cost but omitted my. But the situation is quite simple. OK so it's a record of press perquisite for my for everything I say was data. No the second predicate and there are two major prerequisites The second purpose it is models and there are broadly speaking two types of models. They're fluid models which capture effort is there based on laws of large numbers they capture what I call the predictable variability and they give rise to that I'm interested models. For example this would be an arrival rate which is actually derive a process through this drill that I was telling you about from where we installed those are if ID And so I'm not going to talk about your models they're basically Dynamical Systems that. That can be developed in order to capture predictive abilities in the casting system. The other type of models which are more more interesting for the purpose of today's talk arced the cast and so let me give you a short brief introduction to the it's OK traditional curing theory predicts that service quality and service deficiency must be traded off against each other. What do I mean by take the simplest doing model and one many of you studied it. I believe in their courses so it's a single serve a king who if you want the server to be highly utilized You have no choice but to live with the fact that your customers will be waiting on average ten times their effort service. OK so if you want highly highly utilized server what I call your the congestion index which is the average waiting time divided by ever service time will be approximately five minutes Service fifty minutes on average wait. OK. This must This is a reality. You must live with and only nine percent of the customers are actually served immediately upon arrival. Most are delayed and delayed for a long time as you can see but I say heavily loaded using systems with congestion index zero point one So one hundred times less than here actually do exist and they are prevalent and here I give you three examples. Well so when the congestion index is here is point one. This means that waiting time is one order of magnitude less then service time. Right. OK so in call centers the natural way to measure waiting time is in seconds. The natural way to measure service time is in minutes in transportation. When you look for parking in the congestion city. So maybe you feel like it's a long time but you still measure naturally the time you search for parking it minutes but the parking time itself is naturally measured in hours. Hospitals. When you wait to be hospitalized. Then the waiting time seems to be very long but still the natural way to measure it is in hours while the hospitalization time is naturally measured in days. So these are three examples where waiting time is one order of magnitude less than service times which is very different than what you see here. Moreover in Paul centers for example about it's not unusual that fifty percent of the when they run well it's not unusual that fifty percent of the customers are actually served need to be upon arrival. Once they go beyond the ideology answering machine hurdle there being search results too much weight and that's again something that really stands in contrast to what you see here the nine percent fortunate costumes. So this gives rise to a very different dynamics that is of course due to the fact that there are many many servers running. I mean serving catering to the systems and this gives rise to what I've been calling all what it is now being referred to as the Q It's an operational regime were both high quality of service and hi Paul T. of high efficiency of responses is a pain simultaneously. Now you would recognize the Q.B. also arises and is used in mathematics right. It's what ever demonstrandum it's the end of every path America proof acuity is also a quantum electrodynamics which is what Richard Feynman got the Nobel Prize for but for us it's quality and efficiency driven. OK so what I would like to explain to you briefly is what is meant by dequeue regime for cueing systems and for this. I'll take the simplest system possible. We call it a a for abandonment. It was first used by Paul in the forty's and it's really a birth and death process as simple as the one to study in the most basic of the chaotic process of course. What do we have this model assumes an arrival process that is posts on server. Time to visit exponentially distribute exhibited patience time that is also exponentially distributed and number of service. So therefore parameters that characterize this model and arrive a great service great impatience rate abandon individual abandon rate in number of service. Maybe to new things for you is the impatient so this impatience is like an internal clock that every customer comes Was that a call center. If the clock rings before the customer gets serviced the abandon if they get service before the clock rings they get OK that's what they do not mix of the systems and it's easy to write down the transition rate that the ground is reversed impressed with this both in the process and analyzed. OK let's test these ere long a primitives this something of the Assumption is the director is a plus on service your actions are exponential impatience is an exponential there are other implicit assumptions as well. For example the primitives are independent. It's assumed that impatience and service directions are independent. It's assumes that customers and service are what you use it is you that the service discipline is first come serve for first served. And many others I would like to validate support or refute these assumptions. OK arrivals to a call center arrive as the call center these are rival rates. You can see that they are actually time during over the day. So if that old the arrival will not be homogeneous boss on it will be not homogeneous plus on Incidentally this is an arrival rate from a course that foreman over it. Over seven hundred helpdesk in the United States in one thousand nine hundred five and this isn't a driver rate from an English call center nine hundred fifty nine. So there were whole centers also nine hundred fifty nine which again just underscores the fact that there is service science there to be discovered and this is the call center to be analyzed in one thousand nine hundred nine. So it's far as those two hump shape are concerned. Not much has changed in the world of School Center for the last fifty or sixty years. OK so I said if the arrival is the process as it was in process then it will be in one homogeneous possum process and that's something that can be overcome because we can assume that it's maybe piecewise constant arrival rate and then analyze every hour as though it was almost units was done but it's more interesting and more complicated because it turns out that the rivals to a call center are what we call over dispersed the over dispersed in the sense that there is much more variability in the arrivals then what the process on model predicts how do I discovered that I take one hour say Mondays between ten to eleven and I look at all. Regular Mondays in a call center over a year I plough I calculated the effort and I calculate the standard the various And if this was applied a sample from a possum distribution those two numbers mean and variance should be close to each other but it turns out the difference is way larger than the mean which is what we call over dispersion over dispersion relative to the plus on hypothesis. So we have a time you know what you just process which is over dispersed. So it's definitely not your every day was a boss. We know already. December's times are not exponentially distributed. We know that patience is not exponentially distributed what you see here is the Huzzard rate of impatience or predictions of lost of customers within a call center that has a rate for those who don't know what it is former you think of this graph as the likelihood of you abandoning the next second different that you have survived waiting so far. OK so the value about one hundred is the likelihood that you abandon in the one hundred first second given the fact that you have survived hundred seconds of waiting and what you see here is the heart of a hazard rate of impatience in a call center and you see the first of all if it was exponential the being fat but off it's not and it actually exhibits some form of a behavior. There are here ups and downs. There also. Here are two curves by the way one of them corresponding to V.I.P. customers. One of them corresponding to regular customers who do you think has more patience V.A.P. customers the regular customers regular board patient. OK The blue one is the regular customers and you see that every second. They're more likely to abandon than the V.O.I.P. customer. So who is more patient. Why maybe maybe. OK so it's a very interesting question and it actually records that the IP customers are more patient than regular customers and this raises the question of what do we actually measure. Maybe we don't measure patients. Maybe we measure needs and V.A.P. customers have typically V.A.P. services and they need it more. So you will be waiting there for your transact to give your transaction order to the bank fuming from anger but you will still be waiting there until you'll be answered because you have no other choice right. So we measure the swing the way with which is not necessarily patience but never mind from a statistical point of view I don't distinguish between those two things. Now what are those ups and downs. So this up right at the beginning corresponds to those who are not willing to wait at all but there is a bump here at sixty seconds. And this was very consistent. There was always a bump in sixty seconds and it took us about one year until I mean I was working on that was there are bound to Porton and then he told me that's impossible. The something going on in this call center at sixty seconds that we don't understand and then it occurred to me that maybe after one year analyzing this data maybe I ought to call the school center and see what's going on because I was not a customer of that bank. So I went back to Israel. I got the permission to call the call center and listen to what's going on and sure enough after sixty seconds. There was an announcement and the announcement actually says the following year. Number three in line in the first one has been waiting for two minutes. That's the nature of the announcement of course this is not what you would like to listen to your one you want to know how long you'll be waiting. But what the system is telling you hey here's a puzzle. You were number fair. They're waiting two minutes guess how long you will be waiting. But the point of the matter is that what this message is doing is it reminds you that you're actually waiting. And then you ask what am i actually doing here and you hang up and this isn't complete opposite to what the designers of the system had in mind because they put this mess this year in order to convince you to stay. But this message is actually doing is the reverse effect of just encouraging customers psychologically subconsciously we actually abandon the queue. And there are many surprises like that when you analyze data from this point of. OK so just there is a reminder. I put this graph just to convince you that. Patience is an exponential so you see patience is an exponential it turns Also it turns out also that service time and impatience are not independent. This is ongoing research we talk of in the student at the Technion We call from Jerusalem. We analyzed the dependence between service times and impatience and it turns out that customers are willing to wait more for long services. OK And we discovered that and that's very important by the way let me just make this in a minute. Summarizing what we found out there over the not post on service times are not exponential patience is not exponential building blocks are not independent customers are not the one genius. Has to be returned for service in short none of the early long hypothesis applies. Which of course raises the natural question whether Iran has it all relevant in my answer is in fact the yes it is relevant and it raises another challenge to understand why is it relevant. What makes it work so well so I don't know how much time doing heads. If at all. I should finish them. OK So it raises a very important question. Theoretically and practically is actually relevant and what I'm trying to do is just to give you a small little of the idea of why I believe it is and proving it using either data in practice or just developing theory that supports this positive answer come from a radical point of view it all started in the work was there Brown and his students and colleagues at Wharton this was published in jazz. Some years ago. We actually already there. Fit in there like a model to this complex reality of the call center. And it already was very very interesting and very intriguing how come this very simple model works so well to describe reality but it didn't always work sometimes it feels work and then it raises the question of first of all in order to understand why it works. I want to be able to justify its robustness and then I want also to be able to chart the boundaries beyond which it's not applicable and when I chart these boundaries This gives rise to new models new phenomena and you theory did I would like to develop the way I try to address this new new new theory is doing theoretical theory that is based on a sympathetic analysis because when you do the same topics then really the essential scum out of the model doesn't thought it theory tells us what is important and what is less important. And this is exactly why I would like to this is exactly what did what is being used to identify those features that matter as opposed to other features that actually wash out in the limit. So this is where double disc you do regime extra rises and it really helps explain why the Earth gate is so robust and they can make just a side comment I was motivated by moderate. Large service systems which has which have hundreds or maybe thousands of servers but it turns out the B.S. in power theory is the extremely accurate and it's accurate actually to systems that consist of five ten and fifteen servers and this is not only interesting from a theoretical point of view which has been addressed recently by researchers in Holland but it is actually very important from a practical point of view because by having this a synthetic theory relevant for small systems. It makes the conclusion of the theory relevant to small services them's such as health care. So we can haul in call centers we have hundreds of agents but we don't have hundreds of nurses in an emergency department one hundred of doctors. So if the lessons learned from the asymptotic theory are applicable to small scale service system. Suddenly the application spectrum is broadening significantly and this is extremely important. OK what is let me just now the last I guess the last point I want to convey because it is explain a little what the Q Would you regime is so that you'll have an idea of what I'm talking about and even so the basic quantity which is actually used to describe those a synthetic regimes that I was in to get is what we call the offered load. Let me know the offer told by our R. is equal. Let's think about a stationary system is equal to arrival rate. Hi I'm average service time. So for example if you have twenty five calls per minute on average and each call brings with it. Four minutes of every purge of work then you have one hundred minutes of work arriving every minute and then you need the proximity hundred minutes of agents to cater to deeds hundred minutes of work. So we should live around this stuff in level of hundred and the question is do you want to be exactly hundred more than hundred. LESS THAN hundred if you'll be much more than hundred then you will be driven to a regime that is. Quality driven because you were you were concerned was the quality of the customer service quality. If you will be below the hundred then you're driven to a regime that is called efficiency driven that is for the priority here is to have the agents being efficient and if you look around this hundred then you'll be in the regime that is the quality and efficiency driven regime and now why is it the subtle regime. So let me just are offered load Islam the times new and I'm the overview and it's the number of agents. That's to the full on mental exercise. Suppose we keep the number of agents fixed and increased the offered load to infinity. What will happen to the probability of the late. So we have a fixed number of agents more and more and more customers calling us obviously more and more and more obviously in the limit. Almost all of them will be delayed in the green. OK let's fix lambda are increased and to infinity increase the number of service to infinity then obviously less and less customers will wait in the probability of delay will converge to zero. So you see that by having large and relative to land or large land Oliver to you live in the extremes of almost all customers delayed or almost none of the customers delayed and the queue the regime aims right in the middle as I told you before in well run call centers fifty percent of the customers actually get an answer immediately and fifty percent are delayed in queue. How can this happen. This cannot happen by letting either an increase to infinity unilaterally. They must do it jointly and that must do it very very delicate The relative to each other and that's exactly to do with the regime so there was the quality driven regime as I said you stuff your system by our last Delta times or there is a deficiency driven regime where you stuff your system by our minus gamma school. About And there is a quality and efficiency driven regime that is not intuitive. It's a mathematical story and the story says in order to be round our Which is where you want to live a wrong means square with neighborhood of our. So the square dequeue of the regime is actually the one where the number of agents is approximately equal to our plus some constant squirt of our word this constant can be negative or positive from practice in practice purposes the constant beta is between minus one to plus one this regime was already introduced by earlier about one hundred years ago it was mathematically substantiated by how often and what it is about thirty years ago and that's why it's often goes under the name health in the health and what regime and at the Technion We just adopted this regime to models that have abandonments in them and this happened more recently and this is actually the regime that is more useful for call centers because the abandonment is such an important phenomenon in a call center and that's a regime where actually expected waiting time is one over squirt of N. and is the number of servers expected service time and if you think about the system was hundred servers one of us grew out of it is one of a ten and that's why you get one order of magnitude less waiting for out the service. OK we understand the security regime very very well there is even mathematical theorems that go where was the Q. of the regime which I don't want to because of time to put it. I don't want to explain to you before me. Does that come out of the asymptotic analysis and let me just go back and here was the question of why does during a work. I raise the question I said none of the assumptions actually prevail and then I said I'm using a synthetic theory to try and identify why the model is robust. So basically speaking we're taking a very complex model and the leave the notation here aside and actually reducing this very complex model in one way or another to an earlier game because it's very. A simple model. If you saw before. So for example when we have over dispersed arrivals. Then we have a natural way of measuring how over dispersed it is and then we associate it with be associated with this over dispersion parameter called it see if C. is equal to half. This is the natural dispersion level of a possum process but if sees the knowledge in half then it's over dispersed and it turns out that over to respond to an over dispersed arrival rate then of Robert process then the staffing level will be not our plus Be it a score of our But our plus beta our to the power of C. were C. is greater than half so you are paying for this over dispersion by having more agents on board so that he can cop cope with this excessive variability and there is a simple. There are statistical theory supporting that that this is really a natural model and there is a synthetic theory supporting that that says that this would be the right stuff and gravel that goes business over dispersed environment. Gen patients. OK patients is not exponential Well it turns out from asymptotic theory that only the behavior of the impatiens distribution around the origin is the mattress and this goes to the fact that in the Cuban regime waiting times are short so only the behavior of the patients around Short's waiting times are extremely important and this is something that people here led by research by Jim actually discovered and we discover new things in Israel as well. So we have reducing did General the problem of general in patients with the problem of behavior in the origin and mind you when you look at the exponential distribution devalue of the origin is the parameter for the expression distribution. It's the value of the density of the origin is the parameter of the expansion. So basically the rule of thumb goes as follows. You take all the formulas if you develop for the four D. a model and you replace the parameter value of the extent. Distribution by did the value of the density of the origin in all of the formulas are applicable and its go and there is another question of how do you estimate the value of the origin. There is an easy way of doing that and I don't have time to explain it. General Services. This is the big world and it's only now starting to be understand we don't understand it get very well. There are deep reasons why General Services are very hard to analyze when you have many servers around. But from an empirical point of view we sometimes discovered that there is insensitivity to the to the distribution and you can capture a lot of the performance that you want to get through the exponential distribution even though the service distribution is not normal. But the coefficient of radiation is not is not a huge deal in practice and consequently that works quite well but would you use customer service. I told you about a mission to phenomenal states basically lapse. So we reduced it to mention all of the and when we're lucky. We have you can reduce it to a single dimension one dimension and then it becomes basically on allies in an earlier time varying environment. There was a very interesting story here. There was a way actually. OK Very Q.'s in general are very very difficult creatures to analyze but the way we cope with time varying Q It's actually changing a little the question we don't analyze time varying Q.'s what we ask is the fully what would the stuffing level. What is the required staffing level such that this time varying system will be behave like it is not so we have kind of varying service levels that respond to Prime for an gloats such that at any given time customers we actually call the call center will face the saying service level and what happens there is something that is quite amazing. And again there is no theory if able to explain it. This Some think it is that the. Any given time the system be if though it is a steady state system. It's a remarkable phenomena. It goes to some Everything principle that we don't understand but there is a said The point is you have a time for rank system you stuff it by time varying in level of servers and then essentially what you get is a steady state system at any given time and disturbance a system happens to be the order gate which you all love to know. So again it's a RID reduction of this time during environment are not a system and then dependant building blocks as I said long service times. I mean long service Times Associated was long impatience here. Well that there's a long long story here. I just want to say one point that when you want to estimate the offered load how much work arrives to the course and there you must account for those customers who abandon. Right because they brought work with them and they were not willing to wait for you. So it's an interesting challenging statistical question how do you estimate the service time of both of those who are not served. And that's the question that we actually have some. Before and it has to do with the fact that service times are censored I didn't mention that before but the generate I think this would be a good time to stop. Thank you for your. So. And the gift of my favorite is my visit so thank you very much.