So today's lecture is Paulo Monteiro who happens to be my advisor at U.C. Berkeley So it's a special honor to have him here today to deliver this lecture. I think many of us have been touched already by policy on terrorist contributions in the field I think there's probably not a person in the room has not opened the book that he coauthored with he came out of called concrete microstructure properties of materials or has not read one of his more than two hundred forty technical publications or seen him lecture at many of the places that he goes all around the world I understand he flew in to attend this meeting from Singapore so his reaches broad in terms of international stature but also in terms of the types of work that he's done he's made contributions in the mechanical modeling of cement based materials fracture mechanics your ability hydration imaging and characterization so I was really interested to see what of those many very topics he would choose to present on today and I think it's a very special treat to see him speak about his legacy and the use of synchrotron methods to characterize cement based materials so with that I'm very happy to have you here. Thanks. To me. Is it. Doesn't project or no wonder that I don't know your voice so can you hear me the back or should I over that you tell me can you hear me in the back you can if my voice just wave and then I get help for all of the money Yes thank you. So has been so much fun at least for me to be here. In Lone so much. Great community. You. Really enjoying it and it's a great honor to be here Major on air and indeed I was going to go OK. Inside it yes I debated so much in different topics I decided to go for secrets from because it's something that continuously for the last twenty years would be in a what working on software would be nice to give a perspective and sold This is basically what would be my game plan and that seems to be on of the right I will share my very first paper and just to show you how life has changed. See first thing you have to say and the paper camera ready and then with a typewriter they would put the information that OK. Interesting stuff second parts hopes. It was very fast it was communication if you happen to know the editor or associate editor in this case that would go very very fast this is gone the other aspect is that by the way don't tell me that you were born before this I was very very young I didn't even have my Ph D. which was something very unusual at that time because unlike now that race has huge pressure for all the students to publish first year second we are in the already in panic mode because there is no way they can find a new track position at that time. If the opposite you have only stopped polling Gys that your sending your paper before you have the whole picture and that's in this case it was my advisor. Pick a matter who said well what the result looks really good but let's put our claim and therefore said no but not so much adequate It was fairly common other aspects to offers was fairly call and at that time and I didn't realize that it was getting to. My argument is that. Even though it's amazingly site for you don't have this anymore and I'll give you this example for the broom I Well this was my record by the way look at the number off coffers by Taylor Shapiro then is yours of some lasting mark is the name but more like Warwick to cause I'd live it myself this is my record you're going to say how is it possible when it turns out that to obtain the it's results there was five years of development into being one so just type of somebody it worked for five years and then you know you can happily put your sample get a nice image do image and I was a blah blah blah and the people who work for five years yet no recognition so that's not the way to go if you want to if you want to be serious and I almost resent some people who will take advantage of the Bee line scientists who help you optimize the system and then just run away and claim all the credit this is not right I agree this is the exception because to develop this I call graffiti it works really really difficult I'll show some images but I have to admit the first time they showed me three years ago four years ago it was the worst image the person Mark to see me actually for a month refused to show me the image because he was so embarrassed so I have have to go behind it he is back and look at a major his computer and like wow we are wasting our time and sure enough after two more years we got him into so basically this is by the way unfortunately so this is not very friendly so I have to come here and press I have to find the most. Common Well coming. To see what the mouse what the cursor race. It's meant to see if I do this OK good. No need to be this loud. This is loud OK let me take this off no need. I can lead off. OK sorry about this I sent it off so it's. Not sure what happened anyway it shooting a black trance. And going around Thank you why I didn't do anything to just fall but that's fine and I don't think that anything else has this loud. Already put in a mute so it's so anyway I completely lost track what I was saying so the electorate start moving very very fast speed of light a close to it. As it goes in different directions releases X. rays coherent very bright now they do is that each of these big line would be dedicated for specific applications so there's this lecture would give a summary of some of them not all of them because otherwise you lose focus on that if you are in spectroscopy Yes you can spend quite a bit of time explaining this but it's not that insightful All right so in this regards you definitely have all the right to be to put it all just work for an offer for very little so let me try again let me give me another chance so let's study in the same cycle with oxygen anyway some oxidation reaction so maybe you'll get better luck with oxygen and you can see that hopefully it does and he did it does it start with vacuum so you offering the zero. U.V. light. Nothing happens not a big surprise because you don't have oxygen you don't have water. Or at least water vapor and then you start introducing water wow look at that. They start finding pics that were not there and if you didn't have the synchrotron facility with this. It took a process you would never going to get this and you and you got to expect to move to the left. Then you continue and add oxygen Even moving creating new pics OK Life is getting interesting now here is the punchline which I would go back many times you remove the light. And look what happens here. This pic stay well all right so it is war if we see it and I know you are beginning to find an explanation why the reaction continues for some time and then you go into a vacuum what. Someone depicts a site does appear but we still have this interesting enough and then you go after ten hours out there and more and more disappears and then you can shine. Excuse me light again and it's basically a go and it can repeat the cycle as many times so for us the interesting part is this kind of nice now we can have. Let's try to going to this face for that you have U.V. this is the ideal condition this is what happens when you have a kind of darkside sour face and you have light oxygen and twelve humidity so this is what happens you have had rocks. Peroxides. The tea and. Bridging and termino hydroxyl you know many details on that but you have this is what causes the reaction and when you remove. The light so what happens. I just sort of freeze at the surface is still continue to fracture so this would start continue killing the bacteria for quite a bit of time even when you start having the vacuum start removing some face still holding it's basically attached this. Face so it's Eventually the fact that it would eliminate this but we have a very good picture of what's happening in that So this is the information that our claim is that still basically only would synchrotron that you could get it you could try Could other techniques but that turned out to be ideal So again you have to ask the question and find a solution very specific in case later on if you we could repeat this for commercial titanium dioxide it sold so what then it outside the pure one is very expensive so would that be interesting if you could start running this cycle and you see even if you have impurities if the process continues OK Question one done all right we're moving Question number two so yes age has been studied for at least fifty years sixty years you take your pick whenever you started. And we have too much data and conflicting data what's going on. So basically Is it an amorphous materials. It is another Christo a gel. What makes it strong more or less calcium is it aluminum if you. SLAG for instance all other super amounts polymers in this case and how do I look like fibers for you it's bricks all of those questions how are you going to be addressing that So let's start with mine. So let's see what's happening you have three in one and three so I find it to be more eyed and amorphous. And they're guaranteed to have a Pall Mall so if you would say it's somewhere in between and you would be right Dick challenges somewhere is not very scientific or if you want to know exactly how much in case you saw the ultimate goal is to develop concrete with better strengths that ability and you cannot do that. If you really have a very good understanding of the process so the best technique for that is it using thought this country math for its. Fair distribution function itself it was very pleasant to see a couple of papers today for the group of kind of whites who did fantastic work with new trends and I was doing the ultra us and X. rays but it's pretty mates we've done it quite a bit of work on that so our very first development was done at A.P.'s at a time with A.P.'s quite a bit of time dedicated so. So this is the result that I got it when I look back it's only seventy years ago now we have so much information to become me of course not routine but you could all basically what it gives you it's daughter was cattery not only the Bracks pic so you can see the nearest neighbor and more important than anything else indicates the correlation. If you have a crystalline material this thing would continue. Basically as long you have resolution scintillator. But if you have them off as material you don't have this so let's go a reality check OK this is. Let's take all one hundred percent amorphous material you get silica glass. Silica fuel and this carries it was a very pure Rice has ash and are going to be saying that all of them have similar system basically the silicon oxygen nearest neighbor in south but my point is that if we starts drawing the line arbitrary I mean it set one nanometer. CERN's you don't see it becomes flat This is not just there is no correlation whatsoever this is a true Morphy's material let's see what happens with it. When you do weight C.S.H.. So we'd C.S.H.. If I put my reference at one nanometer Well guess what. I still get correlation indicated that simply not the market sometimes you see in textbooks papers that March was just forget it it's not the markets but it loses correlation. The number here becomes on the beholder let's say three point five nine of meters which the same order of magnitude that Jamie's. In with his very famous paper on small Angus cattery did deal with. With this process it doesn't tell anything about the geometry of the system you're not going to tell if it's for you if it isn't going anything else this is just because it gives information off of the correlation process. But we'll address the fibers later on so I'm not hiding the question now why do you really good for you to validate experiment at the Mystic model so you have again the number of at the Mystic model is mushroom and self which is a very good feeling. However you needs How you going to compare So Professor X. do a completion a model a fro and I've been issue another one when I throw them am I accept the results don't quite match which one is going to trust they could start giving some statistics of their process but in my mind the best way to do experimental work and see how it matches and it matches very well. At close range and as a start moving away hoops then one side moves to the right and outside moves with a laugh so my claim is that there is still room for improvement here so T.S.H. in terms of a mystic model you can get better models on that So what about the question Amber to why. Exactly C.S.H. is it a more famous crystalline where you basically indicates that it's none of crystal. And what about what you make it's different so it's basically high cost and silicon ratio. Aluminum to counseling racial or day use of organic supplants I mean in polymers and this I must admit I didn't I didn't not includes We just finished their research I can give you the answer yes you can tailor made. A material that increases the stiffness other people already found that but if the fundamental question is how you going to measure this or you can sell sure nothing they bang bang bang wow yes and no because and then I need to show you have course you are not really studying what happened in tool to the system at atomic level so you have to do a little bit better because depending on the geometry on your inverse prosperity of moderate America self-consistent you know take your pick your results may converge or not and you are not even hundred percent of the porosity that you are probably with you are not a probe precisely so if for you to to really make claims you have to do something else and that's the something else that we've been doing for almost a decade or we study basically close to ninety percent of all the phases hydration products it's a very simple process of being using pure physics but of course not nothing like having soft X. rays or hard X. rays in this case I'm sorry you put the material here. And you compress. OK so let's see how the process goes by the way those are diamonds real diamonds so is it expensive. Yeah depends. On your. About synchrotron facility that costs one hundred million dollars a couple of thousand dollars is not a big deal but when your student it gives you a call at three in the morning which you did happen and in a panic time. For me I just could not understand he was so nervous because he broke two of the same time and said I broke two what I do it. And I know that I have another set borrow another set and continue find not a problem calmed on effort OK back to the bad when our later professor Professor broke the other set and I said OK go ahead and because obviously you're having a bad night and we don't care about the being time and I must admit in this ten years that's the only time we broke to actually the first time we break anything but usually when Murphy's Law happens it happens in a big time and that's basically what happened. So the prophesies and mission is I mean you have to have a steady hand I just cannot do this anymore it's a type of thing it's you have to put the crystals here the material had with the fluid to have high distracted loading and the process is the following You put the material and basically destroying J H. The crystal size. As increase the pressure of the lattice parameters which change so you know the pressure therefore you know the change in volume and you get more commodities in reality. Life's a little bit more complicated because it's largely the formation so you have to use a more complex equation but fundamental This is the process so going back to answer my question what about the effect of cause and silica ratio in this case it was very clear as you increase the amount of calcium you get the stiffness So again we don't have to discuss that much about our more. Because this is the same thing as you have for your sample you go to the lab and measure the property in itself how you going to model it on how you can explain you can explain for dates if you cation of the intra layer and that but again this is the results and the trend is pretty clear. What about the presence of aluminum. The same thing. But if you're interested In this case I'll be happy to provide. The part point with references this one just came out of the month ago so as you increase the book sorry the illuminant you start to increase. Risk quite I think it's quite nice and so we are moving along fairly well because now you're in question number three if you are getting ready for the reception you could start thinking with more than halfway OK not bad not bad again they see why it's nice to have questions in units we don't question number three because we we're only talking about C S H What about C three A. Particularly the early hydration process it's still I mean if you have a lot of those in subtly for our own. You know which one would survive we don't know people claim that the model survives until the person dies or retires so. I hope I'm not saying I'm not so intense about it somebody comes with better explanation or better data. Evolving process so basically you have a diffuse some of the models in a very simplified process a broad sense you have the diffusion. Barrier to feel that coast. And then you also have to solve for absorption that. Slows down the dissolution so it seems that everybody agrees that it's related did solution of citric only by the way I'm talking about cubic feet three for timing or to run back it's different I can address Firstly quickly but let's talk about cubic for now because that's the work so here comes so quite a bit of work that you have done and I agree the image doesn't look very nice but for spectroscopy don't care for beautiful images you're doing chemistry so here is see three eight and here you have this interface and a hydration product so with my student. This one I didn't participate was one of these twenty four hour cycle suggests I could do that with later on with kin in the past but I just twenty four hours the day after you know you feel like trash so anyway spent close to twenty four hour cycle because it's that very carefully you do those things that's the beautiful part from fertility you do things and then you'll move or what's the special resolution and that you're doing this in the order of seventy one a meter so it moves another seventeen and a meter band and we hope to find something and he was so frustrated rip it so many times with different grains because there isn't anything I mean except for that but the idea of a particularly Neil hydrated at least with a resolution of seventy. Meters there is absolutely no evidence I mean the evidence is just trying to act that doesn't mean third that there would be you know a surface of facts happening because he didn't have their resolution for that so it's still open. And when you do the convolution process wow this is. Surrounded by that. Then. Maybe you could say maybe this. Is what is creating this passive layer of course it's not but anyway you have to prove. You can do with scanning electron microscopy but in this case. I don't think there is any sound on this. Item you see for this one of us done it a P.S.. Let's see if I do this. OK good. Same process you have a c three A hydrates on top which. You see how porous they want to go into resolution so there is actually covers a good part of it but there is so many empty spaces by which the poor solution could penetrate so that forget about this is not the mechanism is still running OK. So. It kind of good news and bad news also where they indicate opes stop right. So OK we indicate that with no intrinsic fix layer of anything except that it's not continuous which is a little bit frustrating right we didn't provide certain a good explanation for this. So this is the work. Group at Myer's they're very recently. Come that's the type of thing that I what I really want to emphasize that you should not rely only on synchrotron sometimes very classical chemistry couple with synchrotron data it's really what the power is so he spent close to more than a year studying surface charge density partially hydrated different. Cultural sulfates concentration itself so again we also have done so far and calcine edge for the very simple reason we all really wanted to study if there were some for would attach this. Fates of the three Well people in geology and geophysics who would look at this and say absolutely no way that we snow evidence whatsoever in all their limited phases at high ph that this so far would be particularly sensitive to attach to the surface but anyway it's why you should just take their word for that to read that the work actually was done in Thailand. With the white car for example and basically indicate that Reese know the specific absorption for sulfur So again it indicates after a lot of thought This is the model and that basically all combining quite a bit of their potential. Well colorimetry work and everything else so it's a lot most of the leg work was done using traditional chemistry is that you have aluminum rich layers that would prevent quite a bit of dissolution this layer is stabilize for a complex so there is a a so for. So far calcium complex and by the way the it out there is fear. It's a dead jargon that indicates if this complex would be attached the surface called Inner is fear if you have a layer of water you know kind of floating a little bit then you'll be outer outer sphere. And told this is basically what we can the paper just came out a few months ago if you're interested on this I know this is for cubic and if we were interested in did your talking about. You know would the industry be interested and yes very much so because of US sponsored by the industry because they the company had quite a bit of a problem with going to have too much or too rhombic So we study quite a bit of a throwback hey you know the first ideas that maybe this would also work. It turns out with the wrong bacon because of the. Structure are further to run because it is implied cage would prevent this from ation these aluminum layers so all of the sudden you start continue the dissolution process we study the incorporation of some part American material as well so back to basic question number three so I mean is it a final words Probably not but at least we have some evidence and I'm sure that over time hopefully improvements would be done. Final question that getting there. Let's see what's going to be the new developments related. To cement based materials which synchrotron OK they're going to say it's my own personal opinion all right I mean you ask somebody else probably you have something different as well which is perfectly fine so I'll give you my my take. They go would be to image because you're getting close to it you can do imaging and spectroscopy into our. Hope is to have less than one and a meter and why is this this automates challenge because only in a certain we are probing the nunnery structure of the system I mean a one hundred meter. And it's very challenging to do it this is a traditional soft X. ray microscope I am sure that scheme recognized this but fifteen years ago Mark OK for the small I know exactly what five year it seems like five anyway. So we have a baby mag reflects condenser plates eliminates your sample you have a micro lands this is a full fields. Imaging process and you get here now the challenge no matter what system you use is that you have to focus. With the first nails on a plate. And in principle the ultimate resolution would be given by the spacing between this concentric rings so you can imagine if you want one none of you to keep going keep going keep going probably will be around here and the spacing should be one and a meter I hope you appreciate that not a trivial. Problem to solve now but friends were looking quite good where suppressor Dave to it who was the pioneer of the whole thing he published in Nature in two thousand and five if everybody was excited because it started with a resolution of eighty nine emitters and then moved to fifty forty thirty and then it all in a sudden fifty M. and they would say Maybe in another three years or five in another eight years. Maybe one it didn't happen in a really got stuck in the range. If you have a very good day and a very generous big line scientists they might claim ten animators and that's basically it yes that's not going to happen. So a major breakthrough for us actually using this technique that it's called the Congress. And by the way for those of you who are entering the field this is what you should pay quite a bit of attention if you want to study now on a structure of C.S.H. or well say sea ice age but as well could be the gel polymer if you're interested on this this is quite exciting because I get a kind of probe thinks that within this resolution but it gets better because you can be convoluted the process of a different mission image and the face contrasts on a certain you don't have to because face contract created like the shadow we you want to do image analysis and good luck I mean good luck or some people are brave and so are I going to get not that. And hope for the best get the beautiful images and I visit and that's the end of it but if you're serious about it so this Ticonderoga free haiku grapheme. Recording folding so you do a lot of free it transformed the math it's really complicated the technique is old what's new is that would super You need almost a supercomputer so that's what I mentioned when the first trial. For the work that was done. This one for the original paper we did for two threats but this is C three remember when he did spectroscopy this is what you typically get so the quality here well all in a sudden it's a really new game because you can do some very serious image analysis or an additional offering that precludes you to do We haven't done it but it's not a big deal to put that in between the two sandwich of silicon That's right and you can do it in real time. The system becomes so fast that you can if you want to study the dissolution process precipitation off we go. From here we go we sites and izing playing with a lot of imaging process so we're not finding the size of the many of those off twenty seven hundred meters and I would almost claim I mean maybe I'm being bias and certainly I am but it's becoming almost really emphasized almost as nice as a T.M. image but there is no significant being that might use X. rays and to some preparation is not that difficult at all and you can do it spectroscopy good so let's go back kind of wrap things up you are interested in C.S. age for instance again. There was a new paper Well a year old that. From a mighty group that did. Quite a bit of simulation but to everything it is a computer simulation it would be nice if you could start matching or all the opposite with that in mind they structure and calibrate and vice versa. And we are getting that good I mean if our system which are not there but probably in a few years or less we should be here we should start imaging this point zero and zero and the technique it's quite is called diffraction limited so. You could go with the resolution of the wavelength All right so everything's looking good is it easy to do it not quite yet so this is the very first that we have done it. I think it looks quite nice right so. We decided to tomography. We did an experimental being line again with some of the same people there. And we start rotating the. Image and rotate rotate rotate Now they I know they were excited because they like to see fibers because scatter a lot how long this experiment took anybody let's make a pool how long five minutes you know you want from minus eighty to eighty increments of one you could be last but it takes time. If much to me before I was not quite thirty hours three hours because we used a bendy magnet now that they're moving to the new facility and this could be done in maybe a couple of hours and if you wait I'm not the ear is so he could be in pilot say minutes not bent now you do have to reckon struct. And this is what we got. Let me run again. Which allows me to give how much. Yeah just like this all right so this is three dimensional image experimentally pic so resolutely pixel size is five millimeters but the spatial resolution it's difficult to measure but let's say in the order of eight nanometer So it's very quite good very very good so you can do all types of. Modeling simulation I'm not this time and you see I didn't put any four year transform but you could do it I mean and indeed it has been done so you can quantify the whole process and I want to be now maybe just to kind of summarize everything a common don't want this. So what about SIM The medical practice. It's amazing what has been recently they get a C.T. scan go to three D. model and do a three D. printing. Why it's so good one can do all the training for medical doctors with three D. printing it but even for a practical application you're doing quite a bit of C.T. for a very complex operation you do the two three D. printing and the doctor spend hours trying to find the angle of attack for a very complex surgery you know it's really important in many ways and so the printer I don't have to go there. So basically you know you play where it's a brain your hands right not bad so the question is Why can't we do this for C S A chill be nice to do it both for you I mean it's different if you can play as many times and to a brain kind of price you know imagine all of you either spend day and night in as him and then you close your eyes you have the lights coming flashing back if you have and maybe spend hours in a videogame go at night and have this flash which is you can do it but sometimes great to touch for. So for as a fink you very much for that Delaware lecture that's what's done. We convert that you've managed to call asked you which is. Five Then each. Well come on if I do this. Well we had the sound appears again interesting. Here you go. Producing C.S.H.. How long did it take when you did for the first time takes time sorry don't want this twenty hours later. Now holding your hands. You're not impressed OK fair enough. What about this. OK I hope so while and since here in case you don't believe me see this I brought it here. It looks looks fancy. To look at this even. So I want to be in your first one to look. Just be extra careful because when I show to one I did this one a things that are dropping it's not from the for this is from this time fun I was afraid that C.S.A. would say that as a weapon but who knows so it be referred. To that yeah yeah it is to some degree it's a jewelled I mean whatever you want to do it so on and it can spend. Well kind of looking and is looking very philosophical type of thing just look on this things going on instead even measuring a little bit you know. Visualization and touching or in the future you just scroll to some of there for the students. I'm not feeling like like well OK I see how and I'm imagining the future you put two of them together there's nothing that Fritz precludes to do you know a volume bigger than this if you look on the side to going to see that part of the original cement brain dissolved away so. You can see also in three D. in the computer so there you go so it's I thought it was nice so it's time to summarize every Friday we had for questions so let's summarize so what unites the four question it's basically to use a synchrotron and emphasis in for question if any of you want to apply for synchrotron being time this is the secret you have to come with a scientific question typically the proposes two pages three pages maximum so you have to focus in wide so important and so. I FORGOT THE know what I put my. Point well anyway so basically going with just seventy feel everything that you have done it we can do the M.B. and X. P.S. you can do other fakes if you want to study it or reaction by all means you could. People so why oath thank you so why they develop this in situ is certainly not for to make they should material who are for palaces it's heavily used but it could study for corrosion as well if you want to study a dissolution process you have co-writes on top of it and you start seeing the process and you start putting water whatever paper knots oil you can do and if it comes to that instead of going into the oxygen you could put it in the chlorine. Area and it moves into Iran so that you can do fings in Seattle which is quite nice in our case we basically have a very good solid explanation why did I tended outside continues to. Working overtime even though you remove the U.V. light you has to have this sort of face hydroxide that remains for quite a bit of time and of course eventually it fades away it. And sorry. All right you've got this faces now in terms of the C.S.H. pair distribution function it's really nice to see more and more technique of being used so you start seeing this correlated structures and you can validate. Many are the models for that high pressure again a debate on three what to doing and it's to continue doing is that we are putting silo now so we're functional izing say super plasticizers for instance or equivalents of the size or. P.C.'s are quite good to start attaching nice functionality to increase and do you know intercalation partially intercalation and you get the full information for that. Finally in terms of the kinetics process the same technique could have done for C three eight Now you could use synchrotron facilities to validate there's a lot of people enjoy in geology and geophysics that study synchrotron to study dissolution process so that would be a pretty neat way to validate what you find rejects So again it's an evolving process many of them do have very practical applications of it because once so it's still one of the open question we even they started proposing can we use a special system that would retard or to run back to three yet so we have no you know at least a model and I know we have a pathway and them will tests if it works sounds good if not you have to check why didn't work. In terms of. Imaging with high spatial resolution I would say this is truly the future if you're into imaging calorie free I think that A.P.S. day at last this week's light source like to sort is the big competitor Well Karen again so did you have to give full credit to the suits like they were at the start they were the pioneer. Graffiti it's really nicely done then and what again would be nice if you just don't stop with just with the picture do all the mathematical morphology. Do them as a scale and vice versa see how it matches and needless to say you don't eventually don't even need this you could start this and put finite element grades and you can really imagine the same thing we do with microstructure you can do with nine a structure diffusion process you could start to do all this modeling see how cried penetrate so not so for the future in other words it's quite bright and that's basically some ways you can see a lot of people work on it and I'm sure that they forgot somebody so yeah don't take this one because I'm sure that somebody would complain and rightly so not given the proper credit so thanks very much if anybody has any questions. And if you want to touch very gently the C.S.H. they'll be here feel free to play with at a high today. You want to know how much it costs yes a day but if you really want to know the whole process I took a professional class in three D. printing in Singapore. Even have to take a final exam which I haven't done in a long time half way for the class and said you know you have to take a fine exam with my whole we can't waste so much of the ice. You're like a student now wasted is not the right term but I spent the whole weekend studying this because how embarrassing would be if you get a rejection it didn't pass but anyway after studying all of this we decided to use my colleague printed for me but and he did it with a special discount I'm not sure how special it was he claimed it was six hundred dollars Singapore dollars it costs four hundred so about three hundred and you can send to order so this one is high resolution it's there is illusion that you've got it's better than you get in terms of image because you have something like fourteen centimeters and the increment. Point twenty millimeter one hundred microns so you can see when they do their. Size this is basically a very faithful representation. Yes. Exactly. Well let's go back up sorry. Let's see the. I'm sorry probably the video yes how did you get this image for instance did I just go to the camera with a micro Lance Yes in no if you do with a micro lens you don't have good enough definite focus so. You do a lot of stacking different planes and then do it with a computer records direction but learns that you're talking about this one right so it's not. A sage or anything else it is the process of manufacturing Let me show you come on come on. Come on. Now and now I decided to go for the wrong OK. Fine fine fine. There you see. See how it goes by through layers so it it's called S.L.A.. It is terror like talking to feel practice so it basically shines a light this is a liquid. And so it goes by increment that's what I meant by increment and when you go for the increment is the layers that you get. If you want finally So this if you measure it will be a point to one millimeter so I get it this is not snuffing to the woods Yes Ha when he needs to be very careful OK. And less in the case thanks so much for inviting me and I had fun I don't know if you didn't mean to say if you have question I have question how do you mean to cut off. It depends on the day it is like a truly. And also over time I was very proud of that the pads distribution function because that was the first time and we imagine the publisher P.R.L. reveal that it's. It shows that why is this such a big deal because this high impact factors and how it's become currency for being times the euro you said publish a paper. In nature or nature materials yes the chances of you getting more be in time if you go to the second tier do not publish you don't get it I must say at the very beginning when you study was work because when you start doing well I was going to say over twenty years ago but let's say a little bit last fifteen years ago we could start saying the dissolution process with X. rays I was like. Now. Again the whole idea because my ultimate goal would be to get them in a meter silencing mine should be ours by the way it should be a fully integrated process. In our case if anybody might. Goes to I'm not sure what's the best way to do it because we spent. Close to five years or more to create the baseline for sayings for own cement minerals all that hydration product with the equivalent of doing their baseline for all the X. are the kind of. I hate to say because my students would you would listen to that and some of the Ph D. was done on this but absolutely necessary because once you have there you can read expensive very complex system so out claim that you can basically study any system except for say fly yet complicated in south because had so many different phases but with Portland Cement anything that you fro now you can study all the complexities. You start putting put in Merika materials you could do the carbon I didn't do it. Dow Chemical was particularly interested they developed a fiber that the coaching hydrophilic and they want to study how if there was a really contact between the hydration products and the fiber that they developed the culture and I've done it so we spent quite a bit of time it's interesting so it's a lot of and that we used the calcium and the carbon edge to say yes and if they're not there we see a connection that I don't know it's. You know I am excited with whatever you know he's just and I also really want to for size the idea of collaboration I think that you as a community mouse size. Would be much better if you everybody work together at that time and of course you publish your papers but you have to indicate to the whole community that you know don't mess around with the cement chemistry it's really you can do science and apply applications so it's really nice and I still write. Of course of course I guess. No not me that's THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. I'm so we go use Thank you thank you.